Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:37:51 -0700 From: Subject: Delta Cubed 1 Delta Cubed This work of pure fiction was fabricated by the author. Almost everything is made up except places. If you think otherwise you are mistaken. The story contains explicit sexual description of men and men, men and boys, boys and boys, boys and girl, girls and men and a few women too. If this kind of thing is illegal for you or offensive then don't read it. The copyright belongs to the author and Nifty has the posting rights. Want to quote and give credit, be my guest. More then that, please ask. I hope you readers find this story worthy of your time. My other stories are listed in the "Prolific Net Authors" section under DnRock, in the event you like what you are reading here and want more of my work. Delta Cubed by: dnrock( 1: Once Upon A Time It all started on a cold and stormy night. Okay, it was not all that cold but it was a stormy night and life for me starts at that point. The first 9 years and 7 months had been living hell, what I remember of it anyway. I have expunged most of it from my memory, except the physical violence. Leave it that I ran away from a bad situation, to call it a home would be an insult to the concept. The rain was coming down hard and I could not see more then a few feet. I was wet to the skin, my meager clothing, no longer offered protection. I was weak, not having eaten much in two days, and then all I had were some half ripe apples, from a tree hanging over a fence in some alley. I needed some kind of shelter but was terrified that if I stopped they would find me. This large dog came running up to me and just about knocked me over. I was some scared! It growled and barked, I stopped. I went to run away, the thing jumped on me almost knocking me down again, garbing my arm in its mouth. "let me go, let me go", I yelled but it just pulled on my wrist. I was to scarred to do anything and went with the flow. Down the street and through an open gate it pulled me. I was not sure what or why but at least the dog was not trying to hurt me. I almost fell several times as he forced me up on a large open porch. Once out of the rain he let me go and just sat between the stairs and me. The house was all dark like nobody was home. Well I was out of the rain at least and the dog was just sitting there. I went to go but it blocked me. This was a big dog. It was so dark I could not make out its color or type. A husky I figured because of the big curled up tail. To my right I spotted a three cushion glider, so I told the dog I would just go and sit down. Moving slowly to my right, I did just that. The dog just sat. So I figured I would just sit until it went away. I was out of rain, It wasn't all that bad. Some time later I woke up. I was even colder now and as I moved the dog was up in a flash. It had been laying on the floor, I had been curled up, on the glider. This time it licked my face, but when I went to get up it growled, a deep throated commanding kind of sound. I stayed put. I was really cold now the dog pushed my arm with its snout, a sign that I should pet it. Well that's what I thought it wanted anyway. I stroked its head a few times. It was warm and soft and seemed to like the petting. When I stopped it pushed my arm again for more. Soon the dog was up on the glider with me and I curled up against its warm body I fell asleep again. "Jock, what the hell are you doing on the furniture," was the sound that woke me up, this deep baritone voice. Jock, jumped off the glider and sat looking at his master and then at me. Well now I knew his name anyway. It was light enough to see Jock was a husky. "What the hell is this? Who are you? Why are you here?" I was dumb struck and just stared back. I was also scared shitless. Jock looked at me, looked at his master and wined several low wines then licked my hand. "Okay, Jock," he said in a warm friendly tone, sitting down. "Who is your new friend?" Jock waged his tail and I managed to squeak out, "Sam, ugh, Samuel, sir." He smiled at me saying, "well Sam, ugh, Samuel, Jock seems to think highly of you." "I don't know about that sir, but he dragged me up here and would not let me go, I'm sorry sir, I'll go now." I jumped up, with a strength I didn't think I had but Jock blocked my path and growled again. I just froze. "It's okay son, just sit down, Jock won't hurt you. He is just not ready to let his prize, that being you, go just yet." I was still scared, real scared. All I could think about was getting away from this place, as fast as I could. I was shaking from the fear and from the cold. Mostly the cold as I remember it. The man placed his hand on my shoulder. I just about jumped out of my skin. "It's okay," he said again, in a quiet reassuring tone, "I won't hurt you and neither will Jock." he rested his hand on my right shoulder. Jock just sat looking at us wagging his curled tail and looking puzzled and pleased with himself at the same time. "I am Fred and this is the Delta-Delta-Delta House." I looked at him with my most puzzled expression. He held out his hand to shake, taking if from my shoulder, and I took it a bit reluctantly. "Well Sam, I'm pleased to meet you and welcome the Delta Cubes." By this time I was shivering quite a bit still being wet in the cool morning air. "Sam, you look like you need a human friend, some food and dry cloths." "I'm all right sir, ugh, Fred. I'll go now." "Sam, Jock knows that breakfast at Delta Cube's is served in a few minutes and he wants to eat too. He will probably not let his new friend go away hungry." With that he stood up. My, this was a tall one and young too. He tugged at my arm and when I stood up placed his right arm around my shoulders again, stooping a bit to do so. Jock just wagged his tail even harder and escorted us inside. At the kitchen table were about 10 other young men. Jock went in first and everyone greeted him as he went to each for a pet. Fred pushed me into the room and all talking stopped. Jock ran up to us and got on my free side, so Fred, me and Jock stood just inside the kitchen door. Fred said something about this being Jock's friend and they must treat me as the same as any other "brother's friend". I didn't know what that was to mean but someone said, "any friend of Jock's is a friend of mine" and he rose from the table, scooped me up and placed me in his chair. Someone else gave me a very large sweater and a mug of hot cocoa. I ate a real meal for the first time in 8 days. They just kept pushing more and more food at me until I couldn't take any more, I was stuffed. Jock ate too, but he had dog food and what ever the brothers slipped him on the sly. The cook, a large black women broke up the party by saying those with 8 am classes had better get going. Fred was sitting next to me and Jock on the other side while several of the brothers had more coffee. Finely Batta, the black women, sat down. "Okay Sam, tell us about yourself and how you have come to visit Delta Cubed House." I told them my story and how long I had been on the run. I had come over 100 miles (that what they told me anyway) and that I was never going back and no one could make me. "Hold on young fellow," Fred interjected, "who said anything about sending you anywhere or making you do anything you don't want to?" Ya, ya from around that table. Batta asked if I still had bruises from that last beating. Fred pulled off my shirt, tearing it and saying he would get me a new one. Batta looked at my back and chest. "Sure enough," she said, "look at those bruises." One of the brothers got a camera. "Lets get the evidence documented," he said, taking several close up pictures. Well that was the beginning of all this. Jock was praised for rescuing me from the storm. Batta told one of the boys to go and get me some new clothing, Fred to see that I got a hot bath and she went off to make a phone call. I was afraid she was calling to cops to send me home. Fred said, "no way, Batta would never do that and Jock would not let anyone take you away if he wouldn't let you go on your own." He hugged me, saying brothers protect each other and showed me to the bathroom. I don't ever remember anyone hugging me, ever. It was huge, with showers and a big bubbling tub. "First a shower", he said, "take them off." I removed my pants and dirty undies, socks with holes and runners with holes in the soles. Fred just put them in the garbage. "Alf, will bring new stuff for you." I had never been in a shower before, it was fun, I liked the water hitting my body. Fred gave me shampoo and soap, then removed his cloths and joined me in the shower. He soaped my hair three times, I squeezed my eyes closed each time and rubbed my back and butt. I liked his touch, my whole body tingled when he touched my butt. He had the biggest penis I had ever seen with just a bit of dark pubic hair. Not like my so called dad, who had lots of hair all over his body. Fred was "clean shaven" so to speak. Little did I know at that point, just how literal that thought was. He placed me in the big tub, the water was hot too. Fred flipped a switch and the water jets hit me from all sides. This was great fun and within a few minutes I had forgotten all about how I came to this place or how scared I was. We were laughing and making jokes, like I had always know Fred. I was even starting to get warmed up. After I got cleaned up and dressed in new clothing, a nice T shirt and jeans, new shoes and socks and undies, Fred brought me down to the kitchen again. A youngish black women was sitting at the table with Batta. "Sam," Batta said, "this is Ms. Wonderwill, from Social Services." I was terrified and wanted to run away but Fred and Jock blocked the exits. Ms. W, held out her hand, "it is a pleasure to meet you Sam." I took it with some trepidation but she didn't grab me or anything, she just shook it with a firm but not grasping, grip. She just asked me to sit down. Batta got me some milk and cookies, they all had tea. "Now, Sam you must tell me your story, just like mother, I mean, Batta told me you did at breakfast." I told her I was not going back ever. I was clearly upset and Jock came and sat next to me, putting his head on my knee and pushing my arm for pets like he did last night. Everyone told me I would never be forced to go back. That they needed to get the facts now, so that if the situation ever arose and my parents came looking for me, I could be protected. Ms. W. is Batta's daughter and the "house" trusted her, so I should too. It was not all clear what this house and brothers were all about or what Delta's were but if Batta and Fred and Jock were part of it, I guessed was okay. No one had ever been so kind to me, a strange little run away, before. To say the least, I was a bit confused about a lot of things but not about never giving my father a chance to hit me again. I was never going to be in that position again, ever. They took more pictures and all that stuff. I was whisked off to student health services. The nurses and doctors were all very kind and concerned. I was x-rayed, poked, felt, listened to and blood let. Some one placed a cot in Fred's room for me and after we returned Fred went to class. I guessed he was some kind of student, that the boys were all students. My short walk to SHS indicated this was some kind of large school. I stayed with Batta, well under her and Jock's watchful eyes for the remainder of the day. Batta said she and the Delta's would take care of me for the time being, Ms. W. was satisfied I was in good hands. That afternoon she took me up to Fred's room to sleep but I didn't think I needed a nap. When I woke up Jock was on the floor by my cot. When I sat up he was at me side. That dog never left my side, except when I was in the water, he hated water; for the first few weeks I was with the Delta's, anyway. Fred was something else, as it turned out. I figured he was half girl, at least when it came to me. He had an older sister and had always wanted a brother. I guess he was making up for lost time with me. He was with me every moment, unless he was in class. After about a month, Ms. W. came back, she was having difficulty placing me. I didn't like the sound of that, so I finely asked Fred what she was talking about. When he told me I was horrified. They wanted to send me away from the Delta's and Fred and Batta and Jock! "No, no not like that," Fred kept saying. Batta came in and scooped me up in her arms holding me to her breast and carried me into the kitchen. After I calmed down, Ms. W. explained, since she could not place me in a foster home and since the Delta's would not hear of me going to an orphanage, I would just have to stay right here. I was a bit relieved and still confused. "But," Ms. W. said, and now I expected the other shoe to drop, "the Delta's can not be your sponsor and Fred is to young and only a student, so someone else would have to be found to be your guardian." I had to go to school, and on and on. I was devastated. I was sure I was going back, now. I started to cry, in an instant Jock as at my side, he was howling a low mournful sound. Batta told Ms. W. she would be my guardian if the Delta's would let me stay on at the house and take a hand in raising me up properly. Ms. W, said the state did not think a frat house was a suitable environment for a young lad to grow up in. Batta thought differently and told her daughter so. Later that night the delta's, Ms. W., Batta and I had a big meeting. They debated the whole thing from one end to the other. I was kind of left out for most of it. It is a strange feeling to have people debate your future in front of you like that. Finely Alf asked me what I wanted. That was easy, I wanted to stay with them, I wanted to be a Delta and I wanted to be Fred's little brother. Fred just beamed when I said that. They voted on my staying, none opposed. They passed a resolution, making me an honorary brother until I was a university student and could become a regular brother. They passed a resolution, that I would be given part time job as "house boy" if Batta would become my guardian until one of them could qualify. All these boys had become my buddies by this time, I had settled into the place. They all gave me stuff like clothing, took me places like arcades and movies. I was welcome in any room at any time, except when they had girls in. Everyone took time to explain things to me and I was starting to get one hell of an education, in all the best and perhaps worst ways possible. They would tutor me in reading and math, tell me stories and give me books to read and most of all, cover for me when I experimented with stuff. They even let me watch some of the porn videos, which at that age I thought were very funny. I did what ever I could to help around the place. I assisted Batta, cleaned, did yard work, helped the brothers with stuff, washed cars, well you know. They also made me go to school. The Delta's got me into the university campus grade school. Since two the them were in the Education Dept., they were able to keep a close eye on my progress. I was expected to meet or exceed my native ability and it was their job to see that it happened. I digress, Ms. W. agreed on the condition they give me my own room, make me go to school like any other kid, and not let me smoke or drink like many of them did. They agreed and Batta said she would enforce it. Except, Fred never did find another room for me and he never had any girls in either. As a matter of fact, I soon was sleeping in his bed. No sex, although I know he wanted it. He was true to his word, that no one would ever hurt me again in any way. All the Delta's became my protectors. Some times they were a bit over protective. All that took place 6 years ago. Batta passed away and I went to live with Fred and his sister, after he graduated. Sara is now my guardian. I go back to the Delta house as often as possible, to keep contact with all the new members. The Delta's have offered me a full scholarship, if my high school grades measure up to the national's standards. My brothers have told me more then once how they intended to see that they would too. Well it is another dark and stormy night but I am not wet and cold, I have a real brother and sister and I am loved by them and by my Delta brothers too. Soon I will be getting a new home and now that I am 16 a car and the best summer job a sex starved teen could ever hope to have. But it is some hard to meet the academic standards they are setting for me. Fred keeps telling me that my brain is like his a sponge so go squeeze it out and come back for a whole lot more. Just a bit more background though. Fred and Sara are brother and sister. Their parents were killed in an accident while Fred was in high school. He and Sara have had a incestuous relationship since they were young teens. That is why Fred never had girls in the Delta Cubed house. This is the truest and most loyal person I have ever known. If I have learned anything from him it is how to be loyal. Fred once told me he figured we hit it off so well because we both understood what it was not to have parents, I guess his quit him and I quit mine. Anyway Sara is a CPA and Fred is an MBA. They had a family trust from the parents estate, which now owns a large motel in a midwest tourist town. We moved in this winter, after Fred graduated. I hated leaving the Delta's, so did Fred. Fred and Sara have started adoption proceedings but we think of ourselves as brothers and sister anyway. While I shared a bed with Fred at school for 6 years he never once attempted sex with me. I learned all about it from the other brothers, they taught me how to masturbate, suck cock, fuck girls and eat pussy. During the summers and on other visits I had to sleep alone, as Fred and Sara shared a bed. I don't like sleeping alone but one does what one must. I had a few girlfriends too and got into their pants now and again. Mostly I masturbate three or four times a day. I like boys and I like girls, I'm not sure if I like one sex better then another but I have lived with mostly boys for 6 years now. All of the brothers took me home with them for part of the summer or at Christmas or other holidays. I had 12 families, at any one time, to share these times with. Some had younger sisters who I hit it off with sexually. Most of the sex stuff occurred in the last two years. The brothers took me everywhere and we did most everything a young boy can dream of doing. Every sport or activity possible, in every part of the country. The national representatives that came to inspect were always very kind and generous to me too. I rewarded them with first class honors in my school work, at least until this year. They also saw to it that I can visit any Delta house in the world any time. The Deltas are more interested in academic achievement then anything else. That does not mean the house didn't have its wild parties and pledge weeks. I got into about everything imaginable at one time or another, often with the complicity of my delta brothers. Batta tried to keep a close eye on me while she lived, but I still got into my share of stuff. I did not know at the time but it was the national council alumni that worked behind the scenes to see that my guardianship, and adoption went smoothly. My birth parents never resurfaced or if they did I never knew about it. No one would ever talk about it to me and I didn't ask much either. They also made sure any shortages in the state support payments were taken care of, so the local house did not have any financial burden from me living there. No one would ever tell me where the money for clothing, toys, computers, trips, camps, sports and the like came from exactly. They just always seemed to have all that was required. The scholarship they set up for me is good at any university in the world that has a Delta chapter. Fred and Batta just told me I was never to feel any obligation or debt toward anyone and that all they, the house or the national expected, was for me to do what ever I did to be best of my ability, return the love and respect given, be an honorable and honest person who makes his contribution, no matter how large or small to society, during my lifetime. Take care of one another but remember you are not another's keeper. Batta is the only person I have ever thought of as my mother. I was quite devastated when she passed away. All the Delta's were but me more then the others, I think. Sara came and took me to stay with her in a hotel for the week of the funeral. More about that later. This was a massive event, most former brothers and families; and her family and friends, university people and many students from the other houses too. When Sara and I entered the church, Batta's grand children came and got me to sit among their family. I was the only white guy in the front rows but Ms. W. insisted I belonged as much as any of them. That was the most emotional time of my young life. Sara had some idea what I was feeling as she and Fred had lost their parents unexpectedly. Batta's funeral was about 18 months ago. Fred told me today that I was officially and legally part of his and Sara's family. I don't think I ever saw him smile as wide as that moment. He went on to remind me that this family has a tradition of sexual incest. Now that I was both of legal age to choose and shared the same last name, he and Sara would be honored and pleased to fuck me until I was unable to walk but only if I wanted. I always thought he knew that I had been fucking Sara every chance I got since Batta's funeral. I kissed him and held him and groped his huge cock saying, "up my ass Fred, up my ass right now, please."