Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 00:17:57 +0200 (CEST) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins XCIX From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins XCIX Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. ... There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Chapters most often are told by Jake Roberts some Chapters are told by Ethan or Keith A Neglected Boy "The Twins" Chapter 99 This Chapter will be told in 2 Parts Part 1 told by Jake ... ... Part 2 will be told by Keith Part 1 ........Ethan and Keith had only been gone 2 days, that's all just 2 days and things were so disorganized, a complete disaster from first light till we went to bed. I said first light not the sound of an alarm or the fact that "The Twins" were being as difficult as they could be ... ... no, it was because first light did not have the aroma of Amaretto coffee nor the sounds of teen voices and their laughing in the kitchen. Oh, did I mention that the Whippets are the laziest dogs you could ever imagine? Did I? Kori gets up grumpy, Justin and Kyle argue every chance they get and Silence and Penny have to dragged out of bed; it's almost as if they need help standing on all 4 legs, and they nearly refuse to go out and pee. Why the hell Kori and I agreed to let Ethan and Keith stay at the dorm is beyond me. Getting Kyle and Justin to take their morning shower has become torture for all of us, especially me and Kori. This didn't happen with the teens here. If it's Kori's turn to make breakfast, and he made pancakes then, "The Twins" wanted eggs, if I put `Cocoa Puffs' on the table they want `Froot Loops'. How many times do we need to ask Kyle and Justin to wear their school shorts and shirts after their shower? ... ... No, they have to fuss about it. What's the big deal? ... just come to the table dressed for school! A week ago, it wasn't like this ... things ran smoothly, for the most part. Kori and I were about to find out what was going on with our rug-rats. Penny and Silence were in their crates, the kitchen was almost in good shape, all the backpacks were at the door and we were ready to load up and head off for campus. Kori said . . . . "Ok `little monsters' let's hit the road" ... We were taking Kori's car as we usually do when we don't have a big crew and the need for the SUV. Justin and Kyle were standing by the backdoor of the car ... there was the clicking sound of the door locks. Kori simply said, .......... "Ok just don't stand there get in." .......... I was on the passenger side looking at Justin and it was at the same time I heard Kori ask . . . . "Kyle why the sad face and the tears?" ... ... Ok, here we go again. ... ... Kyle, and Justin show their emotion like this frequently, ... I think it's just the age thing. They aren't `really' what we would call "tweens", and not really `little' anymore they're somewhere in-between. It's an identical twins thing as Justin, loudly, answered Kori's question with........ "We're not a family anymore! Me and Kyle want Keif and Ethan home, not at the dorm. It's your fault you broke us up n let them stay there! Keif n Ethan needs to be here ... this is home not at some stupid dorm!" It took 10 minutes of hugs and more hugs and explanations to settle those, `not so little', little rug-rats down. They go from being `tweens' independent, obnoxious, narrowminded little brats to being the sweetest little kids you could ever meet. We did make it to campus and they had fully recovered to their regular beings. As they slammed the car doors Kori and I did get a big hug and we watched as they headed for the school door. Kori and I had time to run home and let the Penny and Silence out at lunch and we did start to talk about this morning's event. Ethan and Keith are going to graduate and that is going to bring about a rather huge change for all of us, for the family. Then we both thought about Kyle and Justin who are now going on 11. Neither Kori nor I have any idea where those 2 years have gone. We opened our arms to "The Twins" at 9 and we've seen so much as they have grown in age, not so much is height, but personality. The past few months have brought about a change in the way the family thinks and it was on our return to campus that Kori said . . . . "Jake, time is passing so fast and I'm looking at how much time we really have with `our boys'. Maybe it's more like how long before their gone?" . . . . I'm glad his last statement was when the engine stopped and I had a lecture starting in 8 minutes. I don't think I said anything, it was just a wave as I trotted off. This afternoon's history class was a 75-minute lecture on Mesopotamia, a historical region of Western Asia. Over the years I've given this lecture many times. Mostly I don't need to refer to my notes ... not today though. I started with ... "it lies within the Tigris-Euphrates river system". ... lost my train of thought started again, stumbled several times during the lecture. Students did notice. My mind continued to think of how fast time is passing and at one point I could see Justin and Kyle at their high school graduation ceremonies and not having spent the time with them I should have. This isn't what I want and I know it isn't what Kori wants either. I'm not sure how I got through this lecture, and I have 1 more today. I keep seeing Justin and Kyle in different stages. Middle school next year. Swim team, high school, dating? Driver license, driving, insurance, cars? What about dating? ... did I mention that? ... Who? Boy? Girl? ... Who? ... All these things keep going over and over like something on a loop. Next lecture in 20 minutes. I'm frustrated ... Kori and I need to really talk about this. I pulled out the cell phone ... phone that's a funny word we almost never use it as a phone we just send emotionless words. In the least number of words, I text Kori with ... `Kori, we need to talk before we pick up "The Twins" at the pool!' ..... the reply from Kori ... "K" .... that was all of the reply, not even a word just a simple letter "K". I know I'm overreacting, but, "K" just seemed to piss me off as if being dismissed. Somehow, I made it through the afternoon. Kori arrived at the pool at the same time as I. The "K" thing still in my mind. I just had to untactfully approach the subject. Yes I did, and then felt like a jerk when Kori explained . . . . "Jake I wasn't being rude with that answer, but I was with a student addressing his concerns over his project, the Pyramids of Giza." Then to make things a little worse I listened to Kori as he continued . . . . "Jake, I think we need to change directions with "The Twins". Remember when I was in middle school and all the time you spent with me? We were on the horses' trail riding, or hiking, fishing with Liam and Peter and well you know what was going on. I think if we keep going the way things are going now ... well, we'll miss out on a lot of things with Kyle and Justin." He wasn't finished and continued . . . . "I know how much you did for me. You put so much that you could have done aside to make sure I felt loved and to know that we were a family. I want the boys, all the boys to feel the same. Maybe there is a way we can take some time from the University, what do you think?" Kori had hit on the very subject I wanted to bring up. Financially we don't need as much now as 20 years ago. We need to get in and see them swim and then we agreed that Chinese would be good for dinner and maybe Ethan and Keith could go along. We entered the pool and walked past the office to almost the `men's locker room when we spotted our boys. They were swimming laps together, all 4 boys together. Kori and I knew that Ethan and Keith were keeping pace with Justin and Kyle, but it just looked so good. About halfway down the pool, not far from us, was a very good-looking boy cheering them on. We assumed it was Calvin by the description Ethan and Keith had given us. Laps finished the 4 very handsome boys in tight Speedos quickly approached and hugged Kori and I. ... ... Thanks now we're wet too! The other boy was introduced and indeed it was Calvin. ... ... Kori did ask Ethan why Kyle and Justin were in last year's Speedos. We had noticed they were a bit snug. Ask a question you get an answer, and it was that these are this year's Speedos and they hadn't shrunk it was simply that Kyle and Justin are growing ... so, some things just show a little more than they used to. Practice was over and we suggested Chinese for dinner ... The answer was a unanimous Yes! and Calvin was invited. I know that made everyone happy. Seems the rug-rats like Calvin too. ... ... Well what's not to like about this kid ... that's not a question it's a statement. Kori's car and the Willys too. After dinner, Ethan, Keith, and Calvin can just drive back to the dorm. ... ... Dinner was the usual favorites for everyone and then Kori gave Ethan $20.00 for games. Kori can be a little sly at times and this was one of those times. With the boys in the game room, we had the table and time to ourselves to talk. With an eye on the game room and some `spring rolls' in sight we decided to talk with the University tomorrow to see how things may be adapted to allow for Kori and me to spend more time with the boys. It was time to get Justin and Kyle home and help with homework (torture) and from what the teens were saying they had a good 4 hours of study. We were home and Kyle and Justin were in a very good mood so the evening went fast. Tonight, sleeping in our slightly crowded bed (Whippets are bed hogs) was just about as good as it can get. Kori was up early and the scrambled egg breakfast was perfect. ... Why was breakfast perfect you might ask? It was perfect because it had the most delightful little Korean boys all dressed in their school uniforms smiling and giggling at everything. That's why! Rug-rats were dropped at school and Kori and I had our first class and then we had arranged a meeting with the committee regarding scheduling for the next semester and next year as well. To our surprise, the committee had some excellent suggestions that will make it possible for Kori and me to spend more time with the boys ... both Justin and Kyle as well as Ethan and Keith. But that will be explained later ... for now things are looking good. The weekend at the farm was crazy but fun. It really can't be anything but crazy when there are 11 boys of various ages in various states of dressed and undressed running around. That doesn't even mention anything about Peter, who is mostly crazy all the time, and Neil who can be `Captain Bligh or Ahab' and of course never knowing when Deputy Morgan will just pop in for a visit. The farm is crazy most of the time but, it's a fun kind of crazy. This particular weekend was tons of fun with Justin, Kyle and their horny friends Sven and Carl. From some "overheard" comments from Antonio and Kris ... Kori and I found out that there was lots of playtime. Now about our living room ... well, with Antonio and Kris, add Ethan, and Keith, Calvin, Lars, and Lukas and that equals 11. Eleven what? Eleven boys ages 10.5 to almost 18. The living room was almost always a mess. The next few weekends were about the same. There is one very plus side to all the crew being at the farm on the weekends and that is that Kori and I get our bedroom to ourselves. The bedroom to ourselves can lead to all kinds of activity when all the boys are playing `their games'. I think you may understand what I mean by `playing their games'. ... ... We did find out something about what Calvin likes and doesn't like. Calvin has a boyfriend back in Denmark but, they haven't really done much so there was an agreement when Calvin came here to study at Yale. Activities with another boy can only be jerk off or BJ and he made it clear nothing more. Antonio and Kris, much to my surprise behaved with Calvin. This week is our long weekend in late October and Kori and I asked the boys if it could be just us spending the weekend together. I expected an argument and so did Kori. ... Nope, no argument not even a grumble from anyone. Kyle and Justin were excited to have Ethan and Keith to themselves. Kori and I really wanted this weekend, all 4 days, to be special and we had worked hard to plan things that would give us time to enjoy being a family. We had our little secret and the boys were in for a big surprise............ Part 2 ... This part of the story told by ~ Keith Ethan, ... hello Ethan did you hear what I just said? ... ... "Oh, sorry Keith. I know you asked something but I was buried in this report and it's due Tuesday afternoon when we return. Damn thing couldn't have come at a worse time I was looking forward to no papers just the weekend off with everyone." ... ... Yeah, I know I've got a few chapters to read and a brief summary to write but, Ethan it will be good to be just us this weekend. So, we're going home right after last class today maybe we can talk Jake and Kori to go to Zeneli's for dinner. ... "Keith that might not be good because if Antonio and Kris are there, they'll want to go with us tomorrow." ... ... Yeah, you're right Ethan ... Great Wall of China? ... ... "Yep, that would be awesome. Keith, maybe we could get some of the egg rolls to go for a snack later" ... ... Good thing we swim Ethan, egg rolls = extra laps. Class ended and we were home in 15 minutes and in the shower, without Kyle and Justin, and it was fun we actually had the shower to ourselves. I shouldn't have said that. We almost had the shower to ourselves. They don't ask they just drop their clothes and push right in. Ethan and I think it's hilarious they already had stiffies. Well, to be honest so did Ethan and I. Warm water with all 4 of us in ... a not so huge, shower-bath and all with very steel-like erections ... seriously you know what happened, ... right? One thing Ethan and I can say is that Justin and Kyle know just exactly what is the most fun for all of us ... Oh the twerps got what they wanted too. Our shower was over. Ethan, the rug-rats and I were all dressed and out on the back porch watching Penny and Silence chasing a ball. We waited quite a time before Jake and Kori decided they were all nice and clean from their shower. Ethan looked at me and winked ... yes, we know what took them so long. I hope they had as much fun as Kori, Kyle, Justin and I had. I dunno something just doesn't seem right. It's not that anything is wrong and I think Ethan has noticed it too. Jake and Kori are happy ... happy like they've had a few drinks happy that kind of happy. Happy like they know something that we don't ... and it's driving Ethan and me crazy. Then came the command, not a request, it was the typical Kori command to get the good cooler and the hot packs from the microwave. Neither Kori or I even knew they had put the hot packs in the micro. It was only 5 minutes later and the dogs along with Kyle, Justin, Ethan, and I were in the SUV with Kori driving. We pulled into a parking place at Great Wall of China and were told to stay in the car ... Jake was in and out in 3 minutes and some cute Chinese busboy was helping. Jake slid back in the SUV and we were off. Now Ethan and I know something is way not right. Were on 91 North heading to the farm and Kori and Jake are singing some college song that goes like this.......... .......... "give 3 cheers for old something -- something ... you bring the whisky and I'll bring the rye, send the `Freshmen' out for gin n don't let a sober `Sophomore' in ... we never stagger we never fall we sober up on pure alcohol, ... while the loyal faculty lies drunk on the barroom floor............" So, sing it twice and now the rug-rats are singing it with a Korean accent. We arrived at the farm ... dogs were out and running wild, rug-rats were out and running wild after the dogs that were running wild. I think what Kori said was supposed to be something of a request to help get things from the SUV to the kitchen but, it sounded much more like a command. He never said he was in ROTC so I wonder where he learned to `bark' like that. Everything in the `hot cooler' was our favorites including 12 spring rolls and 12 egg rolls plus dipping sauce. Dinner was finished and we had time for a quick trail ride then showers and Jake suggested we get a good night's sleep and maybe tomorrow do something special. It was the way Jake said `something special' he and Kori are up to something and I put money on it. Horses groomed and turned out and we all headed in for showers. Ethan and I had the pleasure of taking our shower alone. Kori and Jake had the pleasure of scrubbing the brats. The house was quiet and then something happened, then Ethan and I fell asleep. I like it when something happens. Geeeezze ... Mary n Joseph what was that? It sounded like a fire truck or a semi right outside our window. The sound of Justin and Kyle running from window to window was only interrupted by that bloody screaming of an air horn, whoever is doing it should be shot. Hung, n then shot again. We all ran to the front door ... at least Ethan and I did have boxers on Justin n Kyle were, as they usually are, naked, and how come Kori and Jake are already in shorts and t-shirts? The damn door is always hard to open and Neil said he was going to fix it. ... finally, the thing opened .... Holy Sh..! Some idiot has driven one of those huge busses down our driveway and parked right in front ... facing our front porch and door. Oh, wait maybe he's had a heart attack and needs help. The door opened, out climbs Neil, ... Ethan, being Ethan and much like Kyle, sometimes says things without thinking and shouted . . . . "Not funny Neil, you could have waited till after breakfast to show us where you like to spend your money. Not funny!" It turned out to be really funny, and Ethan had his mouth open trying to catch flies when Neil walked up and handed Jake the Keys and said . . . . "Hope you all have a great time she's a real beauty. Sleeps 10, large screen TV, full kitchen and a generator that will run most anything.".......... .......... Just then Peter, Lars, and Lukas arrived to get Neil, I think they had all visited the inside of the bus. Kori and Jake had the biggest smiles. Kyle and Justin had their shorts on now as Jake said . . . . "Maybe we should go see what it's like inside." . . . . Kyle and Justin were off the front porch in a single leap ... hit the grass and were inside the bus before the rest of us even touched the bottom step, never mind having a foot on the grass. "Dads, you guys hurry up!" ... ... I think Justin was referring to Ethan and me too. ... ... Ethan and I stepped up and in ... ...Wow! ... Neil only mentioned a fraction of what this thing has. The rug-rats were lost in the back investigating the bathroom and bunkroom. Kori and Jake just stood by the driver's seat and controls with the biggest smiles. Like "The Twins" Ethan and I in unison asked ... ... "What's going on?" ... Jake answered with . . . . "Hey, time for breakfast and a pow-wow, kitchen, pancakes and no arguments!" We had to help Penny and Silence to the ground and then it was a mad dash to the kitchen. We all had questions. We were pumping out the questions all at the same time. Usually Kori or Jake would have put a stop to it but, the two `Professors' just went right on making breakfast like they were the only ones in the kitchen. Kori had this sly little smile like a cat that just ate a canary. Jake wasn't paying any attention to anyone and kept stirring the pancake mix with this huge grin. Breakfast was on the table and Jake began to explain . . . . "Sometimes you guys think Kori and I don't listen to you, ... sometimes your right, sometimes we hear what you're saying and we don't know how to respond or we want you to figure things out on your own or at least try." Ethan whispered that he knew by Jake's tone that something big is happening. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that there was some big plan or there wouldn't be a huge tour bus sitting out front. Kori continued . . . . "about 7 weeks ago we had a family meeting. Keith, you started. Each of you talked about stress. Jake and I understood the stress issue, because like you, we also felt an enormous amount of stress and for quite some time. Jake and I talked to Kyle and Justin's teachers and even they noted a difference in "The Twins" being a little uptight about things. Jake and I have checked with all the involved teachers and guidance department to see how you are with all your subjects this Fall semester. Good work guys everyone is right on top of the game." Geeeeze ... I wish they'd just get to the point ... then Jake continued . . . . "Kori and I want to have more time with you guys. We wanted to try something to see if you like what Kori and I think would be a fun way to spend more time as a family. We rented the tour bus with the option to buy. We have the money from the insurance on Jabbering and the settlement from that Container company. So, here is the big question to you boys............... ............... Ethan looks like he's about to burst if Jake doesn't hurry up. Jake continued with the question . . . . "What if we spend long weekends and vacation time on adventures seeing parts of the country and National Parks? This is our trial weekend adventure to see if you guys like it." Justin and Kyle by their actions have already answered that question and I'm all in. That leaves the quiet one. I was looking at Ethan. No expression. Then came that big, count the teeth smile ... I think he was saying Yes, ... "Ok, ok ... let's get on the road." .... Kori said, and he continued with....... "pack for camping ... Oh, n bring all your homework too." ... "Do we have to?" asked Kyle ... Kori didn't answer the question he just gave the look and that was enough. Surprise the rug-rats didn't pout. No one thought to ask where we were going. No one really cared where we were going, ... we were going, and it was in that huge tour bus with the very loud air-horns. I think this is going to be a real adventure. ... Hmmm, I think a certain `someone' is excited, and he just pinched my butt, now something else is excited. ... ... `Don't ask what, ... that would be impolite!' Ethan and I helped the `Brats' pack. It was funny because they tried to just about take everything. We ended up with the Frisbee, soccer ball, baseball and gloves, Monopoly, and Clue. As fast as they were putting stuff in this oversized duffel bag Ethan was taking it out. We all did take an assortment of shoes and sandals. With Penny and Silences crates loaded we were ready for the road. So funny when Ethan asked if he could drive ... Everyone knows the look that either Jake or Kori can give ... the one that says `NO' or `STOP' .... well, Ethan got that look from both Jake and Kori. Did Justin and Kyle notice the look? ... `hell' yes, they did and then those `brats' gave Ethan the same look too. ... It takes a special license to drive this thing and we all got to see Kori and Jake's new `Class 1 chauffer' license. They've been sneaking off to a driving course n telling us they had a meeting ... `liars' notorious `liars'.!.! Click to see the bus The bus started with a roar, Kori at the wheel, and we were in very comfortable seats. Like it or not Jake made sure our seatbelts were on. Kori backed the bus around like he'd been a bus driver for 20 years, and we drove out our winding. I think we all asked where we were going about 20 times. ... About 20 times we were ignored, `thanks Jake nice of you'. Ethan noticed first, like this is some kind of game, that we were heading west. The sign said Troy and Interstate 88 West. Now it did become a game. All eyes were on the road, scenery, every little sign. Brats wanted their cameras and no Jake didn't let them get their cameras ... he did. We passed Troy and were on 88. Kyle spotted the sign for Cobleskill first. That started an argument between the `Brats' because Justin said he saw it first. Then Kyle said . . . . "If you saw the sign first why didn't you say the name or is it you can't read?" ... ... ... Good thing they're strapped in and 3 feet apart ... good thing Jake gave them the `Look'. Result of Jake's look ... Well, Kyle received from Justin ... Pouting. Finger. More pouting. Then to make matters worse Ethan and I were laughing at them, that is till we both got the `Finger' and then the `Look'. We passed `Oneonta, Otego, and Sidney and then the answer to our adventure destination. Long Pond State Forest ...... It was just two hours from the farm and the minute we turned in Justin and Kyle were unbuckled and glued to the windows. OMG, all we heard from the rug-rats was . . . . "Dad, Dad did you see that, Ethan did you see the slide in the water, Dad there's a float, Keif did you see the float? even canoes Dad." ... ... I think this might be better than Disney World not as crowded but, tons of fun. Ethan was sandwiched between Kyle and Justin at the side window and I was right behind him. Just so Ethan knew I was just as excited I gave him a little pinch like he does to me, ... that got his attention. Ha-ha ... what comes around goes around ... he did smile but, it was one of those dirty smiles ... like "I'll get you for that later" ... I'd like something later...... We found our campsite and Kori backed this big ole-bus right in all the way back to the end of the hardtop and the front bumper was right at the road ... ... we took up the entire length of the paved RV parking. Ok, this is interesting ... ... Kori and Jake got lots of hugs n "you're the best Dad, thanks for taking us here Dads" ... how sweet they can be. Time for Penny and Silence to go out on the leash ... all pets must be on a leash. Ethan said that should include Justin and Kyle. For that remark, he got the ... `finger' ... The finger thing has become quite frequent. The tyrants use it to express displeasure at almost anything ... as long as Jake or Kori doesn't see it. Ethan and I see it quite frequently ... ... and quite frequently the rug-rats enjoy a wedgie! ... ... it's called getting even. Ethan and I took the 12 legs for a walk and a little run too. Silence and Penny = 8 legs and "The Twins" = 4 so, that's a total of 12. The run was in the form of trying to catch Penny when Justin dropped the leash. I think Justin was messing with us because as soon as Ethan mentioned `bears' Justin called Penny and she was back at his side bloody quick. Damn little `brats' ... no, not the dogs, the rug-rats! The afternoon fun started with lunch. Fun is mostly an understatement because we let the monsters cook the hotdogs and burgers. The hotdogs were well done. You may wonder what I mean by well done. The outside according to Ethan was charcoal, and they were all bubbled up, and bursting open in many places. The burgers looked good on the outside and on the inside were red and dripping blood so they went back on the grill and then back on the grill and one more time back on the grill. Jake and Kori had to remind Ethan and me that learning to cook is an art and it takes time ... Oh, yes it did take time. As for those hotdogs, we just scraped the charcoal burnt spots and applied a lot of mustard and ketchup. So, they weren't so bad and the charcoal added a nice crunch. Lunch over, Penny and Silence had `mucho' snacks, umm pieces of hotdogs and raw burgers included along with their regular snacks. Back in crates and it was off to explore. We made it as far as the swimming area. Canoes, kayaks, big float tubes, volleyball net and other kids playing. What to do? ... ... Canoes and we had to be in teams. Is there a possibility for a nice relaxing paddle? ...Yes. ... Just not for us. We had to race. We had to race because Kori thought it would be fun. Ethan, Kori, and Kyle in one canoe and Jake, Justin, and me in the other canoe. We raced to the other side of the lake and back. There was lots of laughter and `nice' name-calling. We splashed each other using the paddles and almost overturned the canoes several times. It was a dead heat but, at the end Ethan, Kori, and Kyle were the winners. I grabbed Justin's hand just in time, explained about sportsmanship and not using the finger. Justin smiled. I would say he was a good sport and a good boy after all, however, he grabbed my middle finger and tried to lift it up at Ethan. There is no winning with these rug-rats at times ... other times they can be little angels. ... I like it when they are little angels ... heck I just like them. Back at the campsite, we found we had company. A family had moved into the campsite next to ours. They didn't have an RV they had tents. It was dad, mom and 4 boys. John came over and introduced himself and his 2 boys and their friends. The younger 2 boys, Caleb and Eli were the same age as Justin and Kyle and the older boy Colter and his friend Jace were 16. Justin and Kyle were invited to spend the night in the tent with Caleb and Eli but, that is for the next Chapter ....................................... Comments to To be Continued: A Neglected Boy, "The Twins" As always, my sincere thanks to everyone who have taken time to email with comments or question. Please remember to stay safe and be kind to others. Jacob See you soon, ... ... Jake and the entire crew from A Neglected Boy series