Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 21:43:50 -0600 From: Fredric L. Brothers Subject: ANOTHER LAWN BOY STORY - Part 15 (Man/Teen) ANOTHER LAWN BOY STORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By Fred Brothers Copyright (c) 2003 Fredric Law Brothers - All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------- NOTE CAREFULLY: The following is a copyrighted work and is intended for private, individual use. It may not be reproduced by any known method, distributed or posted on additional web sites without the expressed written consent of the author. Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It bears no connection or resemblance whatsoever to actual or specific persons and/or life experiences or situations. If you do not appreciate a gay, intergenerational love story (that means man/boy love to the uninitiated or brain dead), or you're under 18 years old, then please leave now! Okay? You have been warned. Enough said! -------------------------------------------------------- Part 15 So! That's it! Clay leaves that easily. That quickly. That silently. I am ashamed. Ashamed of my actions . ashamed of my reactions. And I am totally bummed. I thought we had something going . Something developing . And now . now we have nothing! Nothing! I sit in the kitchen, hunched over my bowl of chili ... barely eating. This was going to be such a nice meal...together. Now every thing has turned to shit! I bury my face in my hands. Suddenly I see myself sitting in the small kitchen of a future apartment in Moscow. I'm alone. I'm almost always alone on these foreign assignments. I'm eating something I bought at a take away shop, and I can't for the life of me identify it or remember what it is supposed to be. I leave it unfinished, and slink into the tiny bedroom. I stretch out on the bed. At least the mattress is good - new I was told. Then again, new in Russia doesn't mean good by any stretch. The ringing phone breaks the string of depressing pictures and thoughts. It's Malcolm - again. "Did you get my emails Cole?" he asks almost breathlessly. "With the contracts?" "Take it easy. Please! What's the great rush?" "Sorry. I know I'm overdoing. But I just want to nail this one down soon. They've been bugging the shit out of me for the last two weeks to get someone. Knowing that I'm possibly getting you is a great prize." I laugh. "I promise to look them over tonight, Malcolm. And I should have an answer for you by tomorrow evening. I have an appointment in Milwaukee in the afternoon." "Appointment? About a job?" I hesitate. Should I tell him? "Okay. Yes. It's about a job. And I will say no more. Now please ... " "Okay. Okay. But maybe...uh...maybe we can sweeten..." "I said no more. Please! Now, good night, Malcolm. I'll look over the paperwork and let you know." Jesus! He is becoming a pest! I go into my office, turn on the PC, and check the execution of a series of programs I had been testing. Good progress. Only one bombed. I go to the Internet to surf for a while. I find some male amputee web sites and look at the photos there. I have definitely become interested in these men...Clayton, of course, being the reason. Some of these guys are quite attractive and I become aroused. But none can tempt me like my Clayton. HA! MY Clayton! What a joke. I've done a fantastic job alienating him...and there's nothing left between us. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. I wonder if he'll even bother to take care of my lawn and garden. Something in the back of my mind is gnawing away...bothering me... something I'd thought of before but never acted upon. I wonder why I never did. Why haven't I tried to learn the cause or causes - the reason if you will - of Clay's problems? Is it fear of what I'd find - or just an oversight? Whatever the reason (or lack thereof), I get onto a medical site I occasionally use in my work. The diagnosis section asks the user to list symptoms and it will supply an educated answer. Okay. Let's give it a try. I enter the symptoms I'd observed - his height, low muscle development, boyish appearance, scant body hair, speech impediment, unchanged voice, poor learning skills, etc. I list about a dozen things but do not include the amputations. It takes about five seconds and presto! There's a list of possible troubles/diseases/syndromes. Six, to be exact. And heading the list is something I'd never heard of before - a genetic syndrome resulting in large skeletal growth (especially his limbs), learning disabilities, along with reduced libido, infertility, enlarged breasts and small, underdeveloped genitals. The lead article is long, detailed, technical, and it loses me quickly - way over my head. It's from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. But I persevere. This, and other extracts, is definitely and eye-opener. I am stunned...surprised...and dismayed. Apparently, Clayton is afflicted with Klinefelter's Syndrome, first identified in 1942 by a doctor at the Massachusetts General Hospital. It is a form of primary hypogonadism and requires testosterone replacement therapy. The physical results of this syndrome include small testes, small penis, gynecomastia (formation of female type breasts), diminished libido, small or underdeveloped prostate, decreased physical endurance, possible heart problems, lower bone density, learning disabilities, autoimmune disorders. Yes! This has to be it! Clayton has a serious and not uncommon genetic disorder. The latest statistics indicate occurrence in one in approcimately 400 adult males. God! Why didn't I see this before? Why didn't I do the research? I decide to do more checking - this time focusing on male amputees. I read some of the psychological literature. The fact that absolutely floors me, and makes me totally crazy, is that the suicide rate among amputees who have lost at least one arm and one leg is twice that of those who have lost only one type of limb - one or both arms or legs. I become extremely agitate. This information, suddenly flooding in on me, is just too much to handle. All I can think about is how ignorance is bliss. Information, and too much information at that, is driving me bonkers! God! Genetics? Suicide? Clay's physical and psychological problems are legion! I begin to pace...wondering if I should call...or maybe go to see him. Should I call Franny - and let her know what I've found out? Christ! How stupid! Of course, she knows! And so does Clay! Why didn't he tell me? I am that untrustworthy? It's 11 PM - much too late to do anything. Clay has school tomorrow. But I know I need to do something...and to do it as quickly as possible! But what? What can I, practically a stranger, do? What? What can I do more than his grandparents are already doing? How can I help make his life better...more comfortable...more fulfilling...safer? And, most importantly, should I? Tomorrow! Yes. Yes, tomorrow! Let's tackle this problem tomorrow. I'll call Franny. We can discuss it. Yes. Good plan. Yes. Tomorrow. ^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^ The buzzing of the front intercom wakens me. I'd dozed off. I press the intercom button on my desk and the mini-screen pops to life. There's someone standing at the front door holding a pizza box. I didn't order a pizza - especially not at this late hour. "Yes? May I help you?" "Hey, Cole. It's m-m-me...Clay." "Clay? Wha - what the hell are you doing here?" "Aren't you guh-guh-gunna leh-leh-let me in?" I scamper to the front door. As I open it, I see a car pulling out of the drive - Franny's car. Clay walks in toting the pizza and goes directly into the kitchen. I pull in his bag. Has he returned for a particular reason? Is he moving in? And why did Franny drive him here in the middle of the night? "What's going on?" I ask. I'm in a complete quandary - at a total loss. "Nuh-nothing. Nuh-nuh-nothin' at all. Thought yah mah-mah-might be huh-hungry." "Hungry? Thought I might be hungry?" He nods. "Yeah. I am! I'm awe-awe-lways huh-huh-hungry." He takes off his jacket and throws it on a chair. He's wearing the Bulls basketball jersey, this time over a white tee shirt. I start to become aroused...but then remember what happened earlier in the day between us ...and what I read about on the web. My burgeoning erection deflates rapidly. "I see you switched to the split hook hand. Any reason?" His entire prosthesis is exposed, along with the accompanying Velcro straps, harness, cables, etc. I find it to be a tremendous turn-on - and I still haven't figured out why. "Yeah. The muh-myo-electric is muh-muh-much more truh-trouble. The hand geh-geh-gets dirty and I goh-goh-gotta recharge the bah-bah- batteries and stuh-stuh-stuff. It cah-cah-can be a real peh-peh-pain." "Sure, but this one needs that harness and the straps. Isn't it terribly uncomfortable?" "Nah. It's nuh-nuh-not bad. In fah-fah-fact, I rah-rather lah- lah-like it." Now he moves to stand directly in front of me. He puts his arms around my waist. This takes me completely by surprise - and is starting to get most provocative. First, he shows up at my front door at 11:30 at night and now he's holding me in an embrace. "I goh-goh- gotta ask you soh-soh-some-thih-thin' Cole. Okay?" "Sure." "Duh-duh-do you luh-love me?" I am stunned speechless. It was not exactly what I was expecting. "'Cause I nuh-know I luh-luh-love you...I luh-love you a lah-lah-lot!" My mouth is hanging opened and my eyes are wide. What a staggering turn of events! I start to say something (I can't remember what), but he continues. "Buh-buh-before you answer, I goh-gotta teh-tell somethin'. Somethin' veh-veh-very impor-tah-tah-ant. You gotta nuh-know thah-thah- that I goh-got some very serious proh-proh-problems...uh ... meh-meh- medical proh-problems." He looks directly into my eyes. I know what he is going to say - I read the literature tonight. Is he testing me . seeing if I become upset or agitated when he explains the problem? "I goh-goh-got a bah-bah-bad..." He takes a deep breath. "I was buh-buh- born wih-with Klah-Klah-Kl..." "I know Clay. You were born with Klinefelter's Syndrome - also known as XXY Syndrome. I know." He stares at me open-mouthed. It's a few seconds before he can speak. "You nuh-know? How? How cah-cah-can you?" "I learned about it tonight...on the Internet. I did some research at various databases and medical sites I have access to. I entered the symptoms that I...that I thought I know saw in you...and it popped right up. Simple as that." "Yeah. Poh-poh-popped up. Sih-sih-simple." "I'm sorry, Clay. I didn't mean to make light of anything...or to treat your problem off-handedly." I give him a little peck on his cheek and he giggles. "That's better. Anyway, I know it's a genetic problem ... you were born with it...and there is no cure. I've been going through for the last hour. So, you don't need to worry about me...or my reaction. I know and...and I'm fine with it." I can sense sudden agitation developing. "Fuh-fine? How cah-cah- can you be fuh-fine? I'm noh-noh-not!" Clay statement certainly takes me aback. I'm not the one afflicted. He is! What do I mean? What am I trying to tell him? "I know what you're saying, Clay. And I'm sorry that I sounded flippant. What I really meant to say was that...that these so-called problems are not important to me...well, they're important but not that...but...but ...what I'm really trying to say is that...well, that I love you too. I am very much in love with you. This . this problem . this syndrome you have ... doesn't make the slightest difference to me...and how I feel about you ... not one iota of difference in the tremendous feelings I have...and my love for you." "Oh! Wow!" His face breaks out into a wide smile that warms me to the depth of my being. "You luh-luh-love me?" I nod and give him a big smile. "Absolutely!" His face is serious again. " thah-that you nuh-nuh- know, it meh-meh-makes no dih-dih-diff- ..." "It makes no difference at all, sweetheart. Absolutely none." I place my hands around his waist and gently pull him closer to me. "I am deeply ... and truly...and love with you, Clayton Ritchards." I stare deeply into the magnificent blue eyes. "After what happened this afternoon, though, I...well, I was feeling so miserable at the thought of not seeing you...of losing you ... that... that...well, I had an absolutely miserable evening." "I'm suh-sorry fuh-for the weh-weh-way I beh- beh-been bee-bee-behavin'." "I understand. I do. You've been hesitant and tentative...while I...well...I've been ready to jump your bones anytime." He giggles when I say this; then his expression turns serious. "I ah-ah-appreciate whah-whah-what you say." "And these changes in mood and attitude...that you can have so suddenly? Well, I understand them much better now." "Ah-ah-and the seh-seh-sex pah-pah-part? duh-don't meh- meh-make ... ummm ... meh-make too muh-muh-much difference?" I don't answer immediate, and he becomes uneasy. "I neh-need a hormone shoh- shot every cuh-cuh-couple of weh-weh-weeks. And theh-they duh-duh- don't work too greh-great." He stares at me . expecting an answer. I say nothing ... yet. I can hear the panic in his voice. "You dih-did read `bout thah-that...dih-dih-didn't you?" I kiss the tip of his nose. "Yes...yes I read about it. I read everything I could. The sex you so delicately put it ... is very important...very important indeed. I have to admit ... it's very important to me." I can see his eyes take on a certain glazed look... and feel his body go slack. "But I don't think it's the most important part of a relationship. It's just one part of a complex and multi- layered bond. And I'm sure we'll be able to make things to our that we'll be able to have great sex...satisfying and fulfilling for both of us. Okay?" He seems pleased. He moves closer - as if to kiss. I see Clay close his eyes and open his mouth. Okay. If that's what he wants that's what I'm here for. I'm only too happy to fulfill his desires. I open my mouth and surround his slightly quivering mouth with mine. He presses his lips forcefully into me and I pull him strongly into my body. I am alive with incredible sensations coursing through my body - feelings of passion, desire and, most particularly, love and wonder. I love this boy and the fact that he is in my arms again practically overwhelms me. I move my tongue slightly into his mouth and I can feel him beginning to suck on it - lightly at first, then more strongly. I push in more. He begins to moan lightly. When we break the kiss, I can see that he's very anxious for another. This time I see him open his mouth and I let him surround my lips. He slowly moves his tongue into my mouth - very slowly. I'm sure this is his first experience frenching. He takes it slowly ... and delicately ... and lustfully. My passion climbs. My already immense desire for this boy reaches new heights. I am no longer in a suburban Chicago house...but on the top of Mount one with the gods. The sound of our kisses reverberates through the kitchen. We hug tightly, then try to regain our breaths. We smile at each other and I lightly peck at his lips. He giggles delightfully. He is flushed and more beautiful than ever before...more desirable than any man I've ever known ... or ever seen. He is the epitome of absolute male beauty. Of that, I am certain. "Now I have a question for you." He looks at me seriously and questioningly. "Okay?" He nods. "What kind of pizza do we have here?" ^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^ Clayton does most of the eating, and I lovingly watch him. He looks so incredibly appealing. After we clear away, I slowly and with much tenderness and concern, lead him down the foyer to my bedroom. We have our arms around each other's waists. He seems a little wary as I turn off the lights in the kitchen, but is smiling and comes along very willingly, showing no hesitation. He moves into the room rather nonchalantly, looks around, sits down on the bed and begins to undress. "Wait. Please wait, Clay. I'd love if you'd let me undress you." "You shuh-sure you wuh-wuh-wanna." "I'm positive." He responds by stopping and gives me a rather uncertain smile. I know I want this - to be patient, gentle and thorough. "Okay with you?" He manages a small smile and nods hesitantly. I know I will need his assistance, especially in removing the prostheses. I'd helped him remove his leg once but had never done anything with his arm. I kneel in front of him and remove the sneaker from his good foot. I take off the sock and begin to rub his foot - massaging it gently but firmly. Clayton has a beautiful foot, and although I'm not into feet as a rule, I find his foot to be exceptionally attractive. It is large, beautifully shaped and the translucent skin shows off an almost delicate sheen. There is a slightly fuzzy tuft of gorgeous red hair on the top...and I find it beautiful and an immense turn-on. I lean over and place a light kiss on it. His response is an almost purring-like "Mmmmmmmm." "Glad you like it. I got plenty more like that." I smile up at him and notice that he's a little tense. "I'm so happy you came back tonight - or is it this morning? I was going a little crazy after you left." I sit next to him and put one arm around his shoulder. I smile and stroke his face with the back of a hand. He too smiles. "That's beautiful ... you're beautiful. I like to see you looking happy. You look so fantastic when you smile. It lights up the entire room." I squeeze his shoulder firmly, since my hand in resting on part of the harness of his prosthetic arm. I move my hand down his arm, stroking and squeezing the soft, enticing flesh of his bicep and what appears between the straps. He closes his eyes and throws his head back slightly. "Hmmmmm." He is moaning lightly. "You are the most beautiful and desirable person I've ever known or seen. I know I love you...and want you...and love being with you." His response is quite animated. He throws his arms around me and pulls me tight, while diving his tongue deep into my mouth. The kiss is long and luxurious...and surprisingly passionate. This boy is heaven-sent. "Christ! That was great Clay. You're becoming an A-1 kisser." "I nuh-know! I goh-goh-got a greh-greh-great teacher." He flashes a wonderfully boyish smile. We kiss again...and again. It is most wonderful...most fulfilling...and most fervent. I stand and gently lift his legs up and onto the bed. He gets a sudden look of panic but it is soon replaced by a small smile and what I take to be a look of acceptance. I get on the bed and lie down on his right side. I gently caress his face. He turns to me and closes his eyes. "Everything okay?" I ask. He nods,and responds slowly. "Yeah, Cole. Eh-eh-everythin's greh- great. Beh-beh-better. Thah-thah-thanks." "Thanks to you. I know I'm happy ... and thrilled you are too." I move my hand slowly down his neck and onto the top of his chest, tickling and rubbing the bottom of his throat and his smooth chest. He giggles and seems to relax. "And everything will be even better. You and I will be great together...when we...when we sleep together...and hold each other...and make each other feel comfortable...and warm...and loved." He rolls closer to me and drapes his left arm over my chest. "Yeah. Luh-luh-loved." ^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^ I undress Clayton...and he undresses me. It is not without some tears...some tension...a certain amount of trauma...and a little drama. But it is a delightful surprise how little real, deep-down angst there is ... some, but not much. He seems to know what is to happen and has accepted it. I squat on my haunches. He stares at me, the quizzical expression growing on his face. "Please remember, sweetheart, that I will do nothing that you don't want. I love you...and I want you to love what we do together. Does that sound good?" He nods and smiles. I decide to describe everything I'll be doing so that he doesn't become alarmed. "First, we need to remove your jeans. Okay?" He nods again and moves his hand to the belt. "No, no. Let me." I move my hands. "I'm going to unfasten the belt...unzip you ... and then take them off." I undo the belt, unsnap and unzip the jeans. I move them down slightly exposing the top of his underwear. I'm surprised, because I expected him to be wearing the bottoms of the Bulls outfit, or at least baggy boxers. The ultra-white briefs take me completely by surprise. The sudden glare almost startles. I push his jersey and tee shirt up, to reveal his stomach. I'm amazed at the beauty of the very white skin of his belly. I lean over and lightly kiss the exposed flesh. The warmth...the smoothness...the me wild. I continue to rub him with my very moist lips... and Clay starts moaning. "Uhnnnn. Oh Cole! This is suh-suh-so great!" I lift my head. "Thanks. I thought you'd like it a lot." He watches closely as I continue to lap at his glorious skin. He lifts his butt slightly; it seems he wants me to remove the jeans now. I look at his face and see him nod. I slip the jeans down over his butt. I pull them down his legs...over his feet...over his toes... and completely off. I am stunned...shocked...and tremendously please by what I have uncovered. I see his leg prosthetic - so artfully designed ... so high-tech. And I see his natural leg. It is fantastically beautiful - lovely, slim, sleek, and long. His thigh is practically hairless, the skin translucent, criss-crossed with beautiful blue veins. In fact, the only hair I notice is on his lower leg. The golden shimmering, red hairs appear to be downy soft and luxurious. I lightly run my hand over them. They feel sumptuous as they gently play against my palm and through my fingers. I look at Clay's crotch. The pouch of his briefs seems barely filled - it appears empty. It just seems to hang down. I cannot see the outlines of his penis, his testicles or even his scrotum. It almost ... almost looks like the area between his legs is devoid of genitalia. I remember ... with some panic ... that one effect of Klinefelter's is small, underdeveloped sex organs. I place one hand on his left thigh and slowly move it until it rests in the crevice between the leg and his torso. I gently move it until it lies on the pouch. I press down lightly. I squeeze him softly and I hear a sudden in-rush of air. He lets out a low sound...a quiet "Unhhhh." His penis is flaccid and I cannot feel either scrotum or testicles. I shift slightly and gently lift his foot with my hands. Again, I kiss the top, while continuing to caress the sides. Clayton's toes are long, slender and amazingly well formed; even the little toes is straight and uncurled. I blow on them and he twitches and giggles. "Like that?" I ask. "Yeah. It fih-fih-feels guh-guh-good." I lean into him and lick the tip of his big toe. I kiss it. Over the years, I've found that many of my partners liked when I licked and sucked on their toes - and I'm going to try this with Clay. He makes no sound. But I can feel the foot and part of his lower leg quivering at my touch. He enjoys what I'm doing. So far so good. I lean over and kiss the top, this time rubbing my stubbly chin over the tip of the toes. Clay breathes in deeply and makes a small sound. He likes it...he seems to like it very much. I know I'm enjoying it immensely! I continue placing a string a little kisses on his foot. I move my lips to the end of the big toe and kiss it. I poke my tongue out and start licking all around the end. I do it lightly...and soothingly...and Clay responds by making a few more cute little noises. I gradually push my lips lower, and lower still, until I have his entire toe in my mouth. I lick and suck on it, while Clay continues to make those adorable sounds. The taste of his flesh is exquisite. I breathe deeply to capture and relish each and every single molecule of his essence. The feel of his strong, young toe in my mouth is delightful. He begins to wiggle it slightly and the pleasure increases. I maneuver to get the first two toes in my mouth, and swirl my tongue around them, poking into the gap between. Totally delightful...totally and awesomely delightful! Eventually I can get four of those slim toesies into my mouth at the same time. I lick them and suck them and feel the heat of having this beautiful boy's flesh inside of me. It is magical - absolutely magical! I begin working up from his foot - kissing and bathing his ankle, then up onto the calf. Here Clay has the most hair I've seen on him yet. His shin is coated with those sparkling, glistening golden hairs - golden with a touch of fire. As I rub my lips through the glossy thicket, I am transfixed - and transformed. I have become a gentle, soothing, patient lover...someone deeply and unimaginably in love with my partner. It is feeling I have never experience before. The newness surprises and delights me. I tantalizingly tug on those light hairs with my lips. Clay begins to squeal slightly. I rub my lips and tongue over the entire area, bathing it with my saliva. The flavor is uniquely Clayton - the faint and fabulously erotic scent that has been luring me all weekend. Always there...always enveloping the boy...enrobing the air as he walks the bed where he sleeps. The lasting sweetness clings to him... the heady richness...the loveliness that is this marvelous boy. As I reach his knee and begin kissing the front of it, he bends and raises the leg, giving me access to the region behind. I lick it hungrily, marveling in the incredibly smooth softness of the skin. It is a pleasure - a delight beyond the realm normally offered to us mere mortals. I soon straddle this leg and begin to rub his delicate thigh. It seems to be coated in fine, almost invisible blondish-red hairs. I can feel the delicate musculature beneath the skin. I delight in the feel of those muscles...the texture of his skin...the slim, delicate taper of his leg. I move my hands...slowly upward and down...seeking and manipulating every square inch of the tempting, fresh, fleshy surface of his gorgeous body. I don't push my hands into either the crevice between his thigh and his torso, or under the briefs. I don't think he's quite ready...but maybe soon. I lean over...and put my face against his thigh, rubbing my cheek and lips over the surface. I hope it feels good and soothing to Clay, because I know I could stay this way forever. Again, his scent is overwhelming my senses - in both meanings of the word. My senses of smell...and taste...and sight...and touch...are totally and completely absorbed with the power that is Clayton. And my wits seem to have gone on furlough at this time...leaving me with nothing but thoughts of this magnificent creature. I look up again...but he is not looking at me. His face is turned away ... and his breathing is deep and slightly ragged. I continue looking at him, as he slowly turns to face me. "I what-want yah to nuh- nuh-know...Cole...that it's...thih-thih-this is the veh-veh-very first tuh-tuh-time...thah-thah-that anyone's...anyone tuh-tuh-touches my boh- boh-body...tuh-tuh-touches me this way. Anyone! Thah-thah-that anyone ...wuh-wuh-wants...wuh-wuh-wants tuh-tuh-touch my boh-boh-body." "Are you sure?" "Yeah! I'm shuh-sure." "Then you're forgetting how I massaged your leg stump the other night." His eyes widen. "You seemed to like that very much. Did you forget? Don't you think that qualifies as touching your body?" He flashes me a sexy little smile. "Right?" He smiles again and nods. "And then today...I rubbed your arm...and your shoulder...and licked at your armpit? You seemed to like that a lot, right?" His smile widens. "Yeah. I suh-suh-suppose." "You suppose you liked it?" I respond, with mock hurt in my voice and on my face. "Suh-suh-sorry, Cole. Nuh-nuh-no. I dih-did lah-lah-like it. I luh-luh-love it. Suh-suh-so suh-sorry." He sits up quickly and hugs me tightly. "I dih-dih-didn't mean it! I luh-luh-loved it weh-weh- when you tuh-tuh-touched me! Buh-buh-both times. Buh-but I forget." He snuggles against me and kisses my neck. "I'm suh-suh-sorry. I am!" "That's perfectly all right. Lets just chock it up to the excitement of the moment. Okay?" He flashes a shy, appealing smile. "Yeah. Eh-eh-excitement." "I think you've known for a while now that I've wanted to make love to you. Don't you?" He whispers a low "Yeah." "And I do. I think you're the most delicious man I've ever known ...or ever seen." He blushes mightily. "It's true...the god's honest truth. You are the most desirable man . and I want to be with you all the time...all the rest of my life...and yours." He turns away again. Something is seriously bothering him. "Buh- but...buh-buh-but you've neh-neh-never seen my whole boh-boh-body. Hah- hah-have you?" "I'll admit I haven't." I gently touch his face with the tips of my fingers. "But I know it's not going to make a whole heck of a lot of difference. You physical you only one part of your tremendous beauty." I bend over and kiss his eyes, and rub my lips on his face. We kiss again. When we break we are both smiling widely. "I'd like to take off your leg, now, Clay. Okay with you?" He nods his assent. "Wuh-wuh-want me to heh-heh-heh-help? Whah- what shuh-shuh-should I duh-duh-do?" "I'd like to try doing it myself...if that's okay with you." "Yeah. Suh-sure." "Great!" I straddle the right leg, and proceed to do everything I remember Clayton doing the other night. He keeps close watch. He seems pleased, but I admit that I'm sweating heavily and am quite nervous. I've never done anything remotely similar - except to Clay. I carry to leg and set it down on a nearby chair, then return to remove the liner. "Cuh-cuh-could you wipe the luh-liner dry?" "Sure." I get a towel from the bathroom, dry the perspiration from the liner, and put it with the leg. "Thah-thah-that was a greh-great juh-juh-job, Cole! Juh-juh-just greh-great! You're geh-geh-getting' guh-good at removin' puh-puh-parts of meh-meh-me." I laugh at his statement. "Thanks. When there's something I want to do badly enough...well, I just know how to do get it done. I'd like to get the job on a permanent basis." He blushes. I climb back on the bed. He raises the stump, inviting me to rub and soothe it. I kneel near his legs and he rests the stump against my belly. It feels wonderfully warm. As I move my hand down to stoke it, Clay begins to make those endearing little noises again. He is no longer watching what I'm doing but has his eyes closed. His face seems serene - even a little eager. I know I am...eager beyond all capacity. I wrap my hands around this slim, tapered, limb remnant. I can feel it beating, moving, throbbing in my hands - the energy, the strong emanations, the desires seem to be pouring out of this boy through his mutilated leg and into my desirous, needy body. I stroke the full length with both hands - the left one gradually extending up to Clay's protruding hipbone, while my right one gradually extends its range, too, and begins to poke under those pearly white briefs. His skin is hot...and he's perspiring. "Uhnnn," he moans rather heavily, in a much deeper tone than I had ever heard before. "Cole. Yessss! Duh-duh-do it! Nah-nah-now! Duh-duh-do it nah-now!" "Yes, Clay. Anything...anything at all. And thank you ... thank you so much. Yes." I lean over and kiss him . gently at first...then harder...with much passion and excitement. "I love you, Clay. I love you ... and I know my love will only continue to grow. And I will love you...always." "I luh-luh-love you suh-suh-so much, Cole." I move my fingers under the elastic of his briefs, then slowly and carefully lower them. I stare at what is revealed. I stare. I am thrilled. I am mesmerized. I lower my face. Through the fog permeating my brain, I can hear Clay sobbing lightly...sobbing like a small child...a small child who has lost something...a prized possession, perhaps...or a beloved pet. I am disturbed. "What's happening now? He's crying again? Didn't I understand him correctly? Did I misunderstand the meaning of what he said? What's going on? And why?" I look down again. I see the magnificent fan of a red pubic thatch radiating outward from the base of his lovely penis. I am oblivious to anything else that is happening. I am on a quest now... and nothing - absolutely nothing - will deter me from the successful and complete accomplishment of that pursuit. The End of Part 15 (To Be Continued....) -------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading Part 15 of my latest story, here on the wonderful and comprehensive Nifty Erotic Story Archives. The sixteenth and final part to this story of Clayton and Cole will be posted shortly. I'd like to know your reactions to this story - anything you want to say is greatly appreciated. ---------------------- Please put the name of the story on the subject line of any email. Thanks again. --------------------------------------------------------