Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 19:11:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Marco Cianciulli Subject: BEST FRIENDS-Summer Vacation Part 1 This is a work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your State or Country. Do NOT read this if you are easily offended or if you are not interested in fantasies involving young boys. This file contains sexually EXPLICIT material. BEST FRIENDS -- SIXTH GRADE SUMMER VACATION By Marco Cianciulli Part 1 "You want to do what!?!" Joel's loins begin to swell and his body tingled just thinking about Tony's suggestion. Joel looks at Tony's crotch, the twelve-year-old's shorts are tented out by how own excitement. "We could get caught. What if somebody sees us?" Tony shrugs his shoulders and pops a wheelie on his beat up, bottom of the line BMX bike, grinding his crotch into the cross bar. "Nobody will see us," Tony says. "Besides, it'll be less risky than doing it in one of our bedrooms." Joel leans over against the handle bars of his Trek 15 speed mountain bike pressing his own excitement into the seat. "Well, I won't do it outdoors," Joel stubbornly says. "It's stupid." Joel tries to sound as if he means what he says, but his own excitement is obvious to Tony. "You don't have to be scared Joel," Tony says knowing what Joel's reaction will be to being called afraid. "The place I found is hidden, and we can swim too." Tony grins at Joel, "Besides, we'll get suntans all over." "Who's scared?" Joel says as he licks his lips, which seem to have gone dry. "Swimming sounds fun though. It's gonna be hot as hell today," Joel decides to offer a final alternative, "Or we could work on our tree house. My dad got us a bunch more wood. We could mess around up there." "Oh yeah! That's a brilliant idea. There's a safe place to mess around. My mom can see inside from her bedroom, and your little brother will be bugging us," Tony chides. "Besides, we can work on the tree house later. Maybe our folks will let us sleep in it one night." "If we get caught, I'm gonna kill you," Joel mutters, while imagining laying naked with Tony and swimming in the river. The truth was, while Tony was most likely to be the one to suggest messing around, Joel had never actually ever said no, and if Tony had not come up with this idea, the odds were that they would still have found time to mess around anyway. Twelve years ago, the two boys were born and have lived across the street from each other all their lives, Joel being the younger (and physically smaller) by one week. Mary Donato, Tony's mother started to baby-sit Joel after his mother started back to work, so Tony and Joel had spent their baby years drooling on the same toys and running around naked in Tony's back yard during the hot summer months. Now days, Joel would just check in with her from time-to-time during the day to let her know he was OK. But it seemed lately to Joel that the only thing he and Tony really enjoyed doing together was messing around. "Come on Joel," Tony says. "It'll be fun. Besides, I printed more stuff off the internet." "Good stuff," asks Joel? "Yeah," Tony grins. "Besides, I promise I'll do whatever you want to do tomorrow." Joel smiles, "Well, OK. I guess it's not like we wouldn't have messed around today anyway." Just then the front door of Joel's house opens and his father walks out with Ricky, Joel's four-year-old brother. Mrs. Donato was Ricky's baby-sitter now, and their dad was always the one to feed Ricky his breakfast and to drop him off at Tony's house before leaving for work. Joel's mom had past away from cancer the previous summer. "Hey dad," Joel yells from Tony's driveway. "Tony and I are gonna go to the river today. OK?" Tom Cataldo, Joel's dad, squints into the rising sun trying to see his son through the glare. "You two going fishing?" "Yeah, and swimming too," Joel says, leaving out the boy's other plans. "Well, what time do you two plan on being home? Don't forget about your paper route; all your papers have to be delivered before six P.M." "I wanna go too," Ricky begs. "I wanna go fishing and swimming too. Can I Daddy? Can I Joel?" "It's going to be a hot day. Are you guys going to take a lot of water?" asks Joel's dad, ignoring Ricky's pleas. "Please daddy, can I go too?" Ricky begs, almost in tears. "No," Mr. Cataldo tells his youngest son. "But maybe Joel will let you help him with his paper route this afternoon." Joel recognizes his dad's "suggestion." "Sure Squirt. It will be hot and bugs all over at the river. But I'll let you help with the papers." "You promise," little Ricky asks stifling a cry? "Yeah, I promise," Joel assures his younger brother. "We'll be back in time Mr. Cataldo. Honest," Tony says. "And if we catch anything, we'll bring it back for you to cook." "Fresh fish does sound good," Joel's dad says as he runs his fingers through his thick black hair. "You two be careful and take some sunscreen with you. I'm sure you aren't tan all over like when you were little," Joe's dad smiles knowingly. "Do you guys have lunches packed already?" "No. Not yet," Joel says. "We were waiting to see if you would let me go first." "What did your mom say Tony," asks Joel's dad? "She's OK with it so long as Joel goes with me Mr. Cataldo," Tony answers truthfully. Tom Cataldo thinks for a second, "OK, but you two use plenty of bug repellant and sunscreen. Hell, if I didn't have important work to do today, I'd join you guys." "Thanks a lot Dad," Joel says leaning across his mountain bike giving his dad a hug. "You guys be careful," Mr. Cataldo says taking Ricky by the hand. "Come on Son." Joel's dad and little brother head off to Tony's front door. Joel peddles his bike into the open garage of his house followed closely by Tony. "Get the poles Tony, and the tackle box. I'll get the back packs and the canteens." "Let's bring the inflatable raft and the pick nick blanket too," Tony says. "Good idea. What do you want for lunch? We have bologna and cheese, peanut butter and jelly and stuff," Joel asks, finally becoming truly excited about the day. "Bologna and cheese for me," Tony says. "Don't forget to get the bug juice and sunscreen. I've got the other stuff in my fanny pack." "The internet stuff too," asks Joel? "Yeah, I've got that with me," Tony says patting the small pouch about his waist. "Guys!" Joel's dad yells from the door to his truck. "Yeah Dad?" "I can drop you two off at the river if you guys like." "Cool! That would be great Dad." "I'll help you by fixing your lunches. I also want you to take a cell phone," Joel's dad says as he walks into the garage. "I'll put our bikes in the back of the truck Mr. C.," Tony says. Joel follows his dad inside the house and heads upstairs to get his backpack and canteens. Downstairs in the kitchen Tom Cataldo slices fresh cooked ham and Velveeta cheese for sandwiches. Joel comes bounding down the stairs and runs into the kitchen, stopping by his dad's side, giving him a hug. "What's that for," Tom asks his oldest son? "For being a Great Dad," Joel answers. Since his mom's death, Joel makes sure that his dad knows how much he loves him. Something Joel regrets not doing with his mother. "Well, don't you forget your promise to take Ricky on your paper route," Tom says. "You might not think I'm so great if you don't." Tom hugs Joel back tightly then gets back to making the boy's lunch. "I'm fixing you two, three sandwiches each. OK?" "That will be great dad," Joel says while he fills each of the canteens with cold water from the dispenser in the refrigerator door. "Joel! Can we bring the backgammon board," Tony yells from the garage? "You know where it is! Go get it," Joel replies. Tony runs through the kitchen and upstairs to Joel's room to recover the game. Joel's room is a clutter of clothing and junk. His bed looks like a family of rats reside there. Tony cannot help but smile as he thinks of all the times he and Joel have wrestled naked on that bed since school let out for summer four weeks ago. Tony finds the backgammon game, and then heads back downstairs. Joel is packing his backpack with assistance from his Dad, when Tony finally returns. "If you guys have everything, lets hit the road. I have to get to work," Mr. Cataldo says. Joel picks up his backpack, and the web-belt with the four canteens on them. "I'm ready Dad," Joel answers as he heads out the door to the g arage. Tony follows Joel outside, followed by Joel's dad. "Load up guys," Tom Cataldo says. Joel throws his things in the bed of the pickup truck, then he and Tony get into the rear seat of the truck. Joel's dad gets into the truck, starts the diesel engine and begins to back out of the driveway. On the way out, he clicks the remote to close the garage door. Across the street, peering out the window of Tony's house, Ricky waves as the truck pulls out and slowly drives away. Joel, his dad and Tony all wave at the little boy as they drive off. "Ricky really loves you Joel," Tom Cataldo says to his son. "I know he is a pain in your ass sometimes, but one day you'll come to miss him being little." "Yeah, I know. But he's only four, and when he's twelve, I'll be twenty," Joel laments. "Hell, Kenny is fourteen, and he and Tony hardly ever do anything together." "What do you think about Kenny not letting you hang around with him Tony," asks Mr. Cataldo? "Sometimes it pisses me off. But my brother and I do stuff together sometimes. He still teaches me things," Tony says with a knowing smile at Joel. Mr. Cataldo drives his truck through the neighborhood and then off road to the rail-road bridge. "Where do you two want me to drop you off? "I found a cool place about half a mile down stream from here Mr. C.," answers Tony. "OK, I'll drop you off there if I can get in," Joel's dad says as he turns off the truck and drives south following the river. The rutted utility road is hardly used by anyone, and even though they are going slow and the large truck has a special suspension for off road, the truck bounces and rocks along the way. The dirt road rises above the bank of the river about forty feet, a fairly sharp bank is the result. "See that spot about two hundred yards out Mr. C.," asks Tony? "That's were you can drop me and Joel off." Tom nods his head and drives the truck to the spot and begins to slow down. "This is close enough Mr. C.," Tony says. Joel's dad stops the truck and the boys pile out and begin to offload their bikes, backpacks and things. Tom Cataldo marks the location on his Garmin G.P.S. then takes out an inexpensive 5.1 MP digital camera from the glove box. "Joel. Come here Son." "Yeah Dad?" Joel says as he rides his bike up to the driver's door of his Dad's truck wearing his backpack and web belt. Joel's dad hands his son the little camera. "You can use this if you like. Get pictures of the ones that get away, or anything else you want," Mr. C. winks at his son, "Only you and Tony will see those pictures if you want." "Take it Joel," Tony urges. "Thanks Dad," Joel says as he takes the camera and puts it in a side pocket on Tony's backpack. "Guys, I'm going to try and get off at two. If you haven't already gone home by the, I'll pick you up. So call me at about one thirty. OK?" "Cool! Thanks Dad!" Joel says with a smile. "You two have fun. If you need anything, call me," Joel's dad says then turns the truck around and drives off. "We will dad! Thanks!" Joel yells, then peddles off towards Tony. "Your dad is so cool," Tony says when Joel catches up. "I sure think so," Joel agrees with a smile. Tony leads off and Joel follows his friend as Tony blazes his own trail to the river below. At the bottom of the hill is a sandy beach that is about fifty feed deep and about two hundred yards long. Tony rides to the center of the beach, and drops his bike. "Isn't this place cool," Tony asks as he takes off his backpack and starts to open it. Joel stops next to Tony, carefully laying his bike down, then taking off his own backpack. "Yeah. How did you find this place," asks Joel? "Kenny and I found it when you guys were at Church last Sunday," Tony says as he takes out the large beach blanket from his backpack. Joel helps Tony lay the blanket out, and Tony sits down in the middle of it and begins to strip off his clothes. Joel goes to Tony's backpack and takes out the digital camera that his dad gave him and starts to take pictures of Tony taking his clothes off. He snaps a photo of Tony with his sneakers off and pulling his t-shirt over his head. Tony decides to show boat for his friend and pulls off his shorts and briefs in one motion, then sits on the blanket with his legs spread, his cleanly circumcised penis getting longer and rising as he looks with pride at it, as it lifts into the air. Joel laughs and takes several more shots of Tony from head to toe, then kneels and takes several close-up shots of Tony's penis and scrotum. "Are you going to strip too, or just waste pictures on my dick," asks Tony taking the camera away from Joel? Joel sits on the far end of the blanket and pushes off his right sneaker with the toe of his left. Tony stands up and stands over Joel as he undresses. Joel takes off his shirt then reaches out and grasps Tony's erection with his right hand. He then bends it down and kisses the head as Tony squats down and takes a photo of Joel looking at him with his lips pressed up against the head of Tony's penis. "Suck it Joel," Tony urges. "Then I'll do yours." Joel pulls his head away from Tony's penis, yet retains his grip about it's slender shaft; Tony takes another picture. "OK. But I take pictures of you doing it to me." "Sure," Tony agrees. Joel knows just how Tony likes his penis sucked, and begins to run his tongue around the crown of the head of Tony's penis while rapidly stroking it's four inch shaft. Tony takes pictures of Joel working his dick. Only Joel's face and Tony's hairless penis and pubic area are in the frame. Tony takes a series of pictures as Joel leans forward and takes all of Tony's penis into his mouth. "God, Joel... This feels good," Tony says as he snaps another picture; this one with Joel's nose pressed up against his pubic mound, his lips wrapped around the shaft of his penis and Joel looking up at him. Tony begins to rock his hips back and forth, causing his penis to piston in and out of Joel's mouth. After several minutes of fucking Joel's mouth, Tony grunts. "I'm getting close Joel," Tony warns. Tony starts to take more pictures as Joel backs off of his penis. Joel continues to masturbate Tony with his hand flying along the length of this shaft. Tony snaps a picture at the exact instant his penis erupts with a long stream of his clean semen which strikes Joel in his open mouth. Joel swallows the deposit and takes Tony's penis back into his mouth, sucking and milking every last drop of Tony's boy jiz. Joel eagerly swallows Tony's semen as his pulsating penis squirts in his mouth. When Tony's penis stops convulsing, Joel bites down on it's shaft with his lip covered teeth, and pulls his head back while sucking hard. Smiling, Tony snaps more pictures as Joel pulls his head away, and his penis, now rapidly softening, falls free from his best friend's mouth. Tony takes a final picture of Joel smiling at him and giving the head of his penis a final lick with his tongue. "What a way to start the morning," Tony says. "Get your shorts off Joel, so I can do you," says Tony as he steps away from Joel so he can take pictures of Joel stripping. Joel takes off his socks, then slips his thumbs inside the waist bands of his Umbro shorts, and silk boxers. "You ready?" Joel asks as he waits for Tony to position himself for a proper photograph. Tony kneels next to Joel and frames the picture, as his 7th grade photo teacher taught him (if he only knew of the photos Tony was taking now...) "I'm ready," Tony says. Smiling, Joel slowly pulls down his shorts and boxers, exposing his hairless pubic mound. Tony takes several photos as Joel's erect penis is revealed, then finally springs free and stands tall. He then moves closer and takes full frame photographs of Joel's penis and scrotum. "Give me the camera," Joel Says. Tony hands Joel the camera, then he kneels between Joel's spread legs, lowers his head and takes Joel's scrotum into his mouth. Tony enjoys sucking on Joel's balls. They are smaller than his own, and he loves to roll them around with his tongue while sucking and kneading the sack with his lip covered teeth. Joel takes several pictures of Tony sucking his balls, then Tony, still sucking hard, pulls his head away, Joel's scrotum is pulled to it's limit then POPs free. The feeling is so intense that Joel almost passes out. Tony moves to Joel's right side, then lowers his head into Joel's crotch, again his open mouth takes Joel's scrotum, and Joel's erect penis is resting against Tony's cheek.