Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 11:11:31 +0000 From: Subject: A Home in the Woods, chapter 1 A HOME IN THE WOODS By Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarities between any persons, living or dead, is coincidental. It involves bisexuality on the part of teenagers, including intergenerational sex, as well as drug use. If this offends you, please reconsider your browsin choices. If it appeals to you, enjoy. AUTHOR'S NOTE: At the suggestion of a reader of another story, Under the Cherry Tree, posted in Bisexual/College, I am fleshing out a part of that story into this. It isn't necessary to read that story to enjoy this story but many of the characters are the same. The difference is that I have changed the location of the commune. Complaints, compliments and comments to Please consider donating to Nifty. I have and you should too. It costs money to run the archive and there are few other places that would house stories like this. ONE He didn't have much money. Not much at all. A couple of dollars. He walked around the courthouse square where they had set up Farmer's Days. The place is full of stalls selling produce and lots more selling handicrafts and sweets and baked goods and the like. And Nate knew he couldn't afford any of it. The most he could hope for was to hang out to the end and beg some of what was left from the vendors. A bag of peaches maybe or some nectarines. Or vegetables. When you are hungry, it doesn't matter. Or if they threw it away, he wouldn't even have to beg. He would though. All he had yesterday was from a dumpster behind a restaurant. The day before that, he had a couple of dollars from panhandling and he splurged on the dollar menu. The day before that, well the day before that he didn't eat at all. And today he was hungry. There were people selling barbecue plates with the pork coming off the smokers. The smell alone was driving him crazy. It made him even more hungry than he was before. All he could do was stand there and drool. "You hungry?" he heard a female voice say. He turned, shifting his back pack. He was standing in front of a stall selling produce, salivating at the barbecue next door. He hadn't even noticed them. The woman was a thin middle aged woman in a simple dress sitting in a folding chair, sweating in the June sun and swatting away gnats. "Yeah" he admitted. She turned and looked at a boy sitting in the background. "Ian, get a dollar or two and go up the way and get a fried pie for this one. One for yourself. Both you are too damn skinny. And you, boy, here's the money. Get you a plate." He looked down. Despite being hungry and having begged before, he still wasn't used to it and he got embarassed easily. But he took the $10 bill and said thanks. He handed the money to the woman who was selling the barbecue and she looked at him hard and then over to the stall next to them. "You with that lot?" she asked. "Nothing but hippies and devil worshippers" "Can I have the ribs, please" Nate said with a mild tone of voice. She shrugged and got a rib plate, dipped out some beans and some potato salad, then a piece of parchment and on top a piece of bread and a small slice of pound cake. The plastic fork packet went there too. She took the money, handed him the styrofoam container and gave him back a quarter in change. Nate went back over the lady and handed her the quarter. "You might as well keep it, boy" she said. "Now you got a quarter to your name. Take a chair and eat up." Nate got in the chair that Ian had vacated and opened up the container letting the full bit of aroma hit him. Although he wanted to devour it all in one gulp he fought not to. Enjoy it, savor every last bit. You never know when the next one is coming. He was concentrating on eating, trying to do it slowly when Ian returned, handing him a fried pie dusted in sugar and wrapped in a paper towel. "It's fig" Ian said. He was lanky and redheaded and freckled and good looking Nate thought. He smiled. "I like figs" "Then you'll like that won't you?" "Well, get him some tea" the woman said. Ian looked annoyed. "I'm not his fucking servant, Mama Ruth. He can get his own fucking tea" "Just do it, boy. Maybe one day somebody will do something nice for you" Ian reached in a cooler and got a pitcher and poured some into a wax cup and handed it to Nate, who thanked him. But he turned back to eating. He enjoyed every last morsel of it, even sucking on the bones. He used a finger to scrape up the last lingering bits of the baked beans and potato salad. By the time he was done, other than the bones, it was a clean plate. You could have done surgery on it. He looked up, trying to decide whether to eat the pie now or hold on to it for later and deciding for later, when he noticed everybody in the vicinity -- Mama Ruth, Ian, a grown man and an older one, a couple of kids -- all looking at him. He must have blushed in shame. "Thanks. It was good" Nate said. "No kidding" Ian said. "What's your name, son?" Mama Ruth said "Nate. Nate Morgan" "Where you sleeping tonight?" He shrugged. There was a spot in the alley, wedged up against a dumpster with an overhang from the building giving some shelter and he had seen a big piece of cardboard that he could use. He thought it would be there and tomorrow he could make his way to the interstate and try to get further south. But he didn't want to tell these people all of that. "I don't know" he said. "How long you been gone from home?" "About a month" "And you headed to Florida?" Nate nodded. It wasn't much of a plan but it was what he had. Maybe Orlando, maybe even get a job at Disney. "Well, you can come with us. When you want, somebody will bring you back to the interstate and let you out. In the meantime, a place to sleep, food to eat and you can do some work to justify it. How's that?" "You ain't sleeping in my bed" Ian said. "I can sleep anywhere. I don't even need a bed. Just ... anywhere is fine" "There's plenty of room" Mama Ruth said. "That sounds really good" Nate said. He decided to eat the fried pie. Things were looking up. They had some customers but there were a few that openly avoided them which confused Nate. Their produce was clearly superior. He had grown up, well not exactly a farm boy because his father was a doctor who only dabbled in farming, around such things and he could tell. But they didn't seem concerned and Nate decided he wouldn't be either. Tonight, at least, he would have a full belly and a place to sleep. They seemed nice, even Ian who was making it clear that he wasn't going to be Nate's friend, and he didn't fear for his life or anything. Nate was pretty sure that he wouldn't end up chained in some dungeon and used as a sex slave. Of course, if Ian wanted to use him as a sex slave, that would be a different story. That was the rub. Mama Ruth hadn't asked why he had left home and neither had anyone else. Nate figured, though, if they did, he would lie. They seemed nice and they seemed like they might be what the lady said -- hippies-- but you don't know how people are going to react and Nate knew for sure that things could go wrong when people know the truth. By mid-afternoon, it was time to pack up to leave and Nate happily pitched in to help. Nearly 16, he was strong and could shoulder nearly as much as a grown man, much more than a boy, and was eager to be seen as a help. He rode in the back of one of the pickups along with Ian. The lean red headed boy was really good looking Nate thought. The wind went through Nate's hair as he had taken his cap off so it wouldn't blow away. He had found a hose behind a building that day and had a bit of soap so he was clean, more or less. At first, they didn't speak much but as they drove a bit, still in town, Nate decided to break the ice. "So, it Mama Ruth your mama?" he asked Ian shook his head no "She's my dad's wife, I guess. But she's not my Mom, not my actual mom. She's ... I have a lot of brothers and sisters. Different mothers, same father. You know" "Yeah" Nate said even though he didn't really. "It was really cool of her to let me come back with you" "She likes rescuing stray dogs. We have lots of dogs" "Cool, I like dogs" Ian looked at him like he was stupid. "Yeah" he said. Nate had no idea where he was. It was a divided highway and they turned onto a two lane road. It was down and across the railroad tracks, two trucks in convoy, and then through the woods, broken only by an occassional house. It was miles down the road and a sign passed by saying Echols County and the road got bumpier. They slowed down and turned onto a dirt road and then into a large yard a few yards down the road but shielded from the paved road by a knot of woods. The house was an old timey frame built farmhouse, plantation plain style, underneath giant oak trees festooned with Spanish moss and with scattered outbuildings. "No Wi-fi, no cell coverage, no electricity" Ian said as he jumped from the truck. "It's as hot as a fucking twat too. No AC" Nate shrugged. It was better than the alternative. He grabbed up a box of produce and waited for someone to tell him what to do. The younger of the grown guys, Colin, told him to take it all inside so that Mama Ruth could can it to keep. It didn't take long for them to pile everything inside using the kitchen door, up 5 steep steps. There was a man on the porch in front, sitting in a rocking chair, watching them work, smoking a thin cigarette. "Dad" Ian said. "Come on" They went up the concrete steps to the front porch. The man, shirtless, lean and muscled, his gray hair pulled back in a pony tail but clean shaven. looked him over. "So we are plus one, huh? A little money and a new friend" "I'm Nate" "And I am Danny Da Renne and this is my farm. Where are you from?" "Ashburn" Danny nodded. "Anybody looking for you? Cops?" "No. I don't think so" "Okay but you earn your keep. You get high?" Danny asked, holding out a joint. "Not really" Nate answered. Ian instead reached out and took the joint and inhaled and handed it toward Nate. Nate hesitated. Ian made the gesture again and this time Nate took it. The smoke, acrid and sickly sweet, was like fire as it went down. It was too much and he couldn't get it out of him fast enough. But it wasn't fast enough to avoid paroxysms of coughing that doubled him over. Nate thought he would cough up a lung. Ian laughed. "Virgin lungs. Virgin everything" "Let's find you a place to sleep" Danny said. It seemed that the farmhouse was crowded beyond belief. It seemed that it was Danny and four women and a some teenagers and some younger kids. Mama Ruth made him a pallet on the back porch. It was summertime and there was no evidence of AC inside, so Nate figured it wasn't so bad a location. The porch was screened in anyway and there might be a breeze. As he ditched his stuff, a girl about his age stepped out on to the porch with Ian close behind. "Hey, I'm Eva" "Nate" "Eva is my girlfriend" Ian said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her tight against him. "He's a stray" "Runaway?" "I guess" "You staying for a while?" she asked "For a while I guess" "Good. We're all going down to the creek later on. You should come" "Okay" Nate said Ian eyed him and Nate could tell that he didn't want him to come but Nate couldn't figure out why. He definitely wasn't going to compete for his girlfriend, that's for sure. That's his whole problem. There was a crowd for dinner. People everywhere, kids and teens and Danny and Mama Ruth and noise and confusion. They were around a large table, the younger kids off to the side at a table of their own. THey didn't say grace though. They just tucked in to the food and began passing it around and talking and laughing. It was all vegetables. Peas and beans and corn and potatoes. "So, Nate, what are your plans?" Danny asked. "I don't know" Nate answered. "You know anything about farming?" Nate nodded. "My dad is a doctor but he has this like 400 acre farm, mostly hay but, yeah, I think I can help out. I know how to drive a tractor, harrow and plow and stuff." "So you're rich" Ian said "My dad is rich" Nate answered. "I live on the street" "Oksy, good enough." Danny said "Why did you leave home?" one of the kids, Karl, asked. He was between little kid stage and teenager stage. "It doesn't matter" Mama Ruth said "Maybe he's a criminal" Ian said "I don't think so" Danny answered. Nate remained silent. "I think you had your reasons, right?" "Yes sir" Nate answered. "I think you're going to find that our attitude about a lot of things is pretty loose around here." "Yes sir" Nate said. It was a hopeful sign. Maybe even loose attitude about his secret. If they did -- and he knew some people it didn't bother -- it would be the first time people didn't care. Despite Ian not seeming like he wanted him to, his girlfriend Eva insisting, he let Nate follow them down the railroad track at dusk, after the usual afternoon rainstorm, down to the creek. There was a knot of teenage kids there and a few of the older little kids, about a dozen and a half. There was a fire going in a old 55 gallon drum that provided some meager light. None of the kids had much on, the boys were shirtless universally with only Nate still covered up and the little kids in their underwear but there were a couple of guys and one girl basically naked. Ian and Eva climbed down the bank to the creek and Nate followed. "This is Nate. Mama Ruth took him in" "Hey, Nate. I'm Mattie" a boy a little younger than him said and stark naked, sandy blond hair and perfectly lean with a bush of yellow hair and a ... Nate had to bite his tongue and look away. Mattie was handing Ian a milk jug with a dark liquid in it. Ian took a swig and handed it to Eva as Nate tried not to stare at the handsome blonde boy in front of him. She drank and gave it to Nate. It was wine. "Hey" he said, handing the jug back to Mattie. "I guess you escaped Grandpa tonight, huh?" Ian said "You know" Mattie answered. "Yeah, you fucker" Ian answered. Another brown haired boy, shirtless and athletic in jean shorts, came up with a bottle, handing it Ian who took a swig and passed it on. Ian dug a joint out his pocket and lit it. "I'm Leo." "I'm Nate" He regretted it as soon as he said it. He was awkward around all these new people. 'Yep. Let's get fucked up. Fucked up and then fucked, huh Ian?" "Yeah" Ian said, sliding his hands under Eva's shirt to get to her breasts. Mattie handed him back the milk jug, telling him it was blackberry wine, homemade. Nate drank some more and it was sweet. He liked it but had really never had alcohol of any kind. He didn't want to get sloppy drunk and there was no way he would be able to keep up with these kids, he thought. And there was this naked boy giving him wine. That was too weird and strange. But he drank some more and just generally felt warm inside. Leo grabbed him by the arm and started introducing him around. Cason was one and Colin, who had driven the truck from town and looked like he was a grown man but young and muscular and hot, and Fiona and a girl with an Irish name like She-von and another called Rain and he couldn't remember one from the other. It was overwhelming. They were all drinking and laughing. Leo made him take off his shirt and complimented him on his muscles even though Nate was pretty sure that even though he was lean, he wasn't like Leo, who had a body people drool over. After a while, Eva came over and snatched him away from Leo and led him away from the creek bank for a minute. "Go with Mattie" She whispered. "He's sweet, like you. Leo just wants to fuck you" "I don't ... it's not like that" "Go with Mattie. Advice from somebody who knows" She left and went back over to Ian, who had his hands all over her. At that point, Nate stayed where he was, trying to figure out what to do and feeling very awkward and out of place. But then, naked Mattie came over to him. "If you want, we could head back. I know where the wine is there and maybe we can just sit around and talk some. Just you and me, you know" "Yeah, okay" Nate said. They climbed the bank up to the railroad track. It wasn't so dark as it was a full moon and the stars even seemed to add just a bit more. They made their way up and Mattie held out his hand. Nate hesitated, looked back at crowd down below and thought that no one was looking when he took it. Mattie stepped up on the rail to walk since he was barefoot. He was still naked too. Almost involuntarily, Nate put his shirt back on. "Don't you need to put on some clothes?" Nate asked 'Nobody will care. They all know I'm living with Grandpa in the woods right now. They figure I must be running around naked most of the time" Nate was confused. "Grandpa?" "Most people do, around here. NOt where your from, I know. But here when you get old enough, you can go live in the woods with Grandpa and, well, learn how to live in the woods, I guess. For a year, sometimes less, sometimes more." "Oh" Nate said. He didn't understand but figured he would get it eventually. "Does it bother you that I'm naked?" "No" "I only like boys. Just so you know. I mean, I do things with Tempest because she's my friend and well, it's just ... but I only like boys" "Me too" Nate said. It was relief to say outloud and not have someone freak out about it. "I know. I like how you looked at me, How old are you?" "16" Nate answered. "I'm almost 14" Mattie answered. Nate thought he looked older but maybe not. Neither of them shaved probably. They got to where the dirt road crossed the railroad track and Mattie took off running toward Danny and Mama Ruth's house, daring Nate to catch him. Nate took off and chased him. THe other boy was lithe and wiry but Nate had run cross country and he caught him quickly despite the head start. When they got around back, Mattie said they should get the wine. Nate objected, saying that Danny or Mama Ruth might not like it but Mattie thought it a joke and opened the door to the shed and emerged with two mason jars of liquid. He asked where they had him sleeping. They went onto the back porch, laughing. There was sound of merriment inside too. Mattie jumped in the swing and motioned for Nate to join him. Nate settled in next to him. "You can take your clothes off too if you want" Nate was scared, What if someone came outside and caught them? It didn't seem like it would be like at home -- a major crisis -- because this seemed like another world, one where maybe it didn't matter but you never knew. But it was more than that. If he got naked with his boy, this incredibly good looking and sexy boy, then they were going to do stuff together. Sex stuff. Stuff he had never done. Stuff he wasn't sure about. His heart was pounding and he was breathing heavily, trying to ward off panic. Mattie looked at him closely. He smiled. "Come on. Let's go over here" he said, taking Nate by the hand over to the pallet. "You don't have to anything if you don't want to but I want you to. We can just kiss and stuff, if you want" Nate nodded. Mattie stepped toward him, tilted his head up and took Nate's lips in his mouth and put his tongue in Nate's mouth. Nate shivered. He was actually kissing another boy. It was amazing. Actually kissing another person. "You've never really done anything, have you?" Mattie asked. "Yeah, no, sure I have" Nate lied. "It's okay. We can stop whenever you want" Mattie said. "But take off your clothes" Nate pulled off his shirt. Mattie smiled and rubbed his hands up the torso up to Nate's neck before kissing him again. This time, their bodies together, were skin on skin. Mattie reached down to unbuckle his pants. "Um, I ... I'm hard" Nate said, embarassed. Mattie smiled and stepped back. "Yeah, me too. See? I like them when they're like that" Nate laughed but it was a nervous laugh, a little too loud and a little too long and it didn't make him any less nervous. This boy in front of him was so good looking, so sexy and he was naked and hard -- like a steel rod as it was mashed between them -- as he tried to get Nate's pants off. There was a part of him that wanted to run as far and fast as he could, fleeing the scene, running and not looking back. But there was another part of him that wanted to take Mattie and wrestle him to the ground and jump on him and ravish him. All he knew was that he was turned on and could barely stand it. Nate reached down and undid the button on his pants. The decision was made. Stay. Do this. However far and however much. He wanted Mattie so bad he ached. He leaned down a little and connected on Mattie's face, kissing him hard and passionately. He thought he might explode. His whole body was on fire. His erection, straining against the cotton fabric of his underwear, was throbbing. Mattie took his hand and gently briefly cupped Nate's balls and then lightly ran it up the shaft. Nate shivered. It felt so good. He leaned over and kissed him again, rubbing his hands all over Mattie's firm little body. Now he was naked. Naked and hard. Nate knew for sure now that he was committed. After tonight, he will have done something with a boy. Being gay will not just be a theoretical thing. Mattie reached over and took it in his hand, stroking on it hard. It was so amazing to have someone else touch him down there, in a place and a way that only he had ever touched himself. He hesitated. He so wanted to touch Mattie there too but he was shy. They were lip locked, one firm and lean body against another and Nate could feel his thing pressed up against and he so wanted to touch it. They kissed and slowly, hesitantly, Nate reached out and put his hand on Mattie's dick and then, when he didn't stop him, he wrapped it in his fist and pulled on it. Uncut, the whole skin slipped forward easily. "Lay down" Mattie told him. Nate did, got on the pallet of thick quilts that made his bed, grateful that the younger boy took charge and told him what to do. Mattie made him spread his legs and then got between them. With his face resting against Nate's balls, Mattie took them in his mouth and sucked gently. Nate gasped. "Ohhhh" he said on an exhale. He never knew. Mattie ran his tongue up along the thick vein underneath and then put the head of the penis in his mouth, sucking on it hard. Nate moaned again. As Mattie took him all the way down, Nate found that he couldn't breath. He wanted to moan, he needed to grunt but the air wasn't there. He just whimpered. It was beyond belief. Nothing could feel so good. It was more than he could bear. Too much to take. It was. One more stroke down and his breath went completely. The pressure had built and he grunted but before he could act or do anything, he felt it coming and he couldn't stop it. A wave of pleasure swept over him but then he was mortified and embarassed. "I'm so sorry" Nate said "Why?" "Because I ... because, you know" Mattie jumped up on his knees and crawled up so that he was on Nate's belly, still hard. "You wanna suck mine?" If it made him feel half as good as Mattie had made him feel, then yes. He did very much want to. He just didn't know how. From what little porn he had seen -- and it wasn't much and was very furtive -- he had a basic idea. Of course, having another boy's hard dick right in front of him was just incredible. Nate took it in his hand, and still wasn't used to the idea of touching someone else like that, leaned forward to get it in his mouth. Mattie helped out by scooting forward. Just like the other boy he ran his tongue roughly along the underside and listened to Mattie exhale in pleasure. He tried to out it in his mouth, just the tip, but the foreskin seemed to be in the way. But he did and tried to go deeper down. "Watch your teeth" Mattie said Nate winced. Yeah, teeth. He tried to be careful and he did the best he could. Take it down, stroke it. Soon his jaw hurt from it and he was scared to take him down too deep for fear of gagging but he kept on. Every so often, he would pull off and stroke it or lick the shaft and then go back down on it. And, amazingly, Mattie seemed to like it. Nate put his hands on Mattie ass, squeezing his firm cheeks as the other boy ever so slightly moved himself back and forth in his mouth. Nate was amazed because he had grown hard again. Pleasuring another boy was hot too. Soon Mattie was breathing hard too. He was moving his hips more too. It must have felt good. It must have. He moaned again and then purred. "I'm gonna cum" Mattie said. It was fair warning. Nate could pull off and take it like they did in those couple of pornos but he remembered that Mattie had swallowed him down without any complaint. So, he kept going. It took longer than he thought though. It seemed like Matie was trying not to, may be to stretch it out. But then, he inhaled and Nate's mouth filled with warm, salty and slightly acrid stuff the consistency of snot. He gulped it down. "That was fun" Mattie said Nate felt pretty good about it.