Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 20:34:42 -0600 From: Subject: Chinook 1 Chinook by: dnrock( If sex between boys, boys and men, men and women or men and men offend you, read no further. If there is some legal impediment to you reading this story, you know what to do. The level of descriptive sex in this story is not as great as some would like in the opening chapters. I retain the copyright an Nifty the posting rights. This is a work of fiction. This story is set in Alberta, Canada, largely in Calgary approximately 5 years ago. Names of Alberta cities, places, events and geographic features are often used without complete locational references or full descriptions. I mention this for the geographically challenged. A good map and air photo of the area is avaible on Google Earth and Google Street Views show many of the neighborhoods mentioned. A Chinook, is a warm wind that sweeps eastward from the Rocky Monunains. Calgarians look forward to them all winter long. Chinooks always bring change with them. Chinook is a Cree word meaning snow eater. I am sure everyone that lives here has his or her Chinook story or experience to tell. This is a work of fiction, the plot, protagonists and minor characters are not real. If anyone thinks they can identify a real analogue, it is only because I write so well and my imagination is so vivid. (I wish) Last but not least, please remember these characters live in my mind and on my hard drive. They can not get STD's. If you have unprotected sex, you, being a real person, can. Chinook By: dnrock ( 1: A Boy Has To Do, What A Boy Has To Do. Schoosh -woosh - clickity clack - clickity clack - schoosh - woosh - ding, ding, ding. schoosh - woosh -. "Where the hell is that damn thing!" Royce was in a minor panic, minor because he was being jolted from a sound sleep, he was hung over so far his head resembled a beach ball. He just wanted to "Make the world go away". (Hank Cochran) "Where is the damn thing anyway?"... Schoosh -woosh - clickity clack - clickity clack - schoosh - woosh - ding, ding, ding. schoosh - woosh. "Royce, not! at your service." "It's Harvey, Royce I'm sorry to intrude on your beauty sleep." "This had better be good, that's all I can say." Harvey was one of Royce's former roommates and part time lovers. "I need your help buddy." Harvey was not one to ask for help at the best of times, he was probably the most independent spirit Royce knew. "I've got two children that need emergency care." Harvey is a social worker with a very large case load, most involve children. Royce knew this and he knew Harvey would not ask for his help, especially for clients, unless this was truly some kind of emergency. Hell what Royce knew about children was less then he knew about rocket science, a big fat nothing. Harvey knew that too, Royce figured this must be a real emergency. "Yes, but," Harvey interrupted Royce. "Good, I am in your building, apartment 103, just get your beautiful buns down here, PDQ." Well at least Harvey remembered how good his buns looked. The location also signaled him why. Royce struggled to find his underwear, finally settling for clean ones and his pants, which were laying over a kitchen chair. He pulled on a T-shirt from the pile on the floor, found his runners and sans socks, headed down the hall for the stairs. The door to 103 was standing open. Royce placed his hand on the door frame and peered in, not exposing his body, just his head. He could see the paramedics moving between the living room and the bedroom, he could see Harvey sitting on a sofa with a sullen looking boy about 11 or 12. He remembered seeing the boy in the neighborhood and the building. He had never spoken to the boy but he knew he was a neighbor. Royce needed a shave, he needed a haircut, but more then that he need his hair combed, he looked like someone who just got woken up from a drunken stupor. Royce had been spending time, too much time, mostly sexual and drinking time, with several boys and girls, arts and craft hopefuls in the neighborhood. Royce was the only one in this group to have had any real commercial success. Across the street was Quiana, she was hot as hell, fucked like a rabbit when stoned, when not stoned she just fucked. Except for her sexual gymnastics, the lady was average in about every other way. Between the sheets she sported a hot box, that was unbelievably tight and hooker ready. Royce was not all that into controlled substances but he did like his beer and he sure liked to dip his long hard penis in her honey pot. Down the street was another artistic type, Lewin. He was a natural bottom and a reasonable cock sucker. A lot better then Quiana. Lewin was a sculptor and highly feminine in his manor and speech. Royce liked to fuck his ass but wished his butt was just a bit smaller. The person he preferred to have sex with was Harvey. "Come on in buddy. This is Cliff. Cliff this is my friend Mr. Evers." Royce advanced and shook the limp hand that belonged to the boy. Cliff hung his head looking at the floor. He was not a happy camper, that was for sure. Royce thought he noticed tears in the boy eyes. "Sit please, I'll explain." Royce sat but just as Harvey was about to explain the paramedics wheeled a gurney out of the bedroom. Cliff jumped to his feet rushing to the gurney. "Mom, mom," He called in that crackling alto voice of prepubescent boys. The paramedic stepped aside as the boy pressed his cheek to his mother's body. Her hand, a pasty white and very thin appendage, raised to touch his arm. "It will be all right son, we will take good care of her," the paramedic said, placing his arm around Cliff's shoulders and steering him toward Harvey. Just at that point the other bedroom door opened and a smaller boy, perhaps 8 or 9, dressed in teddy bear pajamas and holding a large brown bear in his arms, came bursting into the room. He was on a dead run toward the gurney, having dropped the bear, when Royce reached out and scooped him into his arms. Royce was surprised at his action, the boy was shocked, Harvey just smiled. "Take it easy, take it easy," Royce admonished, in a cool, slow baritone voice. Royce still holding the lad rose and carried him to the gurney. The boy bent over in his arms, kissing his mother on her cheek. She whispered something to him that Royce could not hear. The boy straightened up and Royce stepped back, making way for the Calgary EMS crew to exit. Once the hall door was closed Royce put the boy down, who immediately raced over to retrieve his teddy. Holding the stuffed animal close to his body, he slowly advanced toward Royce. Harvey was trying to comfort Cliff; who, from what Royce could see, didn't want any comforting. "Are you with him, I've seen you before, you live on the third floor, do you know my mom?" "No, I don't know your mom and I am not with Mr. Fanto and I do live on the third floor and my name is Royce, what's yours?" "Oh, I'm Romer but everyone calls me Rom, why did they take my mom away, why is Cliff crying, you look like you just got out of bed?" "Well little man, you sure are full of questions. Why don't you hop up here and we will let Mr. Fanto explain." Rom hopped into Royce lap and pressed the back of his head against Royce's chest. As if programed, Royce's long arms engulfed the boy and his bear. Royce's hangover headache seemed to vanish, that was good. The boy sitting on his lap gave him a very comfortable feeling, in his intellectual self, that was, he didn't know what it was, but he guessed, good. The boy's small butt pressing against his manhood, giving him a different feeling, as his penis began to stiffen, this was not good and he knew what it was. Having settled Cliff down sufficiently to listen, Harvey explained the situation to Royce. This family was one of his clients, that was obvious. Mrs. Rundle has AIDS, currently under control but one of the complications, from the old style meds, had forced her to the hospital tonight. The boys have no supervision until he could arrange some. He did not want to split them up like last time or disrupt their schooling and finding a foster home in this neighborhood, to take them together on such short notice, was impossible. "The social services cutbacks, in a province as rich as Alberta, is unseemly," Royce thought. Mr. Evers had offered to let them stay with him. Rom's eyes were getting heavy, Harvey talked on and soon Rom was pressed against Royce asleep. Harvey had the knack of spinning any brief thought or statement into a minor story. Cliff was not so sure about any of this but his mom had told him to cooperate with Mr. Fanto, so he would. His cooperation was under protest, just so everyone but Rom who was asleep, realized that. Royce suggested that they all adjourn to his apartment for the balance of the night. "Do you have your own key Cliff?" Cliff nodded. "Good then all you need to bother with tonight are your pajamas and tooth brushes. We can get what ever else you need later. I don't know about you but I need to sleep and Rom is already there." Cliff was a bit sullen as he went into the bedroom and bathroom collecting the needed stuff. "Thanks buddy, I own you big time, you know I would not have asked, on such short notice, if it were for me, but." Royce cut him off. "I will collect big time too, smiling at his former roommate and friend. I only hope you know what your getting these boys into, saddling them with me?" "Probably better then you will ever imagine. Royce you need them in your life as much as they need you." "What the hell was that to mean," Royce thought? He did not need children in his life, especially now. His life had been one series of, one step forward and two steps back for several years now. Hell, it all started when he and Harvey had split, hadn't it? The year and a half they shared the apartment and each other, was probably the best since he left school. Here he was 26, single, drunk most days, bouncing from one bad relationship to another, totally fed up with the single bars. Striking out with both male and female relationships. Hell he didn't know what he wanted or what he should do. He couldn't keep him self together for more then a few days at a time, under the best of conditions, how in hell would he look after two children. Shit he didn't even know where the boys would sleep. His apartment was such a mess, even he couldn't find stuff, let alone a place for these two precious children. "Interesting word choice," he thought. "Interesting I would use the adjective precious." He never thought of children in any terms but bothersome, before. But now as he carried the sleeping Rom in his arms, up those two flights of stairs, no "this is stupid," he admonished himself. "Reach in my right pocket Cliff and get the key please." Cliff hesitantly pushed his small hand into the tight pocket of Royce's jeans, pulling out the keys. Royce was about to make some rude comment, like he would to an adult, but for once kept his mouth shut. Four keys on a small rig with a small leather fob. Cliff examined them briefly, two car keys that said Ford, one front door key like his own and one apartment door key, also like his, but different. He inserted it into the lock and swung the door open. Royce advanced to his bed, the only uncluttered spot in the place and placed the sleeping boy on it, pulling the duvet over him. Cliff closed and locked the door, looked around at the mess and just sighed. Royce looked at his new friend with his usual raised eyebrow expression of puzzlement. Cliff a perceptive lad got that nonverbal message. "This place is one hell of a mess. My mom would have a cow if she saw it." "So would mine," Royce replied, thinking, "if she were alive to see it," but he knew better then to say that, given the circumstances. "That was twice in ten minutes," he thought, "am I learning?" Cliff smiled and the ice had been broken. Royce thought about some hair of the dog but realized that he didn't have any left, the child was to young to drink and it would not be responsible for him to do so anyway. He knew how much Harvey thought of all his child clients, he owed it to him, at least try and be responsible. "Coke or something?" "Yes sir, coke would be fine sir." Royce opened the frig and found about all it contained was soft drinks and a few condiments. He got two cokes, handing one to Cliff. Cliff opened his and looked for a place to sit. "Just set that sfuff on the floor for now." he did, clearing a seat at the kitchen table. The table was piled high as was every available piece of counter space. I don't want you readers to get the impression the place was dirty, it was not. In fact, it was very clean. No dirty dishes to speak of, no pan's in the sink or trash, garbage or uncleaned spills, just stuff. Royce makes his living as an artist and it was his work or unfinished parts of it, that occupied everything. "I know all about you, you know." "Oh, you do now and just how did you come by all this useless knowledge?" "Mr. Fanto told me you and he shared this apartment some time ago and that you were a rather messy person. He said, you may look and act like a man but you were still a boy emotionally. He told me you had no experience with children, so I was to go easy on you. He also told me you were the most honest and straight up person he had ever known. He said, you and I would get along well, because neither of us had any use for phonies. I've seen you around the building too. You seem to have lots of different people staying with you but never for very long." "That's because most of them turn out to be phonies." "Like that man who dressed as a women." "Ya like him or her or what ever. He is not a phony because he is a transvestite. He is a phony because he is so wrapped up in himself, he can see or feel nothing for or about anyone else." "Your an artist?" "Well yes, I try to make my living that way. I'm lots of other things too, things not even Harvey, Mr. Fanto knows about. Look it is getting light, I think we should get some sleep." "Mr. Evers, where do I sleep?" "That's a good question Cliff, the bed in the other room needs to be cleared off, which I can do, its not a problem or the sofa or I am willing to share. Please call me Royce, when ever I here Mr. Evers, I think my father must be close by." Cliff chose the sofa and Royce found him a blanket and pillow. "Brush your teeth." "Awh," "Brush, the paste is in the cabinet." Royce could hear the lad's progress. He was surprised at himself, was he becoming his father? Cliff appeared at the sofa and removed his pants and socks and shirt. He must sleep in his undies Royce thought. Sure enough that was the case. His young, very lean smooth, body was eye candy for Royce. He was not all that sexually stimulated by the boy. It was more the stimulation of a perfect, all be it young, human form. That artists eye is always active. Cliff covered himself. But not before Royce could see the lads underwear was to small, thin and ready for replacement. He tucked the lad in, wanting to kiss his forehead, as his dad had so often done when he was a boy. Royce hesitated gently stroking his hair. "A kiss good night?" Cliff smiled up at his new friend. Royce bent over, kissed his forehead and softly told him, "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite." It slipped out, he was not going to say that. Cliff giggled. He had never said that to a child before, he had not even heard it spoken since his mother died. Royce climbed into bed making sure Rom was covered. Royce usually slept in the "all together" but with two young boys in the house, he kept his briefs on. The lad was clutching his teddy bear, laying almost as Royce placed him. He looked so peaceful and almost angelic. "He would make a good model," Royce thought. "Maybe a child series of some kind, hum." He lay in the semi light of the early morning, looking up at the celling but the focus was poor, those damn tears were making it hard to see. Harvey said he needed these boys but did he need to be reminded of his mother? Did he need to be reminded of her death when he was not much older then Cliff, of the pain and loss and loneliness? Is that what Harvey was alluding too, by them needing him. Someone who had experienced his mother dying right before your eyes and the feeling of total helplessness, of not being able to do anything about it. He had felt sorry for himself for all these years. "What could he teach them, how to do that, how to screw up their lives like he was screwing up his?" Schoosh -woosh - clickity clack - clickity clack - schoosh - woosh - ding, ding, ding. schoosh - woosh - Royce stretched for the phone, this time he knew where it was but something was blocking his progress. Cliff moved a bit and Rom sat up, that allowed him to stop the damn racket. Royce sat up and in doing so pulled the covers away from his two little bed partners. The boys reacted by pressing their bodies tight to him and pulling the cover up. "Royce Evers." "Good morning buddy, I hope I didn't disturb your slumber again." "Yes you did but I guess it is that time of the day anyway. What news?" "Mrs. Rundle is resting well, in room 727 at Foothills Hospital. Visiting hours are... would you bring...." The boys pressed against his body and they shared each other's warmth and presence. Like he and Junior had, when they were young, snuggling with dad. It's not like snuggling with mom. Men and boys share something different, subtle but different. "This phone is way cool, a steam engine. I'll bet you have lots of cool stuff underneath all this clutter." "And good morning to you too." Royce leaned over and kissed Cliff on the forehead. His face was smiling even before and was even wider now. He turned to Rom and kissed his forehead. "Yes it is cool, unless you have a major hangover. Now I guess we got to get our day started, oh my it is late, anyone hungry?" "That was a dumb question to ask of boys, of course they are hungry," he thought. "I wonder why Cliff came in to my bed," he questioned himself? "I've slept on that sofa, it is not that uncomfortable." Cliff went to his apartment to retrieve fresh clothing for himself and Rom while Royce and Rom took a shower. Rom was thrilled to be showering at all, he usually just gets baths, and with his new friend, well that was just too much. Royce shampooed the lad's hair, soaped his body then his own. Rom was a small kid and very thin. Not undernourished but just very thin. The kid was so small he almost disappeared in the large bath towel Royce used the dry him off. He ran naked around the place, dressing one article of clothing at a time and inspecting the piles of clutter in-between. Something would attract his attention and he was off, regaining temporary focus and then off again. Cliff was a bit more modest, slipping into the shower while Royce was shaving. Royce was fond of standing in from of the sink naked after his shower; to shave and brush his long sandy locks which seemed to have a mind of their own about how they would lay. He left a dry towel on the toilet, telling Cliff and exited the bathroom. Royce had a good look at his body in the mirror, he could see for an 11 year old, Cliff was also very slim, was blond and had a few freckles and no appreciable body hair yet. Cliff had a good look at Royce too. Royce is just under six feet, sandy hair, smooth skin, wide shoulders, long legs with a small round butt. He presents himself with a gentle masculine air, a baritone voice, modest amount of body hair and the look of someone into fitness. He is not that fit, he just looks that way. Royce is well hung, with large low slung testicles and a short thick penis that expands to over 19 cm (seven inches), when erect.