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**Additional Note:** There will be sexual scenes throughout this story, but it won't be predominately sex.  
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            All the World's a Stage

by Erastes
Copyright 2017 by Erastes
Chapter 31 - Let's Make a Deal. 

I'd just got back from dropping Gary off at his bike, and was on my way to my apartment when Jennifer came outside.  "Hi, Marshall.  How are things going?" she greeted me. 

"Not bad.  What are you up to?" 

"I'm just going out for a brisk walk," she said, and I noticed she was in a jogging suit and was wearing athletic shoes. 

"Exercise is always good.  I like to get mine by swimming." 

"That's good cardio too."  She hesitated a second before she spoke again.  "Marshall, I have a question for you.  Were one of the boys sick yesterday?  I thought I heard some moaning coming from your apartment." 

Needless to say, I was in shock, but I had to come up with something quickly.  "I'll bet you heard some sobbing too," I countered.  "I was doing some role playing with the boys, hoping to get them to identify with the characters in the musical.  First, I asked them to show me how they would feel if their parents had died, without using words.  Of course, the first thing they thought of was crying and looking sad." 

"Very interesting, but why where they moaning?" 

"They did that when I asked them to show me, again without using words, how they would feel if they never got enough to eat, and when they were fed all they ever got was gruel." 

"And they knew what gruel was?" 

"No, I had to tell them it was like plain oatmeal.  That's when they began to moan and rub their bellies, to let me know their stomachs were empty and hurting." 

"Ok, now I understand what was going on.  So you think they have to identify with what the characters are feeling to play the roles?" 

"Yes, especially the orphans.  They can't be all bright and cheery when their lives have been miserable and they're in pain." 

"The boys are lucky to have you to teach them those things.  Well, I'd better get started on my walk, because I don't want it to take all day." 

"Ok, have fun and enjoy." 

She took off at a very brisk pace, while I hurried inside my apartment, shaking like a leaf.  Damn, I told the boys they had to keep the noise down, because now she appears to be suspicious.  Was it possible that she could tell the difference between moaning caused by being hungry, as opposed to when they were being sexually satisfied?  Did she realize I was lying through my teeth? 

I was kind of proud of myself for coming up with that story with so little time to think, but did she buy it?  Did she accept what I told her, or did she see right through the charade?  Damn, I'm going to have to tell the boys about this and maybe even have them stop coming over for a while.  No, I can't do that either, because it would probably make her even more suspicious if they suddenly stopped showing up after she mentioned this.  Fuck!  This was really difficult and scary. 

Whatever I was thinking about doing earlier was now forgotten.  My thoughts were consumed with what Jennifer and Duane might be thinking.  Even worse, who else did they tell about this?  Was my world about to crash and burn?  Or did she believe what I'd just told her? 

I was planning on grabbing a bite to eat when I got back, but now my stomach was in knots and I knew I wouldn't be able to eat anything now.  Shit!  Was this going to be the end of my teaching career, just as it was getting started?  I had to calm myself down.

I suddenly thought that I shouldn't overreact and should wait until I saw how see acted toward me the next time we ran into each other.  I wanted to see if she was acting suspicious, or if she'd bought my explanation.  I did my best to calm down, but it just wasn't working.  Instead, I kept seeing law enforcement showing up at my door and hauling me away.  I also imagined the police streaming into the school and questioning all the boys about what they'd been doing when they were with me.  Would they tell?  Would the cops threaten them until they gave me up? 

I thought that maybe if I worked on my lesson plans I'd quit worrying, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else.  That's when I had another thought.  Was I turning into a real life Fagin?  Had I conned the boys into thinking this was what they wanted to do?  Was I conning others in order to avoid being arrested?  Was I going to come to the same bad end as Fagin? 

When dinnertime rolled around I still didn't feel as if I could eat anything, so I wondered if Jennifer would hear some more moaning coming from my apartment, but this time from me - due to my hunger pangs?  However, I was able to manage drinking some milk instead, since I knew it was important to stay hydrated, but even that was difficult to get down.  My throat was so tight that it was hard to swallow and I nearly choked.  After that, I merely took sips from the glass. 

I had difficulty sleeping that night as well, and tossed and turned for quite a while.  When I was able to doze off, I experienced troubling dreams, so I was tired and cranky when the alarm went off in the morning.  I thought about calling into work sick, but I wanted to get out of the apartment, so I got ready to go to work. 

As I was getting dressed, I remembered we had a rehearsal later and I would need to be there for that as well, since Fagin played a rather large role in the second act.  I sucked it up, tried to force down some breakfast, and then headed into work. 

After signing in quickly, I went straight to my classroom.  I wanted to avoid as many others as possible, so they wouldn't be able to ask any questions about why I appeared in such bad shape.  The kids asked about it, though, but I was able to brush them off for the most part.  Then, I stayed in the room during the lunch hour, as I hid from the rest of the world. 

That luxury ended when the final bell rang, because I knew Gina would be at the rehearsal too.  I tried to avoid her for as long as I could, but when she saw me, she made a comment. 

"Marshall, you look terrible.  What's wrong?" 

"I just haven't been feeling well."

"Why don't you go home and rest then.  I can handle this." 

"Can you play Fagin too?  He's in these scenes." 

"Then let's get started so we can get you out of here as quickly as we can." 

We were doing the first three scenes from Act Two, and the first one was at the Inn where Fagin, Sikes, and Nancy were discussing what might happen now that Oliver had been caught.  The next scene was at Mr. Brownlow's house after Oliver was taken there, and the final scene was at Fagin's hideout where Fagin and the others made plans to kidnap Oliver to prevent him from snitching on them. 

The practice went fairly well, although I wasn't really up to it and didn't do a very good job as Fagin, but everyone gave me a free pass for today, after Gina explained I wasn't feeling well.  As soon as we were done, I left, tired and starving. 

I hadn't had much to eat over the past 24-hours, but I didn't think I had the strength to fix anything either, so I stopped at the diner on the way back.  I felt a little better after finally putting something in my stomach, and then I went to the apartment planning to go to bed early.  Fortunately, I didn't see anyone between the parking lot and the front door, so I went inside, shut the door, and started my nightly ritual.  Then I turned in, trying to make up for the previous night. 

I slept better this time, although my slumber was still plagued by some fairly unsettling dreams.  Since I'd been in bed for about twelve hours, I managed to get enough rest so I not only looked better, but I was able to function better as well.  We were also rehearsing the same scenes from Act Two, but with the other cast this time, so I was able to make up for my miserable showing the previous day. 

I saw Jennifer staring out her window when I got to the apartment later, so I waved at her, but her presence gave me an unsettling feeling.  Did she just happen to be looking out her window, or was she watching to see who else was with me?  I quickly pushed that thought from my mind, unlocked the door, and went inside. 

I once again began to question whether I should stop the boys from coming over this weekend, but I concluded it might cause even more suspicion on Jennifer's part.  I'd just tell the boys about what had happened and emphasize that they needed to be much quieter from now on, or we'd have to stop having sex.  That made me feel a little better, but I was unable to shake the thought that she might have already told others about her suspicions. 

Wednesday and Thursday were almost identical, because both casts were rehearsing the final three scenes from Act Two.  The first of the scenes was back at the workhouse, when Brownlow went there trying to find out about Oliver's parentage.  The next scene took place at Brownlow's home, when Nancy went there to request that he be at the London Bridge at midnight so she could give Oliver back to him.  The final scene took place at London Bridge, when Sikes kills Nancy, the police kill Sikes, and then Fagin and the boys all take off as they attempt to escape before they get picked up by the cops.  This meant the week was nearly over, which would usually have made me happy, but this time I was worried about something going wrong. 

By the time school ended on Friday, I was conflicted about how I was thinking about the weekend.  I was looking forward to swimming with the three boys the next morning, although I was wondering if they'd forgiven Hunter for deciding not to try out for the lacrosse team.  The tryouts were being held throughout the week, and since I had seen Hunter at the rehearsals and he seemed happy to be part of the cast, I was still concerned.  Even if he decided to change his mind now, it was probably too late to go out for the team. 

Tucker and Braedon were supposed to come over at 3:00 tomorrow as well, and I knew they wanted to continue doing things with me, but was it too dangerous to do that with them now?  If Jennifer saw them arriving, would she be listening to see if she heard anything out of the ordinary, as she attempted to determine if we were doing anything illegal?  I wasn't sure, but we'd have to be careful. 

When I went to bed that night, I was wondering what I was going to be facing the next day.  Would it still be enjoyable, which it would have been if Jennifer hadn't asked me about the previous week, or would it be a total disaster?  I guess the only way I was going to find out was to wait and see what happened. 

When I got to the Y, Hunter was the only one in the locker room when I arrived.  I wasn't sure what that meant, but I soon discovered why the other two were missing. 

"Where's Devin and Gabe?" 

"They had lacrosse practice this morning, and they probably will have until the season starts." 

"So it will be just you and me?"

"Yep, it's just us." 

He had a huge grin on his face as he said this, and then he began to undress.  He was facing me as he was doing this, and he kept glancing up to see what I was doing too, but I think he liked the idea of having me all to himself.  As soon as he was naked, he decided to ask me a question. 

"Mr. Roberson, have I been doin' alright when we practice?" 

"Yes, Hunter, you've been doing fine." 

"K, I just wanted to make sure." 

As he was telling me this, his penis was starting to rise.  I tried to ignore what was happening, but he drew my attention to it. 

"I don't know why this keeps happenin' to me, since it's just the two of us here." 

"You're a teenager, and you can't always control that thing.  Sometimes it has a mind of its own."  

"Yep, it sure does." 

He was in no hurry to cover it though, and since I was afraid that looking at his penis was going to cause me to have an erection too, I hurried and put my swimsuit on.  When he saw me doing that, he put his on as well, but I think he did it so I wouldn't go out to the pool without him.

We went through our normal workout, and Hunter was keeping up with me, even if I was giving it my all.  When we stopped for our second rest break, I looked up and saw the lifeguard smile at us, and then he spoke. 

"There aren't as many of you today." 

"The other two had lacrosse practice."  He nodded and we didn't say anything else. 

When we finished the final set, we went to the locker room and rested for a couple of minutes first, before we undressed and headed to the shower.  Hunter took the shower next to mine this time, rather than the one across from me, and after a few minutes I noticed he had a full-blown erection. 

"It's doin' it again," he said when he saw that I'd noticed. 

"So it is." 

I didn't elaborate on it, because I wasn't sure how he'd respond and we were in a public area.  He just kept rinsing off, while never turning away, and then he turned his shower off as soon as I turned off the one I was using.  We then walked back to our lockers with his penis pointing the way. 

Once we were dressed, I said goodbye to Hunter, but then I felt I should ask him a question.  "How are you getting home?" 

"I have to call my mom." 

"No sense in doing that, because I can give you a ride instead." 

He smiled and threw his arms around my waist, as he gave me a big hug.  "Thanks, that's really nice of you.  I like you a lot and I'm glad you're willing to do all these things for me."

"It's not a problem and I'm glad I can help." 

When Hunter told me his address, I realized he lived in an older, and once stately, section of the city, one that now wasn't taken care of as well as it should.  When I pulled up in front of the house, I noticed it was quite a large building and in need of painting and a few other repairs. 

"Do you guys own this place?"

"Nah, we rent.  There's four apartments, two on the first floor and two on the second.  We live on the first floor on the right side." 

"I see.  Well take care and I'm glad I could help." 

I don't think he wanted to get out of the car, but he finally did, and then he turned and waved as I drove off.  I'd learned a lot about him now, including where he lived and that his father had never been part of his life, but I was curious about what his mother did for a living.  I knew it wasn't easy for a single parent, especially a single mother, so I'd have to see if there was a way I could help. 

I still had plenty of time before Tucker and Braedon showed up, so I fixed something for lunch.  As I was eating, I had another thought about how I could keep Jennifer from hearing anything that would make her suspicious.  I got out my laptop and set it up on the end stand next to the sofa, ready for the boys to arrive. 

As it got closer to 3:00, I went over and left the door ajar so the boys wouldn't have to wait before entering.  I heard a single knock, saw the door swing open, and the two boys came inside.  Tucker made sure to shut the door behind them, as Braedon was walking toward me as I sat on the sofa. 

"Hi, Mr. Roberson.  Can we do like we did last time?" 

"Sure, if that's what you want.  I'll go get the things we'll need from my bedroom, because we're going to do it in here this time." 

"How come?"

"So I can mask any noise you boys make, and it will be less noticeable if I do it while we're in the living room." 

"Oh, ok." 

Braedon and Tucker began to take their clothes off as I went to get the dildos, condoms, and lube, and they were totally naked when I returned.  After setting the things I'd brought back with me on the end stand, I pulled up YouTube on my laptop, found a theatrical recording of Oliver and began playing it at a fairly loud volume, but not blaring.  That should cover any noise the boys made and would seem appropriate, since I was working with them on this musical. 

Braedon wanted to go first again, so I rimmed him and used the smallest dildo on him first.  When I finished doing that, he looked up at me and spoke.  "Use the next one on me too!" 

"Are you sure.  That one's much bigger." 

"It's ok.  I'm pretty sure I can do it." 

I prepared the blue dildo for him next, and he only appeared to have minor discomfort as I eased it into his rectum.  After watching how the other boys had reacted to doing this, his ease at accepting it was highly unusual, and I wasn't sure shitting big turds would account for this.  Was he already using something on himself?  I didn't know for sure, but now I was suspicious. 

Once I finished doing that with Braedon, I sucked him off, and then I did the same thing with Tucker.  Since Braedon didn't have much trouble with the blue dildo, Tucker didn't feel he had to pretend to either, so it went smoothly and quickly.  I then took the dildos and other items back to my bedroom while the boys were getting dressed. 

"I thought you were gonna show us some other stuff today," Braedon stated when I returned. 

"You're right, and I forgot.  I'll try to remember doing that next time." 

He seemed fine with that, so we sat and talked for a while next, with the musical still playing in the background, although it was a different recording.  It had worked out well, so it was what I'd do tomorrow too, when the other boys were here. 

When these two were finally ready to leave, Braedon gave me a hug as he was saying goodbye, so Tucker did the same thing.  Then I watched as they walked across the parking lot and disappeared over the hill. 

I was sitting and relaxing as I thought about what we'd just done when I suddenly had another thought.  I pulled up the photo I'd taken of the sign that was in front of the house and dialed the number.  The call was answered on the third ring. 

"Are you the person who owns the house on River Street, between the park and the cemetery?" 

"Yes, my uncle left it to me when he died." 

"I looked at the exterior the other day and I'm interested in seeing the interior.  Would you be able to meet me sometime to show it to me?" 

"I'd love to do that.  When did you have in mind?" 

"Whenever is convenient for you." 

"I can leave now and be there in twenty minutes.  Would that work for you?" 

"Sounds good, so I'll meet you there." 

I was somewhat amazed that he was willing to do this so quickly, so maybe he was desperate.  If that was the case, then this might work out in my favor.  I left the apartment and drove over to that location, knowing I'd arrive before he did.  I pulled up in front of the garage, turned off the engine, and waited.  He showed up a few minutes later. 

"I hope I didn't hold you up?" 

"No, not at all." 

"I'm going to warn you that the house has been vacant for three years and I only go inside occasionally to make sure things are alright.  I usually do that on one of my trips when I mow the lawn or do other things around here." 

"It's not a problem." 

He then led me inside so I could look around.  After passing through the front door, I found myself in a small foyer, with a coat closet on the left side, and the dining room off to the right.  There was also an archway straight ahead that I soon discovered led to the kitchen.  As I entered the dining room I immediately noticed the hardwood floors, and they seemed to be in fairly good condition.  There was also a nice looking cherry table with six chairs, along with a matching china cabinet.  I also noticed there was a long, narrow opening between the dining room and the kitchen where items could be passed through. 

After we walked through the dining room, we entered a long living room that extended beyond the kitchen.  It also had hardwood floors, and at the very back was a pair of French doors with large windows in each one, and beyond that was an enclosed patio that now served as a sun room.  It had windows on the three exterior walls that allowed plenty of sunlight inside, and it also had indoor-outdoor carpeting over the concrete slab. 

Then I went back to inspect the large, stone fireplace that was located in the center of the exterior wall of the living room.  It was comprised of a stone hearth, a stone mantle, and a stone chimney and it was a very impressive focal point of the room.  There were also a few pieces of furniture scattered about, which included a leather recliner, a comfortable looking chair, and a sectional sofa.  That was comprised of two straight sections about the length of a love seat and a corner piece with a rounded back.  It was located at one end of the living room, and I surmised these things must have belonged to the previous owner. 

When I turned to inspect the opposite wall, I discovered an opening into the kitchen.  As I went in to inspect that area, I noticed a large refrigerator with the door propped open, a gas stove, and a built in dishwasher.  There was also plenty of cupboards and counter space, and there was a large window above the double sink that allowed for plenty of natural light and overlooked the backyard. 

We then returned to the foyer on our way to the other side of the house.  In the front corner on that side was a large master bedroom, and there was still a bed, dresser, and chest of drawers in there.  As we walked down the hallway in that wing, I noticed a gap in the wall on the left hand side, just beyond the master bedroom.  That opening led into a short hallway that led to an exterior door.  Across from that short hallway was a huge bathroom, with a tub and a large shower. 

"My uncle had the shower installed well after the rest of the house had been built, when his wife became ill.  It was easier for him to take her in there, have her sit on a stool, and then he could wash her, rather than trying to lift her in and out of the tub.  That's why it's so large too, so he could move around while he was washing her." 

"Makes sense to me, and I prefer a shower anyway." 

Just past the bathroom was the laundry room, which contained an older washer and dryer, along with a utility sink and cupboard above the washer and dryer for storage.  Across the hall from the laundry room was the smaller bedroom that I'd been told the owner used as an office.  When I looked inside, I noticed a desk and a couple of tall bookcases.  After having looked around, it appeared as if the current owner had merely removed their clothing and personal items, while leaving the furniture where it was. 

"So what do you think?  Are you interested in this place?"

"May I see the garage first?" 

"Of course."  He then led me out the side door to the detached garage.  He'd grabbed the remote on the way out and used it to open the overhead door.  The garage was slightly larger than the typical two car garage, and beside an open space where the owner's car had most likely been parked, there was an old John Deere lawn tractor and an assortment of other tools. 

"So what do you think?" 

"I'm interested, but my lease doesn't run out until June 1st." 

"No problem, because it will probably take that long to close." 

"Look, I'm not ready to purchase a home yet, because I just started teaching and haven't had a chance to set aside a down payment.  Since it's been empty for quite a while, I thought you might be willing to rent it for now." 

"I'd prefer to sell it, so would you be interested in a rent to own contract?  I'm tired on paying the taxes out of my pocket and running over here to take care of the yard and check on things." 

"I hadn't thought about the idea of renting to own, but that would work for me too." 

"If you're willing to take care of the property, including the yard work so I won't have to come over here to do it, I'll give you a better deal on the rent." 

"That wouldn't be a problem at all and I'd be happy to do that for you." 

"And we can split the costs of any repairs that might be needed while you're renting.  You can just have the problem taken care of and keep the bill to show me, and I'll reimburse you for half.  In fact, you could probably just deduct it from your next rent payment." 

"That sounds fair.  What if I want to paint some of the rooms?"

"Feel free, but you'll have to buy the paint yourself.  You can even keep any of the furniture you want, because my wife and I have taken everything we wanted.  In fact, I don't mind if you want to move in before June either, and we won't start the rent payments until then.  I'll even rent one of those huge garbage containers for you to use too, and then you can clean out the place and throw away anything you don't want to keep.  That will save me from having to do that too."

"It sounds good, but we haven't talked about an amount yet." 

He quickly told me what he'd rent the place for, seeing I'd agreed to take care of everything, along with the percentage of the rent that would go toward the down payment.  We also agreed on a sale price for the house, for when I was ready to buy, and he said he'd make it for a ten-year term.  At the end of that time I could either seek funding to purchase the property or merely walk away, but I wouldn't get any money back. 

"Ok, I'll do it." 

"Then I'll have the lawyer who handled my uncle's estate draw up a contract.  Give me your name and phone number, and then I or the lawyer will call you when it's ready to be signed.  We'll probably have to do that in his office, and I'll give you the keys at that time."

"Sounds great.  Thank you." 

We then shook hands and I gave him my name and phone number.  I was excited, and couldn't wait to tell the boys, especially Gary, since he was instrumental in helping me find this place.

                                                *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *

I wish to extend my thanks to Donny for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:





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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.