Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:29:10 -0700 (PDT) From: mister axl Subject: billys dreams come true 4b Warning: No part of this story is to be reproduced or republished without the expressed written consent of the author. All copyright laws apply. All rights reserved by the author. Copyright 2006 by AxL Disclaimer: The following contains acts of sex involving minors and/or adults, as well as strong language and/or acts of violence. If you find this material offensive it is advised that you read no further. Author accepts not responsibility for penalty resulting from state or federal restrictions. If it is unlawful for you to read and/or if you are underage. Then you're advised to read no further. The following is a work of fiction. Any similarity to people or events is completely coincidental. Billy's Dreams Come True 4-B When they were in the bedroom and Billy had grabbed his shorts, he was amused at how Parker stood nervously as if waiting to be instructed as to where to change his clothes. "You can change here if you want." Billy said as he took off his shirt and shoes. He watched the expression on Parker's face change from joy to horror. "Or you can use the bathroom." Parker smiled briefly as he turned and left the room. Billy sat on his bed and removed his socks and then his shorts and finally his underwear. "How do I always manage to find the shy kind?" Billy thought to himself as he pulled his swim trunks on and waited on the bed for Parker to return from the bathroom. Parker walked into the room and Billy took in the small boy's body. His skin was pale and his shoulders were sprinkled with freckles. His chest was squared off and his thighs and calves were thick and meaty, tapering to his tiny feet, though the only fat on the boy seemed to be on his soft belly. That was not so much fat, it was just that Parker had not lost his baby fat. Billy scanned the boy's crotch area but did not notice anything bulging so he simply stood and moved to the door. He threw his arm over Parker's shoulder and the two boys walked down the stairs side by side until they reached the deck and Billy ran over to start the jets. He jumped right in but the water was too hot for Parker who took his time climbing in. "Come on ya big wimp. It's not like archery" Billy said laughing. "Just climb in and sit down already." Parker climbed in and sat beside Billy. This caught Billy by surprise as it seemed with Tommy that he had the plague or something. Parker continued to tell Billy of his failed attempts at sports. He told him how he loved video games and preferred to play games most of the day, but his mother would usually make him go outside for some fresh air. He stated that he would love to be outside if he had a friend to hang with or if he were any good at sports. But he stunk at everything he tried. "Wanna know a secret Park ole boy?" Billy said laying his head back and closing his eyes. "Sure Billy." Parker said enthusiastically. "I pretty much suck at sports too. I mean not as bad as you obviously." He gave a quick laugh. "But I suck bad enough that the only reason I even try in sports is because my friend Tommy wants to play sometimes." Billy paused for a moment. "I guess I'm kinda like you Park. I prefer to play my sports on a game system. Tommy and I spent the entire weekend playing the new "fight night" game. It rules. You ever play it?" Billy opened his eye and looked at Parker who was lying exactly as he had. "No. But I'm pretty good at "Madden"." Parker replied. "OH?" Billy said with surprise as he thought about the bets he and Tommy had made. "We should play sometime." "That would be great." Parker said sitting up and giving Billy a huge smile. Billy looked sideways and could not help but feel amused that Parker was emulating him. He suddenly was hit with an idea. "Hey, wanna see something really cool?" Billy said in a slight whisper as if there were others around. "Sure Billy." Parker continued with his large, toothy grin. "Lean on the edge of the hot tub and press your crotch against the jet like this." Billy said demonstrating for Parker. He was instantly hit with the exciting feeling of the jets. Parker did as Billy did and jumped back. "Whoa! What was that?" "Don't stop, move back and enjoy the sensation." Billy smiled as he guided Parker to the jet. Parker leaned against the jet and Billy heard him begin to moan slightly. "You like that?" Billy said sitting behind the boy. "Oh yeah Billy. It feels great." Parker panted his response. "This will feel even better." Billy said placing his hands on the boy's hips and tugging his swim trunks down. "Hey." Parker began to turn, but Billy only placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and turned him back around. He then put his hand on the boy's butt and pressed him closer to the jet. Parker began to groan slightly and Billy kept his hand on the butt as he gently caressed the younger boy's bubble butt. "He does have a nice butt." Billy thought to himself as he began to push the boy into the jet, creating a humping motion. Billy continued to caress Parker's butt until the boy let out a sigh and went completely rigid. Billy removed his hands and sat across the hot tub from Parker. Parker turned to Billy as he pulled his shorts up. He let his eyes drop and Billy noticed the flushed look on his face, he was not sure if it were from his recent orgasm or from embarrassment. "Wasn't that the most incredible feeling ever?" Billy asked with a large grin. "Umm, yeah." Parker said in a distant response. Parker sat a moment longer before standing. "I should probably get home." He said to Billy's surprise. "It's nowhere near lunch time. You're supposed to stay here till lunch time." Billy said cheerfully. "I know. But I don't feel well and I have some things to do before then." Parker said unconvincingly. "Whatever." Billy replied with disgust. He suddenly felt his good mood changing. "I was thinking of finding those kids down the street and asking if they want to play football anyway." Billy replied with a bit of attitude. Parker turned and looked at him in shock. "I thought you hated sports." He replied with a hint of hurt in his voice. "It beats the hell out of hanging around with a liar." Billy said as he climbed out of the hot tub and threw a towel to Parker before grabbing one of his own and going inside. Parker followed him in silently; he grabbed his clothes and slipped his shoes on not bothering to change. Billy grabbed his clothes and stepped into the bathroom to change. Parker stood outside the bathroom door for a moment. "Umm, maybe I can come over later, after I eat lunch." Parker said to the door. Billy continued to dress and gave no response. "Would that be o.k. Billy? If I came over later?" The boy sounded desperate now and Billy smiled in spite of himself. "Whatever you want to do man. If I'm here then your welcome to come over, if not then I'll be with the other kids down the street." Parker did not respond, he simply turned and walked down the steps and let himself out. He went home and changed clothes and waited for his mother to come home. continued.............. More to come very soon. Do you like the new direction of this story? would you prefer that I return to the story of Tommy and Billy exclusively? Any other advice is welcome. let me know what you think **on a side note I thought I would mention a wonderful film I recently discovered that some of you may enjoy. It's a foreign film called "class trip". If you've seen it then let me know what you thought of it. I love movies as well as reading almost as much as I love writing.** til next time keep reading AxL