Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 18:13:03 +0000 (UTC) From: tague michaels Subject: Arrynn XI A few things: 1) CORRECTION CORRECTION: At the opening of the chapter 9 it was stated that our protagonists had been in their new house for a couple of weeks but that doesn't work for me so forget I said it. we'll change it to a couple of days. 2) I introduce a new vehicle, the idea coming from the Volkswagen Hover car, VW personal hovercraft and the Mercier-Jones Supercraft. Check them out. 3) Slidewalks, although now common in airports, were first introduced by the father of modern science fiction, Robert Heinlein in a1940 short story titled, "The Roads Must Roll." A fun read. That is all... N-joi Tag_m ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, we had to sit down and have a discussion about a bunch of things and while fucking the twins was on the "to do list", it wasn't necessarily at the top of said list, at least not in that moment. First, I feel the need to explain about my papa just a little bit because he sometimes is a man of contradiction and that can cause confusion from time to time. For instance, he's the strongest, toughest, meanest man I've ever met. He is a brute, a terror, and a killer yet he came down hard on Rusty for bullying. Johan is a lot of things but he's not a bully and doesn't tolerate bullying. "A man who is truly strong both here and here," he said, pointing to his head and his flexed bicep, "has no need for such behavior Arrynn. He doesn't feel the need to continue proving himself to people, especially weaker people. A truly strong man stands up for those who are weak and often can't stand up for themselves." So, we went into the living room to talk and Johan bade me tell him the full story about what had happened with Rusty. I did and Johan didn't interrupt but listened intently, as did Keenan. When I was finished he asked if I was okay and how did I feel about the way I handled it. It had been the first time I'd had to defend myself after all. "I'm okay papa," I said. "I feel more confident in my abilities. I know that what Master Chang is teaching me works." "And did you give any thought to trying to defuse the situation?" I shook my head. "No papa. I assessed the situation based on what Jojo and Juju had told me about Rusty and how he was acting. He was determined to cause us harm. I did try with the other two boys, explained exactly what I was going to do. One of them elected to test that, the other backed down." Johan nodded his head. "Is Arrynn accurate in his telling of the story," Johan asked the twins and they both nodded their heads. "And this boy is a known bully and has harmed you before?" More head nods. "Well then. It appears that you handled things in the best way possible A-Ron," he said then opened his arms and I went to him for a good hard hug, pats on the back and "good job" and the like. "So, tell me about yourselves boys," Johan said looking at the twins. It was clear to me that they were a little fearful of Johan and I can't say as I blame them. Even though he was all cleaned up and gentrified he still gave off an air of menace and they'd seen that exhibited not 10 minutes before. God forbid if they had seen him few days before; they'd be quaking in their sandals and shitting their britches. "Well, we're 13 years old," Juju said, "and we've been living with our nana since we were 7, with our parents too of course." "We moved here from Louisiana a year ago," Jojo said, "although we still don't know why exactly." "Our parents died 4 years ago so Nana is our only family." Juju "But she's the best," Jojo responded." "Stop, wait," Keenan said, "do you guys always do that, trade out sentences in a conversation? It's confusing." Both boys sort of hung their heads. "Sorry," Jojo said in a contrite tone, "but yeah, we tend to do that." "Drives people crazy," Juju added. Keenan was going to say something but Juju stepped in. "My brother and I share an unusual bond. Most twins do but ours is even more so than usual." "It's like we're actually in each other's head, or share the same brain" Jojo said, "so we know what the other person is going to say. It's sort of like being prescient and it's completely natural and it's like, we can't help it. We'll try not to do that but if we forget you can like, put a hand up when it makes you nuts." "I'm just fucking glad you aren't triplets," Johan said with a smile which broke the ice and we all laughed. I had to agree with Johan but I was also sort of getting used to it. The twins went on to say that they were home schooled through a special computer based educational program because regular schools couldn't handle them. They weren't bragging, they both had IQ's that were almost off the charts. They read at age 1, knew math tables by age 2, spoke fluent French by age 4 and so on. In essence they completed high school at 9 years old, got bachelor's degrees by age 11, bypassed masters' degrees and were working on PhD's in physics, applied mathematics and computer engineering among other things. Between them they spoke 9 languages and played a half dozen musical instruments. They made spending money by tutoring high school and college students in mathematics, physics, science, language and world history of all things. They had other talents as well, not the least of all was that they were funny as all hell. "It seems like we don't ever forget anything. We can tell you what we had for breakfast a year ago," Jojo said. "Or 216 days ago," Juju said. Jojo got the word "or" out of his mouth but Johan stopped him with a hand signal. "So, the other thing," Johan said. The twins looked at each other. "You go Jojo," his twin said. "Well, it seems that we love sex and have since we can remember. We've been with plenty of boys but want to be with a man. Or an older boy," he said, casting a sideways glance at Keenan." "But not just any man," Juju said, "we could catch a man if we wanted to, it's not that difficult, but we want it to be with someone we know and like, at least a little bit." Johan guffawed at that. "So this is an interview," my papa said with a grin. "I wouldn't put it quite like that," Jojo said. Johan nodded his head. "I'm just teasing you boys. I do love boys and I've never had the pleasure of being with twins so I believe I can accommodate your desires, along with help from Keenan and Arrynn." "That would be preem," Juju said. "Premio," Jojo said "Die prämie," Juju added "Asfálistro," Jojo said "Puremiamu," Juju said. "Éwài fèiyòng" Jojo threw out, which I recognized as Mandarin. They did in in less and 5 seconds. Johan, Keenan and I all put both hands up, palms out although I added, "q?ng tíng zài zhèli" which roughly translated means "please stop." "Sorry," the twins said in harmony but both were clearly surprised that I spoke Mandarin. "What's the plan then," Johan asked, "do you want to just strip naked and go at it like dogs?" Once again, my papa was just teasing on the them so I jumped in. "Maybe you guys could just plan on spending the night sometime." "I can't speak for Juju but I'm hoping we get to spend plenty of nights together, here or at our house with or without sex. We really like you Arrynn." His twin was nodding his head. "So, what then, Keenan and I are chopped liver," Johan said. "How about studs," Juju said without skipping a beat. "Or an ancillary benefit to our relationship with Arrynn," Jojo said. Before the twins could go further my papa put a hand up and said he was just fucking with them a little bit. "Wow, you guys sure tease a lot. I hope you don't mind if we return the favor," Jojo tossed out with a smile. "Not at all," Johan said, "in fact, I encourage it as long as it's respectful." "Let's go up to my room before you go," I suggested, knowing that they had to head home. On the way I said," "I have a question. Those men and Rusty, as well as other's I've seen, have something on their wrists, what are those?" In fact the object that wrapped around the entire wrist was about 2½ inches wide and about an eighth of an inch thick. Some were very brightly colored, others basic drab colors and some a variety of colors. "Those are Microms which means micro communications set," Jojo said, "another Microsoft tool. A zillion years ago people wore timepieces called watches which did a variety of things besides giving the time and date. Then hand held telephones came about which were called cell phone and those morphed into smart phones. They connected to what was called the internet and worked sort of like a mini-computer and allowed you to talk to anybody else that had one, which meant practically everybody, if you had their call number. Microms do all kinds of shit and they're made of a silicone derivative which makes them waterproof and almost indestructible." "Most people can't seem to live without them," Juju added, "but we don't wear ours because Nana can track us. They have all kinds of child monitoring and protective capabilities and GPS. She would be calling us all the damned time. When someone calls you their face pops up like a hologram. You can change how they look so Nana looks like the wicked witch of the west from an ancient movie called the Wizard of Oz. She doesn't think that's very funny. You guys should probably get some, you'll need them." As we stepped into my bedroom Jojo said, "We really gotta go but we got a few minutes to get some quality cock sucking in. "Plus a jackoff and squirt," his twin added. We quickly stripped and got right to work, Jojo going for my cock and Juju offering me his. Boners popped within a minute and I had Juju's half way down my throat, must as mine was down Jojo's. I felt on Juju's balls while he fucked my mouth, loving the smooth feel of the eggs. Juju's moaning told me he was enjoying it as much as I was. "Trade time," Jojo said backing away from me. A half minute later we were back at it. "Gosh I love seeing your lips around my cock Arrynn," Jojo groaned. I felt on his balls just as I had his twins and of course, there wasn't a lick of difference between the dark brown sets nuts. "And I love having my lips around yours Arrynn," Juju said. I didn't speak, my mouth being fully occupied. I really enjoyed being with the twins. They were different than the boys that my papa brought home, excepting Davian, but they were even different then. Somehow, I realized that a life with Davian wouldn't likely have worked out and it certainly wouldn't have worked out in my new world. It would be difficult enough for Keenan but at least he had something going for him, experience and street smarts and at least some exposure to kind of future he was to live. Davian would mostly been a fish out of water. "Cum in my mouth if you can Arrynn," Juju said. Truth to tell I was getting close. "You too Jojo," I said, taking a moment away from his delicious chocolate cock. I really did love the twin's cocks. A second later I felt my body change, stopped sucking long enough to announce it then went back to Jojo's cock. "I'm close too," Jojo groaned. I nodded my head and did my best to suck him, taking much of his cock down my throat, hoping that I conveyed the message that he could shoot in my mouth if he wanted to. It's wasn't but a dozen heart beats later that my cum arrived. I groaned around Jojo's cock as my own pumped my watery sperm into Juju's hungry mouth. I felt Jojo's cock thicken just as he said "here it is," then the warmth of his gooey boy goodness spewing across my tongue. I could tell that Jojo was jacking off as he suckled then heard his soft grunt and assumed he was squirting along with his brother and me. The twins made a fair amount of cum, not like Johan or Keenan but still a big mouthful and of course, I swallowed every tasty drop. "I love the taste of your sperm Arrynn," Juju said as he finally backed away, "It's almost like sugar water". I looked down to see the end of his dick all shiny from his sperm and a puddle of the stuff on his belly an in his pubic hair. "Plus it was fun sperming in your mouth Arrynn," Jojo said, "we're gonna have to do more of that." I agreed. Ten minutes later the boys left, reminding me that they'd see me around lunch time and also inviting me to go shopping with them and Nettie. I found Johan and Keenan in the kitchen fixing supper. I told them about being invited to go shopping the next day and about the Microms and Johan agreed that our new situation dictated that we would need to change how we went about some things. "My bank man suggested the same thing Arrynn, and he also suggested that a bicycle for you might be in order." I was more than surprised at both revelations and even more so when my papa pulled a small box out of a canvas carry bag that was sitting on the counter and handed it to me then handed one to Keenan. "These are the wrist gadgets you just mentioned Arrynn," he said as we opened them. "All of your personal information is already loaded into it including your call number." I took it out of the box and examined the deep blue object, noting the 3 round spots on the inside of the wrist. Papa explained that there was a plastic strip under top portion which was to be removed then the gadget place on the wrist. Within a half-minute the persons DNA was registered and from that point on, no one else could ever use the Microm. "The instructions are in the box so why don't you read them then explain to Keenan and me how it works." Naturally, Keenan was suspicious of it but agreed to wear it. Johan was reflective for a moment then said, "You know, I like these boys Arrynn. They're educated, good natured and quite cute. I'm thinking that being friends with them will be good for you. For all of us, the sex notwithstanding." "It will damn sure be interesting," Keenan observed, "but I kind of like them too; they're refreshing." After supper I helped papa and Keenen get their Microms set up then papa settled in to watch the news on the television while we went up to Keenan's room got him situated on my old computer. He had already learned the basics from watching me so I set him up on a learning schedule that started with basic reading and math. After an hour we went back downstairs. Keenan and Johan invited me go to the game room to shoot some pool. Yes, we had a game room that had a pool table, tables whose tops were inlaid chess and backgammon boards and even a 5 foot long cribbage board whose fancily carved pegs were 5 inch tall. It had chairs on each side that slid along a brass rail, like a foot rest for an old fashioned bar, so the two players could move along the board. The room also had a poker table, all kinds of other board games and a couple of things called pin ball machines that had to be over 150 years old but were perfectly preserved. I elected to pass in order to talk with Ewan. "You've had an eventful day Arrynn," he said in my head as I headed up the stairs to my room then he said, "we'll face time when you get settled. Five minutes later we were doing just that. It was good to see Ewan's face when we talked so I was loving my new system. We chatted about daily stuff then he got down to business. "The twins are going to be an important part of your life Arrynn," he said. "What I'm going to tell you may be a bit premature but regardless it is highly confidential. I knew their parents, in fact, they worked for me as part of this country's national security. They were extremely good at what they did and died in the service of their country and I miss them terribly. The family moved to their current house at my request because I've been planning this move for Johan and you for over a year. "Their nana, Nettie Harris, is one of us, that is, part of the national security system, although she has mostly retired. Believe it or not she's as dangerous as Johan, maybe more so because she doesn't present as such. Part of her job is to keep any eye on you or I should say watch out for you and offer guidance if necessary, which is a good thing and not a negative. I've said it before and you'll hear it often from me. You are very important to this country's future so your protection and guidance is of paramount importance. You can trust Nettie with your life and need to know that she would give her life for yours without hesitation if it became necessary although there is no danger of that at this time or in the foreseeable future. "The boys are absolute geniuses and have some very amazing talents although their constant interchange of narrating can be frustrating for most people. At present they are not aware of their importance to you or this country nor do they need to know of it. I believe that your friendship will deepen naturally and form the bonds that will be necessary in your adult lives. To that end I am requesting that they come with you as often as you'd like them to when you visit." "On that note, I want to start seeing you more frequently. I am arranging a FAATVEE for you which is a Fully Automated Air Transport Vehicle. Much like the transport that Laisha uses, this one won't require a pilot although over time you will be trained in how to fly it and other craft. With it you will be able to come visit almost any time you want to and we won't need to depend on other's to get you to and fro. "I am also considering getting you a dog Arrynn; what do you think about that?" Well now, I thought that was preem and said so but was curious about what Johan might say. "I'll handle Johan," he said. "The military and police use dogs quite a bit and sometimes a dog is a great dog and smart but might not meet the full qualifications to be part of that elite cadre and good homes need to be found for them. Such a dog is going to be available soon. In the meantime she has been hearing tapes of your voice in general conversation as well as giving her commands and has been sleeping with a piece of your clothing in order to learn your scent. I volunteered an unwashed shirt from your last visit. In any case that way, when you meet, you'll be like old friends." We talked a little more and I began to yawn so we signed off and I climbed into my bed and fell immediately asleep. During our get to know you chat from the day before, the twins informed me that typically they did their studying and such in the morning, which left the afternoon free to do what they wanted. Nettie had given them that day off in order to welcome me to the neighborhood. Boy, did they ever. Downstairs as I got my breakfast I found a note from Johan reminding me of dinner at Nettie's. After eating I went outside to go through my Gong Fu exercises for an hour then went upstairs to study. I caught the twins on camera just before noon so shut everything down and went to meet them. They were excited that I had a Microm and explained some other things too me then we got each other's call numbers loaded into them then we headed out to meet Nettie. She picked us up at the bottom of our driveway in her vehicle, and odd looking thing to me but apparently quite popular. It was oval, like an egg cut in half lengthways, the entire top made of glass which tilted open to one side so people could get in and get out. Once the top was back in place, Nettie told it where to go and it lifted off the ground and started forward. I wasn't too amazed, having ridden with Laisha but still I was curious. Jojo explained it. "It works through electro-magnets, interacting with a similar strip embedded in the roadway so it mostly travels specific paths called electroads. An electric motor allows it to drive on any surface without electroads but it's slower and you can only drive for an hour or so before the batteries need to be charged. Fortunately the electroads go just about anywhere and everywhere someone wants to go in the city, and there are electro-pumps everywhere for recharging." Seating 4 people, the inside of the vehicle was fairly spartan, almost everything activated by voice, although there was a large screen in front of the driver that served a variety of functions. When driven manually it steered by using a sort of joy stick in the center console between the two front seats. Behind the second set of seats was a fairly ample storage space. It didn't take long to get through the main gate and off we zipped, slipping onto the electroad with other vehicles. I pretty much stared at my surroundings as we moved out of the residential area and more into the commercial zones, my hosts pointing out various things of interest or note. After 10 minutes we moved off the main electroad onto smaller ones, the vehicle going where it was supposed to and avoiding people and other vehicles in the process. Moments later the vehicle was guided to a parking spot and settled back onto the ground. Jojo explained that a charging nozzle would automatically hook up to the vehicle. The top opened up and out we went and into a world I wasn't familiar with. It would be impossible to describe everything. We were in a massive two story building that seemed to stretch forever. Imagine being in a hallway that was at least 150 feet wide with stores of all kinds and sized lined each side. Down the middle were moving sidewalks, called slidewalks, 3 going in each direction. All you did was step onto the first one, which was very slow in order to accommodate people with handicaps, and off you went. Right next to it running and parallel to it was another one that was moving faster, not quite a brisk walk but close to it and a third one which went faster than a brisk walk. At various places along the path and situated between the slidewalks and the stores were seating areas much like a regular living room but large enough to accommodate 2 dozen or more people. Nettie told us to be back at the car in 2 hours or take city transport home. The 2 hours went fast. We stopped at a number of stores and in one the twins helped me pick out some new clothes. Among all of the amazing things about the Microm was that people didn't need to carry money because it accessed a bank account that Johan had set up for me and the twins showed me how to use it. At another place we looked at bicycles, hoverboards and other single person transportation devices. At another we got food. There were tons of food shops in the building. Jojo finally hit a button on his Microm, said "car" and the thing gave him directions to where the car was parked. Dinner that evening at Nettie's was spectacular; fried chicken and sweet potatoes along with cornbread and other side dishes and Pecan pie and coffee for dessert, not that I drank the coffee. Dinner talk was light and cheerful during which the topic of cook and housekeepers was discussed. Nettie had a very dear friend who had also come from down south and lived with her adult children not far from where we were. She could also handle most of the general housekeeping issues and knew people who could come in monthly for a deeper cleaning. Nettie also recommended a lawn and garden service who were reasonably priced and very dependable. "Miss Nettie," Johan said before we left, "you have been a tremendous help and dinner was the best I've had in years; thank you so very much." She offered her hand for a shake and Johan actually bent slightly and kissed the back of it. Nettie was pleased beyond measure. Keenan and I were shocked. "It's been a pleasure for me as well Johan and I hope that you all join us for supper at least once a week." Johan replied that we would but that Nettie and the boys would need to be our guests once our cook got settled in. Nettie agreed. As we headed toward the door she reminded the boys to be home early for school work. "We know Nana," Jojo said. "We will be home by 9," his twin said. "We aren't little kids," Jojo said. "You'll always be my babies," Nettie responded and pinched Jojo's cheek, "don't you ever forget it sassy boy." It was all in good fun. It was only a 5 minute walk to my house and once there Keenan suggested a swim. The twins grinned at each other and said that was a preem idea. I thought so too, much less like the "go at it like wild dogs" comment that Johan made the day before. At poolside Jojo dropped a backpack that they'd brought and we all quickly stripped. Needless to say the twins were shocked at the size of Johan's cock and his big fat balls. They were impressed by Keenan's cock as well although their cocks equaled his except theirs were black. Johan admired the twins' cocks praising them for their size and declaring they were delicious to look at. That said, we all dove into the pool where we goofed around for a half hour or so before climbing out to dry off. It only took about 10 minutes of lying in the sun until the twins went into action. "Are you ready for us Johan," Jojo said. "We're rarin to go," his twin added immediately. Johan just as quickly put a hand up, first to quiet the boys then to wave them over. The went to him and knelt on each side of the lounge chair Johan was laying on. Jojo took hold of papa's cock and held it up then put his mouth over the head and began sucking some life into it. Juju felt on Johan's balls for a moment. "Bring me your cock boy," Johan commanded. Juju stood then straddled Johan's chest and offered my papa his rising black boner. Johan took hold of it while placing his other hand on the black boys' small ass and pulling him forward. Between the two of them they got Juju's cock into Johan's mouth and he began sucking. I got up and moved to Keenan's lounge chair. "Don't you feel left out Keenan," I asked him. Keenan smiled, shook his head and put his arms around me. "How could I feel left out if I'm holding you my sweet Arrynn. They should feel left out." He hugged me and held me and kissed a little bit on my neck while we watched Johan and the twins. It felt good just being held and cuddled. I didn't get much of that. Davian had but I didn't have him anymore. We watched as Juju began to seriously fuck his boner into Johan's mouth. For his part my papa had started out with a hand on one butt cheek and the other on Juju's balls but he moved both hands to the boys but so he could really encourage the fucking motion. At the other end Jojo had suckled Johan into a full on boner and was kneeling beside Johan bobbing his black head up and down on my papa's lap. "It's very hot seeing Johan with twins," Keenan said, adding, "and black ones at that." "Half-time," Jojo called out. "Change sides," his twin added. And they did, Jojo quickly stuffing his cock into Johan's mouth and Jojo taking over at the other end. "Those two are something else," Keenan said softly in my ear, causing me to shiver. "Turn around boy and give me your hole," Johan commanded, somewhat gruffly. Jojo didn't seem to be the least bit daunted by my papa's tone but quickly dismounted, turned around, then bent forward and backed his black ass up to Johan's face. Johan peeled the boys' butt cheeks open and stuck his face in and began licking and slurping at the pink morsel of Jojo's puckered hole. Keenan's hand rubbed down my chest and found my half hardened cock and began to stroke me, making me full on hard in moments. I moved slightly so that I could rest against his chest so he wrapped one arm around mine and held me gently while he slowly jacked my boner. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my back but wasn't particularly interested in doing anything with it. I sort of liked sitting back like that and watching for a change and not really doing anything. "I need to get this python in my asshole," Juju finally said. "Can you grab the juice Jo," he asked. I didn't know what they were talking about but Jojo got up and went to his pack and pulled out a bottle and a small hand towel and took it back to where his brother was still working on Johan. "It's lube," Jojo said, "we call it the juice." Ahh, so now I knew the slippery stuff had an actual name. Jojo squirted some of it on his fingers then smeared on his twins' butthole and when Juju moved he poured some on Johan's cock and smeared it from the head to his big balls. Once done Jojo moved so his brother could straddle Johan's waist. Jojo took hold of papa's dharti cock and held it up then had Juju lower his body to it. "When Johan fucked you the other day," Keenan whispered in my ear, "it was the first time I actually saw his cock go into a hole and now we get to see it together. It's pretty amazing." I had seen it before but still this was different. Keenan continued to hold me and stroke my cock while we watched Johan's big cock go into Juju's butthole. Of course, the black boy cried out when it went through the muscle. "Holy goddamn fuck shit damn," Juju cried out and stopped dead in his tracks. "Breathe my brother," Jojo cooed to his twin, "breathe deep." It took a good minute before Juju started to move and slowly lower his body, Johan's cock spreading the boys hole farther than it had ever been stretched, or so I assumed. "It looks pretty hot Ju," his brother said as he watched and stroked his own raging black boner. "It feels like it's poking my heart Jo bro," his brother said in a tight but soft voice. "Damn." "Want some black boonga Johan," Jojo asked as he moved alongside the couple. Johan nodded his head, Jojo moved in close, holding his dick down while Juju started to move. After a few minutes Johan told Jojo to move and when the boy did, Johan's hands went to Juju's tiny butt and held on. He started move opposite of Juju, pushing up as the boy lowered his body so in a moment they had a good solid rhythm going. "Oh god Jojo it's amazing. Holy damn damn," he groaned. Jojo reached down in front of his brother and took hold of his cock and stroked it, helping get his twin to a cum stage. With me, Keenan continue to jack me off but not seriously, as in, not necessarily to make me squirt but just to feel better. He was succeeding admirably. "I can cum any time," Juju panted, "Anytime you're ready Johan. Johan seemed to move very quickly, held on to Juju then rolled with the boy, getting him onto his back, Johan's cock still stuffed up his butt. He then proceeded to fuck the shit out of my new friend. Jojo headed behind them to see the action and his mouth all but dropped open at the sight. My papa had Juju's legs spread wide and pushed back so there was nothing that could not be seen. Johan's cock was as thick as the boys' wrist, maybe even larger, so his brother's asshole was spread about as far as an asshole could get. From our position Keenan and I could see it too and I have to say, it made me wonder how the hell that thing managed to fit in my own little hole. Johan picked up speed and began pounding Juju's tight little ass with all his might. The boy was grunting and groaning every time my papa thrust deep inside of him. Next to them, Jojo was jacking his boner like a mad man, or mad boy, as the case may be, his mouth still hanging slightly open. All of a sudden Juju screamed out. I couldn't understand exactly what he said but it was clear that he was cumming. Juju wrapped his legs around Johan's waist and yelled at him to fuck his ass harder. I wasn't sure how that would be possible considering how hard Johan was hammering the boy. I felt my own orgasm ready to blow and said so just as Johan bellowed out that he was cumming. "I'm going to cum Keenan, make me cum, make me cum," I groaned and a second later I did, a small squirt of sperm shooting all the way up to my neck. Jojo had heard me and came over to watch. As soon as my cock stopped dripping he asked Keenan if he had cum too and got a negative head shake from him. "Will you fuck me then Keenan? I need to get fucked." My response was to move right away, assuming that Keenan was more than willing to fuck the twin. Keenan asked for my opinion, although I can't imagine why, so I gave it to him. "Yeah, I'd love to Jojo," Keenan said. I got up from his lap and went about cleaning my sperm up while Jojo slathered his butthole with juice and then did Keenan's raging hard cock. Jojo flopped onto his back on the lounge chair that we vacated and Keened asked if he needed any prep work and got a resounding "no". "Just get that thing in my pooter," Jojo panted. That was a new one for me. As Keenan got into position Jojo gave him directions. "None of that foreplay stuff just get your boner buried in muh butt," he commanded, his voice deeper than usual. Keenan chuckled at that as he got in to position between the boys' knees, Jojo's legs draped over the arms of the chair. Keenan lined up and pushed forward, a yelp from Jojo indicating that penetration had been accomplished. "Don't stop Keenan," Jojo demanded when Keenan did, in fact, stop. Keenan did as requested and in moments all I could see was his balls resting against Jojo's black skin. That didn't last long because Keenan started to fuck the boy right off the bat, pulling about half way out before sliding back in. I found it interesting because Keenan's white skin contrasted so much with Jojo's brown skin which made the picture much more clear. It had been the same with Johan and Juju but I guess I'd been too busy watching everything else, plus Keenan had been kissing on my neck and stroking my dick. As Keenan picked up speed, Johan was pulling spent and dripping cock out of Juju's ass. I got a quick glance at the gaping hole before the boy brought his legs together and swung them off of the lounge chair. Johan was standing and reached down to offer Juju a hand then tugged the brown boy onto his feet and into his arms then gently planted his mouth against Juju's. They kissed deeply for a moment then separated. "Do ye feel thoroughly fucked boy," Johan asked with a grin. "I do, thank you," Juju replied, "but I might be slow in walking for a while." I could understand that completely. My attention returned to Keenan and Jojo both of whom had begun to grunt or moan as the older teenager fucked the younger one with plenty of enthusiasm. Keenan was fucking my friend good and hard, enough so that the lounge chair was moving slightly on the concrete pad that surrounded the pool. Jojo was encouraging Keenan onward, not that Keenan needed encouraging. He was a very enthusiastic lover in my humble opinion. Jojo finally cried out that he was going to cum and a moment later he let out a long loud groan and judging from Keenan's motion and noises he wasn't far behind. He pushed into Jojo, ground his tight little butt around a little bit and went back to fucking the boy hard, the sound of their bodies colliding almost drowning out the splash of Juju and Johan diving into the pool. I decided to join them and jumped in, surfacing next to them. "How was it Juju," I asked and got an ear to ear grin. "It hurt like a mother fucker then felt better than a fried chicken dinner," he laughed. A few minutes later we were joined by Keenan and Jojo, the brothers eventually moving into each other's arms for a quick kiss. "Did you like being with twins papa," I asked and Johan nodded his head. "Aye," he said, "I did." "That's good," Jojo said. "Cause there's more where that came from," his twin added. Johan held up a hand. "I'm going to have to keep a dick in one of your mouths to stop that shit," Johan said with a smile. "Okay with us," the twins said in harmony.