Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 21:29:56 -0500 From: rhaven Subject: Beyond the Pale Chapter Six This story contains Man/Boy situations. This is a work of pure fiction, words on a page, nothing more than fictional fancy. The phrase `Beyond the Pale' is used to describe people that live an unusual life... doesn't that depict us all? If you like this story please check out for more. By Rhaven CHAPTER SIX Mason swallowed the aspirins Victor had handed him. The bath had helped his aching body, but his soul was now weak. "I'm sorry about this." Mason whispered as Victor led him out of the bathroom. "Nothing to be sorry about, Mason. All I want is you to feel better." Victor stopped in front of Mason's room. "Do you want to put something on?" Mason looked down at his nakedness and frowned. "Aren't we staying in the apartment all day?" "Yes, but I thought maybe you'd like..." Victor chuckled. "Never mind, let's go rest on the couch." "Hang on!" Mason ran to his bookcase and grabbed several comic books. "We'll need something to read." "Oh right... I think once you are feeling better, we should visit a comic book shop to get some more of those." Victor said smiling. "I may start collecting them myself." "That would be cool." Mason said feeling a little relieved, if Victor was still planning things for them to do, it meant he wasn't thinking of getting rid of him. For the moment, Mason knew he was safe. Victor laid down first on the couch and placed Mason on top of him. "Is Batman okay?" Mason asked showing Victor the comic book he had chosen. "Looks good to me." Victor whispered. Mason rested back, rested his head on Victor's shoulder, and started reading. As he read Victor rubbed his stomach, it felt so nice, Mason had trouble concentrating on the comic book. Half way through the book, Mason tossed it to the floor. "Are you all right?" Victor asked quickly, looking startled at the unexpected toss of the comic book. "Yeah, I just got tired of reading." Mason sighed contentedly. "Do you want me to read to you?" Victor asked reaching down to the floor to retrieve the comic book. "No... I... I would rather have you..." Mason blushed as he stuttered to talk. "You'd rather me...? Oh..." Victor laughed and put his hands back on Mason's stomach. "Could you rub my back?" Mason asked as he sat up and twisted around so he was lying on his stomach across Victor. "I'll rub your back, your head, and your feet until the sun fades to nothing." Victor whispered. "Do you promise?" Mason asked, feeling his tears return. "Do I promise to rub your back... of course I do." Victor laughed at the question and rubbed faster. "No... do you promise to always..." Mason choked as tears flowed freely from his eyes. "Why are you crying, Mason? Do you feel worse? Are you sick?" Victor said desperately. "I don't feel worse... I'm just scared... I'm scared of being alone." Mason whispered. Victor sighed heavily and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Mason, I didn't think about how you must be feeling. I'm an idiot... we should have talked about this last night." Victor sighed again. "You're with me now buddy. Like it or not, you're not getting rid of me, I'm sticking with you like glue." "Glue." Mason whispered. "I like that." "I promise with all my heart that you and I will always be together. I don't think I could live without you... damn you." Victor laughed and Mason joined him. Victor lifted Mason's head and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you, you know." "I love you too." Mason said shyly. "Now rub my back." He said with a bashful giggle. Mason felt all his tense muscles melt like butter as Victor ran his hands across his back. So this is what it feels like to be loved, Mason chuckled to himself. He moved his hand across Victor's chest and down his side. He loved the feeling of this man's skin. Mason ran his hand all the way down until he bumped into the elastic of Victor's underwear. Casually, Mason slipped his thumb under the elastic band and rubbed his fingers over the soft cloth of the underwear. Victor moved his hands further down Mason's back until he had both hands squeezing Mason's buttocks. Mason shivered with delight as Victor massaged his butt; the waves of pleasure hardened his penis almost instantly. It never had been so stiff before, so much pressure, Mason couldn't stand it. He slipped the rest of his hand inside Victor's underwear and exploded the soft hair hidden there. "Looking for something?" Victor asked with a snicker. "I'm looking for buried treasure." Mason giggled and rested his hand on Victor's erect penis. "Found it!" "I've noticed." Victor whispered. Mason moved his hand down Victor's shaft, amazed at the size of Victor's penis. He sat up, stared down at Victor's underwear and pulled them down. "Hey now!" Victor nervously laughed. "What do you think you're doing?" "I wanted to see how big your willy was." Mason said nonchalantly. "Do you have to wear this stupid underwear?" "If I take them off will you promise to get some rest?" Victor asked seriously. "I promise." Mason giggled. Victor rolled his eyes and wiggled out of his underwear. "There you go, happy now?" Victor said pretending he was angry. "Now lie down and rest." Mason obeyed, relaxing against Victor's bare skin. "You can read to me now." Mason whispered. Victor reached down, picked up the comic book, and started to read. With his ear pressed against Victor's chest, Mason listened to him read the comic book. Having Victor nude was such a pleasure. Somehow, it united them, naked, unembarrassed and unashamed. Victor had seen Mason's erection and didn't freak, in fact, he had allowed Mason to see his. Mason reached down and wrapped his hand around Victor's still erect penis. He closed his eyes and yawned. The comfort of their nudity made Mason too relaxed, gently he slipped into a peaceful sleep. Mason blinked open his eyes and once again found himself alone on the couch. Before he could sit up, he heard two voices. Davis and Victor, now dressed, appeared out of the hallway. "Ah, Mr. Eiden is awake." Davis said with a smile. He walked straight up to Mason and put his hand on his forehead. "A slight fever." Davis said more to Victor than to Mason. "We should take him back to the hospital right?" Victor asked sounding nervous, now. "How do you feel Mason? Does anything hurt?" Davis asked kneeling next to the couch. It was only then did Mason remember he was naked, but it was too late to do anything about it. "I feel better, just kind of weak." Mason confessed, gratified that Davis didn't seem to care about his nudity. "We should take him back to the hospital right?" Victor asked again. "I don't think so; our young Mason is just weak from his recent illness. Some good food and rest is all he needs." Davis patted Mason on the shoulder. "The cabin is ready, this maybe the perfect time to go. The fresh air will do wonders for Mason." "Are you sure he should travel? You just said he has a fever... Davis I..." Victor stopped talking as Davis brought up his hand. "Mason is going to be fine. I'll head over to the cabin today and stock it with healthy foods, you two..." Davis gave Mason a quick smile. "You two, enjoy the rest of the day and head up to the cabin tomorrow." Davis paused to give Victor a serious look. "Trust me Victor." Victor swallowed hard and finally nodded. "All right Davis... tomorrow." "Will you stay at the cabin with us?" Mason asked eagerly. "I may come down for a day or two... just to make sure you are eating well." Davis laughed. "But this is your vacation; you and Victor should enjoy the peace and quiet together. Not with some snobby old man bossing you around." "You're not old." Mason protested. Both Davis and Victor started laughing. "You're right Mason, he's not old, but he is snobby." Victor joked. "And he has been bossing me around all my life." "For you own good." Davis laughed. "Well I should be off, have a lot of things to do today. I brought chicken soup for you Mason, eat as much as you can." "I will." Mason promised. "And you young man..." Victor held out his hand to stop Davis. "Don't start... I know I'm a fuck up." "That's not what I was going to say." Davis frowned, losing all the happiness that had just seconds ago filled his face. "I was going to tell you to have fun, but perhaps that's an impossibility for you. After all it would mean for you to stop wallowing in self pity." Victor didn't say anything as Davis left the apartment. Mason stared up at Victor, not sure if he should speak or remain quiet. "I'm going to fire that mother fucker." Victor growled. Mason gasped at the idea of firing Davis. How could Victor think of doing something so cruel? "You can't fire him!" Mason yelped. "Oh yes I can and will." Victor said with his face turning a bright red. "Where does he get off talking to me that why?" "You can't fire him." Mason repeated jumping to his feet. "He's part of your family, he loves you." "Calm down Mason, you don't understand business. Davis is just an employee, he can be replaced." Victor said coldly. "And when I upset you... will you replace me?" Mason whispered and ran to his room; he made sure to slam his door to let Victor know exactly how mad he was. Mason fell onto his bed fuming over Victor and his insensibilities. Davis was like a father to him, but he didn't care. It was becoming obvious to Mason that Victor didn't care about anything or anyone. Mason could hear things breaking and Victor screaming and stomping around the living room, throwing a major tantrum. "Big baby." Mason spat and covered his head with his pillow. Grandma used to say `all souls are made of silver, but some are just tarnished more than others.' Mason decided that Victor had a very tarnished soul. He wasn't sure how long he fumed in his room, the sun had set and darkness consumed the world. Mason had tried to put on his clothes, but once he pulled on his shirt, he got hot, but without his shirt, he was cold. Mason curled up in a ball on his bed and shivered or sweated and shivered again. "Mason, you need to eat something." Victor said harshly, not bothering to open the door. "Not hungry." Mason yelled. "Big baby." He added but only in a whisper. He had expected Victor to ask him again or even beg him to eat. However, Victor said nothing else, which disappointed Mason; he wanted Victor to care more. Suddenly his door opened and Victor carried in a bowl of soup. "You don't have to eat it now; I'll put it on your end table for when you get hungry." Victor said, avoiding eye contact with Mason. He put the bowl down and slowly left the room, closing the door behind him. Mason started crying once the door had shut, he cried so hard that he had to gasp for his breath. The more he cried the more his head hurt and his body would shake. He was freezing and no matter how many sheets and blankets he pulled over him, he couldn't warm up. Mason wanted to call to Victor, to tell him how bad he felt, but Victor hated him now. He had seen it in his face; Victor felt nothing for him anymore. Had he been wrong to argue with Victor? Mason couldn't remain silent, Davis was a loving man, who really cared about Victor, couldn't he see that? Mason forced himself to stand; it felt like something was boiling in his stomach. He took two steps and suddenly threw up. Mason pushed his door and yelled for Victor. "I vomited." Mason said the moment Victor appeared in the hallway. "It's all right, come on let's get you to the bathroom." Victor picked up Mason and carried him down the hall. Mason knelt down next to the toilet as Victor rubbed his back gently. After several minutes of waiting, Mason stood slowly. " I don't think I have to throw up again." "I'm going to run you a bath, you still have a fever." Victor put his hand on Mason's forehead and frowned. "This is all my fault." Mason didn't argue, but he did feel bad for Victor. "I'm really cold." Mason said as his body violently shivered again. Victor started filling up the tub. "Davis said to put you in tepid water if your fever got worse. Damn, I wish I knew exactly what tepid was." Victor had a hard time keeping his voice from shaking as he talked, Mason could see that he was worried and that scared him. "Let's get you undressed." Victor said this more calmly, trying to give Mason a comforting smile. "I don't want to take a bath." Mason cried and stomped his foot. "I know sweetheart, but this will help get your fever down." Victor pulled off Mason's shirt and started unzipping his pants. "Victor please, I'm fine... I'll be good." Mason sobbed; his thoughts were like waves on the ocean, splashing around his head. "Don't hate me, please... please." Victor slipped Mason's pants off and picked him up. "I don't hate you sweetheart. I could never hate you." Mason screamed as the lukewarm water touched his skin, it felt as if the water was burning away his flesh. "Shhh, sweatheart. Everything's okay." Victor said lovingly as Mason thrashed around the bathtub, gasping for breath. "I'm sorry Victor... I'm sorry." Mason stuttered. "Don't leave me alone, please don't leave me alone. I don't want you to leave me; I'll die if you leave me." "I'm not going to leave you." Victor whispered and held Mason's head above the water. "Just relax." Victor said and then he started to sing. "When the bright clouds that escort the moon on its flight Light a pale golden sky as the dusk turns to night; You'll visit your dreamland of magic and grace, Where angels brush stardust from your smiling face. So walk in your dreams through the star-scattered night. Surrounded by moonbeams, you'll rest in the light Of all those who love you, so blessed by your charms; As light as a feather, you rest in their arms. You'll rest in a forest, so silent and deep, Where velvet moss pillows a unicorn's sleep; And bright fairy lanterns will shimmer and glow Through the darkness to guide you wherever you go. So walk in your dreams through the star-scattered night. Surrounded by moonbeams, you'll rest in the light Of all those who love you, so blessed by your charms; As light as a feather, you rest in their arms. " Mason eased into the water and closed his eyes. The shivers finally stopped and the mist parted from his troubled mind. The cool water licked at his skin, no longer painful, it soothed him into a sweet calmness. "Are you feeling better?" Victor asked. "A little." Mason whispered feeling foolish. Victor undressed and slipped into the tub with Mason. "Need a bigger tub." He nervously laughed as the water sloshed over the side, he pulled Mason into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. "You really scared me, Mason." "You did well." Mason said smiling. "You did well."