Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 02:14:06 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins LXI Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. ... There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Just a reminder that the story is told by either Jake or Kori in alternating Chapters. A Neglected Boy "The Twins LXI" An arctic cold front moved in during the night but Kori and I slept soundly all snuggled up nice and warm to our sweet little rug-rats. I don't think Justin or Kyle even moved once during the worst of the howling wind. The wind brought with it a cold that we had not yet seen this winter and the temperature dropped to 26 below zero F or -10 C. It was almost 5 am when Lars came in and woke me saying the back bedroom was cold real cold. I tried not to wake Kori or "The Twins" and went with Lars to the rug-rats bedroom ... and it was cold! With Lars, Lukas, and Marco sleeping there the humidity had caused a real frost, and a thin sheet of ice to form on the inside of the windows. Time to go camping. I woke Lukas and Marco and with the help of Lars, we dragged the inflatable mattresses down the hall to the living room and made one big bed. The boys piled on and ... well, ... now with the help of Kyle and Justin who were awake and wanted to know what was going on, we made a big campout in the living room. ... Of course, rug-rats stayed and joined the fun, much better to stay and have fun than go back and sleep with their "Dads". I turned to go back to bed and ran smack into Kori who found the whole thing quite amusing. Kori and I finally made it back to bed after getting the 5 youngins tucked in and quiet. The house remained still, very quiet indeed, for the number of residents that is until 9 am when the smell of bacon was floating on the air and through the rooms. Ahhhh, there it was that wonderful aroma of fresh coffee and ... burnt toast. ... Burnt toast? Kori decided to remain all curled up in a nice warm bed while I slipped into PJs, yes, PJs it was cold, and joined ...... Antonio and Lorenzo in the kitchen. ... It was supposed be Ethan and Keith I thought ... and, it was quite a surprise to me to find these 2 smiling, handsomely cute Italian boys. I asked Antonio where Keith and Ethan were ... and Antonio, with a cheeky little smile, said . . . . "Oh, they're pretending to be asleep." Neil and Peter arrived with their usual smiles ... I thought ... "how can you always be smiling first thing in the morning like they do?" Peter was first to grab a cup of coffee and then asked . . . . "Jake where's Kori?" . . . . I just pointed to the bedroom and ... ahhhh ... Kori was about to get a surprise, and; he deserved it! Lazy bum he is. Neil, Antonio, Lorenzo and I could hear the explosion from the kitchen. Obviously, it was an all war in the master bedroom and Lorenzo and Antonio had made a mad dash to see what was going on. Kori was naked half on the bed with his head almost to the floor with Peter sitting on his legs poking Kori's stomach, which seemed to have an affect that both Antonio and Lorenzo spotted. Antonio's comment was so perfect as he giggled and said . . . . "see Lorenzo even adults get morning wood." Neil and I had the 2 Italian boys back in the kitchen quickly, and we did try to get them to stop laughing ... honestly, we did try. Still no signs of Marco, Lars, Lukas, and our devilish "Twins". ... Oh no, as I looked at Neil. Neil can be so bad ... he told our Italian stud muffins to go sick the youngins. All hell broke loose as Lorenzo and Antonio ripped the blankets off the 5 squirts. The result was two big/small discoveries; 1. all five little twerps had the cutest little erections, and 2. where the hell did all the cookie crumbs come from? ... When our Italian stud muffins ripped the blankets off the 5 youngins ... cookie crumbs flew all over the living room. As the 5 squirts were grabbing for the blankets and covering back up Antonio ran to the kitchen grabbed the big cookie jar and returned and standing between Neil and me, for protection, held up the jar now containing at the bottom ... 1 cookie. Five guilty little twerps were laughing uncontrollably! With the threat of more physical torture from Lorenzo and Antonio, the "5" decided to come clean about the disappearance of all the cookies. It seems that after I helped them make their "camp" in the cold middle of the night ... Lukas, no Marco, no Lars had the idea to raid the kitchen for snacks; certainly not Kyle or Justin, so the story was told. Now, what would cookies be without milk? ... Lorenzo returned from the kitchen with what was, last night, the fresh gallon jug of milk that now had about 20 drops remaining. Antonio had the next great question and asked . . . . "Where are all the glasses, there aren't any in the sink.?.?.?" . . . . Just like answering what is 2 + 2 ... Marco said . . . . "Oh, we just drank from the jug, didn't need glasses." Finally, Kori and Peter decided to appear and then it kinda started all over again as Lorenzo and Antonio filled Kori and Peter in on the whole episode. Neil gave all 5, now I guess that would be "The brotherhood of 5", explicit instructions about how to clean the living room and fold all the blankets; right after they got clothes on, that is. Little things had shriveled up but none the less were still kinda cute and a reminder that "boys will be boys". For Kori, me and the rug-rats along with Ethan, Keith, and Antonio it was back to New Haven tomorrow and for Marco and Lorenzo it would be on to their international exchange sponsors in Providence. Neil, Peter, Lars, and Lukas will remain here in Ashfield at the farm. Neil and Peter decided to enroll Lars and Lukas in school here. Now that should be interesting because some of Peter's teachers are still teaching here. Kori announced he was making breakfast and Keith and Ethan were helping ... ummmm ... "where are Ethan and Keith?" ... OMG, ... I should not have asked that question and here we go again as the "brotherhood of 5" raced down the stairs to the music room and like what had happened to them happened to Ethan and Keith as those little buggers ripped the blankets right off Keith and Ethan ....... "whew" ... I thought it was going to be serious; ... they were actually sleeping. "However," we now had `two' extremely pissed off teens! And knowing teens and how they can be very moody ... well, their mood at the moment was Kill! ... Neil could hear the commotion and ran down the hall and hit the top of the stairs and came face to face with Keith and Ethan as they were running up chasing the little tyrants ... and Neil simply said . . . . "morning boys, wash, dress, kitchen, with a smile!" ... Oh, that was simple, wasn't it? ... Attitude adjustment applied. Ethan and Keith appeared about 7 minutes later with a smile and we had a great New England breakfast. It was eggs, thick cut-bacon, hash brown potatoes, baked beans, and toast, lots and lots of unburnt toast, Lorenzo. With today our last day at the farm, it needed to be tons of fun with lots of laughs. Breakfast finished and everyone with big smiles it was off to UMass Mullins Center Ice Skating rink. The big question is ... "In how many directions can your legs go at the same time?" Neil was a mess. Kori thought at one point an ambulance would be needed and that was the point that Neil took off the skates. Well, Neil is good on a horse, skating might not be his thing and that was what I was thinking when my butt hit the ice for the fifth time in 2 minutes. I was tired and joined Neil for a break as Kori, Ethan, Keith, and the other brats were showing off. As Neil and I watched the show was just beginning. It was Lars and Lukas that caught the attention of all the skaters. Neither of the boys had said anything about how they skated and Neil had said nothing about them having skated from the age of 3. The boys had been just having fun with all the rest of "their brotherhood" but soon began a real routine. Kori along with the rest of our crew joined Neil and I as we watched Lars and Luks as they began their routine of jumps including axels, sit spins, toe loops, and camel spins. The entire rink was cheering and when they were finished the rest of our crew were hugging them and making a real fuss over them. The boys all headed to the snack area for pizza while Neil, Peter, Kori and I sat and talked about the future. It became obvious that Peter had real plans for making his art a much bigger business than it had been in Valberg. The afternoon passed quickly and we headed home for a nice quiet and relaxing dinner (?) of spaghetti with garlic bread, lots and lots of garlic bread. How nice it is to have teen chefs as part of our family and 3 Italian boys who are professionals at making garlic bread. Explanation: we stopped at Elmer's store and picked up 4 loaves of buttered garlic bread and Antonio, Marco, and Lorenzo sliced it and put it in the oven. It was really good! Dinner was over and the boys all headed off to play games and Neil, Peter and Kori were in the den or our office, as we sometimes call it. I was tired and there was a nice warm fire in the fireplace and the corner of the couch looked so inviting. I guess I dozed off and was dreaming of the days when Kori and Liam were little. I don't know what brought me back to reality but I wasn't alone. Some little munchkin had crawled up beside me and somehow had my arm around his neck and was sound asleep. If Kori or I ever say that these kids are trouble it's just not true, they've become our world. Justin opened his eyes, turned slightly toward me, and kissed my cheek, he didn't say anything got down from the couch and off he went. I was back asleep until I could smell the sweet aroma of popcorn. Soon the living room was filled and not an empty seat to be found as we watched, for the fifth time, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I had a friend beside me and he had a friend beside him; I bet you can guess who. Antonio. Antonio, not meaning anything, had his hand on my leg and was just kind of moving his fingers slightly; he wasn't even aware he was doing it. I did have to move slightly, his eyes never moved from the large screen TV, and my slight problem just went away. I placed my arm around his neck and pulled his head over just enough to kiss the top of his head and whisper in his ear ... "I think you're a terrific kid" then I let go. Antonio glanced at me with a big smile, kissed his finger and then touched my lips, kissed his finger again then did the same to Lorenzo. Amazing how the house remained so quiet and as the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie ended with Harry In the Hogwarts infirmary, and ... Professor Dumbledore explained that when Harry's mother died to save his life, that act left him with a magical protection ... and Ethan and Keith were acting out the last line .... and ... "I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer" ... that brought applause and laughs from the rest of us. Now ... I'm thinking just who were Ethan and Keith referring to; sure, isn't Dudley! Oh yes, and there was more and now several of our delightful crew have become actors and begging for the next movie in the series ... Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as Keith began ... "Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive." ... "STOP", ... Peter said ... It was 11:30 and I looked at Peter and Kori as they were acting like some kind of prison guards and `I' said . . . . "Chill" they're kids and the two of you were `kids' once too. I was having fun watching the boys as they were acting out the characters in the movie but, I probably shouldn't have said "chill" because it was being repeated and the next word, I spoke was ... "Bed" ... Oh and No Cookies in bed either. It was just after what I said that I heard Marco say . . . . "yeah, the crumbs kinda hurt down there." ........ as he was pointing to ... well, you know where. The house was quiet and we could hear the wind. The temperature had again dropped but Kori and Peter had stapled some large trash bags to the windows in the rug-rats room. We decided to keep the fire going for the night with Kori, me, Peter and Neil taking turns on the couch to watch it. Funny how things happen. It was our last night together and the separation of "the brotherhood of 9" in their separate rooms lasted not even 30 minutes. With their compasses around their necks, one after the other down the hall or up the stairs came till there were 9 on the living room floor. They were all cuddled up ... big ones wrapped around little ones ... little ones hugging big ones ... some in boxers and some in PJs. That was interesting as none were naked, at least for now, I think it was just the cold. As I left the living room my eyes were heavy and my brain was in a fog, I think I spotted an almost visible young prince riding a beautiful dragon................ ...........................The darkness of the night descended on our house here in Ashfield, Massachusetts and soon all were sleeping. I felt the warmth of Kori's arms as he pulled me to him, it was the last I remembered till the beauty of the morning sun began peeking around the curtains and filling our bedroom with golden light. Soon it was that wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee that had my feet hitting the floor. Kori and I dressed quickly and joined Peter, Neil and the rest of the gang in the kitchen for our last breakfast together, at least for a little while. The French Toast was very European and the can of whipped cream lasted only one time around the table. Breakfast finished it was time for showers and last-minute packing. Time for showers and the boys had decided the "schedule" and who would shower with who. Marco, Lars, Lukas, and the rug-rats all showered in the master bath, it must have been a very fun shower judging by all the giggles and laughs. Keith and Ethan were in the shower down the hall next to the rug-rats bedroom and it was quick, I think it was a little cool in that bathroom.......... ........After Ethan and Keith finished their shower the bathroom must have been warm because Lorenzo and Antonio showered and were taking forever. I asked Keith to tell Antonio and Lorenzo to hurry up and when he returned he said . . . . "XXX rated shower, Jake ... but I told them to hurry up." The X rated part had an obvious effect on Keith. There was one last meeting of "the brotherhood of 9" all wearing their new one-of-a-kind compass necklaces. There were hugs and a few more hugs as we loaded all the bags in the SUV and Keith's car. Keith and Ethan were on their way back to our house in New Haven with as much luggage as we could fit in Keith's car. Kori and I, with Justin, Kyle, Antonio and our other Italian exchange students, Marco and Lorenzo were off to the Little Italy section of Providence, Rhode Island. The trip was almost the same driving time as driving back to New Haven just 2 hours with no traffic. We pulled onto Vernon Street and stopped in front of this beautiful old Victorian Style house. We were not even out of the car when 3 boys about 9 to 12 came running to greet us followed by what can only be described as the very "typical" Italian mother. Kori and I introduced our selves and then all 5 boys to Maddalena Paolucci. First noticed by Maddalena was Antonio, who was nearly smothered by the hug he received, then Lorenzo and Marco and then our cherubs Kyle, and Justin. We all were invited in for home-baked Italian cookies, milk and coffee. Maddalena had to apologize to Kori for tea made with a teabag. The boys were all off exploring and Kori and I noticed suitcases and backpacks packed in the parlor just off the entrance hall. I asked if they had just returned from a trip ... then came a slight shock when Mrs. Paolucci said they were all leaving for Washington tomorrow on a school trip. Marco, along with Antonio, rug-rats, and the Paolucci boys arrived all excited about the trip ... that is all accept Lorenzo who looked very unhappy. Kori and I need to get back on the road and heading for New Haven but first, as previously arranged, had to call Alina to let her know everything was Ok and Lorenzo and Marco were safe and happy. We made the call and Alina answered and was so excited to hear Marco and Lorenzo. While Marco was speaking with his Mom and telling her all about the farm Lorenzo said . . . . "Uncle Jake I left something in the car" . . . . Kori gave Lorenzo the keys and he ran out to the car but returned quickly ... looked at me and said . . . . "Uncle Jake, the door won't open" ........ I don't know what's with the "Uncle Jake" he's never called me that. Kori was listening to Marco telling his Mom everything while I was being dragged out to the car to help Lorenzo. The door opened fine, no problem, and Lorenzo jumped in and said . . . . "Jake somethings not right" ........... I slid in next to Lorenzo who was very upset and he began saying . . . . "Jake, there's something not right. We didn't know about any trip to Washington, DC and there aren't any toys in their rooms just a few games; can you talk to my Mom, please and ask her if we have to go?" I knew Lorenzo was very upset. I'm betting it's because he doesn't want to leave Antonio. To be safe I said . . . . "Lorenzo give me your compass necklace. I, Kori and the boys will pretend to leave and I'll call your mother from a block or 2 away but where we can still see the house. This will give me time to talk to her in private. I'll pretend to find your necklace drive back and return it to you and let you know that everything is just fine and you and Marco can have a good trip to Washington with lots of fun." We walked back to the house and joined the gang and Lorenzo pretended to be unhappy because he lost his compass necklace. Kori, Antonio, Kyle, Justin and I said goodbye and got hugs from Marco and Lorenzo, shook hands with Maddalena and wished her and all the boys a happy trip to Washington. Once in the car, I let Kori know that Lorenzo was very upset and told him what was going on. We called Alina and asked about the trip to Washington only to find that Alina knew nothing about any trip. For that matter, she didn't know of any school trip for the boys while they were in Providence during the exchange program. The program was ending in June and then they were going to take a week to sail with Kori, me and our boys. I told Antonio to call his Grandfather ...... "Damn, he's in court" ... Antonio said .... I asked Antonio if he had an emergency number and he did but the judge wasn't happy about the call until I told him what was going on. I had to tell Alina that I would call her back. The Judge put me on hold and called the Catholic school that Marco and Lorenzo would be attending ............. Suddenly I heard Antonio's Grandfather say . . . . "Jake there is no school trip to Washington or any other trip out of State. There are no Paolucci kids registered at that school nor Lorenzo or Marco. Look at the house nearest you and give me the address............ .......... `Jake', did you hear me? ... the Judge said impatiently ... "I'm sending State Police to meet you there..................... what is your plate number?....... To be Continued: A Neglected Boy "The Twins LXII" Attached: ... Photos and song describing this old farm and Jake's feelings for Kori. The road between the fall colored trees and the pasture with the fence running along the right side is nearly exact for the upper and lower pastures in the story, I hope you will enjoy this little addition to the story.