Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 04:42:58 GMT From: Subject: Bobby, Orphanage Kid-7 Ron took Sandy and Rocs to sign for their parents personal things, and to pick up Santi and Doma, who had no idea what had happened. Sandy, being the oldest, was trying hard not to cry in front of the twins, because he knew that would confuse and frighten them. Rocs knew this as well, and also hid his tears. Ron and Bobby, however, were crying openly, as now they were driving home and both were in the front seat, hidden from view. As they neared Ron's home, Sandy spoke. "Can we go to my house tonight? I'll explain when we get there," he said with a single tear rolling down his face. Ron agreed, and drove to their house. Once they got there, they put two very tired twins to bed. Sandy asked Ron and Bobby to sit down. As calmly as he could, he began to speak. "I know that my parents wanted you to adopt Santi and Doma, Mr. Phillips. Rocs and I don't disagree with that, but if you do, would you consider adopting us, too?", he said, eagerly. Ron just looked at Sandy, dumbfounded. After a deep breathe, Ron spoke. "I'd love to, Sandy, but my house can't hold 5 growing boys AND an adult." Sandy jumped up, and ran into his father's den, bringing back a safety deposit box. "In that box, you'll find our Parent's Will, that leaves our custody to you, and this house to us. It's all paid for, so when you and Bobby are ready, move in and become our family!" Ron was overcome with joy as he hugged Sandy, and then Rocs. But, one thing troubled him. "Sandy," he asked, "would you mind if, when I sign the adoption papers, your last name, Juvencio, were to remain the same? I won't change it, unless you, and your brothers, want me to." Sandy thought for a minute, then said, "meaning no offense, but we'd like our last name to stay our last name. BUT, we'd still like to call you Dad, if that's okay with you." Ron grinned, and tousled Sandy's hair in reply. The following Monday, Ron started making some difficult phone calls. In addition to calling his commander at work to request emergency leave, he also called the boys' schools, to inform them of them of what had taken place. Everyone was very understanding, and cooperative. He also called their grandparents, both in California and Spain, and gave them the sad news. The day before the funeral, everyone was worn out. Preparing for it wasn't easy on anyone, and tempers grew short as the funeral grew closer. They often sought comfort in each other's arms, as they cried. Then, there was another knock on the door, but this time it was their grandparents! Both sets had met at the airport and driven to the Juvencio home. Now, as a complete family, with Ron and Bobby included, they shared their grief. As his late friends had requested, Ron paid for a closed casket memorial service. Their friends and co-workers shared their condolences with the family, and left sadly, to leave them grieving alone, but with each other. They soon left, heading for home. When they got there, the grandparents pulled Ron into the den, shutting the door behind them. Sitting down, the grandfathers addressed him. "Detective Phillips, we had left substantial amounts behind for our 2 children when we passed away. Unfortunately, they died before we did. Now, we knew of their Will, and we also also know that, on a Detective's salary, you're going to have a rough time paying for these wonderful children. Although we can't adopt you, we would like you to consider yourself as part of our family, and accept our children's inheritances." Shocked, but flattered, nonetheless, Ron replied, "Yes, Sir, I will accept them, with my eternal gratitude!" With that, the adults felt more lighthearted, and took the boys out to dinner, where everybody got to share fun memories of their loved ones.