Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 21:53:59 +1200 From: Arthur Subject: Altez Adult/ Youth Part one ALTEZ Part One By Arthur Authors Note: If you are over the age of fourteen then you already know what the law is regarding this type of story so it is on your own head if you continue and are illegally here. This story is copyright to the Author and is not available for reproduction without his express written permission. All comments, good or better are welcome at Ok, so you know how it goes, you're just turning 60 years of age and are once again alone and ruing the times you have said no, instead of yes. Your bones ache on the wet cold days and you sweat too much on the hot and muggy days. Your job is now boring and you are just hanging on till you can retire with dignity, if not a little nest egg put away to see you through the hard times of solitude ahead. You sit alone on weekends and boy watch at the local mall, never daring to make a move in their direction for the fear of being called exactly what you are, a dirty old man with dreams of being young again. Your mind goes back to bygone days when boys were only to glad to show their wares in tight jeans and stretched tee shirts, not like today with those blasted baggy shorts down to their knees and sloppy hoody's covering their burgeoning manly features. Ahh, for the old days of tight denim clad butts and furtive glances at the outlines of manhood at their crutch, yes, those were the days, gone but not forgotten. Another Saturday and another few hours spent furtively looking through your dark boy watchers as the local talent ambles back and forth laughing and eyeing up the girls as they meander around the shops and stalls. Yes, that one would be nice, see how his low hanging jeans hug the top of his hips, showing just enough of his high rise butt to keep you interested, imagine how your hand would feel as it ran enticingly over that smooth rise, down those long legs and back again until you can feel the tight clenched cheeks under your fingers. His eyes flicker here and yon as they survey the girls that abound in the mall at this time of week, Hazel, that's what they call eyes like those, deep penetrating hazel. The hint of his first pubescent moustache showing as a thin line on his top lip, oh to just run your tongue across that baby fuzz and then caress those bright red lips until they open to receive you. The narrowness of his facial bone structure, tells you that he will be slim and tight under that damn hoody, his slim muscles just beginning to form and harden with his emerging manliness. His hair is a little long but spiked with that infernal gunk they all like to use, just like cooking grease as far as you're concerned. Looks as though he has a bit of colour tint in his locks, the things these kids get up to now-days, he can't be more than 14 or 15 years old and dying his hair already. An old joke pops into your day dreaming head, suicide hair, that's what we used to call it, dyed by his own hands, worth a chuckle I suppose. His head turns in your direction and suddenly it is like the opening of a door as his smile radiates around him, is he really looking at you, no, must be someone behind you but you don't turn around to see, it would be to much of a give away. His teeth are small and perfectly even, his smile lights up his face and the whiteness of the enamel coating shines like small diamonds from between those red lips. Even his eyes light up when he smiles, pity it's not meant for you. His hand rises and the long slender fingers give the person behind you a perfunctionary wave as though he didn't want anyone else to notice it, just like a teenager, don't let the mates see you acknowledge someone else outside their group. Were you ever like that? Maybe, but the memory is getting a but hazy now days, still he is a looker and has made the day worth while, interesting skin colour as well, just like liquid caramel and the high lights in his hair accentuate his colour. You start up as the sound of the central mall clock strikes midday, have you really been sitting here for two hours? Better move your old ass or they will know something is not kosher with you, ah well it was a well spent couple of hours, might as well go back to the apartment and have your usual solitary lunch. The familiar ache behind the knees as you drop your head and place a hand either side of your thighs to push yourself off the hard wooden bench, a shadow, who is that standing in front of you? You lift your head slightly to see who it is that is blocking you from rising to your long-suffering feet. The slightly high-pitched voice sings in your ears as the person in front of you speaks. "Hey Pops, remember me? Altez, I was with your Grandson last month when you came to pick him up from the late movie." "Altez? Uhm..." "Well, David actually but my mates call me Altez, cause in fast like that Jap car." The bright shine of his smile practically blinds you as you gaze with open mouth at this vision of youthful beauty standing before you. "Oh yes, David, how are you?" "Great Pops, hey thanks again for taking Seismic and me home that night, missing the last bus was a bummer." "Seismic?" "Oh yeah, the Asian kid, Lenny, we call him Seismic cause he's so small he wouldn't register if he was an earth quake." The radiance of the smile is all you thought it was. This kid is so damn cute and huggable. "So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, David?" "Whipit said you lived in Plimmerton, so do I, where is your street?" "Uhm, Whipit?" "Your Grandson, Peter, we call him Whipit, cause he's too quick with the girls." An embarrassed smile covers that glowing face again as he explains the strange nicknames. "Well, you know, Pops, he whips it in and whips it out and wipes it." A rather childish giggle escapes the perfect red lips as a pink tinge covers the peach bloom cheeks. "Ah, now I see what you mean, and to answer your other question David, I live in Gosford Avenue, number seven." "Really, I'm just around the corner in Weybourne Street. Hey do you think I can come visit some time, like, most of my mates live on the other side of the city so it's only on the weekends that I see them, or else at school." "Now why would a good looking young guy like you want to go visiting an old codger like me David?" "I like older people, they done things and have great stories to tell most times." "Well I suppose I could have the odd story to tell but won't your parents think it's strange that you go round to see and oldie like me?" "Nah, my times my own most days, me Mum doesn't worry to much about what I do." "Well what about your Dad?" "Haven't seen him since I was five, nor has me Mum." You look again at the radiant open features of the boy before you and for the first time you see a look of pleading in those deep hazel eyes, this boy was in need of someone that would listen to him and give him a lead in life, of that you were sure. "Well David, if you really want to and you don't get into trouble for coming to see me then I suppose it should be ok." "Gee thanks Pops, when's the best time to come around?" "Anytime you like David, I'm at work until 4.30 Monday to Friday, but any other time is fine, I'm usually home most nights and most of the time on weekends." "Hey great, thanks again Pops gotta get back to me mates, might see yah later, ok?" "Sure David, by the way." "Yeah?" "Call me Ted, Pops is so bloody old sounding." The tinkling laughter bounces out of his throat like the fall of crystal water drops. "Ok Ted, specially as you aint all that old." "Yeah right David, I'll be sixty this year so it's getting close to being an oldie." "Really, jeez I though you was only fifty something, well gotta go Ted, see you soon, ok?" "Sure David, have fun." "Bye." You watch closely as the boy struts off with his youthful jaunty swagger, his high-rise butt moving seductively under the loose baggy jeans. Oh well, it was a nice interlude but now it's time for lunch, this should give you some ammunition to sleep on. As you leave the Mall you continue to look around at all the young teens, but for some reason they all seem to pale beside the vision of David, aka Altez, yes old man, that kid got you where you thought it was dead, deep inside. The streets are beginning to clear as people start to leave to make their way to the various sporting events played on a Saturday, you slowly walk the few blocks to your street with the wild thoughts of a rampant night with the oh so young Altez. What would an old man be without his dreams, fanciful, lustful unsatisfied dreams, it's the way of the world to put aside those who no longer have their good looks or their trim hard muscular bodies to impress the young with. In your minds eye you look again at your body as you saw it in the mirror this morning, no fat, still pretty slim, (can't fatten a thoroughbred as the old man used to say), hair long gone to silver, not that mousy grey that a lot of older men have, but a genuine silver cut short and well trimmed. A few wrinkles but good bright blue eyes, and still standing straight and erect at 5' 10", not stooped over and rambling, that's what come of having a military background. Thinking back you realize that you have always been attracted to younger guys and it has been always the older guys that have been attracted to you. You were always polite to them but they were just not your scene, could have been something to do with that old fat guy that took your cherry oh so many years ago. Was that old guy responsible for so many of the changes you made to your life, never hassling the young guys, staying slim and trim, keeping to yourself when you wanted so much to be one of the gang. Was that fat old priest really the reason for who you now are? Another memory stirs your mind, the family were not even Catholic, yet the old man got this fat old priest to try to change you from looking at boys and not girls, little did they ever know what the fat man was really after. You open the front door to your small bungalow, all bought and paid for, nothing flash, just a nice small comfortable home for your retirement. Through to the kitchen, now what will it be today? Toasted cheese and a long cold beer, that should do the trick for a lazy Saturday. Nothing on the TV today so might as well go sit on the veranda and watch the world go by, the sun's not to hot and the gentle breeze blowing in from the ocean will keep everything cool. Feet hitched up on a stool, cold beer at your elbow and two hot toasties on a plate in your lap, ah, the small pleasure of life. The last tangy taste of the toasted cheese is washed from your mouth as the cold acidity of the beer sluices down your throat in a bubbling effervescence of hops and malt. The rising heat of the sun makes you drowsy as your full belly pushes against your belt, eyes lowering as the faint hum of bee's in the garden recede into the back ground, a perfect day to sit and be lazy. The gentle tinkling of a far off bell sounds like music in an empty hall as your eyes flutter and finally open, the sun has sunk a little in the west and the breeze from the ocean has that late afternoon mustiness to it. The bell has a familiar tune to it and as you try to put a name to it you realize it is the bell at your own front door. Wonder who that could be, not expecting any visitors, well you don't get many visitors so that's not unusual, but who the hell could this be, damn got to get up and see. When you reach the front door you can see a vague shape through the glass panel but not enough to recognize whom it could be, got to open the door to find that out. "Yes? Oh David, well this is unexpected, what can I do for you?" "Hey Po..Ted, had nothing to do so thought I would come visit, is it ok with you?" "Sure, want to come in, I'm not doing much just sitting and being lazy. You look all hot, would you like a cold drink?" "Yeah, sure, thanks." "You hungry?" "Well a little I guess, didn't have any dosh for lunch and me mates split before I could borrow some from them." You give the vision a smile of understanding as he moves his lithe body through the open door and proceeds to follow you back to the kitchen. "What would you like David?" "Uhm, anything would be ok Ted." "Toasties ok with you?" "You bet, I love toasties, my Mum never makes them, says it's too much work." "Well she's wrong there David, they're the easiest thing to get ready, and how many can you eat?" The self-conscious giggle precedes the next comment. "How many can you make Ted?" "I should have known better than to ask a teen how much he can eat, ok...ah.. Altez, how about we start at two and work our way up from there?" "Sounds like a plan Ted." The rustle of baggy clothing and the creak of a wooden chair, tells you he has found a seat and is waiting with teen casualness for his late lunch, even at sixty you know that means he is already getting impatient and the sound of the rumbles from his empty stomach only go to reinforce your views. Taking an ice-cold can of coke from the refrigerator, you slide it along the counter to his waiting hand as the smell of cooking toastie fills the kitchen. The boy's stomach is now making very loud demands as the food nears its final state of cooking. Maybe two won't be enough after all, you look around for more makings as the electric toaster pops up the first two. "Here you go David, start on these while I get some more going in case they aren't enough." "Thanks Ted, and no they won't be enough, I'm a real guts when it comes to toasties." The chuckle and open smile warms your heart and you know deep inside that you would stand here for the next ten years making toasties for this cutey sitting in front of you if that was what he wanted. Among the gulps and slurps of the ravenous teen, you put two more in the toaster and turn to watch the destruction of the first two, a smile widens over your face at the sheer look of joy on the boys face as he devours the sandwich in his hands, the melted cheese and butter making a shiny trail down his wrist. "Want a towel there David?" If gulmph, grmp, gurgle, means yes then you had better get a towel. When you return from the bathroom with a small towel in your hands the second toasties are ready and so is the cavernous mouth waiting at the bench. Thirty minutes, six toasties, two cokes and one towel later there sits a very plump bellied boy leaning back in his chair, a satisfied look on his golden face as a little dribble of melted butter makes its way down his chin. "Feel Better David?" "Damn Ted, those were the bestest toasties I ever had." "Want some more?" Giving him a wide grin to tell him that you even know when he has met his match, you clear the table and signal for him to go through to the lounge to rest his over stuffed body, six heavy sandwiches and two cokes had not made him look any fatter, his narrow little waist showed nothing of the meal he had eaten. Damn the plates, they could wait till later, better go see how he is and entertain him as my first guest in a long time. You enter the lounge and as you look around you see him spread out on the sofa fast asleep, one leg hanging down on the floor, the other hitched up with his knee resting on the backrest. One arm is thrown over his eyes and the other down by his side. The hoody is lying on the floor and his partially bare chest is showing through an unbuttoned short-sleeved shirt. The baggy jeans are now down low on his hips and the top of his bright red boxers can be seen clearly above them, he has no glory trail on his slim little waist and his tight small navel is neither an inny nor an outy, just smooth velvety teen skin all the way up to his lower chest. The regular pace of his breathing is almost unnoticeable as his chests lifts and lowers with each intake and exhale of his life force. Such beauty can so easily be forgotten when you get old. TO BE CONTINUED: