The characters in this story are all under 18, but because of the age difference and the nature of the interaction, it belongs in the adult/youth section. I suppose you should assume that it is completely fictitious, and in any case names would definitely be changed to protect the guilty.


Nifty does a really good job bringing us all these stories, and they would appreciate it a lot if you could throw a bit of change in their direction every now and then to show your appreciation.






Babysitting Frank – Part 4


continued from part 3...

"This is going to sound bad and I don't want you to take it the wrong way, but Marty, I don't want to do this again."

"Mark, I'm glad you said that," I replied, "I'm not keen on a repeat myself, I really only did it because you looked like you wanted to, and Frank was curious – and I'm a randy bastard of course. I know I got worked up, but I really just wanna be your friend, I don't have those sort of feelings for you now. Is that what you were gonna say as well? Besides, I don't want Frank to have to share me with his big brother!"

"Exactly," agreed Mark, "We feel the same way about this. Look, I'm not saying that this was a mistake or that I didn't enjoy it – in fact you were almost as good as humping Sue! I think with all the things that have just happened, I just sort of needed to get it out of my system. I needed to make sure that it was only Sue I was really interested in. God knows how, but somehow getting worked up with you and doing stuff just one last time sort of rounded off that phase of my life, and it makes it easier to give Sue all my attention – sexually, I mean. You are still my best friend"

"Fuck it was pretty intense though," I observed.

"Shit, you can say that again," agreed Mark, "And Frankie makes enough noise to wake the dead!"

"He certainly does!" came a voice from across the room.

Mark and I sat bolt upright. Framed in the doorway, hands on hips looking down on us was Sue!

Frank lifted his head sleepily. "Eeek!" he screeched, seeing Sue.

"Eh ... uh ... Sue! How long have you been here?" asked Mark pathetically.

"Long enough, Mark Armstrong," answered Sue coldly, "Plenty long enough!"

We sat staring at her like three frightened rabbits caught in the headlights.

Frank gave a frightened whimper, and buried his head on my chest, holding me tightly and sobbing uncontrollably. Seeing his frightened state I became suddenly angry. "So you sneaked in secretly and just stood there watching us?" I ranted at Sue, "Now look what you've bloody done!" I looked down and Frank.

Sue started back in surprise, "Oh Frankie, it's not your fault, sweetheart," Sue tried to mollify him.

Frank turned abruptly, and jumped up facing Sue. His fists were clenched and his face an angry red. "Only Marts can call me that!" he shouted at Sue, "You can just ... just ... FUCK OFF!"

"The back door was open I didn't sneak," Sue spat at me. Then her face screwed up and she burst into tears. Sue turned and dashed out of the room, wailing.

"Flipping heck!" Mark exclaimed, jumping up and running after Sue.

"Mark!" I warned, "You're still ..." but Mark had disappeared. "... naked," I finished uselessly.

I had figured that Sue was going to run out of the house, but in fact she turned and dashed up the stairs with Mark on her heels. There was a sudden sharp slam of a door from above, and some raised voices.

Frank sank back down on the sofa-bed and looked at me worriedly. "What's Sue gonna do?" he asked.

"Shit, sweetheart," I replied, "I really don't know ..."

"It's bad, isn't it?" Frank said.

"Yes, I think it is," I admitted dejectedly. Frank once again pressed his head to my chest, and I could feel his back heaving occasionally as he sobbed.

"Um ... I think we'd better get dressed, sweetheart," I spoke softly after a few minutes. Frank nodded miserably, and we got up. I started collecting my clothes from where they had been scattered over the floor, and Frank quietly climbed the stairs to get some clothes from his room. He came down a few minutes later, pulling on a T-shirt. He was still barefoot, but was wearing his jeans. "What are they doing?" I asked him quietly as I buttoned my shirt.

"I dunno," answered Frank, "They are both in Mark's room. I listened at the door but I can't hear anything."

Frank and I folded the bed back into a sofa, and sat on it, hugging each other miserably in silence. There was nothing to say. Why had we left the back door wide open? I should have obviously locked both doors. Mark had told me that I just didn't think, and now my thoughtlessness had caused this! Suddenly two tears rolled silently down my cheeks, and I hugged Frank closer to me.

I don't know how much time passed. Perhaps half an hour, maybe longer. Then I saw a movement as Mark walked quietly into the room. "Sue says she's really sorry she upset Frankie," said Mark quietly, squatting in front of us.

"What's she doing?" I asked, "I s'pose she'll tell our parents." I suddenly sobbed.

"No," Mark contradicted. "She hasn't said much, but I know she's not gonna tell on us."

"How do you know that?" I asked, barely daring to hope that we may be reprieved.

"She told me to come down and open the windows," Mark answered.


"She said the room stinks of sex, and if I don't get rid of the smell, mum and dad will know as soon as they walk in," Mark explained. "She wouldn't have said that if she was gonna blab, would she?"

"Oh. Is she still very angry?"

"No," answered Mark with a puzzled frown. "She seems OK now. She's been cuddling me, and when I try to talk she tells me not to say anything. I don't understand her." Mark got up and started opening the windows.

"Mark," I called quietly to him as he was about to return upstairs, "You do realise you are still naked?"

"Um yeah," Mark replied. "So's Sue"

"What?" I exclaimed.

Mark shrugged, smiled at me and went back up the stairs.

Frank had followed the conversation, and he gave me a puzzled look. I shook my head slightly. "I think it's all OK, sweetheart," I told him.

Frank sighed and laid his head on my lap, closing his eyes. I pulled him further up and lay down along the sofa, putting a cushion under Frank's head as it rested on my chest. I was soon in an exhausted sleep. At some point I thought I heard Sue's voice crying out, but it may have been a dream.

"Hey, sleepyheads!" a baritone voice woke me, and I groggily stirred. Frank's mum and dad were standing over us, his mother laughing.

"Oh, Hi mum, dad," greeted Frank brightly, hopping off the sofa. Frank falls asleep and wakes up like switching a light off and on!

"Oh," I said groggy and embarrassed. "Sorry, I must have dozed off." I tried to stand up, but my leg was asleep where Frank had been lying on it. I rubbed it and winced as I felt pins and needles course through the muscle.

Frank's father laughed at me. "Frankie's taken quite a shine to you," he observed, "Thanks for looking after him. Where's Mark?"

Just then Sue trotted gaily down the stairs. "Hello Mr. Armstrong, Mrs Armstrong. Mark and I have been listening to some records upstairs. Mark's just fixing his record player; I think the needle's worn out."

"Oh, Hi Sue," Frank's Dad replied, "I thought you were away today?"

"I was supposed to be," Sue explained, "But I asked mum last night and she said I could stay home instead of going to church or seeing gran. So I popped round here to surprise Mark and caught the boys at it!" she finished, grinning at me mischieviously.

"And what were they up to?" asked Frank's mum, smiling.

"Oh, the three of them were playing some stupid boys' game together," Sue said, "Whatever it was it was very noisy, Frankie was screaming his head off! They all seemed to be enjoying it though." Sue smiled at Frank's mum.

"Yes, boys do play rough," Mrs. Armstrong replied, "I hope you quietened them down before the neighbours complained. Mind you it's nice to see Mark and Martin have been letting Frankie join in their activities recently. Frankie's really been enjoying the attention."

"Yes, I think that's really cute," Sue smiled sweetly and innocently at Frank, "Frankie seemed to be lapping it up this morning, he's a real sweetheart, bless him! Anyway, I have to go I'm afraid. Mum is expecting me home by six." Frank was glaring daggers at her.

"Mark!" his dad called up the stairs.

Mark appeared on the stairs. I noticed he was tucking his shirt in. "Hiya!" he said to his parents.

"Well - be a gentleman and walk Sue home," admonished Mark's dad.

"Oh!" said Mark, "Um – OK, back soon!"

"Frankie, I see you didn't wash up the cereal bowls this morning, could you go and do it now, please," Mr. Armstrong directed his son.

As soon as Frank was out of the room, his dad came up close to me and spoke quietly. "How long were Mark and Sue up in his room by themselves?" he asked me.

"Um – not that long, I don't think," I replied, "We were all down here and then I fell asleep. I'm not sure what time that was, though."

"Ok, look Martin, I know you've been making sure Mark is safe," his dad told me, "Please could you keep reminding him to – um – always be careful."

"Well of course," I replied, not sure what he was getting at.

"We don't want Frankie to be an Uncle just yet," he winked at me.

"Oh," the penny dropped, "That's what I said," I smirked.

"Thanks, Martin. Just keep your sensible eyes on the pair of them, would you – and make sure Mark is always – um - equipped?" Mark's dad patted me on my back, "He listens to you more than he does me."

"Are you staying for tea?" Mark's mother called to me from the kitchen.

"Um, No thanks, Mrs Armstrong," I replied, "I've gotta get home too, but I'll wait till Mark gets back."

"He can walk you home as well," Mark's dad said, "He needs the exercise." He then lowered his voice so it would not carry to the kitchen, "And perhaps you can find out what he was doing in his room with Sue and chat to him about what we've just spoken about," he asked me.

"I'll walk with them too!" declared Frank.

"No," said his dad, "You mustn't pester the big boys all the time, lad, or they'll soon get fed up with you."

Frank entered the room looking rejected, "You do as your dad says," I said, "I'll be round after school tomorrow."

Frank smiled, "Is that still OK then?"

I frowned a quick warning and nodded. Frank gave a relieved grin, "Great".

Walking back home with Mark, I told him what Sue had said, then the strange conversation with his dad.

Mark shook his head at the turn of events. "Hey Marty," he said after a bit, "Did you know that you can give a blowjob to girls as well?"

"Huh? No, how can you possibly do that?" I answered disbelievingly.

"Sue showed me in my room this afternoon," Mark explained, "She said we couldn't `do it' `cos we had no johnnies and she said she thought you'd probably sucked me dry anyway, and she told me how to get her off with my tongue!"

"Wow," was all I could say.

"Girls have sommink that's sort of like a tiny cock," Mark educated me, "And you can sort of wank it off with your tongue or finger."

"You mean girls can wank?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Mark confirmed, only they can't do it the same as boys, obviously. I'm surprised you didn't come up to see what was going on, she makes more noise than Frankie! But you won't forget to get some johnnies tomorrow?"

"I'll get them straight after school," I promised, "Can you tell Frank I'll pick him up from your place when I drop them off?"


This time I was pretty unconcerned when I entered the barber shop. Even the fact that the barber was busy with a customer didn't bother me. I checked my pocket to make sure I still had the coins I had managed to scratch together. I could see that supplying Mark and Sue was going to be expensive. I was eager to meet up with Frank, and impatient that I would have to wait for the barber to finish cutting the hair of his elderly customer.

The barber glanced up as the bell rang when I opened the door to his shop. "Please excuse me for a moment sir," he said to his customer, "I have to attend to something briefly." He then looked at me and said, "I've been expecting you, sir." He gestured for me to follow him to the counter at the back, and brought out a brown paper bag. "I think this is what you require, sir?" he asked.

I looked in the bag and saw four of the familiar square packets I now knew contained 3 condoms each, and a tube. "Um – yes but I can only afford one packet," I explained.

"It's taken care of," the barber insisted, pushing the bag toward me, "A gentleman was in early this morning and bought them for me to keep until you came in next." He then took the tube out of the bag and held it up for me to look at, "The gentleman was not sure you would know about this?"

"Umm – looks like toothpaste," I said.

The barber smiled, leant over toward me and spoke in a low voice. "You smear it over the outside of the rubber," he explained, "It keeps the wheels greased for a smoother ride, sir. It also contains something that kills any little wrigglers that manage to get past the rubber. For a safer journey."

"Wow," I exclaimed.

The barber smiled, "Will that be all, sir?"

"Err ... yes, thankyou."

"Any time," the barber said, "And it will always be on account from now on, so don't worry about carrying change, sir."

The barber walked with me to the door. As I walked past the chair, the elderly man looked at me, smiled knowingly and winked. When we reached the door, I turned to the barber and asked, "Um ... do you know who the man was who bought these for me?"

"I believe his name is Jack Armstrong, sir. He explained that we all have a duty to keep our growing young men safe." Mark's dad!

I ran all the way to Frank's house. Sue and Mark were stood on the path outside the gate waiting for me, and as I came into view, Frank bolted past them down the street and jumped up, clinging to me like a monkey. I put him down and he pulled me by my hand to where Sue and Mark stood grinning. I told them what had happened in the barbers, complete with instructions about the tube.

Sue looked aghast. "Bloody heck, Mark, your dad knows!"

"Yeah," Mark said, "But it looks like he don't mind!" he observed.

"I'm pretty certain he'll keep his mouth shut," I told her, "The last thing he whispered to me last night was for me not to say anything to Mark's mum about our chat."

"C'mon," Frank said impatiently, pulling my arm, "You've given them the johnnies, let's get to your house." Sue chuckled.


I unlocked the front door with my key. As soon as Frank and I were inside, I closed the door and slid the inside bolt home. I then checked that the back door was also bolted. Now even in the unlikely event that mum or dad came home early, they could not get in without knocking. Once bitten, twice shy!

"Can I see your room?" Frank was looking around excitedly. This was the first time he had been inside my house. I led him upstairs.

Frank was examining everything in my room. He even looked inside my school satchel. "Is this what you learn at high school?" he asked looking through my books. I nodded. "It looks hard," he said, "But interesting as well. I'm going to be starting high school soon."

"Oh yeah," I said, not having thought about it before, "That's only in a couple more months. It's a bit different – you'll have a different teacher for each subject."

"Yeah, Mark's told me. I'll be in the same school as you!"

"Well, just for a year," I agreed, "Then I'll be leaving school altogether. But hey, that's gonna be great!"

Frank finished his explorations, and apparently approved of my room, despite the mess it was always in. "What do you usually do after you get home," Frank asked me, "I mean when you are by yourself."

"Well, usually I would go out to meet you and Mark."

"No, I mean before you started seeing me," Frank elaborated.

"Oh, then," I said making a wry face, "Well I didn't have much to do. I'd sometimes do my homework, then p'raps read some comics if I had any new ones. Just wait for telly to start, and watch the little kids programs. It was really boring."

"Well I don't wanna do any of that. Um - let's have a bath first," Frank suggested, "It will be like the first time we saw each other naked!" He didn't wait for a reply, but started stripping off his clothes. I was certainly not going to object to getting naked with Frank!

Even before Frank took off his underpants, I saw he already had a boner. "So when did you get that stiffy sweetheart?" I asked him.

"Ummm – I think it was during Geography," Frank said, "When did you get yours?"

I laughed, picked Frank up and carried him to the bathroom. While it was filling with water, I sat on the edge of the bath and lifted Frank onto my lap, facing me, his legs over the side dangling in the bath. We kissed. Frank ran his hands all over my back, and I held the back of his head with one hand while running the fingers of my other hand up and down his spine. We had both closed our eyes. Frank crossed his legs behind me, gripping the top of my bum between his thighs. He was sort of purring softly, deep in his throat. Our erections were pressed together.

"Oh bloody hell," I exclaimed, feeling something sloshing against my backside. I lifted Frank down quickly as water started cascading over the side of the bath onto the floor. I quickly turned off the taps and pulled the plug to let some of it drain away. I soaked two towels getting the puddles off the bathroom floor – I knew from past experience that if it was not dealt with quickly it would drip though to the ceiling of the kitchen below, and my parents would have a fit. Frank was doubled up in fits of laughter. "It's not bloody funny," I said, contradicting my words by laughing myself.

When all was back in order I lifted Frank into the bath, and then got in myself, facing him. I laid down facing the taps with my knees up and my back against the bath and Frank knelt between my legs, facing me. I had my arms around him and soaped his back, while he lathered my chest. As I ran a soapy hand down his back, Frank lifted his bum up, still kneeling so I could run my hand down between his cheeks. I lathered his crack, and then ran a finger gently around his hole. Frank waited until I had cleaned him thoroughly, and then squatted back, swishing his bum in the water to rinse it. He then put his arms under my knees and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders. He soaped his hand and ran it up down my belly and over my cock. Then his hand went over my balls and he rubbed behind my scrotum between my legs. His hand disappeared below the water as he moved to my own opening. His finger rubbed all around its circumference, copying what I had done to him. I felt his finger pushing, and I slid toward him, giving permission. The pressure of his finger mounted, and then suddenly its tip was inside me. I gasped. He pulled his fingertip out of me, then pushed it back in. After a few more times, he pulled my legs down and scooted forward so he was again kneeling over me on all fours. I knew he was telling me that it was his turn again. I put my hand around his bum, and pressed my little finger against his hole. It slipped inside easily this time, and I pushed deeper. Frank gave a short yelp, his hand slipped on the bath, and he fell forward, his face hitting my chest. I removed my finger, and I pushed him gently away from me, then I quickly stood and got out of the bath, "Let's go to my room, sweetheart," I said huskily.

Frank and I practically ran to my bedroom. There were no dry towels; we were soaking wet and dripped water across the floor. Flopping onto my bed, in unspoken agreement we got back into the same position we had been in the bath, and my finger was soon again inside Frank. Frank rolled, pulling me with him so that we were on our sides. With us now lying face to face, Frank's legs were drawn up and my pinkie finger was still exploring his innards. Frank tried to reach around to my hole, but his arms were too short. Frustrated, he squirmed around quickly so he was lying in the opposite direction to myself on the bed. His arm could now reach around to my bum, and I curled my leg to give him access as I reinserted my finger into his tight pucker. As he pressed at my hole with his finger, I realised that in this position his hard tool was right in front of my face. I licked his balls and then took him into my mouth. Frank gave a sharp moan, and his finger pushed deep inside me, then suddenly I felt Frank's lips around my own shaft. Frank was giving me incredible feelings both in front and behind as I also pumped Frank from both sides between finger and mouth. Frank's familiar cries were increasing in intensity, but this time my own vocal chords joined in, giving a deeper counterpoint to his high-pitched moans. I swapped my little finger for the middle one. As I pushed deeper I felt a small lump inside Frank, and when I pushed against it Frank bucked strongly and gave a sharp cry as if in pain. The grip on my finger spasmed, and his cock jumped in my mouth as I felt powerful jets hitting the back of my tongue. The intense feelings were too much for Frank, and he suddenly pulled away from me. I had reached the point of no return, and feverishly grabbed my dick with my hand, giving it a few final strokes as I shot. I was amazed at how much spunk I had just produced, it was dripping off Frank's nose and forehead onto the bed.

"Wow, Marts, that was the best one ever," declared Frank after his breathing had slowed. "We definitely gotta do that again!"

"Oh," I replied, "there's other stuff to try as well, sweetheart."

"Better than that?" asked Frank incredulously.

"I don't know, sweetheart. Different people like different things, so I don't know what you will find best. But I `spect we'll find out!" I then said in a more serious voice, "Sweetheart, just promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"If I ever do anything that you don't like, or makes you feel uncomfortable, you'll tell me straight away, OK?"

Frank just scooted back the other way around and hugged me. Our lips locked, and my own spunk was soon spread all over my face. Eventually I came up for air, and looked at the clock on my bedside table.

"Jesus, sweetheart," I said with a start, "My mum and dad will be home soon, we gotta get moving!"

We dashed to the bathroom to wash our faces, and I pulled the plug to drain the bath. We scrambled back into our clothes. "Err .. sweetheart," I said awkwardly, "Erm it's probably best if mum and dad don't see you here."

"'f course - I knew that already," replied Frank.

I remembered the disarray in the bathroom. "Shit, Frank, I better clean up the place – do you mind going home by yourself and I'll tell mum I need to see Mark to do homework and pop round to your house for a bit later this evening?"

Frank jumped up and hugged me again, "I wish I could stay here and sleep with you again," he sighed, "But I can still see you every day – I better go!" We went downstairs and I unbolted the front door, waving to him until he was out of sight.


Mum and dad came home before I had finished clearing up the bathroom. Mum took one look at the state of it and started having a mild go at me, but she saw that I had prevented a bigger disaster after I told her I had got sidetracked and left the bath running, so was not too upset. As she glanced toward my bedroom however, she became excited and dashed downstairs calling for my dad. I looked in my room to see what could have got her so worked up. Admittedly the bed was in a bit of a mess – the blanket on the floor, and the sheets all wrinkled up with part of the mattress showing, and obviously there were several wet patches, but my room was often untidy and my mum didn't get that concerned, so I was puzzled.

Intrigued, I listened at the top of the stairs to what she was saying to my dad. I heard mum saying something I couldn't make out, and my dad saying, "Oh for goodness' sake leave the boy alone, honey, it's nothing to worry about. I guess I need to have a little chat with him – leave it to me. I have to pop out for a few minutes now, just don't say anything to him, OK?"

As I turned back to my room, I suddenly noticed two clear sets of wet footprints leading from the bathroom to my bedroom, one set obviously smaller than the other. Whoops!

I was in my room sitting on my bed when dad peered round the door. "Mind if I come in, son?" he asked. Odd!

"Of course," I said surprised. Dad didn't come to my room often, but had never asked permission before. He had obviously seen the footprints, and he looked briefly at the state of the bed, and seemed to sniff the air. He pulled my chair up and sat opposite me.

"Erm Martin ..." he began, looking embarrassed. "Your mum and I have ... um ...noticed that you've grown up quite a bit recently," he finished lamely.

"Yes, I s'pose so," I agreed.

"You're probably err ... making a few new friends now you're getting older?" he enquired.

"What do you mean, dad?" I'd not seen him so flustered before.

"Martin, I thought you might want these," he suddenly blurted out, putting a white paper bag next to me on the bed. I saw it had the logo of "Boots" printed on the side, which is a large chain of chemist (pharmacy) shops in England. I surmised he must have just gone out and got it from the all-night shop in town.

I looked in the bag, curious. Inside were six or seven familiar square packets, and a tube. I blushed deep crimson, suddenly realising what this was all about, and the almost accurate, but thankfully incorrect conclusion my parents had jumped to regarding my afternoon's activities. I really had no option but to go along with it though, and suddenly figured it would probably be a good thing for them to think.

I looked at my father and said, "Dad, really you and mum don't have to worry, you aren't gonna be grandparents yet. I've been careful and I will be safe, promise." A memory of Mr. Armstrong's words surfaced, "I won't do anything unless I'm equipped." My father looked relieved, not only because of my reassurance, but because we were now both `on the same wavelength.'

"So," dad asked, smiling at me, "When did it start?"

"Friday night was our first time," I replied – perfectly truthfully, but of course not quite talking about the same thing.

"I thought so!" dad announced, "I heard a little rumour about you when I was getting my hair cut on Saturday, and knowing you had stayed out ... Look, you probably don't know about this stuff ..." Dad took the tube out of the bag.

"It greases the wheels for a smoother ride," I announced, "And stops any little wrigglers that manage to get past the rubber. For a safer journey."

Dad looked at me astonished. "You lads certainly know more than I did at your age. I'll slip you a few packets every week, but just give me a hint if ever you need any extra." He looked me up and down and a proud look came over his face. "You've just started a great time of life, Martin. You enjoy yourself, don't hurt anyone and above all make sure you are always safe."

Gosh, I had never seen this side of my father. Dad then nodded his head as if coming to a decision. "Wait there a sec, son." He left my room quickly.

A minute later he was back, carrying a rod-shaped object. "I ... um ... acquired this some time ago," he explained, "But your mum ... urm ... I mean I've never had any occasion to use it. I think you might find a use though. If not, pass it on to one of your mates who can."

I had no idea what it was as I took it. It had a rubbery feel. "Urm – what is it?" I asked.

"Oh, so you don't know everything!" my dad said. "What does it look like?"

I held it up and examined it – and realised with a shock that it was shaped like a big penis! "Oh!" I exclaimed, getting an idea as to its probable function.

"It can get things started," said dad, "And can also be handy if you – um – finish first."

I smiled at him, quite excited to be talking so intimately about sex with my own father! "What are these?" I asked, pointing to some rubbery flexible horns that were moulded on the side of the fake cock.

"Erm, they rub over the front and erm ... well if you don't figure it out I expect she will!"

I remembered Mark's startling revelation about girls' anatomies, and grinned at my dad, nodding in understanding.

"Right then, that's all settled." Dad looked relieved. "Your mum and I would love to meet her," he said to me, "but only when you feel comfortable about ... erm ... putting her on display." Then, as he stood up he announced incongruously, "Tea's nearly ready," and then, "Oh and Martin ... ?"

"Yes dad?"

"Make bloody sure you keep those things somewhere where your mum won't come across them. And next time you have a visitor, dry yourselves properly, make your bed and air your room a bit before mum gets home." He winked at me, "You don't want to frighten the horses, do you?"

I sat in a daze, flexing the dildo. "It's much too big for Frank, but Mark and Sue are gonna love this," I thought to myself.


to be continued ...


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