Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:41:28 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy: Visitors From: Subject: A Neglected Boy: Visitors Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. ... There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Chapters most often are told by Jake Roberts, however, sometimes they are told by the boys.... Copyright © Jacob R. Lion 2018 - 2023 All Rights Reserved. License is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. and WordPress for electronic publication on the website and WordPress @ ... All rights reserved. "Visitors" A fictional story by Jacob R. Lion Told by Jake At the end of the last Chapter "A Phone Call" the scene was like this... ... Bin's sleeping mat was empty, not used, not needed ... Bin was in the center of the group. On one side he had Penny on the other side was Silence ... ... next to the Whippets, Justin and Kyle with their arms over the dogs, and resting on Bin. .......... Kori snapped a picture. ... ... We crawled back into bed, and just as I turned out the light Kori said ... "I can't wait for Liam to visit". Visitors My eyes opened slowly, very slowly. I think I'm still mostly asleep or in some kind of fog. I remember getting Kori sometime in the night to go take a look at the boys, and that's about all I remember. ... ... ummm, I think that's coffee, I think that's Amaretto coffee, and bacon, yes that's definitely bacon. I'm awake, and now so is Kori. My body somehow found its way to turn and put both feet on the floor. Then I turned around, pounced on the bed, grabbed Kori's arm pulled him across to my side and politely dumped him on the floor. Well, at least that is what my imagination was thinking. I have no idea how Kori beat me to the bathroom but he did. I need to pee. He seems not to be in any hurry ... I need to pee ... it's Ok with me if he's already there ... he's seen `things' before; so I'm going, and nothing is going to stop me! The feet, that would be my feet, found their way to the bathroom, ahhhh relief. He never paid any attention to me and just kept on brushing his teeth. Kori and I took time for a quick wash up, combed hair, then back in the bedroom to find something for a cool morning. I had to slap his hand when he tried to help adjust the front of my sweatpants. ... I didn't slap his hand very hard but, I really wanted some of that coffee. So other things, like what he was trying to start, will just have to wait till a more appropriate time. I swear sometimes Kori acts just like he's 16 ... meaning he'd sleep till noon if I let him; oh, and he'd like "special activities" 3 times a day. I will admit he's slowed down a little in the last year. ... I just hope he doesn't slow down much more ... you know the saying `if you don't use it you'll lose it'. ... Now that I'm thinking about it ... that was very exaggerated ... but, he would sleep till 9:30. We walked into the kitchen to find Keith and Ethan making like this was some kind of gourmet restaurant with nicely set places on the table including place cards at each plate. ... Wait!, ... there are 7 of us. Me, Kori, Ethan, Keith, Justin n Kyle, and Bin ... so why are there 8 settings and chairs? ... Yes, I was thinking and Ethan read my mind when he said ... "Oh, Liam called said he was on the way ... so I asked him to join us for breakfast." Ethan did you think to invite Abby, the kids, Neil, Peter n their brats? ... "Ha-ha you're very funny Mr. Jake ... he did say to tell `Dad' thanks." ... Ok Ethan can you make sure my eggs are sunny-side up n perhaps Keith can remember I like my toast toasted not just warm bread. "Keith, forgive his remarks, he's a little grouchy because I got to the bathroom first but, I like my toast the same as his `toasted' you know it shows a little brown, and the peanut butter melts when you spread it." ... Kori, did you just use me to make your point? Perhaps you should remember what you started this morning, and would like to finish later, or maybe I'll reconsider ... and just leave you all worked up. The look and smiles I just got from Keith and Ethan then I think Keith mumbled something about Kori being horny. ... "ummm, did you two `parents' forget about Bin? `Extra circular activities' were your exact words, n, I think I've heard something about `practice what you preach' a time or two around here." ... with that Kori looked at Keith and asked, "how are the pancakes and toast coming?" Well we know so far everyone is in a very good mood, and it looks like the day is off to a great start. It's always great when there is fun in the kitchen. Now speaking of `everyone', where are the `three musketeers'? ... Keith answered that question ... "Oh, they went to take a shower". What!!? ... all 3? ... all 3, at the same time? ... "Yeah, I think so, or Justin and Kyle are showing Bin how to work the shower. ... Well, Kori doesn't seem to be alarmed. ... Well, I'm not alarmed, but I think I'd better go check if they're almost ready for breakfast, and let them know Uncle Liam is on his way. I walked out of the kitchen n down the hall, passed Ethan and Keith's room toward the `twerps' bathroom. ... I could hear giggling, that may not be a good sign, the door was open, and I could plainly see 3 silhouettes all in the tub and under the shower. I had to think ... ummm, I don't want to make an issue of this ... ahhhh, I know ... Hey you guys what's up?; breakfast is almost ready. ... "Dad' nothing's up, no hanky-panky, n you gots any of that good first-aid cram? Maybe you better look at Bin's back." Well, the door was open and it's "The Twins" we're talking about ... maybe I'm being an alarmist ... maybe I'm not it's just "The Twins" we're talking about. ... I walked in, Kyle slid the shower curtain back just enough for me to see Bin's back, nothing else, just his back. I tried to hide my feelings and told Kyle and Justin to be very careful and just pat his back dry n I'd put some first aid cream on later. As I walked back into the hall I told them they better finish and get ready for a gourmet breakfast. I had to laugh to myself as I headed for the kitchen ... what was I thinking when I marched down to their bathroom? I need a good kick in the pants. Well the timing was perfect ... I walked into the kitchen at the same time as Liam. He and Kori were shaking hands, and Keith was handing him a cup of `My' coffee. ... "Hi Dad, where's Bin and the rug-rats?" ... I had my fun when I told him they were the shower. "What? ... all 3 in the shower at the same time? Dad what were you and Kori thinking?" About the time Liam got his last word out, and was heading for the hallway ... 3 very cute Asian kids rounded the corner and ran smack-dab right into him. ... Problem! ... Bin immediately froze, looked down and bowed in respect. ... Before Liam could say or do anything Justin and Kyle hugged Bin ... then they did the explanation about not bowing ... "no here, no here in house, no here" ... Bin smiled and shook hands with Liam. I think we were a little confused because we thought Liam said that he and Bin got along good. Thank goodness Liam explained that he had been working on it. It seems that it's how Bin had been brought up in China. Bow to all elders, show respect even to his mother and father always. Penny and Silence had been out playing in the snow. It was the first thing Ethan and Keith did before setting the table. The Whippers, after playing in the snow, had been in their kitchen beds until Liam walked in, and now were sitting next to the `trio'. We may have to think of a name for the `trio' something besides `The 3 Musketeers". Breakfast was served ... pancakes, Ethan's amazing scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, not warm bread, hot chocolate, coffee, tea, several types of jams, and of course peanut butter. We were all digging in, talking, passing jams, butter, and milk, and just enjoying breakfast as a family. Kyle and Justin were helping Bin ... it was interesting he didn't know what `honey' was, but when he tried it ... we all realized that he really loved it. It was on his pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon, and he had this smile from ear to ear. I think that was the best compliment Keith and Ethan could have received. When breakfast was over all our plates were empty. Not the slightest smidgen remained ... if it had we're sure Bin would have found it. He's small but can he eat! and we all loved it. "Hey, I've got a good idea ... Keith and Ethan made this amazing breakfast I think all the boys could use a little fresh air, and we'll do the dishes and clean things up. Oh, I'm sure Penny and Silence will love to go too." I think Liam just volunteered me, Kori and himself to clean the stack of dishes, cups, bowls and pans ... but, I also see he has something else in mind. If I'm correct he has something to tell Kori and me, and the boys need to be out of the house. Ethan and Keith picked up on that too. Two very handsome teens and three very cute younger boys were dressed in their winter clothes. Bin was the cutest wearing some of Justin's winter sweats, and a very large winter hoody. The three of us realized just how small Bin is because Justin's hoody isn't that big. The crew followed Silence and Penny out the door down the steps and into the 8 inches of new snow. ... Yep, it looks like they've already started a snowman, or are they throwing snowballs? ... My interest in the outside fun was interrupted when Liam said ... ... "Dad, ... Kori we need to talk" I already didn't like the tone of this conversation or how it sounded `official'. Then Liam got right to the point. ... "This afternoon about 2pm the state child advocate will be here to visit with you guys. She will have the papers placing Bin in your care temporarily. You are not being made legal guardian as you were with me till you adopted me. This is just a temporary placement. Dad, your face says you're not happy, and looking at Kori neither is he." Liam I understand it's the process. Do you have any suggestions, anything that may help? ... ... "Yes I have one suggestion, and I need to speak with Ethan and Keith about it. I need to ask them if they would be willing to move their bedroom down to what was the music room, where I made a temporary bedroom for Bin. That would keep the 3 younger boys up here, and make Bin feel a little more comfortable. At the same time it would give Keith and Ethan a little more privacy. What do you guys think?" Kori jumped right in with ... "I think it's a great idea, I was ready to turn our office into a bedroom for Bin. I think your idea is even better." ... I was up and out on the back porch in a flash. I shouted to Ethan and Keith that I had a question and they came a running while Kyle, Justin, and Bin continued to build the snowman. ... Hey, guys you think you could move your bedroom downstairs? It'll be just temporary ... that way Bin will be on the main floor with Justin and Kyle. "Sure n we can do it now while Liam is here to help." ... well, that was easy and a little funny too ... not as good as "The Twins" but Keith and Ethan both said the same thing almost in unison. Liam and Kori were just finishing the dishes when I gave them the news that we were having a moving party and Liam will be helping! ... Kori went to call the boys n dogs and give them the news. It was excitement with the 3 of them ... well actually the 5 of them. I think Ethan and Keith realized the advantage to this move for them. ... hmmm, I'll just leave it there. Snacks for the dogs, and snacks for the boys. Yes, they had just finished breakfast ... and what does that have to do with needing snacks? ... These boys need snacks on the hour every hour, and sometimes Kori and I even join them at 3 in the morning. The refrigerator gets raided frequently. "Dad, `Dad' I gots a better idea Dad, n we don't have to move all that `teen' stuff ... just leave Ethan and Keith's bedroom where it is ... just put the bed from downstairs in our room we gots plenty of room. Bin will have fun n we don't mind at all, do we Kyle?" ... Kyle agreed with thumbs up! Kori looked at me and Liam ... he had this big smile. Who ever said 11-year-olds weren't clever, sneaky, devious, conniving, and a little on the shady side had never met Kyle and his `Twin' sidekick Justin. Oh, their idea seemed reasonable enough, that is to some outsider that had never spent more than 5 minutes with `The Twins'. Just think about two 11-year-olds with a 9-year-old, and remembering them tying their `Speedos' on the forestay of Jabbering; then waving `naked' to everyone as we entered the harbor at Block Island. Why Kori and I would give them 48 hours, at the most, and that cute 9-year-old `Bin' would be just like them. Sadly, Liam broke the news to Justin and Kyle ... Ethan and Keith would be moving down to the old music room. Bin was taking all this in with a funny expression on his face. I think he got some of it but not all of it. Bin did know he was getting the bedroom just a few feet from `the Tyrants' and he seemed to be very excited about that. Swapping the beds was quick. Now we had to make Bin's new bedroom look like a 9-year-olds bedroom or `boy cave'. ... No problem. Justin and Kyle had that job in hand. They grabbed Bin and hauled him off to their bedroom. Next thing we knew here comes Bin, Kyle, and Justin with flags, posters, toys, games, puzzles, stuffed toys, that Kori and I don't even know where they got them. That stuff was dropped in the middle of the bedroom with a directive from Kyle ... "You guys gets a hammer n some nails, small ones, that stuffs there gotta go on the wall." ... I guess Kori and Liam got told what they needed to do. I think I was left to supervise because Kyle was pointing to Liam and Kori not me. I spoke to soon as Justin looked at me and I heard very plainly "Dad don't just stand there we gots more stuff to move n need your help. ... ahhh, the whole hot wheel, and Lego set, was to be moved to the center of Bin's bedroom so there would be plenty of room for all 3 boys to sit around it. Noon. ... It was just noon, and believe it or not, what was a typical teen room, and even smelled like a teen room, was now a 9-year-olds `boy-cave', complete with underwear, socks, and PJs on the floor near the bed. Kyle and Justin could be interior decorators, as they stood at the bedroom door arms folded looking so proud at their `creation'. "What's for lunch?" that was Liam who said that. .. Geeeeze ... is it that time already? ... I looked at my watch, Kori n Liam looked at their watch, and Keith said ... "Toasted cheese and tomato soup is all we have time for before the state child advocate arrives." I think it was already decided ... Ethan put 2 large cans of tomato soup on the counter and Keith was piling the slices of bread on the cutting board. Six small Italian tomatoes quickly found the blender. Seconds later those tomatoes were a thick tomato sauce and Ethan added them to the large soup pan for a real authentic taste. Liam has a great idea ... Let's help Keith and Ethan open a restaurant. The teens smiled, thanked Liam for the thought, but declined. We were all around the table at 12:24 to be exact. Toasted cheese sandwiches and piping hot tomato soup were served at precisely 12:28. Sandwiches and soup wolfed down, and dishes in the sink, and table wiped at 12:52. I think we all looked at our watches at the same time. ... Then Liam said ... "Well, I think we've accomplished the impossible and Bin's bedroom looks great thanks to Kyle and Justin, and their creative ideas. Now we've got about an hour before Neil or Peter and our `visitor' arri......" ... knock, knock, knock. Liam didn't even get the last word out ... someone was knocking at the front door and it scared the hell out of me. ... There was a disappearing act and 5 boys just up and vanished. Our predesigned plan went into play ... The idea was that when the State Child Advocate arrived, ... Bin, Kyle, and Justin would be in Bin's bedroom playing with the Hot Wheels. This would give me, Kori and Liam, who already has spoken to the Mrs. Puccini, a minute or two to sound out the visit before it really happens. The door opened and a very attractive lady was introduced by Neil. She was thin, about 5' 8" and wearing a cute sweat outfit. I assume that is so not to look official when speaking with Bin. Mrs. Puccini had one of the voices that is just delightful to listen to. She began to explain ... "Dr. Roberts, Dr. Preydon, and Liam thank you for agreeing to this visit in your home. It is so much better to speak to Bin where he will feel comfortable than at our facilities which would be unfamiliar, and perhaps put him on edge." Kori glanced at me and I knew he was thinking the same as I was ... I like this lady, so gentle and polite. Then Mrs. Puccini continued ... "Please understand this is just a preliminary visit. If everything goes well the State will grant you `temporary foster parent status'. In this case where Bin was found abandoned, and without any previous history you will not be given `legal guardianship' that will remain the States position." Mrs. Puccini speaks very well and under the conditions, as she stated, it is I think, normal procedure. In any case "The Judge", Henry, will follow every step. I thought we were, or she was about to go visit with Bin. I needed to think again when she continued .... "Liam, Drs. Robert and Preydon after my visit today there will be a visit with a Chinese speaking child phycologist, and I am in hopes that you will be willing to allow that visit to be here as well." ... she paused giving Kori and me time to respond. What could we say? ... of course we said that would be in the best interest of Bin. Now it was time for Mrs. Puccini to visit with Bin. Kori and Liam walked her down to Bin's bedroom; I went to the kitchen a complete nervous wreck. Just a minute later Kori and Liam joined me, they weren't in any better shape, and Kori was visibly shaken. Kori paced, Liam sat at the table with his head in his hands in anticipation. ... It wasn't long maybe 5 or 6 minutes before Mrs. Puccini walked in with Bin, Kyle and Justin all seeming to be her best friends. She spotted the coffee ... "May I join you, I'd love a cup of coffee." ... What?, she just asked to join us, and have a cup of coffee, my Amaretto Coffee, and no cream or sugar. Nothing could have been better, and I'm smiling ... Kori looks better and Liam is pouring the coffee. ... Bin, and "The Twins" are having OJ with diet sprite. ... What a relief! "Well", is how she started, and then continued ... "I must say you have the best home, the nicest boys I've visited with in a very long time. They even let me play with the `Hot Wheels', and Bin seems very happy and is even speaking some English." I'm sure there will be no problem with temporarily granting `Foster parent status'. ... Would it be convenient for the "other lady to visit tomorrow about the same time?" I think she used `the other lady' making it sound as another friend rather to draw attention to `Chinese speaking child phycologist'. ... In any case Kori and Liam looked at me like I was the one to make that decision; and I did ... Of course Mrs. Puccini that would be perfect. I think everyone understood by the smiles that we would be seeing her tomorrow; actually I think "Three Musketeers" were looking forward to it. The boys thanked Mrs. Puccini for not winning the race, and then said goodbye as they headed to the hall and returned to Bin's bedroom. Liam escorted the very nice Mrs. Puccini out, and Kori and I had a glass of wine or 2, or 3. It was perhaps an hour when Liam returned very happy and let us know how pleased she was. It looks like one more `visitor' and things will be on the way to maybe adding a new `boy' to the family. Look who decided to join us ... that would be Keith and Ethan with Keith appearing a little flushed, and Ethan with a slightly sheepish if not guilty grin. ... I think at least Kori and I know what they might have been doing or what Ethan did and Keith enjoyed ... and that was while we had a visitor! The subject wasn't even brought up when everything went in a much different direction with Keith saying ... "Don't we have a birthday party to plan?" ... and thoughts of anything went right out the window. Ethan looked at Justin and Kyle n asked ... "Hey squirts what do you guys want to do for your birthday?" Perfect timing Ethan! ... I think he asked that questions to redirect thoughts in a different direction ... perhaps away from thinking about `Chinese speaking child phycologist' ... no that wasn't why, but it did work. I do have to give him credit for reminding us that we do have a birthday party to organize. I think it's time for some hot chocolate, cookies and a family meeting. Liam said he thought we could handle those arrangements, and headed back to see what was going on with Peter and Neil at the `Boy's Home' now called "The Country Village". Kori went to round up the boys. I called Penny and Silence and took them out ... it's a good excuse when I need a break. ... If I were to be very honest with myself I'd have to say, "self, your emotionally exhausted". ... Thing is I'm not that honest, I keep telling myself everything is just fine. "Jake, do you want hot chocolate or coffee with the boys? ... calling Jake, calling Jake" .... I turned facing the back porch ... it was Kori and I hadn't heard what he had asked. Maybe I did hear but it just didn't sink in ... so Kori asked again ... "hot chocolate or coffee with the boys?". I smiled as the Whippets ran passed me, I'd love to have their energy, then I let Kori know ... Amaretto Coffee please with a nice spoon of vanilla ice-cream. As we walked through the back door Kori was gently rubbing my back ... you know in that friendly way that says "it'll be ok". Yes, Kori and I have shared a life together. We know each well, so nothing needs saying when there may be some little thing bothering us; we do our best at hiding it. We try not to bother the other person with our thoughts on some matters. I don't know why we do it because it doesn't work. ... I know how he feels and he knows how I feel ... all the time. The kitchen was full of smiling faces and lots of chatter. Some of that chatter wasn't in English. Funny how Bin, Chinese, and Kyle and Justin, Korean, find it so easy to communicate. Let's give the brats a little credit because they're teaching Bin some English too. Justin and Kyle have their Birthday wish ... no presents ... all they want is to load up the bus, go to Zeneli's Pizza for lunch, then Mystic for the afternoon with the planetarium show for Bin to see, then Great Wall of China for dinner. Well, that doesn't seem like much does it? Just load up the bus. Then they started with the names, there are the 7 of us, Uncles Peter n Neil, Lars, Lucas, Antonio n Kris, Henry, Mario n Lorenzo ... ... "wait a second" ... Kori caught those 2 names n looking at Justin and Kyle said ... "Oh, n you `two trouble makers' are paying for their flight from Italy or are you taking all of us there?" The Twins were laughing ... "just seeing if you were paying attention Dad" ... Kyle said. ... Then Kori winked at me and told the crew, "Sounds like a good plan boys ... Friday, that's three days from now so you better start working up a good appetite." ... I don't think we have to worry about their appetite. The afternoon weather was perfect for games. Out came the good ole monopoly game. Keith looked at Justin then pointed, and his words were "if you cheat I won't give..." ... Justin scrambled, tackled Keith n covered Keith's mouth with his hand so Keith never finished what he was going to say. ... "I won't cheat Keif, Ok?" For some reason Ethan turned red, very red. I knew, at least I think I knew what Justin thought Keith was going to say ... but I think Keith wasn't really going to say it. I also think that Ethan and Keith know that `The Twins' may make visits to the teen's new bedroom downstairs. Judging by Justin's reaction I bet he's already made some kind of plan with "Keif". Kori and I let the boys play and began to look at a time schedule for the trip. No doubt we will be on the road early 6:45 would be good. If everything goes without any problem then we could be at Mystic by 9:30, Zeneli's at 1:30, then stop at the University pool for 3 or 3:30, swim for 2 hours, then off to the Great Wall of China for dinner at 6 ... and home by 10pm. ... I'm tired just thinking of all that could happen that day. The pool shower room always gets me a little concerned. Now what is it they say about making plans? Right now it all sounded good. Kori decided Liam's Shephard's Pie would be good for dinner. Fortunately we have several in the freezer. I have no idea what we would do without that freezer. We like to make the bottom half of the Shephard's Pie and freeze it ... then it's easy to thaw, just add fresh mashed potatoes to the top, and pop it in a 375 degree oven till the potatoes have those nice brown twirls on top. I'm already hungry just thinking about it. Kori was having the best time getting dinner ready. I was having the best time watching Kori getting dinner ready, and listening to the constant laughter from the living room. Bin has the cutest little laugh; it's like a combination of a giggle and a laugh at the same time. Out of nowhere Kori spun around, looked at me, and said ... "Jake we can adopt him, I want to adopt him, what do you think?" ... What do I think? I think Kori knew the answer, but had to ask just to hear what I'd say. The answer is ... as soon as possible Kori. I think Henry probably knew we would want to adopt him, actually I think that was his intention all along. Kori wanted to talk to all the boys. We knew they answer would be `Yes'. We also knew we would have to wait till after this `Chinese speaking child phycologist' had finished speaking with Bin, and perhaps given us some recommendations for schooling, and maybe an English language tutor. At this point we were very optimistic. I think Mrs. Puccini will work with Henry to expedite the process. The kitchen smelled wonderful. Liam's Shephard's Pie was about to come out of the oven. I stood at the hall entrance to the living room and let the boys know it was time to wash up, and get ready for dinner. It was a mad dash down the hall to the bathroom to wash hands immediately following my announcement. At the table Kori and I heard all the info about who was winning at Monopoly, and that Justin was playing fair. Bin had never played the game so Ethan was his partner. You know, I'm beginning to wonder about all that talk of fighting, crying, screaming at "The Village" ... there has not been one incident here. He loves being with Kyle and Justin, and looks for every chance to get hugs from Keith and Ethan. It has always been, at least Kori and I have tried, that dinner is family time. Tonight was a great example. Passing biscuits, butter, chatting about this and that and the most important thing "the smiles". We were at the table for more than an hour. To finish the meal it was sliced bananas covered in chocolate syrup and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The night ended with a little TV then off to bed for everyone. Tomorrow would be a big day. Kori and I tucked Bin in, and then we were off to bed. I was up a little after 3, as usual middle of the night pee, then a little walk to check on Bin. Surprise, not really, but still not what I expected. I figured I would find Bin in with Justin, Kyle, Penny and Silence or they would all be in Bin's bed. So it wasn't a surprise when I pushed open his door ... well, maybe it was a little surprising to find Bin in-between Ethan and Keith. I don't know whose idea it was, and really don't care. They were all sound asleep. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time Bin was feeling loved. I returned to bed feeling all warm and happy inside. Kori asked ... "Everything Ok?" ... Yep, just fine go to sleep. I got a slight pinch, you know one of those `I love you pinches'. Morning came with the aroma of coffee and bacon. Good breakfast for everyone then it was winter clothes on, and out the door for some winter fun. Morning went fast; lunch was like yesterday, with grilled ham n cheese sandwiches and mushroom soup. We decided to change to a little better dress for our `Visitors' they seem to be a little more important today. Kori's cell ... "Kori let Jake know we are on the way, there is another person from the Chinese Consulate along ... very formal" ... ... Kori showed me the text ... interesting. Why would there be a person from the Chinese Consulate? There wasn't really any time to think about it. Liam was knocking at the front door. Ethan and Keith vanished into thin air. Kyle, Justin and Bin stood in the middle of the living room ready to greet Mrs. Puccini, and the other two ladies. Kori and I stood behind the boys trying to smile. The door opened; Liam stepped to one side as Mrs. Puccini entered followed by Lili Sheng, the `child phycologist', and Xi Chau from the Chinese Consulate. Lili Sheng is a young and very attractive woman. Xi Chau, was, as best I can describe, an older woman in her late fifties, medium height, thin, wearing tan, snugly fitting almost uniform like, dress. She greeted us with a slight bow, and refused to shake our hands. She had the personality of a rock. I think she may have been a prison camp guard at some time. Mrs. Puccini asked if Lili could have the pleasure of visiting with Bin for a little while in his bedroom. Liam showed them to Bin's bedroom; it was only two minutes later that Liam and Mrs. Puccini returned. Then Kori and I were told that Mrs. Puccini was asked to remain with us. Justin and Kyle went to their room then Kyle walked into the kitchen ... "we don't like that lady!" and walked right back out. Liam, Mrs. Puccini, Kori and myself were discussing this and that about Bin, how he was found, where he had been, where were his parents. For fifteen minutes, fifteen long minutes we turned what we didn't know this way and that way. Lili and Xi Chau walked into the kitchen. Xi Chau stood close to the hallway. She was hard to read, her face completely non-expressive. Then Lili spoke. "Bin, is a delightful little boy." ... "We all already know that" Kori said. ... Lili continued ... Dr. Preydon this will be difficult for you, Dr. Roberts, and Liam to hear. ... ... Miss Sheng please hold your thoughts, I need to check on Bin. ... I also needed to regain some composer, I was about to fall apart. I went to Justin and Kyle's bedroom and was relieved to find "The Three-Musketeers" watching some cartoon; I think it was an old roadrunner cartoon, n they were cracking up laughing. Back in the kitchen Lili continued ... "This is difficult; first let me explain why Xi is here. When Bin was found there were police reports, and you know the TV news also reported it ... then it just disappeared from the news. That was because of some other similar reports over the past year in different states so they squashed any further reporting. They didn't want to alert the perpetrators at this point". Kori and I were becoming very alarmed. ... Lili continued ... "I know Xi looks a little stern, but in the room with Bin she was very warm, and friendly with Bin. They even joked about some things in China. The object was for her to hear what Bin said about how he came to the United States." She continued ... "Bin is from a small village in a very poor part of the hills area in North China. He has two older brothers, and two young sisters. They have no money, and very little food. Bin said a man came to their house and gave his father some money, and then he was told to go with the man. You need to understand this is done not only there but in other parts of the world as well. Children sold, and traded." The next part as Lili continued ripped me apart, "Bin was given to another man who put him, and several other boys, in a shipping container and that is how he arrived in the states. He doesn't know where the ship landed just that it was very hot. From there he was given to a man and he ended up beaten and left outside that store." Things couldn't get worse! That was until what Lili said next. "Xi has called their Consulate, and has received an email that says, they have notified `U.S. immigration' that "Bin is here illegally", and the Chinese Consulate will take custody of him for his immediate return to China". To be continued: Many thanks for all the amazing emails I received after the last chapter posted, please continue, ... I always enjoy reading your comments. Stay safe... Jacob Please support Nifty to keep stories coming.