Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 08:55:08 -0700 (PDT) From: No Label Subject: Donny Chapter 13 This is a work of fiction and lives only in my imagination. If reading or possessing literature containing sexual situations between adults and minors, or adults and adults, or minors and minors, or sex with anyone is illegal in your area, then download and read at your own risk. Please send comments, critisisms, ideas to the author at All comments, suggestions, or just conversation will be welcomed. Due to a paupacity of feedback, even flames will be read attentively read. DONNY Chapter 13 I don't know which came first, my alarm buzzing away like mad next to my ear, or Tom's cheerful (ugh!) voice telling me to rise and shine. I could feel that at least one part of my body had already risen, but the shine was definitely out. After Tom's threat of cold water within five minutes, I decided I didn't want to see if he kidding or not, and that I should get up. Of course, the fact that the pain from my bladder was starting to block out all conscious thought did not affect my decision at all. After a life-saving stop at the bathroom I walked into the kitchen to investigate the lack of cooking odors this morning. All I found was a pot of coffee brewing, and a cold stove. Huh? No food? How am I supposed to face the long, hard school day? Shit, am I getting spoiled or what? Especially after just a few days. I shook my head at my stupidity, would have kicked myself but knew that before my shower I was in no shape to do any type of balancing act. So off to the shower for a wake up, and maybe a little pleasure too. Yeah, that sounds good. Tom started yelling only five minutes into the shower (okay, maybe ten) so I finished washing and rinsing (if you believe that I got a bridge), and dried off and dressed for school. Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was this huge butter crumb/brown sugar topped coffee cake! Wow. Tom walked in from the living room, "You've got five minutes to grab a piece, get some juice, and get to the end of the drive for the bus." "I'll make it." Never underestimate the resourcefulness of a teenager when it comes to food and drink. I filled a half quart sipper full of O.J. and grabbed a baggy out of the pantry, two quart size. Managed to get about a third of that cake into the bag before I gave Tom a hug, yelled seeya, and was out of the door. The bus and I met at the end of the drive and I went straight to the back where Deke was sitting. "Want some?" I held the bag out to Deke as the bus lurched and I ended up half in his lap and half hanging off the seat. Deke didn't know whether to shove me or grab for the food, but being a teenager, he got his priorities right. That left me to straighten myself out and salvage some dignity and cool. But I did manage to check out a curiosity at the same time and placed my hand right on Deke's crotch. Hmm, didn't feel much, but there was something there. Just not that big salami that he was always bragging about. We spent most of the ride stuffing our faces, and little was said. But somehow I knew that Deke knew that I had checked out his package. What surprised me is he wasn't pounding me into a pulp. Maybe... School was the usual boring stuff. Not really, but what is a teenager supposed to say? Actually I like school, and I had to really concentrate on catching up from last week. So the day was over before I expected. The back of the bus was turning into Deke's and my domain. Nobody even thought about coming back there, guess they knew they would get pounded if they did. Anyway, it gave Deke and me the privacy we wanted so we could talk about important stuff. You know, like which girl in school had the biggest headlights, or if Delight (who'd name their kid Delight?) really put out as much as we heard. Just before Deke's stop I asked him if he wanted to come over this weekend and hang out. I forgot all about Tom wanting to do something this weekend, and thought maybe I can get Deke to go swimming. Yeah, nude. Then I could check out his package a whole lot better than just a quick feel. Deke just looked at me, "For real? You want me to come over?" "Yeah. Ask your folks and let me know tomorrow. Maybe you can spend Saturday night and we can watch movies all night or something." "Uh, yeah. Okay. Sounds great. I think the 'rents will let me. Gee, I never..." Deke quickly turned and raced off the bus. I watched as the bus pulled away, figuring Deke would wave or something. But he kept his head down and started up his drive. He didn't take more than two or three steps before he was running. I had never seen Deke run before. He always kinda shuffled along, and made everyone wait for him. Strange. Actually, my actions were the strange part. I had never invited a friend for a sleepover before in my life. And I was acting like I had lived with Tom for a lot longer than a few days. What has gotten into me? As soon as the bus stopped at my driveway, I was off and running myself. Thoughts of Deke naked got my motor running, and I knew just exactly what I needed. Today I was not interupted by Tom, or anyone else for that matter. Of course, I really didn't give anyone any time. I think I set a new world record for quickest cumming in a swimming pool. After relieving my tension, and swimming about twenty hard laps, I pulled myself out of the pool and headed for the house. Walking in the back door, I heard Tom on the phone in the living room. "Sure, about six. See you then." He hung up and turned. "You had a phone call a couple minutes ago. From Deke. He says this weekend is on. Something I should know about?" Shit. I didn't expect Deke to call so soon. Figured he would wait until tomorrow to tell me if he could come. That would have given me a chance to ask Tom if it was okay to invite him. "Ah, well, I sorta asked Deke if he wanted to spend the night Saturday. It's okay, isn't it?" I put on my best puppy dog look. "Well, I was planning on just you and me doing something this weekend, to celebrate our first week together, but I guess it would be okay. And I expect you to ask first in the future." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged for all I was worth. "Bend over" Tom bent over and I planted a wet one on his cheek. "Thanks, Tom. You're the greatest." Tom grinned, hugged me back, then swatted my ass. "Homework. We will have company for dinner." "Great. Who?" "Bob will be here around six if he doesn't get an emergency." "All right." Then I thought a second. "He's not coming to check me, is he?" "No. This is strictly a social visit. Now homework." "Aye, aye, sir." I saluted and turned. That earned another swat. I heard the doorbell about the same time my stomach started rubbing against my backbone. Whew, dinner pretty soon. Bet I lost at least ten pounds since those half dozen cookies I grabbed on the way in here. And I could smell pot roast with all the fixings. Potatoes, carrots, biscuits, mmm mmm. Dinner was kinda quiet, I guess because we were too busy eating. Or maybe because I was too busy loosing myself in Doctor Bob's blue eyes to notice much. Except food, of course. But I did spend some time (while chewing) checking out Doctor Bob's fine body. Hmmm, looks like he takes care of himself real well. And the front of his khaki's do show promise. Hmmm, almost as good looking as Tom. I had a bunch of homework, so didn't get to talk with Doctor Bob as much as I wanted. I figured, being a doctor and all, he would have a bunch of neat stories to tell about all the other kids around here. Anyway, I didn't have a chance to talk much, because by the time I finished everything up, it was after nine thirty. But Doctor Bob and Tom must have found a lot to talk about, because Tom only came by twice looking to see if I needed any help. I just slammed the last book shut when Tom called out that Doctor Bob was leaving. I went out to apologize for shutting myself off in my room all evening, but Doctor Bob said he understood, and that homework was more important than talking to him. Typical adult. I knew that Doctor Bob had been real nice to me, and maybe he was like Tom and liked hugs too, so I gave him a big one and thanked him for coming to dinner. Tom had a big grin on his face, but Doctor Bob looked a little surprised. But he hugged me back. I am really getting to like all this hugging shit. Doctor Bob then asked Tom to walk him out to his car. Huh? Its not like he was parked two miles away. Wierd. Duh. He wants to say something without little pitchers with big ears around. Probably about me anyway. So I said good night, and high tailed it for my room. I knew I would be able to see from one of the windows. Doctor Bob and Tom walked out to the car and Doctor Bob started to open the door. Then he stopped and faced Tom. I could see his mouth moving, but couldn't hear a thing. Shit. I saw Tom glance at the house a couple times, but he never really looked at my window. Then Doctor Bob reached out and took Tom's hand. He said something else, then leaned in toward Tom. Hey, he kissed him! On the lips! Well, what do you know about that. Tom looks a little surprised. Oh, now he's smiling. And leaning in for another kiss! They are putting their arms around each other! Wow, it looks like one of those movie kisses you see, really hot, and lots of hand movement on each others bodies. Hot, hot, hot. Shit. Looks like Tom and Doctor Bob really like each other, maybe even love each other. Wow! Wait, what am I saying? Tom can't love Doctor Bob. He loves me. He said so. Didn't he? No, he can't love Doctor Bob. He said he loves me. That's my kiss. That's me that should be in his arms. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Fuck this, man. And here I started thinking that maybe Tom loved me. Now he falls in love with, with, Doctor Bob! Fuck, shit, god damn, fuck. What can I hit? Why not me? I am worthless now. Tom will probably throw me out. Don't need a little kid hanging around, not with a hunk like Doctor Bob here to give you loving. This pillow. Tom gave it to me. Wham! Shit. Wham! Shit. Wham! Fuck me. What is wrong with me? Why can't Tom love me? I love him. I offer my ass to him. Maybe that's why he hasn't shoved it to me. He has Doctor Bob. Fuck. Well, I am out of here now. Fuck. Wham! Now he will never love me. Wham! Shit! I hate him! Fuck you Tom! What are they doing now? Shit, I can't see. Fucking tears. Fucking baby. Nobody loves me. I hear Doctor Bob's car starting. Shit! What do I do? Tom will probably call Buddy tomorrow to haul me off. Fuck! What a piece of worthless shit you are, Donald Grimm. A little fucking worthless boy, no, baby is more like it, that nobody wants. Nobody loves. Pencil dick, no hair. Nothing like Doctor Bob. No way can I compete with him. Wait. I hear Tom, calling me. Fucking piece of shit. I don't want to talk to him. Quick. Under the covers. Make like I'm sleeping. Then I won't have to talk to him. Or look at him. I bury my face away from the door so he can't see me cry. He will never see me cry again. He will never get a hug from me again. He hates me, so I will hate him back. He's at the door. I hear him chuckling. "Must have worked hard on that homework. Got him all tuckered out." Shit. He's coming over to the bed. What's he doing? I know he is standing right next to me. Gotta act like I'm asleep. Shit! "Good night, son. Don't let the bed bugs bite. I love you." Fuck. Lying shit. Fuck. He just kissed my cheek. Shit. What was that for? Didn't he get enough from Doctor Bob? Good, he's leaving. He shut off the light and closed my door. I don't have to lie still now. Fuck. Why did he say that? Doesn't he know that I saw him kissing Doctor Bob? Practically climbed down his throat. Shit. Fuck. Why can't I be big. Why can't I have hair? What for? My pencil dick? What a laugh. Ha, ha. That's probably what Tom does every time he sees my dick. Ha, ha. What a fucking joke. But why did he call me son? He's not my dad. Never gonna be either. I would just be in the way. With me gone, he and Doctor Bob can have hot sex anytime they want. All the time. Shit, I would. Why did he say he loves me? Why? He doesn't love me, he loves Doctor Bob. Shit. What is going on? Why... TBC...