Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 04:04:21 +0200 (CEST) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Quest 1 From: Subject: A Neglected Boy, The Quest 1 Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. ... There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Chapters most often are told by Jake Roberts, however, sometimes they are told by the boys.... Copyright © Jacob R. Lion 2018 - 2023 All Rights Reserved. License is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. and WordPress for electronic publication on the website and WordPress @ ... All rights reserved. Lost in the Everglades A fictional story by Jacob R. Lion Part 1 told by Kori Jake and I had no idea how long the first part of our new `adventure' would be. The boys call it "The Quest" ... I thought it was more a "voyage or trek", that was shot down by all 4 boys because it sounded like we were on a boat or hiking. I guess Jake and I agree with the boys ... it is a search, so "Quest it is. ... We both know it will be something different for each of the boys. What a relief to have finally have arrived at Everglades National Park. Surprising as it may seem everyone is still alive. Looking back at the last 3 days we realize there were just not enough stops. Even Silence and Penny seem to agree on that, however they made the least number of complaints. Perhaps that was because of the number of treats everyone was slipping them. I bet those 2 sighthounds gained 4 pounds on the trip. The estimated trip length, using google maps, was 1,583 miles. ... Right? ... Wrong! ... That would be if you drove and never got off the described route. Does anything ever go as planned? ... NO ... There were detours, trips to this fast food place, and that fast food place. I want to be perfectly honest, while I'm on the subject of "fast food places" they aren't that fast or that good either. Mostly slightly warm, stale, greasy food saturated in salt. Now I've given my opinion and Jake is agreeing but, don't ask Kyle or Justin because they don't have any idea how it tastes when it's drenched in tomato ketchup. A hamburger requires no less than 6 of those little packs of ketchup ... fries/chips (for those in other countries) 8-9-10 packs of ketchup. ... The only positive thing was they didn't drink lots of soda. ... No, because Jake stood watch over the soda machine ... he said the only working fountain was the one for water. Sorry, I'm way off the subject ... we've just pulled into Everglades National Park ... everyone all excited ... Now just to find our Camping spot at Flamingo Point; ... hmmmm, we thought we had arrived, we technically had, but then found out even though we were at Everglades National Park the campground is another 40+ miles. Oh, the distress that caused ... whining, and crying by some, and what I would call an outright attack on Jake n me for not having done better research on the subject. That was by those obnoxious teens. ... Finally, with Jake at the wheel we arrived at Flamingo Point. ... Wowww! ... What an amazingly beautiful view. We were facing southwest overlooking the calm waters of Florida Bay. The bay like a mirror was reflecting the huge puffy clouds above. We've been told it is full of thousands of birds at times, as well as crocodiles, manatees, sharks, numerous kinds of fish and dolphins too. Trying to keep the boys from escaping right there and then was a challenge. The Flamingo campground is huge. With Jake driving it was now a challenge to see who will spot our campsite first. ... "Dad, Dad that's it over there" ... It was almost a song as Kyle and Justin in their unison voice began directing Jake's every move. Ethan noted that as "The Twins" were pointing they looked like two bird dogs pointing ... one leg firmly on the seat, the other leg slightly raised, and with one arm and hand pointing at our campsite. #53a. Honestly, the campsite could not have been more perfect. Jake pulled the bus to the left and almost across the drive to the opposite campsite. Selected reverse, and as a professional `Bus Driver', he slid our land-yacht smoothly into site #53a. Cheers and applause from the crew. The door opened and the excited crew escaped ... dogs and all. Hold on a second ... did I just see Keith give Jake a peck on the cheek and did Jake just give Keith a swat on the butt? ... and he was smiling too! Don't worry ... it's Ok they play that little game all the time. They think it gets me all worked up ... so I pretend it does ... then I give Jake a little swat! Well, the cost of this site was worth every penny. . . . . "Dads", said Ethan, "did you see this sign? It Very plainly in Very Bold letters says `Beware of Crocodiles' n Don't feed the Manatees, Sharks, or other wildlife.' Dang, Justin n Kyle you guys gonna starve!" Immediately `Our Korean Twins' went into their Ninja personalities and declared `war'. Definitely they have been cooped up way to long on the bus. Now Penny and Silence have joined and now there is lots of vicious growling as the two whippets jump from one boy to the other. I tried to hold Jake back, what the hell we all needed some fun. I got right into it too. "Hey, you guys Ok came a voice from the front of the bus. Then we had some explaining to do. It was Roger and his 4 boys from the campsite across from us. His 4 boys ages 14, 13, 12, and Joey, 11 who was not to be left out, `of anything'. Jake and I explained all about the trip down while the `pig-pile' grew to 8 boys and 2 growling/snarling whippets. While the boys were entertaining themselves, Jake and I went over to see Rogers camp. ... Ok, Ok ... so this guy knows how to camp. Neither I nor my partner knows how to explain what this guy has or what most of it is used for. What we do know is that he and his crew could survive for years in the swamps. Soon Roger's boys returned. Now our crew was hungry, that's nothing new, and wanted Alligator for dinner, tastes like chicken, Rogers boys had suggested that. ... "Not tonight boys. ... Tonight, we're having BBQ ribs and stuffed baked potatoes and that's that!" hmmmm ... and no arguments said Ethan. Well, there were no arguments. The ribs were perfection. Ethan had been working on them all day while we were on the road. Now they were ready to finish over a hot charcoal fire with the potatoes rolled in foil and nestled carefully among the hot coals. We enjoyed perfection ribs, baked potatoes, and grilled asparagus all while watching the most beautiful sunset Jake and I have ever seen. The evening sky was ablaze in reds, yellows and deep orange. The night only got better as we listened to the sound of croaking frogs while eating fresh cut banana and strawberries from a small local country store. Somehow two of our boys, Kyle and Justin, got Jake and me to agree to sleep with them in the tents. ... Not a good idea! ... I said "Not a good idea" << yes, I said that! ... Ethan and Keith had the tents all erected and I noticed that it was not only the tents that were erected. Of course, Kyle, being Kyle, couldn't help but to let everyone next to us, and across from us know that Ethan and Keith both had stiffies. Being winter in the Everglades the air is cool, not cold, just cool. Jake and I are looking forward to cuddling up to our `not so little' Rug-rats, it's been a little less frequent in the past 2 months ... so tonight will be a real treat; even if it is in their tent. I'm looking forward to the smell of strawberry shampoo ... that is if they took a shower. . . . . Part 2 of the story is from "Keith's point of view". . . . Ethan, stop mumbling! ... go back to sleep, ... Geeeeze, the sun isn't even up yet. ... ... "Shut up Keith, it's not me there's some people hollering something ... that just sounded like Roger shouting something at Kori" ... hmmmm, Ethan did you hear someone say something about a snake? ... "Umm, I think.........Oh geeeeze that was Roger shouting "BIG SNAKE!!" Well, that's how our first day started at Flamingo Point Campground. The Twins ran out of their tent naked, and were greeted by a crowd of more than 80. Slightly better dressed was Kori and Jake ... they had boxers on. Me and Ethan managed to pull on shorts but nothing else I guess you can say we were looking pretty sharp and slightly preppy. ... Well that was until one of Roger's boys let Ethan know ... `shorts on but fly wide open.' Ethan was doing some kind of dance trying to pull his zipper up, and at the same time trying to look all cool as it were just a natural and normal occurrence. It happens to everyone in the morning with a 17-foot Burmese Python slithering toward their tent. Can things get more interesting? ... Well Hell Yes, they can! ... 11-year-old Korean Twins Justin and Kyle had been given shorts by Joey, Roger's 11-year-old, and now all 3 little tyrants were dancing trying to get the Python's attention. ... Attention they did get, but it was from a wildlife officer who was not being pleasurably entertained by their antics. This guy was not at all like Bret Wilson, our state wildlife officer from back home. ... No, no ... this guy was more than 6-foot tall, 250 pounds, and old ... at least as old as Jake. ... "Who belongs to these delinquents?" he demanded ... Justin swung around and pointed at Jake, and Kori, and Roger too. It wasn't so bad ... actually it was kind of funny. We all, that is the entire crowd, received a good education as to the danger of this non-native species. Justin, Joey, and Kyle received the best education, and were used to show just how long 17-feet is. The wildlife officer had them stretch out on the grass near the snake, not really close, but they got a good view of just how fat and long that snake was from the ground perspective. Everything was over when the snake was loaded on the Ranger's Truck, and we watched as it drove out of sight. ... ... Breakfast was pancakes in the shape of snakes ... `real funny Jake'. The plan of the day calls for us to go on an Everglades canoe adventure. Backpacks packed. Water bladder filled, trail mix, more trail mix, peanut butter n jelly sandwiches, soft hats n sunscreen, little more trail mix, and mosquito spray, grapes n oranges. Then when I went to get a little more trail mix the bag was empty! ... damn those little Twerps. Jake had made all the arrangements for our canoe adventure. We walked, mostly being tugged by our very sweet, obnoxious, Twins, to the office/camp store for our ride to the wilderness `trail head canoe landing'. We were greeted by a very friendly, handsome, boy about 17. He was our driver and his handshake was warm, friendly, and very exciting ... geeeeze I thought Ethan was going to invite him for a sleepover right there and then. And if Ethan doesn't I'll find a way ... dang he is cute. Well, as the day started all wrong things right now are taking a turn for the better. It was a very nice 6-passenger Jeep Wrangler. ... Yep, a 6 passenger Jeep, and we squeezed all 6 of us and our driver "Ted" in with no problem. I had the best seat! Yep, right next to Ted. I had snorts on n so did Ted ... umm, his right leg against my left leg was causing something to happen. I have no idea what my brain was thinking but, I pushed my knee against his, and with a smile he gently pushed back. Never mind some canoe trip all I could think of was how much fun Ethan and I could have if Ted spent the night telling us all about camping in the Everglades. Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking, well, maybe just a little more than about camping. Why are Justin and Kyle always in such a hurry? It's best to pack the canoes slowly. Ted had each of us in our boats with Jake, me, n Justin in one boat and Kori, Kyle, n Ethan in the other. Then ... just then ... the best part of the day. Jake handed Ted a tip, $20.00, and then said ... "Ted, how about asking your parents if you could have dinner with us ... I'm sure the boys would enjoy you company". ... ... Then Jake added, "You could tell us more about the best things to see on our way to Key West." Oh how Ethan can smile, and I can read his mind as he added... "Yeah Ted you could even stay the night we've plenty of room. ... ... Ahhhh, Ted's reaction was a huge smile, and he said ... "Woww!, That would be great I never get to be with anyone my age mostly around here it's seniors or people with little kids like 5 n 6-years-old. I'm sure Mom will say yes ... Dad may be another story. "It's set then" said Kori ... Ted was all smiles when he said ... "I'll be back to pick you up about 2 or 2:30 ... "That'll give you 4 hours for your adventure ... have fun." "Hey Justin n Kyle remember to keep your hands out of the water or you'll be dinner for some Croc. or a big Python"........ Ted was teasing.... The Twins waved at Ted as we made our way from the landing and heading right for a very large Crocodile. It looked to be about as long as our canoe ... 16-feet!, and looking for lunch. ... "Come n get us, come n get us, come n ge" ..... Shut up Kyle! "Ethan and Keith how about not saying that" ... ... Sorry Jake, Ethan and I will figure out something more appropriate ... like strangling them. I probably shouldn't have said that because it just got the brats giggling. Then Justin said something ... "You teens pretend to be so tough, but me n Kyle know you love us so we just ignore your comments." "Ok Justin," ... you win ... you're right we love you, n tonight I'm going give you lots of sloppy, wet kisses just the kind you love." ... Ethan wasn't thinking when he said that and one comment just led to another till Kori spotted a giant spider in a huge web hanging right across our canoe trail. Kyle freaked out and Ethan was just about to get caught up in the web. Fast thinking Ethan used the paddle to sweep the web into the water. How big was that spider ... Oh, about 5 inches across. Our trail became a photographers dream. Birds and more birds ... Herons, Egrets, Night Herons, small Snowy White Egrets, n Crocodiles of all sizes, and some little babies sitting on their mothers heads. We came to a fork; it was supposed to be marked. One way was the 4 hour trip and the other way for those with more experience. We sat there. Kori was saying left and Jake was saying ... "No it isn't Kori it's to the right. I looked at that chart Ted showed us a number of times; it's off to the right and that will take us around in what he called the hoop loop." Kori gave in and we were off. The paddling was slightly more difficult because the current was much harder. There had only been 1 spot for a rest so far into this adventure and we were all getting a bit hungry. It was just a few minutes more and to our relief just ahead was a short dock for our rest spot. The trail mix and PB n jelly sandwiches will give us some energy to fight the swift current we had encountered. It sure felt good to get out of the canoe and stretch. There were 4 long wooden benches for us to sit and enjoy our lunch. The conversation was all about the wildlife. I think Ethan and I were most impressed with how much Kyle and Justin had observed. I thought it would be all about Crocodiles for them, but they both enjoy the size and colors of the birds. Lunch over found us back in the canoes. Now either our lunch had given us lot of power or energy or the current has changed. My last thought was quickly proven true when Kori explained about the change of tide. We were 4 hours into the trip and nothing seemed to change. Nothing looked as if it were to open up and at any moment we would see the end of the trail and the canoe landing. Kori started nagging Jake ... "Were you sure we made the right turn? I think we should have taken the left branch of the trail not the right one. At this rate we'll be out here all night. All ready the mosquitoes are thicker and attacking much worse. I don't think we have enough water to make it till morning." ... ... Then Jake started ... "Geeeeze Kori give it rest, Ted said 4 or 4 plus hours and we were against the current for quite a long while." The Twins were starting to look a little nervous and to be honest so were Ethan and I. ... ... Now Kori just had start again ... "Jake just admit it we're lost!". "Lost in the Everglades". It was back and forth for about 3 minutes and they were both very angry with each other. ... ... Then it happened ..... Kori's canoe tipped sharply ... but quick reactions saved it from turning over and dumping them in the crocodile infested water. Kori started to laugh ... I was pissed, Ethan was pissed, and Kyle and Justin had slid off their seats and were sitting on the bottom of the canoes. ... Jake was laughing too and then Ethan lost it..... "What the hell is so funny about almost turning over and being eaten by a crock?" Kori at the most perfect time had caused the canoe to tip just slightly. Now that little action got everyone's attention and if anyone had looked at the bend in the trail we would have all seen the canoe landing slightly appear. I'M still pissed! ... ... this had been a plan from the beginning. No, Ted had not suggested it ... but, had told Kori and Jake that the end of the trail was a hard left turn and the landing would come up abruptly, and there was a marker we didn't notice. Ted was right there waiting with his pearly white teeth behind an ear to ear smile. I know the look on Ethan's face ... he wanted to kiss him right there right then. And so did I. I think that will have to wait till later. There was excitement in the air. Kyle and Justin were non-stop chatter about spiders, birds, and crocs. Ethan and I were trying to get The Twins to stop talking for a second so we could ask if Ted was having dinner with us. Kori was the one who spotted something in the back of the Jeep and said ... "Ted, does the backpack in the back of the Jeep belong to you? It was dead silence ... ... all eyes glued on Ted awaiting his answer...... "Yep, it's mine, I can stay for dinner and sleepover too." ... Ted's answer had Justin and Kyle giving him hugs, and telling him there was plenty of room in their tent. ... I thought ... No, no, no this can't happen Thank you Jake for stepping in and letting Kyle and Justin know it may better to let Ted stay with Ethan and me. ... hmmmm, Jake didn't give any reasons, he just said it may be better to let Ted stay with Ethan and me. The Twins weren't throwing a fit; that was a surprise. I lost my seat next to Ted when Ethan `slightly' pushed me out of the way; but he had a big smile when he did. `I will get even'. Minutes later we were at the Camp Store, and returned our paddles and life jackets. Then the best news was when Ted said .... I'm free till tomorrow morning at 11 am when I have to take another group out for a canoe trip. Thanks so much for inviting me I think I'm gonna have lots of fun." Kori asked Ted to think of other places he thought we would enjoy on the way to Key West. Ted's response was ... "No problem there are 4 really great places you'll love, Keith n Ethan can put them on their phones so you can see what they're about and attach Google Maps too. The Jeep stayed at the Camp Store and we walked to our campsite #53a. Surprise ... "WOWWW ... Holy Sh...... is this your idea of a camper?" .. and then Ted apologized for his language, and continued ... ... "This is amazing, but you have 2 Kodiak tents too ... why do you need them this bus is huge, can I see inside?" Jake was very happy to open the door and say ... "Hey Ted make yourself at home, I'm sure the boys will give you the grand tour and explain why we have the tents. While you are on tour Kori and I will get things ready for dinner. " We all were being led by Justin and Kyle who explained in detail every little feature of the bus but, I get to explain about the `bunkroom' and Ethan showed Ted Jake and Kori's bedroom. We were standing in about the middle of the bunkroom when I began to explain about the tents ... Ted, the thing is that The Twins are 11 now and Keith and I are your age, I think, and well the `Bunkroom' there isn't much privacy for ... umm, you know. To make what I was saying very clear I brushed the front of his shorts and let my hand linger a few seconds. I was very happy to notice an immediate reaction. Ted smiled, didn't move my hand actually seemed to pushed against it and said ... "Oh, I understand exactly what you're saying" ... then he added "Do the squirts understand, and is that why they have their own Kodiak? ... I let him know that Justin and Kyle know much more than most 11-year-olds. Ted looked at Ethan then at me and said ... "Keith can I ask you something? ... I said sure Ted you can ask us anything you want about anything you want...... Meanwhile Kyle and Justin had gone out to the front of the bus to take Silence and Penny for a walk. That left Ethan and I to answer any question Ted might have. "Keith, are you and Ethan gay? Are you partners" Do Jake and Kori know if you are gay?" .... It was one question after another. I think there might be 100 more questions, but I answered question #1 first saying `Yes Ted, Ethan and I are gay but sometimes we have a friend too. Umm, that brought a smile from Ted and then he said ... ... "You guys ... umm, I think I might be gay but I've only been with one guy, and it was just a blowjob." Ted went on to say ... ... "I was cleaning one of the restrooms the large family one with a shower. This guy kept looking at me as he began to soap up and was rubbing his dick. Yep it was hard then he asked me if I jerk off, I said yes, and then he said he wanted to suck me. I was crazy ... I locked the door and let him. It didn't take a minute and it was over. ... I was just 14 then and that's all I've ever done." I think Ted was brave to tell us that. Then Ethan said ... "Well Ted, we can do some stuff tonight if you want ... it'll be up to you. ... ... "Oh, I want" ... is all Ted said then we went to help Jake and Kori get things ready for dinner. Trying to keep our `things' under control was more than a slight problem. I don't know how, but we managed and look forward to letting `things' escape later. For dinner we're having giant burgers, roasted sweet potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, and fresh cut fruit. While the burgers were on the grill Ted told us all about Pennycamp Coral Reef Park, The Dolphin Research Center, Theater of the Sea, and Key West Aquarium as must see places. Rug-rats had plenty of questions as well as our Dad's. It was a great evening sitting by Florida Bay and watching a beautiful sunset. ... ... Enough of this ... let's get to what is really on my mind. I'm tired, maybe that's not the truth but it sounds good and I need to go to bed. No, that is not the truth. I'm horny, and what I'm looking forward to is a little fun with Ted and Ethan, and I know Ethan and Ted are looking forward to the same. Jake and Kori said goodnight, bet they are gonna have some fun tonight too. Kyle and Justin, well remember that Kyle often says what he's thinking without thinking? ... ... Ahhhh, this time Ethan grabbed him and began tickling him before he had a chance. Justin wasn't to be left out and he got his share. Now remember the promise of `sloppy kisses' well he and Kyle got plenty before they escaped to their tent. Even Ted gave them a few real sloppy ones. It took all of 30 seconds for Ted, Ethan, and I to be in our tent. Ethan and I wanted Ted to really enjoy the night. We started by having Ted stretch out in the middle of the tent. Then Ethan and I slowly, very slowly removed his shirt letting our fingers just slightly touch his belly, and chest. He was already squirming. Then it was his shorts, socks, and finally his boxer briefs, with a large wet spot, releasing his very stiff dick. It was perfectly shaped and about the same size as mine ... ha-ha we could be `twins'. What happened wasn't like anything with Lorenzo, or Antonio. No, they are a little more aggressive. Ted was gentle and like to be touched softly it was more like a romantic love scene than just `sex'. He was perfectly happy and satisfied after only 2 orgasms. One thanks to me and the other thanks to Ethan. Ted did enjoy watching Ethan and me as we did slightly more than what we had engaged in with him. What I had thought was it might have been `sex' till 3 in the morning, but as it turned out it was more answering all Ted's questions about how we were with Jake and Kori. The short of it is that we explained how Jake and Kori adopted Justin and Kyle, and then how we, Ethan and I, became part of the family. Speaking of the family we did tell him about all the others; Neil, Peter, and their boys, then about the Judge, Antonio, and Kris and all the others. The thing Ethan and I told Ted most about is the complete and unconditional love Jake and Kori have for all of us. How they never punish or put us down for making stupid mistakes. Instead our `Dads' support us in every way. Ted understood and said his `Mom and Dad' are much the same. Then asked after our trip to Kew West where would we be going next. The answer to that question is very simple ... we have no idea where `The Quest' will take us or how long it may be. ***My sincere thanks to all the Nifty Readers who have written over the past few months asking for the story to continue. It will continue, but as I have said Each New Chapter is a standalone chapter. A fictional story by Jacob R. Lion Have a minute? .. Drop a line and say hello ...