Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 15:35:17 -0500 From: Ehlrich Subject: My Roommates Boyfriend - Chapter 16 READERS: As always, thank you for your emails. I continue to receive an incredible amount of emails from people requesting to be on the email update list. If you would like to be on the list, please email me at and put EMAIL LIST in the subject. If at any time you wish to be removed, please put UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject. As always, your comments are welcome, appreciated and often inspiring. ========================================================================== Gary woke up that morning feeling more refreshed than he could ever remember feeling in his entire life. He hadn't forgotten about his painful conversation with Mike or any of his other problems for that matter. But he had finally gotten restful sleep. It was as though someone had taken all of the random thoughts on the desktop of his mind and filed them neatly so they could now be dealt with one at a time. Gary put on his PJ pants and a baggy T-shirt. He looked in the mirror and noticed that the dark circles that had started to form under his eyes were gone. He couldn't help but smile as he left his room and headed down the stairs. When he reached the third step from the bottom, he heard his uncle's voice coming from the kitchen. "Think of the negative influence this could have on our son!" He said. "Frank, it's not like that. You can't just turn someone gay by hanging out with them." "What are you saying, Mary? That you think they're born that way?" "Frank, I have seen the pain in this young mans face. I find it hard to believe that he would choose to put himself through this." "Have you gone mad?" Gary was reminded just how difficult this was going to be. He had gone to sleep thinking that he would, most likely, be moving to Ohio. But now he wasn't quite so sure. He sat down slowly on the stairs so that he didn't make any noise. "He's our nephew," she said. "He's a gay!" "SO WHAT?" Gary could hear the fury and passion in his Aunts' voice. She truly wanted Gary to stay - even if it meant an argument with her husband. "So, it's wrong!" "Did you ever think that maybe all those things we've been talking about recently, all those points that Gary made that night at the table, actually made sense? Have you really let it sink in or are you just blinded by what has been shoved down your throat?" "I can't believe my ears," Frank said. "Look at what this is doing to us already." "It's not doing anything unless you blow it out of proportion." Her voice suddenly softened. "Frank, you and I have each read the Bible. But did either of us ever really stop to analyze it? Or did we just take what we liked from it and ignore the rest?" "What ARE you talking about?" "I looked up the passages that Gary referenced. And, he's right, you know! There are so many things in the Bible that have suddenly been declared as non-sinful because our society has evolved. What if this is another one of those things? What if this was added to the Bible by some political figure?" "You're saying that the Bible was tampered with by politicians?" "I'm saying that a book that has been written and re-written more times than we realize has probably had certain things taken out and certain things added to suit the times." "Mary, that's a very serious charge." "And I think we should take it to Pastor Allen. I want to sit down and have a serious chat with him." "Fine. Call him up. I don't have to go into the office today and I don't have any clients to meet with. Let's see him today." "And, please, Frank. Just keep enough of an open mind to really listen to everything that is said." "I will." Gary stood up and quietly walked to the top of the stairs again, as he heard his Aunt picking up the phone to call the church. This time, when he started to come down the stairs, he made a little bit more noise than he had made the first time. He was doing his best to smile and pretend as though he hadn't overheard their conversation. His Aunt smiled at him as he walked by and, even his Uncle, gave him a smile and said, "Good Morning." "Mornin', Uncle Frank. No work today?" Gary said as he walked to the cabinet to get some cereal. "No. Nothing going on in or out of the office today so I'm home for the day." "Hello, Pastor Allen. It's Mary. Mary Schneider. - - Oh, I'm fine. How are you? - - That's good to hear. - - Well, I was just wondering if perhaps Frank and I could come talk to you this afternoon. - - Oh, I see," Mary said as she turned and shook her head 'no' in Frank's direction. "Oh!" Frank shrugged his shoulders, as if to say 'Why not?' "Okay," she said, "We'll be there in about 10 minutes. - - See you soon. - - Buh-bye." "What was that all about?" Gary asked as Aunt Mary hung up the phone and he set the cereal down on the table. "Oh, your Uncle and I are going to see Pastor Allen. We have some things we want to talk to him about." "Like me?" Gary turned his back and walked over to the cabinet. He opened the doors and grabbed a bowl. "Well," his Aunt said cautiously, "sort of. Yes." Gary headed for the fridge, opened it and, while his head was still inside, looking for milk, he said, "I'm assuming that you and Uncle Frank have had more in-depth conversations?" He popped his head out with the milk in hand and walked towards the table. "Yes, Gary. He knows." Gary pulled out a chair, sat down and began to prepare his breakfast. "Gare," his Uncle said, "I want you to understand I'm going to try to hear what your Aunt and Pastor Allen have to say. But everything I've been taught says that homosexuality is wrong. I mean, Pastor Daniels just gave us a sermon on the gays. It's just not natural." "Uncle Frank," Gary said with patience, "I understand. I just hope that you go in with an open mind. And then, whatever you decide is fine by me. If you don't want me to stay, that's fine." Frank felt a little guilty. Although he didn't want his son being influenced by having a homosexual in the house, he also didn't like the thought of sending his nephew back to, what Mary said, was an abusive household. He was genuinely torn. "We'll talk more when we get back," Frank said quietly as he stood up and grabbed his keys. "We'll be back in awhile," Mary said as she kissed Gary on the forehead and followed Frank out the front door. Gary was just about to take a bite of his cereal when he could hear the faint sound of the ringtone on his phone. He stood up, raced to and up the stairs. 'I'm not going to make it,' he thought to himself. He ran into his room, grabbed the cell phone from it's charger and flipped it open without even looking to see who it was. "Hello?" "I hate you," the voice on the other end said. "Who is this?" Gary pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen. "It's Mike," Gary whispered and then brought the phone back to his ear. "Do you really have to ask that?" "Actually, I did, at first. I have a lot of people that hate me these days," he said as he sat down on the bed. "Gary, do you have any idea what you did to me last night?" "Mike, look. I'm sorry that I just blurted that out. I've been going through a lot lately and it just fell out. I wasn't thinking." "Well, that's obvious." Mike replied sternly. "I'm sorry if I hurt you." "Hurt me? You tore me apart! You ripped an old wound wide open! I was shaking and crying like you wouldn't believe." "Mikey," it hurt Gary to think of his old love in pain. "I didn't even want to tell you this. I wanted to be strong and tell you to go fuck yourself. That's what you deserve, you know?" "I know," Gary said somberly. "But I can't." Gary's ears perked up a bit and his heart skipped a beat. Was it possible that Mike was going to come around after all? "My Mom and I had a very long chat last night," Mike continued. "And?" "And neither one of us thinks that you and I should be anywhere near each other." "Mike, I'm not expecting some overnight change. I'm just saying that I'd like to see you again. Maybe go out for coffee. Just as friends?" "As friends? Gary, you just said you loved me last night! How can I see you as just a friend knowing that?" "I don't know. I would just really like to see you again." Mike ran his fingers through his hair as a mixed look of frustration and pain crossed his face. "Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea. I really really don't." "I'm not saying that I expect you to hop on a plane and come see me. And, as of last night, it doesn't look like I'm going to be headed home anytime soon." "Why? Did something else happen last night after we talked?" "Well," Gary said, scratching his head, "yeah." "Is everything okay?" "Surprisingly, yes." "Well?" "Well, I came out to my Aunt." "Really?" Mike was shocked that Gary had actually admitted to someone that he was gay. "What happened?" "Well, I told her that I was gay and she took it rather well. I even told her about everything that Mom and Dad have put me through." "Wow! I'm so proud of you." Mike really did feel a sense of pride for Gary. It was a very big step. "Yeah. I'm actually very glad that I did it. Now my Aunt Mary doesn't want me to go back home?" "Because of your parents?" "Yep." "Holy shit. I guess she did take it well! She honestly wants to stay? Your holy-roller Aunt?" "The very same." "I'll be damned." "It's still not etched in stone," Gary said as he stood up and walked over to the window, 'another beautiful day', he thought to himself. "They're actually on their way to see one of the pastors at church. Uncle Frank still isn't sure I should be here." "Oh. Pastor, church and gay usually don't mix well together. Unless it's a gay pastor and then - well - the number of catholic priest jokes is just astounding." Gary laughed. "I've missed your sense of humor." Mike was quiet. He was full of emotions and couldn't manage to pick one. "I should go, Gary. I have to head back to school today." "Where is that?" "I'm actually going to NYU." "Really?" "Yeah. I've got a nice little apartment just outside of Manhattan." "That's awesome!" "Thanks," Mike paused. "I really should go." "Alright. Well, can I call you?" "Can I stop you?" Mike joked. "Well, you could. If you really didn't want me to, I wouldn't." "Nah. It's alright. You can call," Mike couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. "Cool. Have a safe drive back." "Yeah, I will. I'll catch ya later." "Bye, Mikey." "Later, Gare." Gary hung up the phone and headed for the shower. He was ready to tackle a new day. ------------------ I woke up to the feeling of Derek's breath on my neck. 'This is something I could get used to,' I thought to myself. He was lying on his side and up against my right side. His right arm was across my bare chest and his chin rested just above my shoulder. I raised my left arm and placed it on top of the arm he had draped across me. I slowly rubbed his soft skin and his whole body began to move. Derek took a deep breath in through his nose. "Good morning," he said softly. "Good morning." I replied with a smile that permeated into my voice. "How long have you been up?" "Not long. Just a few minutes." Derek shuffled himself away from me a little and propped himself up using his left forearm. His hair was matted from sleeping and his normally bright eyes were slightly glazed. He looked just as beautiful when he first woke up as he did after showering and getting dressed. That was something that I always looked for in a man. Someone that could look just as good in PJ pants and a T-shirt as they did in a nice formal outfit. "Ugghh," Derek groaned. "What's wrong?" "I've got to piss like a mother fucker." I laughed. "Well, I'm not into that so you'd better get your ass out of bed." Derek laughed with me as he kissed me on the cheek and then got up. I sighed to myself as I, once again, had the opportunity to survey his gorgeous body. He walked over to the dresser, took out a pair of flannel PJ pants and pulled them on. He didn't bother with the T-shirt. 'Just as well,' I thought to myself. He smiled at me before leaving the room. I sat myself up with a little bit of work and threw the covers off. My leg was feeling much better but still very restricted by the cast. Fortunately, all of that was about to end. The cast would finally come off tomorrow and I would only have to wear a brace. I lifted my leg slightly and then turned on the bed. 'Now what?' I thought to myself. Derek walked back in the room and could see the puzzled look on my face. "And just where do you think you're going Mr. Sister?" "Anywhere that isn't bed. Being stuck on your back all night is less than comfortable no matter how nice the bed is. I'm normally all over the place when I sleep." "Ruh roh." "What?" "Are you a bed hog?" "No, no. I'm good about keeping to my side but I toss and turn a lot." Derek walked over to the dresser and fetched another pair of PJ pants. He helped me to start putting them on and then helped me to stand. He then bent over and pulled them up slowly. He stopped when they reached my mid-thigh, leaned his head in and gently kissed the head of my dick. "I'll play with you again later," he said, addressing my cock directly. "Oh really?" I said. "Definitely." And then he stood up and kissed me quickly on the lips. "Now, let's go get some breakfast." Derek handed me my crutches and we made our way out to the kitchen. "What would you like?" "What've you got?" "Hmmmm. Good question. Dad said he sent Jenny to do some shopping for me." "Jenny?" That was a name I hadn't heard before. "Yeah," Derek sighed as he opened the refrigerator. "Dad hired an assistant. He raves about her. I still haven't met her yet because she's always so busy. But, apparently, she can handle just about anything." "That's cool. So," I said with a slightly sarcastic tone, "what did Jenny the wonder-girl get us?" "There's a shitload of stuff in here," he said into the fridge. "How about something simple for this morning?" "How simple do you want to go?" He said as he closed the fridge and started going through the cabinets. "There's like 4 different kinds of cereal up here. And," he flipped open the breadbox, "a few different kinds of bread." "Jesus. How fat did this girl think you were?" Derek chuckled. "I know it, right? So, how about it? Cereal and toast?" "Sounds perfect to me." Derek showed me the selection of cereals while doing his best Vanna White impression. It was rather amusing. "I don't care, hun. Whatever you're having is fine." Derek started to pour the cereal and then got a look on his face that I had learned meant he was conjuring up something. "What is it?" I asked. "I'm doing that thing with my eyebrows again, aren't I?" "It's a dead giveaway." I smiled. "Well," he said with a smile and a little head and shoulder dance, "I was thinkin'." His face lit up like a little kid and his voice took on a very cute tone. "You can't exactly go back to live with Stacey & Karen." I couldn't believe it. Was he about to suggest that I...? "And you can't stay with your parents forever." Oh God. I think he's gonna. "And I have plenty of room here?" He was now looking me right in the eye with the cutest smile I think I had ever seen. "So...?" "So, you want me to move in with you?" I was shocked but happy. "Do you think it's a bad idea?" "I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it. I mean. I would love to!" "Really?" And, suddenly, the smile got even cuter. "As long as you don't think it's going to fuck anything up between us?" "How could it? We've known each other forever. We've been on trips together for months at a time." "Well. Then. Yeah. Sure." I said with a smile. Derek walked/danced over to my side of the table and kissed me. "I am SO happy right now!" "Me too, sweetheart." ------------------------- Pastor Allen stood up from his desk when Frank and Mary walked into his office. He extended his hand to Frank's. "Frank! Mary! Wonderful to see you both! I hope everything is alright," Pastor Allen said with a smile. The same smile that always seemed to grace his face. He was a handsome man and caused quite a stir amongst the single women when he had arrived in town. He had a very modest body, short, black, wavey hair and dark brown (almost black) eyes. In some people it might be a little creepy but, in Pastor Allen, it was beautiful. "Well, it's nothing too serious," Mary said as the two men shook hands. "Please," he gestured, "have a seat." Mary started to sit but Frank turned for the door. Mary looked over her shoulder and saw that he was simply closing it. He then returned to his seat and looked at Mary. 'Apparently, I'm starting,' she thought to herself. "Pastor Allen, it's our nephew, Gary. He...well, I'm not sure how to say this," she said as she fidgeted with her purse. "He's a gay!" Frank interrupted. Pastor Allen sat forward in his chair, clasped his hands with his elbows on the desk and simply replied, "And?" "And?" Frank said, almost angrily. "Does there need to be more? Isn't that enough for us to be concerned about?" "I guess it depends on who you ask." He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. "If you talk to some of the older members of the clergy, they'll most likely say that it's right up there with murder. Some of them give it the old 'you can be homosexual, you just can't act on it.' And then, there's people like myself. People who believe that God loves all of his children." "So you believe that God loves murderers and rapists and child molestors?" "You see, Frank. There's one major difference between the people you just described and the gay community." He waited for Frank to say 'What's that?' but, when he didn't get it, he continued. "The murderers and rapists are acting out of hate. They are hurting another one of God's creations. What harm is a homosexual doing?" "They're demoralizing our society! That's what they're doing!" "Ahhh," Pastor Allen said, "So, you were at church a few weeks ago and heard the sermon on the destruction of our moral fabric. The ramblings of how awful homosexuality is." "Ramblings?" Frank was shocked by what he was hearing. "Is that how you treat your fellow pastors?" "Frank. Let me ask you something? Do you know Devon Wallace?" "Of course I know Devon. I work with him every week to help clean the church." "And did you know that not that long ago, Devon Wallace would not have been welcome in this church?" "Pastor, I see the point that you're trying to make and it just doesn't apply here. Devon is black. Gary is gay. One has a choice and the other one doesn't." "Says who?" "The Bible!" "Where, Frank? Where does the Bible say that being gay is a choice?" Pastor Allen remained completely calm and spoke in a very soft tone. Frank was silent. He didn't have an answer. "Sure, the Bible says in certain passages that it's wrong," Pastor Allen continued. "But not once does the Bible say that it's a choice." "Our nephew also mentioned that some of the passages that say that homosexuality is wrong, also mention other sins that, today, aren't considered sins at all," Mary interjected. Pastor Allen knew what she was referring to but asked anyway, "Like?" "Well, it's said that wearing two different kinds of fabric on the same day is a sin." "That's right. And there's a lot more just like it. And not once does the Bible say that one is worse than the other. And THAT is where the book ends and common sense begins." "I'm not sure I understand," Frank said. "It goes back to where this conversation started. Acts of hate versus acts of love. Frank. If this is the biggest problem that you have with your nephew, consider yourself lucky. And then stop considering it a problem." "But isn't there a chance that he could corrupt my son?" "Frank, if a man walked up to you and asked you out on a date, would you go?" "Of course not." "Exactly. Because you are heterosexual. No amount of exposure to homosexuality is going to change that. It's who you are. Just as homosexuality is part of who Gary is." "But couldn't he change? Couldn't he go to one of those places where they cure them?" "Frank!" Mary said as she glared at him. "I would NOT let my nephew within 100 miles of one of those evil places." "Mary's right. Again, some people would disagree with me but I can't imagine how shock therapy can be good for someone. Men and women that come out of those programs claiming to be cured are lying to themselves. That kind of torture will make people do and say just about anything to make it stop." "I honestly don't know what to say. I'm so confused right now," Frank said. "Rightfully so. You've been told something all your life and now this situation is forcing you to look at it in a different light. It IS confusing. But, I'll tell you something. I'm a lot more comfortable worshipping a God that loves all of His creations - not just the ones that people aren't afraid of." "But, I'm not saying that God doesn't love him. I'm not saying that I don't love him. But he has turned his back on God's love." "No he hasn't. If he denounced his faith, then he would be turning his back on God's love. But even then, God would not reject him or banish him for it. It's a harsh world. Believing in something that you can't see or touch isn't easy. God understands that." "Then...why go to church?" "To celebrate God's love. Not to mourn his death or to debate what He believes to be right and wrong. Frank, if both of you went next door to talk to Pastor Thompson about this, you'd get a completely different tone. He would spout Bible verses at you and tell you how awful it is. And, don't get me wrong, I love the man, but his faith is blind. He questions nothing. And it takes everything I have to keep my mouth shut when he starts condemning people. Do you know how many times I've wanted to rattle off that fabric verse Mary mentioned and then tell him that his robe is a polyester and cotton blend?" Pastor Allen laughed. "He'd probably strip on the spot and then say 1000 'Our Fathers'." Pastor Allen leaned over the desk and whispered to both of them, "Now, go home and tell your nephew that you love him." Mary stood up and shook Pastor Allen's hand. "Thank you." "Any time. My door is always open." Frank stood up slowly. He looked a bit shell-shocked but he still managed to thank the pastor as they exited his office. When they got into the car and the doors were closed, Mary turned to her husband. "So?" "I have a lot of thinking to do." "And in the meantime?" "In the meantime, Gary is our nephew. And he will stay." Mary leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "You're a good man, Frank." Their drive home was relatively quiet. When they finally pulled into the driveway, Frank got out of the car quickly and, before even getting into the house, announced that he would be in his office. When Mary walked inside, she knew what she had to do. "Gary!" she yelled up the stairs. "I'll be right there!" Gary yelled from the bathroom. He had showered while they were gone and had just finished getting dressed. He hung up his towel, threw his dirty clothes into his room and then ran down the stairs. "So," he said, "how'd it go?" "Your uncle is in his study." "Is that a good thing?" "That means he's thinking. And THAT is a good thing." Gary smiled at his Aunt's reply. She smiled back at him. "Now," she sighed, with the smile washing away from her face, "I want to call your mother." ------------------------ When the phone rang, Derek and I were cuddled up on the couch watching old re-runs of the Thundercats on Cartoon Network. "I'll get it," Derek said as he struggled to push himself up. The couch was rather comfy. "Good plan, I don't think I'd make it in time," I giggled. "Yeah, yeah. I'm comin'" Derek said to the ringing phone. "Hello?" "Hi Derek, it's your other Mother." "Hey Mrs. B. What's up?" "Oh, I'm just callin' to check on my boys and to remind Derek of his appointment later." "Okie dokie. Hang on a sec and I'll bring the phone over to him." Derek walked over and passed the phone to me. "Hello." "Good morning, sweetheart." "What's goin' on?" "Not too much. I'm just calling to remind you of your appointment this afternoon. I didn't know if Derek was going to take you or if you wanted me to come get you." "This afternoon? I thought that was tomorrow?" "Uhm, no. That's today." "Are you sure?" "Yep. 2pm." "What time is it now?" "Around 11:30." "Holy crap!" "So. What's the scoop?" "Hang on, I'll ask Der," I said and then put my hand over the phone. "Apparently my appointment to get this retarded cast taken off is this afternoon and not tomorrow. Do you want to take me or do you want Mom to take me?" "That's totally up to her," he said, sitting down next to me. I took my hand off of the phone and put it back to my ear. "Do you WANT to be there, Mom?" "I really don't care one way or the other. I'm just trying to plan my day." "Well, I guess I'll just have Derek take me. As long as you don't mind." "No, no. Not at all. Are you going to be staying there again tonight?" I swallowed hard. I hadn't thought about telling my mother that I was going to be moving in with Derek. "Well, actually Mom. I'm going to be moving in." There was silence on the other end. "Mom?" "I'm here. I guess I'm just a bit shocked. I mean. That's so quick!" "Well, in a way, yes. And in a way, not. We've known each other forever so it's not like I'm moving in with some guy that I just met a few weeks ago." "That's true. I just don't want you guys to move in together and then decide that you hate each other." "Honestly, Mom. I don't think we have to worry about that. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my whole life." Derek put his hand on my leg and smiled. "That's wonderful, sweetheart. I really am happy for the two of you." "Thanks, Mom." "Now my two boys are really going to be my two boys!" "Well, we're not exactly getting married, Ma." "I know. But at the pace you two are going I guess I should planning for a ceremony next month, huh?" She said with a laugh. "Oh. SOOO funny." "Well, I thought so." "Yeah, well somebody had to." "You definitely have my attitude and sarcasm, don't you?" "But of course!" "Alright, sweetie. Don't be late for your appointment." "I won't." "I'll talk to you boys later. Give Derek a kiss for me." "I will. Love you." "Love you too." "Bye." "Buh-bye hun." I hung up and handed the phone to Derek. He set it down on the coffee table. "I'm supposed to give you a kiss from my mother," I said with a smile. "Oh really?" Derek said as he threw a leg over me and straddled me. He brought his face closer to mine and his beautiful eyes closed slowly. I felt his tongue pass my lips and he kissed me softly. After a minute, he broke the kiss and slowly pulled back. "I don't think that's what she had in mind," I said. "Probably not but I liked that better." He smiled. "Yeah, me too." "So, we'd better get you ready for your Dr's appointment." He got off of my lap and then stood up. "I can't wait!" "Just how much more mobile are you going to be?" Derek said with an evil grin. "Good question. But I don't think that I'll be swinging naked from the ceiling anytime soon." "Awwww. Dammit!" He replied with a laugh. Derek helped me up and we walked down the hall so that we could get ready. "Did you bring everything that you need so that you can take a shower?" He asked. "Actually, no. I left all the frickin bags at home." The doctor had given me large bags that tied off just above the cast. If I stuck my leg out of the shower, I could do a decent job of washing up. My only other option was a sponge bath. And those suck. "Guess I'll just have to give you a sponge bath." I giggled. 'Then again, maybe sponge baths don't suck,' I thought to myself. "What are you giggling for? You can't exactly go to the doctors office all dirty? You dirty boy." I laughed. "Fine. You can give me a sponge bath," I said in a low, begrudging voice. "Oh. Don't make it sound so brutal. Poor baby gets a bath from his loving boyfriend. Woe is you." "Tell me about it." "Blah, blah, blah. Go into the bedroom. I'll be there in a few minutes." I lowered myself onto the edge of the bed and just looked around. I could hear Derek whistling down the hall as the water ran in the tub. He returned a few minutes later with a small basin of steaming water, a loofa sponge, towel and some body wash. "How do you do your hair?" He asked, as he set the basin down on the floor. "I have to do that part in the sink." "Ahhhh. Now, let's get you out of these clothes." Derek helped me remove my shirt before, once again, kneeling in front of me and pulling down my pants. I couldn't help it - I instantly started to get a little hard. "Bad, bad boy. What makes you think this is going to get sexual?" he said, noticing my growing problem. "Sorry. Automatic reaction." "Well," he said in his most feminine tone, "I am NOT that kind of nurse." I laughed hysterically. "Oh. Is that what you are? My nurse?" "Just for now," he said with a wink. I adopted a southern belle accent, "Then I shall attempt to behave." "Good boy." He finished undressing me and then took a washcloth he had tucked under the basin and soaked it in the water. He started at my neck and shoulders. Slowly wiping me down and looking directly at me the entire time. "You keep lookin' at me like that and I just might start to get all excited again. It's hardly propa for you to look at a lady like that" I said, continuing the southern female voice. "Oh my god. Don't get too carried away, Ms. O'Hara." We both laughed. He finished rinsing down the front of my body and then put some soap on the loofa sponge. I was surprised at both of us. We were both managing to keep ourselves under control. When he had finished washing me, he rinsed everything off once again and then dried me off. "Turn around, boy," he said authoritatively. "Yes sir!" I spun myself around as quickly as one can with a cast on one leg. And he began to repeat the process. "C'mon. Spread those legs, boy." I moved my legs a little further apart and felt the warm cloth slide between the cheeks of my ass. That was all it took. I started to get excited all over again. He just continued to wash and then rinse. Once again, I felt the warm cloth slide across my hole and my dick twitched. Suddenly, his hands spread my cheeks apart and his tongue was probing me. "Oh," I moaned softly. "Jesus Derek that feels good." He just continued licking. It felt amazing and I felt like I probably could have cum just from him doing that. I wasn't usually into having someone eat my ass but it felt so good. He was an expert. His tongue was swirling everywhere. Not just directly on the hole but above and below as well. He was eating me with wreckless abandon. And then he pulled away. "Turn back around." I turned as I was instructed. "Derek, that felt so.." But before I could finish my sentence he had plunged my cock to the back of his throat. "Oh my God," was all I could say as my breath was taken away. This was not the same gentle Derek that I had encountered last night. He was sucking roughly on my dick. Pounding it in and out of his mouth and each thrust was taking all of me in. I looked down to see that he had taken his cock out of the front of his PJ's and was pounding himself just as furiously as he was sucking on me. At this pace, I knew I wasn't going to last long at all - but I had no idea just how short it was going to be. "Fuck, Derek. You're gonna make me cum." He moaned and sucked harder and faster as the cum started to fly from his cock and onto the floor. "Jesus," I said as I felt my whole body go rigid and started to shoot down his throat. But he didn't stop. He continued to pump my cock through the whole orgasm. When he stopped, I was almost out of breath and felt a little dizzy. He stood up and gave me a peck on the lips. "You're clean," he said with a movie-star smile. "I don't think anyone has EVER made me cum that quickly before." "Well," he said with a sigh, "we're pressed for time and I needed more breakfast." He knelt back down in front of me and wiped the cum off the floor with the towel he had used to dry me. I threw my head back, "I so can't believe you just said that." "Hee hee," he giggled as he picked up all the stuff he had brought in and walked out of the room. "You're just gonna leave me standing here? Naked?" I yelled after him. "Uhmmmm. Yup." I laughed. He returned a minute later and I noticed that his cock was still hanging out of the front of his pants. "Uh. You're not gonna go to the doctors with that monster hangin' out are ya'?" He looked down, "Oops. Thought I felt a draft," and he tucked himself back in. "I still have to shower too." "True, true. But, can ya' help me get dressed first?" "Oh, I guess," he replied sarcastically. Derek got my bag of clothes and helped me get dressed before heading back down the hall to take his shower. I hobbled back to the living room and sat down in front of the TV again. I flipped through the channels and happened across "Annie" on the Disney Channel. As Annie stood there and sang "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", I couldn't help but smile at the timing. ------------------- Maureen Martello ran down the stairs, cursing the entire way as the phone rang. "Fuckin' phone. I should just unplug the god damned piece of shit." She got into the kitchen and picked it up. "Hello?" she said with an attitude. "Maureen. It's Mary." "What'd he do?" Maureen instantly assumed that Gary had done something to piss of his Aunt and she was going to ship him back home. "Let's try that again, shall we? What did YOU do?" "What the fuck is that supposed to me?" "MAUREEN! How DARE you curse at me like that!" Gary was listening to his Aunt thought to himself, 'Yup, that's my Mom'. "Sorry. I've just been bustin' my..," she stopped herself from saying 'ass' but the pause was obvious, "tail all freakin' day. And now I get a phone call from you asking me what I did? I don't even know what you're talkin' about." "I'm talking about everything you've done to your SON! How could you?" "Excuse me?" "How could you reject him? How could you abuse him? What kind of mother would do that to her CHILD?!?" "Of all the people in the world, I thought you would understand why I sent him out there. I don't need a faggot for a son and THAT is why I sent him to you. So that you could show him the path of God and get him to realize how disgusting he is." "Maureen, I don't think I know you any more." "Listen to me. This kid is messin' with your head. I don't know how but that's the only logical explanation. Otherwise, you'd see him for what he is." "And WHAT is he, Maureen?" "A trouble-making faggot." Mary gasped. "That's your SON!" "No. That's the result of a broken condom." Mary found herself almost out of breath. "And I don't want the little ratball back until he can behave himself and likes girls." "Maureen," she said tentatively, "have you ever raised a hand to this boy?" "If that BOY got a slap upside the head, it's because he deserved it." Now Mary was pissed. "You listen to me, you twisted little bitch," neither she nor Gary could believe she had just cursed, "I don't know who you think you are or what gives you the right to hit anyone but I won't stand for it." "And what the FUCK are you gonna do about it?" "Gary is staying here with us." "Good, keep the little cocksucker!" Gary's father walked into the room just in time to hear his wife screaming "keep the little cocksucker," into the phone. "Maureen," he yelled. "Who the FUCK are you talking to?" Mary heard Ron yelling in the background. "It's my cuntwad of a sister." "What the FUCK are you doing?" he replied. "Ya know somethin' Ron. I've been trying to hide all of this from you," "Maureen," Mary interjected, "don't you dare say anything to him!" "Shut up bitch!" she said into the phone before addressing her husband again. "But Gary is a QUEER!" "What are you talking about?" he said with disbelief. "Don't believe me?" She turned her head back to the phone. "Is the little fag there?" "Maureen you are NOT going to speak to him like this. I refuse to put him on." Gary extended his hand for the phone. "It's okay." "Gary," Mary whispered with the tears starting to form in her eyes. "It's fine, Aunt Mare. Really. It's nothing I haven't heard before." She handed the phone to him reluctantly and he brought it to his ear, "Mom?" "No, it's your father." "DAD!" Gary wasn't prepared for his father. He had gone tit-for-tat with his Mom before but never his Dad. "What is your mother talking about?" Gary didn't answer. "Is it true? Are you?" "Am I what, Dad?" "Jesus Fuckin' Christ, Gary. Don't make me say it! Are you like that?" "Like what?" "Are you a fuckin' faggot?" He yelled into the phone. Mary could hear him yelling and she covered her mouth with her hand as the tears started to fall. She couldn't believe how they were treating their own son. "I'm gay, Dad." It took every ounce of courage he had to say it. "Jesus Fuckin' Christ." Ron Martello almost dropped the phone in shock. But, within seconds, his shock turned to rage. "You are NOT my son. Do you hear me? You are NOT MY FUCKING SON! And if you EVER come back into this house, I will FUCKING KILL YOU. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I WILL RIP YOUR COCKSUCKING HEAD RIGHT OFF OF YOUR GOD DAMNED SHOULDERS!" Now Gary had started to cry. "Yeah, Dad," he sniffled. "I get it." "YEAH, that's it! Cry like a fuckin' fairy. You piece of dogshit." Gary dropped the phone and his Aunt hung it up. She quickly grabbed his shoulders and brought him into her arms. She held him tightly as the two of them sobbed together. Back in New York, the back of Ron Martello's hand flew across his wife's face. She clutched the side of her face. "First of all, you fuckin' lied to me. Sayin' you were tryin' to keep this shit from me," and then he slapped the other side of her face with his other hand. She was unable to stop the tears as she fell to the floor. "And second, it's all your fuckin' fault. You raised that kid. It's your god damned fault." She just laid there, crying. "What else don't I fuckin' know? What else have you lied to me about?" He was slightly bent over her quivering body. "Nothing," she managed to reply through her tears. "You lying bitch." He walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink. His hands were shaking so badly that the scotch spilled onto the top of the bar. And as he brought the drink to his lips, his brain started to put all of the pieces together. He thought about Gary's quick and somewhat unexplained trip to Ohio. And then he thought about Karen. He turned back to his wife. She was now trying to pick herself up off the floor. "What about his girlfriend? Karen?" "He cheated on her with a guy." "Jesus Christ." "That's how I found out." "Who? Who the fuck was it?" "I don't know. I don't remember. Some kid." "Un-fuckin-believable." "And Mike," she muttered. "Mike?" He walked over to her and grabbed her arm. She winced. "What about Mike?" He said through gritted teeth. "He and Mike," she could hardly breathe with the fear running through her veins, "In high school." He roughly let go of her arm, threw the drink on the floor, shattering the glass and headed for the door. On the way, he grabbed his keys. She didn't dare try to stop him. He hadn't always been the kindest man in the world but he had never slapped her so violently. He had snapped. "Good God," she said out loud, "what is he going to do? What...have I...done?