Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 07:57:14 -0700 (PDT) From: No Label Subject: Donny - Chapter 14 LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I am tired of writing the whole thing out every chapter, so go back to Chapter 1 or 2 and read that one. For those who forget easily here are the high lights: sex, man, boy, illegal, don't get caught. How about some feedback folks? I don't know if anybody is reading. Just a note would be fine to Thanks. Donny - 14 I woke up to what is now becoming more usual, the alarm pounding my eardrums and Tom's cheerful (ugh!) voice telling me to rise and shine. But it is getting easier. Heaven forbid, I might be getting used to getting up at o'dark thirty. Then I realized that I was still in my clothes. That brought last night's events back with a crash. Shit, might as well get my last shower at Tom's house and put on clean clothes so that I will at least look good where ever Buddy takes me. I hope Tom doesn't wait for Buddy to get here before he tells me I have to leave. Fuck, how do I get into these messes? Why does everything have to happen to me? Why does everyone end up hating me? Yeah, yeah. Tom didn't say that last night, but I think he was trying to let me down easy. Wait, maybe we can do a threesome. That would be awesome. Nah, who would want a hairless pencil dick like me to love. I know Tom has an awesome body, and Doctor Bob looks really good with clothes on. Bet he has a big one too. Of course, everyone is big compared to me. Shit. I am turning into a prune. And Tom keeps yelling at me to hurry up. He keeps shouting about the bus, so maybe I don't have to leave until after school. Give him time to pack a few of my things. My things. What a laugh. Almost everything Tom bought. I don't know what I'll take. I'll wear some nice clothes to school, so I can have something nice where ever I go. Good, I timed it just right. Through the kitchen and out the door. The bus is coming. Huh, why is Tom standing in the door watching? He didn't do that before. Deke was in his usual spot and I got back there quickly, assisted by the lurch of the bus pulling away. "Whatcha bring today?" Shit. I was concentrating so much on getting out the door I forgot to grab something to eat. "Nothing." "Hey, what's up? You look like you just got kicked out of the house." What a choice of words. "Yeah, well. I got a lot on my mind." "Okay. Man, I can hardly wait for this weekend. We will have so much fun." "Oh yeah. Why did you call last night? I didn't have a chance to talk to Tom before you called." "Shit man. Is that the problem? Tom pissed because you didn't ask first? Sorry. I got excited when my mom said okay and couldn't wait to tell you. Anyway, where were you? You should have been home already." "I was out swimming laps when you called. And yeah, Tom was pissed." "Wow. You got a swimming pool? Cool. We can have a rad time this weekend. That is, if I can still come." "Ah, I don't know, Tom didn't say one way or the other. Let's play it by ear. I'll let you know tomorrow." "Yeah. Tom should cool off by tomorrow." Shit. I can't tell Deke that I wouldn't be there tomorrow. That I was kicked out because Tom found a new love. All day I thought about leaving Tom's, and the end of the day came in a flash. There was Deke again on the back seat, and I just plopped myself down next to him, but didn't say anything. "Hey. Earth to Donny. Come in Donny." "Huh?" "Hey, come back to earth, man. You still thinking Tom is pissed? Was he that mad?" "Dunno. Just got a lot on my mind." "Okay. I'll shut up. Just don't forget to call me tomorrow, okay?" "Yeah, okay. I won't forget." Deke got off at his stop, looking back at me like I had grown three ears or something. Guess I wasn't very good company. Then the bus reached Tom's driveway and stopped. I really wasn't sure if I wanted to get off or not, but the bus driver yelled at me to hurry up, so I climbed off the bus. I walked slowly down the drive, wondering what to do. Well, Tom hasn't said anything yet, so I can get in one last swim at least. Mmmm, that water feels so good. Shit! Tom just came in. And he's naked, so he is going to swim too. I'll make like I don't see him and keep swimming. If I time it right, when he reaches the far end, I can can be close to the door and leave. I don't want him to tell me in the pool that I am outa here. Worked like a champ. Bet he didn't even see me getting out and leaving. Better not take the time to dress though. Just go straight to my room and throw on a pair of shorts. Or maybe not. Probably be the last time I am somewhere where I can be naked. Shit, he must have noticed. I hear him coming in the back door. Quick, open a book and make like I am working. "What's wrong?" Fuck. I must have jumped a mile. I didn't expect him to come straight into my room. "Nothing." "That's bull shit. What's eating you?" "Nothing." "I'm not leaving until you tell me what is bothering you." "Yeah, well, while you're here, you can tell me what to pack." I jumped up and went to the dresser. I jerked open a couple of drawers and threw some of my old clothes at the bed. "What the hell?" Oops, Tom was between me and the bed and I hit him square in the chest. Shit. Fucking tears. Why do they always have to show up? "Sit. Now. Look at me." For some reason I couldn't even lift my head. "When does Buddy get here?" "What are you talking about? Why would Buddy come here? Come on Donny, talk to me." "I saw...I know...leave...Doctor Bob...I don't want to don't make me go..." "Stop. Come here." Tom wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed, gasping for breath. He sat on my bed and pulled me onto his lap. "Shhh, shhh, baby. Relax now, don't worry. I've got you. It's okay. You're safe now. Take a deep breath. You're okay now. I've got you." Tom rocked me back and forth, just holding me close and whispering in my ear. My sobs slowly stopped as I felt safe and warm. "Okay, baby. I've got you. Everything is okay. Everything is fine. You're safe now. Okay, baby. Relax. Shhh. It's okay." I slowly raised my head and looked into Tom's eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just a baby. But..." "Shhh. Relax now, son. Come on, let's clean up that face a little." Tom grabbed one of my old t-shirts and started tenderly wiping my face, still rocking me back and forth. "Okay. You feel better now? Can you tell me what brought this on?" "I saw you and Doctor Bob last night, kissing." "Oh. And so now you think that I am going to send you away? Because I kissed Doctor Bob?" "Uh-huh." "Donny, why would I do that? I don't think I could ever send you away. I miss you every day when you go off to school. The day just drags until I see you getting off that bus. I hold my breath each time, hoping and wondering if you will get off that bus. You have become part of my life. I don't think I could survive if you went away. Donny, I love you." "But what about Doctor Bob? I saw you kissing him. And it was a hot kiss." "Yes, I think I am falling for Doctor Bob. I know that I want to explore getting to know him better. But that doesn't change how I think of you. That will never change except get stronger. And if I do fall in love with Doctor Bob, I will still love you just as much. Donny, do you think your mother loved your father?" "Yes." "Do you think she loved you?" "Yes." "So what makes you think that I can't love more than one person? Or that I can just switch my love on and off?" "I dunno." "Donny, this I swear to you. I will do everything in my power to keep you living here, with me, no matter what, until you decide it is time to leave. I will never send you away unless that is what you want." "I don't want to leave you. Oh Tom. How can you love me? I am such a fuck up. I screw everything up. I'm sorry." "Hey, hey. There now. You are not a fuck up. You are my little boy, and together we will either fuck it up or get it right. But it will be together, both of us. You hear me?" "Yeah." "Donny, I love you. Okay? So next time, please come to me and talk if you are wondering about something. Or if I do something that you don't like. Okay?" "Uh-huh." "Okay. It's time for me to start dinner. Anything you want in particular?" "No." "Okay, then it will be something quick and easy. Do you have a lot of homework for this weekend?" "No. None really." "Good. So what time is Deke coming over tomorrow?" "I don't know. I wasn't sure I would be here tomorrow, so I said I would call him. It probably won't be until after he finishes his chores." "Well call him and tell him any time. And speaking of chores. I think you need some too." "Aaw, Tom." "No aw Tom. Number one, clean your room. Number two, make sure all your dirty laundry is in the hamper in the bathroom. Number three, well, let me think about that." "Okay. Tom?" "Yes." "I love you." "I love you too, son. Now put on a pair of shorts and let's get dinner." Hey! I just noticed! Tom is naked too! "Sure that's what you want to do?" I grabbed his soft manhood. Mmmm, it feels so nice, like velvet. And I could tell that part of his anatomy was beginning to stir. "Ah, that's enough of that. Yes, dinner is what I want. Now get some shorts on, before I regret this." He gently took my hand away from his rapidly inflating tool. Damn! He pushed me off his lap and stood. I started toward my dresser. "Donny" I stopped and turned back to him. He took my face in his hands, and with the lightness of a butterfly, touched his lips to mine. Whew! My heart went thud. I could hear a roaring in my ears. My legs turned to rubber. What could I do? I threw my arms around him and kissed for all I was worth. I didn't want this to stop. Tom pulled away from the kiss and smiled. "Feel better now?" "Oh yeah." But I still didn't want to let go as I buried my face in his strong chest. I could feel his hard rod poking me just above my belly button. My own dick went from semi to steel in no seconds flat. Tom hugged back, then smacked my bare butt. "Okay. Shorts. Dinner." Funny, his voice seemed a little huskier than normal. By the time I got out to the kitchen, Tom had already pulled on a pair of shorts and was pulling something out of the refrigerator. "How does hamburgers and fries sound to you?" "Great." "Good. Call Deke so he knows what is going on. Get some idea when he is coming over so I can plan meals." "Sure, Tom. I'll do it right now." Deke sounded excited when I asked when he could make it. "Guess he wasn't so pissed after all." "Nope. More my imagination, I guess." "Okay. Gotta clean my room before I can get away, but it shouldn't take me long. Around eleven okay?" "Sure. I'll tell Tom you will be here for lunch." "Great. Anything I need besides my suit?" Oh shit. Well, now is as good a time as any. "Ah, you don't need your suit. Ah, that's a rule here. No suits allowed in the pool." "Oh. Ah, well, er, okay, ah, I guess." "And you don't need to bring anything else either, unless you want to bring your favorite PS Two game." "Shit, you have PS Two? Damn. We only have a Play Station. Lucky dog." "Yeah, right. So guess you just bring yourself then. See ya tomorrow." "Yeah. It will be a blast." Yeah, I hope so. I'd like to see that ten incher blast. "Uh, yeah. Bye." TBC...