Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:34:41 -0700 From: Nate Farmer Subject: Babysitter Crush 3 Hey guys! Thanks for reading so far, your emails have been great! I didn't expect the response to be so overwhelmingly positive! It's great to hear from everybody, and I love talking with you all. Again, if you guys have any tips to improve my writing, don't hesitate to shoot me an email at ! The usual disclaimers apply, if you don't like the content I don't care because you clicked it, and thank you all for reading! And don't forget to donate to Nifty, you guys. This site is amazing. I met my current boyfriend on this site! So a donation never hurts to keep it going. If you're not 18, begone with you! ------------------ He awoke to a gentle shaking of his shoulder. Corey shivered slightly, realizing that his covers had been kicked off over the course of the night. He opened his bleary eyes, looking into Sean's face. Clad again, in underwear, he had come to wake up his young friend. "Seems like you slept well," He grins slightly before breaking the contact and moving toward the doorway. Wondering what he meant, Corey realized, to his horror, that his hands were still in his underwear, warmly cupping his small cock and balls. "I went to the grocery store and got some doughnuts. They've got a nice bakery in there. They're ready for you whenever you get up." He left with a cheerful smile. Corey withdrew his hand from his pants, blushing furiously as he crawled out of bed in misery. He had been up so late again last night, but it was fortunate that he did not have to go to school. Fumbling around his room, he managed to find some clothes. The night had been cool due to the dry desert air, but the heat of the sun was back. Pulling on some tan shorts and a plain gray shirt, he wandered out into the hallway. He could smell the fragrant pastries on the kitchen table. Looking around, he saw that Sean was stretched out on the sectional couch in his underwear with his feet on the coffee table, a position that just seemed so... Manly and adult, in an attractive but inexplicable way. The sight had become familiar, but the feeling elicited by his outlined package and lightly muscled body had not. He sat down with his doughnut, watching what held Sean's attention on the TV so readily. It appeared to be some manner of game show. Corey wanted so badly to call attention to what he had seen last night. He felt like it was a secret trying to viciously claw its way out of his skull. Even if the person he told was the one on whom he had been spying, relief would come. He had to be subtle, of course. His mantra for the past few days had repeated as such in his head. 'Be careful, be careful,' his brain nagged him. "So," He began, munching pensively on his glazed doughnut. "I heard some noises coming from where you were sleeping last night. Were you having a dream or somethin'?" He feigned ignorance. He knew damn well that there was no dreaming going on. Sean stopped in the middle of biting his doughnut, looking sideways at the boy. His jaw moved slowly, and then more at a normal pace, as if he were slowly thawing out. The TV chattered away in the background, begging for the attention of the room's occupants, and being continually disappointed. "I stubbed my toe." Sean said shortly, his cheeks flushing slightly as he continued to eat his doughnut. "Wow," Corey says in amazement as he pretended to believe that unbelievably thin excuse. "It must have hurt a bunch! You made a lot of noise." While it was usually genuine, innocence could be faked when necessary, as most children could attest. "Yup. That end table is a real killer," Sean laughed in a slightly awkward way, settling back into the couch. Corey frowned, returning his attention to the television. He was not satisfied with the outcome of that short conversation, but he did not notice Sean's underwear tighten a little. ------------------ "So where do you wanna go to get some quick food?" Sean said, pocketing his wallet and keys. "I'unno, where do you wanna go?" Corey responded, lacing up his black and blue shoes. "I don't wanna pick, I hate picking." Sean shook his head as he spoke, standing by the door and waiting for the boy. "Rock, Paper, Scissors." He says, holding out his closed fist. He quickly secured a victory in two out of three games, forcing the choice upon the younger of the two of them. "Fine," Corey pouted slightly, not wanting to pick either. "McDonalds." He crosses his arms and looks away in an exaggerated huff. "Oh, stop it!" Sean said, laughing as they made their way to his car. The trip to the local Golden Arches was a short one, but, as was common during these last few days, Corey's head swam with images of a certain curved cock and the desire to touch it. This wasn't moving fast enough for him. He only had two weeks and he was wasting it trying to goad Sean into admissions and hints. He had to be brave. "I saw you last night. When you were, like..." He trailed off, thinking that it had sounded much more assured in his head. He was quickly losing the ability to voice his thoughts. "Oh, you saw that, huh?" He didn't seem overly fazed. Instead, he simply kept his eyes on the road as he drove. For almost a minute, silence reasserted itself. "So were you spyin' on me?" He says with a slight grin and a sideways glance. Maybe he was trying to diffuse the tension. "N-Not spying! Just... Looking. I heard noise coming from your room and I wanted to see. I looked through the door and saw your... Y'know!" The last word was almost frustrated, angry that Sean dared force him to finish the sentence by not interrupting. Corey's face was bright red. This was a bad idea. Definitely a mistake. Sean didn't seem mad, but the boy was so embarrassed. He wanted to catch fire, or disappear, anything to divert attention from this conversation. "Well, if you wanted to see something, you could have just asked. Maybe you, at least, wouldn't have been up so late. Your mom would hate that." He pulled into the drive through of McDonalds, placing their order succinctly into the speaker, looking back at Corey while they waited in line. "So... What were you doing? With your... Penis." The proper term slipped out, his immature mind not sure what word to use. In the end, it made the sentence sound awkward. He nearly winced at the mistake. "You've never heard of it? Jacking off? Peelin' the banana? Wankin' it? Spankin' the monkey?" He nodded his head back and forth as he listed more slang terms. "Stop," Corey said, barely able to contain his laughter. "Flogging the bishop? Five knuckle shuffle? Wristicuffs?" He went on, poking his index finger into Corey's side, eliciting frantic laughter as the ticklish youth attempted to avoid the assault. "Slammin' the ham? Beatin' the meat? Battling the Cyclops?" "Cyclops?" Corey paused in his laughter, staring quizzically at the man. "Yeah, y'know... It's got... One eye?" Sean answered with a nervous laugh, pulling slightly forward as they grew closer to the drive through window. "Oh!" Corey blushed a little more, biting his lip nervously. "But anyway... No, I never heard'a that. Is that what you were doing when you were, like... Squeezing it?" He makes a slight gesture with his left hand, squeezing it as if he were crushing an imaginary banana. "Yeah, pretty much. You'll learn about it. All guys do it. Basically it's something to do before you go to bed, or in the shower, or even if you're just bored and alone." He tapped the steering wheel idly. "Or not alone, doesn't matter." Sean added as almost an afterthought. Leaning out the window, he took the paper bags from the employee, smiling briefly at her as he handed Corey the food. "Okay," Corey mumbled, setting the fast food in his lap as they made their way home. "Howcome you do it though?" He was having trouble understanding the motivation to squeeze one's penis so forcefully. "Well it feels really good. It's fun, too! I mean, why not, right?" He smiles a bit, patting Corey on the leg before returning his hand to the wheel. They were silent for the rest of the ride. ------------------ Sean held the door open for Corey as they entered the house, shutting it behind them. As they ate at the table in silence, it seemed as if Sean was waiting for him to brooch the topic again, but the time never came. "So, are you gonna spy on me again, tonight?" This was said with a slight smile as he watched the nine year old freeze in his chair. "You're right, whether or not you planned on it, you'd say no." He laughed a little, ruffling Corey's hair. The boy seemed to relax slightly, realizing that he wasn't in trouble. Getting his courage back, he shifted in his seat a little. "Y'know how you said I could just ask if I wanted to see?" He began, avoiding direct eye contact. "I seem to recall something of the sort." Sean responded slowly, grinning. "Well, um... Can I see?" The last phrase came out in a rushed way, as if he was less saying it and more expelling it from his lungs. "Well, fair's fair. Let's do it like a game instead. Have you ever played Poker?" Sean asked slyly. "Uh-uh. Is it hard?" Corey was somewhat apprehensive in undertaking a game that he was sure he'd lose at. Would he even get to see anything at all? "Not so hard, once you get the hang of it. Basically, the idea is to get the best five cards possible." He began, going to get a pack of cards from the game closet that Corey's mother had shown him to pass the time. "You know what a pair is, right?" He asked from the hallway. "Uh, that just means two, right?" Corey responded weakly, not wanting to sound completely inept. "Yup! Two of any card. There's pairs, two pairs, three of a kind, flushes, straights, full houses, and all that. I'll write it down for you so you don't have to show me your cards and give it away." He grabbed a scrap of paper from the refridgerator door, meant for writing down grocery lists. After a minute or so of scribbling, he handed Corey the paper, newly covered in nearly illegible chicken scratch. "We'll start with five bucks in chips," He says, looking around. "Does your mom keep any jars of change or anything like that?" "Uh, yeah... Hold on." He hopped out of his chair, running to his mother's bedroom. He tread lightly over the threshold into the usually-forbidden territory. Ever since he slung old baby powder all over her bathroom, he hasn't been allowed inside. Just as he was about to give up the search, he saw a large jar atop the dresser. Grabbing it (and nearly dropping it), he carried the heavy burden back to the kitchen. "Woah... That'll do nicely. Okay, here. You take your five," He separated out forty quarters, giving each of them half. "And I'll take mine. So, anyway, we start out with five bucks in chips. When you get down to four dollars, it's not so bad. You only have to lose your socks. At three you lose your shirt, and your pants when you get down to two. If you're out of money, you've gotta lose the underwear. And you can't put the clothes back on when you get more money. It's called strip poker." He waggles his eyebrows theatrically, sitting back down across the table from the child. "Oh, so I gotta take some off too?" Corey's face turns a bit red at the prospect of baring any amount of skin to his babysitter. "As I said, fair's fair." Sean responded succinctly, shuffling the cards idly. "Are you ready to lose all your clothes?" "So, at first, we chip in a quarter," He says, throwing in the coin. "I'm only going to give you your hand of two cards. Then, we bet." He deftly passes out two cards to Corey and then two for himself, holding them out of view. "Then we bet before there are any cards. Then, if we want, we can bet after three, then after four, then after five. Got it so far?" "Uh huh..." Corey seemed a little confused, but seemed to be waiting to see what Sean did so that he may follow suit. "Oooh, I like these two cards. I'll bet fifty cents." He says with a sly smile. "How do you know? You don't even know what we're gonna get!" Corey responded indignantly. "Just a feeling is all. So you gonna bet, buddy? Or you could just fold, but I'll get those two quarters we threw in at the beginning if you do!" Sean smiled, getting slightly cocky. He was sure that he had it in the bag. "I dunno... I don't like these cards, and they don't match up with any of the stuff on the paper," Corey seemed somewhat defeated. "I'm gonna... What did you say it was?" "Fold. You fold if you know you can't win because your cards suck." "Yeah I'm gonna fold." He sets his cards down face up, showing that he had a Jack and a nine. "Well, that could have turned into a straight later on! Oh well, here's mine." He throws his down triumphantly, revealing a two and a seven. "Those aren't good cards! You lied to me!" Corey yelled, appalled at the utter betrayal. "I BLUFFED to you. That's the point. You gotta make people think they can't beat your cards! But the quarter is nice, thanks!" "I don't like this game..." Corey flicked his cards toward the center of the table. "Well you better learn to like it, here comes more cards. Gotta play until the end, or else nobody will wanna play anything with you," Sean teased. "Okay, here they are. Try and get something good, or you're losing those socks in no time. Don't worry, I'll just check this time." "Check? Like look at my cards?" Corey held them protectively to his chest. "No, that means I'm just not gonna bet. I can only do that if you don't bet either, we both have to agree." "Well I'm gonna do that!" Corey jumped at the chance to not lose more than he had to. "Okay. Now try to make a good hand with these three cards." He flips three from the top of the deck, laying them side by side on the table top. Six, nine and an Ace. "So, what do you think? Wanna bet, or check?" Sean tapped the table idly, indicating the cards in play. "I wanna bet!" Corey could barely conceal his glee as he spotted the six, pairing it with the six he was holding in his hand. Throwing in fifty cents, he waits eagerly to see what Sean puts in. "Well, I'm gonna just call your bet." He puts two quarters into the center of the table as well. "Now we have a fourth card." He lays it on the table, revealing the Queen of Hearts. "So, now we bet again. Still feelin' good about your cards? Time to bet if you do." "Yup! I wanna bet a dollar!" He throws in more coins, grinning in premature triumph. "'Kay, I'll call it, then." Sean throws in a dollar as well. "And now, the final card." A three. "Okay, can I just put in a quarter?" Corey says, shifting in his seat excitedly. He was sure that he had something, but he didn't want to blow all his money just yet. "Sure, I'll put in the same," He says knocking on the table briefly. "Now, we reveal our cards. You first, kiddo." "Two--" Corey began before he was briefly cut off. "It's a pair." Sean corrected gently. "Oh, yeah! Pair of sixes!" He throws the cards down with an audible 'flip!' sound. "Wow, buddy! That... WOULD be a great hand," Sean lay his cards slowly on the table. "If I didn't have a pair of Queens, of course." He laughed at the look on Corey's face as he swept the coins to his side of the table, bringing his total to seven dollars, and Corey's to a meager three. "Aww! I'll win next time, though. No way you can win three in a row!" Corey claimed boldly. He placed his quarters in a neat stack as Sean shuffled the deck. "Woah woah woah, pal. Not so fast. You have to shuck some clothes. Your socks and shirt need to come off. Did you think I just forgot about that part?" The older of the two smirked, gesturing to the boy's clothing. "O-Okay..." He stood up, standing on one foot to pull the socks from his feet. He threw them onto the floor in the kitchen. "Make sure you pick those up after we're done. I'm still your babysitter, after all." Sean laughed a little. He sat back in his chair, enjoying the spoils of victory as Corey pulled at the hem of his shirt, exposing his stomach as he yanked the cloth over his head. He took a moment to free his tangled arms from the sleeves, throwing the shirt into the floor next to his socks. He shivered a little in the air conditioned kitchen, the metal of the chair feeling cold on his skin. "Okay, another round then. I'm gonna have you down to your skin in no time, at this rate!" Sean smirks cockily, dealing the cards. A couple of checks and a raised bet later, they had both put three dollars into the pot. "Woah, man. You're all in! Here it comes! This is for the whole enchilada. You ready to strip down, buddy?" Sean asked in excitement as he lay down his pair of kings and pair of nines. "Nope!" Corey shot back, throwing down his three of a kind. "Gimme your socks, old man!" He uses his arm to sweep the pot to his side, grinning ear to ear. "Oh, gloating now are we? All big and tough now that we won a hand, huh?" Sean teased, throwing his socks at the kid. ------------------ A few rounds of strip poker saw man and boy both sitting in the slightly chilly tile kitchen, wearing nothing but their underwear. Corey's white briefs stood out in contrast against Sean's gray, form fitting boxer briefs. Both articles of clothing left little to the imagination, but this was especially true with Sean. His hard cock strained against the waistband, very visible through the glass table top. Corey nearly had a stroke as he tried to fight the urge to drink in the sight. He kept his calm, knowing that soon he would get to see it in the flesh. His heart pounded in his chest as he prayed for luck. He had bet his last two dollars, hoping for a comeback. If Corey lost, however... He would have to present himself to his babysitter in nothing but his skin. He almost broke a nervous sweat, but not quite. He had naively discounted the idea that his babysitter would want to see him naked as well. As the last card was flipped, his eyes locked on the seven of clubs. That completed his two pair! He may just be able to win. Sean did not bet anything additionally, as Corey had already run out of money to bet. "Alright, bud. Spread 'em." He commanded. "I mean the cards, of course." He added with a cheesy grin. "Two pair!" Corey said with a sigh of relief, setting his cards down and already preparing to take the pot. "Hang on, woah woah. I've got a straight. Read 'em and weep, kid. Time to strip down. Really thought you had me there..." Sean sat back in his chair, basking in his hard won victory. Corey's face flushed as he stared at the cards. He slowly got up, looking down at his underwear, which was slightly tented out from his little cock. He resigned himself to his loss, slowly and deliberately placing his thumbs between his waist and the elastic band at the top of his briefs. "Aw, come on. Stand over here, so I can see." Sean snapped his fingers somewhat demandingly, pointing to the floor a couple of feet in front of him. The boy shuffled, red-faced and shy, to the patch of tile in front of the man and shivered a little. He kept his thumbs in his waistband, delaying the embarrassment for as long as he could. "Come on, now. To the winner goes the spoils!" He makes a sweeping gesture that royalty would make when addressing his subjects. Corey grit his teeth, slowly sliding the clothing down to the floor and kicking it away. The child's cock couldn't have been more than two inches at most when erect, and was likely less. The hairless, smooth flesh was begging to be touched. "Turn around now, let's see it." Sean commanded, twirling his finger in the air. Through all these demands, his demeaner was still friendly and warm. Despite his embarrassment, Corey felt secure. He slowly turned around, showing his bare behind to the grown man. Sean feasted his eyes on the naked boy, his gaze fixed on the two small cheeks of the ass. He could swear that the entire thing could almost fit in his large, adult hands. His cock leaked a small amount of precum, dampening his underwear slightly. He reached forward to touch, but resisted, pulling his hand back. "Can I turn back around now?" Corey asked meekly, looking over his shoulder. "Howcome you're lookin' at my butt?" "No reason. Yeah, you can turn around bud." He cupped his hands over his grown cock and balls. He noticed the child's stare toward that area of his body, smiling. "Like I said earlier, fair is fair." He stood up, slowly releasing his hard dick from it's prison. Corey couldn't help but gasp in amazement as it sprung up from the hold of the waistband, slinging a glob of precum onto it's owner's stomach. The beautiful cock was between six and a half and seven inches long, with respectable girth and a delicious upward curve. It appeared as if it were taken right out of a textbook chapter about what the adult male penis should look like. Sean let him stare for over a minute before speaking. "So, are you satisfied now that you've seen it up close?" Sean asked. 'Up very close,' he thought to himself as the boy seemed to gravitate even closer, his face only six or seven inches away as he examined it closely. "You can touch it if you want.." It was Sean's turn to blush. Was he moving too quickly with this? He didn't want to scare Corey away. "I-I can?" The boy stammered, his hand rising slightly, approaching his babysitter's hard dick. "Yeah, sure. Give it a squeeze, it's not gonna bite." The levity of Sean's words belied the tension in his chest. He couldn't believe what was happening. The hand moved even closer and closer, hovering just centimeters away from blissful, wonderful contact... ------------------ Sorry this one took so long! I've been so busy lately, the fourth part will be up faster than this one was. Thanks everyone for reading, and email me if you wanna talk or let me know if there's something you liked or didn't like. I love talking to readers! And thank you to David for helping me with the poker part! I've never played poker, would you believe it?! Thanks for reading, everyone! Keep checking back!