Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:27:14 +0000 From: Angela Mynah Subject: boys-tale, Johns Story Chapter two A Boys Tale, John's Story. Chapter 2. Becoming a Richards becomes you Dear reader this is the second part of a tale about a current love that dare not speak its name, Boylove. It is a tale involving sexual encounters between various people, both young and adult, male and female, and a certain young, willing and happy boy. If that offends you, or such writings are illegal in your area, then now would be a good time to leave. For the sake of certain aspects of the law, all the names have been changed, even those of people no longer in this world. Although this story is mainly fictional, it is loosely based on a real life. Mine. So you have come back to hear the ramblings of this old man have you? It's lovely to see you again. I look forwards to your visits so much now. I have been thinking long and hard since your last visit and memories have been flooding back. Well I remember so much now, and the more I recall, the more I remember there being to recall. I suppose that is natural. Its probably called `Getting old' So let me see now, where were we? Oh yes. It is very hard for a ten year old boy to comprehend certain things, and logic rarely plays much of a part when it comes to his trying to understand a situation. Establishing that my parents held little or no affection for me, had dealt me a particularly heavy blow. So severe in fact, that when I was not being kept occupied, tears and depression set in very quickly. One may be forgiven therefore, for thinking that the news of their death in a motor accident would have been slightly less traumatic for me. No, the contrary was true. It made the situation ten times worse. Please permit me to try to explain. Imagine for example that the incidents had occurred the other way round, and that first I had heard of their deaths and, whilst recovering from that, I had then learned that they didn't love me anyway. Now you see the issue. The order mattered not at all. `Mentally' the damage that was being done to me was horrific. To start with, only minutes after being given the news of my parents demise, and whilst I was still in shock, the sedation was started. It was an injection to begin with, and a very powerful one at that. Pills were supposed to follow, but every one knew, sooner or later these drugs would have to stop, and when that happened, the real pain was going to start. I was going to need a lot of love and tenderness. My recollections of my journey home and the first few days following, are patchy to say the least. I therefore have to rely heavily on what I was told later about conversations and what was going on around me. I have no real memory of the drive to Mr and Mrs Richards house as I was by then sedated to the eyeballs. Mrs Richards was told that I would need not only rest, but also a lot of close comfort and contact. Needless to say, Alan was only too willing to supply the latter two, though letting me rest would perhaps prove more difficult for him. I had fallen asleep on the couch where I had been placed and the doctor, who had accompanied me home, helped Alan and his mother take me up to the large spare room, where they laid me on the bed. "Let him rest there for a while, sleep is what he really needs right now" the doctor said. "Alan, If you could please stay there with him for a few minutes, while I speak to your mother, that will be most helpful. It would be very upsetting for him if he did wake up, to find himself alone. In a little while, I will come back up and give him a final check up before I leave. Thank you and well done lad." No sooner had the doctor gone, than Alan went to his chest of drawers and took out a clean night shirt. He managed to undress me, put the night shirt on me and with a little rolling and heaving, manoeuvred me into the bed. He placed a chair next to the bed and carefully folded my clothes, leaving them on the dressing table stool. He found his book and sat down, all this he achieved without waking me, and that's how the doctor found us on his return to the bedroom. "Now I really am impressed" he exclaimed, looking at Alan's mother. "You have a real helper with that one, and you will need it" he added. "The longer you are prepared to be with John, young man, the better. He is going to need a friend close to him when he wakes up, it will make a lot of difference to him. In fact, he is going to need a close friend close to him a lot of the time for the first few weeks." He gave me a final inspection and although he seemed happy with my condition, he still said that he would return the following day. Giving Mrs Richards some more sedatives for me, he explained that I would sleep a lot but would need to be woken for the pills and that they should only be taken after I had been given some food. With that, and saying that should she require any help or information, to call him, He and Mrs Richards went down stairs. Once again he reiterated that `time and love' would be the great healers in the long run, and so he left. It was doubtful that the doctor had even reached his car by the time Alan was undressed and lying, naked, in bed with me. Mrs Richards, whilst not surprised at this, she felt she had to remind Alan that I was to be left to sleep and not `Messed about with'. He reluctantly agreed with his mothers instructions and slid his hand away from my limphood and started quietly playing with his own equipment as he cuddled up to me. She looked at the two of us and kissed us both as I slept, my thumb in my mouth. That evening, Mrs Richards woke me with a tray holding a bowl of soup and some toasted soldiers. I was still very dazed and confused. There was Alan, sitting naked on the seat next to me, eating his meal from a tray. I found that I was wearing a night shirt of Alan's and there was a tray of supper for me. I had no idea what was going on or what time it was. Then the realisation dawned. The facts of the day flooded back into my head as I remembered parts of the afternoons events. It must seem odd to people that, even though I had been lacking the love that most parents indulge their children with, my love for them was as strong or possibly stronger, as any normal child's. Remembering that I had lost them for ever and had not had a cuddle or kiss from them when they left, sent a pain through my soul as hot as any bullet. Then came the fear. What was to happen to me? I remembered the policeman talking about childrens homes, I even seemed to remember him saying something about giving me away to some men called Tom Dick and Harry and I didn't even know who they were. I started shaking and the tears flowed relentlessly. Mrs Richards had to feed me piece by piece my toast and had to spoon feed me my soup. I suppose I swallowed some of it but I was sobbing so much I think a lot of the food went into my quivering mouth only to fall out again with the next sob. However much I did eat, it was deemed to be enough to let me take my sedative pill. This, Mrs Richards did make sure I swallowed. She looked at the mess I had made of myself with the food and cleaned me up. She took off the night shirt which was particularly badly hit, and decided that I was probably better off naked anyway. Those pills worked fast and it was within seconds that I was lying back in the bed, not asleep, my eyes were wide open, but I was on another planet. My mind was off somewhere, I know not where but it was nowhere nice, I may have looked calm but in my mind the tragedy was being relived and played out. . Alan finished his meal and got back into bed with me, and cuddled up close, putting his arm over me. With that comfort I went back to sleep sensing the security, again with a thumb in my mouth, only this time it was Alan's thumb. He seemed to have no objection to this and he lay there, his body against mine until he too dozed into a shallow sleep. When I awoke it was dark. This room was at the back of the house and therefore was shaded from the street lights. The only light available was a dim glow from under the door. I needed to go to the toilet, but the room was very slightly spinning from the last effects of the weakening sedative. Holding on to chairs and other pieces of furniture I managed to make it to the door and open it. There was a table lamp on with a low wattage bulb in it but to me, coming from a darkened room it was as bright as a floodlight and I could See Mr Richards, still dressed, asleep in a chair with an open book on his lap. He had placed himself by the door in case I had wanted anything. I crept past the chair not wanting to wake him and tried to walk to the toilet door. The room started spinning again as the sedative worked the very last of its magic, and down to the floor I crashed. "Hey my little warrior, come on little man, what are you doing out of bed, where are you going". Mr Richards had woken up immediately and was on his knees next to my prone body in an instant, speaking to me. Mrs Richards too had been sleeping very shallowly and was out of their room and next to me in no time. I managed to tell them in a very small voice that I wanted to go to the toilet. She scooped me up in her arms and took me to the bathroom. Sitting me on the toilet seat, she went to walk out. As she turned to check I was alright, she saw my eyes glaze over as I started to slither from the seat to the floor. She caught me just in time and replaced me on the seat, this time holding me in position as I drained my bladder. There was no way I could really walk so after cleaning me up, Mrs Richards carried me towards the bedroom door. Mr Richards, now awake again, beckoned her over to him and took me from her arms. He was quietly crying as he cuddled me to him, and as he kissed my neck and my head. His wife covered us both in a blanket. I imagine that we were huggled together like that for half an hour or more till eventually he put me back into the bed with his son. Alan had slept through the incident and didn't wake even when I was placed next to him. Still tearful, Mr Richards returned to his room. "Why him Sally, Why Him? Never has a more innocent sweet darling been put on this earth, only to have his life beaten out of him by shit luck. I nearly crushed him with a cuddle out there, I felt so sorry for him. How can a kid ever recover from this? Do you think he can ever have a normal life?" It was at that point in their conversation they heard me. The action of going to the toilet, being cuddled and then placing me back in the bed had woken me up enough for the truth and gravity of it all to seep back in, and the drug had worn off, It was just a small sob to start with, hardly noticeable at all, but they heard it and looked at each other. It quickly broke into floods of tears and the pathetic bawling of a lost child. Mr and Mrs Richards were on their feet now and heading my way. As they opened the door it came. A full bloodied, gut wrenching scream. I filled my lungs again and let out another. Alan fled the room in terror as the third scream shook the very windows in their frames. Mrs Richards picked me up and buried my fear ridden face in her chest. The screams gave way to a howling, the likes of which the Richards had never heard. I was on the rack. There was to be no holding back now, I was experiencing the raw pain of my loss and the absolute terror of the unknown. I had no way of holding it in, no control. I just howled in mental agony. Alan, who had run into his own bedroom in panic at the screams, came back into the room. His father looked at him and tried to give him a reassuring smile. "You had better put a nightshirt on, I am going to call the doctor out and we don't want him seeing you like that now do we? Can you get another one for John while you're there please?" I was still crying loudly half an hour later when the doctor arrived. He lived quite close and had not been surprised at the call. Immediately on his arrival he gave me an injection and within seconds my eyes closed and I fell silent. I was placed back in the bed and Alan got in and cuddled up next to me. The doctor was escorted down stairs to the living room and 3 whiskeys were poured, "Thank you" the doctor said, adding. "We all need these. That's a powerful sedative I have given John, it should see him through the rest of the night, and up to lunch time, maybe longer. Do not wake him or give him any more pills. Let him sleep for as long as possible. When he wakes up he will probably start crying again. I'm afraid you will just have to let him. We can't sedate him for ever. I see Alan is sleeping with him, that will help John a great deal. Its best if he's not left on his own at all for the next few days if that's possible, but be careful not to put too much strain on Alan. I know he is there because he wants to be, but the distress he witnessed just now will play on his mind." The worried looks on the Richards's faces told the doctor that his visit was far from over so he sat with them and chatted , giving them advice and answering their questions. Those questions when they came, were in fact just three. Would I get over this? How long would it take? And What could they possibly do to help? The answers could be put in one sentence. Given enough love, eventually I would make a full recovery. It is however a doctors duty to reassure his patients as well as to administer medication, so it was an hour later when he finally got into his car and drove off giving them the promise of his return later on that day. It was midday when Alan woke up, still snuggled up to me. He looked across and saw his mother in the chair reading. She looked up. "Hello poppet, so you have decided to wake up now. I think you must be hungry. Daddy is down stairs getting some lunch. You go down to him now, but try to be quiet, we don't want to wake John now do we?" Very carefully Alan got out of the bed and made his way down stairs to his father, leaving his mother sitting watching me. I twitched. She looked at my closed eyes, there was a lot of movement there and I twitched again, and then again. I started making little moaning noises and it was only too obvious to Mrs Richards that I was having a nightmare. There was nothing she could do as she watched me twitching and occasionally yelping. For forty minutes she watched me, my head shaking back and forth, sometimes with a yelp, sometimes a whimper. Feeling utterly helpless she watched. She turned to her husband as he walked in. "He's dreaming, and it doesn't look like a sweet one either. Poor mite, not even sleep releases him. I suppose this means that the drugs have worn off" "Yes Sally, I think they have. He will be awake soon. I do hope we don't get the screams again, that was more than I could stand. You go down stairs now, keep Alan company, I rather think he needs support too. I will take over here for a while. If he fully wakes, I will bring him down" They didn't get screams, or the howling. Just a gentle but persistent sobbing. The tears started to flow the moment I woke and I was still crying an hour later when Mr Richards, unable to comfort me, picked me out of the bed and carried me down stairs. Alan, who had dressed and was sitting on the couch, went to his bedroom and collected his dressing gown. He brought it down and gave it to me. I put it on and climbed up onto his mothers lap. I had stopped crying at last, but had said nothing. I was so frightened about these three men Tom, Dick and Harry, and to which one was I to be given, that my mind was in a turmoil. Eventually I plucked up the courage and asked in a whisper to Mrs Richards. "Who are you going to give me to?" The way I had asked the question was most unfortunate as she had no idea what I had been thinking about, Mrs Richards totally misunderstood what I had meant. She thought that my mind was on cuddles and suchlike so she replied. "Well I don't know. Shall I find out who wants you" She never had the chance to ask her husband if he wanted a boy cuddle, I was in tears again hugging her tight and begging her not to give me away to those three men the policeman had talked about. Well I certainly had their attention then. Needless to say though, there was complete confusion, with each of them looking at each other till Alans father asked which three men I was talking about. It was only when I named them that some dawn of realisation cross Mr Richards mind. "Bring him over here Sally, I think I know what this might be about now. You come over here and give me a nice big boy-cuddle, and I will tell you all about it and why you have no need to worry" He was just slightly surprised when, as I was placed on his lap by his wife, I opened up my dressing gown and hitched up the night shirt I was wearing, giving him easy access to me. As he gently toyed with my little willy, he spoke softly to me explaining the expression `Tom Dick and Harry' and that the policeman was not, after all, saying that I would be sent to them. My relief was obvious. I kissed him and cuddled him tightly, and for the first time in 24 hours, I managed the slightest of smiles. It was 5 o'clock when the doorbell rang and Mr Richards straightened up my night wear, passed me to his wife and went to answer it. Miss Hawker was one of those women children immediately like. She was a spinster who, although not so very old, had the face of a favourite granny that was permanently set in `Smile mode' and even now whilst oozing genuine concern, that smile was there. She had baby sat for Alan many times, a job she was almost designed for. Also, very conveniently, she lived next door. "Oh I know I'm a nosey one, but I am such a light sleeper. Late last night I heard screams, they sounded like Alan, then I heard the doctors car. I have been worried all day as to what the matter was, but I thought whatever it was, you would be busy with it, so I didn't phone. I just promised myself I would drop in the moment I came home from work to find out if everybody was alright. Oh... Hello, who have we here all ready for bed?" Mr Richards introduced me to her and explained as much of the situation as he dared to, keeping an eye on me to judge if the tears were going to flow. She instantly had her smile adjusted to `sympathy level 5' and only once did her expression change, oddly enough, that was at the start when she was told my name. For the briefest of moments she frowned, but the smile was quickly back and I very soon found I had a new lap to sit on. As I sat there and she was talking to Mr and Mrs Richards, she was idly stroking the nape of my neck, this was a place that Mr Richards had stroked me , it was a favourite spot of his and usually led to the stroking of other things. My subconscious must have registered this because my reaction to this attention was an immediate erection. I sat up a bit and was able to cover the small tent that had occurred with the dressing gown. I wriggled a bit to get comfy and lay back on her lap. "Oooohhh you're like a little worm wriggling about, now you sit still on your Aunty Jean." She started stroking my neck again but the folds of the dressing gown were now saving me from any embarrassment and I was enjoying the feeling. I snuggled deeper into her lap and felt warm and secure. Sadly it was to be short lived, as the doorbell rang again. It was the doctor who came in this time. He looked over and smiled at what he saw. "Hello Miss Hawker, I see you've found a new lap warmer, it's a job I'm quite sure he is very good at." He laughed the words as much as saying them, and then he addressed his comments to me. "Well young John, I need to look you over so I think it would be a good idea if we went upstairs to do that" I suddenly shivered and some tears welled in my eyes and I started to cling to my new aunty Jean. Mrs Richards got up "Come on Poppet" she said, "Come on upstairs, I will stay with you" with that, she picked me up and carried me upstairs, followed by the doctor. Alan also followed and was allowed to stay with me for most of the examination. I later learned the details of a conversation that was taking place downstairs. It was one that would have such long lasting and far reaching effects on my life. It was started with a hushed voice from Jean. "George, I have known you and Sally for near 15 years now, and Alan all his life. I have always held you all in very high esteem and still do. As you are well aware I am a solicitor, and I have to admit that business is a bit slow. There are still many people who will not accept a woman defending them, which is why I had to set up my own practice. Nobody else would have me in theirs. I need work, and I need it fairly soon. Keeping that in mind I have a business proposition to put to you. From what you have told me about what has been happening to John, he will be needing legal representation soon, very soon, It will be necessary to sort out his parents wills, probate and other such things. I would like that business. I realise that his parents are hardly cold yet, and that I am perhaps jumping in too quickly for it to be considered to be in good taste but it needs to be arranged sooner rather than later. I would like to be your solicitor as well, but not quite yet. After I have sorted out Johns affairs, then I would like to look after yours." George poured out two whiskeys and handed one to Jean. "Well that was a very nice speech Jean but I already have a solicitor, and I am terribly sorry but I too feel that legal representation is best attended to by a man. I had not really thought through what we would do about John's legal requirements, but they will probably go to the law firm I already use, Saunders Reeves and Robertson. Anyway, you said you had a proposition, and you didn't say what you were offering in return for my business. I doubt you will change my mind, but it's always worth putting a deal on the table. What's the offer you had in mind?" Well he was right, it was time to put some cards on the table. Jean took a mouthful of the Scotch and looked at him with a particularly disarming smile. "What I had in mind was this. I will represent John. In return I will forget that you are in some way, sexually involved with him. Further I will ignore that you are also I believe, sexually involved with your own son. Just to top up the deal I will have forgotten all about the parties you hold here where other children are invited, with their parents. I had suspected that something funny was going on here for a long time now, but the other day I saw all the evidence needed to convince me. Even I admit that with his long hair, John is a very `pretty' boy. When I first saw him here this evening, for a moment I really thought he was a little girl. I have to add though, I also thought he looked particularly pretty dressed as a girl the other day. That's when I knew you were all at it. Errrrmm that's Check Mate I think" George swallowed hard and taking Jeans glass, poured out two more whiskeys. "You seem to think I can be blackmailed Jean, I am not so sure that I can be. You say you have evidence, but you have shown me nothing. You say a little girl we took out was John, you must be mistaken, and of course the parties, well yes parents bring their children here for us to abuse every day, they are queuing up for us. So where does that leave you?" Jean was still smiling as she replied. "If you had really been innocent of the charges I have just made, you would have thrown me out, or at least you would have been furious I am sure. So I am equally sure I am spot on target. I saw the way he became aroused when I touched his neck the way I have seen you touch Alan's. You say you can't be blackmailed, so who's blackmailing? I am asking you for your business and will serve you to the best of my abilities, oh and I am good, damned good. Let me handle Johns' affairs and judge me on my performance there. If I do well with him, let me take you on as a client. If you feel you could have got a better result by going to your own people, then you will be free to use them in future. The only demand I am making is that you give me a chance to prove my worth. I would hardly call that blackmail." The door opened and the doctor came in with Alan, stopping the conversation dead in its tracks. Moments later, just as Mr Richards was pouring the doctor a whiskey, in walked Mrs Richards and me. "Ahh dinkies" she said, "Yes please dearest, with a dash of soda please. Mmmm its all gone very serious in here, have I missed something darling?" "Yes Sally, Jean was pointing out that John would sooner or later need some legal advisors batting on his side. It seems to make sense to take Jean on rather than the crusty old men we normally use. John knows her now and that would be most reassuring to him if or when he ever needed to go to court, which incidentally, Jean says he almost certainly will" The doctor raised his glass. "Very wise words George, court is stressful for anybody, it has to be so much worse for a child. I never think of Miss Hawker as a solicitor, I so rarely see her but I take your point and I think it would help John to have a person he knows and so obviously likes in there with him." The fact that I had sneaked my way back onto Jeans lap and had cuddled down there had lead to the doctors last comment, I seemed to be busy sorting out my solicitor/client client/solicitor relationship. It was going quite well though she did seem to prefer it if I would only stop sucking my thumb. My minor medical had gone well. The doctor was pleased that the sedatives had left no side effects, it had been a worry to him as he had given me such a strong dosage. He announced me fit for duty and told me to get dressed. I went to open the case my mother had left for me when they left for Brighton. I couldn't touch it, I just froze. Alan saw my face and went to the case for me, picking out briefs, shorts and a t-shirt, he handed them to me. All this the doctor had watched. He turned to Mrs Richards. "Remarkable, quite remarkable. You have a little star there Sally, He is going to be so good for John and such a help to you. It helps that they don't seem to be shy with each other, nor John with you." Mrs Richards agreed with the doctors sentiments. She was very proud of her son and told the doctor so, as he took Alan by the hand and walked together downstairs. I dressed quickly and Mrs Richards and I followed the doctor and Alan. The doctor drained his glass and turned to the door, saying the usual things about calling him if there were problems and adding that he would drop in to see how things were going in a couple of days or so. Mr Richards saw him to his car, thanking him profusely and shaking him warmly by the hand. Returning to the living room, he sat next to Alan on the couch, Jean was in George's normal chair with me on her lap. Sally looked at her husband when he returned. "So which one of you is going to tell me what I really missed when I was upstairs, and no flannel about Jean representing John because they like each other ok? I know there was more to it than that. When I came in, George, you were quite pale and you Jean, you were flushed. So come on one of you, tell me what was going on" Sally nearly choked on her scotch and soda when George said that Jean knew about their boy-games, and that her silence was available as long as some business was put her way. "It seems a fairly small price to pay, given what's at stake here so I have decided to go along with it." Sally looked at Jean. "That's all very well but what happens later? What demands will you make then, after we have sent all the business we can your way? I want some sort of guarantee that you are not just scratching at the surface of what you see as a bottomless financial pit" Jean's answer to this was not just effective, it seemed to be mutually acceptable, dare one say liked by all parties. "Suppose you owned a roll of film, undeveloped, that showed me undressing one or both of the boys and fiddling about with them, and I owned a similar roll of you doing much the same. This would achieve two things. Firstly, neither of us could blackmail the other, and second, Babysitting would be much more enjoyable for me in future. How does that sound?" Sally and George sat for a moment till George broke the silence. "John, would you like your Aunty Jean to give you a little bit of special love like we do?" I nodded, he looked at his son "Alan, would you like that too" Alan also nodded in agreement, so that was it. Deal done. Everybody smiled as Jean took my clothes off, she looked at my small body and held me up, standing me on her lap so that my small portion of boy-meat was at mouth level. Well it was different from shaking hands, but it was in that fashion that the deal was sealed, with Sally Richards, taking pictures of Alan and me being passed between Jean and George. It is unnecessary to go into the fine details, but suffice to say that although Jean enjoyed the experience, her preference seemed to be with girls, and her attentions towards me were more for the camera than for her satisfaction. Professionally however, there was no doubting the enthusiasm with which she approached her tasks, and for the next three nights, the lamps burned late into the night in Miss Hawkers house as she prepared herself for the representations she would be making Apart from my being rather weepy, the following two days were largely uneventful. I was never left on my own for more than a few seconds at a time. Even going to the toilet, somehow Alan made some excuse to be close to me. He had taken to kissing me when ever he could, often just a peck but sometimes rather more lingering. Further he would cuddle me at any opportunity. Not just little hugs, these were long meaningful cuddles punctuated with kisses. Whilst occasionally these cuddles were forerunners to some sexual activity on our part, more often than not they were driven by pure love. Jean had seen my parents `Last Will and Testament' and had agreed with the solicitors who were executing it, that it should proceed as quickly as possible. My parent's funeral was a quiet affair, so quiet in fact that nobody turned up. It had been thought best that I knew nothing about it. I would be told one day, if I ever asked! Jean Hawker set up a trust fund for me, with Mr and Mrs Richards along with herself as trustees. My Aunts estate also came to me and that comprised a house in Brighton as well as one in London. The two houses were to be let, as would my parents house be, the income going into the trust fund which would initially be capitalised by the sale of effects and of course three sizable life assurance payouts. Half the interest from this fund was to be paid into Mr Richards account to pay towards my keep. The fund was to be released to me on my twenty first birthday. All this made me a very wealthy young boy who, after all tax was paid, had an income that many adults would have been very pleased with, and the capital would be kept intact. The only thing I understood about all this was that my pocket money would be increased. It was on Saturday when situations started to arise that needed immediate attention. The police, accompanied by the doctor, had brought the front door key of my parents house to give to Mr Richards. Mr. Tompkins, our headmaster, had also dropped round. He was genuinely concerned about my progress. George and Sally had arranged with Jean that she would baby-sit while they went round to collect all my toys and clothes from the house. It was thought best if I did not go with them and in fact they didn't even tell me that they were going to the house. While they were out, Alan and I were in the kitchen reading with Jean. The doctor and Mr Tompkins, who were in the living room, started chatting. "Doctor, I have to ask you this, When you examined John on that frightful Tuesday, you discovered that John had been sexually assaulted or something. How is he doing? Is he alright?" The doctor looked at him cautiously. "You're Johns Headmaster, and I am going to need your help here. What worries me is the timing of all this. Yes you are quite right, John's anal gland had shown significant signs of distress. The problem is that it looked more recent than when his parents left for Brighton, and if I am right, that means somebody else has had their way with John. It is not impossible that Richards himself may have inflicted that injury on the boy, and that John is too frightened to say anything. I need you to keep a very close eye on both John and Alan at school, see if they suffer any apparent discomfort sitting down. That sort of thing" Had Mr Tompkins been an actor, his feigned look of horror and anger would have won awards. "No no no, surely not. Not George Richards. I have known him for years, and never doubted him at all for one moment. Anyway, if it was him, you would be able to tell by now, wouldn't you? I mean, he would still be `at it' wouldn't he? My God! I can hardly believe it. George Richards of all people" "Whoa whoa whoa. Don't jump the gun." The doctor held his hand up to stop Tompkins in mid flow. "I said it was possible, only `possible' that Richards is the abuser, there may be other explanations or it may be somebody else. Whilst I have been giving John these frequent medical check ups, because of the heavy sedation I have been administering, I have been looking at his anus, and it has not been interfered with since. We can tell if there has been recent `Activity' down there, and there has not been, but rest assured, I will be watching that gland for as long as I have good reason to. I just wish I could have a look at Alan, to see if his shows any signs of , how shall I put this, `Forced entry'. I would need to see him within a week of any penetration, ten days tops. Unless it was a really violent attack any signs will be gone after ten days," "Doctor I have an idea. It should either clear Georges name or show him to be an unspeakable swine. I will arrange for the boys, both of them to indulge in an activity down at some stables I know. My tribe will be there as well. It will be a treat for them. It will only take a rumour to break out that there has been a tetanus scare and My wife will be calling you to give all the kids jabs, and we both know where those injections are administered, don't we? I have no problem with my boys being covered for tetanus, and you get to inspect the two bottoms you are hoping for. Not a word to anybody and you get your inspection without suspicions being raised as to why. How does that sound to you?" The doctor was delighted with the plan, and it was agreed that the trip to the stables would take place a week next Saturday. If it was systematic abuse, the activity would be resumed when the doctor stopped treating John for trauma. That was to happen probably on Tuesday, so there would be a week of anal activity or more. The tell tale signs were bound to show after that so the trap was set. The doctor left, happy that his mind would be put at rest one way or the other. As Mr Tompkins waved the doctor off, he chuckled to himself, and it was not more than an hour or so later that he was explaining the workings of the deal to George and Sally, finally saying "So all you have to do is to leave those two little boy pusses alone from now until the jabs and you're home and dry. If you need a boy or two, let me know and we will deliver to you. That's why we set up our little group. Oh and you had better make sure the two lads aren't busy poking each other as well" The plan was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong. It was a stroke of pure genius. All these thoughts were going through the headmasters mind as he climbed into his car. As he drove off, he didn't notice the large black Rover motor car parked on the other side of the street. The occupants of the car noticed him though, just as they had noticed the doctor leave fifty minutes earlier. They were still there watching Mr and Mrs Richards come and go with my belongings They also noticed the late middle aged woman leave half an hour after the last trip, walking back to her house next door. They noticed everything, but nobody noticed them at all, which was good really, that's just the way they wanted it. As I have said, I was not party to these conversations and they were related to me later, some of them many years later. How Alan and I never saw that Rover motor car amazes me but we didn't. I suppose we were too busy. It had taken George and Sally three trips to ferry all my belongings to my new home and I was busy with Alan hanging up all my clothes. It was when I got to unloading and putting away my toys that things started to hit me again. Like most ten year olds, Alan had a cupboard full of toys. I had a suitcase that held almost all of mine, most of them had been given to me by my parents naturally so opening that case I saw my entire history. It was not pleasant, there was so little there. Except that is, for my one real treasure, my pride and joy. My train set. My father had loved my train set and bought things for it often. It was enormous. There was probably about five hundred yards of track in total. We had long since given up trying to put it all out at any one time but still, if he saw any track for sale at a reasonable price, he bought it. The same went for rolling stock. I had a massive collection. All in boxes, all labelled up. Because I was now moving into the house, I had been put in the slightly smaller of the two spare bedrooms, towards the back of the house. It was still a good size room and I helped Mrs Richards put the bed back in it from Alan's room. It seemed so long ago that I had been undressed in front of Alan by his mother, and placed in that bed, yet, in reality it had been just a day short of two weeks. My room had a cupboard for my toys and a large wardrobe for my clothes. There was a book case and a chair by the bed for reading. A dressing table completed the furnishings. It was in the corner of the building and had two windows, one looking southerly, the other to the east, the latter looking into Aunty Jeans garden. It was Sunday morning and I was looking out in that direction I noticed something odd. I knew that she had no husband or family there, but hanging out on the washing line were some children's clothes, I looked and reckoned they were from a ten or eleven year old. As I stood in my room wondering about this, out she came with another laundry basket of clothes to hang out. Some were obviously hers, but there were more girls clothes amongst them. As she pegged them up she looked up at my room and saw me. She smiled and waved, then she looked at me, looked at a little yellow dress then back at me and smiled. I smiled back, none the wiser. I went down to breakfast. Alan was already eating his, and I was starving. I had not really eaten much for some days. I looked at Alan's mother. "Am I going to school tomorrow Mrs Richards?" I asked She looked at me. "Hmmm, well my little lamb, if you want to you can. Everybody will understand if you can't face it. You have had a bad time of it. I tell you what. You go to school, and if it's too much for you, you and Alan come home to me. Alan, you are to stay with John as much as you can, and if he needs to come home, you walk home with him. I will give you a note to give to your form teacher Mr Sharpe, explaining what I want of him. Alan looked at his mother. "Does that mean I can go to boy scouts tomorrow evening mummy, I haven't been for ages now" "Oh good heavens that reminds me I meant to tell you John" Mrs Richards exclaimed, "Yes Alan you go to scouts tomorrow, John, you will be going next door to Aunty Jean tomorrow evening. Mr Richards and I are going out, and won't be back till a little late. Alan will join you there when scouts has finished. We will be back at about 10 o'clock at the latest, and will pick you up then. I ate everything that was put in front of me, and even a bit that was put in front of Alan. His mother asked me if I wanted any more toast. "Yes please Mrs Richards" came my reply, then I went quiet. I looked down at the table, my vision obscured by tears welling up in my eyes. I had realised what was wrong, what was missing. I had found the reason why I had been unable to let go. I managed to look up. "Please Mrs Richards, can I call you Mummy?" She rushed over, picking me up and cuddling me to her. "Of course you can my little lamb, of course you can." I felt a massive load being taken off my shoulders. I wanted a mummy, I needed a mummy. Now I had a mummy. I had no idea that just being allowed to call her mummy was not the solution legally, but it was certainly good enough for me. There was a worry in the back of my mind though. How would Alan feel now? I was after all, now trying to share his parents with him, and that was asking a lot. I didn't know what to do or say to him and I started feeling frightened I would lose him. I cuddled my new mummy tighter. I was still in her arms being cuddled when Mr Richards walked in. "Hello, am I missing out on some boy-cuddles here, it certainly looks like it." Alan nearly flew into his arms and set to work building a serious boy-cuddle with him. He then answered all my questions and prayers "Daddy, John is going to call mummy `Mummy' now. Will you let him call you `Daddy'? Please,, daddy please let him call you `Daddy' please" Well. Daddy walked over to Mummy with Alan in his arms. They huggled together and gave each other a long lingering kiss, sandwiching Alan and I between them. Eventually they separated with us still in their arms looking at each other. Alan gently pulled my face to his and gave me an equally long and lingering kiss, in fact we probably beat them by ten seconds or more. Alan's parents were speechless, as they put us down we re-embraced. Alan, his hand gently cradling the back of my head, had pulled me towards him, his head angled. I, with my head also to one side, had gone to his mouth and we were interlocking tongues. Our eyes were shut as our faces pushed to each other. "Bloody hell their going tongues, their,, their,, their French kissing their,, their,, their,, FREEKING HELL THEIR BLOODY SNOGGING" Alan's dad said. "Bloody hell that's so hot, Wow that's making me eerrr errrrmm, Struth Sally, I think I need you upstairs for an hour" "Five minutes more like" She thought as she dutifully followed him upstairs, but said nothing. Alan undressed me and then himself, and we lay on the couch kissing, cuddling and sucking each other, regretting that "Bottoms" were out of bounds for a while. Alan slid down my body and putting his head between my legs he took me in his mouth. He slid his tongue between my foreskin and helmet, using his hand to manipulate the velvety skin. Twice his other hand wandered to my little anal rosebud, where he gently passed his finger over it, sending wild and electric signals to my brain. As soon as he sucked me to my dry orgasm, he let me fall out of his mouth, tiny and flaccid. I wasted no time starting to work on his rock hard boyhood. My tongue swirling and flashing round his piece while I massaged his sweet testicles. The Shuddering I had come to know so well rewarded me for my efforts. I licked and sucked until his writhing subsided and he went limp. I returned to his mouth, our wrestling tongues still trying to find that winning hold. Holding hands for a few moments after the kiss had ended, we finally broke contact and dressed. And went to our rooms to read. Well ok then, we both went to Alan's room, but we did read. "BOYS?...BOYS! COME DOWN HERE A MOMENT DADDY WOULD LIKE A WORD WITH YOU." It was not a call to be trifled with. We were both downstairs in an instant, a little nervous as to whether we had done something wrong and a little excited in case we had done something right. Well you never can tell with grownups. Sally sat down and George stood up George looked seriously at us and we feared the worse for it. "Boys. Ahem. Yes now boys. Errrr mmmm yes errrr mmmm well boys I think we need to have a chat. No Alan, don't take your trousers off, that's not quite what I meant....I need to see both of you and... Oh Hell, NO Alan, Don't take Johns trousers off either. No john, leave my trousers alone too. LOOK WILL YOU BOTH STOP TRYING TO TAKE ANYBODYS TROUSERS OFF... Thank you." We both stood in front of him looking wide eyed and innocent, our dewy eyes looking straight into his. It was a ruse that very occasionally worked at school. It sure as hell worked this time. He was a beaten man. He sat down with a moan in his chair. "Look boys, sit down, pay attention and do not try to take anything off anyone. This is important. There are things I need to say, and these are things that you need to listen to. In this country, homosexuality is illegal. That means the police say that it is very very naughty. Homosexuality is where one male loves another male, or as here, when one boy loves another." Alan made a move to speak, but his father carried on. "I watched you two kiss earlier today, and it showed to me that you hold a lot more than just sexual feelings for one and other. It had never occurred even to me that the two of you may actually be in love, but now I am in no doubt what so ever that you are, and that is why we need to have a little chat." I was sort of winded by what I was hearing, but Alan was unshaken. However, as once more he went to speak, George stopped him. "Alan, I will answer any questions you may have in a minute. Mean while, please just listen to me and take in what I am trying to say. Mummy and I are very happy that you two feel the way you do about each other, but certain things have to change for you. We, your mummy and I, have decided that it would be wrong of us to carry on with some of our little games we play with you, also we will not be giving either of you to our friends like we have in the past. As far at your mummy and I are concerned, you two are a couple, and should not be messed with. If you want to join in any of our little games then that's ok, but it is now totally your own choice. As I said, we will be treating you as a couple. BUT! There is something else you will need to remember at all times. Just as our games would get mummy and I into deep trouble, so will your relationship. If anybody outside our group of special friends, hears of it, there will be trouble for mummy and me, so it has to be one of our extra special secrets. Alan and I agreed immediately that it would be a secret and `crossed our hearts' as a sign of integrity. Alan looked at his dad. The words he wanted to utter were not forthcoming to start with, and his eyes were full of water. It seemed he was struggling with what he was trying to say. It was obvious that we were, to use the modern expression, `an item', and it was equally obvious that we were unsure how to proceed with this situation and would need a lot of support. Further it was plain to see that at nearly eleven years old, Alan had understood the gravity of the situation. Finally he managed to say it. "Love you daddy" I sat on mummy's lap as we watched a major cuddle take place between Alan and his dad, both sobbing ever so quietly. I kissed and cuddled mummy. All in the Richards family was good, and I was at peace with the world. Monday morning saw Alan and me walking to school. I was fine just talking to Alan and even going in the gates was no problem. It was after morning assembly when I was sitting at my desk in the classroom that I started to feel uneasy. The class was abnormally quiet. It was very quiet indeed, and I realised that everybody was whispering and looking at me. Nobody wanted to talk to me but everybody was talking about me. Alan was on the other side of the room and could see what was happening. He could see that I was getting very upset but he knew that, were he to walk over to comfort me, the other lads would start to tease me unmercifully. He just had to leave me to fend for myself, and it was breaking him up. We were both going to have to toughen up a lot that day, and for a few days after. As the day wore on, it did improve and I managed to keep myself from cracking, by concentrating harder on the lessons. This also made the time go quicker, and sure enough at the appointed hour, the school bell went and Alan and I were walking home. He went into our house to change for Scouts, I went straight next door to Aunty Jean, She was already home from work and was planning her court representation for me in the comfort of her own home. This it would seem was something she was able to do whilst she was doing the ironing. "Ahhh Hello my little treasure" she said as she opened the door to me, "Come in and make yourself comfortable. I have got a lot of ironing to do this evening, perhaps you can help me fold some things up. Would you like a drink first John?" I thanked her and took a glass of orange she prepared for me. As I looked out of the window I saw Alan in his scout uniform, kissing mummy good bye and leaving the house. She and daddy came over to speak to Aunty Jean. "We've left the back door unlocked just in case either of the boys need anything and the gate in the back fence is un bolted so they can go through that way. Now John, you behave yourself and do what Aunty Jean tells you, and tell Alan to as well, when he comes back." I said that I would, and kissed them goodbye. They got into their car and drove off. I tried to look interested in what Aunty Jean was doing, but Ironing is not one of those things known to captivate a ten year old boy, still I tried. She seemed to be ironing some girlie knickers, well they looked far too small for her. I was still confused as to whose they were so I decided to find out in conversation. "Those are very shiny Aunty Jean, are they special?" "Oh yes" she said beaming at me. "They are pure silk, I have to be very careful when I iron them, they are so soft and delicate. You feel them." Taking a pair of white silk knickers from the pile she had ironed, she stroked then against my cheek. I was amazed at how soft they were, they felt wonderful. "Wow they're really smooth and soft. Who's are they Aunty? They look like they belong to a little girl. Who do they belong to Aunty?" I asked "Well now John, That's for me to know and you to find out, but you are correct, they were made for a little girl, but they are so nice, I see no reason why a little boy shouldn't wear them" I must have been a bit slow because the meaning of that comment didn't register at all. She finished ironing a little white silk blouse that had small yellow enamelled butterflies as buttons. After letting the iron get a bit hotter, she ironed the yellow dress that I had seen out on the washing line. That too had a butterfly design and it was obvious that the blouse and dress went together. With the ironing completed instead of putting the board away, Jean placed on it, the neatly folded dress, the blouse, the knickers and some little girls shoes and socks. She looked at me and smiled a lovely smile. A smile that said that we were both going to enjoy what was going to happen soon. I looked at the smile, then the pile of clothes and I realised what was coming. I was not then at all sure that the smile was telling me the truth. She looked at my hair, I wore it just a little longer than was fashionable but everybody seemed to approve of it. Jean certainly did, she loved it. She sat in her chair and beckoned me over to her. I sat on her lap as she slid my first shoe off, placing it on the floor next to her. As she leaned forwards to take my other shoe off she kissed the side of my face, I turned to her she kissed my nose as she removed my other shoe. Jean stood up with me in her arms and carried me across to the couch. Putting me down carefully, she sat me up and pulled off my jumper. I started to undo my shirt but she put her hand over mine stopping me. I knew then that she wanted to treat me like a dolly, undressing it and dressing it up again, she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off my shoulders. She licked my nipples making me squirm just a bit as her hand slid down my body to my trousers. I watched her trembling hand as it undid the waistband and arched my back helping her to slide them down my legs and off. My tented briefs amused Jean for a moment or two, but, as I knew they would, they were pulled off me, leaving me naked for her to play with. She started licking my face and neck and seemed to be getting high on the taste of boy as she continues to lick, working her way down over my nipples and then down to my naval and beyond.. When she reached my rigid little member, she pulled my foreskin back and washed the purple gland beneath with her tongue. I parted my legs and her head moved between them sucking my balls into her mouth. Her finger slid between my cheeks and massaged the tight little rosebud she found there. She now had both my erect little penis and my balls in her mouth and she was working them hard, sucking them and exciting them with her tongue. That was enough to send me over the edge and within seconds my body started vibrating and my face reddened. I lost the focus of my eyes as I started to buck my hips. My legs clamped her head to my groin as I started to shake uncontrollably. When the spasms hit with my first dry climax , the intensity took Jean by surprise. I nearly heaved her off me and onto the floor as my back arched in ecstasy, but still she held on and sucked me for all she was worth. I yelled as I continued to climax and went rigid with my back arched, only to collapse. It arched again and again, each time sending a dry load into her mouth. After the fourth time I finally collapsed onto the couch as a limp as any rag, a spent force. Jean continued to suck at my ever softening member till it just fell out of her mouth. A few final lickings of my balls and Jean seemed happy with her evening so far. As with any lad of that age, recovery time is quick and although not with an erection, I was sitting up and cuddling Aunty Jean very soon. "Listen John, if I ask you to do something and you don't want to do it, you must tell me, I don't want you to feel I am forcing you into anything. There are some funny things I would like you to do. They may seem rather odd to you but I would enjoy it if you did them." I nodded in agreement. I still didn't understand grown-ups at all. They wanted to do rude things to me and then told me I didn't have to do them. If I did them I was asked not to tell anybody else I had done them, and then, just to be really confusing, they would then do things to me that made me feel really good and made them feel really good but would tell me that it was yet another special secret between the two of us. Well If that was what they wanted and I was enjoying it (mostly) than that was the way it would be, Who was I to argue? "What do you want me to do Aunty Jean?" I asked, still a little pink from the earlier exertions. Her description of what she wanted me to do was both detailed and more than just a little erotic, even to me, and I became quite stiff again as I listened. Twice she went over some of the details so that she would be able to watch and play her part without having to tell me what was needed of me. when I started my erection was back at full strength which pleased Aunty so much so that she gave me I little kiss to set me off on my way. First I folded up my clothes on the ironing board making them into a tidy pile that would be easy to carry. Picking them up I went to the back door, and with me as naked as the day I was born, I went out into her garden. There was a gate at the bottom of her garden that led from her garden to ours, it had been left unbolted so I went into our garden to our back door. That too had been left unlocked so in I went. I walked to the living room where I could see Aunty looking in the front window. I carefully laid out my clothes on the table in such a way that mummy and daddy would see that they were all there and that therefore I had to be naked next door. I went up to my bedroom and stood by my window for two or three minutes, in full view of her garden. Oddly I didn't see her there as I had expected to but staying to the plan, I went back down to the back door, out into our garden, through the gate and to her back door. It was locked, this was not part of the plan as I remembered it so I went back to our house. The back door there was locked too but there was a note on it now, it said. `You will need to ring my front door bell now. Ha Ha Ha' This I was not so keen on but I could see Aunty Jean back in her house watching me through her window. I knew that if I went to her back door and knocked, she would open it but this was a game she was playing now and I didn't want to be beaten so easily. There was quite a bit of cover between the two properties and plenty of bushes in the front gardens. I had three choices. Knock on her back door and give up (no, I didn't like giving up that fast), Walk brazenly round the front not caring if anyone was watching (I didn't like the thought of that too much) or lastly play Dash'n'Dare. That was the option I went for, it was more fun for both of us. I was still crouched down in our back garden which could only be looked into by the two houses so I was safe there. I could see Aunty Jean still watching me. This game had made me go stiff again so I stood up and showed off my erection to her before dashing for some cover at the side of the house. As I went behind the bush I saw Aunty clapping with glee that I had taken the challenge. I knew that the best hiding places on our property were on the west side of the house but that would mean the longest run in front of the house. The space between the two houses was quite wide and offered little cover till you reached the front of the front garden. That was also where the fence separating the two houses was the easiest to get over. The land to the east of Aunty Jeans house was unknown territory to me, and there seemed little cover near that side to let me explore it further. No, it was going to have to be down the side and in front of our house, over the fence across her drive way and up to the doorway which was arched and offered a hiding hole, there were four places where there was no cover at all. Both driveways would have to be done at a sprint, the area at the corner of our house was fairly barren of cover and finally the run from Aunties bushes to her front door, that was the worst one, as it was almost impossible to see if there was anyone about from that point. Still I would worry about that when I got there. The excitement of this odd situation went straight to my dick. It was as hard as nails and was almost hurting with the tension. I stood to see if I could see Aunty. She had moved upstairs to get a better view. I realised that this would mean it would take her longer to open the front door when I arrived but that again was something I could do nothing about. So I started to make my way to the front of our house. I reached the first dash point. About fifteen or twenty yards, no cover and some over gravel. Advantage, I had a clear view from my cover as to anybody being about. I looked and had to wait for two or three cars to drive past. There was nobody parked and the other gardens were empty. The cars came and went and I made my dash from the corner to the flower bed, along the gravel path, over a bit more grass to a raised flower bed with some big plants growing in it. I dived to the ground and was out of everybody's sight again except for Aunty who was upstairs admiring my bubble butt as I lay on the grass, face down readying my self for dash two. This would take me across our drive (gravel again, dammit that hurts) to the evergreen bushes that bordered our land. Once again checking that there were no spectators, I made the dash. Great, I was there and in amongst the bushes. I clambered over the fence onto Aunty's land. A cursory glance and dash three took me over her driveway and into her Laurel bush just 30 feet from her front door. I could hear voices from the sidewalk, there were at least 3 women and a man walking past, I hoped it was past, I had no way of looking without breaking cover but what I heard was problem enough. The women were saying goodbye to the Doctor, and I heard footsteps on our gravel drive. I just had time to back into the laurels when I heard the doctor ring our door bell, Obviously there was nobody in so the door was not answered. So did the doctor walk back down our driveway and away, oh no. He walked down our driveway alright, but then I heard his footsteps on Aunty Jeans driveway. I could then see him as he went to Aunty Jeans's door and rang the bell. The door was answered with a flurry. "Well done there errr OH! Doctor, Oh dear me I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else, errr Well errmmm oh please! Where did I leave my manners? Do come in Doctor what can I do for you?" With that the Doctor walked in and the door was shut. Jean led the Doctor into the front room, I imagine that the back room still had the girls clothes out ready for me. I thought about the situation. To dash back would mean me being in clear view of either Aunty's house or the road. That was not an option. To stay where I was seemed to be about the only thing I could do. I was well hidden and able to watch the house. I saw both the Doctor and Jean go to the front window as Jean pointed to something off down the road. They both peered off into the distance then Jean left the Doctor looking. Jean appeared at the front door, walked out and looked down the road again. The Doctor was still looking from inside. As Jean went back inside, she slipped the front door key into the lock outside and went in shutting the door. Even at ten years old I recognised the final move of her ploy as being very clever, as she went back to the window, she poured two whiskeys, and handed one to the doctor in such a position that he just turned round and took it. Now he not only had his back to the garden and front door, but I knew he would be there for at least five minutes with his whiskey. Still keeping as low a profile as I could I moved smartly to the front door, quietly opened it and entered. I looked back and saw that there was nobody else out there to witness my final naked run so, removing the key and closing the door very quietly, I was in. I crept up the stairs and into a bedroom. Even though I thought it unlikely the Doctor would come into this room, I still got under the bed and hid, waiting for Aunty Jean to call out that all was clear. The Doctor was only there for ten minutes but it seemed to be much longer. Aunty Jean came upstairs looking for me, and found me fairly quickly. She was laughing. "Well, what rotten luck eh? He very nearly spoiled our game. I think you did very well and deserve a big Jeaniekiss. When I have given you that, I will bath you. You have got rather muddy playing about in the bushes, and I don't want to have to wash those clothes again quite so soon" I clambered out from under the bed to claim my prize, and was rewarded right away by a big hug and a kiss. We went into the bathroom and Aunty Jean ran a very shallow bath. I stood in it as she washed me down, paying particular attention to my bottom. Lathering it and rinsing down several times. I stepped out of the bath and she dried me, towelling me all over. She asked me to close my eyes. Aunty Jean had a thing about licking me and proceeded to lick all over my face. As she licked my throat and neck, her hand instinctively felt down my torso and came to rest on my rapidly stiffening boyhood. She laid me on my side on the floor, and lay down behind me, her tongue now licking and lapping at my boy pussy as her hand worked and massaged my balls. She moved round and turned over, and from behind she put her head right between my legs. She slipped my balls and dick into her mouth while she worked her finger into my saliva lubricated boyhole. She worked her finger till it found the magic boy-button. I wriggled and writhed as she worked my prostate. Again and again and again I was firing blanks into her mouth. The perspiration was running off me as orgasm followed orgasm. I could see stars and all I could do was to shriek and cry out like a baby. I had lost all control as I peaked for the last time. My little man shrivelled up to next to nothing and my balls retreated into the relative safety of my loins. My arsehole relaxed and Jeans finger fell out. As she stood up I just lay there, twitching in spasm and sobbing with emotion, tears pouring down my face. I could not move. Aunty Jean had to carry me down stairs and into the back room. She placed me gently on the couch. The crying and twitching had given way to uncontrolled shaking but this would soon pass, we both knew that. Aunty Jean stood me in front of herself and reached over for the silk blouse. It was so soft that I hardly knew I was wearing it and when the silk knickers were put on me, I thought I was in heaven. They felt wonderful against my poor over worked willy. The little yellow dress fitted as if it had been made for me and the shoes and socks completed the ensemble. Aunty took me by the hand and we went back upstairs to her bedroom. She sat me at her dressing table and started to work on my hair. With a few hair grips and some lacquer very soon Aunty had put a much more feminine hairstyle to me, and even I had to say that I thought I looked rather `Cute'. Jean had not been informed about the relationship that had developed between Alan and me so it was a considerable surprise to her as she witnessed the reaction from Alan when he came home from Scouts. I was told to wait in the back room, and when Alan came home he was led into the front. Jean told him how smart he looked in his uniform and that she had a surprise for him. She called me into the living room. Alan's face when he saw me was a picture. His eyes opened to twice their normal size, and his mouth opened. I stood there and did a little curtsy, smiling broadly. Aunty Jean sat down to see what would happen, she had expected a bit of laughter and some trading in friendly insults. She was so wrong. Alan approached me very slowly, looking me up and down all the while. He only said two words and those were almost whispered. He took me to his arms closed his eyes and just before our mouthed locked he uttered "Oh John" I maintain that Aunty Jean was exaggerating when she said that our kiss lasted fifteen minutes but not perhaps by so very much. I found that Alan looked so good in his uniform and he found me irresistible in girls clothes. Although I had only recently been exhausted by sexual activity, I still seemed to have enough left to give an erection. Sadly I winced in pain as Alan took hold of me through my knickers an he let go immediately. He rightly guessed that I had been well used, a condition he was no stranger too himself. He satisfied himself with tongue wrestling, and was only vaguely aware that Jean was undressing him as we kissed. Twice, he broke off the mouth contact just to look, groan and fire his tongue back into my mouth. He let Aunty Jean undo his shirt, the only remaining item he was wearing and put his arms down to let the garment fall to the floor. Aunty Jean then did to Alan what she had recently done to me. She gently pushed us to the floor, and when down, she put her head between his legs. While holding his balls and erected tool into her mouth, she slid her finger inside him and started to massage his prostate. All the while he was kissing me, caressing my nipple through my dress and stroking the back of my neck. Soon he too shuddered with the onset of his climax and I felt the electricity of his soul jolting and racking his body with pleasure. It was so exciting for me that I also reached a minor climactic spasm, the best my body could muster from its reserves of sexual energy. Alan and I lay on the floor together looking into each others eyes, whilst Aunty got up and sat down in her chair. She could not believe what she was looking at. Love was not a strong enough word for this. Alan and I were totally besotted with each other. Eventually she had to speak. "So how long have you two felt like this about each other?" She knew it was a stupid and pointless question the moment it had left her lips. How many people know the moment they fall hopelessly in love. We were no different. We grew into each other. Alan's selfless devotion to me when I needed him most was probably the catalyst for our affections, but in reality we were almost certainly in love months before. We just didn't know it at the time. Had our circumstances remained normal, who knows what would have happened, but they had not. Our situation was unique, so it was not unreasonable to find our love growing in a unique fashion too. Nevertheless, out of courtesy we tried to answer her question. "Alan and I have felt like we wanted this ages ago but it just gets stronger and stronger every day. Daddy, Mr Richards lets me call him that now, says that we must be Homely somethings, but its against the law so we mustn't be, or at least not outside the house. But your different we can be homely somethings here because you are our special friend." Jean laughed. "Ahhh so you are Homely somethings are you, Yes, well the name is Homosexuals but I think I rather like you as Homely somethings. And yes it is illegal. You may be pleased to know that the law may change someday in the not too distant future and that you may be Homelys when you are twenty one. I know that seems a very long way off, but its better than it being never. If I had realised that you two were now a couple, I would never have interfered with either of you this evening. I can assure you I will not do so again. You are for each other and should not seek to be pleasured by other people, nor should other people seek to be pleasured by either of you two." Alan thought it best to take the subject away and on to something else. "What's for Dinner please Aunty, I'm starving." Jean laughed. "Typical man." She said "The only things he can talk about are sex and food. I had better go into the kitchen and prepare something." Alan tapped me on the shoulder. "It'll be baked beans on toast, it always is here" A voice came from the kitchen. "Beans on toast alright ?" "Yes thank you" we replied in unison, breaking into a fit of the giggles. The rest of the evening was uneventful with Alan and I billing and cooing to each other while listening to the radio, surprising Aunty Jean in as much as when she commented on an item in the news, we had actually heard it and had paid attention to it. Such was the training that George Richards had given us. It was ten o'clock exactly when we heard Daddies car drive onto our driveway, and it was only a couple of minutes later that they came to the door, carrying my clothes that I had laid out on the living room table. They were ushered into the room and saw Alan in his scout uniform and me in my pretty dress. We were of course holding hands. Daddy put the clothes on the table and stood back to admire us. He looked to Sally. "The happy couple eh Sally? What a wonderful picture they make too, it seems a shame to disturb it." He picked up my clothes from the table and handed them to me. He suggested I changed into them so Aunty Jean could have her things back. He had guessed that I would be dressed this way, He too had seen the clothes out on the washing line the day before. He Mummy and Aunty discussed the relationship that had developed between Alan and I as they watched me undress, which I did as sexily as I could, more for Alan's benefit that for theirs but an audience is an audience, and I was fast becoming the showman. Show over and me back in my school clothes, we returned next door and went to bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. Aunty Jean now took on the battle to get me adopted by the Richards. I say battle, there were no real objections, only potential delays, as officialdom would drag its heels in the way only officialdom knows how. The schedule would be that the papers would arrive at Jeans office from the government department which was responsible for me. They would be scrutinised by her as my legal representative and then sent to the Richards solicitors for them to peruse. They would send for Mr and Mrs Richards to attend their offices, where they could sign the papers in front of a witness. Those papers would be sent back to Jean. She would sign on my behalf, in front of a witness and the papers would then be sent back to the government department. A date would then be set for a short court hearing and that would be it. Job done. Jean, working closely with Mr Richards solicitors, had worked out a short cut which would save a considerable amount of time, without effecting the level of work involved therefore not reducing the fairly standard fee that Mr Richards solicitors would charge him. It did however reduce slightly the fee she would be charging my trust fund, making her look pretty shrewd in George Richards eyes. The short cut was simple, as soon as she received the letters from the government, she made an appointment with Mr Richards solicitors for both her and Mr Richards, His Solicitors would act as her witness and she would act as Mr Richards witness. All the signing would be done in that one office and there would be no posting anything to any one except perhaps sending the completed form off back to the government office. There was no conflict of interest and all parties could already prove that they had the child's interests at heart. Then it was just a case of waiting for the court appearance to change the ward of court. Then my name would be officially changed from John Maurice Matthews, to John Maurice Richards. Jean Hawker was very surprised to receive through the post so quickly those letters and forms to be filled in. She knew most of the information that was required and filled them in accordingly. After contacting his solicitors she phoned George Richards at work and told him the times and dates for the appointment. There was a major change to the schedule. Firstly the time and date of the meeting was to be that evening at 6:30 and the venue for it would be her house, this would save even more time. He was delighted and phoned Sally to tell her. Things were moving quite quickly, more quickly than Jean thought reasonable. She decided that a little investigation would be in order. It didn't take as long as she thought it would. Knowing who most of the people were, who had been in any way involved in the case of John Matthews, she started with the most influential. Dr Garrard. As the doctor who had attended John throughout this difficult time, he was the name to start with. She phoned him. "Dr Garrard?..... Ahh hello its Jean Hawker here... yes very well thank you, and you... Good, that fine. I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to find out if there are any outside influences working with the John Matthews case. It seems to be going through too fast for there not to be, and I need to find out what is happening, just in case it effects my requirements for John" In principle, the reply was fairly straight forwards, but Doctor Garrard still seemed to be a little reluctant to pass on certain information, so the whole conversation was veiled behind hints and implications. The Doctor belonged to a club. My father had belonged to the same club as had one or two local judges and our local Member of Parliament. Jean correctly inferred from this that the `Club' was in fact a Masonic Lodge. George Richards, whilst not a member himself, was well known to several people who were. Two or three people had gone to the Member of Parliament to ask if things could be speeded along a bit for the sake of the `Matthews boy'. All three partners of the firm of solicitors that George Richards used were masons, and they were only too happy to play ball. They also held Miss Hawker in high regard as a solicitor, even though she was `only a woman'. They held no reservations about working closely with her. The end of her conversation with Doctor Garrard more or less told her to `hold on tight and enjoy the ride'. This one would go very fast indeed. "Bloody Masons" Jean muttered under her breath. "Can't they leave anything alone?" Little did she know that the Masonic movement would once again need to spring to the aid of George and his extended family. Alan and I woke fairly early. It was Saturday morning and we were going out to the stables with the Tompkins family. It was to be a working trip and we had been invited along as two extra pairs of hands. Some stables were to be cleaned out and a few repairs made to them. It was expected that we kids would probably work for maybe up to half an hour before we got distracted and started larking about. That didn't matter, that was part of Mr Tompkins plan, and true to form forty five minutes after we had started cleaning out the stables, we were throwing straw at each other and generally rushing about. Sure enough, by the time we had to leave, we had our normal selection of bumps bruises and grazed knees. As if he were in on the plan, the stable owner looked at Mrs Tompkins and asked her if we were all `Done for Tetanus', she said she didn't think so, and took to heart his warning that we all should be vaccinated against the disease, and as soon as possible. The moment we reached the Tompkins household, she phoned Doctor Garrard. What a surprise !! He just happened to have sufficient doses of Anti Tetanus vaccine in his surgery and recommended that we might as well all go up there now. It was a quick if not entirely painless operation, and the same for all of us. Lower trousers and pants, lie face down on the bed. Take the jab in the buttocks and wait while the doctor had a quick inspection. When we had all been done the doctor looked at Mr Tompkins. "Right, Thank you Headmaster, That's all done and I have seen all I needed to see. I am quite satisfied that there is nothing to worry about. Clean bill of health all round. Again Mr Tompkins put on an Oscar winning performance. "Oh Doctor, you have no idea what a weight that is, you have taken off my mind. I really could not believe that what you suggested the other day could be a possibly be happening. It is such a relief to find we were mistaken, especially baring in mind the way we are helping George with `you know what' and `you know who', it could have been most embarrassing." The doctor nodded in agreement, and in a hushed voice told him that he had heard through reliable sources that things were proceeding nicely in that direction. There was much nodding and winking and hands were shaken. With the doctors investigation completed to his satisfaction, Alan and I were dropped off outside our house. Mum and Dad were delighted to hear that our bottoms were considered to be in good shape by the doctor, but reiterated that now Alan and I were officially lovers, we were to be the only ones to use them. Alan looked rather down hearted at this, but it was fairly obvious that I was rather relieved. My experiences of anal sex with an adult male had always hurt at the time and had led to considerable discomfort the following morning. Only once had I received any pleasure from it and that was with George. It was agreed that the matter would be left open for the time being. Another matter needed to be discussed, and that was how the rest of the group would react to Alan and I being taken out of the `Pool'. George decided to take the subject on and open up the discussion. "The group needs to be told so that the repercussions can be dealt with. The probable end result will be that we are no longer participants in the fun and games. That would be sad but I could learn to live with it. We would both have to learn to live with it. Alan and John come first on this one" Sally agreed immediately, but there were still worries in her mind. "Of course the boys come first. That goes without saying, but the group will worry about ejecting us. They will worry about the security of the group. They will worry about our boys. Is the group safe? That's what they will be asking. How do we assure them that it is?..... I think we need to call an adults meeting, and as soon as possible. We are just going round in circles here." George started making phone calls to the parents in the group. An extraordinary general meeting was arranged for the following Saturday evening, that being the best night to arrange baby sitters for the kids where necessary. In the mean time George and Sally spent the week preparing themselves for the inevitable questions, and preparing snacks and nibbles for the evening in question. It just had to go right. This one was important. It was a long week for Alan and me, Mr Sharpe, our form teacher kept asking us questions as to what the meeting had been called for, and we both made it clear that we really didn't know. George and Sally had insisted that we held that line for our own benefit. Mr Bullman, the other teacher in the group, also tried to get some prior knowledge of the agenda from us. He too failed. Only Mr Tompkins was in any way slightly successful in extracting any information from us, and that was out of respect to our Headmaster. All we told him was that it concerned the two of us and that we had been told to keep it a special secret. He decided to pry no more but to wait till Saturday. It was, as I said, a very long week. All day Saturday Alan and I helped Mum to get the rooms ready. The front room, the living room, was set out ready for the meeting. The back room or `Lounge' was prepared for the snacks and drinks. The kitchen/breakfast room was set ready as an interview room and our bedroom was tidied to show the way Alan and I co-habited. The meeting was scheduled to start at 7 o'clock, but by twenty to seven everybody was there. Fourteen adults plus Alan and I were in attendance and Mr Tompkins took the chair. His opening speech was short and to the point. He said that the meeting had been called by George and Sally, and that the meeting, now called to order, should listen carefully to what they had to say. George stood, and shuffled slightly. Alan and I were asked to leave the room and to rejoin the meeting if and when invited. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I will not draw this out longer than is necessary, a development has occurred that I cannot, no, will not ignore. My son and my `soon to be' son have fallen deeply and irrecoverably in love with each other. They are now, to use the modern expression, a couple. Illegal or not, my two sons are lovers. My wife and I are delighted about this but it does cause issues as far as this group goes. Sally and I are removing their bodies from the pool. As of tonight they are no longer available for our games. If that means Sally and I also have to be removed from the group, then that is the price we pay. I hope that we may continue within the ring but understand that as we no longer have anything to offer, we may no longer be acceptable to some of you. All I can guarantee to all of you is our continued discretion, in or out of the group." Silence reigned supreme for a moment then my teacher James Sharpe Spoke. "You say your two lads are lovers. Two of my boys fool around a lot and they stick up for each other, but I don't take so much notice. I wouldn't say they were lovers, they are just kids having fun. What makes you think your boys are any different?" George was ready for that one. In what ever form it was going to take, our devotion to each other would inevitably be questioned. His answer, whilst sounding like a gamble, was safe and sound. "It comes as no surprise that their relationship would be questioned. Ladies and gentlemen. What I suggest is that you devise what tests you like to examine their love. They will pass them" What had been intended as an answer to a question became the answer to the whole situation. Tests and challenges would be devised. Were we both to pass them, we would be regarded in the same manner as adults within the group. Failure would mean that we would be treated as we had been. Any forfeit would be paid by George and Sally, and it would be deeply humiliating. The tests themselves would be tough. They would be upsetting. They would be proof of our love. George and Sally agreed immediately to this and with full confidence. It was only at the end of the evening, when the trials had been invented and refined, did Sally burst into tears saying that there was no way she would subject her two boys to such treatment. George calmed her down telling her that however diabolical the ideas were, both boys would come through them unscathed and stronger for the ordeals. Our upset would be short lived, but the rewards would last a lifetime. The meeting adjourned at 11 o'clock that night and after nibbles and drinks I was taken to Mr Sharpe's house. Alan went home with Mr Tompkins, both held on their honour not to touch us in any way or to tell us what was in store. The trials were to take place the following day, starting at Midday. Neither Alan or I were told what the price of failure would be except that we would not in any way be hurt, harmed or humiliated if we surrendered to the examiners. I was brought back to out house at 11:45 am and taken to the front bedroom (formerly Alan's) and sat in a chair there. It was clearly explained to me that things would happen and things would be said. I had in no way to try to communicate with Alan who was in the back bedroom. If at any time I wanted the trial to stop, I had to give a sign of three. It could be three knocks, blinks , nods or fingers held up. Anything as long as it denoted three. This was because it was likely that from time to time I was to be gagged, so as not to call shout or in any other way make a noise that could be heard by Alan. He too would be told all this and that he too would be gagged. I was scared and it showed but I nodded in agreement. Unbeknown to me a very frightened Alan was agreeing in the other room. There never were gags but they wanted each of us to believe that the other may be unable to make any noise. The whole trail was to be based on deception and that in reality, at no point was anybody going to experience physical pain. Equally it was vital that we were not to know that. Our first demonstration of our affection for each other was both simple and pleasurable. We were both taken downstairs to the assembly. The same group as last night. We were asked to show to each other how we felt and to show to the group how we loved each other. I learned that moment what the expression `Labour of love' meant. As we neared each other we lost all awareness of the others present. We had only been separated for some twelve hours but to us it had seemed an eternity. We locked mouths. It was heaven to us. Our tongues wrestled and our hearts pounded. Our arms flayed about trying to get the best grip to pull our loved one closer still. Alan broke the kiss whispering "Oh John Oh John Oh John" as I struggled to reconnect our mouths. What the panel was looking for were two erections showing in our trousers. They were not there. Our love frequently surpassed our lust, something the group was yet to understand. It seemed only too soon we were parted but sat next to each other in front of the group. My adjudicator was to be our PE teacher, Dick Bullman, Alan's was to be James Sharpe. The examiner was our Headmaster himself Reg Tompkins. He was carrying a cane. He looked at me and showing me the schools main method of corporal punishment, he asked me if I knew what it was. I indicated that I did. He asked me if I had ever felt it before. I nodded saying that I had, just once. (he knew that, he had given me three strokes last year for breaking a window). He told me that there were thirty strokes to be given this day, and that Alan and I were to decide who would take how many. I knew that Alan was better at taking pain than I was, that's why he always won in a fight, but I was damned if I would load my beatings on to him. I said I would take my own fifteen. Alan out bid me, saying that he would take all thirty. I looked at Alan, he was without expression, getting ready mentally to take the beating. He would not look at me. I looked at the Headmaster. "No he will not" I said. "Tell me what I have to say or do to stop him from being caned at all and I will do it. Anything you say, I will do" The Headmaster looked into my eyes, holding my chin so I could not look away. He spoke to me in a voice so soft, that neither Alan nor his parents could hear. What he said had not been in the agreement made for the trail, and nobody would have agreed to the mental anguish he chose to put me through "If you go upstairs and pack your bags now, so that Alan and his parents can return to their normal life that they had before you arrived, Alan will not be caned. I shall take you to a children's home, and you will be moved away from here to somewhere far away. You will never see Alan or his parents ever again. Do that and Alan will not be caned. Refuse and he gets his thirty strokes, as do each of his parents for telling us such rubbish about you two boys being in love" Tears streamed down my eyes as I walked silently up the stairs. I started to pack. The last few weeks had after all hardened me slightly I suppose and I was half way packed when Dick Bullman came in. I was vaguely aware of shouting downstairs but it didn't really register. I turned to my form teacher to say something but I could hardly see him through my tears. The room darkened, my legs buckled and I slumped to the floor in a dead feint. "You bastard, You unspeakable bastard. Do you have any idea what that poor mite has gone through over the last few weeks? Test his love for Alan by all means, but you didn't have to break him you son of a bitch." George had just been told what Tompkins had said to me by Dick Bullman, who then rushed upstairs to see me. Reg Tompkins was nursing the first broken nose of his life, administered quickly and effectively by Alan who had heard Dick telling his father. It was the first real punch he had thrown in his life, and it was good. Everybody was in uproar, The deal as offered to me by my headmaster had never been agreed by anyone nor would it have been. He had got carried away with the situation, set his own agenda and was paying a heavy price. Sally realised that I was once again highly vulnerable and tore upstairs, to find me in Mr Bullman's arms, crying in the way she had only heard me cry once. It was the bawling of total despair from a lost soul. She took me from Bullman's arms and cuddled me. "Get Tompkins here NOW!" She instructed. "There There There, you aren't going anywhere. Nasty Mr Tompkins will be here in a minute, and he will tell you it was a silly joke of his. WON'T YOU MR TOMPKINS" He had just walked into the room, his nose still blooded and his face showing clearly the realisation of the stupidity of his actions. He looked at me face to face. "I am so very very sorry. It was a silly and cruel thing to say. You are a brave little boy who has had to be so brave so often. There is no way I should have said those stupid things to you. I hope you are so much cleverer than I am and you can forgive me" Although being apologised to by an adult made me feel rather grown up (in spite of my being in Sally's arms and being cuddled) I was more interested as to why his nose was bleeding, and lacking in a certain level of finesse I asked him. "Well young John. You were prepared to go, to prove your love for Alan. When he heard that I had told you to do that, He punched me very hard on the nose, which in my book certainly proves he loves you too. I now have no doubt about that at all" He left Mum and I to sort out the things I had packed, which did not take long. We went back downstairs to the assembled company. There were mutterings and mumblings but a slight round of applause as I went in the room. I looked round. Alan was on Dads lap, his knuckles raw from the one punch. Others were standing with drinks chatting politely, and in one of the chairs, being ignored by everybody sat Mr Tompkins, alone, embarrassed and a hankie to his nose. First I went to Alan and kissed him, embracing him and locking our mouths as we so loved to do. I broke and whispered something into his ear. He followed me across the room to Mr Tompkins. We stood in front of him and the room went quiet. He looked at us, so obviously ashamed of the situation. I climbed onto his lap, then Alan joined me there. I whispered something into Mr Tompkins ear. While Alan and I kissed, Reg Tompkins removed our clothes. We were still kissing when Reg applied lubrication to my little puckered rosebud, and some to Alan's ready and waiting gardening tool. I slid down Tompkins lap so my head was resting under his chin, my buttocks on his knees. Alan got off Mr Tompkins lap and rested my feet one either side of his head, on his shoulders. As he approached me he gently he rubbed his finger against my boyhole and slid it in to open me up for him. He had learned well from his father and slipping in a second finger, he started a massaging motion. Our audience moved in closer to get a good view as Alan took out his fingers and addressed my hole with his steel hard erection. We had never done this before, we had used fingers a bit, and I had tried once before but found I couldn't manage it. The attempt had after all been without any form of lubrication. This time however, it was right. We were both ready and desperate to join our bodies in this final act of giving to one and other. I sighed as Alan, at last, pushed and entered my body with his love muscle. As he slid in and felt the heat inside my body, his eyes rolled and he too sighed. He slid in and out with that gentle but instinctive action that has evolved over thousands of years, The room was totally silent save the sighs and whimpers emanating from our physically, mentally and spiritually joined souls. The sounds when love and lust are as one. The right sounds. The beautiful sounds. We gave a demonstration that left nobody in any doubt. We were a couple. No trials, no tests, no doubts. As Alan grew closer to his climax his strokes became shorter and he could be heard panting. Then it happened. With three long hard strokes he rammed his final one as hard into me as he could, his stomach went taut and he threw his head back as his spasms took control. He shook and his legs started to buckle. There were plenty of people there to catch him and I am not sure who did, but he was laid on the floor. I was lifted from Tompkins lap and laid next to him. We immediately went into another embrace locking mouths and tongues, unaware that there was anybody else in the room, and soon there wasn't. The sixteen adults we had had as an audience suddenly felt as one, that the show was over and our love should have a little privacy. There would be many more shows to come they were sure, but for now, we were to be left alone. The group all went into the back room to where the food and drinks were. Reg was still apologising for his terrible decision and the apologies were readily accepted. It was felt that as the display that they had all enjoyed had taken place on his lap, that must mean that Alan and I had forgiven him, and if we could do that, who were they to say different. Sally was still a little cold with Reg but time would sort that out. It was also agreed that given the hot show they had just seen, the only change to the group would be that Alan and I would be given honorary Adult status. Conditional on our giving a show from time to time. Alan and I slept soundly that night, and awoke bright and early ready for what ever this Monday would throw at us. Lying in bed kissing and cuddling like newly weds, we found it very difficult to get out of bed and ready ourselves for school, but that was part of the deal, we could sleep together every night as long as we were always asleep at an appropriate time and that we got washed, dressed and ready for school in plenty of time. The morning assembly was interesting. The Headmaster, his nose bandaged, was addressing the children, giving a lecture on the values of truth and sound judgement, also touching on the dangers of `Do-it-yourself' and the perils of stepladders. He felt not inclined to make any eye contact with Alan or me. We giggled all the way to our class room. That evening, while I was doing my homework and Alan was at Scouts, a slightly excited Aunty Jean visited us. I was not called down so I continued with my assignments. I had finished them at the same time that Alan came home from Scouts and we both went into the front room and sat down. "Aunty Jean has just told your Mummy and I that there is some rather good news. It seems John, you have some influential friends. Friends in high places they call that, and very useful it is too. I am afraid to tell you that you will not be going to school on Friday, You will be going to Court with Aunty Jean, Mummy and me. If all goes well you will go into the courtroom called John Matthews, and come out called John Richards. Jean, friends in high places or not, I am amazed that this is happening so fast." While Aunty Jean was telling George about the Masonic connections and how they reached right into Whitehall, Alan and mum were looking at me, seeing if it was sinking in. It was but not necessarily in the way they had hoped. I was not so much thinking about my new name and my new family, I was thinking that this was the end of my real Mum and Dad. The last vestige of my true identity was being torn off me to be thrown away like so much garbage. In all it had been five weeks and six days since my life had been ripped apart, all these people who were trying to help me, were the same people who had told me that time would be the great healer. For an adoption process to be done in that time was nigh on a record, but it had denied me the time I so needed. I was back to sobbing as I knew that I had no choice, I could not delay anything, I could not change anything. I tried desperately hard to stop the tears, but I failed When I cried out "I want my Mummy, Where's my Mummy?" and Sally realised it was not her I was talking about, she saw, bless her, she saw the agony in my face and heard the despair in my voice, and although that must have hurt her terribly, she didn't show it. She picked me up and cuddled my tightly. Rocking me gently in her arms, soothing me with sweet maternal whispers, she calmed me down. "Well you can see how fragile he is. Yes we will be in court on Friday, and yes we are very grateful for your efforts, and everybody else's, but you can see can't you, its all so fast, its too much too soon for him to take in. We really are not giving him much of a chance are we?" I knew I had upset her, and I hated that. I knew she loved me, and George did too, I knew that as well, Alan's love was plain to see. I knew all this so why was I still hurting. Where I had come from there had been so little love yet now my cup runneth over. I could not help it. Time would heel the hurt and it didn't matter what I was called while I waited. As I was still being rocked in Sally's arms I was able to utter "sorry Mummy, you're my mummy now" . Jean, whose smile was as ever there, kissed me on the cheek and wiped away my tears with her hankie. "You will be alright John, don't you worry. We will all be there, watching you being a brave boy." She turned to leave, winking at Alan and smiling at Sally. George saw her to the door and let her out, thanking her again for her hard work. Just as he was about to shut the front door he looked across the road. There was a black Rover motor car parked opposite with two men just sitting in it. They appeared to be looking across at him, or was it Jean they were looking at. Their eyes met his gaze and the engine was started. George did not have time to see the index number of the car as it drove off, and it was too far away for him to get a really clear look at the occupants, but he felt uneasy about it. The car had not sped off, it just drove. There was no real reason why they should not have been parked there, but there was no real reason why they should. George wondered if he was getting paranoid, but no dammit, it was an odd place to park and he was sure they left because he had spotted them. He closed the door and, deep in thought, he went into the living room. Sally looked at him. "What's the trouble darling?" "Oh its probably nothing, nothing at all really" he shrugged his shoulders deciding that it would be pointless to alarm the family with something that was quite probably of no importance. He turned his attention to me. "So how's my little warrior then, perking up a bit?" I had `perked' up a lot. "Can I start going to Scouts with Alan please Daddy?" "Oh so you want to be a Boy Scout do you? Well nothing wrong with that, I was a Boy Scout in my day and Mummy here, she was a Girl Guide weren't you my dear. Yes I think that would be a very good idea. I will have a word with the Scout Master, you know him already. Its Bob King. You remember him The mouth half of the `spit roast suckling pig' you did at the party. He certainly remembers you. I reckon you can go next Monday. I will phone him up. I want to phone a couple of people up anyway. I think a party will be in order on Saturday, to welcome young Master John Maurice Richards to the family. What sort of party would you like? All the grown ups, all the kids or both at once? I think I might put it to the group that Aunty Jean be included, see if she can add anything to the proceedings." I went for the full works all the kids and the grown-ups all at once. This time I planned to fill Alan's bottom in front of everybody. If everybody came that would be seventeen adults and twenty nine kids and only five of the kids were female. This would be quite a show. I had already started planning what I wanted to do if I had the chance, and I had gone iron rigid just thinking about it. George had been on the phone for quite a while, inviting the guests and describing Jean. Some of the group had met her before, and on finding out that she not only had similar interests but was also a solicitor, George was actively encouraged to invite her. She was the last of the calls he made. He discretely explained about the party and the sorts of things that could happen there before inviting her. He also talked at some length about there being several guests who were interested in her professionally, pointing out the possible advantages. It was the end of the phone call that put George on edge. He mentioned a black Rover motor car that he saw leaving when he let her out of the house. She had noticed it as well, she had decided to take its number if she saw it again as it was the third time she had seen it. She had thought they may be house breakers watching these two houses. Had she been more sure she would have mentioned it to him. As a result of today's sighting, she was going round the house checking all the window locks. Better safe than sorry she said. Especially as they would all be out on Friday, she commented. Friday was the big day. My new life officially started then. Well young man, I went to court and I didn't cry. I answered all the people's questions and put up a reasonable account of myself. As they said, I went into court a Matthews and came out a Richards, It was the best thing that could have happened to me. Oh but that was all so very long ago now. It's so sad I get so very tired. I wish I could chat to you for much longer but old men have to sleep so much. All this talk of sex, well it wears me out just thinking about it. I hope you come back soon, I have so much more to tell you. The party, well that's a story in its own right, so is the tale about the black Rover motor car. I will tell you all about them next time you visit me, and the Scouts. Oh dear me, I mustn't forget to tell you all about the Scouts. But forgive me, I must sleep now. Good bye, till we meet again, and I hope it's soon