Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2022 05:24:43 -0400 From: Edgar Friendly Subject: The continued education of Charlie Hibbs chapter 4 DISCLAIMER: IT IS YOUR GOODWILL THAT KEEPS THIS PLACE GOING SO PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION TO NIFTY. THE PEOPLE WHO WORK SO HARD TO MAKE THIS THE WONDERFUL PLACE THAT IT IS NEED YOUR HELP TO DO THAT. ANY AND ALL DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED AND TOGETHER WE CAN ENSURE NIFTY REMAINS THE NUMBER ONE SITE FOR ALTERNATIVE EROTICA IN THE WORLD. This story contains depictions of sexual acts performed by boys with each other and boys with men. If this content is something that offends you or it is illegal for you to read such content please do not read any further. If you are too young to access this content lawfully please do not read any further. All places and characters depicted in this story are purely fictional and not based on any places or people in real life and any similarities to real places and people are completely coincidental and not intended in any way. This story is fantasy, not reality. If you have trouble telling the difference between the two please do not read any further and seek professional help. All depictions of sexual acts in this story are pure fantasy. This story is not intended to condone such acts being performed by anyone outside of the realms of fantasy. If you feel that you may be struggling to split fantasy from the real world or you fear you may not be able to stop yourself from attempting such things in real life I implore you to seek professional psychological assistance immediately! Children are innocent. They should remain so. The events and acts depicted in this story are for fantastical entertainment purposes only and should never, ever, ever be reenacted in real life. Any questions, comments or criticisms are welcome. Please contact me by sending an email to Thank you Edgar Friendly PLEASE NOTE: This story is a sequel to 'The belated education of Charlie Hibbs'. I would implore everyone to read that story first in order to understand What is going on. The continued education of Charlie Hibbs Chapter 4 - This is what street kids do The first few weeks back at Rockstaff seemed to fly by. Seb had been given the all clear from Doc leading to a celebratory orgy with all of the greens, Theo and his bunk buddy Jason and even Mikey and Luke from first year. Mikey had taken a while to forgive Charlie but he eventually did and allowed him to suck his dick. He agreed with Luke it was indeed a great blowjob. During dinner Headmaster Carver had announced that all who wished to go on the exchange trip to Steelrod could now submit their names for selection. Later that night back in their room Seb asked Charlie, "What do you think?" "About?" "Steelrod." "About going there?" Charlie climbed into his bed and pulled the duvet over himself, "Yeah, I'd like to go. It sounds like fun and you know, it would be awesome seeing another friendly school." Seb was happy with this answer, "I'm glad you said that. My dad and Nate talk about it all the time... well, mainly about how good the breakfast they serve is, and I've always wanted to go. I'll put our names in tomorrow." "Cool. Night man." "Goodnight dude." ******** Carter was waiting for Joseph to get back to their room after his daily visit with his dad at five o'clock sharp. He thought it was sweet how he always made sure to be there on time to see his father. It reminded him of his own dad... and how much he missed him. His mind wandered back to when he still lived at home so long ago- "Hey." Joseph knocked Carter out of his memories of the past when he walked into the room. Carter smiled at the boy who had become his best friend over the past few weeks, "Hey man. How's your dad?" "Okay I guess." Joseph noticed the faraway look in Carter's eyes, "You okay dude?" "Huh? Oh. Yeah I'm... I'm fine... " Carter replied. "You sure?" Joseph asked, "You can talk to me about anything you know." Joseph really meant this. Carter knew he could, "Yeah, I know... umm... I was... I was just thinking about... my dad." Joseph sat down on Carter's bed, "Your dad?" Carter nodded, "Yeah. I... I miss him... a lot." Something occurred to Joseph, "Oh hey, you never did tell me why you ran away from home." Carter looked at Joseph for a little while before taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh, "Okay. When I was ten and a half-" Bang! The door to the room flew open and Danny and David stumbled into the room engaged in a passionate make out session as they ripped their clothes off. Carter whispered to Joseph, "Not here." Joseph nodded and whispered back, "Our place?" Carter nodded and the two boys got up and left the room completely unnoticed by the lads now very much engaged in having sex In David's bed. 'Our place' referred to a secluded spot that Carter and Joseph had found one day while walking the perimeter of the base. They had come across a small hole in the fence through which they crawled to find themselves outside the grounds of Steelrod. They followed along the fence until coming to a small dip in the ground. When sat in it they couldn't be seen by anyone. It was private. It was secluded. It was theirs. Sat down facing each other Carter looked into Joseph's eyes, "I... haven't told anyone this... " Joseph reached out and took Carter's hand, "I promise I won't tell anyone." Carter squeezed Joseph's hand, "I know you won't." He breathed deep for a few moments before beginning his story, "I was ten and a half when... my dad... died... " ******** Carter Mathers was a happy ten year old boy. His family was by no means rich, in fact they were pretty poor. He didn't have the latest games console and most of his clothes were brought from goodwill but he didn't care. He didn't need the latest gadgets or fancy clothes. He had all he needed. He had his dad. Mark Mathers loved his son more than anything. He had done so since the moment he first held his baby boy. He swore he would do anything for him and he kept his word. He worked two jobs to keep the family going. Carter's mother insisted she couldn't possibly work having to look after Carter and the house, although Carter did most of the cleaning while she would drink wine and watch TV. The very little free time Mr. Mathers had was spent with Carter. They couldn't go to a lot of ball games and other expensive days out but they made do. Long hikes through mountain trails, camping and fishing trips, all manner of free and fun activities. Carter loved it and the man that that took him on these adventures. He knew he could always count on his dad. One night his dad didn't come home from work and Carter had assumed he had just picked up an extra shift. He did that a lot. Carter was disappointed but he understood... better than his mother at least. She always complained about how much he worked, about how much time he spent with Carter and not her. His dad never fought back preferring to nod and smile and say, "Yes dear." Carter got very annoyed with this. So much so that during one of her particularly loud tirades Carter had spoken up, "Dad wouldn't have to work so much if you didn't drink wine all day!" SLAP! She struck Carter across the face, "Shut the fuck up you little shi- URGH!" Carter was shocked to see his calm, loving, gentle father grab his mother by the neck and press her up against the wall. He had never seen that look in the man's eyes. It was pure fury, "YOU WILL NEVER LAY HANDS ON OUR BOY AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Carter's mother's eyes were wide with fear as she managed to squeak out, "... y y yes." He let go and she slumped to the floor. Mark Mathers turned to his son, "Come on Carter. Let's go for a walk." They had left the house for a long walk in the nearby forest. Mr. Mathers turned to his son, "Carter... I'm... sorry you had to see that." "It was her fault!" Carter didn't understand why his dad was apologising. Mr. Mathers shook his head, "No. I shouldn't have done that." He put his arm around his son's shoulders, "My father... he was... he was an awful man. He was violent. He was a drunk. And he was a very violent drunk. We often didn't have money for food since he drank it then he would beat my mother and me because he was hungry." "Dad... " Carter took his father's hand in his own and squeezed, "... I had no idea. Is that why I've never met him?" "No." Mr. Mathers replied, "You've never met him because he drank himself to death before you were born... thank god." Mr. Mathers sat on a tree stump with a beautiful view of the horizon and Carter sat beside him, "That's why, when you were born, I swore I would never touch a drop of alcohol or lose my temper ever again. I don't wanna be like my dad. I wanna be the dad he should have been, one that I deserved, one that you deserve." He smiled. Carter smiled and hugged his father, "Well, you're doing a great job." Mr. Mathers hugged his son back, "Thanks champ." The two of them sat in silence watching the sunset before heading home. This evening was different though. Carter waited to hear his father's truck pull into the driveway... and waited... and waited. His mother eventually sent him to bed. Carter didn't understand why she wasn't worried. It was about eleven o'clock at night when the knocking on the door woke Carter. He saw the blue flashing lights dancing across his ceiling and instantly knew something had happened to his dad. He stood at the top of the stairs and watched as his mother broke down, collapsing to the floor and wailing like a banshee. She had just recieved the news. Mark Mathers was dead. A week and a half later Carter stood next to his mother in a second hand black suit in the local graveyard. The cheap casket before him was closed. Apparently Mr. Mathers was in no condition to be seen. As the casket was lowered into the grave Carter wept silently listening to the whispers of the people around him... "Poor boy. To lose a father so young... " "Some kind of car accident I think... " "Will there be food at the wake?" "Drink driving... he deserved it-" "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Carter spun around to see a nasty looking woman, "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY DAD?!" "Carter!" Mrs. Mathers scolded her son, "Shut up! Right now!" "HE DIDN'T DRINK! DON'T YOU LIE ABOUT MY DAD!" The nasty woman sneered, "I wasn't lying. He died drunk at the wheel. It's a blessing he only killed himself-" "RAAAARGH!" Carter lunged at the woman only to be grabbed by two men who held him back. He was removed and the funeral continued. Two weeks later Carter was crying in his room when he heard his mother's angry shouts from downstairs. He walked half way down them to see a man sat at the kitchen table. He recognised him as one of the men that had restrained him at the funeral. His mother was screaming down the phone, "THAT IS BULLSHIT! ... ... ... BECAUSE WE PAID FOR THE INSURANCE POLICY!... ... ... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOUR RULES SAY! I NEED THAT MONEY! ... ... ... NO! DON'T YOU DARE! DON'T YOU HANG UP ON... FUCK!" She threw the phone to the floor. "Well?" Asked the man. Mrs. Mathers spun to look at him, "They're not gonna pay out!" "What the fuck?! Why not?!" He asked, visibly angry. "Well Teddy, they can't pay out in cases where the death is self inflicted!" She stared daggers at him, "You know, like suicide or hmm, I don't know, drunk driving!" Teddy became defensive, "Hey now! Don't you blame me for this-" "Who the fuck else would I blame?!" She shouted, "I didn't tell you to put the bottle of bourbon in his car!" "I was trying to make it look like an accident!" Teddy defended his actions, "And hey, it worked. Everyone thinks he crashed because he was drunk. We're in the clear-" "We're in the poor house! That's where the fuck we are! What are we gonna do now?!" Teddy thought for a moment, "... Well... was the life insurance policy for him or did it cover the whole family?" "It's a family policy. Why?" She asked. Teddy just stared at her and she realised what he was suggesting, "Oh no... no you can't be serious... " "I'm just saying... kids die in accidents at home all the time... " Teddy said. "Are you... sure you could do it?" She asked. "I killed his dad. What makes you think I can't kill him?" Carter went into shock. He felt completely numb. "He's just a kid." She challenged him, "Are you sure you have it in you?" "For a hundred thousand dollars I'd kill my own mother." Teddy said, "What do you think?" Carter stared in disbelief at his mothers face as she considered murdering him. Eventually she said, "... ... ... you're right. The home is a dangerous place for a boy... " "Yes it is... " Teddy stood up, approached the widow Mathers and wrapped his arms around her bringing his face close to hers, "... a very dangerous place." They kissed. Carter quietly went back upstairs to his room. He closed the door behind him and stood still for just a few moments... then he immediately grabbed his backpack and turned it upside down emptying his school books and pens onto the floor. He opened his drawers and grabbed some clothes, socks and underwear then emptied his piggy bank and stuffed the meagre amount into his pocket. He grabbed the swiss army knife his father had gifted to him on his tenth birthday and took his hoodie from the peg on his bedroom door. He opened the window and jumped out. Landing hurt and he was a little winded... but he wasn't dead so that was better than staying. Carter ran as fast as he could. He had no idea where he was going but he knew anywhere was better than home. Eventually he found his way to the bus station. Sitting on a bench in the deserted station counting his pennies he looked up at the large clock and saw it was ten thirty. He was tired, hungry and all he wanted in the world was to be tucked into bed by his dad... ... ... he sniffed and looked back down at the coins he had been counting. He had almost forty eight dollars. He looked at the table of busses and destinations and decided on Pheonix, Arizona. He approached the window behind which a fat man smoked a cigarette while reading his newspaper, "Umm... excuse me?" The fat man looked at the young boy that had disturbed him, his name tag said Bob, "Lemme guess, mommy and daddy were being mean so now you're running away?" Carter fought hard not to cry, "I... I want a ticket to Phoenix." Bob put down his paper and looked Carter up and down with a sneer, "... No you don't. You wanna go back home and do the grounding or whatever." Carter stood his ground, "One... one ticket to Phoenix please. Bob looked directly into Carter's eyes, "Trust me, I've seen street kids and you don't wanna be one. Just go home." He picked up his paper and continued to read it. Carter took thirty dollars in change and placed it on the counter, "... ... One ticket to Phoenix." Bob looked at the change then at Carter, "I could give you a ticket... or I could call the police and have them come and take you back home-" "No!" Carter was scared, "No you can't do that!" Bob saw the fear in Carter's eyes. He knew this boy would do anything to avoid going home... anything. He licked his lips, "Okay. I won't call the police." Carter breathed a sigh of relief, "But you're gonna have to do something for me." Carter frowned. What could he possibly do for this man, "What?" Bob stood up and walked to the door to his little office. He opened it, "Come back here." Carter was nervous but he walked through the door. Once inside Bob closed and locked it again before looking at Carter, "Follow me." Bob approached the open door to the break room and entered. Carter followed behind and Bob closed the door locking it as well. Once they were alone Bob looked at Carter, "You sure about this?" Carter didn't know what he was asking, "About what?" "Running away." Bob said, "Being a street kid." Carter knew he had no choice, "... Yeah." "Okay then." Bob began unbuckling his belt. Carter was afraid he was about to recieve a beating, "What... what are you doing?" "Taking my dick out." Bob explained. Carter was confused. Did Bob need to pee? "Umm... why?" Bob let his pants and boxers slip to his ankles revealing his quickly stiffening cock, "You're gonna suck it." Carter was horrified, "What?! No way!" "Hey, you wanna be a street kid? Well this is what street kids do." Bob said, "Now get on this cock." Carter stared at the large member dripping precum, "I... I don't wanna... " "Fine." Bob replied, "I guess I'll call the police then-" "Wait!" Carter looked at Bob's face, "No you... can't... " He gulped, licked his lips and walked slowly towards Bob, "I... I'll do it." Bob smiled, "Good boy." Carter got on his knees and beheld the dick close to his face. He felt utterly disgusted as he took it in his hand and lined the head up with his mouth. He hesitated and Bod told him, "If you can't do this, you'll never survive out there." Carter looked up at Bob's face. His eyes began to water. He looked back at the cock in his hand and sniffed fighting back the tears, 'This is what street kids do... ' He thought as he took took it into his mouth. Being the first blowjob he had ever given Carter was not skilled in the art of oral pleasure, "Ah! Watch your fucking teeth kid!" Bob was getting annoyed, "Hmmm faster! ... No! Take more of it in! ... Oh for fuck sake!" Bob grabbed Carter's head and began forcefully fucking the boy's mouth, "Ahhhh there we go... Ah! Keep your fucking mouth open!" He was ramming his dick faster and deeper into Carter's mouth. Carter began to panic as he had trouble breathing. His gag reflex was activated as the dick hit the back of his throat and he felt like he was going to throw up, "Ahhh yeah! Ahhh fuck yeah! Oh! Ohhhhhh... " A hot salty substance began to fill Carter's mouth, "Ahhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhh... " Finally Bob let go of Carter's head and the boy threw himself back away from the man. He fell to the floor choking and spluttering. He vomited a little bit and tried his best to catch his breath. Bob pulled up his pants and buckled his belt, "Phew... Okay. I'll sell you the ticket... " He looked at the pool of vomit and cum, "... after you clean that up. Paper towels are on the counter." He turned and left the room closing the door behind him. Carter whimpered and stood up. He sobbed as he retrieved the paper toweles and as instructed cleaned up the mess on the floor. He was putting them in the trash when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He hated what he saw. He was disgusted with himself. He felt dirty all over as he realised what he was looking at... a filthy whore... a street kid. Carter cried while hugging himself. About ten minutes later Bob opened the door and called in, "You want on this bus you better get moving kid. It leaves in five minutes." Carter dried his eyes and left the break room and office retireving his bag and what little money he had left. As he got on the empty bus he didn't notice the wink Bob gave the driver. Carter picked a seat and sat down, the only passenger. About an hour later Carter was staring out the window at the dark fields flying by when the driver called back to him, "Hey kid, I'm gonna stop in at a gas station up ahead. You want anything?" Carter knew he didn't have much money left, "Umm... no thanks." "Suit yourself." Said the driver as he pulled off the road. After quickly going into the gas station he got back on the bus but didn't take his seat. He walked along the aisle towards a scared and trembling Carter then held out an open soda can, "Got you this." Carter hadn't expected this act of kindness, "Oh! Err... thanks." He took the can. "No problem." The driver returned to his seat and fired up the engine. They were back on their way. Carter drank the sweet, fizzy liquid glad to have something to wash the taste of cum and vomit out of his mouth. Five minutes later the can clattered to the floor when Carter became unconscious as the drugs took effect. He awoke the next day laying face down on a public bench, 'What happ-' "Ahh!" His head was pounding. He slowly moved to sit up, "ARGH!" The pain in his ass was agonising. He reached down the back of his pants and felt between his butt cheeks. He was wet down there. When he pulled his hand back up he was terrified to see his fingers had blood on them. It slowly dawned on him that he had been raped. He laid there crying for hours. He managed with a lot of pain to sit on the bench and check his backpack. When he saw his meager amount of money was gone his heart broke. When he saw the bus driver had also stolen the swiss army knife his father had given him, his soul shattered. He cried even harder for an hour before he realised he couldn't stay there. He limped along the streets not really sure where to go. Turning a corner he saw a group of boys, some were his age, others were a little older. They stood on the corner talking and smoking cigarettes. He approached. One of them noticed him limping towards them with his tear stained face. He nodded at him and they all stared with blank expressions. They instantly knew what had happened to him, they all recognised that limp. Carter stopped and stood in front of them unsure of what to say, "... ... ... I ... " He broke down in tears. One of the older boys walked up to Carter and looked him up and down, "... First time?" Carter sniffed and nodded, "Don't worry, it gets easier. What's your name?" "C C Carter." The boy nodded, "I'm Jay. You can stick with us." He did. They taught him how to survive on the streets, where to go, where not to go, how to avoid the police and, most importantly, how to make money selling his mouth and ass. Carter stayed with them for about a year until he felt the need to move on. He bounced around the whole country either hitchiking or selling himself to truckers to get from place to place. He was raped a few times and he took his fair share of beatings. Eventually he ended up at a shithole diner next to a shithole Motel called Inne's inn. It was there he met Anthony Carver who had brought him in and arranged for him to be taken to Steelrod. ******** Carter had been looking down at the ground while telling his story but now he had finished he looked up to see Joseph had been crying quietly as he listened, "Joseph... I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset y-" His sentence was cut short by Joseph placing his lips on Carter's. Carter was surprised but didn't pull away. He closed his eyes and kissed Joseph back. This didn't feel like it did when the men that hired him would stick their beer and cigarette flavoured tongues in his mouth. This felt different. This felt nice. This felt... right. There was alot Joseph couldn't do. He couldn't tell Carter that he was crying because his story was so much like his own. He couldn't tell Carter his true story. He couldn't take away Carter's pain. He certainly couldn't kiss him. But Cameron could. ******** The two boys held hands as they walked back to their room. They chatted and laughed and were happy when they got back and saw David and Danny were no longer there. Judging by the sheets on David's bed they had enjoyed fantastic sex and were probably getting a shower to clean up before bedtime which suited the younger boys just fine, they wanted some privacy. Standing by the side of Carter's bed they just looked at each other. Carter went first, removing his top. Joseph admired Carter's thirteen year old chest and tummy and subconsciously licked his lips. He wanted to touch it. He lifted off his own top to stand before his best friend bare chested. Carter looked over the body of the eleven year old boy and for the first time noticed how muscular he was, "You work out?" Joseph smiled feeling a little bashful, "Yeah." "It shows." Carter smiled and put his thumbs inside the hem of his pants and boxers. He hesitated for just a moment before pulling them down and standing naked in front of Joseph for the first time. Joseph beheld Carter's naked body and watched as his teen cock began to stiffen. He copied Carter's motions and pulled down his pants and boxers before stepping out of them and approaching Carter, his hairless cock already rock solid. The two boys just stood there looking at each other for a moment then Carter bent down slightly to lightly kiss Joseph on the lips before pulling his face back a little. He was a bit nervous as he asked, "You wanna umm... should we... should we lay down?" Joseph nodded, "Umm... yeah. Yeah we should. Carter lay on his side on his bed and Joseph lay on his side facing him. The two boys just stared into each other's eyes for a few quiet moments before Carter asked, "Can I... touch you?" Joseph swallowed, "Umm... yeah... can I umm.... touch you?" "Yeah." The two boys gingerly reached out for the other, placing their hands on each other's chests. They could each feel the other's racing heartbeat as their hands began to explore the other boy's body. Carter lightly squeezed Joseph's nipple causing him to giggle, "Haha... that tickles." "Yeah?" Carter smiled. "Yeah." Joseph smiled too, "Can I kiss you again?" "I'd like that." Carter told him. Joseph shifted his body closer to Carter's while Carter put his arm around the younger boy. Their bodies pressed together, each could feel the other's hard cock against his own. They brought their lips together and Jospeh pushed his tongue into Carter's mouth. They rubbed their hands over each other while they slowly and passionately made out. Carter felt amazing as did Joseph. This was the closest either of them had ever felt to another person. After a few minutes Carter broke the kiss and looked into Joseph's eyes. His hand travelled down his body to the younger boy's crotch and took ahold of his hard dick causing Joseph to take in a shuddering breath, "Is that okay?" "Yeah." Joseph replied, "Can... Can I umm... " "Yeah." Carter replied knowing what Joseph was going to ask. Joseph's hand found Carter's fuzzy cock and took ahold of it. Carter gulped. This was the first time since he met Anthony that someone else had touched him in such a way. Both boys began to stroke the other's cock slowly as their breathing became heavier. They kept their eyes locked during this act of mutual masturbation. Joseph had been going to the bathroom, and hoping noone was there, to jerk off so he hadn't been able to do it much. Carter likewise didn't like doing it in front of the other boys so had been trying to crank one out in the private shower stalls whenever he could but he was still too nervous about being overheard to do it very often. Neither of them had experienced an orgasm for at least a week so it didn't take long before they both started feeling the electric jolts of pleasure beginning to shoot through their bodies. The speed at which they were stroking each other's cocks gradually increased along with the rapidity of their breathing. Joseph began to take in a series of sharp breaths and his eyelids fluttered wildly, "Ohhh... oh C.. Carter! Hmmmm... " He squealed as his boygasm overtook him, "Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh... " "Oh fuck!" Seeing Joseph climax and knowing he had gifted him this pleasure pushed Carter over the edge, "Hhhhhoooohhhh Joseph! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhhhhhhh... " His cum shot from his cock coating both of their bellies. The two sweaty, satisfied boys laid there riding their sexual high together as they caught their breath. After a couple of minutes they came back to reality and looked deep into each other's eyes. The smile that spread across Carter's face was something that Joseph couldn't help returning. Carter reached down and grabbed the duvet, pulling it over them both while laying back down. Joseph kissed him then pressed his forehead against Carter's. Carter wrapped his arm around Joseph and held him close while they both fell asleep. About half an hour later David and Danny walked into their room to see the two boys snuggled up together in bed. They beamed at each other as they realised what must have occurred. David was especially happy and felt incredibly proud of Carter. They were very quiet as they got undressed and into bed. They didn't want to disturb them. ******** Abel was in his house incredibly worried. He had been becoming increasingly concerned about Joseph. He thought he might be losing him. He decided this situation qualified as an emergency and warranted a direct line. He looked at the phone in his hand and his finger hovered over the call button. Eventually he pressed it, put the phone to his ear and waited while it rang. "Hello?" Jenny Brown answered. "Boss." Abel sat up straight, "I'm sorry for the call but I believe I have a situation here." "Speak." "The boy." Abel cleared his throat, "I have some concerns. He is becoming... quite close with one of them... " Jenny looked over the record of the communications they had recieved from Duncan, "You reported he was getting close to one of them in order to maintain his cover." Abel felt his chest swell with pride as the boss remembered one of HIS reports, "Yes boss. I did report that... but-" "You were lying?" "No!" Abel shot to his feet and stood to attention, "No boss! No I would never lie to you!" Jenny heard the conviction in his voice. She'd heard it before from the marks she hit back in the day, the one's she got to fall in love with her. The one night stands provided drinking money sure, but that didn't pay the rent. For that you needed to own him and she knew she owned Duncan, "Explain." "I saw him holding hands with the boy he... claims he is using." Jenny rolled her eyes, "Seriously? You know what these sickos do right?" Abel didn't expect this reaction, "Err... Y... Yes boss... why?" "Think about it!" Jenny couldn't believe how stupid the man Tommy had picked for this vital mission was. The Tommy she knew was smarter than that, "How long has the boy maintained his cover?" "Oh! Err... he moved from the house to the zoo about four weeks ago." "And he's been able to keep it to just hand holding for that long?" Jenny was genuinely impressed, "In a place like that? Surrounded by THEM?" She took a deep breath and let it out, "Duncan, I think you're overreacting. In fact, I think he's doing an excellent job." Abel gulped, "Yes boss." "And besides... " Jenny couldn't believe he hadn't thought of this, "... if he does go native... just kill him." "Kill him boss?" "Obviously. The mission is your priority." Jenny was tired of this, "Is there anything else you need to report?" "No boss." "Well hang up then." "Yes boss." Abel hung up the phone. He sat there thinking about Joseph. He had become quite fond of the boy in the time they had spent together. Training him felt, in a way, like he actually was the boy's father. He really didn't want to kill him... But he knew that if he had to do it he wouldn't hesitate. Not for one second. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi all. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. As always questions, comments and criticisms are welcome. Please send them to Have a lovely day. Edgar Friendly