©2019 by Gamin Paramour

Comments are incredibly welcome, and I intend to answer everyone.(gaminparamour@protonmail.com)

1) This is fiction, although it's Based on a True Story! (Unless the guy was bullshitting me, but I don't think he was.)

2) Stay safe. Don't break the law.

3) Please donate to Nifty if you possibly can.

Part 14

The sound of the doorbell was still echoing in the front hallway when Matty raced past me and flung open the door.

“Cousin Chris!” he exclaimed and launched himself at the tall man he had never laid eyes upon in his young life. Chris smiled in surprised delight as the boy threw his arms around his waist and hugged him in a vise grip.

“Matty, I presume?” Chris said as my boy squeezed him and pressed one cheek against his muscular stomach. To me he said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if I was the mailman?”

“I feel like I’ve known you forever!” Matty gushed.

I checked over my shoulder to see if Susan was in sight, then said softly, “I may have told a few stories.”

“Lies,” Chris said. “All lies.”

Matty looked up at Chris and whispered just loud enough for the two of us to hear, “I hope not. I want to hear them all over again, this time from you!”

When Matty finally disengaged Chris took a good look at him. “Jesus, Cuz,” he said, “you weren’t kidding, were you?”

Matty blushed, something seen less often than Bigfoot.

“Nope,” I said. “You don’t have to exaggerate with a kid like Matty.”

“So,” came Susan’s voice from behind me. “This is the famous Cousin Chris.”

I smiled and slid an arm around her waist as she sidled up. “In the flesh,” I said. “Chris, this is my much, much better half, Susan.”

“Very nice to meet you, Susan,” Chris said, reaching out a hand to shake, but Susan waved it off and instead stepped forward to give him a warm “family hug” and a kiss on the cheek.

“So come on,” she said. “We don’t have to do the whole visit standing on the front porch.”

Matty grabbed his hand and started pulling him inside. “Chris! Chris!” he said excitedly. “Come see my trampoline! Adam got it for me for my birthday!”

I shrugged and said, “That will work, because we have drinks set up on the patio and you can see the trampoline from there.”

Soon we were settled on the patio with beers, chips and salsa, with Matty happily bouncing on his beloved trampoline. “Look what I can do, Chris!” he called, and proceeded to do a perfect forward flip, followed by three equally perfect back flips in a row.

“Wow, Matty!” Chris said, with a little too much enthusiasm. “You’re really good at that!”

“Don’t encourage him too much,” Susan said, “unless you want to spend the next hour watching him show off.”

“Oh, Honey,” I said. “Matty’s just excited. He’ll settle down in a minute.”

“It’s true,” Susan acknowledged. “He’s not usually like this, but he’s been looking forward to your visit for weeks now and he’s a little manic.”

“It’s fine,” Chris said, beaming at Matty across the yard. “I really am impressed.”

Susan took a drink of her beer and said, “So tell me again what brought you to town. Adam only said it was for your job.”

“Yeah,” Chris said, “actually I’m just starting a new job, and the company’s headquarters is here. I’m doing a week of orientation and training, but the job itself is out of the Seattle office. To be honest I’m a little nervous because it’s a really big change for me.”

“How’s that?” Susan asked.

“Well, I’m a chemical engineer by training, and I’ve spent most of my career working in process control in chemical plants. For eight years I worked in the control room at a small chemical products manufacturer in Seattle, but then eighteen months ago I got promoted to Manager. It’s a decent job, but I effectively took a pay cut because I was a salaried employee all of a sudden and didn’t get overtime anymore. The guys who reported to me made more than I did.”

“That doesn’t seem fair,” Susan said.

“Not to me, either,” Chris said. “I tried to give the promotion back but they said it was Manager or nothing, so I picked nothing.”

“Good for you!” Susan said with a smile.

“I didn’t actually quit then and there, you understand,” he said. “I’ve grown accustomed to eating, and having a roof over my head. But I did start looking for a new job, assuming I’d end up back in process control, maybe at a bigger company, maybe even for more money.”

“But that didn’t work out?” Susan asked, a look of concern in her eyes.

“Oh, I had offers,” he said, “but before I settled on one a friend told me about Digital Control Solutions.”

“I’ve seen their building!” I said, as if that was somehow pertinent.

Chris continued as if I had never spoken. “They were looking for a chemical engineer with process control experience, such as moi,” he said, exaggerating the French accent for comic effect, “to join their sales team. I’m going to be something called a Systems Consultant, working with the salesman to make sales calls and write up proposals.”

“Have you ever done sales before?” Susan asked.

“I had a lemonade stand when I was nine,” Chris said.

“So this is something completely different for you,” Susan said. “No wonder you’re nervous. And they’re going to teach you to be a salesman in one week of training?”

Chris laughed. “No, this is just how to fill out the forms and shit. My salesman partner back home will teach me on the job. Besides, I’m not really going to be a salesman, per se. See, while he’s talking to the suits in the boardroom about how much money they can save by switching to our control system I’ll be down in the lab talking geek-speak to the nerds about how much more accurate our system is than the one they’re using.”

“And is it more accurate?” she asked.

“Hell if I know,” Chris said, swigging his beer. “But I’m sure going to say it is!”

“I can relate to your situation,” Susan said, and proceeded to tell about her promotion, her anxiety about whether she was up to it or not, her unpaid hours doing all the “management shit” there’s no time to do during shift, the asshole doctors and bitch nurses, the idiotic corporate bureaucracy… basically everything I had listened to her vent about for the past year. I didn’t mind at all, though. I just sat there drinking beer and watching two of my favorite people bonding over being the new person and trying to find their way in a new job. After a second round of beers Susan was just as enamored of Chris as Matty was.

Speaking of whom, our tired and sweaty boy finally gave up the bounce-a-thon he had been conducting and joined us at the patio table with an ice-cold can of Coke he’d pulled from the cooler. He proceeded to slug the entire can as we watched, and as he finished I leaned over and cupped my hands under his chin.

“What are you doing?” Matty asked with a smile, knowing that whatever I said was going to be silly.

“I’m just ready in case your teeth fall out.”

The conversation meandered for a while, Chris making a point of engaging Matty and finding out all about school, his friends and the program at the Park District.

“So what about your family, Chris?” Susan asked. “Do you have a wife and kids back in Seattle?”

Chris looked at his beer for a moment with a sardonic smile, then back to Susan straight in the eyes. “Now I’m surprised,” he said. “Adam didn’t mention that I’m gay?”

Susan looked at me in astonishment, not that Chris was gay, but that I hadn’t told her. I felt the flush of embarrassment rise on my face.

“That was quite a detail to leave out,” she said. “And here I am with egg on my face.”

“No, no, not at all,” Chris insisted. “I’m only surprised he never mentioned it. Really, I’m not offended, Susan.”

“So?” she said to me.

“I don’t know,” I stammered. “It just never came up.”

“I knew,” Matty piped in casually. “His partner’s name is Alan.”

Chris smiled at Matty. “That’s right,” he said. “We’ve been together twelve years now.”

Susan narrowed her eyes at me. “OK, so it somehow came up with the eleven-year-old but not with me?”

“Because I asked,” Matty interjected on my behalf. “Same as you, Mom. I asked Adam if Chris had any kids my age, and he explained about Chris and Alan.”

It wasn’t exactly true, but close enough and got me at least to the door of the doghouse, if not quite out of it.

Susan continued to look at me. “It would be nice for me to know when you’re having major life conversations with my son,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you handled it fine, but I would just like to be kept up to speed on such things.”

My flush deepened, and at the same time I wondered if she would ever come around to thinking of Matty as “our son” instead of “her son.”

“I knew about gay people way before that,” Matty said. “They teach us in school about all the different kinds of families there are, and a couple kids in my class have gay parents. In fact, this girl Brittany has two Moms and two Dads.”

“She must really rake it in on her birthday,” Chris deadpanned, and we all laughed, breaking the tension.

“Well,” Susan said, pushing back from the table, “I’ll take that as a cue to get dinner started. Matty, will you help me, please?”

“OK, Mom,” he piped cheerfully and followed her into the kitchen.

When we were alone finishing our beers Chris leaned close and said softly, “You were right, Cuz. I’m completely in love with both of them. I’d still never do what you’re doing, but I can halfway understand it.”

Dinner was very pleasant and Susan seemed over whatever annoyance she’d had with me. We retired to the family room for more conversation, which thankfully never touched on Chris’ current domestic strife with Alan, which would have been awkward. Matty casually sat on Chris’ lap for a good twenty minutes while Chris held him affectionately and Susan didn’t raise an eyebrow. At nine-thirty Chris rose to go, citing some “studying up” he had to do before his first orientation session in the morning, and with warm hugs from me and Susan and a kiss on the cheek from Matty he took his leave.

Later, with Matty bathed and put to bed Susan and I finished cleaning up the kitchen and settled onto the couch to relax.

“Your cousin is a wonderful guy,” she said, snuggling next to me on the couch. “Warm, smart, funny. Alan is a lucky man.”

The silent alarm went off in my head. I braced for a return to the topic of Major Life Conversations With Her Son.

“Matty asked me directly, Susan,” I said defensively. “What was I supposed to do, lie to him?”

“Whoa, relax Adam,” she said. “It’s fine. You handled it exactly correctly with Matty, and I’m sorry I got a little aggressive with you about it. I was just surprised in that moment, and embarrassed that Chris might think I had a problem with it, or with him being around Matty. I overreacted.”

I looked into her eyes and saw contrition rather than confrontation. She really was over it. I softened my own combative stance, then leaned down and kissed her lightly.

“Although...” she trilled, “I would appreciate it if you at least told me about these conversations after they happen. I really do trust you, Adam. You have great parenting instincts and you always want the best for Matty. It’s just that with this work schedule I’m already missing so many milestones in his childhood that I get a little jealous when you’re there for them and I’m not.”

Not only couldn’t I argue with that, but my heart went out to her as well. It was true, I was the lucky one who got to experience Matty’s developing life day to day, and his poor mother had to settle for mornings and weekends. I resolved to keep her posted on everything from then on.

Well, not quite everything.

It was Wednesday before Chris had an afternoon free to hang out with Matty and me at the condo. The boy had been impatient, but understood that Chris had a lot to do for his new job and only a week to do it in, and that long days were part of it. When the elevator door opened Chris was standing right there in the hallway waiting for us.

“Chris!” Matty shouted and leaped into his arms, legs around his waist and arms around his neck, immediately planting a huge kiss right on the lips. I glanced down the hall but nobody was there to see, unless of course they were looking through their peep holes.

Chris returned the kiss, more sweetly than passionately, and began to carry Matty down to my unit. “Thank you, Matty,” he whispered. “But maybe inside would be better.”

I walked ahead and opened the door for them, and the second the door was closed behind us Chris engaged Matty in a deep and sensual kiss, and it lasted so long there was no doubt what Chris had in mind… not that there had ever been.

“Wow!” Matty exclaimed when they finally broke apart. “Adam said you were a great kisser!”

Chris shifted Matty’s weight to one hip and reached out to gather me into their embrace. “In case you need a reminder…” he said, and planted a good one on me as well. Lifelong love and familiar lust rose in my heart.

“Let’s fool around!” Matty said excitedly. “Hurry! Take me to the bedroom!”

I chuckled as I made eye contact with Chris. “He’s been talking about getting you into bed for two weeks,” I said. “I wouldn’t be too surprised if he pretended I was you the last couple of times.”

Matty looked at me in shock. “I meant all three of us should fool around,” he said, chagrined. “I never pretended you were Chris, honest, Adam.”

“I know, kid,” I said reassuringly. “That was just a bad joke.”

Chris made meaningful eye contact with me. “Are you sure about this, Adam?” he asked. “I mean, we’ve done a million three-ways and four-ways and twenty-seven-ways ever since we were kids, but I know it’s different with Matty.”

Matty shot an anxious look at me, like I might put the kibosh on things just when they were getting good.

“Are you kidding me?” I said before Matty could say anything. “I’ve been looking forward to it just as much as he has.”

Matty’s expression passed from apprehension to relief and back to excitement in about one second.

“Look,” I said, “First of all I don’t own Matty. He gets to want what he wants, and he’s my boyfriend and it’s my pleasure to make him happy any way I can. Second, I’ve been encouraging him to enjoy his sexuality now, while it’s all fun and happy playtime. Soon enough things will get complicated, so for now he should enjoy himself and leave it to me to look out for the bad stuff.”

Chris looked Matty in the eyes and said, “You’re very lucky to have someone like Adam to love you,” he said, “and I am, too.”

Matty paused exactly one second before saying, “OK, so can we do it now?”

Chris and I both laughed as he carried my boy to the big California King bed. In what might as well be a ritual of man-boy sex, Chris dumped Matty onto the bed and the boy giggled as he bounced. Settling down, Matty gave us a mirthful, but no-nonsense look and said, “Strip me.”

Chris went for Matty’s shoes and socks while I sat him up and peeled off his T-shirt. We both instinctively paused to admire Matty. It was the first time Chris had seen that lovely chest and soft, pink belly without a shirt in the way, and he took a breath and absently licked his lips. Chris shot me a look pregnant with the question.

“Definitely,” I said. “you do the honors.”

Matty grinned as Chris hooked his fingers into the waistbands of both his shorts and underwear. The boy lifted his hips and Chris skinned the final barrier down and off. Matty’s full, proud erection jutted in quivering excitement, and Chris gazed in awe at my boy’s amazing, exquisite body.

“Holy shit,” Chris murmured, staring in near disbelief. “Oh my God, Adam...”

Matty slowly opened his legs wide, resting his head back and lacing his hands behind his head. It was an obvious invitation, and Chris’ breathing came heavy. He looked at me and I smiled, nodding my head toward Matty in encouragement. Still fully dressed, Chris climbed onto the bed and began to move into position, but hesitated.

“It’s been twenty years,” he said softly. “Since I… was… with, you know, a kid.”

Matty looked down sweetly into Chris’ eyes, then nodded the go-ahead.

Chris groaned in lust as he leaned in and engulfed the hot, rigid little cock. Matty’s expression turned ecstatic, and his hands came to the back of Chris’ head.

“Oh, yeah!” Matty moaned as he pulled Chris tightly against him. He threw his head back against the mattress and opened his mouth in a silent moan. “God, you do it good!”

Chris made more lustful sounds around the stiff member as he threw himself wholeheartedly into it. I remembered how good it was, how revelatory, when Chris first went down on me all those years ago, and I envied Matty. Chris has a way of maximizing the contact of his mouth as he pumps up and down on you, and his agile tongue seems to caress you in every direction at once. My dick swelled quickly in my pants, and I realized it was way past time to get out of my clothes.

Chris was running his hands over Matty’s smooth, soft skin, everywhere he could reach, and I paused in my undressing to lean down and whisper to him, “He loves his nipples, man. Play with his nipples while you suck, and don’t be shy. He likes it almost too rough!”

Chris brought both hands to Matty’s chest and began to tease and tickle the erect little points, bringing them quickly to even sharper focus. When Matty moaned in delight Chris pinched them both firmly, but only for a second, and Matty reacted again.

“You can do it harder than that,” Matty said in a husky, very excited voice, and it seemed to me that he was more turned on earlier in the process than I could ever remember. I guess that happens when you anticipate something for a whole year and it turns out to be even better than you’d imagined.

Chris took the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and gave them a real pinch, both man and boy exclaiming in passion as the pleasure coursed through Matty. It was clearly great for Matty, but I knew he wanted just that little bit more.

“Pinch even harder, Chris,” I said, “and hold it for a long time, like ten seconds. It sounds crazy, but it drives him wild!”

Chris stoked up his courage and gave Matty the hardest titty-twister yet, pinching the little nips until they turned pure white and twisting them ninety full degrees.

“Oh, man!” Matty cried in full voice, his stomach tensing and his hips thrusting against Chris’s face as he experienced what I called a mini-orgasm, very intense but not nearly as far as his little body could go.

“Gentle now, Chris!” Matty managed to instruct. “Do my nipples super lightly but suck my dick like crazy!”

Chris tickled the nips ever so softly with the pads of his middle fingers, and sucked fiercely until his cheeks hollowed inward. Matty rode down from his high, his breathing heavy and, I knew, his pulse racing.

“OK, OK…” Matty muttered as he came down, his hands falling away from Chris’ head and flopping limply on the bed at his sides. Chris took his cue and slowly and gently released the slick, still-stone-hard four inches.

“God, that’s a sweet little cock!” Chris marveled. “And it’s so amazing that you can cum like that, Matty.”

“Oh, that wasn’t a real cum,” I said, slowly stroking my own fierce hard-on. “That was a little one, by Matty’s standards.”

“It was really really good, though, Chris!” Matty piped in. “You really suck great!”

“And I know what you want to do now,” I said. “You want to taste every inch of him, don’t you?”

Chris smiled up at me. “You know me well, Cuz,” he said, then to Matty, “You sure do look delicious!”

“OK, but get naked first,” Matty said. “I still haven’t seen you yet.”

“Yeah, strip for us, Chris!” I urged. “I used to love that when we were kids.”

“You mean you used to dance, like a strip tease?” Matty asked with a delighted grin.

“Yeah,” Chris admitted, “when I was ten. I feel kind of silly now.”

“Oh, please do it, Chris!” Matty begged, flipping himself into a position sitting on his haunches. “It’ll be so hot!”

“OK,” he said, feigning more reluctance than I suspect he really felt. “But you have to imagine there’s sexy music playing.”

Chris stood next to the bed and began swaying rhythmically, focusing a sexy gaze directly on Matty. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it open in steamy intensity. He had put on a little muscle in the five years since I’d slept with him, and it suited him. Most of his life he’d been very slim and wiry, not too far from skinny, but the extra beef on him now was downright becoming. It was clear that Matty approved of Chris’ muscular, nearly hairless chest as well.

Chris kicked off his shoes and slowly opened his pants, playfully pulling the zipper down and up and down again before sliding the pants down and, a bit awkwardly, off. Matty’s eyes were fixed on the outline of stiffness that was now only a thin layer of cotton away. Chris continued to sway to the nonexistent music for several seconds until Matty’s patience was exhausted.

“Come on, Chris!” he pleaded.

“You do it,” Chris said to Matty, and my horny little boyfriend didn’t have to be asked twice. He reached over with both hands and jerked Chris’ boxers down, gasping as the throbbing hard six inches jumped out and strained toward the ceiling.

Chris never had the biggest one in the room, but it was always primed and ready for action. His hard-ons always outlasted everyone, stiff as a bone from the first inkling sex might be in the offing until the last boy had put theirs away. And as much as he talked a good game about “leaving the young stuff alone,” I could tell by the extreme intensity of that familiar boner that Chris was as horny as it was possible for him to be.

Matty wrapped his small hand around the second adult cock of his life. The boy smiled wickedly and his green eyes shone with lust as he gave it a few exploratory wanks.

“Oh, Jesus!” Chris moaned.

Matty’s other hand came up and caressed Chris’ balls, eliciting an even more animal wail. The boy glanced at me and, seeing only encouragement on my face, stretched himself forward until his mouth could engulf the purplish-red cock head that strained and quaked before him.

“Oh my God!” Chris moaned more loudly, and I smiled to myself in recognition of the downright celestial sensations that had prompted my cousin the lifelong atheist to call upon the Christian deity twice in ten seconds.

Matty sucked and slurped Chris’ dick head, quickly warming to the task and taking it deeper and deeper until he was pleasuring fully half of its length. His eyes darted to me, clearly conveying his enjoyment and his pleasure at seeing my happy smile. Chris arched his back, offering his meat to the ravenous boy in complete surrender. Matty put his hands on Chris’ muscular ass, pumping eagerly now, his red lips sinking further and further down that rigid pole, and my eyes opened wide in astonishment as my boy took it deeper and deeper until those red lips buried themselves in Chris’ light-brown pubic bush. Chris’ cock was shorter and slimmer than mine, and so Matty was able to let the head fully into his throat and take the whole thing as he always lamented he couldn’t do for me. I couldn’t help being envious of Chris having this amazing pleasure when I couldn’t. I was envious, but not jealous, which are two different things. Sure, Chris had my boy’s deep-throat debut, but I had his beautiful, warm heart.

Chris made a sound that could have been a curse word in Klingon or something and his knees began to shake. Boy, did I know that signal.

“He’s going to cum, Matty,” I said. “There will probably be a lot.”

Matty pumped rapidly and deeply, and I was sure he would bury his face in Chris’ pubes and gulp down the voluminous spurts, but an instant before Chris bucked and fired Matty pulled off and took the initial blast directly in the forehead. He grinned happily as another jet of thick cream surged forth, deliberately aiming it lower so that it hit him on the chin and mouth, then even lower to direct the third salvo onto his neck and chest. Matty gave a gleeful exclamation and leaned forward again to slurp the dribbling cock head back into his mouth and nurse on the remaining jizz.

Chris moaned something wholly unintelligible and grabbed at the bed for support. I jumped forward and took his arm, helping him to the bed in a controlled collapse.

“Wow, Adam!” Matty cried in delight. “He came even more than you!” The boy jumped off of the bed and ran to the bathroom. “I’ve gotta see my face!” he cried excitedly. I followed and found him appraising himself in the mirror.

“Oh, man, I’m covered with it!” he said with a grin, and I had to admit the sight of his beautiful grinning face drenched in thick white pearls was incredibly hot. The cum dripped from his chin into the sink.

“I’m surprised you didn’t swallow it,” I said.

“I was going to, but when you said it would be a lot I just had to see it! I can swallow the next one.”

“Next one might be in somebody’s butt,” I said, and Matty smiled up at me.

“I hope so,” he said, pulling a double-handful of water to his face to wash off the cum. “Last night in bed I jerked off for about an hour thinking about Chris giving it to you deep and hard!”

“Me?” I exclaimed. “What about you?”

Matty smiled adoringly at me. “I already get it deep and hard,” he said, “whenever I want it. You’re the one who’s missing it.”

I projected love into my generous boy’s bright green eyes. “Well, if I know my cousin he’ll take care of both of us more than once today!”

We went back into the bedroom where Chris was still sprawled on his back, his heaving chest finally slowing. Matty climbed right up on top of him and melted into his embrace, crushing his stiff, hairless cock against Chris’ stomach and engaging him in a deep, sucking French kiss. Chris’ hands came to Matty’s luscious butt and sensually kneaded the cheeks.

When they came up for air Chris threw a glance at me and said, “Damn, man. I was never deep-throated like that before in my whole life. I could feel my cock head slip into his throat on every pump! Adam, you are such a lucky man!”

“I can’t quite do that with Adam,” Matty said. “His dick is just a little too thick to get all the way in there, so I can’t quite take it all the way. And the boys my age I fool around with aren’t long enough to get all the way back there, although Jeremy is getting close. So that means you’re the very first guy I’ve ever done that for!”

I was suddenly sure Chris wouldn’t be the last. As if it needed proving, my boy had just demonstrated how much he was into men; big, strong, hairy, long-cocked men who could drench him in cum and fuck him deep and hard the way he loved it. The eleven-year-old inside me couldn’t relate, but I no longer doubted it was true. It remained to be seen if I was merely the first in a long line of men in Matty’s love life, or if his emotional bond to me was the real thing, as mine unquestionably was to him. He had insisted a hundred times in our year of bliss that he would love me forever, and – having no other choice anyway – I made the conscious decision to take him at his word.

After sucking face with Matty for several more minutes Chris gently disengaged and turned to me with a coy smile.

“So,” he said, “you’re behind us two orgasms to none. We give you your choice, don’t we, Matty? Where would you like to deposit your first load?” Chris turned on his side and reached back to pull open his top ass cheek, presenting the dark cave I had spelunked so many times. “Don’t let anything influence your decision, though,” he added with a wink.

I glanced over at Matty and his eyes were wide and sparkling like Jason’s on his horniest day. He’d said so many times how much he wanted to see this, and so I smiled lustily and scooted over behind Chris on my side.

“Oh boy!” Matty exclaimed. “This is going to be good!” He snatched the lube from the nightstand and eagerly opened it. “Let me grease you up, OK?”

“You read my mind,” Chris said, rolling slightly forward almost onto his stomach and visibly relaxing himself.

Matty squeezed a stripe of lube onto his index finger and began carefully but firmly applying it around and around Chris’ hole, teasing it and playing with it as he went.

“The hairs around your butt hole get darker when they have lube on them,” Matty said with a giggle.

“I’m sorry, Matty,” Chris said. “Does that gross you out?”

“No, silly!” Matty said, playfully spanking Chris’ butt cheek with his dry hand. “I think it’s cool. I love that men have hair there.”

He got some more lube and began slowly inserting his slim finger. Chris sighed and presented his ass even more overtly. Matty’s finger sank into him, pulling back out halfway and then forward again even further, until the whole finger was in, then slowly withdrew. The boy squeezed out a bigger glob of lube onto his two fingers and inserted them together, cork-screwing Chris’ willing and open hole until his fingers were buried to the hilt.

“Jesus, Matty, that feels fantastic!” Chris moaned softly.

Matty got another handful of goo and applied it to my raging cock. I had not been with a grown man in well over a year, since I’d fallen so hard for Matty, and the thought stole into my head that maybe this wouldn’t cut it for me anymore now that I had the hottest eleven-year-old in Creation. But I banished that thought almost the second it occurred to me. I loved Chris so much, and I had been anticipating his visit just as fervently as Matty. I knew that his familiar butt hole was going be every bit as awesome as it had always been.

“OK, baby,” I said. “I’m ready.”

Matty scooted away and positioned himself at the optimal viewing angle, wearing one of the naughtiest smiles I could ever remember. Chris rolled back into spoon position and once again pulled open his cheek. “Come on, Cuz,” he said in a husky voice. “Give me that beautiful cock.”

I moved my hips forward and my pulsing dick nosed between his lightly fuzzed cheeks, such a contrast to Matty’s silky-smooth and hairless bottom. As besotted as I was with my perfect little Matty, a dozen memories of hot, intense lovemaking with strong, beautiful men suddenly flooded in, and I was in full-on Gay Nirvana.

Guiding with two fingers and a thumb my cock head found Chris’ steaming entry and I squared myself against it. After a second for both of us to settle, I pushed.

“Ohhh,” Chris moaned as his hungry anus opened for me. My tip overcame a slight amount of resistance and began to wedge inside. Chris had been taking eager cocks for more than twenty-five years and knew exactly what he was doing, and I had personally fucked him a dozen times and knew precisely how he liked it. I pushed at exactly the angle and speed he wanted, and he opened himself to accept me without hesitation. His hot, yearning hole virtually pulled me in, and in less than thirty seconds I was in him to the balls.

“Shit, you guys!” Matty exclaimed happily. “That’s so hot!”

“Let’s give him a show, Cuz,” Chris said, trying to sound casually playful but clearly caught up in his arousal. “Fuck me deep, Adam! You know what I want.”

I did, and I began to give it to him. I held him around the muscular chest and began with my usual slow, shallow thrusts, graduating quickly to deeper and deeper depths and increasing my speed with every push. His familiar warmth engulfed me, and his pliant channel warmed with friction until my cock could slide its full length into him virtually without resistance.

“Oh my God, Adam!” Chris exclaimed in ecstasy. “That’s it, baby! Now fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

The sweat began to roll off of my brow as I pistoned into Chris’ body. My balls slapped his ass as I bottomed out on every thrust, and our grunts and passionate moans filled the air. I glanced at Matty and he was watching us unblinking while furiously jerking his deep pink hard-on. I fucked and fucked, all of my love for Chris and our shared lifetime of lust spurring my efforts. My pulse pounded and my breath rasped in time with his.

“Oh, shit, Adam!” Chris wailed. “Oh my God, fuck me!”

On and on I pounded, and even I couldn’t believe how long I was lasting. I felt like I was riding the towering crest of a huge wave, one big enough to take a surfer all the way to Hawaii. I glanced at Matty and I saw his mouth open in a silent cry as his gut and leg muscles pulsated. He was cumming.

I put my mouth next to Chris’ ear and whispered urgently, “Do you want my cum?”

“Yes!” Chris said out loud. “Oh, Adam, give me your cum!”

“Where do you want my cum?” I whispered, slamming ever harder into him. I only had another few seconds.

“Inside me!” Chris moaned. “I want your cum inside me!”

“Tell me you need it,” I whispered.

“Oh, Adam!” he exclaimed. “I need your fucking cum deep inside my ass!”

I pumped in silent determination for a few seconds until I could feel the pressure like steam building up in my loins.

“Here it comes!” I shouted, and was instantly wracked with an intense spasm that wrenched my gut and tensed my entire body. I felt surge after surge as my balls emptied into the man I’d loved since we were children. Wave after wave of cum erupted into him, and I felt his asshole clench me rhythmically as he went into his own convulsions.

“Whoa!” Matty shouted in glee. “Chris, you’re cumming!”

“Oh, God!” Chris moaned as one pretty decent spurt and then several dribbles of semen escaped him.

I continued to pump strongly until I had exhausted my seed, then slowed and finally ground to a stop, my cock still raging stiff and buried in the tight channel I’d first entered when we were both eleven, exactly Matty’s age. In my mental fog that seemed important, somehow.

We lay breathing heavily for what felt like a long time, while Matty climbed over to us on the bed and peppered us both with sweet, congratulatory kisses, first Chris and then me and then back to Chris, softly telling us how awesome it had been to witness. My cock finally began to slacken and I rolled away onto my back. Chris turned immediately into my arms and locked me in a deep, searching kiss.

“God,” he finally said, looking deeply into my eyes. “You were always the greatest fuck!”

“I love you, Chris,” I said.

“Me too, Cuz,” he said, his voice trailing off softer and softer. “I hope we’re still fucking when we’re ninety.”

“If you do, can I watch?” Matty said, his face appearing behind Chris like a magic trick. “That was amazing!”

I gathered my boy and pulled him into our hug. “You are officially invited to the viewing party,” I teased. Matty grinned at the joke, but when we both turned to Chris to share our mirth with him he had drifted off to sleep. I couldn’t blame him after the two gigantic orgasms he’d just had back-to-back. Matty and I gently pulled away and fell into our usual deep kissing, which developed into one of my better blow jobs that brought him to another full-on, heaving climax, and soon all three of us were gone to our siestas.

Next time:

What Matty wants.

If you enjoy my writing please let me know by emailing me at gaminparamour@protonmail.com and I will do my best to reply quickly.

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