Chapter 7

The morning was good. Both couples had hot steamy showers before having breakfast, their diapers were fresh, and the sunlight was glorious. The day outside looked to be shaping up to be perfect. Dante called Devon as soon as he felt it would be decent to do so and told him what the plans were for the day, and that they would be there to pick him up in an hour or so. He too was happy.

They ended up spending the entire day at the science centre, looking at all the neat and interesting things that they had there. There were hundreds of antique scientific items there in the museum section, which was interesting, but the new things, as well all the interactive science things really amused them all a great deal. They even watched two different movies all about a couple really neat things. They had lunch and dinner there, all of them having a blast.

They dropped Devon off at home just before dark, they had just left the science centre, and then headed home themselves. Hugh and Jack headed right to the motor home as soon as they arrived, saying goodnight to the other two, and Jon and Dante headed right up to their bedroom. Once there, they sucked and fingered each other twice again before diapering each other nice and thick. Finally they curled up and had a really good sleep.

The next few days went almost the exact same. Every morning they decided what to do, Devon was called to say when they were going to pick him up, and then they all went and had a great deal of fun. Finally the day came though that Hugh said that maybe he and Jack should be heading back home, that he did have things to do there, even though he really did not want to leave.

“You know Dad, we have this huge house, why not come to live here. Sell your house, I know you hate it anyway, and you should, and come here permanently.” Jon said.

“It's tempting, but I'd like my own space as well.”

“Okay, I understand. Then why not still sell your place and move here.”

“I'll think about it. It's gonna take a lotta work to dismantle the basement there and fix it up, because there's not many people that'd appreciate a full on dungeon in their basement. I know I sure don't.”

“No, and if you'd like our help, we'd be happy to come and help out.”

“Thanks, but no, I don't want you to ever have to come back into that house. I want you to forget it completely.”

“I'd be fine.”

“I know you will be, it's me though that might not be. The horrors I went through to protect you as much as I could, it'd be too much. I will be selling the house, once it's decontaminated, of that there's no doubt, but where I move after that, I just don't know. Everything's a huge mess right now, and I still feel I have to get my head right before I should make any huge decisions.”

“Okay, that makes sense, and definitely get your head right before you make any huge decisions. I don't want you to rush into anything at all, it'd only make things harder than it already is.”

“Thanks. Your mother may have thought of you as a mistake, but you're the best thing that ever came of her.”

“Thanks Dad.”

The next morning it was a tearful farewell as Hugh and Jack pulled away, and as soon as they were out of sight, Jon and Dante headed back into the house.

“He can't admit it yet, but he does wanna move here. I don't want him living anywhere else though, so he's gonna move in with us. We just have to create his own private space, still here, but still his. We have a huge basement, so we're gonna create a beautiful apartment for him there, he'll have his own separate entrance, it'll be like we live in two houses, but still live together.” Jon said.

“I think that's a great idea.” Dante smiled. “The question though, is do you have any idea how to build something like that?”

“Nope, not a clue, never was very good at building, so we'll have to hire someone to come and do it.”

“Why not go ahead and call around and see if anyone can come and look at it.”

“Okay, good idea.”

They spent the next two hours calling around, finding names of contractors that would be capable of doing a job such as that. They received a lot of names, but there were three that were recommended more than once, so Jon called them and asked them to come and see him. Two of them said they could be there that evening, the other the next morning. The appointments were set and now they had to go finish cleaning the basement out, which never did actually get finished.

That evening the two contractors came over and looked over the space and gave their opinions on what could be done, and an approximate time line and cost for doing all the work, which of course both would almost certainly change once they knew more about what was going to happen. They both also gave the name of an architect to draw up everything, because there would almost certainly need to be structural work done, which would have to be engineered, which had to be done professionally. The next morning the last guy came in, and he too looked everything over and gave his opinion, as well as his architects name, which so happened to be the same as one of the guys from the night before, and then he too was gone.

Jon called the architect next and explained what he was looking for and asked if he could come and look it all over and give his professional opinion on what could be done, and to maybe even draw up the whole thing. He was there that afternoon and they all talked it over. Jon and Dante were told that the area did allow secondary suites, so that was good, that the house was more than capable of supporting one as well, and he agreed to draw up three preliminary designs for them to choose from. He took all his measurements and asked them what they wanted and needed, then was gone.

Three days later the architect called them and asked them to come in, so they went and looked over the three options that he had for them, and it was hard to decide. All three were great, and while one of them would require more work, it was the one that they decided on in the end, because it made for a really nice open and spacious floor plan. The architect was given the go ahead to do up the final plans for that one, and he called them the next day with their blueprints. Jon paid him for his services, which, while expensive, was not actually as much as Jon had figured it would be.

As soon as Jon had the plans in hand, he called all three contractors again and made appointments for them to all come over once more to see the plans, he had paid for three extra copies, so that he could give one to each of the contractors. They all made their appointments and, within the next couple days, they had been and gone, saying they would be happy to go over it all and give their estimates.

Another two days later and all three of them came back with their final numbers. They were all within a few thousand dollars of each other, and their times to do so were almost the same. Two of them would be able to start almost right away, whereas the other would not have a crew available for at least the next few weeks.

It was a tough decision, but they wanted it done quickly, so they chose the second of the two, since they really liked him, and all the pictures he showed of his work were the nicest. They called him and asked him to get started right away, so he said he would go get the permits started that afternoon.

During all this time, Jon and Dante still had plenty of time to go out and do lots, as well as get more than just a little loving in. They still sucked and fingered each other every night, and Dante was now taking three fingers very easily inside himself, in fact, Jon now started with two, instead of just one finger.

Devon was also almost always with them as they went out and had fun, and though Dante had thought about asking him to come spend the night a couple times, he had not, because he still wanted to be able to sleep with Jon. The boys were becoming best friends, and though Devon was falling for Dante in a more than friends way, and Dante knew it, Devon knew that it was never to be. Dante even told him one day that as much as he liked huim, that he would never leave Jon, but to not worry, they would help to find him the cute little baby boyfriend he deserved.

Dante, though, had no idea how the hell he was going to do such a thing. As it was, finding diaper lovers was hard enough, but finding a gay diaper lover as young as Devon, who also wanted a boyfriend, was proving difficult to come by, though Dante searched everywhere they went for signs of other diaper boys.

“Daddy, I wanna find Devon a cute little baby boyfriend, but I'm not having any luck?” He said this morning as they were laying in bed after their morning snuggles and kisses.

“I know what you've been doing. You think I haven't noticed you looking at every cute boy we come across to see if he's wearing and gay?”

“I wondered if you'd noticed.”

“Yeah, well I've been keeping an eye out for the same thing as well, and while we've certainly seen hundreds of cute boys around lately, and many of them almost certainly gay too, I haven't seen anyone I thought was wearing a diaper either.”

“Oh, good. With all three of us looking, hopefully we'll find someone for him soon.”

“Yeah, but as with most things, usually they come to you when you least expect it, when you aren't looking for it in the first place. Just look at Devon, he's a prime example. You weren't looking for him, you didn't really even know you were looking for him, but there he was, right when you least expected it.”

“I suppose that's true, but it doesn't hurt to tweak the odds a bit in our favour and keep our eyes open.”

“No, it doesn't, now, come on Baby, we need to go hop in the shower and get cleaned.”

“And drained.”

“Yes, and drained.” Jon had to grin.

Once in the shower, Dante went to drop to his knees, but Jon grabbed him and pulled him back up, then proceeded to go down first this morning. Dante was definitely okay with this as well, and sighed deeply as his hot hard erection was sucked fully into Jon's more than talented mouth. He lasted not quite a minute before releasing the sweet preteen load of cum that Jon was searching for, and he savored it as usual.

They traded places a few seconds later and Dante received his morning treat as well in less than a minute. He too savored his favorite breakfast snack, then stood up and they kissed for just a few moments before washing each other.

They were dried, diapered, and dressed a few minutes later, then headed down for some breakfast.

“So, what are we gonna do today?” Dante asked once they were in the car and on the way to pick up Devon.

“Well, we have construction on the basement starting soon, and we have all the sizes for everything that we'll be needing, so let's go shopping and pick everything out that we'll be needing.”

“Okay, cool, that sounds fun.”

They picked Devon up a few minutes later and explained to him what they were going to be doing that day, and he was good with that as well.

They hit a local finishing store first, since they were locally owned and operated, and that was who Jon preferred to deal with whenever possible. They had almost everything there that they would be needing, except the tiles and cabinets. They chose all the colours for everything, all the mouldings, the rest of the flooring, the doors, and whatever else they could find there. They wrote everything down that they liked, then went to the counter to talk to the guy who had introduced himself when they walked in.

Jon told him that right now he was just looking for a quote on his renovation project and gave him all the information. He had all the measurements, so that made it really easy. A few minutes later a quote sheet was printed out and Jon was told that he was given pretty good deals on everything and he was happy with it.

The man was thanked and they headed out. They headed to the next store in line and went through the exact same process. This store did carry tiles and cabinets as well, but the quality of the cabinets was questionable, at best, Jon felt, so they did not look at them any further. They had to write down all the information themselves though, and the person at the desk said there was no further discount, so Jon just gave the paper with it all back, saying that not only were their prices higher than the previous stores regular prices, but they were at least willing to give a deal on the rather large order.

They went to the next place and found everything they needed, and when given the quote sheet, this time they were given a break again, but nowhere near as good as the first store. They decided to just go visit a cabinet makers shop next, and when they got there, the owner came and talked to them and Jon told him what they were looking for and how he wanted it all done. He looked over all the information and gave Jon a price after going over all the numbers for several minutes. Jon said it all looked good, but would place the order once he had confirmed sizes on everything.

They were all pleased with that stop, because the owner was very nice, as well his displays were beautiful and well built. Jon was adamant about getting very high quality, and this shop had it.

Their next stop was a tile store, and they found everything that they wanted there and wrote it all down. They got a quote from the lady at the desk, and she gave a fairly decent price, but, considering they were really not buying all that much stuff, it was not a huge discount, but certainly better than regular price, so that was good. They really liked what they had chosen though, so that was good.

Next in line was the appliance store that Jon preferred, and they went in and looked around and found all the appliances that they would be needing, and received the quote for all that. Since Jon had bought all his stuff from them, and the guy remembered him, he was given a fairly decent deal here again.

Next they hit a plumbing place to choose sinks, toilets and tub and shower stuff. They chose a really nice line of items from here and had their quote sheet done up. Only a few minutes later they were on their way.

Their final stop was a stone fitter, where they went and chose what they wanted for counters throughout the new apartment. They received a quote for all the work that needed to be done, and were off with their quote sheet once more.

“Wow, that was a lot to look at.” Devon said as they were pulling away.

“Yeah, and expensive as well, but we got some smokin' good deals too.” Jon said.


“Hey, Daddy, I think we skipped lunch, and I'm getting' really hungry, how's 'bout we stop somewhere for lunch?”

“Now that you mention it, Baby, I could eat a bit as well.”


They headed to a nearby restaurant and went in and ate a nice filling, though late, lunch.

“So, what are we gonna do now Daddy?” Dante asked.

“Not a clue, you tell me?”

“Can we just go to the park and play?”


There was a large park in the area, so that was where Jon headed once he knew where to go. The park had a huge playground, that could easily accommodate a couple hundred children at a time, five different sports fields, a running track, some nice wooded area with walking trails, and even a really nice pond, so it was a perfect place to go spend some time. When they arrived, they found that, while busy, it was not all that full, so that was good. There were already about twenty or thirty kids at the playground, and that was where the boys wanted to head first, so they did so.

Once the boys were on the playground, Jon went and sat down at a picnic table that surrounded the playground and just watched as the boys had fun. They played for more than an hour before exiting and coming to sit down with Jon.

“Have fun boys?”

“Yeah, but I think I'm gonna need a change soon.” Dante said.

“Me too.” Devon added.

“Then let's go to the washroom and get my two baby boys all changed from their soggy baby diapers then.”

“Like you don't need a change too. When we do, you usually do too.” Dante grinned, knowing full well he was being teased.

“You're right, I do. Come on boys.”

Jon grabbed their diaper bag and they headed to the family washroom in the building that served multiple purposes, large bathroom facilities being only one of them. The family washrooms here though were nice and large and bright, and the change area was a counter that even Jon could easily lay on. Devon was urged up onto the counter as soon as the door was closed and locked, and Jon proceeded to change him. As Devon was being changed, Dante happened to see something.

“Hey, look here, there's a fresh diaper in our size on the top of the garbage. It's the same brand we use, in the same size. That boy who had the really nice ass, the one I told you looked really cute and probably gay, I saw him come to the washroom just a few minutes ago. You think it might be his?” Dante said to Devon.

“How fresh, is it still warm?” Devon asked.

“Yeah, it is.” Dante grinned.

“Yeah, he was really cute.” He blushed, but his still exposed young penis started showing that maybe he liked the prospect of a young gay diaper wearer being near.

“Maybe we should go back out there and see if we can find him.”

“Okay, after we get changed.” He smiled, but blushed a bit more, and his erection started to twitch.

“Hey there happy, you're gonna have to calm down so I can tape you up. I don't think I'll be able to do so over this raging erection of yours.” Jon teased.

“Oh god.” Devon yelped and went to cover himself. He had not even realized he was getting hard. He had always tried so hard to not get hard during diaper changes.

“It's okay, any boy will be lucky to have you. You're a pretty good size for your age.” Jon smiled. He did manage to tape Devon up easily though, he was not that large, yet.

“Thanks.” He blushed.

“Hop down and get redressed now so that I can change Dante, then get changed as well, so that you boys can go see if you can find this mysterious diaper boy.”

The boys traded places quickly and Dante got his diaper changed, then Dante changed Jon, and a few minutes later they were all dressed and ready to head back out. The boys ran all the way to the playground to see if they could see the boy they thought might be the gay diaper wearer. They were in luck, because as soon as they got to the playground, he emerged. He had not been visible as they were running toward the playground, so they were worried that he had left. Jon headed back to his seat as the boys went to talk to the boy.

“Hi there, I'm Dante, this is Devon.” He greeted the boy as soon as they made it to him.

“Um hi, I'm Michael.”

“Hi Michael.” They both said as one.

“I'm twelve and Devon's Ten, how old are you?” Dante asked.

“Just turned eleven.”

“Cool, so right between us then.”

“Are you brothers?”

“No, just best friends. So, can I ask you a question?”

“Um, maybe.” He answered nervously.

“Well, you see, we're both gay diaper wearers, and we think you are too. So, are you a gay diaper boy, just like we are?”

“You, you are. I thought you both were, but I never thought I'd meet someone like me. How'd you know?”

“We both felt you were gay the moment we saw you, you're so pretty, and well, your ass and crotch just looked a bit too full, even though you're wearing baggy clothes, like we do. When we went to the bathroom to change our soggy baby diapers though, I saw a fresh diaper in the trash, it was our size, it was still warm, and we'd seen you come to the bathroom, so we hoped it was yours.”

“That's awesome. So, do you have to wear or just like to wear?” He asked excitedly, yet quietly, so as not to attract any unwanted attention.

“I'm a full time bed wetter, so need at night, just love during the day.” Dante said.

“And I have no bladder control, so have to wear all day no matter what.”

“I'm like you Dante, I need at night, just love during the day. Granted, if I didn't wear diapers, I'd have to go to the bathroom every hour, and I hate doing that, that's why I told my dad a couple years ago I wanted to wear diapers all the time instead.”

“I bet that was an embarrassing conversation.” Devon said.

“No, actually it wasn't really, because I'd felt that my dad wore diapers for a while before that anyway, so I was pretty sure he'd be okay with it. Turns out we have the exact same problems, I knew we did, he told me he suffered from the same thing I did, and before that he even told me that I'd likely be like him and never stop wetting the bed. It never dawned on me before though that he still wore diapers to bed. So, yeah, when I told him, he just smiled and said you're starting to love them, aren't you. I know I blushed a bit, but I said yeah, and he smiled and said, yeah, I know how you feel, then proceeded to undress down to his diaper.”

“That's awesome. My dad's a diaper lover and wearer too, but he sorta needs them too.”

“Awesome. Is your dad gay too, 'cause mine is?”

“Yeah. Have you tried to get into his diaper?” Dante grinned.

“Yeah, but he told me to go find a boy my age, said he couldn't be that for me. Too bad though. His boyfriend's pretty hot too, I might add, and a full on diaper lover as well. We all go around in just our diapers at home now, it's great.”

“So do we, but I got into my dads diaper, now we sleep together all the time. Of course you can't tell anyone that, he'd get in so much crap.”

“That's awesome. Wish I could find someone like that.”

“I'm free.” Devon said softly, blushing huge, but smiling too.

“Maybe you two should spend the night together and see where things may lead. Either at my place, or it sounds like your dad would definitely be okay with you bringing a boy home.” Dante grinned.

“Yeah, he would, for sure, but maybe your place first, I think I'd feel more comfortable somewhere else. Are you really hard Devon?”

“Oh god yeah, I'm so sore right now it's not even funny.” He laughed.

“Yeah, same here.”

“Good, glad I'm not the only one then. Have you ever done anything with another boy before?”

“No, have you?”

“No. Do you get teased at school too?”

“Oh god yeah, all that time. I think everyone there knows I'm gay, and they all know I wear diapers. One of the bullies found out last year and pulled my pants down in the middle of the school yard. I was wearing a diaper shirt, but my diaper was still fully visible. He got expelled for that, because he was caught, but that sure didn't stop the other kids from teasing me lots anyway. I just ignore them for the most part, but sometimes it gets depressing. Stupid idiots. If only half of them knew how nice they were, they'd never tease me.”

“Yeah, I get the same thing. Where do you live, anyway?”

“Just over there.” He said, pointing to a large subdivision.

“Oh yeah, I live about ten minutes from here, and Dante only lives a little further.”

“Nice. So, if we become boyfriends then, which I'd really like, we don't live that far from each other.”


“Sure would be nice if we could all go to the same school, huh guys, so that we could at least be together.” Dante said.

“For sure. There's strength in numbers, and it sure would be nice to have friends.” Michael said.

“Well, you have friends now, just not necessarily at school. I'll have to ask my dad if there's anywhere we could all go together, 'cause that'd be awesome.”

“Yeah, it would be.”

“Let's go meet my dad and ask him.” Dante said and he and Devon led Michael to where Jon was sitting.

They walked there and Jon smiled as he saw the three boys approach. He had not seen Michael before, other than at a distance as he was running, and the boys had been on the opposite side talking. As they approached though, Jon wondered how the boys could have only suspected he might be gay, Jon thought he was as gay as can be the second he got a good look at him. He could also just barely see the diaper bulge.

“So, found a cute little gay diaper friend huh?” Jon smiled.

“Yeah.” All three boys said.

“Good. So, what's up, other than you Devon, I'm sure you are?”

“Oh yeah, painfully so, but so's Michael.” He grinned. “Speaking of whom, Jon, this is Michael, Michael, this is Jon.”

“Good to hear it, and good to meet you Michael. You boys'll make a cute couple once you get to know each other better.”

“Thanks.” They both smiled brightly.

“So, Daddy, the reason we came over, other than to introduce you two, was to ask you something.”

“Let me guess, you wanna have a sleepover?”

“Yeah, and something else too.”

“Okay, sure, not a problem. Just call and get permission and have your parents call me.”

“Okay.” Both boys said.

“The other question, Daddy, is that we all go to different schools, but we don't live all that far from each other. Do you think there's any chance that we could all find a way to go to the same school?”

“Well, I don't know. I've been thinking about where to send you, because I didn't want you to have any troubles. When Dylan was alive, I was gonna send him to a private school, I'd found out about the school just before he died. Anyway, they take kids once they're ten and keep them through to grade twelve, but they only accept certain boys. They used to be a really good school, and I've been thinking about checking into it for you. It used to be pretty expensive, and I can only imagine it's gotten more so, but they had lots of features that would've helped him, and may help you too if they're still as good as they used to be.”

Then Jon had to go into the explanation for Michael who Dylan was, which led into the fact that Dante was just adopted, because they had not told him that yet.

“I'm sorry to hear about your son, that's so sad. You think though that that private school might be good for all of us? I know my dad would send me somewhere where I wouldn't get bullied, he's said he'd do anything to stop it for me. He knows how it is.”

“Thanks. If the school's as good as it used to be, then I'd say it'd be very good for all of you. I'll look into it tomorrow for you boys.”

“Thanks.” They all said.

“Go on and continue playing for a bit boys, and maybe call your dads and arrange it if you can.”


The two boys did call their dads right away and explained what they wanted to do, and both were okay with it. They both talked to Jon for a few minutes and then the boys were off to play once more. They played for more than an hour more before the boys were good and tired. Finally they all hopped in the car and headed to the house.

No sooner than they were inside, when Dante told all of them to go ahead and strip down to just their soggy baby diapers. Not one person there said no, and within only a few seconds, right there in the entry way of the house, they were all down to just their diapers. Thankfully the door had already been closed. The two soon to be boyfriends looked hungrily at each other, both, very much, liking what they were seeing, and it was showing, on both of them.

“Well, you two look happy at the prospects.” Dante giggled.

“Hmm, oh, oh yeah, I guess we are.” Devon grinned, Michael nodded.

“That's good boys, just remember, there's absolutely no need to go somewhere and shag like bunnies on your first date. You just met, get to know each other first and go slowly.” Jon said.

“We know.” Both boys said.

“Good. Well, I'm gonna go get something started for dinner, you boys go ahead and go play or something will you.”

“I'll come with you.” Dante said.

“No no Baby, you go play with boys your age for a bit, it'll be good for all of you. I'll be out in a bit and join you boys, but for now, just be a boy, okay.” Jon said with a tender kiss to Dante's forehead, and a light smack to his cute little diapered bum.

“Oh, okay, if you insist.” He sighed softly.

“I do Baby, I do.”

Jon headed to the kitchen, while the boys headed to the living room to sit back and watch TV and or talk. They did not even turn on the TV and ended up sitting there talking and laughing giddily. Jon went to join the boys, but stopped just as he was about to enter the living room. They sounded like they were enjoying themselves, and thought that it was good for all three of them, so decided not to interrupt them.

Jon, instead, went back to the kitchen and started the process of baking a cake. He felt it would give the boys plenty of time to get to know each other better without an adult around. He was happy for them as well, and hoped that they would be best friends, but felt that they would certainly end up being so, since they all had so much in common.

The boys were talking excitedly, as boys with common interests do, when the conversation finally got back around to sex. This, of course, is not uncommon amongst boys who know they can talk freely. The changing of topics to sex, though, had taken a surprisingly long time, they had been having fun just getting to know each other.

“So, Dante, you've had sex, how's it feel?” Michael asked.

“Oh god, so good. We haven't gone all the way yet, we're taking our time, but I can't wait 'til we make love to each other.”

“Wow, so what all have you done then?”

“We love to rub each other through our soggy baby diapers, suck each other, and we absolutely love to finger each others bums while we suck each other. That's definitely my favorite. We've even gotten into a sixty nine and sucked and fingered each other a few times. That's the hottest ever.”

“Wow.” Both boys said, having to readjust themselves in their diapers, they had started to become more than just a little uncomfortable for some strange reason.


“And do you, you know, cum?”

“Oh yeah, not much yet, but I do. How about you?”

“No, not yet, but that doesn't stop me from trying.”

“Me neither.” Devon grinned, because ever since he had learned about jacking off, he had been doing it an awful lot lately.

“And do you and Jon drink each others cum?”

“Definitely. It's the best there is.”

“Wow, I always wanted to taste some.”

“You'll probably have to wait a bit yet. You'll probably start before Devon does, but I'm sure he'd be more than willing to share it with you once you do start cumming properly.”

“Oh yeah.” Devon groaned, because he could not wait for that day either.

“Could I ask you guys a really strange question though, something sorta embarrassing?” Michael asked.

“Sure.” They both said.

“And you won't make fun of me?”

“Of course not.” They both said with all honesty.

“Good. Have you ever thought about what it'd be like to be, you know, fucked?”

“Oh yeah.” They both said.

“Yeah, so've I. Lots. Well, what I wanna know though, have either of you ever wondered what it'd feel like to have the boy pee in you after he cums?”

“No.” Both boys said, Devon though groaned.

“I have. You think that's weird?”

“I think it sounds kinda hot actually.” Devon admitted.

“It certainly sounds kinky, could be a lotta fun actually.” Dante grinned.

“Really.” Michael said, sounding more than just a little relieved.

“Oh yeah. I sorta always wondered what it'd feel like to have someone pee on me. When I'm in the bath, I love to pee on myself. It's really weird, but it feels so hot. It always makes my little baby cock so hard.” Dante admitted.

“Me too.” Devon said.

“Wow, and I thought I was the only one who did that.” Michael said.

“Seems we're all alike there.” Dante said.

“Yeah. Have you ever asked Jon to pee on you?” Devon asked.

“No, not yet anyway, but I've wanted to, but I always chicken out at the last second.”

“I'd pee on you and let you pee on me too.” Devon said.

“Good, that'd be so hot, and maybe, when the time's right, we could pee in each other too?” Michael asked tentatively.

“I'd definitely try it, at least once, to see what it's like. Hard to say if either of us would really even like it.”

“That's awesome. Thanks.”

“Speaking of hard, are you two as hard as I am?” Dante grinned, because it was not difficult to tell that all three of them were, their diapers were tented as much as young boys could possibly be.

“Oh yeah.” They both said, trying to reposition themselves.

“Same. So, how often do you jack off then Michael?”

“Usually twice in the morning and twice at night before bed, and if I get the chance, once or twice after school too, or during summer, like right now, a couple times throughout the day. How about you two?”

“About the same.” Devon said.

“Jon and I usually do each other about the same amount.”

“That's awesome.”

“Thanks, it is.”

The boys continued talking more, though they did slowly work away from boys' favorite topic to getting to know each other more and more. When dinner was ready, they were all called to the dining room and Jon had a good meal there ready and waiting for them. They all sat and ate happily and heartily, enjoying the food and the talk. Once dinner was done, Jon produced the cake that was still warm, it was chocolate with caramel topping, and the boys enjoyed that even more.

“Boys, I'm gonna run to the store and grab a few things, you just stay here and I'll be right back, okay.”

They all said that they would be fine, and Jon went and got dressed and left right away. He headed to a movie store and rented a few movies for them to enjoy, then headed to the grocery store to grab some treats for them all. He was back in less than half an hour.

“Okay boys, let's get soggy bums changed, then let's sit back and watch movies and have stupid amounts of treats and pop.”

“Okay.” All three boys said as one.

Dante ran upstairs and grabbed all the diapers that they would be needing, as well the wipes, cream, and lotion. He was down a few seconds later, and then one by one, Jon changed each of the boys. Michael enjoyed seeing all the others get their diapers changed, and during his diaper change, he was every bit as hard as the others all were. Devon also enjoyed seeing Michael naked and hard, and damn near dropped down and started sucking him right away. Dante laughed when he saw this and told Devon to behave. Devon, of course, just grinned, and gave the, all too comical, who me look.

As soon as everyone was changed, they got started on their movie marathon, and they all enjoyed this a great deal. They watched all three movies, each of them polishing off at least one full two litre bottle of pop, a large bag of chips, they had all polished off the last of the cake, and they even found room for some popcorn. It was probably for the best that it was spread over just more than six hours, or they all would have exploded, not that their diapers were not about to. They had all wet their diapers so much by the end that they were all threatening to leak, Jon included, but then, he had enjoyed the treats every bit as much as the boys all had.

“Okay boys, it's very well past our bedtime, so let's go upstairs and get to bed.”

“You two can share the spare bedroom.” Dante said.

“Okay.” Said two boys said together, happily.

“Just come to our room and grab your diapers, grab a couple extra for the morning for after your shower, and then we can all go to bed.”

“Okay.” They both said again.

They headed upstairs and the boys took their four offered diapers, then were shown to the spare bedroom. They were wished a happy goodnight, then Dante went back to their bedroom to go to bed with his man.

“Man, I'm so tired that even I don't wanna play tonight. That's pretty sad.” Dante laughed as he was yawning.

“Good, because so am I. We'll just have to wait 'til morning.”

“Yeah, which will, of course, make the morning even better yet.”

“Yes, yes it will.”

They changed each others saturated diapers, seeing, as they did so, that there was no way they could have added any more to them without them leaking, in fact they were so close it was a shock that they had not. As soon as they were freshly diapered, they crawled into bed, the lights were turned off, then they kissed for just a minute, wishing each other a good sleep, and then they were asleep.

In the other bedroom, the two soon to be boyfriends looked to each other, they blushed, but they smiled, then went to the bed. Michael was urged up first, and Devon gently changed his very wet diaper, then they traded places. They were both incredibly hard, but they were both so tired, and as much as they wanted to play around with each other, they knew that they had to get to bed, and soon, because they were both getting real close to just passing out. They crawled into bed after turning off the light, then they met in the centre of the bed, cuddled up to each other, then fell fast asleep.