THE END OF THE LINE by Ganymede Thanks to Bricamar for his thoughtful dedication of "Three Weeks to Heaven, A Boylove Romance." I am placing this story in the Nifty archive to continue his western theme and in appreciation of his wonderful story. WARNING: This story contains graphic descriptions of consensual sexual acts among men and MINOR boys. I do not condone either incest or child abuse except in the imaginary form presented here. If the subject of man/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk! The story is copyrighted under the pseudonym, Ganymede. A single copy has been placed in the Nifty archives. Feel free to post it to appropriate newsgroups or send it to your friends. If distributing my story for monetary gain, please contribute $50 to the Nifty archive. The story is fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is unfortunate. Apologies are made in advance to any offended person or group. FINAL WARNING: If you are under the age of 18, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if man-boy relationships aren't your thing, then exit now and save yourself from a life of sin! THE END OF THE LINE by Ganymede CHAPTER 1: BOYS IN THE CORRAL The painted horse was over fifteen hands high, but the boy sitting astride its back controlled it with natural ease. He rode as if he was joined to the thousand pound beast beneath him, his sixty-five pounds little more than a minor inconvenience to the horse. From a distance, he could have been mistaken for a Navajo boy-warrior from a century earlier. Except for his clothes and haircut, only the western-style saddle with its dark, polished, hand-tooled leather suggested otherwise. But he was as comfortable bare-back as he was in the saddle for he had grown up riding, starting with his first pinto pony when he was just four years old. Now, six years later, he guided the horse's movements with little more than a firm squeeze of his lithe legs, their apparent strength contradicted by their slenderness. His appearance was deceiving, his wiry body perfectly adapted to the rugged mesas and canyons found on the Navajo reservation, where a few extra pounds of fat instead of lean muscle was the difference between a bad fall and some bruises, or a broken bone and worse. Shelby Cassidy was all sinew, muscle, and bone. Since he had mounted nearly an hour earlier, he had touched the reins that lay draped across the horse's withers no more than a dozen times. He rode effortlessly, yet the heat was enough to fleck his smooth brow with beads of sweat. Sweat formed on his slim chest, leaving streaks until it moistened the waist of his well-worn jeans clinging to his narrow hips several inches below his taut brown belly. The horse wheeled and galloped towards the fence, veering away only at the last moment before stopping. The boy nudged the horse's flanks gently, guiding it back into the milling herd. The mares moved away to make a path for the intruder. He approached the foal cautiously, placing himself between the nervous foal and its mother as he guided it beside the fence. For a moment the foal trembled before it started quickly towards its mother. The boy's horse closed the gap and turned the foal away, running it parallel to the fence and towards the open gate. As they approached, another boy, several years younger than the rider but similarly slender, swung the gate open just enough to allow them to pass through. The gate closed behind them. It had taken only a matter of seconds and had occurred with such mechanical precision that it appeared very easy. Instinctively the foal sensed danger and without the reassuring proximity of its mother, panicked. It bolted to the side that was suggested an opening back to the corral. The boy's horse lunged after it, responding to an instantaneous pressure of small heels jabbing into its flanks. "Better git a rope on him, Shelby," Matt yelled. "Or you'll be chasin' the critter 'round the corral all day." "Yeah, Shelby," the other boy piped up unnecessarily. "Rope him!" Although appropriate, their instructions came late. The lasso was already off the saddle horn and a moment later it snaked through the air. Despite the foal's frenzied and erratic movement, the loop dropped neatly over its head and tightened close to its shoulders. Matt watched and grinned. He knew there would be no sickening thud as the foal was brought to the ground, not even a strangled neigh as it was throttled. The boy was very good at this. He was a natural cowboy, far better than any of the men who had worked for him in fifteen years. The foal stopped suddenly and the horse braked hard, stepping backwards to keep the tension on the rope. The boy moved fluidly, sliding from the horse's back and dropping smoothly and quickly to the ground. He was bare from the waist up. He was ten years old in the Spring and his body, though firmly muscled and lithe like a mountain cat, was still that of a young boy. He was tanned from long exposure to the late-spring days and from many hours on horseback as they rounded up the herd. His tattered jeans had once been his best pair of blue jeans, but they still had another year of life left in them before they were passed down to his brother. Like the rest of the Bar-None ranch, his clothes were frayed on the edges-- well-worn and showing the signs of a hard life in northwestern New Mexico. With one hand on the rope Shelby walked slowly towards the foal. He spoke quietly, reassuring the horse in Navajo. It was his mother's tongue before she had abandoned her two sons and husband of five years and returned to the reservation. "Good job, Shelby," Matt said as he approached. He assessed the animal expertly. "He's a fine animal. He's gotta be one of Drummer's foals I think. Still, he ain't close to bein' good enough to breed." Matt Cassidy, was dressed in a ragged pair of Levis. He wore a tee shirt that was ripped across the shoulder and stained with oil and sweat. He carried two tools. One was a crimping tool that would insert the Bar-None tag into the foal's ear. It was a lot less painful for the animal than branding. The other tool was a strange device with three claws that opened outwards when the handles were pressed together. "You going to geld him, Da?" Shelby asked as he stroked the frightened foal into submission. His fingers pressed through the mane as he massaged its withers with a firm pressure. The foal moved uncertainly, ready to break away. His question was not antagonistic. Castration was simply a fact of life on a ranch. Only a few male animals, foals, lambs, or calves survived the Spring round-up with their testicles intact. Those animals were carefully culled and put aside. The rest were castrated. He felt no sympathy for the animal, that had disappeared several years ago when his father had been gored by an enraged bull. It was more than the fact that a gelding was docile compared to stallion, it was a matter of quality control. Shelby's outstretched hand reached to brush over the foal's forehead, slipping downward until he gently stroked the its nose. Still frightened, but not knowing the excruciating pain ahead, the animal nuzzled his fingers. Without knowing what lay would happen next, its irrational fear had already vanished. It was replaced with an immediate bond with the softly crooning boy. "Yeah, I'm going to geld him, Shelby. He's not much use for anything like this. The last thing we need around here are more painted stallions, Son." "I guess." The boy's hands shuddered as he rubbed the foal's cheek, scratching slowly under its head. "I s'pose it's better than the way you used to do it." He sighed audibly. A year or two before his father had been gored, he used to feel an animal's agony as the razor-sharp knife sliced open its scrotal pouch. There was always some blood, but it was usually less than expected given that the animal's balls had been severed. For some reason, especially if one judged by the sounds of terror, he always thought there would be a lot of blood. It was a cruel ritual that at seven years old, left him wondering how bad it would feel if his own tiny balls were cut off. By the end of the day when the bucket was full of testicles, the ground in the corral would be spotted with blood. The dust near the fence would turn to thick mud, not from blood but from the urine of fear-stricken animals. That was where the castrations had been performed. He had grown up watching the annual event, heedless of the blood that splattered his clothes. The rite-of- passage of wielding the knife himself was something that he would never know. Technology and eighty dollars for the pliers had seen to that, and he was grateful. "You know, I never liked cuttin' 'em, off son. Too damned easy for them to get infected, and the pain must be horrendous for the poor critters." Matt placed his hand holding the strange tool on the foal's rump. His other hand moved to the pocket of his jeans and he pulled out a cone-shaped rubber band. He centered it over the three claws in the closed position and squeezed the handles together. The rubber stretched and formed a triangular opening nearly three inches across. He squatted down by the foal's haunches. As he did so a dog barked and he jumped back as the foal lurched away. He looked up angrily and bellowed at the young boy now sitting back on the gate with his legs swinging aimlessly against the rails. A large dog, a mixed breed like the boy himself, was standing on its hind legs and trying to lick the boy's bare thigh as it moved back and forth temptingly. It was mostly german shepherd. although somewhere in a prior generation it had picked up the genes of a retriever. Like the boy, it benefited from the heritage of its parents. "For God's sake! Get the dog outta here, Shane. Take him up to the barn will you if you want to play with him. Anyway, we're almost done down here for the day," Matt Cassidy added with relief. He looked back at the bare-chested boy beside him. His eldest son was a very handsome boy. He was rugged like the mountains of New Mexico. His tousled dark hair glistened like obsidian in the dying sunlight. Half- Navajo, half-white, Shelby was more like his mother in physical appearance than his father dared admit. For one thing he was equally beautiful. The similarity ended there, for in other ways that were more important than appearance, the boy favored his maternal grandfather. His big dark eyes were not only full of life and fun, but sensuous as well. They were magnetic eyes, liquid pools that absorbed a person's gaze until it seemed that his soul was looking into yours. He was also sexy in a way that a boy should not be, although other than occasional self-pleasuring, the boy was still inexperienced. Still, there was an aura about the child, the quickness of his smile, the flutter of dark long lashes, simple looks that lingered and hinted at another very different boy within him. Many times Matt had found cause to wonder at what lay still undisturbed within his son. "Hold him steady, Shelby," Matt instructed as he squatted down again. This time the animal stayed still. Even as his strong fingers closed around the foal's soft scrotum, it was motionless. He heard the boy crooning to the foal's pointed ear, whispering soft Navajo words of endearment like a lover during post-coital bliss. He felt the animal's testicles. Already they felt as large as his own, although they were still seedless like those of his two sons. He guided the egg-shaped organs between the claws and wobbled the tool slightly to settle the scrotum evenly. The thick red band of rubber encircled the skin between the foal's testicles and the dark sheath of skin that protected its retracted penis. "You can take the rope off him now, Shelby," Matt said softly. "Just hold him in case he bolts before it's on his balls. The foal jerked abruptly as the handles snapped back into place and the band clamped its scrotum into a thin tube. It squeezed both testicles into a tightly stretched ball. It whinnied frantically in shock as much from the amount of pain and the speed at which it came. Matt Cassidy leaped back as the foal reared up and bellowed for its mother. It slammed into the boy and knocked him sprawling to the ground and onto his father before it bolted at break-neck gallop back to stand its mother on the other side of the fence. It was the last of a long day that had started two hours before sunrise. "For God's sake, Shelby, I told you to hold him steady," Matt laughed. His arms locked around the boy's bare chest and he hugged his son tightly before he started to tickle under his arms. His fingers dug between Shelby's ribs as he struggled valiantly. They laughed as they wrestled in the dust. For several minutes they writhed and tumbled on the ground, shamelessly oblivious to the grime that covered them. They stopped only when they were breathless and they lay still, panting from their playful exertions and a long hard day of work. Shelby settled back in his father's strong embrace. It felt good to be held close, even if he was getting too old for a hug. His father breathed out slowly, a long tired sigh. "Da?" Shelby asked between gasps," Da, you don't think it hurts him real bad?" He watched the foal as it shuddered against the fence, bruising its flank as it tried to terminate the searing pain that existed between its hind legs. Its penis was extended and urine formed a dark wet circle on the ground as it dribbled from the pain-impaired organ. Every animal did that it seemed. Shelby swallowed uncomfortably. At least there was no blood now. "He'll get over it in a few minutes, Shel. I don't think it hurts real bad, son. It's over fast. There cain't be nothing as bad as cuttin' 'em off." "How do you know, Da?" the boy persisted. "You know his balls will drop off 'cause it cuts into 'em. That's got to hurt somethin' awful!" "Yeah son, but you see, it takes a week or two. I reckon his balls are numb after the first hour or two so it don't hurt too bad after that. Besides, I heard it doesn't hurt a lot when they're gelded at his age. A stallion might be a lot different, I s'pose. He's got a lot more to lose than that little guy over there has. That foal's a bit like you. You ain't got that much down there yet, and if you got kicked or somethin' it usually don't hurt all that much. You'd get over it pretty fast too, not like when you're older. Unless a horse kicked you of course, then you might have a bad time of it like poor old Shane did. I reckon it hurts real bad anytime, but when you're all growed up down there it hurts like hell." "Yeah! But how do you know how much it hurts? Have you tried it?" The boy giggled as he tried to wriggle away from his father's strong embrace. "Of course not! I'm no damn gelding. I fathered you and Shane didn't I?" Matt Cassidy laughed. "Maybe I oughta try one out on you, Shelby. You can tell me how bad it hurts." "No way!" the boy retorted. "You're not putting one of them things on my balls. NO WAY!" he shrieked playfully, laughing as he added, "Put one of 'em on your own balls if you wanna find out how bad it feels, Da!" Even though he grinned at his father there was a weird sensation he felt that electrified him with the thought of being like the foal. Unmanned. Almost sickening, it made him shiver with fear as he considered the prospect. His small hands moved protectively to his crotch, cupped over the noticeable bulge of his small treasure. The gesture was not unnoticed by his father. Its meaning was ambiguous, either the boy knew that he had gone too far, or he was offering himself to the man who lay half over him. If anything happened it was only to be expected on the lonely mesa. Matt Cassidy and his two sons lived a hard life surrounded by ever-present nature, of animals courting, propagating, and bringing forth new life every spring. It was a hermit life, and while they were secluded from both women and society that finds a child's sexuality abhorrent, the boys' sexuality burgeoned. It was a frontier morality and they were raised with few inhibitions. It would not be the first time that Shelby Cassidy had indulged in sex play with his father, nor would it be the last time. Those times were frequent enough, but until recently they had never extended beyond grabbing his 'nuts' and yelling 'squirrel', flipping a towel at his groin when he stepped out of the shower, or dragging him out of bed in the mornings and playfully slapping his bare buttocks to 'wake' him up. Of course, the boy usually became erect if he was not already stiff beforehand. It occurred with such regularity and apparent innocence that a sexual connotation had not occurred to the virgin ten-year-old boy. "You wanna bet, boy? One of these dang things would fit your balls even better than that poor pony," Matt challenged crudely. "If I did, a coupla hours from now you'd be no different to Shane." For some reason he was excited. Matt Cassidy's heart jumped and his flagging energy rallied. There was no explanation for the thrill that possessed him. Perhaps it was the result of his own frustration. It had been a long day and the foals were fewer in number than in past years. That was because of the drought the previous year when a dozen horses had died on the range. His arousal could not happen at a worse time. Beyond the disappointment and lingering sense of defeat, there had always been a dark side to Matt Cassidy. It had been suppressed with increasing difficulty as his babies blossomed into very attractive boys. Now, like the wild flowers of Spring, it blossomed with his eldest son, and for the first time threatened his self- control. Although Matt Cassidy had seen his son naked every day of his young life, he wanted to see him bare-assed for the second time that day. He wanted to see his son's small penis and hairless groin, even to hold his immature testicles in his fingers the same way that he had done to the foal. The thought of unmanning the child was distant in his mind. It was no more than a barely realized possibility and yet he drew strength from it. It was the same sense of omnipotent power that came from using the knife or the claws on a foal or calf, of severing a beast's power before it had a chance to hurt him like the bull had done two years earlier. He had no desire to hurt Shelby. He loved his son earnestly, but there was something that aroused his interest. It was the same feeling he had when he slapped his son's bare ass and his hand lingered for as long as he dared on the boy's firm smooth cheeks. He recognized his desire and squelched it. It was a feeling not unlike when he copulated with the boys' mother, only it was much stronger for her son. He challenged it, denied it, but could not avoid the truth of it. He desired the boy in a sexual way. For a moment he glanced down at the still breathless youngster. Shelby was so much more attractive than his ex-wife that it gave him cause for consternation. His was a fragile disconcerting beauty, a delicately sculpted face that was far less Navajo than European and countered the boy's visible maleness. His eyes travelled further down the lean brown torso as he looked for other femininities. Where his wife had small plump breasts, the boy was flat-chested with dime-sized, dark nipples. His sun tanned shoulders and chest were well-muscled and his body tapered to a narrow waist. Unlike his mother, Shelby's navel was extruded, a whorl of brown flesh set squarely in a firm, muscled belly. Ten years earlier his father had knotted his umbilical cord with clumsy fingers as the rain continued to pour down for the first time in a year. The boy's navel fascinated him, just as his wife's had once held his interest when he ejaculated over her belly. He swallowed as the next thought came to him. Unlike her, his semen would not form a small white puddle in Shelby's navel. It would run to the sides, even dribbling down around his small hairless sex. He shuddered instinctively as he recognized that the idea excited him, his son covered in his semen. He breathed out, becoming more emboldened with every second. His heart was pounding and adrenaline boosted his desire to see the boy naked. His hands were strong and he easily brushed away the laughing boy's feeble attempts to prevent him from undoing the copper-covered button and brass zipper of his ragged jeans. Despite his scowling countenance and obvious displeasure at being stripped in the corral, Shelby wriggled and squirmed. With shock, Matt Cassidy realized that his son was not resisting. Shelby was encouraging him to drag his jeans down to his knees. He went so far as to even lift his buttocks upward and wriggle his legs helpfully as the faded denim was yanked downward. Although it had never happened in the corral before, being forcibly stripped by his father was not new to him. Matt was silent as he saw the boy's sex organs appear. Even though he had watched Shelby dress that morning, for some strange reason he had expected to find underpants. But there were none as usual and Shelby was naked. And he was rapidly becoming hard. The small erection was both amusing and frightening, so disturbing that Matt Cassidy closed his eyes and tried to focus his confusion on a dim and much less desirable image of his ex-wife, on any woman who could supplant this remarkable boy. When he opened his eyes again Shelby's penis was rigid. It poked away from his body defying gravity like a small, tapered spike that was three inches long, perhaps less. It grew from a broad base that seemed to disappear into a fold of skin that became his fat little scrotum. It bulged slightly over a surprisingly small glans before ending in a pointed tip. Unlike Matt's own penis, Shelby's foreskin was still intact. However, underneath the thin membrane of skin, the rounded form of his glans was very discernible. His penis was shaped like those Navajo boys whose lineage included a measure of Spanish conquistador blood, a further indication of his genetic and cultural heritage. Shelby kicked his legs, bringing his slender thighs together, pulling his legs through the jeans until they were bunched at his ankles. He was almost naked. He lay quietly in the dry red dust, gazing up to meet his father's interest with his own dark somber eyes. His breathing slowed until his chest rose and fell slowly. Even without looking downward, he knew his penis was erect. It did not bother him. Erections were normal in the Cassidy home, and not just in the morning. "Da, you really going to put one of those things on my balls?" the boy asked uncertainly. He swallowed uncomfortably, oblivious to his nudity, but becoming increasingly wary of his father's strange behavior. It was a weird game, but one that he was prepared to play, even enthusiastically. Matt glanced back at his son's face, relieved momentarily that his attention had been diverted from between the boy's slender evenly tanned legs. The sight that inspired his desire was never far away. He glanced back again as if to reassure himself that Shelby's small penis was indeed erect, and he nodded. "Hardly! If I did, and Shane being the way he is now, well it'd be the end of the Cassidy line, wouldn't it?" "Why?" Shelby asked. "'cause your balls are where you make sperm, 'n sperm's what makes babies. If you can't make babies then there there can't be any more Cassidy's can there?" Matt explained. "Why do you think we put the dang things on the colts for?" "To geld them?" Matt laughed. "Jesus, what do you think I do it for, Shel'? Sure a gelding's a whole lot quieter than a stallion, but the main reason I do it is so he cain't make sperm." "Oh!" father and son shared a smile. Matt's eyes travelled slowly down Shelby's lean body. "You got yourself a real hard-on there, Shelby," he teased. "Just look at your little man standing up so proud and hard." "It's stiff like that every mornin' when I get outta bed." Again Matt laughed. "You must be gittin' off too much. 's okay to play with it, but you don't wanna wear the dang thing out 'fore you git married." Only one time had he touched Shelby's erect penis in something more than a playful way. It occurred during the early spring and a day or two before his son's tenth birthday. Earlier that evening, Shelby had discovered his father masturbating in the barn. As the boy rushed off red-faced and upset, Matt Cassidy realized that it was time to talk to his eldest son. On a ranch, boys learned about sex from watching the animals. However there were some things that a boy would not discover by watching a stallion mount a mare. He came to the conclusion that it was time for his son to learn how to pleasure himself. Late that night he sat beside his eldest son as he lay in his bed. Next to Shelby, Shane was sound asleep. He gently guided the boy's right hand onto his penis. There was no embarrassment from the curious youngster as he followed his father's quiet instructions. His penis hardened rapidly and as the pleasurable feelings became stronger, Shelby made the same discovery that all boys make. He was a fast learner with a good teacher. His little hand fluttered swiftly up and down the short shaft, fingers vibrating like the wings of a hummingbird. He extracted all the pleasure he could ever want, and then some. There was no orgasm, but Matt Cassidy knew that it would come eventually. All it would take was a few more times and the courage to continue past the point of losing control. Matt picked up the claws and grinned coarsely. "Don't worry Shelby, I ain't going to geld you," he chortled. "I wouldn't do it, not unless you're real bad, of course." The boy giggled and flexed his penis provocatively. "I bet you wouldn't put it on me even if I was real bad." "Don't bet on it, Shelby." Matt laughed. "These little balls of yours are too precious. There's a good reason why some people call 'em the family jewels. You need 'em to make more Cassidy's. I'm depending on you after your brother's accident," Matt Cassidy grinned and as he placed a finger against the boy's silky scrotum. He could barely feel the tiny testicles. They were barely the size of beans. "When?" "When what?" "I mean how long before I can make babies, Da?" "It seems like your balls ain't nearly big enough for that," Matt said as he fingered the two eggs. "Coupla years I guess. Most boys start shootin' 'round twelve. First your balls have got to get bigger and drop." "Drop?" Matt nodded. "See right now you're like that foal we just done. Your balls are up close to your body. When you're ready to shoot sperm they get a whole lot bigger and drop down into your bag. You seen how Drummer's balls hang loose?" "I ain't no foal," Shelby retorted. "That's right, son. And you ain't no stallion either, least not for a few years. When you're a man, your balls will hang low like mine. Right now your little boy-balls are up close." With a smile he lifted Shelby's testicles up. They were so small that they seemed to defy the possibility of future manhood. He could feel the delicate web of vessels under the silky scrotum as he pushed the skin and both tiny eggs with his fingertips. He sensed, as much as felt the uneasiness in the young body. A boy was right to be concerned about that part of his anatomy. Automatically the little scrotum began to contract. Within a matter of seconds Shelby's delicate flesh became taut and wrinkled and his testicles had formed a small lump as they were drawn upwards. Matt grinned sheepishly as he gazed at his nude son. Like this, and avoiding the squat erect penis, Shelby was very much like a girl. His eyes came back to the boy's sex. The shaft flexed slightly, lifting away from his flat belly and pointing proudly towards his navel. Lovingly Matt caressed the shrivelled scrotum. With one finger on either side of Shelby's penis he pushed the tiny eggs upward into the inguinal canals. They disappeared, not even large enough to show a sign of where they were hidden. "Owwww!" Shelby whimpered. "Da! Owww! It feels funny." "It makes you look like a girl," Matt smirked. "See now you don't have your balls. You ain't going to be a man for a few years yet, that's for sure. Not with tiny balls like the ones you got," he said teasingly. "Are they really that small?" "I just teasin', Shel'." "It feels funny, Da." "Well your balls are a whole lot smaller than most boys, I reckon. But they'll get bigger sooner or later. Some say the more you play with it the bigger they get. So why ain't your's bigger?" Matt joked. Shelby grinned back at him. "I reckon I don't know." "Well, let me see that little man of yours," Matt chuckled. His work-roughened hand encircled Shelby's erection. he squeezed playfully, feeling the delicate organ within his grasp. The hot flesh seemed to melt under his fingers. Shelby winced and swallowed. It was a strange feeling, both slightly painful and incredible pleasurable at the same time. It felt like a part of his body was being squeezed off, like something under pressure and ready to explode. He tried to decide which it was. Shelby took a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably. His head tilted forward and he looked down. His father's hand covered his scrotum and the underside of his penis from the base to the rounded knob at the end. It was rapidly becoming a little plum-colored dome hidden under a veil of nearly translucent skin. The hand interrupted the flow of blood and the skin began to darken. Within a few seconds his usually dark-pink glans had become much darker and was quickly turning purple with only a hint peeking through the opening in his foreskin "Your cock is really stiff, son." "Yeah, I see it, Da." "It feels like a poker. He's red hot and just as hard as iron." "It feels funny." Shelby trembled and his teeth clenched. "Is it hurting?" Matt Cassidy asked his son. "I'll stop if it is." He was both concerned and excited. He could not look away. "It feels really funny, Da," the boy murmured. "It doesn't hurt at all. I'm gettin' this weird feelin' down there." "It looks like it could break off it's so darn hard." "It's okay. My dick feels really weird, Da. It feels like it's going to burst any second. It's kinda a nice feeling, like it's squeezin inside me too, see. I think it's gettin' it even harder." "Yeah, I see. I ain't seen one that stiff, son. You got yourself a real little boner there." The boy's penis had hardened to the peak of erection. In the minute that his father's hand had held him, his shaft had swollen significantly greater in size. Shelby's short, wedge-shaped penis was very unlike the long, thin penis of his father. Under other circumstances only the bluish vein on the underside would be visible on the boy's erection but now, the surface was furrowed with tiny twisting veins. His glans bulged into his foreskin and the flared corona formed a distinct ridge in the thin skin. The penis of the young half-Navajo boy riveted his father's attention. It seemed to jerk slightly as Shelby's heart pounded. Blood pulsed through him and it danced alive and excited as if it was hungry for affection. Matt's penis stiffened in response, growing tighter under his faded jeans until he had to shift it to a more comfortable position. "You're getting a stiffie too, ain't you Da," the boy breathed anxiously. Matt Cassidy's hand seemed to move involuntarily. If he had any control over its movement he was unaware of it. His fingers relaxed on the boy's penis and began to caress gently. There was a small, barely audible sigh as his fingers brushed the hot silky flesh. This time his fingers closed and pushed downward firmly. Despite the engorgement of the organ, the foreskin retracted easily and the tiny scarlet-bulbed head of the boy's penis popped into the afternoon sun. Below the glans, traces of white excretion of juvenile smegma gathered in the inward fold of his foreskin. Still a young boy's penis, the swollen glans glistened with a thin film of moisture that evaporated in the dry air even as they watched. Then it was more like Matt's own uncircumcised organ, only much smaller and considerably more sensitive. Without knowing or caring why, but realizing that it was what Shelby needed, Matt Cassidy began to masturbate his eldest son. It took only a few strokes on the short, throbbing member before the boy gasped. It was his first orgasm and it came without any warning. Shelby yelped as if he had been stung. His body arched and became stiff like a curved wooden board. His heels dug into the dust and his face contorted in a grimace of unfamiliar euphoria. His hips jerked upward and then tried to pull away as his penis spasmed briefly and without ejaculation. "Uhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhh," Shelby whimpered in fear as his body shuddered with the passing spasm. "Daaaa, uhhhhh hurts. Somethin's wrong. Somethin' broke inside'a me, Da!" "It's okay, boy. Just relax!" his father beamed. "All guys get the feeling. You're okay! You just came, that's all son. You'll feel better in a minute." "Oh my God! Jesus! What happened, Da?" "I told ya. You came, you little devil. I don't believe it! I barely started rubbing your cock. You must have been real close, Shelby." "I,... don't understand, Da? What happened?" "You'll understand in time, son. It didn't feel too bad did it?" The boy grinned. The short-lived delight he had just experienced was beyond his wildest dreams. He felt as if every nerve was tingling, all of them focused on three short, very hard inches of his penis and the glowing heat that seemed to surround it. It had happened in the space of just a few seconds, almost too fast to remember. "HELL NO! It felt wild. But what happened to me, Da?" "You know when a stallion mounts one of the mares? You know when he shoots his stuff? That's what happened, Shelby, only like I said earlier you're young so you ain't got no stuff to shoot, that's all! It's a nice feeling ain't it?" Shelby nodded slowly. His dark eyes flickered with growing interest now that the momentary terror had vanished. He remembered only the powerful surge from deep within him. "Do it again, Da," he asked. A smile started to form at the corners of his mouth. "Do it again?" Matt repeated in surprise. Shelby nodded eagerly and Matt's fingers again brushed over his tender shaft. Unabated from the dry release, it was still throbbing and flexing anxiously for greater stimulation, the memory of its previous orgasm providing the motivation for yet another climax. The boy's penis had become slightly less stiff, but it was a long way from being limp. Shelby smiled weakly and lifted his hips upward off the ground. It was an offering that Matt could not resist. Again his fingers enveloped his son's small penis. It would be easily concealed within three fingers. Two fingers and a thumb were all that he used. He began a slow rhythmic stroking, moving his fingers up and down so that Shelby's foreskin was drawn back and forth across his sensitive bulging glans. It provided more stimulation that the boy was used to. It also provided more stimulation than Matt was used to. Shelby closed his eyes tightly and sighed. "Yeah! That's so good! Ohhhh mmmaaaannnn!" Matt Cassidy felt his heart beat soar until it seemed to drum in his ears. His own penis was pulsating, unattended but finding stimulation in the constriction of his crotch. For five years since his wife had left him his only relief had been from masturbation. He was tired of self-pleasuring. He groaned as he felt the familiar sensation of an impending orgasm. His balls tightened and his hand began to move faster and faster as it vibrated up and down Shelby's penis. For the two of them, father and son, the world had stopped. Shelby groaned loudly and his head dropped back into the dust as his legs parted. His knees were far apart, reaching almost to the ground as he submitted to the hand that confined his maleness and gave him pleasure that was unequaled. Less than a minute passed before the pressure within his young body became unbearable. His scuffed shoes dug into the ground again, kicking dust as he writhed and jerked. His face was distorted with juvenile ecstasy. He orgasmed again. It was dry like the first time and it brought little relief to the aroused boy. He groaned and arched upwards as if trying to eject something from deep inside his twitching, shuddering body. This time Matt Cassidy stopped. His heart was thumping as he watched his eldest son climax again. The boy was naked except for the jeans bunched at his ankles. He was covered in a sheen of sweat and grime and he gasped for air. His eyes, wide open at the crescendo, had closed to slits as he blocked out the world around him and bathed in his own joy. He was shaking in a wild frenzy of confusing sensations, both pain and pleasure uniting to become euphoria. Matt felt his own hot wetness in his underpants and he exhaled. He settled back on his haunches as he glanced downward to see whether his copious emission managed to leak through the denim. Only a single wet spot showed, a trace of the thick fluid that coated his belly and pubic area. He felt good albeit surprised that his ache had been satisfied by merely touching the penis of a ten-year-old boy, his own half-breed son at that "You okay, Shelby?" he asked gently. The boy nodded slightly and his legs lifted up, seeking to surround and protect his highly sensitive and very exposed genitals. He winced and immediately groaned as his thighs pushed against his hidden testicles. His scrotum had become crinkled with a furrow down the center. "We better not do that again for a while," Matt Cassidy said guiltily. "Why? Is it wrong?" "Wrong? I don't reckon it's wrong though there's a lot who would say it was. It's yours to do what you want with." For a moment Matt thought about his ex-wife. "The smart thing is not to tell anyone. What you do with it is your business and no one else's." "You want I should keep it a secret?" Shelby queried. "Okay! But why not for a while?" "We sure don't want to make you gay, now do we? Especially now that you know what it feels like to come. Even if your little friend cain't spurt like a man yet, we better take good care of him so you can make babies when the time comes." He placed his fingers against Shelby's penis and pressed to release the captive testicles. Gently he massaged the boy's testicles. They felt pulpy and less like the firm eggs he had touched only a few minutes earlier. Perhaps that was a side effect of a back-to-back orgasm he mused. "I still feel funny inside. You don't think I hurt myself, Da?" Shelby asked fearfully. "Does it hurt?" "My thing is still tingling and it feels sort of hot, but man, do my balls feel sore." Matt Cassidy shrugged, pulling uncomfortably at the wetness in his crotch. The hot joy disappeared quickly and he was left with an itchy sensation that was unpleasant to say the least. For a second he considered removing his jeans and cleaning himself up. Guiltily he turned back to his son. "I don't reckon you did, Shel'. You'd be the first boy who got hurt jerkin' off," he smiled. "It takes a while to get used to the feelin'. You'll probably feel great in a while. You'll be fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to leave yourself alone down there for a time, just in case your cock starts swelling up or something. I may have been a bit too rough with you. It's probably a bit tender, that's all." "You reckon I could hurt it?" Shelby asked again worriedly. Matt thought for a moment before he shook his head. "Don't reckon you could, son. It ain't goin' to drop off from being played with. Like I said, you ain't used to gettin' off and doin' it twice like that so fast probably took a lot out of you." "It only took a few minutes," Shelby murmurred. "I feel really tired now." "Do you know why, son? It drains your strength when it feels good." Matt grinned. "I think it takes a few years before you really get used to it. By then you'll be shootin' your seed all over the place." "I still feel funny, Da. Like I want to do it again." "You still feel a bit horny, I imagine." Matt breathed out. "It's like that for a boy. The feelin' doesn't go away quickly, not like it does for a man. Once he's shot his load, a man needs a long rest. You've seen Drummer after he's been with a mare." Shelby nodded. "He's real quiet, ain't he. Da?" "Yes son?" "The geldings, they don't do it with the mares do they? They aren't even interested in tryin' to do it." "That's right Shel'. They don't and they aren't." "What,... then,... well what about Shane?" Matt sighed inwardly. "You shouldn't say anything to him, but it'll probably be a lot like that for Shane. After an accident like he had, he won't be much interested in sex, I expect. You need to be nice to him Shel'. Don't tease him about it or anything." Shelby nodded, vaguely recollecting the aftermath of his brother's injury. He winced, thinking of the implications. "Sometimes he plays with it, Da," he said. "Maybe that's a good sign," Matt answered. "Hell, I don't know what will happen to him. I only know the poor little guy's not goin' to make babies and all." Shelby started to pull his jeans up from his ankles. When he reached his thighs he stopped as his father's hand moved to rest on his forearm. "It wouldn't hurt to leave 'em off, Shelby. Ain't no one going to see you goin' naked 'cept me and Shane, and we both know what you got there already, don't we? It ain't all that much yet, but what there is, is all boy." The boy smiled slightly. He eased his jeans down his legs to his feet as his father came to his knees. Matt leaned over the slender boy and carefully tugged the clothing past his son's tattered sneakers. He stood up, carrying the pants in his left hand and offering his other hand to the naked boy. Shelby gulped as he was lifted up. He tottered for a second as he discovered his legs were strangely weakened. He felt as if the strength had been drained from his body, as if he had been sick. His father chuckled. "Don't fall down, son. A cum always takes something out of you, especially when it's a good one like you just had. You really look droopy, like old Drummer when he's finished with the mares." Shelby smiled wickedly. "Shoot, Da. I even feel like old Drummer." "It'll be a few years before you're shootin' sperm instead of blanks. Right now you got yourself a dry pecker, but you sure can have yourself some fun tryin' to git it to come out." Matt chuckled. "It's a cute little thing, Shelby, but don't overdo it." "You already told me, it ain't going to drop off," Shelby replied. "No matter how much I play with it. I reckon I like how it feels, Da." His father laughed. "That's true. I don't know of no boy whose pecker dropped off from playin' with it too much, though I think I might'a come close when I was a boy. About your age is the time most boys find out it feels good. It's there for you to enjoy. You might as well give it a good workin' out whenever you want." He paused for a second or two and noticed the slight smile on his son's handsome face. He decided on the spot that Shelby was beyond being a very good looking boy. He was beautiful. "There sure ain't no girls up here for you to be chasin' with it, now is there? So 'til you git older, all you got for fun is your own fist and what's stickin' out between them skinny legs of yours. Just remember what I said before." "I know, it's my business and no one else's," Shelby repeated. Matt nodded. "It ain't no big secret for a boy to jerk off, but there's no point in talkin' about it." "Some of the guys in the pueblo,... they talk about it,... you know like it's dirty to do stuff with it." "Like I said, it's your dick, Shelby. You decide for yourself what you want to do with it. Just keep in mind that they all do it, those boys who get the need to anyways. But there's some folks, your mother for one, would try to make you stop if they knew 'bout it. Just remember, what they don't know about cain't hurt them or you. What you and Shane do up here on the mesa oughta stay up here." "Sure Da! I ain't about to tell 'n neither will Shane. We both know how to keep a secret." Shelby walked cautiously towards the gate, less perturbed by the continuing stiffness in his penis than by the weakness in his legs. At any moment he felt as if his knees would buckle and he would end up in a heap in the dust. As he walked, his confidence returned. There was a warm glow that flowed though his drained body. It was a warmth that made him feel good inside. It was the same kind of feeling that he had when he lay naked on the huge flat rock at Castle Point and basked in the energizing sun. Although similar, what he had just experienced was a considerably better than jerking off with his little brother. The intensity of his feelings had been overwhelming. For a few seconds his mind had known no bounds as the sensations coursing through his young groin elevated his pleasure to unrealized heights. Shelby walked beside his father up to the house. Although the Cassidy home was considerably better than a Navajo hogan on the nearby reservation, or the iron-covered shacks on the outskirts of Gallup, it still evinced poverty because of the peeling paint and thick layer of dust. In that setting, the two very attractive brown-skinned boys seemed very much out of place despite the fact that it had been their home since the day they were born. With each step his body seemed to become less tired. He also became more aware of the ache in his groin. His erection had not decreased. By the time he reached the verandah he was walking normally except for the fact that his knees were several inches apart. He often walked that way, bow-legged and bone-weary, after he had spent an entire day on the back of a horse. He eased carefully onto the bench beside the door and moved his legs apart as far as they could go. The stiffness began to fade as his thoughts shifted away from what had happened in the corral. In the shade, the glowing heat from his small sex organ diminished and it returned to a size that was almost normal again. Slowly Shelby began to relax. Although he had not voiced the fear, for several minutes he had been frightened that he had been permanently injured by an erection that just would not go away. The desire for pleasure abated to a dull, ever-present ache to repeat the sensations. It served to remind him of how wonderful he had felt only a few minutes earlier. The screen door squeaked open as Shane came out of the house. Even though naked boys were a familiar sight on the Bar-None Ranch, he grinned as he saw his brother's lean brown body. Shelby wore only his dirt-covered sneakers. But Shane's amusement vanished as he realized that there was another reason for his brother's nudity beyond simply 'cooling off'. "What happened to Shel?" he asked worriedly. "Did he get hurt or something, Da?" Matt Cassidy shrugged, and lied without even thinking about it. "He's fine, Shane. He just feels a bit faint. He worked pretty hard today." Shane's eyes travelled down his brother's familiar body. Although he was still to young to understand the full meaning of what had been taken from his body, he was still envious. The younger boy shuddered as he remembered the searing pain in his groin. It took more than two hours to drive to the hospital in Gallup. Two hours of frenzied driving along bumpy roads that had shaken his father's pick-up to the point of collapse and tormented him. The pain from his crushed testicles had been excruciating until the injection of morphine in his right buttock. It had taken several weeks after the stitches were out before he got on a horse again. Unlike Shelby, he had been also circumcised at no charge, courtesy of a pediatrician in Gallup. It was a clean, tight cut and it made a dark ring nearly half of the way down the small shaft as the skin was pulled taut and shiny from the stiffness underneath. There was very little flexibility between skin and erectile tissue, but according to the pediatrician, a tight cut promoted hygiene among seldom washed Navajo boys. "You worked real hard, Shel'," Shane said meekly as he continued to stare at Shelby's groin. "You done all your chores, Shane?" Matt said roughly. He sighed, repressing his frustrated anger. He could not change what had happened. "You were real unlucky, son. It's a pity what happened to your balls. Maybe if we got you to the hospital faster you wouldn't have lost them." "It don't matter, Da. You tried." Matt looked at his youngest son. The boy still did not grasp the fundamental importance of what he had lost as he lay, drugged and immobile in the emergency room. "You would have died, you know, if that dumb-ass doctor hadn't done it. He had to 'cause of how bad you were hurt. I didn't want him to geld you, but there was no choice." Matt studied his two sons with affection. They had been through a lot together, not the least being Shane's injury, or the time when the bull gored him, or when their mother walked out and abandoned them for a Navajo man with pretensions of being an artist. And the worst was yet to come. Neither boy knew that they were about to loose the ranch in six weeks. That was how long he had to make a payment of $45,000 on his long-overdue overdraft. Again he considered whether he should come right out and tell the boys about the problem that confronted him. However, there was nothing they could do. There was nothing that anyone could do to save the ranch. Bar-None had been in his family since 1836, when the region was first settled, well before the Indians were moved onto the reservation. There were even bullet holes in the adobe walls behind him from their raids. All told, there were twenty-one Cassidys buried in the rise behind the house and fully one-third of them had been killed by Navajo braves, a few dispatched and scalped by boys not much older than Shelby. His voice cracked with pent-up emotion. "Come inside and help me get dinner, Shane. You stay here, Shel' and take it easy. I'll send your brother out with a cold somethin' to drink for you. We gotta get that machine fixed real soon. I don't know about you boys, but sometimes I'd even walk all the way to Gallup for some ice in my Coke." "I feel a bit better already, Da," Shelby announced. "I'll go down and unsaddle my horse in a bit." "No you won't, son. You sit here like I told ya' and take it easy. I'll do it after dinner. Anyway, tomorrow's Sunday so my two prize cowboys got the day off. Your pony'll be fine for a while." Shelby Cassidy relaxed and relished the special treatment that was accorded to him. The drink helped soothe his anxiety and by dinner time he had nearly forgotten about the incident in the corral. Although it was unnecessary, Shelby stayed naked for the rest of the evening. With dinner finished, Matt washed the dishes. As he helped Shane dry, Shelby felt a curious excitement from being naked, of knowing that his father's hand had enclosed his penis and within a few minutes, had twice produced a sensation that had previously been unknown to him. It had been very different to the warm surge he had whenever he rubbed himself. Time and time again he caught himself thinking about what had occurred in the corral. Each time his penis seemed to glow with happiness and he would push the thought from his mind quickly before it started to harden. It became a game, thinking and then avoiding, then remembering again. It happened as he lounged on the worn sofa next to his father and brother and watched television. That and the satellite dish were the only luxuries in the house, but it was the same in most Navajo homes. That night, as his father's fingers caressed the satin-smooth skin of his bare back, buttocks, and thighs, the boy continued to think about what happened in the corral and how nice it felt. Even though he felt the same kind of warm happy sensation as he always did when adult fingers stroked his supple, dark skin, this time was strangely different. His father avoided the parts of his body that were easily aroused, yet his young body still responded as it had never done before. No longer able or wanting to avoid being erect, Shelby concealed his penis in a gap in the worn cushions. He lay very still and enjoyed his father's touch on his bare skin and the hot hardness in his groin. More times than he realized, he willed his father's hand to travel further, to brush between his firm thighs and caress his plump scrotum and its still- tender contents, or to dip down into the crevice between his buttocks and dare he imagine it, to touch his most private place. Each time he waited and hoped as the fingers came close, but never touched. Afterwards, when the movie had finished and his erection had subsided, Shelby went to bed. He lay awake for more than an hour, thinking the same thoughts that had plagued him all evening. He listened to Shane's sonorous breathing, the small body only a few inches away from his own. It was warm and alive and yet unmoving, just as he had been while his father's hand massaged and fondled his body on the couch. But unlike Shelby, Shane's small penis lay innocently draped on his bare thigh under the sheet. Again Shelby become erect. His thin fingers brushed against it, tickling the tender skin as he explored the length of his short member, encouraging and tantalizing the resilient stiffness. He was a fast learner. This time there was a pleasant tingling sensation as his fingers rubbed the tip, and he followed his father's procedure by easing the foreskin back to expose his moist, dark glans. The sensitivity of his penis quickly became almost more than he could stand, but the need to continue overwhelmed his need to stop and rest. There was no urgency in his deliberate caresses. His masturbation varied from gentle strokes to squeezing the bulbous head between one finger and his thumb. Before he fell asleep he tried to replicate the weird sensation he had experienced earlier by rubbing his penis quickly. He furiously rubbed it up and down between two fingers and his thumb until the sensitive organ became sore and his wrist ached. He did it exactly as his father had done it in the corral, but to no avail. This time there was no orgasm. He fell asleep frustrated, feeling more than just a little bit sore and very tired. CHAPTER 2. BOYS ON CASTLE ROCK. Matt Cassidy awoke after the boys had been up for almost an hour. A couple of beers at night always made him sleep longer and have dreams that were better left untold. He remembered masturbating after the boys were in bed and sound asleep. He smiled to himself. Shelby might be 'shootin' blanks'. but his father was not. His semen-stiffened handkerchief and a jar of vaseline without its lid were out of sight on the floor on the far side of the bed. He could hear them chattering in the kitchen, their voices barely audible over the radio. Judging from the sunlight that penetrated the dusty panes of glass in the window, it was an hour after sunrise and he knew that they were almost ready to leave for the day. Still sleepy, he pulled his underpants on and drew open the floral-patterned curtain that separated his domain from the rest of the house. He smiled as soon as he saw his sons. It was the same every Sunday. They were both stark naked. Shane was in the process of finishing an inexpert application of 'war paint' on his cheeks while his brother packed a saddle bag with food and drink. Shelby danced around the table, gyrating his hips and pretending to sing to the metallic sounds of the Charley Daniel's Band. In New Mexico, the southern music was out of place, but no less so than the boy's antics. Shelby hovered between two cultures, an anomaly of country-western music and tribal lore. Matt Cassidy watched his son's small buttocks, seeing only the tip of his penis bouncing up and down as the boy whirled and pirouetted wildly and sang into an imitation microphone. He finished on a grand-nasal note, drawing air into his lungs for a rebel yell that echoed through the house. "Looks like my Navajo braves are off to tame the wilderness, again," he observed. "I'm surprised you boys cain't live off the land by now." "Yep!" Shelby chirped. He turned around and his father smiled. The boy's torso, from groin to neck was dotted with yellow and red designs and streaked with white paint. It contrasted sharply with a dark tan that enhanced his naturally brown skin. Like Shane, his face was daubed with paint. His only adornment was a carved fetish given to him by his maternal grandfather. The stone figurine, a hawk that had been delicately fabricated from red jasper, hung from his neck on an ancient leather cord with several downy feathers. This Shelby was a very different boy to the young ranch hand of the previous day. He smiled back, not the least bit embarrassed about his imitation of a singer. "White man better be careful or Navajo boys scalp him," he added cheekily. He grimaced with mock ferocity. A hundred years earlier he would have attacked the white man, and with enough luck, killed him on the spot. Matt Cassidy laughed. It pleased him to see his sons proud of their Indian ancestors. Even in play it served them well as it enlivened their games and added a measure of reality. Their nudity was a special bonus for their father that morning, just as it was every morning. Side by side they were clearly brothers. They were both slender, lithe creatures and they exuded a primal naturalness that was entirely appropriate to the way the they lived their lives on the mesa. With the nearest civilization more than thirty miles away, and the nearest neighbor five miles as the 'crow' went, it was fitting that they were savages in play. Only one or two generations earlier, the boys would be hunting deer as they grew up. They were wild at times, but they were still a long way from being real savages. He teased them anyway. He loved the freedom the boys exuded in their primitive state. "Well you guys take plenty to eat and drink. Where are you off to, Red Hawk?" Matt Cassidy seldom used his son's Indian name, yet today it seemed appropriate. The name had been offered by his grandfather, and with his wife's insistence that her son be aware of the rich traditions of the Navajo, the boy's father had acquiesced. Shelby smiled at his father's concession and glanced quickly at his younger brother. He cautioned silence with his eyes. "I don't know, Da. Maybe over to the bluff, I s'pose." His father stifled a laugh. 'Like hell', he thought. Shelby and Shane would be at Castle Point unless they had yet to find the cave. However, five generations of Cassidy boys had found the cave sooner or later, and who knows how many hundreds of young Indian boys had been there before them. He looked at his eldest son as he patiently waited for the acknowledgment of his lie. He waited for only a few short seconds, no longer than normal for honesty to win out over deceit. "Maybe me and Shane will go to Castle, Da. It's fun playing on the rocks 'n stuff." "Okay, but remember to watch out for rattlers, guys. It's going to be hot out there today and they'll come out early." Matt Cassidy winked at his eldest son. "Be careful. You two boys behave yourselves out there. Don't be gettin' into too much trouble." Shelby smirked at he turned to his father and lifted his limp penis up, pretending it was stiff again. The gesture was both innocent and obscene. Without saying a word he pushed the last things into the bag and closed the flap. For the second time that morning Shelby thought about going to the barn. Even though the thought scared him, he could barely resist the idea of trying to repeat the feelings again. He thought about it again and again during the night. He knew that he would do anything to repeat the incredible feelings he had experienced the day before. If he had tried to find the words to describe the intense delight, he would have been lost for words. The sensation had been both terrifying and wonderful as he teetered on the brink of orgasm and then crossed the threshold into unknown territory. It was a particularly enticing proposition now that he knew there would be no permanent injury to his young body if he did try it again. It just took time for his erection to go down afterwards and the worst that could happen would be that his penis became sore from rubbing too hard. And he would try it again, soon. Perhaps even in the cave at Castle Point. Matt watched the boys as they headed out the door. They had the cutest butts he had every seen--small, pinched, and deliciously firm. Twin cheeks that begged to be fondled by an adult hand, lovingly caressed by curious fingers until inhibition faded and they were able to squeeze into the narrow cleft and prepare a hidden orifice for something larger, much larger than a finger. He swallowed as he tried to empty his mind. He closed his eyes momentarily, but another image filled his mind. He tried to forget even as he knew that it could never be forgotten. It was a haunting memory of his own boyhood. He was not much older than Shelby, a year at most, when he lost his virginity. Matt turned to the kitchen cupboards and began to prepare his breakfast, still remembering that warm spring day at Castle Point more than twenty years earlier and again thinking about his naked sons. As they closed the distance to the barn, he watched Shane kicking dust into the air. It drifted slowly down. He remembered being carefree, being innocent and ignorant of what a man could do to a boy. It was not that long ago. He would never forget what Charro did to him at Castle Point. It was the sort of thing that a person always remembered. Matt had not been there for years and he considered following the two boys. They were safe enough now, except for the rattlesnakes and the occasional bear that managed to find its way into the cave. And what if Charro was there? Was it so bad that his sons would lose their innocence the same way that their father had when he was a boy? Charro was a good teacher, patient, gentle and taking only what was offered freely. However, he dismissed the thought immediately. Charro was an old man now. He was probably too weak to climb the cliff up to the mesa, and even if he was able to, he would never take advantage of his own grandsons. The boys were safe for the present. Nonetheless, if the events of the previous day were any indication, it would not be long until Shelby would want to have sex. With no other boys his own age in the vicinity, and considering the fact that his sons lived too far away from Gallup to go to school, it might prove to be an interesting situation. As the boys reached the corral, Matt Cassidy smiled Unless Shelby began to spend more time with the boys and girls from the reservation the most likely sex partner for him was his younger brother. It amused Matt to think that for now at least, and until sexual maturity had its effect, Shane's penis was nearly as big as his older brother's, a situation that might prevail for another two or three years. It would change quickly when Shelby started puberty. It was unlikely that Shane's penis would become much larger if he did not receive the expensive hormone shots the doctor described. He sighed. There was no point in worrying about something he could not change. Still, the next few years promised to be interesting, even if the boys' natural inclinations were but a temporary diversion before they found girls more exciting than each other. He realized then that even if they lost the ranch he still had a lot to look forward to. He watched them through the window as they prepared their horses at the corral. Like any other Sunday, they would ride bareback. They cantered away from the house, Shelby on his painted horse and Shane on his pony. They were still very much like the proud Indian braves who once ruled the wild and rugged expanse, he decided. A man could not ask for anything more than sons like his own boys. Shelby and Shane rode for nearly an hour, from one side of the mesa to the other. The southern side was very different to the region where their house had been built. It was inaccessible from below. It climbed out of the plateau abruptly, levelled off on a vast exposed stone ledge and merged into a thick scrub of dwarf juniper trees and pinyon pines. The boys left their horses near grass and shade and wandered through the scraggy water-starved trees. They picked their way carefully, ever aware of the likely hiding places of snakes. They walked quietly, carefully placing their feet so as to leave no trace of their presence. They were Navajo boys pretending to be warriors from a bygone era. At that moment, it did not seem to be all that long ago. As always, they went to the side of the bluff. This was Flat Rock. It was the highest point of the mesa, a long stretch of unbroken stone exposed and smoothed by wind over the ages as it rose up the cliff. There was nearly a thousand foot drop to the tumbled boulders far below, and there appeared to be no way that they could go any further without risking life and limb. However, Shelby and his brother had often been to Castle Point. They followed the ledge until it was broken by a fissure. It was the only interruption to the smooth rock surface for two thousand feet. This was the place that Shelby had discovered by himself when he was the same age as his brother, the same place his father had discovered as a boy. It was the place where Shelby began to truly appreciate his origins. They climbed down cautiously, scrambling from one rock to the next and sometimes slithering ten feet at a time. Here, it was even more important to look before moving. The crevices concealed rattlesnakes, parched and angry in the dry, wind-blown heat. The fissure descended for a hundred feet before it terminated. In the shadow of the mesa, hidden from view by the huge 'castle'-shaped rock that had once been part of the mesa, lay their destination. The Indian name had long since been forgotten although it had been named by each generation of Cassidy boys. For Shelby and Shane, the place was simply called 'Cassidy Cave'. Although they did not understand its purpose they were entranced by the cave in the side of the mesa. It had been used by Anastazi Indians for initiation rites for over a thousand years. Had an archeologist discovered it, it would be carefully excavated, its treasures sent to the Smithsonian, and what was left, dedicated as a National Monument. Instead it was a playground for two excited and rambunctious boys who had no idea of the value of ancient objects and wall paintings. It provided a connection with a time long ago when Navajo braves roamed the Southwest and Columbus was still in the Old World. The boys entered the cave with caution, listening and smelling for the signs of bears. Only one time had the smell been strong and they had waited outside until dusk for an old male bear to amble off. However, once safely inside, in the cool air, the boys always relaxed, usually pretending they had just returned from a hunt or a battle with nearby tribes. Sometimes they pretended to be cowboys who lived on the mesa, but not today. Today they were Navajo braves, revelling in their naked freedom, dark skins painted with tribal markings, inventing rituals as they went that were both symbolically religious and naively sexual. They studied the painted handprints on the smooth, dark walls and low ceilings. Barely discernible in the dim light, they found their own small prints amongst the outlines whose colors had not faded. These were the prints of a dozen unidentified Cassidy boys, their own father's among them. But unknown to Shelby and Shane, his was different. Four small fingers were intertwined with the larger fingers of a man's hand, both thumbs extended perpendicularly to the hands. The hand was Charro's, a shaman of the Navajo. The special significance of that unusual print was unknown to the boys as they played together. It was a mating print, like the barely visible prints of generations of Navajo boys. They scrapped away the earth and found arrow heads and obsidian knife blades, pieces of pottery, and the remnants of tightly woven baskets still preserved in the dry air. They carefully placed their treasures on a rock ledge. Finally they came to the mouth of the cave and in the dust they began to wrestle. Wrestling served to make already strong, young bodies even stronger. While Shelby always won, his victory did not disgrace his younger brother. It was a game they played, a way of enjoying the touch of the other boy's naked flesh without openly embracing and admitting that they enjoyed the union. Until a month or two ago it had never been more than that. Then it had taken a distinctly erotic role for the older brother. Each time his penis quickly became erect and stayed that way until they stopped. For Shane, stiffness came slowly and faded quickly. Perhaps it was the result of the accident or merely his age. After nearly an hour, they parted breathless and exhausted. They collapsed on the dry sand, not touching, shimmering brown skin flecked with droplet of sweat and streaked with grime. Several minutes later they stumbled into the bright sun and lay down on a large rock to sunbake. The fight had subdued both boys and Shane yawned sleepily as the heat warmed his slender brown back and bare bottom. "Sure feels nice," Shelby sighed. He grinned as he saw his brother's small hand swipe over his buttocks, pausing a second to itch at the sand that had penetrated into his crack during the fight. "You got sand in there?" "Yep, and it sure does itch," the younger boy murmured sleepily. "I think some got in my hole." He giggled as his finger wriggled past the taut pucker and about a half inch into his sensitive orifice. "Hey Shel', why were you actin' so strange yesterday when you came back to the house?" Shelby's grin widened. "Da told a lie, Shane. I didn'tfaint. That ain't what happened to me." His brother rolled onto his side and looked at him curiously. "But Da said,... well what did happen to you?" "Well,..." Shelby hesitated. Suddenly he was reluctant to tell his brother what he had done in the corral. He wasn't ashamed, merely uncertain. "So what happened, Shelby?" the younger boy demanded. "Da played with my dick." "That's dumb, Shelby. I don't believe you. Why would he do somethin' like that to you?" Shelby shrugged nonchalantly. It was the same question that he had tried to answer himself. The reason at the time now seemed very inadequate. He was unable to explain why his father did it and why he had wanted to do it. It was the reason why he was reluctant to tell his brother what really happened. "Well? I think you're makin' it up." "I'm not. It felt like, like I was in Heaven. For a while I thought I was goin' to die it felt so good. I s'pose he wanted me to feel nice. Hell, I don't know, Shane." "But why would Da do that to you?" Shane persisted. "I told you already. I don't know. We were messin' around, wrestlin' and stuff, and he was ticklin' me, and,... and the next thing, well he done it to me." "Did it feel nice?" Shane asked curiously. Shelby thought for a moment. He could not honestly say that it felt nice even a little bit or a lot, or for that matter, that it did not feel nice. It felt good. It felt unbelievably good. For the short period of two or three minutes he had felt more alive and wonderful than ever before. "Kind of nice, I guess. It wasn't like you think. It felt really weird, Shane. At the end it felt like something being squeezed out of me. I felt like I was going to explode. It was funny. I didn't want it to stop once Da started rubbin' my cock." "What?" "You know, like I showed you before. Remember when I told you what Da said about jerkin' off?" Shelby paused as Shane nodded. He smiled secretively as if he knew something that his younger brother had yet to learn. He had instructed Shane in the art and science of masturbation every Sunday for the last four weeks. Like his older sibling, he learned quickly. However, up till the previous afternoon, neither boys had progressed beyond the simple pleasure of self manipulation. "You know how good it feels when you play with your dick, Shane?... Well it felt a zillion times better than that. I felt like I died and went to Heaven. It was like somethin' I never felt before. It was way better than jerkin' off by myself!" "You're makin' it up, Shelby. You gotta be." "I ain't, Shane. Honest! I never felt so nice down there. It hurt a bit afterwards 'cause his hand was rough, only it wasn't that bad. When I tried to stand up afterwards I nearly fell down." "Did he really rub your dick?" Shane asked uncertainly. His eyes were wide open in disbelief and amazement as Shelby nodded. Cassidy boys were raised not to tell lies and Shane already knew the answer to his next question before he asked it. "Why did he lie to me about you fainting?" Shane demanded. "I reckon he was embarrassed about touching me down there. You know playing with my dick and all got him real excited too. He got a boner as well, Shane. I could see it stickin' out in his pants. Maybe he thought you'd be upset or somethin' if he said what we done." "But why, Shel'? That's weird!" "It was sure weird lyin' there," the older boy answered. "It felt really cool too. For a while I thought I was really goin' to die, Shane. I thought nothin' could feel so good. I tell you, I felt like I was goin' to explode into a zillion pieces." The look on Shane's face was one of confusion. It was the same for his brother. There had been a strange thrill as Shelby divulged his secret to his brother and for a moment he thought about masturbating again. The boys usually did it inside the cave after lunch. It was enjoyable in the silent depths of the dark cave. Inside, their excited bodies were obscured by the gloom. It always began with playful wrestling. Unlike earlier, after lunch it became increasingly intimate until they stopped to catch their breaths. Hidden from the rest of the world, they shared an ambiguous and guiltless joy that came without inhibition. They were still innocent and immune to the artificial morality of civilization. They did what felt good and very natural. In the pervading gloom and mystery of the cave they were surrounded by cool air and yet they quickly became hot, far hotter than when they wrestled. Now lying in the intense light and heat on the great flat rock, the older boy vaguely recognized the potential also existed for similar physical gratification elsewhere. They did not need to go to the cavern that lay a hundred feet above and behind them. Without warning his memory returned. he was lying on his back in the dust, his body straddled, his father's strong hands holding, touching, rubbing along his hard, small penis, giving him a mind-shattering and previously unknown joy. Shelby sighed, thinking of the building pain and pleasure in his crotch. Like a powerful drug, he needed to feel the same way again. He tried to blot the insistent demand from his mind. but once it was there, he could not reject it. After five minutes of fruitless struggle, he submitted. "I've gotta go poop," he said softly to his half-asleep brother. Shelby stood up and went back to the cave, to the saddle bag he had deposited just inside the entrance. In the shade, he rummaged through its contents until he found what he wanted. He pulled out a tin that had once held chewing tobacco. Inside was neatsfoot oil that was used for everything from saddles bridles to sharpening his buck knife. He smiled to himself as he realized that it would do what he wanted. Shelby applied it liberally, beginning just below his penis and coating the entire shaft. He smeared some around his scrotum again and again as he massaged his small testicles. It was greasy enough to elimate any friction and his hand glided easily. Sometime during the last minute his penis had begun to stiffen and by the time he had finished he was fully erect. It had lengthened, thickened, and lifted up until the nearly three-inch wedge was perpendicular to his body. He winced as he forced his foreskin down.The rounded knob of his glans was shiny and dark purple in color. He groaned as his fingers brushed over the swollen dark tip. There was almost no immediate feeling to the gentle touch, yet it excited him incredibly. It felt as good as when his father had touched him there. His fingers eased onto his throbbing shaft. As he began to masturbate he also realized that it also felt every bit as good as the last time. He groaned again, shaking as the joy expanded into his groin. His penis seemed to get even stiffer until it was an inflexible rod of pleasure. He felt tears on his cheeks and trembled in shock as he discovered he was crying, sobbing drawn out cries of ecstasy as the onset of his juvenile orgasm approached. Then suddenly it was upon him and it overwhelmed him as his legs buckled under him. He dropped to his knees into the fine red sand on the cave floor, still rubbing furiously. Without warning his pelvis bucked madly in a vain effort to expel the mystical fluid of manhood. His head bent backwards as he gasped for breath. He writhed in ecstasy, oblivious to everything except the intense joy that existed in his hand. He barely felt the hard rock bump against his head although it would leave a large bruise under his long black hair. He groaned again, wanting to keep the wonderful feelings, still rubbing on his painfully throbbing penis. His strength ebbed quickly until each breath became laborious. He had to stop, but he merely slowed down. Twitching spasms of unbearable pleasure now came in waves, ebbing and flowing as his body slowly eased down from his self-induced euphoria. Finally, he lay down on the dirt, shaking uncontrollably as he continued to fondle his still-hard penis. The orgasm faded, yet he was unable to conclude the undulating need to merge pain and pleasure into one glorious never-ending sensation. More than ten minutes passed before he regained enough strength to stand up. He used a sweat-stained hand towel to wipe the beads of perspiration from his face before he wiped the shiny grease from his crotch. Standing unsteadily, he examined his now limp penis and dark scrotum. He fingered the crinkled skin absently and wondered why his small eggs felt strangely empty. It was as if they had been drained. His delicate testicles had been teased for more than ten minutes and he squeezed them gently hoping to find the familiar sensitivity. While he was not old enough to ejaculate, it was more than enough time to temporarily diminish his desire. With relief, Shelby observed that his stiffness had disappeared began to return immediately. He placed the tin on a ledge in the cave where he could find it the next time he needed it. He gently rubbed his aching testicles as he walked unsteadily into the light and heat of mid-day new Mexico. "You took forever," Shane commented sleepily as Shelby's shadow covered him. "I thought maybe a rattler bit your butt." Shelby smiled weakly as he lay down beside the younger boy. "Nah! It took one whiff and headed for Utah. I was just lookin' around in the cave," he added as an afterthought, as much to allay his brother's curiosity as to relieve his guilt. He twisted onto his back and closed his eyes tightly. He turned his face to the sun and his eyelids turned translucent red as he concentrated his thoughts. What he had done only minutes earlier was now forgotten. Like any pre-teen boy, sex was quickly forgotten once it was finished. Tiny droplets of perspiration formed on his forehead and chest. His breathing slowed as his mind drifted aimlessly into another place and time. He dreamed of two hawks, soaring in the sublime, cerulean-blue sky of the New Mexican wilderness. They plunged to earth, swiftly captured their prey, and returned to a nest in the cliff to feed it to their two young chicks. In his ears, the slow rhythmic pulsing of his heart became the beat of a drum. He was one with the Great Spirit as his penis started to become erect again. There was no need to touch himself. It felt hot, like it was on fire. And then the birds soared upward again, wheeling through rising thermals, going higher and higher into thinner air. For some reason, one of them plummeted to earth. It was dead before it struck the dust. Shelby fell into a tenuous sleep, wondering why the bird had died. CHAPTER 3. BOYS FROM THE SKY. Earlier, a Beechcraft Victor, a twin-engined turbo-prop taxied beside the runway of the public airport at El Paso, Texas. Only three of the six seats were filled. The pilot and owner was Max Benson, a Mormon businessman on his way back to Salt Lake City. The flight path would take the plane twenty miles to the east of Gallup on its route north-north-west. For Max Benson, the trip had been well worthwhile. Not only did he have a two hundred thousand dollar contract from Fort Bliss, but the evenings spent in the hotel were worth leaving Utah for. His two boys were in the seats at the rear of the cabin. The things they had done together, and sometimes with him, were more than enough to justify the trip. He adjusted the fuel mixture ready for takeoff and turned onto the runway. For the tenth time since breakfast he farted loudly and again he cursed his decision to have the ranchos hueveras instead of a couple of muffins and coffee. He heard one of the boys snicker and he burped heavily. His belly ached with gas and again he wished he had taken something to settle his stomach. He tried to remember the time of his last bowel movement. It had been two days ago, before they left Utah and headed south. With radio clearance for takeoff, Max Benson opened the throttle and the plane began to move forward. It seemed to take a long while to lift off. Perhaps it was due to Max's weight. It took a lot to lift two hundred and ninety pounds, but the two boys were more than light enough to compensate. Tyler, the youngest, was barely thirteen, and Juan was ten months older. Stripped naked and on the scales together, they weighed a total of one hundred and eighty-five pounds and one hundred of that was Juan. At 2,000 feet (above ground) and 220 knots, the plane banked and turned northward. There was six hundred miles of desert and rugged mountains before they reached Salt Lake City. After an hour Max Benson began to feel worse, not much worse but enough to suggest that he should be on solid ground. He changed course, shifting his heading to the north west and towards Gallup. His body seemed hot and he sweated, despite the fact that the temperature in the plane was 65 degrees. He farted again. This time both boys snickered loudly. "I think something must have crawled in and died in here." Benson was not sure which boy spoke although from the deeper tone of voice he suspected it was Juan. He turned in his seat and looked over his shoulder. It came as no surprise to him that the boys were naked. He liked his boys naked. There were four rules for his boys--young, skinny, hairless, and gay. It did not matter whether they liked to have sex with him. What was far more important was that they had sex together. He liked to watch young bodies moving together even more than he liked to join in the fun. Nor did it did not matter that most boys were usually reluctant to let him watch at first. With the right rewards young boys quickly overcame their inhibitions. Max was a voyeur and these boys had quickly become exhibitionists. And they were shamelessly naked now, just as naked as they had been a few minutes after takeoff when he suggested that they 'strip off and have some fun' during the trip home. He loosened his tie and fumbled with his belt at his broad midriff. His attention returned to his role as pilot. Several minutes passed before one of the boys groaned. Max Benson knew that sound in his sleep. He turned around again. The boys were now lying on the seat, curled up like two spoons with the center armrest lifted out of the way. The boy in front was Tyler, but then it was always Tyler. The kid really liked it in his ass, Benson had decided two years earlier. Some boys were like that. The sounds they made were hard to hear over the steady drone of the engines, but if there was any doubt the boys were fucking, the ecstatic smile on Tyler's face convinced him otherwise. More than anything, Max loved to watch his two boys fuck. For now he would have to settle for hearing the occasional sounds of sex and use his imagination to fill in the gaps. Tyler groaned again as the other boy's thick penis bottomed out in his rectum, then quickly pulled back past his barely ripened prostate. Another groan followed a wet slurping sound of lubricated flesh as the penis slid home again. "You got some KY back there with you, Juan?" Benson asked curiously. He was certain the boys had finished the tube off earlier that morning. He had seen it lying in the waste bin beside the bed when the boys went to shower. Always cautious, he had wrapped it in newspaper and discarded it outside the room. "No way! Ty don't need any 'cause he's still juiced up from this morning, Mr. B. Anyway, he likes some friction. It makes his ass hot." "What's it matter? His dick sure ain't big enough to hurt me," Tyler added cheekily. "And its not like we haven't had some practice at this." For a moment Max Benson wished that he was thirteen years old again. Then, as he remembered his early teenage years, the desire to be young again vanished. At thirteen he weighed two hundred and twenty five pounds and he was five feet four inches tall. He was as lonely as any grossly overweight boy is lonely. Between the ages of thirteen and nineteen he had sex only one time and it occurred when he was thirteen. Hal Brant was the boy's name and he was as skinny as either of the two boys in the back of the cabin. At thirteen, Hal Brant was handsome, smooth-skinned, and barely starting puberty. He was, however, quite old enough to indulge the fat boy's obscene desire in return for help on his homework. The absurdity of sex between them was quickly realized as the thin boy clambered onto the soft whale-like body and inserted his almost hairless penis between Max's plump cheeks. He awkwardly prodded for an opening, eventually found what he was looking for, and quickly slid into the welcoming heat within. However, despite the pleasure that Hal Brant experienced, his distaste prevented a further occurrence. Fat and fun were mutually exclusive, it seemed. With the exception of infrequent masturbation sessions, Max Benson's pleas for a repeat performance fell on deaf ears. For the next two years after that, Max's fantasies generally were of watching Hal with other boys who were as skinny and hairless as his one- time lover. He watched Hal with his friends at school and often wondered who was currently the lucky recipient of his affections--John, Aaron, or even Peter who was younger by three years. Now, Benson heard the two boys slowing down. The muffled sounds of two young bodies engaged in mutually satisfying motion became quieter. The outward movement of Juan's penis as it withdrew from Tyler's body resulted in wet sounds of suction breaking. Max knew that sound well. It happened when Juan pulled back so far that his penis was completely outside Tyler's anus. It happened when the animalistic fervor faded and the boys became intent on delaying the moment of climax. Their goal was to extract the maximum delight from their union. Then Juan would use long slow strokes, going all the way from outside until he was fully inside, in a single powerful stroke. Alternatively, he would concentrate on Tyler's anus, popping the glans of his penis in and out until the boy's sphincter muscle was fully relaxed and his opening was stretched wide open. It was a game in which he teased the sensitive orifice until it ached and the slightest touch provoked an intense response from the young recipient. Max loved to watch them do it that way. If they were careful, the boys could last for an hour or more. Usually they did it at night, postponing the inevitability of release until they were tired enough to sleep without becoming sexually aroused again until the morning. However, if they did it in the morning, they were seldom out of bed before midday. Benson smiled to himself. Perhaps the boys could last all the way to Salt Lake City. That would make the trip considerably more interesting that the rugged terrain they were flying over. "When you boys finish, I want ya'all to clean up back there. I don't want the seats messed up. I'm flying up to Wyomin' next week with a customer," he said plaintively, "so don't get no cum or crap on my seat. There was no answer and Benson shrugged, knowing that he would have to sponge the seats himself or get the mechanic to do it. He glanced back at the two boys. Tyler's face was the same way it always was when he was 'getting it off' with Juan. The kid obviously loved it, Benson acknowledged again to himself. He knew the pleasures to be obtained from deep inside Tyler's tight, young bottom, even though he had only experienced them himself two or three times during the three years that the boy had been living with him in Salt Lake City. Tyler had a 'hot' ass and all three of them knew it. It was a different story with Juan. There were a dozen or more times that he had partnered the Mexican boy during the last year. They had sex a few times when Tyler was sick with strep-throat, but mostly they did it when Juan had the urge to be fucked and Tyler was uninterested. Juan was a good fuck, but he paled beside Tyler, Benton mused silently. Tyler had a really hot ass. Benson was appreciative that Juan was not the purely passive partner that Tyler was. For one thing, Juan had a much larger penis. It would have been wasted had he preferred to be on the receiving end. And Juan was also more aggressive, a macho Mexican who took what he wanted. He dominated Tyler whenever they were sexually excited and accepted the man's role as his birthright, the privilege of discharging his semen inside the other boy's rectum. Tyler never complained. Max Benson heard Tyler's muffled moan of delight and again recognized its source immediately even before he looked back. The two boys were motionless, but Tyler's face was contorted with untrammeled ecstasy. Juan's penis was poking hard into the other boy's prostate, and Tyler was squeezing down on it to intensify his own feelings to the point of losing control. Sometimes, like that, Tyler would orgasm and his semen would dribble out of his penis in a spontaneous release. Sometimes he merely pissed. Benson waited with bated breath as he stared at the younger boy's limp penis partially hidden between his lithe legs. He watched Tyler's body quiver, the muscles straining as if trying desperately to excrete something from deep within him. The sinews in his slender neck became prominent. His teeth were clenched as the pressure for release increased. And then Tyler's mouth opened as he gasped for air. Now, unable to control his own depraved desires, Max Benson clumsily fumbled with his zipper. It was difficult to open even when he was standing. With the fullness of his paunch straining the front of his trousers, it was next to impossible. He struggled with it as he peeked back at the two boys. They were moving slowly again, their naked bodies undulating and making soft slapping sounds as their flesh came together. He wondered whether Tyler had orgasmed. There was no sign of it on the seat. but then Tyler had only been producing seminal fluid in any quantity for a matter of several months. So far there was not very much, and what there was, had a consistency more like skim milk than anything else. Finally Benson extricated his penis by dragging it through the slit in the front of his fifty-six-inch waist boxer shorts. He wrapped his pudgy fist around his puny penis and began to masturbate as he gazed back at the two naked boys longingly. His penis was slightly bigger than Juan's slowly maturing organ, yet it appeared inconsequential below his overhanging belly. He was reluctant to ask the boys to come closer. Under normal circumstances, he would want them to do it on the seat behind him, or better still resume their positions on the co-pilot seat beside him. Usually he wanted them close enough to touch, so close that he could caress Tyler's slender arms and legs, so close that he could see Juan's penis sliding back and forth in Tyler's anus. When the boys were in bed, he would lie beside them. They had long become accustomed to his presence, sometimes they even waited for him to join them. Two years ago when Juan's older brother serviced both of them, Max Benson was in the same bed. He had watched Tyler lose his virginity. Juan's brother was fourteen and he stayed with them until he was almost fifteen, until his body was no longer smooth enough to satisfy Benson's criteria. By then, his younger brother was big enough to take on the responsibility of the man's role and keep Tyler happy. Now, the two boys were totally uninhibited before Benson. They were not perturbed by his closeness, not even when he placed his fingers against Tyler's anus and monitored the movement of Juan's penis as it plunged back and forth into the tight confines of his rectum, not even when he ejaculated over their bodies as they copulated, not even when he peered down into Tyler's fully dilated anus and wiped away the over flow of the other boy's semen. However, even masturbating was difficult for Max Benson. Not because of any psychological or philosophical restraint, but because it was physically difficult when his arm encountered his massive girth and sought his relatively small penis. Still, it was considerably easier than copulating with either of the boys. Then, inserting his penis in a small tight rump became an almost impossible task, and maintaining a pace sufficient to procure an orgasm for himself let alone one of the boys was enough to give him a heart attack. Watching made far more sense, Max reasoned, even though the relief he obtained by masturbating was minimal at best. At that moment Max Benson needed relief as much as he had ever needed to climax in his entire life. He had forgone his pleasure that morning when the boys were in bed. They fucked lustily, romping on the bed like dogs in heat while he consumed his breakfast and watched the national news. They had cummed twice before they went to shower. Right on cue, he farted again. Again, there were more sniggers from the rear of the cabin. "He's jerking off, man," Tyler whispered. "'course he's jerkin' himself, Ty. We're fuckin' ain't we?" the other boy replied. "He always jerks his dick when I got mine up your ass." "He ought to be flying the plane instead of pulling on his dick," Tyler giggled. "It's on autopilot, you dope. You want me to do your dick now, Ty?" Juan asked. "I'm gittin' close to losin' it in here. I'm goin' to fill you up any moment now. My balls are bustin' to get off." There was no answer and Benson looked over his shoulder again as he continued to masturbate. In the last few seconds, Tyler's upper leg had lifted up and was perpendicular to his body. In that position, his genitals were fully exposed and accessible. It served to accentuate the narrowness of his hips and waist and it gave Benson cause to wonder how the lean body could accept another male's penis with such apparent ease. Like every other time that Juan's penis plundered the young, willing body, Tyler's penis was limp and slightly retracted. It looked slightly less than three inches long as it dangled down, as big as Hal Brant had been at the same age. It was a normal-sized penis for a thirteen year old boy who was just far enough into puberty to ejaculate, but on Tyler's slender body, it appeared disproportionately large. From its outward appearance it seemed ideally suited to the task of anal intercourse. However, only in the matter of size was Tyler similar to Hal Brant, for Tyler's uncircumcised penis had yet to penetrate another boy's bowels. Beginning from the time he had come to Salt Lake City to live with Max Benson, Tyler had always been the passive recipient. Even as he grew older and stronger, he continued to accept Juan's affection and juices without complaint. Now, Juan's hand grasped his smaller sex and began to squeeze. Tyler groaned and arched, pulling forward, then slowly pushing back. Without turning back to the instruments, Benson continued to watch the boys. Their timing had been perfected over the last two years although the recently departed ability to continue having sex after orgasm had necessitated some slight adjustments for them. Now, when Juan masturbated Tyler, it could only be interpreted as meaning that the end was approaching for both of them. They quickly lost interest once they ejaculated. With regret, Benson realized that the floor show was about to end. He watched as Tyler's penis stiffened. If it had ever happened without direct stimulation of its own when the boys were having anal sex, he had yet to see it. As usual, Tyler's erection occurred slowly. It took several minutes until the nearly four-inch penis was rigid because the boy's attention was focused on an infinitely more enjoyable pursuit. Juan continued to buck his hips into the resilient flesh of Tyler's buttocks as he patiently rubbed the flexible skin along the shaft. Without needing to ascertain the fact directly, Benson knew that Tyler's anus was fully dilated. It would be stretched wide open as Juan's penis slid back and forth on the slime of lubricant and prior semen deposits that seeped down from his rectum. That was the sucking sound that he could hear as the boys grunted out their pleasure. "Something's wrong with your ass, Ty," Juan laughed as his fat cock-head pulled free. "You got a great big hole back here." 'There was nothing wrong with Tyler's ass,' Benson thought to himself. 'Nothing at least that a good hard cock can't fix in a few minutes.' Tyler groaned and clenched his teeth as his body came dangerously close to its peak. Again Benson smirked as he masturbated awkwardly. He had seen Tyler stay there for minutes at a time when Juan was in the mood to make it last. He hovered at the moment of orgasm, sometimes shrieking in ecstasy as the penis pumped directly against his prostate. That was when it got messy. The fluids from deep inside Tyler's body would leak out of his anus, escaping through the imperfect O-ring seal around Juan's penis. "Don't make a mess, back there," Max warned. He knew that his warning would be unheeded. The boys were too far gone to worry about a few stains on the cloth seats. He should have insisted that they use a towel under Tyler's buttocks, but it was too late for that now. This trip, like the last few months in Salt Lake City, was nothing less than a rebellion. They were almost too old to be interesting, Benson decided as he jerked frantically at his swollen sex. The mutiny, the way the boys openly defied him, the nauseating delight that they took in fucking in front him while they excluded him from participating, were obvious signs that they were turning against him. It was time Juan moved on while Tyler still had another year before he needed to be replaced. "Jesus, you're loose back here," Juan gasped. "Squeeze it in your ass," he demanded. "Yeah! That's better. I like a tight fuck-hole! Tighter!" Benson's breathing suddenly became more difficult and he had to concentrate on pulling air into his lungs. Still he did not look away as the boys' passion began to accelerate. With the immediacy of orgasm before them, Tyler's half-closed eyes opened and he smirked at the fat man with obscene lust. The other boy pumped him savagely, rapidly driving his rigid spike in to the hilt before jerking back until only the head remained just inside his anus. At the same time, he rubbed Tyler's rigid penis mercilessly. Tyler moaned again and again, louder and louder as Juan increased his tempo. His rectum was very loose and it sucked loudly on the engorged penis as it pumped relentlessly. Only a minute or less remained before Juan reached his climax, before Tyler's delight was brought to a sudden termination by orgasm. He would have to make plans for them. They were growing up too fast. That was the trouble with boys. Almost as soon as they became interested in sex and were old enough to really enjoy it, they started to rebel. They were barely teenagers and already there was hair where once they had been smooth and sleek. And while the size and capability of pubescent genitals amused him, the fact was that pubic hair and pimples repulsed him. Sooner or later they would have to leave his house. At most there was six months for Juan, and even then he would have to convince him to shave between his legs. Perhaps that would not be too difficult given that the boys had already observed Juan's brother performing the task every morning until he moved out. Max Benson twisted back in his seat and breathed out. His breathing was increasingly labored as his flatulence became worse. He glanced at the GPS monitor and then tried to look at the map of New Mexico. His eyes watered and he strained to read the numbers of latitude and longitude. He wondered whether he had missed I-40, the freeway that he would follow to Gallup. He had not seen the road from Albuquerque. He had not been looking as hard as he should have been. In fact, he had not been looking at all for the last few minutes. He rubbed his eyes again and his belly cramped. More gas, more snickering from behind him. It interrupted their loud moans of joy and the noise of wet flesh slapping hard and fast as their young bodies came together. "FASTER!" Tyler squeaked between gritted teeth. "Do it faster man!" "I'm goin' as fast as I can, damn it," Juan grunted. Max Benson heard the smack of naked flesh, a hot and very hard penis sloshing in the succulent juiciness of Tyler's rectum as they moved in unison towards the peak. He did not need to look back now to know that Tyler's hips were jerking back in synchronized response to Juan's desperate lunges. It was always the same at the end. The two boys did it so hard that it seemed as if one them, Tyler, might be killed from the sheer force of what was stabbing into his lower abdomen. The younger boy moaned loudly, shaking wildly as he began the rapid buildup to an inevitable climax. Benson's hands began to shake as his pallor became increasingly pale. He wanted to turn around and watch them finish. He wanted to see Tyler's expression as Juan's penis exploded and his semen emptied into the boy's tight bowels. That wonderful sight, no matter how many thousand times he saw it and how old the boys were, still held him enthralled. This time, a hand grasped Max Benson's heart and squeezed. The arteries in his neck bulged and for one terrible moment, Benton was very frightened. The ripe flatulence roared out of his bowel. The blast of madid wind passed through his trousers and saturated the seat cloth. The foul mess was as bad as one the under Tyler's heaving body. The attack passed quickly but his body felt even hotter and sweat trickled down his forehead. He turned back to the instruments and his eyes could not focus. He heard the boys grunting loudly, rutting like two wild animals in orgiastic fervor as their orgasms happened. Both ramrod-stiff penises quaked and spasmed at the same time. "FUCK! I'M DOING IT!" Tyler yelled triumphantly. "OH GOD! Man, I can feel you shooting your sperms inside me. Give it to me, Juan!" "Squeeze it! Ohhhhh! FUUUCK!" Juan groaned. "Squeeze it, Ty! F-U-C-K!" Now feeling his panic growing stronger as he sensed the fragility of his life, Max Benson began to search for a place to land. In his frenzy, he ignored the boys' groans and gasps as they basked in the afterglow of intercourse. He did not hear the sound of wet flesh pulled apart as Juan's limp penis finally came free of its human sheath. He did not hear Tyler's quiet moan as the soft organ deep within his body was removed for the third, or was it the fourth time that morning. In the desolate landscape there were few places to land an aeroplane. The terrain below was harsh, full of stone and tree-covered mountains. As he saw the mesa off the right wing, Benton recognized it as his only chance for survival. A part of the mesa was not as uneven as the jagged rocks and trees that would tear the plane apart at the moment of impact. He pushed the rudder down, banking the plane in a slow turn past the bluff that loomed up from the canyon floor. There was a chance they might survive. The aeroplane veered away from Castle Point. As the two half-Navajo boys looked up, they were momentarily dazzled by the sun. Shane came to his feet and pointed at the plane as it completed its turn. "Look!" he announced. "It's goin' to land, Shel'." Shelby laughed, as he sat up and gazed around him with exaggerated confusion. "Where, Shane?" he taunted. The plane's sound changed, becoming louder and then backing off as the pilot struggled to reduce airspeed. It banked again, increasing its altitude in a slow turn that brought it directly over the two boys. Shane waved, oblivious to his nudity. "It's goin' to land, Shel," he repeated excitedly. "See! I told ya'." The younger boy pointed as the sound of the plane changed again, the turbo-props feathering as the plane ran parallel to the edge of the bluff. "There's no way!" Shelby said with conviction. "Jesus! But you're right, Shane. I reckon it's goin' to land up on Flat Rock." The boys ran across the rock to the chasm that led up to the top of the mesa. They scrambled into the narrow cleft, sending a hail of small stones slithering after them as they scrambled up. This time there was no caution, no careful placement of hands and feet into crevices that might hide a rattlesnake as it shielded itself from the hot afternoon sun. They reached the ledge only moments before the plane touched down. It tilted wildly as the breeze lifted over the edge of the bluff. It seemed that only inches existed between the tip of the wing and the unyielding rock. It straightened out as the engines roared. It bounced as the wheels struck, then bounced again, sliding closer to the edge of the bluff and the abrupt ending of the ledge. The plane hurtled towards the two naked boys. They dropped to the rock and continued to watch with sadistic fascination as the plane shuddered violently in the shimmering, hot air. It lurched ever closer to the brink and certain death. One wheel dropped in the fissure and the plane lifted to the side, pivoting around the tip of a wing with a terrible screech as a propeller disintegrated. For several long seconds it seemed as if the plane would turn over completely and side over the edge. The plane dropped down again. It stopped, three wheels safely on the ground, its left-hand propeller still spinning before it too came to an sudden halt. The noise died and silence descended on the mesa. It stopped twenty feet from the two Navajo boys. Cautiously Shelby approached. He trembled as he climbed on to the wing and peered in the window. He jumped back to the ground, tested the door handle, and trotted back to his waiting brother. "There's some people inside, Shane," he said excitedly. "It looks like an older guy and two boys, I think. One kid is lyin' up front and there's blood all over his face and the guy looks really sick. It's weird, Shane. The boys don't have no clothes on." "Neither do we, Shel'," Shane pointed out. "Yeah, only we're Indian braves," Shelby stated. "Anyway Shane, you better come help me get the door open. It's jammed I reckon." The cabin door opened as the two boys neared the wing. It swung back on its hinges and a boy appeared in the opening. He gazed at the hostile landscape and blinked. For several seconds he was unaware of the two naked boys standing below him. "See Shane, I told you both kids was naked," Shelby said pointedly. His younger brother giggled. His small pink tongue momentarily licked at his lips as he observed the boy framed in the doorway. He was crouched with his knees apart, and Shane's eyes were riveted to the youth's genitals. Strangely, the thick penis glistened as if it was wet or oily, or both. "He's not a kid," Shane pointed out. "Well he's a lot older than us." Juan's head shook as if clearing the dullness that persisted to fog his brain. He was lucky to be alive and he knew it. While his penis was still inside Tyler's rectum, he had been completely unaware of what was happening. Then he sensed the urgency of Benson's movements, a garbled sound yelled back to them. During the last few seconds as the plane careened across the ledge he confronted the prospect of death. At the end, as the plane had spun around, he had prayed not to die. It seemed as if the plane was going over the cliff. "Where am I?" Juan demanded. "What are you guys doing here?" Shelby demanded. "This is the Bar None. It's my dad's ranch. You aren't allowed to land here." "Fuck you!" Juan said groggily. Irrationally and increasingly angry as he realized how close to death he had come, he added, "Where the fuck is this place?" "He said a bad word, Shelby," Shane announced. "I said it's the Bar-None ranch and it's owned by us Cassidys. So you're trespassing on PRIVATE property!" Shelby answered proudly. "That's nice, fuck-head!" Juan groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "Jesus my head hurts somethin' awful! Fuck, I'm bleeding too. We could have fuckin' died." "Are you okay?" Shane asked. His eyes had not departed from the youth's half-erect penis. It held him entranced. It was almost as big as his father's. "I guess I am.... I hit my head on something.... I reckon Tyler's hurt real bad. I think Max is dead." Slowly Juan moved to lean against the door sill, breathing heavily with each deliberate action. Finally he eased himself off, and he stood swaying slightly as if the ground was moving underneath his feet. He sagged back and rested against the wing. "Jesus, it hurts," he whimpered as he rubbed his head. "Why don't you have clothes on?" Shane asked curiously. "Maybe I was fuckin' before Max crashed the god damn plane," Juan snarled. "Why don't you? You're bare-assed too, kid." Shane shrugged, both unable to comprehend the youth's answer and to find a believable explanation for his own nudity. The truth, that they were playing 'Indians,' suddenly became embarrassing in front of this older boy. The tribal markings were boldly visible and he stepped back abashed. Shelby clambered up through the door and looked inside. He swallowed as he saw the blood that appeared to cover the other boy's face. There was a lot more than there had been a few moments earlier when he had looked through the window. There was strange smell in the cabin. It was a dank, musty smell that was unfamiliar to him. It was not unpleasant, and even though he had never been in an aeroplane before, he knew that it did not belong there. Had he noticed the dark stain in the middle of the rear seat he might have realized more, even if he could not identify its source. However, in the heat of the moment it went unnoticed by the usually very observant boy. He climbed through the disarray of the cabin until he reached the front of the plane. Tyler had been thrown forward onto the instrument panel so that the lower half of his body was wedged under the controls. Shelby touched the naked boy's shoulder. Although the skin was pale and clammy, it was not lifeless. It was also very smooth--almost as smooth as his own bronzed skin. From head to toe Shelby was dark, not only because of his Indian blood, but also because he had been baked, like the rocks on the mesa, by the dry, New Mexican sun. He retained the oiled lustre with which he had been born. Tyler moaned softly and his head rolled back. His eyelids flickered, opening slightly before closing to block out the light. Shelby gasped. He had seen blood before and still the sight of the young, bloodied face frightened him. The naked boy groaned. Again the eyes flickered open. "Are you okay?" Shelby asked quickly. "You're bleedin' everywhere." His laconic drawl had vanished in the immediacy of the moment. Beyond the wide, bleeding cut on the boy's forehead there did not appear to be other damage. However, the youth was in pain and from his contorted position, other injuries, internal and invisible damage to vital organs were possible. "It hurts," Tyler groaned. His fingers absently moved to touch the side of his head on the opposite side to the gash. "Your head? I guess it hurt somethin' awful. It's bleeding pretty bad. It's all over you." Blood streamed steadily down Tyler's face, dripping onto his shoulder before trickling across his bare chest. Slowly Tyler's fingers moved towards the source of his pain. They touched the vermilion, tangled hair, which only minutes earlier had been glistening gold-blond. "I'm bleeding," Tyler murmured softly. "My head hurts." "Yeah, I guess so. Your head's a mess. Do you think you can get up if I help you?" Tyler struggled up, gasping for air as his eyes began to water. He flopped back in the front seat and breathed heavily. He was unaware that Shelby was panting, not as much from the effort of helping to lift him from the instrument panel, but what he had seen. For an instant as Shelby had glimpsed the other boy's anus. What he saw was unlike anything he had seen before. There was nothing in his experience that could account for the dilated opening, the wetness that surrounded it, and the weak dribble of milky fluid than trickled out onto his scrotum. He swallowed nervously as the obvious question arose in his mind. Tyler slumped back into the seat. The pain in his head was exhausting. Then Shelby saw more wetness. Several milky smears streaked the older boy's lower belly and groin. His eyes locked onto Tyler's penis, intuitively understanding that it was the source of the wetness, while at the same time, not understanding how it came to be there. Was this the semen that his father had told him about? It was definitely the wrong color and consistency to be urine. He stared with growing fascination. Tyler's limp organ was considerably larger than his own diminutive and still-immature member. His father had explained that his penis would get larger as he grew up. Older boys had bigger dicks, as did those boys his own age who he had seen undressed. He knew from the Indian boys on the reservation, that it was important to have a big one and he instinctively realized that he did not. For the second time in his life, he sensed a strange attraction to the maleness displayed before him and he felt envious. "What happened to your butt?" Shelby asked curiously. Though his view was obscured, he saw enough. Between the boy's outstretched legs was a sight that both disturbed him and fascinated him. "Your butt-hole looks really weird." Although Tyler ignored the comment, Shelby was not distracted. "Wet stuff that looks kinda like milk or somethin' like that is comin' out of you." "It's cum, you dope. Jesus! Don't you know anything?" Tyler grunted. "Huh?" But Shelby's instinctive curiosity was terminated as the man in the other seat suddenly quaked and gave a low groan. He twisted back and watched in disgust as the man vomited over his exposed, hair-covered sex organs. Instantly, the foul sickly-sweet odor filled the cabin. Benton continued to cough, choking on his own bile as he continued to retch. He disgorged over the cockpit instruments, spraying his spew onto the two naked boys as they shrank away. Shelby felt his stomach turn as yellow droplets splattered his thighs and groin. He gagged and quickly brought his hand to his mouth as he squirmed against the boy beside him to get out of the way. Finally Benton pitched forward and sagged against the joy-stick. His face was deathly grey. "What's happening in there?" Shane called loudly through the open door. "The old guy, he's barfing. It's gross! There's upchuck all over." Shelby stumbled to his feet, nauseated at the revolting smell and the spots that flecked his brown skin. He gripped the youth's arms and dragged him up. With difficulty, with his arm around the bare shoulders, they staggered towards the cabin door before they sickened. "Shit! Tyler, are you okay?" Juan asked fearfully as he observed the bloodied, once handsome face of the boy who was his best friend and, only minutes earlier, his thirteen-year-old lover. Juan was repulsed as Tyler, naked and distraught, slipped to the ground and sprawled in a bewildered army of blood-bedaubed limbs. Only minutes earlier his penis had been contained in the beautiful young body, plunging into the tight tube of his rectum as they humped ecstatically to mutual orgasms. And now, Tyler was injured and in terrible pain, perhaps near death. Juan was unprepared for Tyler's slurring vilification. "Of course I'm not okay. My head is killing me. Why did you have to take my fucking seat belt off, ass-hole!" "I'm sorry, Ty! God, I'm sorry!" Juan begged. "I didn't want you to get hurt. We couldn't do it with your belt on, you know that. Why did he have to go and crash the god-damned plane?" Shelby shook his head in disbelief and glared down at his own besmirched body. There were smears of blood all over him, as well as the stains of the man's vomit that soiled him. All in all, it was not turning out to be a good day! "I better go get my dad," he said uncertainly. "He'll know what to do." He twisted around to face his younger brother. Shane shivered, instinctively realizing that he would be left alone with the two strangers if Shelby went for help. His brother would be gone for much more than an hour and the prospect was frightening. Unlike Shelby who had slowly become diffident to meeting people, Shane had responded to the lonely life on the mesa by becoming shy with strangers, often to the point of running away and hiding whenever a visit to Gallup was scheduled. "I won't be gone all that long," Shelby said gently to Shane. His brother shook his head quickly and shuffled his feet skittishly. For some reason Shelby was reminded of the nervous colt of the previous afternoon. He remembered how it tried to bolt just before his father put the rubber band over its scrotum. He stepped toward Shane and spoke rapidly to him in their mother's tongue. Shane trembled visibly, but nodded his understanding unhappily. A minute later Shelby was on his painted horse and riding hard. He was motivated less by the need to secure assistance for the strangers than he was by his desire to get back to Shane as quickly as possible. As it was, he need not have panicked. Tyler and Shane had established a tentative friendship by the time he returned. He was gone not much more than thirty minutes, meeting his father along the way. He heard the roar of the eight cylinder engine as he descended into the gorge that divided the mesa into two. As he approached the side of a large boulder Shelby heard the loud clash of gears and quickly moved his horse to the side as his father's pick-up careened along the track. Leaning down from his horse, Shelby explained the situation rapidly. He shifted between English and Navajo as he often did when he was excited. Matt's response was immediate. Although the story seemed farfetched, a plane landing on the rock ledge at Castle Point, he had no doubts of Shelby's veracity. The number of times that the boy had lied to him could be counted on the fingers of one hand. They turned Shelby's gelding loose to find its own way home and climbed aboard the truck. The route back to the plane crash was circuitous compared to the way that Shelby had come on horseback. Even four- wheel drive trucks and Matt's experienced driving could not go where horse and Navajo boy had traversed. By the time they arrived at Castle Point, Shane had almost managed to staunch the flow of blood from the deep gash in Tyler's head. He had moved the weakened youth into the shade of a pinyon pine, climbed down to the cave and recovered the backpack, bandaged the wound, and even given the older boy water to drink. In return, Tyler treated the younger boy as his savior, ignoring Juan. Matt took control and organized the boys to assist him in getting the corpulent body out of the plane. He suspected the worst at first, a heart attack or a stroke, however as the minutes passed and the deathly grey pallor faded he began to think that the fat man might survive. The heat increased in the late afternoon. It was a long drive back to the house and they crawled along as each bump elicited a painful groan from the man in the back of the pickup. Again and again foul air burst from his bowels and the boys turned away in disgust and sought fresh breaths. The stench of Benson's soiled clothes was enough to make the boys sick. Finally they pulled up in a cloud of dust outside the house. CHAPTER 4. BOYS IN THE BARN. They entered the ramshackle abode with two boys abreast at each of the porcine legs, with Matt lifting the flabby arms. They barely managed to fit through the doorway. Benson's obesity became soft, almost unmanageable bulk. Having never seen a whale, not even cognizant of the meaning, Juan's jokes about 'old blubber belly' bypassed the lean Navajo boys. Bed springs and metal frame creaked in protest as they deposited the heavy load on Matt's ancient bed. They returned to the main room that served as kitchen, dining and living room, with the boys' alcove to the side. Shelby's father was querulous as he carefully bathed and dressed Tyler's cuts, snapping at his son's offer to help. Shelby felt distanced. The attention his father paid to the youth was depressing. The room was filled with oppressive moods, as much from a despondent Shelby, as from two other boys who wanted to be far away from the desolate dwelling with its dreary ancient furnishings. Dinner started as a joyless meal. Two Navajo boys who were normally bubbling with hunger and happiness, were melancholy. Both Shelby and Shane resented the intrusion into their lives. However, the somber air faded gradually as night approached. Tyler and Juan began to relax and accept their temporary predicament with unexpected grace. One story followed another, each funnier than the preceding one as they talked about life in the 'big city' of Salt Lake. While Shelby and Shane had never met a Mormon, the perverse details of Mormon life quickly had them in hysterics. Indeed, Shelby and Shane had travelled no further than Albuquerque, had never been in an aeroplane, had never swum in a lake that was so salty a person could not drink the water. Boy-laughter filled the room and echoed off the pitted adobe walls. They devoured spicy fried chicken, thick brown beans, slabs of rich tomatoes, washed down with orange pop. All but the orange pop had come from the ranch. Three chairs and two wooden boxes that served as makeshift chairs scraped loudly on the pine boards as the meal was concluded. Washing up, a thankless and difficult task with only Tyler warm water, fell to Shane. It was his turn to clean up. With relief, Shelby went outside. He was followed by Juan. The anger that he had felt earlier towards Tyler and Juan had vanished. Suddenly the bigger, older boys were friends and with the affected envy of any younger child, raised in stature. For Shelby, deprived for so long from the company of other boys, the visitors were subjected to juvenile idolatry. He worshipped Juan. Juan was everything that he was not. On the high elevations, the temperature always fell quickly as the sun set. The final golden rays still touched the crown of the mesa and left long shadows from the wizened, black trees. A cool wind filtered across the sandy ground, carrying with it the scent of manure from the farm animals, the aroma of pinyon pine, and the acrid smell of dry dust. Shelby scuffed his bare feet in the sand. Fine particles of grit flowed between his toes. It had not been this dry for several years, and while the parched earth gave little nourishment to plants and animals, it produced spectacular sunsets. Not for the first time since they had returned from Castle Point, Shelby felt both irritable and awkward in the company of older boys. Their presence on his turf was enough to make him openly antagonistic. Had he tried, or been able to describe the feeling, he may have accounted for his reaction merely as the result of youth and inexperience and a natural instinct to protect what little he possessed. He trembled at every moment when he was close to either boy, but his feelings verged on nervous anticipation when he was near Juan. While he sensed something was happening, the space between them charged with tension. He was at a loss either to explain it or to understand its significance. Suffice it to say, the normally effervescent boy was high- strung that evening. The change did not go unnoticed by his father. He quickly realized that despite his laconic speech, this was very a different Shelby Cassidy. The presence of the other boys, and in particular the oldest boy Juan, clearly agitated his son. Unlike Shelby, Matt could explain why. It was the same effect that Tyler had on him. Beginning from the time the five of them struggled into the house with the limp, corpulent body of Max Benson, Shelby was alarmed. Few people had been into his domain, and the only boys had been Navajo children like himself. These two older boys disturbed him. They glanced around as if dismissing the squalid existence of the Cassidy family as something that was below their dignity. However, it was more than mere looks of deprecation. The trespassers in Shelby's home were sleek, sexually mature youths, and they had invaded his territory. At Castle Point, Shelby had immediately observed that they were more like his father that boys like himself. In fact, Juan's sexual development was so advanced that to Shelby's eyes, he was already a man. He was fascinated with their groin hair, though one boy had considerably more than the other. More than that, both had long penises and fat pouches, again one boy being much better endowed than his friend. Shelby experienced the first pangs of inadequacy and jealousy as he risked sideways glances with frightening regularity. His own small appendage seemed to be diminished in importance beside the bigger boys. They were not men like his father, but they certainly were not prepubescent boys like Shelby and his brother. There was a stark contrast between Juan's thick penis and his brother's thin finger of manhood, and Shelby did not need to examine himself to know that he was only slightly larger than his younger sibling. And even latter on, when the two strangers finally covered up their nakedness, he was disturbed. Then he was exposed to their examination and their casual disinterest in his young body was both distressing and threatening. At the same time, he could not explain why he so badly wanted to further his study of the older boys. His curiosity made his small heart beat rapidly and he began to feel a pleasant warmth in his crotch as he studied them until he had to move away for fear of them seeing the small penis that began to stiffen between his legs. As soon as he was away from his father and younger brother, Shelby breathed a long sigh of relief. Without reason, he wanted Juan to like him. They walked down to the barn silently. Constantly throughout the evening meal the boys had glanced at each other, silently discovering that they shared something in common. Neither boy realized exactly what it was. Juan first sensed the attraction, for there was an attraction between them. A magnetism seemed to draw them together until it ignited a friendship that became stronger as they talked. While under other circumstances a nearly fourteen- year-old youth and a ten-year-old boy would have little in common, the unique differences between them now became common ground. As Shelby found the older boy's maturity and worldly experience of vital interest, so Juan was very appreciative of the younger boy's physical prowess and deeply rooted knowledge of the desert wilderness that he had suddenly become a part of. However, the attraction between them was based less on differences in background and experiences than it was on physical and emotional factors. Simply, their attraction was sexual. Had Shelby been older he would have realized that his interest in Juan, and the fact that the older boy also liked him stemmed from the one of the vagaries of nature-- they were boys who were naturally attracted to their own sex. But such peculiarities of human sexuality required an innate understanding that the younger boy did not possess, at least not yet. And while Juan had known that he was gay since the age of eleven, it was irrational to him that a boy of Shelby's tender years was similarly so inclined. That Shelby was physically desirable was something that he did understand, although how he could broach the subject of sex with an obviously inexperienced young boy was something he was uncertain of. Nonetheless, as they approached the barn, Juan began to realize that there was a surprising sensuality to the half-Navajo boy walking beside him. Perhaps it was the lightness with which his feet touched the ground, the casual ease with which his lithe body moved, or his ready grin and high- pitched laugh from a voice still unbroken. The dark-skinned boy excited him. It was the same excitement that Juan felt with Tyler, only stronger, and it surprised him for he had not expected a ten-year-old boy to have that effect on him. Similarly, Shelby felt content in the company of the older boy and basked in his very presence with deep-seated enjoyment. For a few minutes, as they ambled to the barn, their interest in each other was unspoken, yet it did not go unacknowledged. They paused by the corral and Shelby climbed up onto the rails, his feet on the bottom rough-split timber. Now his face was at the same height as Juan's and he looked into the youth's steady eyes. They smiled at each other. The last golden rays of the setting sun stretched over the mesa. Already the valley floor was in deep shadow and the trees were black silhouettes against the red streaked sky. Sunset on the mesa was awe-inspiring and its majesty was not lost on Juan. In the city, the sun still set, but it did so without drama. "Man that's beautiful," Juan breathed out. "The colors are incredible." Shelby nodded and glanced back over his shoulder. He was used to the powerful conclusion that came at the end of each day. He often came out to watch the sunset. Usually he came alone, sometimes even walking to the edge of the mesa to gaze down into the black void below. Those times made him feel one with the world, as if existence was defined by the mesa and there was nothing beyond. He enjoyed being by himself at those times. It made each day memorable. This day was no different except that his self-imposed solitude was replaced by a desire to be friends with the teenager standing before him and to share his nightly ritual. "Yeah," he said softly, "It's like this most times. I guess it's why I like comin' out here." Juan turned away and studied the broad expanse of the mesa behind him and then the darkness that encroached from below. The immensity of it was overwhelming. Many miles to the north another flat-topped mesa loomed up from the valley floor. A jagged black line of a canyon formed in prehistoric times zigzagged into the horizon. "It sure is lonely up here," Juan said in awe. "What do you guys do for fun at night when you ain't got a mall to hang out at? You go down to the reservation and play the slot machines or somethin'?" Shelby laughed. "They don't have gamblin' here. Our tribal elders won't allow it. Anyway it would take most of the night just to get there. Once, we went down the mesa at night 'cause we had to. My dad says it's way too dangerous. Even in the daytime, the road is pretty scary. After it rains he sometimes makes me and Shane walk part of the way down behind the pick- up. I guess he's worried it might go over the edge. It's real steep in some places and the rocks slip all over the road. There's a real bad part where it goes straight down for a thousand feet. It's pretty scary ridin' down in the truck." He took a deep long breath and wondered why he wanted to bare his soul to the boy beside him. They had known each other only a matter of hours and already it seemed more like days or weeks. "Usually me and Shane watch tv at night or play games with our dad," he added as an afterthought. For a moment he considered telling Juan about the nightly backrubs. He decided against it. It would make him sound like a little kid. "You got cable up here? I didn't see no satellite dish." Shelby smirked. He sometimes watched cable tv in the recreation center on the reservation. They had a huge dish. He shook his head. "Nope! We get can usually get a channel from Gallup. Sometimes if the weather is right we can even get shows from Albuquerque. The picture can be kinda fuzzy, but the sound is usually okay." "Wow," Juan said snidely. "Life is good then, huh?" Shelby shrugged. "It's okay." He felt a strange awkwardness as the boy smiled. His face was only about a foot away and his eyes stared directly into Shelby's. "No girls either," Juan said teasingly. "So what do you do for fun. Play with the dog?" Again Shelby shrugged. Girls held no interest for him and the obscure reference to the dog was lost on him. It was not that he was still several years away from starting puberty and the onset of sexual fascination with the opposite sex. The Cassidy boys and their father had lived on the mesa without the company of women for five years. The part of him that might have needed female company had withered and died, if it ever existed. Like the scrubby trees on the bluff, without water and nourishment they either died or became so shrivelled that they might as well be dead. And yet the word 'fun' haunted him. Was 'fun' the same as playing with his penis? That was certainly fun. It was as much fun as getting his nightly backrub, the playful swats on his bare buttocks, the tickling of every inch of his naked body before he fell asleep, the friendly teasing about his morning erections. "Who needs girls?" Shelby answered obscurely. He intended the comment to sound as if girls were boring. It did not come out quite the way it was supposed to. Juan laughed. Again their eyes met. He felt his penis start to harden. The half-Indian boy grinned back at him and flashed his white teeth, naively unaware of the effect that his last three words had on the easily excited teenager. However, the mere proximity of the older boy and his apparent happiness had a similar effect on Shelby's undeveloped penis. His erection came almost instantly while the older boy's penis stiffened slowly until it bulged uncomfortably into his tight black jeans. "Yeah, who needs girls,... when there's two boys," Juan announced. He glanced down, as much to ascertain the extent of his own projection as to validate that what he suspected was also present between Shelby's slender legs. "You got a boner and so do I," he smirked. "Two boys who both got hard- on,.... so who needs girls, right?" Shelby smiled back. The vague reference to sex was not missed this time. Juan's open acknowledgment of his erection did not bother him. His own father was similarly open minded about protruding penises, and juvenile crudities such as 'not pointing a loaded gun' tended to remove any inhibitions his sons had inherited from their mother. Having a boner was a fundamental part of being a boy and normal in a household of three males so Shelby was justifiably proud of his stiffness. "You want to go somewhere?" Juan asked slyly, pausing for a moment to gauge Shelby's interest. His eyebrows raised meaningfully. "Somewhere real private." Shelby nodded slightly. He was no longer afraid and lacking in self confidence. The need for privacy was something he barely understood. He instinctively grasped its purpose was related to sex, to what he did with Shane in the secluded darkness of a cavern at Castle Rock, or under the blankets in his bed. Having sex with other boys was a rite of passage for Navajo youths, a ritual that made the older boys from the reservation abandon boys of Shelby's age and younger, and disappear for long hours at a time. With accelerating excitement Shelby slid down from the fence and stood before the older boy. Now, the top of his head was at Juan's shoulder. Silently he turned and led the way into the barn with Juan close behind him. He knew where to go to be alone. It was the same place his father went when he needed privacy from his two sons, the same place where he had discovered his father masturbating. They climbed into the loft, away from the chickens and the farm tools. Among the sweet smelling hay bales, there was more than enough privacy for two boys to enjoy themselves in any fashion they wished. They would also have time to rearrange their clothing if anyone came down from the house looking for them. "Let's get our jeans off and lie down," Juan suggested as soon as both of them had climbed the ladder. Shelby shivered. Out of the cooling breeze of evening, in the dry still air of the barn, he was anything but cold. He felt strangely chilled although his body felt feverish with excitement. There was gooseflesh on his arms. He glanced around as if seeing the loft for the first time. It was on the hay in the far corner where he had observed his father, his roughed hand clasping his reddened penis, rubbing furiously. Every one 'jerked off', his father later reassured him. Man or boy, it made no difference, a 'guy's dick needed it sometimes' and it was about time he 'learned how to do it for himself'. Without even wondering why he did so, beyond knowing it would be fun, Shelby nodded in assent. Juan grinned. He wanted this boy unlike he had wanted anyone else, even Tyler. His heart was pounding, his penis throbbing in anticipation of seeing the young boy nude again, and without the stress of a plane crash and a near-death experience. Juan was intensely aroused by the opportunity for sexual contact with a ten-year-old boy. "You scared?" he asked. Shelby's head moved in denial. Juan grinned again. "Don't be. I'll go first okay, then you. There's nothing to be afraid of. We're both guys and we both got boners, don't we?" His voice quivered with excitement as he stepped forward. One hand moved slowly towards his waist and fumbled to find the start of his zipper. Shelby's eyes were fixed on the older boy's crotch. The bulge seemed to grow in size with every passing second. His excitement was so intense that it was disturbing. Even breathing was difficult and his heart labored to meet the frantic rate demanded of it. Shelby felt his own small penis begin to straighten out and grow in size again until it stretched into his underpants. Then he could feel it becoming rigid, until it was much stiffer than it had been a few minutes earlier when they had been beside the corral. It was as hard as it had been when his father touched him. He risked a quick glance downwards to ascertain whether the hot hardness that existed in the private world behind the well-worn denim of his jeans was visible to the older boy. When he looked upwards, Juan was smiling. They both knew what he had seen in the gloom. It stuck out visibly despite its small size and the fading light of early evening. "We both got hard-ons, Shelby," he teased. "It sure ain't nothin' to be ashamed off 'cause we both got boners. You know why it's stiff, don't you?" "Uh,..." Shelby muttered self-consciously as he glanced down to continue looking at Juan's crotch. The zipper was open now but other than the open slot he could see nothing of interest. "I guess so. My dad says guys get them all the time. He said its normal for it to get hard like this." Juan smirked knowingly as he slowly unfastened the copper button at his waist. "It's normal for a guy to get a stiff dick when he wants to mess 'round with another guy. That's why your dick is so hard. And mine's real stiff as well. Now we both know why we got hard-on don't we, Shelby?" "Er, yeah,... I guess so." Shelby trembled. Slowly he looked up to meet Juan's eyes. "I suppose." "Mine gets real big when it's stiff." Juan's voice was soft and strangely husky. His dark eyes seemed to imprison the younger boy. "It's real big now. It's especially big for you, Shelby." He paused and glanced down to Shelby's crotch and quietly added. "Your's is only a little one compared to mine, but its real hard for me, ain't it?" Shelby reddened slightly under his light-ochre cheeks. It was as close to blushing as a Navajo boy came. For a moment he contemplated denial, but the very obviousness of his erection precluded his assertion that he was not sexually aroused by the youth who stood only a foot or two away from him. He swallowed dryly. The fact that he was excited by the prospect of sex with another boy, an older boy nearly a man, at least five years his senior, did not perturb him. It was a rite of passage he would soon face on the reservation. It was only a matter of time, perhaps even this summer, before one of the older boys lured him into an arroyo and taught him what he needed to know. Having grown up on the mesa, surrounded by the constant struggle of animals to survive and multiply, he accepted sex as naturally as a city boy would accept crossing the street. That his partner was another male merely made the physical act more accessible, and although he had no basis for comparison, also very agreeable to him. "You want to mess around don't you?" Juan asked softly. His fingers fumbled with the metal button, waiting for the younger boy's answer before he continued to undress. The confused look on Shelby's face prompted him to continue. "You know, mess around, do stuff?" "Stuff?" Shelby asked uncertainly. "You know, get ya rocks off. Stuff like messing around with each other's dicks. You do it with your friends, don't you? I know you do. Hell, all boys do it. Even at your age you need to get off sometimes I bet." Shelby's head moved slightly. He had seen other boys naked when they went swimming on the reservation, but nothing had happened to him beyond risking casual glances at the hair-covered crotches of older boys who interested him so much. "With your brother, then?" Juan asked unabated. He smirked knowingly. "You play with his dick, don't you? And he plays with yours? I reckon that's right. My brother started jerking me off years ago, when I was about Shane's age and didn't know shit." Shelby nodded shyly. "Sometimes," He admitted. He paused, equivocating. Suddenly nervous, his eyes were fixed as Juan pushed his jeans and underpants down. He was unprepared for what he saw next. The youth's penis sprang into view, thick and fully extended, its large size frightening when compared to the boy's small member, so obviously immature. "Pretty big huh?" Juan teased. "You like it, don't you, Shelby? You can touch it if you want." Shelby took a quick breath and stalled, wondering whether he should tell the truth. He shrugged and reached out, following a natural impulse. His decision was predetermined, existing from the time of his conception. He was not prepared for the other's heat. His hand jerked back as if he had placed it in the fire. He had barely touched Juan's massive organ and he was subjugated to its bulging power, entranced by its seeming manhood if only because the other boy's penis was so much larger than his own. He glanced up and saw an encouraging smile, somber dark eyes like a kindred spirit. He felt a sudden lurch inside him as his heart began to beat even faster. His had seen his father naked, and erect so often that the just the sight of another male should not have had the effect it did. Occasionally his father's stiffness promoted a similar state in the youngster, but it had never been so arousing. And while his father's hand had sometimes strayed to fondle his boy-part, he had never actually touched his father's massive organ. "It's so hot," Shelby murmured. "Why is it wet at the end? It doesn't look like pee," he added curiously. "Don't you know, kid? It's not piss that's for sure," Juan smirked. His penis jerked up of its own accord and pointed at Shelby's crotch as if ready to joust. He relented. "It's pre-cum, you idiot." "Pre-what?" "It's like cum, jizz, you know what that is don't you? Only pre-cum leaks out of your cock before you shoot the real thing." From the confused look on Shelby's face there was no doubt that he did not grasp the meaning of Juan's explanation. 'Pre-cum, cum, and jizz' were like the words of a foreign language. "Can I touch it again?" Shelby asked awkwardly, no longer willing to continue to display his ignorance. Juan's hand moved under his erect penis as if supporting it. His thumb smeared over the bulbous head, smearing a glistening bead of clear juice into the pores. His thumb rotated around the meatus, then slowly slid back along the shaft until there was nowhere to go. His fingers fondled his heavy testicles as he watched Shelby's fascinated eyes. "Yeah," Juan answered. "You can even suck me off if you want," he offered. "Huh? Suck what off?" Shelby asked naively. His innocence produced a loud guffaw. "My cock, what else would you suck off?" Juan answered crudely. He squeezed the inflated shaft and excreted another droplet of fluid. Shelby flinched uncomfortably, wondering why the older boy would want him to suck his penis. There seemed to be no reason for him to do so and yet the suggestion was very interesting. From his perspective, Juan's penis was about the same thickness as a large sausage and slightly longer. He tried to decide whether a sausage would fit in his mouth as well as his tongue, and promptly followed that thought by wondering what it would taste like. "You haven't sucked a cock yet, have you?" Juan asked. Shelby shook his head. He swallowed, still imagining the taste of it. Somehow he knew it would taste very different to a sausage. It looked like it would have a nice taste. "I thought you messed around with your brother?" Juan challenged. "Uh, yeah, we do. I already told you that." Shelby admitted uncertainly. "We play with our dicks sometimes. My dad said its not bad to play with it, and besides, most kids do that stuff at my age." "So you said. That's all you've done, play with his dick? So you haven't gone down on him, huh?" Juan laughed. "You don't know what you're missing. Sucking cock is the next best thing there is, and for a little kid like you it may be the only thing there is for quite a while." Shelby swallowed sheepishly, his boyish bravado rising to the challenge like the little projectile between his legs. "I done other things too," he retorted. His answer piqued Juan's interest. He wondered whether the dark- skinned boy was no longer a virgin. It was possible, although unlikely that the ten-year-old knew what it was like to have a cock in his ass, even to have his own penis embedded in his sibling without discovering the possibilities inherent in oral sex. It offered interesting possibilities, he mused. "Like what?" Juan demanded. "Uh?" Shelby stalled. It would do little good to tell Juan that they wrestled in the nude. On the scale of boy-sex activities it probably rated below playing with each other's penises, and far lower than 'sucking cock'. He took a deep breath, still stalling as he tried to decide where his other activity would rank. He decided to tell. "Uh, well sometimes I put this stuff on my thing," he answered slowly. He could sense that Juan did not understand. "It's an oil we use to make the leather soft. When I jerk off it makes me go crazy 'cause it feels so good." Juan regarded the boy suspiciously. "You put what on your cock?" "It's what we use on the saddles 'n all. It makes it really slippery and it feels great when I jerk off." "You're weird. You point oil on it? I guess I should be surprised you don't use axle grease," Juan laughed. He saw the serious expression on Shelby's face. Clearly the boy was not joking. "Okay, why don't you show me?" he added. The desire to share his masturbation with the older boy was overpowering. There was a slight chance that Juan would allow him to do it. With nothing to lose except being ridiculed, Shelby took the opportunity presented to him. "I will if you do it too. You won't believe how good it feels. It's truly awesome." Juan nodded obligingly. At that moment it seemed to be the only way that he would get to see the half-Navajo boy in his natural state again. It had become his primary goal. Shelby grinned and darted away, taking the ladder steps two at a time until he reached the ground. On the workbench he found the bottle of neatsfoot oil. He scurried back up the ladder and deposited his treasure on a hay bale. Oblivious to Juan's attentive gaze, he unfastened the button and zipper of his ragged blue jeans and skinned them down to his knees. He sat down on the hay bale, shoved his bunched up jeans and underpants all the way to his ankles. He picked up the bottle and unscrewed the plastic cap. Expertly he placed a generous amount over his wedge-shaped penis and rubbed still more into his scrotum. He glistened. He felt his heart racing as his excitement increased until he could barely breath. He knew the good feelings more than compensated for any embarrasment he would feel. He glanced up at Juan and realized that the teenager was staring enraptured at his undersized genitals. His three inches of hard hairless boy-penis held the older boy entranced, just as the more than five inches of erect teenage-penis was incredibly fascinating to him. Without speaking, Shelby's trembling left hand pulled both of his little testicles down and held them tightly. He took a deep breath, momentarily closed his eyes, and slowly began to stroke rhythmically. He winced as the feelings began, his belly pulling in as the pleasure began to flow through his stiff penis. A tremor passed through him and he felt a sudden urge to urinate. A yellow dribble escaped, trickling into the straw at his feet. He fought back against waves of cruel pleasure as the sensations intensified, his hand flying rapidly up and down, grasping tightly until the delight increased and became overpowering. It was only by exerting all his willpower was he able to stop. He breathed out in relief as his hand slowed. "Okay? Now you," he muttered urgently. Juan hesitated, eyes glued to the small rigid penis displayed before him. It bobbed up and down, alive and hungry for nourishment. "You have to do it too," Shelby snapped as the youth delayed. "You want to jerk off together?" Juan teased. "Yes," Shelby answered abruptly. He started to masturbate again, gripping his short penis with a thumb and two fingers. He gasped as the pleasure increased, returning with a vengeance at the brief interruption. "Put some of the oil on like I did." Juan flinched as Shelby shuddered. "You okay?" Shelby groaned, feeling his legs weaken. The urge to eject something from his loins increased. He shuddered again, his penis pulsing with each beat of his heart. His buttocks tensed and he bowed forward as his eyes squeezed closed. Images of his father in the corral passed before him and he trembled with a sudden spasm. "Y-y-y-e-e-a-a-h-h! I'm okay!" He smiled weakly and again forced himself to slow down. His penis was throbbing and his scrotum had become very tight. He glanced away, feeling a tinge of envy after he had studied the teenager's genitals and made the obvious comparison with his own small appendage. Juan's sex organs looked more like his father's than his own, a disheartening realization at first. It was made worse when he considered than only they were separated by more than size. He evaded his growing jealousy by returning to the matter at hand. "That is if you ain't scared. Maybe us Navajo are just braver than Mexicans," Shelby taunted. Not to be outdone by a mere boy, Juan squatted down and picked up the bottle. Vaseline, hand lotion, KY jelly, soap, Crisco,.... he thought he had tried them all. His hands moved slowly as he removed the plastic cap. When he looked up again, Shelby's face seemed to be contorted. There was a wild look in his previously sensuous dark eyes. He breathed erratically, gasping as the feelings ebbed and flowed, his eyes closing tightly during each shuddering spasm. To Juan, the young boy seemed to be experiencing one orgasm after another although he had yet to touch his ejaculate anything. He fingered his full pouch as he dreamed of emptying his seed over the boy's slim body, in his mouth, in his rectum. Shelby gasped. He took a deep breath and tried to control the feeling that he was about to explode. His fingers squeezed his penis tightly, rubbing with a frantic urgency. His father had made him feel the same way with only the slightest touch on his male member. He glanced down, observing the dark bulging veins under the nearly translucent skin of his distended organ. His foreskin was fully retracted, his glans bloated like a ripe cherry. Something deep inside him, something in the vicinity of his bladder seemed to be swelling. It felt almost like he needed to urinate with a pressure that had increased to an uncomfortable level. From his seat on the prickly straw he watched Juan wipe the shiny oil over his thick hard penis. A copious droplet of pre-seminal fluid glistened at the huge reddened tip. At the same time he was fearful, it invited a closer inspection. With shameless excitement, Shelby eased down onto his knees until he knelt before the youth. "Can I?" he asked anxiously. Juan nodded. Shelby's hands shook as he reached up, following the strong thighs until he touched the other boy's much larger testicles through the wrinkled skin of a very full pouch. Despite his maturity Juan was not nearly as hairy as his father, his scrotum still devoid of hair. What sparse hair was on his groin was relatively straight and thin, very unlike the wire- like curls of Shelby's father. With both pigeon-egg-sized testicles held in his cupped hand, Shelby leaned forward and examined the bloated glans before him. Juan regarded the young Navajo boy curiously. During the last few seconds Shelby's fear had dissipated. His penis was as stiff and demanding as the teenager's, his entire body sexually charged. He was visibly nervous as he considered the unspoken request that now dominated his thoughts. Instinctively he knew that touching Juan's penis would lead to the onset of other far-greater pleasures. He could not help but wonder about Juan's proposal for 'sucking cock'. "Can I touch it," Shelby asked. "You can suck it if you want. Assuming you're not afraid you'll choke on it." Shelby glared at him. Juan grinned and then calmly taunted the younger boy with a fourteen-year-old's perception of psychological weakness. "I dare you! You must be chicken." Shelby snorted in derision and accepted the challenge. His white knuckled fingers revealed the strain it took to keep his right hand from graping Juan's penis and devouring it in a single mouthful. He eased back, contemplating for a way to begin. he leaned forward and opened his mouth wide, very wide. He stretched his jaws as his face neared. He felt it brush his lips. Soft, hard, hot, wet, strange, familiar. He expected it to taste bad, but he was unprepared as the glans came between his stretched lips. His tongue touched the bulging fullness, tasting saltiness and the bitter taste of the thin oil. He shuddered as he felt the penis forcing his mouth open even further, pushing his tongue out of the way, sliding past his lips, into him with a frightening power. Shelby glanced down as he suppressed his gag reflex. Half in, half out, the covering skin was stretched so tightly that it seemed to be transparent. Minute red veins lay close the surface and created a filigree tracery. He felt the urge to vomit and swallowed before he heaved. Another inch rammed forward. He felt Juan's pubic hair brushing his nose. "Jesus! Suck me!" Juan groaned. "Christ Almighty. It suck me!" Shelby smirked. He looked up and gazed at Juan's contorted face, fascinated by the youth's ecstasy and he wondered whether he would act the same way if his penis was in some one's mouth. He took hold of his thin erection between his thumb and two fingers, and began to masturbate with deliberate and exaggerated jerks, still using the unpracticed motions of a pre-teen boy. Within seconds his rubbing became faster as he was transported by the intense sensations he provoked in his throbbing penis. His cheeks worked urgently as he sucked, oblivious to the taste and aware only of the overpowering joy of having the huge penis within him. His awkwardness encouraged Juan to stand quietly, silently waiting for the boy to overcome his natural fear and his chance to pump into the beautiful small mouth. Above all, he did not want Shelby to stop. Less than a minute passed before Juan's hips began to thrust, his mouth agape as he enjoyed the boy's clumsy efforts to perform an activity previously unknown to him. His penis pulsed and throbbed in response to his pounding heart. He glanced down at Shelby, sucking earnestly and using his free hand to rapidly rub his rigid member. His ballsac bounced against his brown thighs, slapping loudly as highly sensitive nerves sent frantic messages through his brain. Juan groaned. He was skeptical that anything could feel as good as fucking Tyler's ass, but Shelby's mouth was a good substitute. He began to hump faster, shifting uncomfortably as his aching testicles overwhelmed him. He groaned again, his mouth opening wide in disbelief. Amid the terrifying pressence of the huge penis lunging forcefully into Shelby's mouth came sensations that were both irresistible and uncontrollable. He closed his eyes and gripped the penis tightly, jerking frantically. Shelby trembled uncontrollably, his wrist beginning to cramp as he jerked his own penis eratically. The feeling that he was about to explode had never been stronger. Faster, faster, his hand flying up and down, sucking the burning cock harder, rubbing his cheeks against Juan's smooth thighs until he was barely cognizant of his companion. His pleasure was excruciating. He tasted salt, spurting hot and thick into his mouth until it coated his tongue and ran to his throat. He swallowed. His body heaved at the moment of climax, wracked by dry spasms as he shuddered violently. As the frenzy passed he slumped onto the floor, mutely watching Juan experience the continuing throes of orgasm. There was a delectable taste inside Shelby's mouth that he relished. It more than compensated for his aching wrist. In shock, he watched the last of Juan's semen being expelled. It was the first time he had witnessed the fruit of maturity, milky splatters flying out with each downward pump of Juan's fist. More than a few droplets reached him, tainting his sweat- moistened chest and belly, one random pearl even landing on his cheek. Although Juan was only a few years older than he was, this was a man's seed, the stuff that made babies, that would make him a man when he was older. It was what his father and Juan called 'cum'. He silently wished that he was able to 'cum'. At the same time he considered Juan's much larger penis and bush of dark pubic hair to be both unattractive and undesirable. "Muther fucker!" Juan groaned. "I never cummed so much," he gasped. "NEVER! Never in a million years. I never thought anything could be better than Tyler's ass." Shelby smirked proudly, not understanding the meaning of Juan's anal reference. He wondered what could be better than 'sucking cock'. "You sucked like a pro," Juan announced. "I knew you'd like it." Shelby grinned as he casually fondled his partially stiff penis. Both reason and intuition told him he had performed more than adequately. Juan was visibly pleased by his accomplishment. His skin felt clammy, no longer heated and wet with perspiration. He struggled to his knees and clumsily wiped the milky smears from his chest with a hankerchief from the front pocket of his blue jeans. Ruefully he rubbed his fingers against his lips, thinking of what had gone inisde him. The stuff that made babies was in his belly. Silently he gazed at Juan and stifled a smile as the older boy attempted to wipe himself clean. "You like the taste don't you?" Juan taunted."Now you can suck your brother like that," he suggested. "You still got a few years before he shoots off though," he added. Shelby shot him a contemptuous look, grinning cheekily. "No way. The nearest doctor in Gallup, he cut Shane's balls off. My dad said he cain't ever do it, shoot sperms like you just did." Juan winced and stared at Shelby. "God, you're joking," he replied. Shelby shrugged, unable to take his eyes way from the wetness on Juan's belly. He expected that his father had a lot more of it. "I'm not!" he retorted. "You're crazy, kid! Even for a dumb Indian!" Juan joked as he massaged his drained testicles. Shelby smirked. "What do you mean about your brother? You said a doctor cut his balls off? You're kiddin' right?" Shelby shook his head. "His stupid pony kicked him real bad a few years back. It got him right in the balls. You should have seen it. It lifted him right off the ground and almost threw him over the fence." "Jesus! The poor little guy. I thought he looked a bit,... well funny lookin' down there." Shelby shrugged. "He cain't make babies because of it. His balls got mashed so there was nothin' the doctor could do." A thought came to him, a sudden urge to touch the other boy's body again and be touched himself. "Sometimes me and my brother wrestle," he suggested hopefully. Juan grinned at the younger boy and then looked away as he pretended disinterest. "Wow!" he replied with exaggerated enthusiasm. "That must be fun." Shelby grinned back, fully aware that he was being teased. "We rub our things together while we do it," he added. "That's better," Juan laughed. "Man, you're just one horny little kid, aren't you? Stand up!" He reached out and placed his hand on Shelby's shoulder. The boy grinned as their eyes met. "You're really cool," Shelby announced. Juan raised his other hand to the boy's shoulder and positioned him directly before him. "You're sexy, for a kid," he said as he lowered his head. "Real sexy." They were startled as Matt called out loudly from the house. Hurriedly they pulled their clothes on, dusted off the chaff and bits of straw, and climbed down the ladder. CHAPTER 5. BOY IN CHANU VALLEY. Shelby did not know why he continued his walk along the arroyo, following the dry creek when the going was so rough. The road was quicker and much easier. The deer path he followed had faded and completely disappeared several bends ago and he was forced to take to the center of the dry creek bed to avoid the thick brush on the sides. He had never been this far from the road before, not even with his father and brother when they hiked down to the reservation. He leaped from one rock to another, then as the rocks became smaller, he jumped across several at a time as he pretended that there was a steady flow of water instead of dusty sand and cracked hard mud. Despite the fact that he was born and bred on the rugged mesa far above him, there was always a risk, albeit small that he was not agile enough to avoid missing a vital footstep. The consequences at best were simply getting a twisted ankle or, at worst, a broken leg. This far from home, unless his father came to look for him it was unlikely that he would make it back under the latter scenario. But the possibility of injury did not enter his mind. That he could break an ankle or shatter one of his legs on a rock was never a consideration. Why he did not return to the mesa in the first place by the road instead of going up the arroyo also had not entered his mind. He simply enjoyed being by himself on that late afternoon. Without Shane, best friend and constant annoyance, he could move at his own pace. He revelled in the freedom, glad that his younger brother was out of his way for the next twenty-four hours celebrating another eight-year-old boy's birthday at the pueblo. As hot air rose up the side of the mesa, a breeze came up the ravine. Dry leaves scattered and danced their way along the rocky ground. It was Sunday, a day without work, a day to be thankful, a day to praise the Lord if he had been raised a true Catholic. However, while he believed he had a lot to be thankful for, the last time he had been in church was a dim, not very pleasant memory when his mother still lived with them. He felt happier than he had been in a long time. There was a solitude that came gradually into his mind and restored the peace. He found freedom in the quiet of the valley. Slowly his problems faded and the torment that had nearly fractured his ten- year-old life was pushed aside. He had been torn apart by the thought of losing the ranch. It was all that the Cassidy family had. If they lost it, they would be subjugated to taking the handouts of a society that valued the material assets of home and investment portfolio. Beyond the mesa, those things were more important than the graceful beauty of a running deer or the fiery red of a sunset, even more important than he was. The long wait for the bank to respond to his father's request for an extension on the note had been frustrating, but offered hope on the unlikely possibility that no news was good news. However, the letter that Matt Cassidy had finally received was the inescapable proof that their lives were shattered. Shelby had discovered the letter in his father's chest of drawers. The truth he learned and now faced was that his life no longer existed in any meaningful way. For nearly a month he had tried to believe that it would end happily, like the end of a fairy tale, or a feel-good book for kids in which even the worst calamity ended up being good for the kid, and everything turned out great by the middle of the last chapter. Real life was not like that. In real life, kids got hurt. Already his father had gone to Albuquerque to look for a job and somewhere for them to live. Shelby was not exactly sure what living in the city involved, but it did involve leaving his home on the mesa. He would be unhappy, of that much he was certain. Even the opportunities for friends of his own age did not interest him. Malls, schools, toys, and girls were as foreign to him as rattlesnakes were to the kids in the city. As far as girls were concerned, his concept of the opposite sex was little more than rutting animals and a vague relationship with his penis and a corresponding and as yet, unseen part of the female anatomy. He had almost no interest in furthering his knowledge in that particular area although it was quite a different matter when his own sex was considered. Life on the mesa with his father and brother had seen to that, and his interest was piqued even further by his brief friendship with Juan and by memories of what he had done in the barn. Just six weeks after his tenth birthday, the day after Juan and Tyler left to return to Salt Lake City, he had come to the inescapable conclusion why he was attracted to the older boy. With Juan's help and the loneliness of the secluded, towering mesa, he came to understand the meaning of the word 'gay', although the connotations associated with it were still barely grasped. It was not something that he wanted to be, but it was something that was easy to enjoy. He remembered Juan's firm touch on his member, the embrace of soft bare skin that sent shivers through him, the warmth of young loins united and moving in passionate thrusts, penis rubbing against penis. For some inexplicable reason the young Navajo boy enjoyed the sense of powerlessness as he lay beneath the youth, accepting domination and submitting eagerly to the other boy's caresses as he clutched the thick erection between his thighs and waited for the wetness to spill over him. The feelings were even stronger when his father hugged him, perhaps they were stronger because the arms that wrapped around him were stronger. At one large flat rock he paused. He stretched languidly, easing the tension in his young muscles as he arched his back gracefully. He felt alive and free. At that moment nothing could stop him. He was, with the infallibility of the young, unconscious of any limitation that could hold him back. He moved easily and without awkwardness, his agility reflecting his physical condition and coordination. Dressed only in loose jeans that had been worn to tatters by an active ten-year-old and an oversized shirt borrowed from his father, his body was tantalizingly unhampered by constricting clothing. He was not naked, but he may as well have been as he relished the freedom of easy movement like a Navajo brave wearing leather breeches. He looked up suddenly as the screeching call of hawks floated through the trees. Shelby was brought back to reality as he scanned the tangled pinyon woods. Not for the first time during that sunny afternoon did he sense that he was being observed. Suddenly his reverie vanished and he shivered. He was no longer the carefree child travelling in an imaginary world to destinations that challenged the cruel distortions of the last month. He breathed quickly and his face was flushed from his game. For that was what his life has become. It was a game, just as much as his tenuous passage up the creek. He lived on the edge. He was startled by the flapping sound of wings as two red hawks scattered and rose up from the rocks that lay beyond the trees. The arroyo widened ahead and the ground was dusty, even more so as the pinyon pines parted and the hot sun baked the earth to a thick hard crust. He stopped, transfixed by the sight of nature's beauty. It was very different to the apartment in which he would spend the rest of his childhood, a poor replacement for the ramshackle house that had been his home for the previous ten years of his life. He sighed internally as he wished for the thousandth time that he could live with his father and Shane on the mesa. Life was good on the mesa and he loved every moment of his brief existence. They shared something which he could not define. It was more than enough to take away the pain of poverty. Surrounded by such beauty, a person had no need of riches. However, if the truth was told, life on the mesa was not complete. Since the time in the corral, his father had confused him, even making him feel nervous and uncertain about himself and his body. Shelby's small fist clenched and he groaned inwardly as the memory of that afternoon returned. Until then, he had been innocent and everything was simpler. What he had experienced had changed him forever. Even worse than the knowledge within him was the fact that he was unable to tell his father what he now felt. It gnawed at him, festering. His mind clamored each time that he dwelled upon the memory of his father masturbating him. He thought about it with persistent frequency until he could picture the event with such clarity that it seemed as if he was still lying in the dust. It was a strong memory, stronger than what he had done with Juan in the loft, and he thought about it whenever there was nothing else to hold his interest. Late at night as he lay in bed, the image became even more demanding of his attention. And each time he thought about what had happened, his penis became very, very hard until he needed to masturbate. Every night his eyes closed tightly as he focused on the act of self pleasuring. He did only what every boy did, at least according to what his father had told him. The feelings had became increasingly better as the pretended motion of his father's hand, his own hand, became faster. It jerked up and down with frantic regularity, pulling on the distended shaft with such force that Shelby became frightened. Even though his own distressing grunts and moans told him it was pleasurable, he was confused. Even though he felt no guilt, masturbation was both frightening and exciting to the sensitive youngster. Shelby sought solace from the sadness of leaving the life he loved as he satisfied a desire for physical contact with another male. His life was also sad on the mesa, as sad as it would soon become in the city. Sometimes, not often, he was lonely. Shelby wanted to talk, to tell his father of his most private thoughts, the thoughts that consumed his when he masturbated. He stared absently. As he watched the hawks wheeling, one them fell lifelessly to the ground as a shotgun boomed loudly. From where he stood he did not see the buck-shot pierce its breast and the spray of blood. Nor did he hear the soft whoosh as the bird plummeted to the ground, but then he was could not have heard it over the roaring blast of the nearby shotgun. He felt sick in his stomach. The noise, a familiar sound on the reservation, was different to any gunshot he had heard before as they echoed up the blunt walls at Castle Rock. Sound carried further in the valley air, his father said, and the loud boom of a twelve-gauge shotgun was unmistakable. Before, the hunters were miles away and most of them knew well enough not to venture onto posted lands or try to climb up the mesa. Shelby leaped from the flat granite boulder on which he stood, to another, and then to the pebble-covered bank that had appeared from the thick foliage as it opened into a wide clearing. He trotted towards the fallen hawk a hundred yards away. Barely halfway there, he stopped. There was another loud crack, a booming sound that echoed through the valley. A moment later two hunters, dressed in camouflage green and brown shirts and carrying polished instruments of death came out of the woods on a converging path. He tensed and stayed his course as they approached him. They stopped only a few yards away. Shelby took a deep breath and figured that it was no worse than facing an angry mare. He spoke bravely though his reedy voice crackled with uncertain passion. "You can't hunt here," he said boldly. "My people own this land and it's not allowed. You're on the reservation. There are signs up next to the fence that say 'Trespassing Prohibited'. You must have seen them when you came down the road." One man looked at his companion, more youth than man, and snorted as he ejected yellow spittle onto the ground. "Fuck off, kid. Why don't you run back to your mommy before you crap your pants." The teenager snickered and continued to walk towards the carcass. He picked it up and turned around. He walked back to the man swinging the hawk by a yellow thin leg. He glared at Shelby. The younger dark-skinned boy shivered. In ten years he had never seen a hawk actually die and the sight of the bloody bird, his own sacred fetish, chilled his spine. But despite his fear, Shelby's eyes were glued to it. Finally he looked up and found that the young man was staring at him. Shelby looked away and his eyes came to rest on the other man's crotch. There was a huge bulge in his jeans. It was much bigger than the bulge in his father's jeans. He remembered what he had seen only hours before when his father dragged him out of bed. By comparison, this man's penis had to be enormous. Shelby swallowed, his eyes locked on the swollen ridge that pushed under the well worn denim. He tried to imagine what it would look like. "There must be twenty holes in it. You got it right through the guts, Dave. I can't believe it," the young man smirked. "I told ya' I was a good shot, didn't I? Next time you'll believe me, won't you Jeff." Dave sneered. The man stared at Shelby. For several seconds he could not be certain. The boy's eyes did not move. Shelby was riveted. He shrank before the man's eyes, very aware that his interest was perceived, but unable to look away. Increasingly interested, increasingly guilt-ridden, increasingly confused, Shelby's existence was directed not only towards his own sex but towards men. His closely guarded stash of pictures culled from Sports Illustrated advertisements was quickly becoming insufficient for the curiosity that raged inside the turmoil of his young mind. After his time with Juan in the barn he had much more than an inkling of what lay beneath the faded denim and its capacity to give him the pleasure he needed. Despite his fear, there was a nagging excitement that rose up inside him and required his undivided attention. "What ya' lookin' at kid?" the man smirked. Shelby did not speak for fifteen long, still-fascinated seconds. It was as if he did not realize that he had been addressed. "Nothing! You can't hunt here," he repeated bravely. He was frightened and the fear overwhelmed his shame. He straightened up and averted his eyes. "So ya' said." the man studied the determined boy who impudently tried to raise his height by standing up straight and tall. "Well, what are you fuckin' going to do 'bout it? There ain't shit to stop me! And that includes you, pretty-boy." He fingered the stock of his Winchester Model 1300 pump-action. A load of No. 6 was already in the breech. He smirked again at the young man beside him. At this distance, one squeeze of the trigger and the overly handsome preteen boy would be cut in half and his guts spread over the trees behind him. But he was partial to boys, especially dark-haired boys who had not started puberty. The youngster who confronted him aroused his urge like few others had managed to do. The already large bulge in the crotch of his jeans stirred and began to grow. "You better git your cute little ass back home where it belongs kid before we fix it so you don't want to sit down for a week," the man taunted loudly. The sexual reference was missed by the ten-year-old boy-virgin. Until six weeks earlier, the nearest thing to sex he had experienced was playing with his penis in his bed. And while his sex education had taken a dramatic step forward when his father had touched his penis, and again with Juan, he still had a lot to learn, and he wanted badly to learn more than he could discover from mysterious adult bulges on his growing collection of dog-eared pictures. That sex could involve his ass and cause discomfort when he sat down had never entered his mind. "I'll tell my father," Shelby threatened impotently. His eyes drifted back to the man's groin. He forced himself to look away again, but his eyes moved to the side and focused on the young man's crotch. "Don't you hear good, kid?" the man snarled. "Cause when me and Jeff here finish fuckin' you, you going to be real sore in your butt and wish to God you heard better." The young man, just past his nineteenth birthday laughed loudly. He knew exactly how sore the kid would be. He took his first cock, his uncle's monster, when he was not much more than ten years old, about the same age as the skinny runt who stood before them. He started to get hard just thinking about sinking his cock into the youngster's tight behind. The kid would cry and beg for mercy until it was in. A few minutes later he would squeal his head off while be pleaded for it faster and deeper. They all did that sooner or later. He was the living proof that boys liked it a lot once they were used to taking a man-sized cock. This pretty Indian boy would be no different, probably better at it than most given the way he stared at his uncle's equipment. He was angry, uncertain as to whether he was jealous of the boy, or excited by the opportunity of both watching and participating in the kid's initiation. He had watched another boy, his best friend, having sex with his uncle, but he had never taken an active role in defiling a kid's cherry. "You better git while the going is good," the young man warned. "He ain't kiddin' you. He'll split your ass wide open. You won't ever be the same once he does it to you. There'll be blood and shit all over you and your ass will be full of cum," he laughed. "And afterwards, when you get over the pain you'll want a cock in your cute little fuck-hole more than you can stand. You better git your ass somewhere safe." The young man turned instantly as he heard the noise behind him. Where the man on horseback came from he could not be sure, but he appeared without warning and made only the slightest sound as he crossed the hard ground. The horse moved restlessly, standing its ground with nervous tremors. "Maybe you should explain to me why he better git," Matt demanded. His hand rested on the saddle. By nature, Matt was not an aggressive person, although he was angry that anyone would dare to threaten his son. He felt strangely relaxed. The two men were very threatening if only by virtue of their very casualness and the shotguns they carried. "Chanu Indians own this land and that means you two clowns are trespassing." The other man, Dave Baker, card-carrying member of the United Front Militia, studied the stranger who dared to confront him. He sized Matt up as he would evaluate any man before he started a fight. Matt was of equal height to himself and he carried himself well for forty years and one hundred and eighty pounds. Both men radiated tension. The moment was as tense as the preliminaries to any bar brawl. "This here kid is your's, ain't he?" Baker snarled. Matt nodded slightly, acknowledging Shelby as his own. "You better keep 'im on a leash 'fore he gets his ass fucked." Matt swallowed. "What did you say?" "You heard 'im," the young man said brashly. Matt smouldered for several seconds as he contemplated his response. They were armed, albeit with shotguns but as deadly at this range as any high- powered rifle. He hated guns when someone else had one. "Listen ass-hole, you're trespassing. I wouldn't advise you to threaten the boy with something like that," Matt snarled. "And what are you going to do 'bout it?" Baker raised the barrel of the gun slightly. His gesture was threatening and for an instant Matt shuddered. Here, it could be several weeks before someone found their bodies. His brain sent an urgent message of caution as he tensed. If anyone was supposed to know anything at all about survival under stress, it should be him. It was one of the lessons learned on the mesa. Matt backed off. It was, under the circumstances, the only sensible thing to do. "Right now, nothing. You leave the fuckin' bird and get the hell outta here and I won't call the tribal police." Matt's voice was as controlled as he could manage, but he could hear the fear in the background. He had never used a word like that in front of his son and he saw the boy's shocked reaction as he half-turned to stare at him. He wondered whether the child realized the danger that they were both in. He assumed so. Shelby's face was pale, as if blanched by seeing his father's consternation. The hunter turned to his accomplice and shrugged. "Well Jeff, looks like no boy-butt for you today." He shouldered his gun and glared at Matt angrily. "I'd keep junior here real close to ya', that is unless you want his asshole as big as his fuckin' mouth and all bloody to boot." "Just get the hell outta here. If you have any brains you'd leave now and get off the reservation. The Chanu don't like people killing their hawks." Baker smirked. "How about fucking an injun kid's ass? Guess they ain't too keen on that either. Pity! It looks like he's got an ass built for giving a man a good time. How about it kid? You wanna sneak back here tonight? You want me to stick it up your rump?" "Leave the boy alone. Go plough the furrows in your own field," Matt snarled. Baker smiled. "Of course, his daddy is going to say that. Maybe you really want me to fuck his ass for ya'? He sure is a cutie pie." He motioned to the young man to drop the bird. It thumped to the ground. For the moment Matt was the winner. He nudged his horse in the flanks and guided it towards his son. Matt reached to him, grabbed his right arm tightly and swung him up so that he sat before him. He was stunned by how light the boy was. If Shelby tipped the scales at more than sixty-five pounds, fully clothed, Matt would be surprised. "Get off the reservation," Matt said with barely restrained anger. "If I see you here again I will call the police." "Next time, ass-hole, I'll spear the little queer if I find him. Not that your kid's going to mind my cock stuffed up his ass. From the looks a' him he's going to love it. He's got faggot-boy writ all over him." His last words were directed at Matt's back as he turned the horse for home and trotted away from them. Matt held Shelby around the waist. He could feel the slender young body shuddering uncontrollably and he pitied him. From personal experience, he knew that growing up gay was just about the hardest thing any boy could do. No wonder Shelby cried, so unlike the young Navajo boy who seldom expressed any emotion except happiness. The child in him was growing up. As they rode back to the house on the mesa Matt tried to think of what he should say to Shelby. He had stopped crying after a few minutes and he sat slumped against the pommel. He was almost as lifeless as the hawk they had left behind them. Matt wondered silently what he should say to the boy. He understood Shelby's shame, for even a complete stranger had seen through the facade he had erected and announced it to the world. The stranger had identified Shelby for exactly what he was. He was more exposed and fragile than at any time in his short life. Since the episode in the corral Matt suspected that the boy was attracted to his own sex, perhaps even to grown men. The signs were unmistakable and the final proof had come when he had discovered his son's pictures only an hour earlier. That was what had brought him out to find Shelby. What did one say to a gay boy who had started to discover his true self? Matt remembered what it was like to grow up gay. He sighed. He tightened his grip around Shelby's lean chest and gave him a loving hug as they rode back towards the house. The boy needed all the support that he could muster and every bit of affection he could give him. Shelby's true self would emerge and, unlike Matt's own father, he intended to help his son along the way. Shelby felt warm and alive as his heat flowed out. His stripling body was full of the vitality of youth and Matt absorbed him with growing pleasure. Was it his imagination that Shelby sighed as he pressed back into his father's chest at the same time? "Shelby,... what that man said to you back there,... it was wrong," Matt began hesitantly. Shelby's tousled head turned slightly. "Huh?" "He was wrong to threaten you. You had a perfect right to tell him to leave. I'm very proud of you, Shelby. That took a lot of guts." "I was scared," Shelby admitted. "For a while I thought he was going to hurt me. He even pointed the gun at me. I thought he was going to shoot me, and then you rode up." Matt nodded. Beneath the soft fleece of Shelby's tee shirt he could feel the firm lines of young ribs. No wonder he was easy to lift up onto the horse- -he was a skinny little boy under his loose clothes. They both wore tee shirts, doubling as nightshirts if they were clean. They were comfortable in the cool night air of the mesa and after a late breakfast that merged into Sunday lunch, there had been no reason to change. Shelby had escorted Shane down to the pueblo without changing and Matt had followed in similar attire. "Da," Shelby began awkwardly, "Can I ask you a question?" "Uh huh! Of course you can. No matter what, Shelby, I always want you to be able to talk to me. That's what I'm here for." Matt took a deep breath and gently squeezed his son harder into his chest as he hugged him a little closer. "What that guy said back there, that was wrong too, wasn't it? I don't mean that he threatened me, but that other stuff, like what he was going to well,... do to me." Shelby's nervousness was audible in his trembling voice. Matt wondered how much he had understood of what had been said to him. He had been one or two years older than his son when he knew enough to understand the meaning of anal sex and the consequences of rape. But boys today were more aware of things like that than they were thirty years ago. Never mind that 'Leave it to Beaver' was the social norm while he was growing up. Wally Cleaver was no closer to getting his teenage prick into the Beaver's butt than Randy Taylor was to getting his ass fucked by his older brother, but at least Randy seemed as if he would know what to do if the opportunity presented itself. Still, Matt was surprised. It sounded as though Shelby understood enough to know that he could be severely injured if the threat was acted upon. He contemplated his response for several seconds. Was it 'wrong'? What if it was something that both wanted? Matt did not know the answer. Whether it was right or wrong really depended upon one's perspective, and given his own inclinations, it was right. His hesitation provoked a further question. "Um, Da, why did he made it sound as though it would hurt me terribly?" Shelby asked uncertainly. Matt's sudden intake of breath startled both of them. He stalled for time as his thoughts ricochetted from why would Shelby ask such a question to the implication that a ten-year-old boy actually believed that being fucked by a man would not hurt him terribly. The next question came quickly. Did Shelby realize that he was gay? In a way Matt hoped so. Perhaps Shelby's silent shame was explained by the fact that he was trying to find a way to understand his own inner conflict. He was reaching out in his own immature and frightened way to find a like soul. "I guess because it does hurt," Matt said simply. "But,... it doesn't. I know it doesn't hurt," Shelby murmured. "How do you know, Shelby?" "It doesn't hurt all that much, does it Da? At least not the way that he was said it did, with blood and everything." Matt smiled and tightened his grip around the slender chest. It felt good to hold the lad close to him. Memories of his own childhood came to him. There were short lived recollections of Navajo boys from the reservation. From twelve to seventeen Matt lived a lie as he tried to fulfill his father's expectations while giving his ass to the shaman of the Chanu at every opportunity. Even then, it was only in his first year at college, away from the pressure of family and friends, did he again venture into a homosexual relationship. By then Matt was anything but an insecure and guilt-ridden boy. His next lover was a thirty-year-old associate professor. He was followed by others, fellow students, a full professor, a librarian, even strangers in the bus station. Over the next few years Matt tried to deal with his sexuality, but he never came out of the closet. By the time he had accepted what he was he was back on the ranch with a life-style that precluded an alternative life-style. Now Matt wanted to take away Shelby's pain and uncertainty, to make the shame and guilt vanish, to help the confused youngster emerge as his true self. He nuzzled the curly soft hair above Shelby's right ear. He wanted to be close to him. He shuddered as he wondered whether he wanted to be close enough to be his son's lover when the time came for Shelby to take that irrevocable step into growing up. The thought had first come to him only a day or two after he masturbated Shelby in the corral. It came again when he made the obvious comparison between his son and Tyler and found both boys sexually arousing in a way he had always denied. "It hurts a bit at first, especially when you're young," Matt said softly in his ear. He took a deep breath. "But after it's in you, Shelby, usually it feels okay. That is, once you get used to having it inside you. It can hurt until then, especially if he's a lot bigger than you." Shelby was silent and Matt knew what he was thinking. The boy needed time. The hardest thing for him would be to accept himself in a role that boys his age, at best subjected to constant ridicule, at worst reviled. Matt considered what else he could say to lessen the burden his son carried. He decided to wait him out. Shelby needed to make the next step. "Juan said that it was okay, too. How does it feel when you get used to it?" he asked at last. "Is it just okay?" "It feels very nice, Shelby. It may be the nicest feeling that a boy can have. And if you love him, the guy you're with, it's an even more wonderful feeling because part of him, his penis, is in your bottom and you're joined together in a very special way. Doing it, well it's what makes you lovers, okay?" Matt's voice was soft and carefully modulated to reassure his son. He wondered whether he had gone too far and said too much. He could almost feel the young body before him trembling as each new bit of information was consumed by his active mind. "Have you done that with another guy, Da?" Shelby asked awkwardly. Matt breathed out, deflated as his confidence suddenly ebbed. "What do you think? Do you think your old man's gay?" he asked, uncertain that he wanted his son to know his past. "That time when we were in the corral,... and you rubbed my dick,... well, I guess I wondered then if you were gay." "Well,..." Matt paused, considering the possibility of a lie. He took a deep breath as he decided on the truth. "The answer is yes. That's what being gay means, son. It means you want to have sex with other males. Most gays do it with men, but that don't mean they always do. Does that bother you, Shelby?" "No! I,... I don't care. Some of the kids at the reservation say it's bad,... but,.... I don't know. They tell jokes and act like it's terrible. Tyler and Juan are gay and they're okay. I don't know if it's bad,... but from what Juan said it sounded like they really don't do anything that terrible." "Why did you ask if I was gay?" Matt asked. Suddenly he wanted to change the subject, but he needed to know. He could hear the tension building in Shelby's voice and it worried him. "I don't know.... It really isn't important any more. I used to think you were lonely living up here by yourself, that's all I guess. I don't want you to be unhappy. If you want to move to Albuquerque, it's okay by me." "That's a nice thing to say," Matt replied guiltily. His hands relaxed, now very aware that he had been caressing the boy's belly and aching to touch other forbidden parts. "I'm really glad I'm your son, even if you are gay. I don't mind, Da." Shelby wriggled against his father and the man's penis rubbed into his back. Matt was erect and had been that way for the last few minutes. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears. Shelby's movement made him even more aware of his young body and that served to make his penis stiffen further. "I love you, Shelby. If I could pick any boy to be my son, I'd always pick you. A man couldn't ask for more. You and Shane will always be mine." "I love you too! I'd give anything if I could always live here with you. I guess after,... after Mom left, I used to think how it would be if you would never marry again. I wanted it to be just us on the mesa. Just you, me, and Shane," Shelby admitted seriously. "It doesn't matter!" he added with finality, although he had not finished his thought. Matt leaned forward and kissed the top of Shelby's head. He always kissed the top of the boy's head, seldom anywhere else, and almost never since he discovered he became excited when he touched his son's penis. The temptation to kiss him elsewhere was sometimes almost more than he could stand. Somehow he always managed to stop himself. By closing his eyes, Matt had always been able to resist his deepest longing. Each time after he had kissed Shelby's head, he thought that he could see the hurt in the child's sensitive eyes. He did not have the right to take what he wanted. And he wanted to love Shelby, to make love to the boy he loved more than anyone else. Any way that he examined his dilemma he came to the same conclusion. He was the only person who truly loved Shelby Cassidy. If any one had the right to love Shelby, and to teach him how to make love it was him. Kissing him on the lips seemed both inevitable and immoral. As Matt pondered the problem that loomed before him, the impossible happened and both of their lives were changed. He did not intend to touch Shelby's penis. It just happened by accident as they rode home. The horse was over sixteen hands, and while seldom undisciplined, could be quite skittish at times. He lurched suddenly as they started down the gravelly side of a ravine and almost dislodged both of them. Fortunately, Matt's feet were in the stirrups and he regained his position with little difficulty. Shelby on the other hand was almost thrown off. Only the strong arm wrapped around his chest and the hand that quickly grasped his lean thigh prevented that from happening. Under the soft fleece of Shelby's pants Matt felt the resilience of young, firm flesh. His hand lingered for a few brief seconds, very aware of the delicious warmth of the juvenile erection, the small hardness projecting hungrily outward, realizing the urgent life that flowed between them in the intimate touch. He wanted desperately to squeeze, to fondle, to gently caress his fingers against the boy's excited genitals. His hand jerked away guiltily. At the bottom of the ravine Matt eased him down to the ground, intending to dismount himself and tighten the girth-strap on the saddle. For a brief moment he paused and looked at the young boy. Shelby laughed as he brushed his hair back from his forehead. It would have been quite a fall and he was on an adrenaline high made even more excited by the strange excitement that now gripped him. His body trembled uneasily. "That sure was a close one, Da," he laughed. "Not wrong, Shelby. You were lucky. Actually, I guess we both are. I thought we might have gone down for a moment." He patted the horse's withers and scratched his fingers in the thick mane as he gazed at Shelby. He was a beautiful boy. Matt breathed heavily. He wanted to say something to continue the momentum, but he also needed to distance himself from thoughts he knew were evil in their intent. "I had to get off anyway," Shelby grinned. He started to back away. "I've got to pee something awful." Matt glanced around, looking over both of his shoulders before he turned back. "Well no one is going to see you down here, except me and Mister Nixon, that is." Shelby laughed. Matt loved his ready smile, but he was infatuated with his son's high-pitched boyish laugh. It was more a playful giggle than anything and it suited his beaming face. "I guess so!" The boy continued to back away, moving inexorably towards a tree trunk that offered just enough privacy for a small boy to perform nature's calling. "It's just a dick, you know Shelby. The last time I looked I had one, and I know old Nixon's got a damn big one, so I suppose all three of us have got one," Matt challenged. "Your's might be the smallest one here, but that still ain't no reason to hide it from us." Shelby's smile changed to a sly smirk. "Do you want to see me pee, Da?" he teased. Suddenly Shelby's expression became serious, making Matt's heart race and his brain send frantic messages through his body. Their eyes met. Matt stared down from high on the horse. Without looking away, Shelby's hands moved to his waist and he pulled his sweat pants down a few inches. Paler, but still-brown skin was revealed. He stopped with the waist band just above his crotch, a definite point stretching the cloth between his thighs. Matt nodded slightly in approval. A glimmer of a smile flashed across his son's face and his hands moved lower. Matt smiled and Shelby's hands moved further down, pulling his pants and the tip of his penis even lower. Matt saw the base of Shelby's penis. His eyes widened and his heart surged. For the space of only a few seconds, Shelby hesitated. He swallowed bravely and then his hands dropped quickly until Matt could see all of his young treasure. The youngster was not well endowed, even as ten-year-old boys go. If his mother was to be believed, Shelby was much like his father in that respect. Her crude comments to two other women informed all of the women on the reservation that her husband and both of her sons had been short-changed in the penis department. Shelby's penis was fully hard, its size exaggerated by a disappointingly small scrotal pouch that bore no sign of the fullness that heralded the approach of puberty. Unlike Matt's own penis, the boy's squat erection did not stick out between his legs and rise up to his belly. Instead, it adopted a position that was somewhere between horizontal and an oblique angle downward. Shelby's penis was about the size of a man's thumb, no longer, no thicker, and no less unyielding. "It's going to real hard for you to pee through that stiff little pecker of yours, boy," Matt said crudely. Shelby's serious look changed to a shy smile. His fingers pushed forward and he gripped his rounded red knob between them. He squeezed down, his eyes half-closing as he tried to force his urine from his bladder. They waited, and waited, and waited. Obviously, Shelby had never tried to urinate when he was erect. It was not impossible, but it certainly was difficult. Finally a little yellow dribble appeared and splashed onto the rocks directly below. He smiled triumphantly and strained inside again to increase the flow. The dribble faded, stopped, then started again. The stream started, gathered momentum as it arced away from his penis, then slowly withered to a few scattered droplets which he shook away from the continuing stiffness. Matt took a deep breath. It had been one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. His heart was pounding at a fearful rate. Little could compare to the sight of a beautiful boy with his pants halfway down his thighs. There in the woods, amid the reddened hues of late afternoon, he had come to desire Shelby in a way that was socially unacceptable. He could not turn back despite his growing despair. The sweat pants came back up far too quickly for Matt's liking. It was as if the boy suddenly realized that he had crossed into forbidden territory. The object of his father's raging lust vanished even faster than it had appeared. Matt nudged Nixon forward until he came up beside the boy. For the second time he lifted him up and placed him in the saddle. His own erection poked the child in the back again. Shelby pushed back, giving the impression that he was finding a more comfortable position, but they both knew otherwise. Again Matt placed his arms around the narrow chest and then thought the better of it. He lowered one arm, locking around Shelby's skinny waist, and pulled the warm young body hard against him. "That's really a stiff little thing you got down there, Shelby," Matt added pointedly. "It looked like it might snap right off when you were tryin' to piss." But Shelby did not reply and casually, almost accidently, his father's hand eased forward onto his thigh. Matt caressed him for a moment and then lifted up to follow the folds in the sweat pants. Under the soft material Matt felt the hot firmness of a very small but still very erect sex organ. Lovingly he grazed its sensitive tip and gently pressed it downward. It sprang back, resilient and hungry for more. His finger tips encircled Shelby's tiny glans and began to massage it. "Da?" "Yeah, Shelby?" "Uh,.... nothing." "Do you want me to stop?" "It's okay. I can feel yours in my back," Shelby announced proudly. "You have a stiffie too, don't you Da? If feels so big....Uh,... is it because,... because you're gay?" "It's not that much bigger than what most men have. That doesn't mean you'll have a big one," Matt suggested. "Does it bother you?" He knew the answer before he asked the question. The way Shelby wriggled back and compressed against his lower belly could only mean one thing. Shelby liked the feel of the hardness pressing into him. For that matter, Matt liked it too. Shelby shook his head slightly. "No! I don't mind. You feel really big," he repeated. Was there a trace of envy in his voice or was it simply a matter of nerves? Matt suspected envy. It was only natural. From the all-too-brief glimpse that Matt had of his son's penis, he was confident that Shelby was not built like him but took after his mother's side of the family. Navajo men were not well-endowed in his opinion. When he was adult-sized Shelby probably would be no larger than most boys in their mid teens. However, that deficiency did not bother him. On the contrary, for some men it would add to Shelby's allure if he was gay. However, for Shelby, his small sex organ would become a constant source of embarrassment as he grew up. Still, Matt reserved judgement. Only time and puberty would tell how large the boy would become when he was older. He hoped Shelby lived up to his expectations for he had never been one to appreciate big tools, except his own. His fingers continued to gently massage Shelby's penis. Each time as the youngster came closer to the edge, his body tensed. His legs gripped the saddle as if trying to increase the pressure inside his body enough to force some milky fluid out. But seminal release was impossible for the almost ten- year-old boy and for now, with the distraction of being on the horse, even a still-dry orgasm evaded him. Matt promised himself that later on, in the secure privacy of his house, he would see to it that Shelby experienced that ultimate pleasure of a boy's body. Until then, he contented himself with alternating between gentle stimulation that served to reassure the boy that it was not only pleasurable but entirely appropriate for him to touch his penis, and loving manipulation to satisfy his own deep-seated longing. Either way, it was fun. Nothing more was said until they were in sight of the house. By then Matt had extracted every delight possible from Shelby's penis short of bringing him to climax. What he liked more than anything, if his low moans were a guide, was for Matt to pinch the swollen head lightly between his fingers. After a minute of two of that Shelby would shudder and Matt would stop to fondle the delicate boy-cock with carefully administered caresses. As Nixon began to trot the last hundred yards to the barn, Matt stopped fondling the rigid member. Enough was enough. He enfolded Shelby's torso again and hugged him with more passion that he had ever felt with another person. Their bodies seemed to lock together as Matt nuzzled the youngster's unruly dark hair. "Da?" he whispered softly. "Can I ask you a question?" "Shelby, you can always ask me a question. What is it?" The boy hesitated as if something needed to be said, but he could not find the words. He settled for a delay. "Nah, it's okay." Shelby slipped his left leg up over the saddle and slid to the ground without assistance. He grinned up at his father. For the time being the spell was broken. They were father and son again and the intimacy they had shared was nothing more than a fond memory. What was more, Matt instinctively knew that he could trust Shelby to keep this secret even from his brother. "Thanks for the ride home," he repeated absently. "It was nice, Da." "You're welcome, Shel'. It was a pleasure. I thought you wanted to ask me a question?" "It can wait till later." Matt dismounted and led Nixon into the barn. Shelby trailed behind. In the space of a few minutes Shelby had taken another step on the path to manhood. It seemed that neither of them could not find the words they needed to say. Matt longed to tell his son what he wanted to say more than anything else. He hesitated, considering. Then as Matt turned to look at his son, the moment had passed and Shelby glanced away sulkily. Matt unsaddled the horse, put out some oats, and closed the stall. For ten long minutes as they finished the day's chores in the barn neither of them spoke. The silence was deafening as Matt waited for Shelby to say what he could not. After all, what did one say to a gay boy after you've played with his dick for the second time? Thank you? Shelby lagged behind as Matt walked back to the house. He had never thought of his son as a moody child. Perhaps it was a natural reaction to his sexual experience? It had been very different after the time in the corral, but it had not been as openly sexual. He could not remember his own feelings after his own first time with a man much beyond an incredible and overwhelming excitement. Had he been moody and consumed by guilt? Before he reached the verandah Matt stopped and turned around. He waited patiently for Shelby to come up. He stood a few feet away, his head down guiltily as he stared at the dust under his feet. "You're very good-looking Shel',... and very sexy,... for a ten-year-old boy," Matt said quietly as much to himself as to his son. "And I hope you're gay, Shelby," he added gently. He paused and allowed his words to sink in. He wanted Shelby to know that he had been aroused only because of him. For one thing it would be good for his son's ego and self esteem; for another, it was the truth. Shelby winced as the words struck home. "Yeah, right!" he grunted angrily. "Nobody likes a queer!" "Up here on the mesa, do you think it really matters what you are son?" "Yeah! " Shelby retorted hotly. "Being part Indian is bad enough, but being gay is even worse." "I am,... you know I'm gay,... and,... and I want you to know that I,... I like you the way you are. In fact, Shelby, I'd love nothing more than for you to be like me, so there." He wondered what Shelby would think at his open acknowledgment that both of them were gay. Shelby swallowed and his lips pressed together as if he was still desperately trying to avoid saying what he wanted to say. With all his heart Matt wanted Shelby to say that he was gay too, but the boy was frightened. He was frightened just as Matt had been frightened when he took his first awkward steps into a man's welcoming embrace. Perhaps a psychologist would argue that Matt had exceeded the line between comforting his son and trying to seduce him, however he had the best of intentions. After a few seconds, Shelby shrugged and began to walk. Matt followed him as he led the way into the house. Although he did not know it at the time, Shelby had not rejected him, instead he had simply postponed the confrontation that loomed ahead because he was frightened. CHAPTER 6. BOY IN THE BATH For the rest of the afternoon, at least for the hour that was left before the sun dropped below the hills, Shelby continued to sulk. Matt let him be. The boy had suffered enough for one day and with time, he would gradually come to accept the truth of what they both knew to be true. Matt's own mood was not particularly pleasant either. As he brooded in front of the television and watched the live telecast from Denver, he continued to ponder what lay before him. He was attracted to Shelby, physically, emotionally, and sexually. That much he had come to realize for the first time that afternoon, although some dim recognition of his feelings for his son had existed from a time when he was much younger. As the last golden rays penetrated the living room and danced across the wood floor Matt began to feel very sad. Shelby was reaching the most wonderful stage of his life and now he was also exposed to the most pain that he would ever feel. Matt knew the feelings well. He had been dragged in two directions as he sought to satisfy his father's strict ideals while at the same time, satisfying a need that was disgusting and socially deplorable. The thick rug on the hearth held Matt's attention. With little difficulty he could imagine Shelby lying there before a blazing fire. He would be naked and his bare skin would be ruddy from the heat of the flames. His body would be hot, nearly as hot as his young passion. He imagined kissing Shelby's perfectly shaped mouth, tasting his sweet lips, and sucking his soft, wriggling tongue. Matt dreamed of his son, as eager and aroused as he was, lying down and with outstretched arms, offering his slender, virgin body. For the first time Matt fantasized about making love to Shelby. It had been no different for Matt when he was a boy. The act of love between a man and a boy which society found so repugnant, was in reality, the most joyful experience that two people could share. So many years of his life had been wasted as he tried to meet other people's expectations of him. Then, when he finally had the freedom to do what he wanted, he was no longer a boy. After Charro, for several long years he was too scared to do what he really wanted. "Da?" Matt twisted around at the sudden interruption to his train of thought. He had not heard Shelby approach. He was still dressed in his sweats, and now without his socks, he walked without making a sound. Matt smiled, happy that Shelby had finally come back to him. Perhaps the dream would be more than mere imagination. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you the question now?" he asked uncertainly. "You don't have to answer,... unless you want to." "Don't tell me you're hungry again, Shelby. There's some bird left that you didn't finish," Matt teased as he remembered how much of the chicken they had eaten earlier in the day. Shelby smiled weakly. "Na! Not that! I'm not hungry yet. It's about,... well, it's about what you said earlier." Matt sat up attentively. "Okay, fire away!" "What you s-s-said about me earlier, Da,... that I-I-I was s-s- sexy,...." "Yes," Matt prompted cautiously. Shelby hesitated. Matt watched his little barely formed Adam's apple bob nervously in his slender neck as he swallowed. "You want to know if I meant it?" he prompted. Shelby nodded as he took the bait. "Of course I meant it. You are sexy. In fact you're an incredibly sexy boy." "You're not k-k-kidding me?" Shelby queried awkwardly. "I'm not kidding you. You're not only the most attractive boy I ever saw, but you're also very sexy, Shel'. It's a dangerous combination at your age." Again, Matt left the obvious unstated. Did he need to tell Shelby that he turned him on like no other person had managed to do, not even his mother? He wondered whether he should say more. More than anything Matt wanted to tell Shelby that he loved him enough to want to make love to him. He held his words back and regretted it instantly. "Why?" Shelby asked with difficulty. "Why is it dangerous?" "Because! Well,... for one thing because of what that man said to you today, that's why, Shel'. You need to be careful, even in these parts. There are men around who would be friends with you just so they could be close to you." Shelby thought for a few seconds. "Because,... men only want sex. That's what Mom says. Only I'm a boy, so,... well I guess I really don't understand." Matt smiled. Even though she had been gone for as long as he cared to remember, she still polluted her sons when they visited the reservation. "Some men want to have sex with boys. I think that man today,... no I'm sure he wanted to have sex with you. He might have forced you if I wasn't there. There are a lot of men around like him. A boy has to be careful at your age." Shelby studied his feet. "What we did on the way home, Da,.... Doesn't that mean that you want to have sex with me," he suggested hesitantly. Despite his hesitation, his voice was matter-of-fact. His response was not framed as a question. He knew he was right. Matt took a deep breath and nodded. He had not wanted it to start like this. Not now when he was worried about losing the farm. At some point he would have to face the repercussions of illicit sex with a boy who was more than five years away from legal age, but not now. And yet he instinctively knew that he could trust Shelby to keep a secret just as he kept his own desires hidden from the world around him. Life on the mesa imbued trust. He swallowed, half closed his eyes, and spoke honestly. "I love you, Shel'..... I love you not only as my son. I love you the way a person loves someone when they fall in love. I think we need each other more than we know." Shelby's expression clearly indicated his shock. However, knowing the environment in which he had grown up, Matt should not have been surprised. For several years, the only true love that Shelby received was what Matt gave him. Suddenly his father had become more than friend and confidant. The words burned his ears. The man before him had replaced his father, a man who was too guiltily aware of his own sexual aberration to take advantage of him. Shelby was unable to speak and reveal his own feelings. "I think about you all the time," Matt added. He gazed at the uncertain boy and worried that he was going too far, too fast. "But it's not the way that an father is supposed to think about his son. I feel this way because,... well because,... I guess because I get lonely here on the mesa." "You want to have sex with me," Shelby finished quietly. This time his intonation conveyed the question. It was as an expression of curiosity as much as an invitation. Shelby was not what might be called a precocious child. Certainly, he was above average in intelligence, and life on the mesa tended to promote an emotional maturity that was beyond his intellectual age. However, he was also honest and forthright. Despite the divorce, the lies and deception that had been a constant part of the years before his mother departed had no place in Shelby's life. His eyes were large and full of radiant innocence that conveyed his inner thoughts as clearly as if he had spoken them aloud. Like an avalanche gathering momentum as it crashed down the rocky walls of the mesa, father and son could not back away again from what raced before them. Without understanding more than he needed to, Shelby was offering, agreeing, accepting. Both man and boy exchanged a longing look that told of their deep-down desires. "I think about you too," he whispered. "I know it's wrong, Da." "It's not wrong to love someone, Shelby." Shelby's bottom lip pulled inwards and the tip of his tongue came out to lick. It pressed up to his upper lip and moved slowly back and forth. It was a thoughtful and deliberate gesture. Although unpracticed, it was also surprisingly sensuous. His tongue reappeared again, this time caressing his lower lip as if readying himself to be kissed. He watched his father though big dark eyes, waiting. He was the essence of childhood purity tainted by juvenile lust. Matt smiled as reassuringly as he could, and Shelby smiled shyly, knowingly. They had been approaching this moment for a long, long time. The events of the last few months had built up to the inevitable conclusion, today being merely one more one step along the way. Matt stood up and took several steps towards the boy. It was only when he was arm's length from him that he stopped. If he lifted him up in his arms and carried him into the bedroom he expected there would be no complaint. In the silence Shelby was telling him what he wanted. Endless possibilities opened before Matt, each more exciting and fulfilling than his earlier thoughts of making love to Shelby in front of the fire. The child quivered with rapidly building stress, becoming very tense. Matt had never seen him so nervous. His eyes flickered, suddenly avoiding his father's steady gaze. "Do you want to soak in the bath for a while, Shelby?" Matt asked. "It'll feel good and it helps to get clean and ease the stiffness. I'm stiff and I'm sure you are too." He did not intend to imply that either of them was sexually aroused, however they both were and there was no reason why he should not be open about it. There was nothing to be ashamed about. He was as hard as he had ever been and the was an abrupt bulge, albeit quite small, in the center of Shelby's lithe frame that indicated the source of his nervousness. The boy blushed like a virgin and nodded slowly. Finally his eyes came back to meet his father's steady gaze. He was so beautiful that Matt wanted to scoop him up and hug and kiss him until they were no longer afraid of what lay before them. "I bet your legs are aching from all that walking you did today," Matt said as he tried to cover himself. He grinned. "I know I am, and I rode the whole way down there instead of hiking." "Together?" Shelby asked. Matt nodded. "We're both feeling pretty stiff aren't we?" Shelby grinned again, happily. Over the noise of the water splashing in the old-fashioned cast iron bath tub, neither Shelby nor Matt heard the Jeep approach the house. Matt's mind was on other things for Shelby had become increasingly uninhibited as he grew accustomed to being naked. For nearly fifteen minutes Matt did not touch his son in the one place where he longed to touch him. However, the opportunity continually presented itself as they rolled around like two carefree dolphins. Long wonderful minutes passed as the luke warm water cooled their bodies and heated their desires. The fun really started when Shelby splashed water. The water fight was a beginning point for what naturally followed. It was something that they both wanted and instigating the splashing battle was merely a boy's way of starting something that he did not fully understand, but was entirely predisposed to. They both needed physical contact, but they both were reluctant to take the first step that would bring them together. Incest is a powerful barrier to loving someone. Of course Matt retaliated exactly as he was supposed to. He sent another, much bigger wave of water directly at Shelby's face. The youngster giggled hysterically as he darted back. If Matt had not moved to the side he would have been hit directly in the face with half a gallon that was returned instantaneously. He growled menacingly and adopted a pose that suggested not only was Shelby about to be attacked, but that there was little he could do to defend himself except sue for peace. Shelby smirked and raised his hand, then again without warning brought it crashing into the water. This time Matt was unprepared and water leaped upwards and into his eyes. Now, he wanted revenge. Actually, Matt wanted Shelby, revenge would come later. So with water cascading down his face, Matt grabbed the first part of his son that he could find. He got one thin, smooth arm. It was enough to keep Shelby from escaping. The boy struggled valiantly, still splashing water furiously as he laughed uncontrollably. He was not the same boy from fifteen minutes earlier, the boy who was so nervous and lacking in self-confidence that he stammered as he asked whether his father thought he was 'really sexy'. Now he bubbled effervescently as he directed plume after plume onto and over his father. The floor was flooded in seconds. The only way for Matt to stop him was to grab his other hand, the one initiating the torrents of water. Holding firmly on to both wrists, Matt allowed Shelby some movement. He could struggle as much as he wanted, but he could not inflict more damage unless he accidently kicked out. He wriggled and writhed valiantly, trying less to escape than to agitate their already excited bodies. Unlike the highly adaptable ten-year-old, Matt needed time to adjust to the change in their relationship and there was one way to stop his struggles. Matt lifted Shelby high into the water and dumped him down on top, wrapped a leg around his legs, and hugged him like an oversized teddy bear. It had the desired effect. Within a few seconds Shelby went limp. They were both breathing hard and fast, both laughing from their exertions and the enjoyment of close bodily contact. However, with Shelby lying above his father it was no longer merely close contact. It was intimate and highly erotic. It was a mistake. Within seconds Matt's penis became absolutely rigid under Shelby's buttocks and neither of them needed to examine his body to find an identical condition. In those few seconds, as their playful game turned into intense sexual arousal, Matt felt a thrill unlike any that he had experienced before. As Shelby continued to wriggle his hips Matt teetered, balancing between social morality and animal lust. Lust won! Shelby's movement had only one purpose. His buttocks deliberately worked against the man's erection, forcing it into the length of his deep crack where it was constrained by his firmly muscled cheeks. With caution ringing endlessly in his ears, Matt decided that Shelby had just given him carte blanche. Matt rationalized that it was Shelby's body to enjoy as he wanted, and if his son wanted his first truly sexual experience to be with a man, so be it. All thoughts of tempering his adult sex urge so that it was commensurate with the barely comprehended desires of a young boy, vanished. In this relationship Matt would be the teacher and his son would be the willing pupil, ever eager to experiment and discover his own body. "Are you sure you want to do this, Shel'?" Matt asked urgently. His penis felt as if it would explode at any second, so great was the stimulation provided by Shelby's writhing body. Shelby nodded abruptly, jerking his head savagely up and down in assent. He wanted what Matt wanted, and his father wanted to have sex with him. What happened next, happened very quickly. Matt's hands released the skinny wrists and his arms locked around Shelby's skinny abdomen in an embrace that was nearly strong enough to break his ribs. The boy groaned and pressed the side of his head into Matt's shoulder. With his left arm still wrapped possessively around the boy, Matt's right hand dropped down to cover his son's groin. He had expected to find Shelby's penis as hard as his own, but he was unprepared to find Shelby's little sex organ so stiff that it was completely inflexible, it's smooth skin drum-tight. The foreskin was fully retracted and the stiffness was so great that it made the ridge of his glans flare out. Without even thinking, Matt compared its short, rigid length against his thumb. With his thumbnail grazing the boy's hairless pubis, it reached exactly to the second knuckle. It was most definitely a single finger and thumb job. Matt fingered the turgid little bulb and Shelby trembled with delight. He rolled the tiny helmet-shaped head, smaller than the smallest acorn that he had ever seen, between his fingers. Shelby's body trembled again and he sighed loudly. As Matt squeezed on the highly sensitive tip Shelby shuddered and groaned, pulled away, and then pushed back. "Ohhhhh Yeahhhhhh!" "It feels good, huh Shel'?" "Yeah! It's good," Shelby gasped. He swallowed a lung-full of air and then lifted his hips up to force his throbbing sex harder into Matt's hand. "You like this, huh?" "You're making me tingle all over," he sighed. "I can do a lot more than that. I can make you feel even better." "I know. You can do whatever you want to with me, you know Da?" "I know, Son. Hmmmmm,.... You're so hard. I love you!" He lifted his hand away for the brief time that he needed to bring the sudden rush of passion back to idle. For a moment he caressed Shelby's flat abdomen and then, unable to hold himself back, his fingers settled back around the small penis again. This time his fingers scooped up the tiny testicles and massaged the delicate web of fine vessels inside the silk-like skin. Matt was so used to his own massive eggs that Shelby's tiny jelly-bean-sized balls were difficult to find. He chased them around the pouch, pursuing them from one side to another as they escaped his clumsy fingers. Perhaps he was being too cautious as he tried hard to avoid causing Shelby any discomfort because deep inside he hoped that later on, perhaps even later that night, he might be responsible for inflicting grievous, albeit temporary pain. He wanted to be deep inside Shelby's body more than he could stand. He wanted to feel the child's tight anus gripping his penis. He wanted to hear Shelby's cries of passion as he moved back and forth, fucking the virgin ass until the boy weakened and surrendered his innocence. As they became calm and their hearts slowed to something approaching normalcy, Matt began to masturbate his son. Shelby lay absolutely still, as if his slightest movement might disrupt the sensations that flowed from the gently moving hand as it rubbed along his all-too-short length of boy-cock. The house was filled with an eery silence. Matt's thoughts were so devoted to Shelby's pleasure that he heard only his ragged breathing and soft whimpers of unbounded joy. Neither of them heard the footsteps as they came through the front room, past the bedroom and into the bathroom. "Do it faster, please," Shelby instructed huskily. Matt increased the rate at which he rubbed up and down on the delicate member. Time stopped as the young boy began to strain upwards, building towards a peak that seemed just out of reach. His body bowed and his genitals lifted out of the water. The hand moved rapidly, strong fingers jerking swiftly over his distended shaft. His mouth opened as he gasped feverishly. He was getting close. Matt's wrist ached but he kept the pace up. From his earlier experience, he knew that his ten-year-old son was perfectly capable of orgasm even though he was still a long time away from ejaculation. From the size of his sex organs and the complete absence of pubic hair he expected Shelby's climax would be dry for several years to come. It was a magical moment as Matt brought him to the pinnacle of excitement. "Yeah, like that's so cool. Ohhhh,.... hold him tighter,.... Oh! Da! Faster! Oh God!" Shelby vocalized his body's sensations so accurately that his father heard as well as felt his sudden all-too-brief orgasm as it burst from his loins. There was a single vicious shudder and the boy lurched upwards before collapsing onto Matt. He panted loudly and his knees drew up protectively to cover his sex organs and prevent Matt's hand from continued movement on his tortured member. CHAPTER 8. BOY IN THE BED They clapped, a sound that interrupted the bliss of orgasm. Loud, slow claps that echoed through the tiled bathroom, signalled their presence. The fearful knowledge that someone was standing behind them and watching, came. And with it, there was a sense of disbelief and desperation. With Shelby still in the fading stage of sexual arousal, Matt's head turned first. They stood side by side and they stared at the man and boy lying together in the bath tub. Recognition was immediate. It was Tyler and Juan, dressed alike in designer jeans and faded jackets without shirts. Denim jackets adorned with cloth patches and studs, opened to reveal bare chests, both still pale and smooth. Behind them, Max Benson looked on in crude enjoyment. "I think we found us a couple of queers, boys," Benton laughed. "Looks like Matt's has been giving Shelby a real good time while we've been gone there last couple of weeks. Personally I can't blame him. He's god-damn cute and here's nothing quite like pulling on a kid's dick." "The kid's got a tiny dick, ain't he?" Tyler teased. "Shit, I ain't seen nothin' that little before." "Jesus Christ!" Matt said angrily. "What in the hell are you guys doing here. Did you ever think of knocking first. Jesus, you scared the shit outta me!" Benton chuckled. Matt watched as the man's fingers rubbed his chin thoughtfully, his eyes fixed directly at the bath tub, at Matt and Shelby. He waited for several seconds before he spoke. "I'm sorry Matt. I didn't mean to barge in here unannounced. We did knock. I thought no one was home." Benton paused, his eyes not leaving Matt and Shelby. "I've got to lose these guys for a while, Matt. I had some problems when I got back to Salt Lake." Matt glared back, feeling uncomfortably exposed in the bath tub, his erection undaunted by the interruption but fortunately concealed under Shelby's buttocks and lower back. "Problems like what?" he demanded. "One of my interfering neighbors saw Tyler getting his ass screwed by Juan one night last week. The boys left the damned curtains open in the living room. The dumbass saw everything. I remembered what we talked about. About my boys coming here with you." "It's different now, Max. I have problems of my own. I couldn't get the loan extended." "The bank's still taking the ranch, huh? That's a fucking shame. This is a god damn beautiful spot up here." Matt nodded. "I'll probably get a little somethin' back after the bank takes its cut from the auction. We have to be out real soon. I thinkin' we'll move to Albuquerque." Benton chuckled, his vast belly vibrating with peals of laughter. "You needed how much? Thirty or forty K wasn't it? I can help." "And if you do, what do you get back?" Matt asked suspiciously. Benton smirked. "Oh, I think you'll enjoy it. First, you have to take these two in with you. You oughta be paying me instead," he joked. "I don't want charity, Max. The Cassidy's have never taken a dime without workin' for it." "Think of it as payment for their room and board." Matt nodded. "What else?" "Well, it looks to me like your kid is about old enough to his ass reamed. You're going to fix it for him. Little Shelby won't shit right for a week, but if he isn't queer already, he will be when you're done with his fuck-hole. After a few times with you I reckon he'll be fair game for man who wants some boy butt." "Get out, NOW!" Matt ordered. "Shut the fuck up, Matt! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. We both know it. This is your only chance to keep the ranch!" Matt glared back at Benton, thinking quickly. But there was nothing that he could do to stop the bank from taking the Bar None and Benton was fully aware of it. The only hope lay in agreeing to Benton's proposition. "I can walk out of here right now, Matt, if that's what you want, or you can do what I say and maybe see another sunrise from your bedroom. It's totally up to you." "You're lower than a snake, Max," Max smirked. "Don't get righteous, Matt. You were playin' with his dick a few minutes ago. Unless I'm mistaken you already know your kid has a thing for guys. Did you know he's already started messin' around with guys? He let Juan blow him and the way Juan tells it, ol' Shelby is a pretty fair cocksucker himself." Matt glanced at Shelby, hoping for a heated denial. Shelby's head hung low in ever-increasing shame. "Any way you look at it you can't lose, Matt. Sooner or later your kid's ass is going to be fucked and there's nothin' you or anyone else can do 'bout it. This way it's done good and proper and you know he's safe." He was right and Matt knew he needed to do say something before Benton walked out. "Max, if I agree, and my answer depends on what Shelby wants, what do you want us to do?" Max smiled as he looked down into the bath-tub. The half-Indian boy was beautiful even as he clasped his legs against his chest and tried to hide his body. He was young and hairless, his slender yet well muscled body like one of the many deer they had seen in the canyon. "Like I said, Matt, you've got a boy who's not only old enough for some ass sex, he's interested. Maybe not all the way yet, but he will in time. I know the type, believe me. I want to watch it. I've always had a thing for virgin cherries. You won't even know I'm there. Then there's my two. They need somewhere to live for a few years. They can learn to work, help you take care of the ranch, whatever you want." "If I agree, how much?" "You owe forty thousand right. I'll give you a check for fifty as soon as you've got Shelby's cherry. I'll pay you another ten grand each year for keeping Juan and Ty." "Get out of the bath, Shel'," Matt instructed. He eased Shelby away and stood up, towering over the frightened youngster as he cringed in the water. "It's okay! You can get up! There's nothing to be scared about." "W-w-what are you g-g-going to d-d-do to me?" Shelby stammered. He was almost incoherent as he glared at Juan. He had trusted Juan to keep their rendevouz secret. Strangely, he could still taste the older boy's semen. He felt both uncertain and excited, as if the rest of his life depended on what happened next. He had changed during the last few weeks. His mind dwelled on his experiences. Now he wanted to do more than merely repeat them. "I think you know the answer to your question, Shelby. I'm going to make love to you. I reckon it would have happened sooner or later anyway. Maybe even sometime tonight. I can't be sure, but I think it's what you want as well. You don't have to, however you already said we should try everything to keep the ranch." Matt looked at Benton guiltily. "Everything will be all- right if you do what they want. He'll give us the money. There's one thing though, Shel. I want you to understand it's okay with me if you say no. " It was the solution and both of them knew it. It was their sole hope for survival. Matt reached down and took Shelby's hand. Slowly he lifted his son up and out of the water. The thin young body was wrinkled from spending nearly twenty minutes in the bath and he shivered slightly as the water drained from him. Finally he looked up to confront Juan and Tyler. Benton stared at Shelby, his eyes travelling up and down the slender, naked body before coming to rest on his groin. Under his gaze, Shelby's short penis shrivelled and retracted further into his body. It was very small, so small that he appeared almost sexless. It was very different to the short, rigid organ that Matt had been frantically rubbing only minutes earlier as Shelby writhed on top of him. "Let's take him in the bedroom," Benton suggested cockily. "He's way too way short to do it standing up." Juan smirked as he watched Shelby wilt. He was an attractive boy with a splendid body and showed the beginnings of a sexual appetite that was strong enough to keep him very busy. "Looks to me like they were getting ready to go in there anyway," he laughed as he gestured towards the open doorway that led to the only bedroom in the house. "That's really funny," Benton snickered. "First you bring the kid in here and get him all hot and horny while he gets cleaned up, and then you only have a dozen feet to take him to bed. I like it. In fact, I like the place so much I think I come back and visit Juan and Tyler for a few days every month." He looked at the two older boys and smirked with a crude knowing expression. Then he turned back to Matt, ready to convey his next torment. "I guess if your kid's going to lose his cherry he couldn't have a better place to do it in. There's no one around to hear him squeal when he takes your cock all the way up his tight little chute, is there? And he's going to be tight, I bet. He'll probably scream his head off before he starts begging for more. And believe me, he will, Matt. He will, all boys do you know. Even a straight kid doesn't mind a cock in his ass once he's had some practice, but a boy queer? They live to be fucked." Matt ignored his barbs. He would do what was necessary to keep the ranch. Benton could take whatever he wanted, not only Shelby's innocence but Shane's as well. To Matt, the most precious things in his life were his two sons and he felt sick inside as he realized that there was nothing that he wanted to do to stop what seemed to be inevitable. He wondered whether he would regret his acquiescence. "Let's all go to the bedroom," Benton suggested with a lewd smile at Shelby. Matt breathed out in a long frustrated sigh. He stalled. "Can't we at least get dried off first?" Benton laughed. "Shelby will dry off fast enough once you get started in his ass. He isn't going to be cold for long. Not with what he's got coming. The real work is your job. Yeah, the kid's got it coming all right. Lots of cum, right up his little virgin asshole." Matt placed his arm comfortingly around Shelby's shoulders and guided the slender boy into the bedroom. Benton laughed. "You have to trust me, Matt. I've been interested in the boys since I was a boy myself. You might even say I'm something of an expert on queer kids. I know all the signs. I spotted your two as soon as I was conscious." "My two boys?" Matt asked. "Sure, Shelby's like fast food, he's ready to go. And little Shane? I guess you didn't know that he got Tyler to jerk off with him. They're both going to be queers. After your kid here has had his ass plowed by a few times, I bet he'll want it all the time. Hell, he'll probably want you to do it every chance he gets. And your other boy wont' be all that far behind, I bet." "That's enough!" Matt stopped and turned to face the other man. "Don't rub salt in it, okay! You know we need money. Just get it over with. Have your fun by watching us if you have to, but leave us alone." "Leave you alone? Hardly! The kid's cherry is worth a maybe a couple of thousand at most. I'm talking about a lot more than fifty, enough to pay what you owe the bank in interest, maybe enough to pay off the entire mortgage if you do what I say. But that's only the start. By the time you're done with him, he'll be fuckin' his pretty little head off. With luck, maybe your kid will turn out like young Tyler. He has the horniest ass I've ever seen. He can't get it in his butt enough. Juan must fuck the crap out of his ass a couple of times a day and he still begs for more." He gestured Matt forward and they entered the bedroom. Shelby and Matt stopped beside the queen-sized bed. It was still unmade from the night before and three long pillows lay in a pile where they had been left after the morning pillow fight. Whenever Shane stayed overnight at the reservation Shelby slept in Matt's room. That morning had been a riot as they wrestled and tumbled over the huge bed. Matt had been as hard as steel the entire time and it was all he could do to restrain himself from ripping Shelby's underpants off as they struggled together, if only to see how Shelby responded. He was certain that his eldest son was similarly aroused if the small inflexible tent in his crotch was anything to judge by. "Nice big bed!" Benton said admiringly. "But your kid might bleed on those sheets of yours when your cock first goes into his tight little ass. Maybe you outta strip the bed first unless you don't mind some cherry stain." "Why don't you leave him alone, Max. There's no need to torment him. He really doesn't want to do this." "Are you sure of that, Matt? He sucked Juan and swallowed the first time. Do you really know what he wants?" "It's the end of the line for us. All Shelby's doing is what any kid would do to keep what he loves," Matt said apologetically. "He's just a dumb kid trying to do what he thinks is the right thing." "You really believe that?" Benton smiled. "You really think he doesn't want to have sex with you! He's got queer written all over him. You should have seen his face when you were jackin' him. He wanted it so bad." "For Christ's sake, Max," Matt retorted. "He's a kid. He really doesn't know what he wants." "Why don't you ask him about what happened in the barn, Matt. He deep- throated Juan. Hell, Tyler's only just started doing that. In fact, I'm surprised he still has his cherry, even way up here, because he's awfully cute and damn sexy. That's a great combo, and he's gay to boot." "Max, I hear you." "He's a lucky one, if you ask me. After you're done with his ass, you're going to thank me. I can't believe I'm paying you for fuckin' him. Break him in real good and he'll awlays be hungry for you. If I'm any judge of boys, Shelby'll be begging to be fucked every chance he gets." "Yeah? Well I'm sure we'll both thank you a lot," Matt snarled. "Why don't you,..." His voice trailed off. Shelby's thin body shook slightly as he slowly walked to the bed and turned his back to his father. He looked resolutely back at the other boys. The outcome was certain, no matter whether Matt was happy about it or not, Shelby was going to have sex with him. It was going to happen anyway, the way things had been going perhaps as soon as they got out of the bath. Matt had no option except to watch Shelby ease onto the bed and lie down. Benton grinned triumphantly and stepped forward to the brass rail of the foot of the 100-year-old bed. "Tyler go look in the bathroom for some lube. I'll bet the farm this kid's got a real tight ass." Matt sighed. "There isn't anything like that in there," he said weakly. "Then get something from the kitchen. Anything greasy will do the job. Bring some Crisco or something oily for cooking," Benton continued. Matt looked away from Shelby. He was about to be sick. He was going to sell him out. He tried to tell himself that he was making a homosexual out of the proud beautiful boy because it was the only way to save the Bar None. It was a lie. He was doing this because he wanted to, because it was what Shelby wanted. "There's some vaseline in the drawer," he acknowledged as he gestured towards the chest. Benton nodded and Tyler walked to the other side of the bed. He opened the dresser drawer and laughed as soon as he looked inside. "Hey, this is wild, Juan. You weren't wrong when you said you thought he was gay. Man, you oughta see what he's got stashed in here." He reached down and pulled out a half-used jar of vaseline and tossed it onto the bed. But there was more than vaseline in the drawer. At the bottom of the drawer there were three magazines that Matt had acquired on a trip to Mexico several years earlier. He lifted them out and held them up for the others to see. "Well, well, well! It looks as if you like teen-boy magazines, huh?" Benton laughed. "I wouldn't have thought you were the type. Like Juan, I had you pegged as being gay, but I had no idea that boys were your thing. Personally, dick hair on a boy does nothin' for me, but it takes all types. Does your kid know what you jack off with?" "You really are something else," Matt growled. Benton laughed. "Why don't you grease him up while Juan and Tyler get naked? I'm going to look at these. Man, look at the dick on this Mexican kid. I bet you'd like to suck on that, huh? I know I sure would if he was a few years younger. But no mind, you'll be sucking on another kid's dick in a few minutes, won't you?" There was nothing that Matt could say or do to avoid the inevitable. A contract was a contract, but the mere thought of preparing Shelby's tender body for the depravity that was going to occur was more than he could stand. He fumed and glared silently at Benton, at the same time watching from the corner of his eye as the two youths began to undress. His thoughts of revenge were quickly and savagely interrupted as Tyler began to remove his jeans. He was a handsome boy with a body that was clearly the equal of any boy in the magazines that Benton was perusing. "You better get his butt-hole ready for action," Benton said crudely. "It can hurt a bit the first time." "It only hurts like hell the first time," Tyler smirked. "After that it's only bad if the other guy's impatient or when they're 'specially horny!" Matt did not move. The jar of vaseline lay several inches from his hand but he still could not muster the courage to lift it up and do what he had been asked to do. Benton came closer to the bed. Matt turned towards him, realizing that although this might be their only chance, the price was too high. Matt tensed, ready to stop what was happening, but even as he readied himself to speak, Benton's hand came forward. His eyes narrowed as he gently ran his hand across Shelby's smooth brown abdomen. Matt heard the soft sigh as air was expelled from the boy's chest, watched in dismay as the other hand floated down, waited for Shelby's moan as his immature genitals were expertly caressed. The hand stopped at his son's crotch, barely an inch from his sex organs. Casually, deliberately, lovingly, it moved again until the fingers came to rest against the bottom of Shelby's still loose scrotum. Matt's despair was overpowering. Shelby's eyes close as his mouth opened in expectation of pleasure. He groaned in ecstasy despite the fact that Benton's hand was barely touching him. "You like that huh? I haven't even touched you, yet!" Benton smirked. "Now, Matt, we can do this my way or yours. With my way, your kid gets fucked and I get to watch. If you want, you can leave and go watch the game on tv and one of my boys does it. Either way he still gets fucked. Choose your pleasure!" Matt nodded slowly. "I'll stay." "Good choice! It'd be a shame for you to miss taking his cherry. A boy's only got one first time. Now grease him up and get him ready." Benton ordered. Matt nodded again. "If I was you I'd put a lot in his fuck-hole. Shelby's going need every bit of it before you're finished with him." Matt reached out and picked up the jar. "I'm sorry Shelby, really I am," he mumbled. "I,... we,... well,... I have to, you know there's no choice, okay? The Bar None is all we've got." "Juan told me how your boy really liked sucking him off. Did you know Shelby gives great blow-jobs? He hasn't sucked you yet, has he?" Benton taunted. "Some boys are like that. He needs sex like he needs food. Of course, you don't want to screw him too often while he's young because it's bad for the bowel movements, but a little ass-fucking just adds to the fun." With that, he squeezed his fingers into Shelby's small pouch and pulled up gently. The scrotal flesh was relaxed, an after effect of the time they had spent in the heated water of the bath. The silk-like skin stretched to the point of translucency, the delicate membrane supporting more than it's share of the boy's weight. With pleasure that came dangerously close to pain exploding in his testicles, Shelby's silent cry started. It continued until his entire body seemed to be filled with joy and injury was imminent. Strangely, it also felt unbelievably good, far better than anything he had experienced by masturbation or his single attempt at oral sex. "That's enough Benton! Don't hurt him! Shelby,..." Matt said. "You don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you,... I don't want to force you to do something you don't want. I want you to say no if you don't want me to do it." He did not expect Shelby to answer. In fact, he did not know what he wanted Shelby to do. Deep inside he wanted his son to say or do something to show that he understood what was going to happen, and he was willing to do it. Shelby shook uncontrollably as he felt the sharp pain mixed with overwhelming joy that was expertly inflicted in his most private place. It felt like his manhood was threatened, just as it been in the corral. Then suddenly he realized that what he wanted deep inside was to be like his mother, to take her place in his father's bed. He nodded his head, assenting, urging his father to make love to him for the first time. A single word penetrated into Matt's soul. He would never forget the sound that came from his son's lungs that late afternoon. Shelby's answer would stay with him forever. He dropped the jar of vaseline on the bed again. His hand was shaking and he could taste bile in his throat as his heart pounded. Benton glanced at him. "See, he wants you to fuck him," Benton grinned. "He's not only a born cocksucker, he loves having his balls hurt! I was the same way. Man, I used to squeeze my nuts every chance I got. I could squash his little boy-balls to pulp right now if I squeezed too much. Is that what you want, Matt? Do you want me to fix him for good?" "Shelby, hush," Matt pleaded. "Please listen to me. Shelby, you don't have this. I want you to tell me what you want, okay? If you say yes, Shel',... well I'm going to do put my penis in you and.... I don't want to do something you don't want. But, Shelby, if you say yes, I want you to want what I'm going to do." His voice was trembling as much as Shelby's body. Matt had never been as unhappy as he was now. Slowly, Shelby nodded back, now silent and more ashamed than he had ever been before. The fingers, clamped so tightly around his tiny eggs released and the joy swiftly abated. They waited. "I,.... want,... you,... to,.... fuck,.... me,.... Da!" There, it was out and Shelby breathed a sigh of relief. Matt leaned forward and knelt down on the bed. "Are you sure, Shel'?" Shelby nodded once. Matt dropped the jar of vaseline on the bed after taking off the lid and scooping a liberal quantity onto his fingers. Max grinned crudely. "So lube the little fuck-hole, Matt. He ain't that big, but you don't want his ass dry when he loses his cherry." As Matt pushed his finger through the amber jelly and repositioned himself before the now compliant boy. Shelby's head was at the top of the bed with his hips lifted higher by two pillows which were placed under his back. Tyler held Shelby's legs over his head, pinning his knees near his shoulders. The young boy was immobile and presented like the wild turkey they had baked for Thanksgiving. His crack opened and Matt saw his son's tiny puckered opening for the first time since he was eight years old. Awkwardly, hesitantly, reluctantly, he brought his finger with its huge dollop of vaseline closer to Shelby's untouched anus. The boy's cheeks parted and Matt touched the heat of his son's anus. Shelby felt as though he was hot enough to melt the vaseline. Matt stroked along the length of his crack as he tried to get the courage to do what needed to be done. Somehow he had to get as much as possible inside, and that would mean that he had already violated his son. He managed to push some into the tiny orifice by merely rubbing his finger along the length of his crack. The little node felt soft and alive, and very exposed. He also realized that Shelby's penis was very, very hard. He shuddered in disgust. And yet, as he continued to stare at the aroused boy, the idea was extremely exciting to him. Quickly he added another large lump of vaseline to Shelby's anus, no longer feeling any disgust at trying to lubricate the child's rectum. He would need all of it before this was over. As Matt tried to push more inside, Shelby resisted his deeper entry. He succeeded only in smearing it into his crack as his tight hole fought against the entry of the finger. Matt silently willed him to relax but to no avail. "Try to relax, Shel'," he whispered. "Don't fight it. "I can't help it, Da," Shelby whined. "It does it by itself." Matt tried again. Shelby tensed instinctively, protectively closing to resist penetration. Finally, brute force took over and Matt's finger squeezed through the narrow opening into the moist heat. He was mesmerized by what he felt and heard. Shelby groaned again, releasing his grip on Matt's invading finger. He was becoming excited at the same time as he was sickened by what he was doing. "Now you," Max said abruptly. "Use lots. He's going to need it with a cock the size of yours." Matt rested on his haunches as he wiped vaseline over his penis until it was thickly coated with the glistening grease. The lubrication felt good and he grinned as his arm moved slowly. He rubbed his erect penis with deliberate pleasure as he flexed the muscles in his groin. His bouncing, throbbing cock was of average size, at least six inches long, and not overly thick. In Matt's experience, he seemed over-endowed to have anal sex with a ten-year-old boy, but he had no basis for comparison. His rigid shaft quivered with excitement, pulsing up and down as if it was hungry for Shelby's young body. The head was flared and it became even more swollen as he masturbated slowly. It was very hard and Matt became increasingly excited at the idea that it would soon be deep inside Shelby's bowels. Until now Matt had not been interested in pre-pubertal boys, but the thrill he now experienced was overpowering. Shelby's legs were splayed wide apart and his genitals were vulnerable. Similarly exposed was his tiny dark anus, glistening with an oily film and bared for all the world to see. His opening was very small, seeming far too small to perform the herculean task required of it. "Okay, Matt. Now he's loosened up you can go for it. But take you time. Remember you have as long as you want so don't rush it. That's right, let him feel your finger in there. Don't push too hard. That's better. All he needs is a bit of pressure and he'll take it up there fast enough." "He feels so tight, Max. I don't want to hurt him." "He'll fight it for a bit. Just about every kid does the first time he gets his butt fucked. Push your finger in a bit more. Okay! There I told you. See it's going in easier now. In a few minutes he's going to love it." Matt's finger disappeared beyond the first joint. "He sure is hot. I can feel him squeezing on it. Man, is he strong." "A virgin sphincter is always like that. It'll acts like he doesn't want it in his ass, but he does!" "I don't want to hurt him," Matt said anxiously. "I know. Believe me, it doesn't hurt that much. It's just that the first time is difficult, that's all. Not many kids take it easily the first time. My boys were the same at his age. Tyler screamed his head off the first time Juan's brother got his cock in him. And Juan wasn't much for a finger in his chute at first either." Matt held Shelby's nearest leg with one hand and used the other to lovingly brush his son's hair back from his forehead. He wanted to soothe the youngster and take away his shameful pain. After this, Shelby would never be the same carefree boy. He would be changed forever and the two of them would have to live with the knowledge of what had been done to him and the ever present memory of this night. Matt felt a terrible dread, knowing that he was responsible for Shelby's future. His son was about to be sodomized and he was assisting in the preparation of his beautiful young body. He was betrayed by his own arousal. Matt felt the powerful contractions of Shelby's clutching anus begin to ease as he learned to expert control of his sphincter. His penis, previously so stiff that it lifted away from the curve of his belly and stood proudly at attention, had shrivelled. For the moment, other pleasures had taken control. Matt's guilt faded. "Push you finger in further, Matt," Benton suggested abruptly. "Just do it real slow, a bit at a time. Okay stop there. Wriggle it around in his chute. Try to find his prostate." "It's startin' to get loosened up, but he still feels tight. When he squeezes it's all I can do to move my finger in him." Benton pointed to Shelby's lower belly about an inch or two above the start of his limp sex. Shelby's penis had retracted almost completely inside his groin. Only his glans and a little of the shaft were visible. His scrotum had similarly contracted until it was a mere lump, wrinkled like a walnut over his tiny balls. Gently Benton flicked the tip of Shelby's penis with his forefinger. "He's just like you were the first time, Tyler, except that your dick was about twice the size of this one at his age. Pitiful little thing, isn't it? But you know," he added to no one in particular, "the size of a boy's dick doesn't really matter because there just ain't no feeling as good as getting your ass reamed for the first time. And afterwards, if Shelby likes it, it doesn't matter about the size of his dick because all he's going want is a man's cock ploughing his asshole. See, he's already started to like the idea." As Matt's finger jabbed into Shelby's prostate, the young boy's reaction was immediate and positive proof that the target had been located. Shelby jumped and gasped in shock as his body's reflexes reacted to greatly increased stimulation. To prove the point, Matt's finger poked hard into the same spot and Shelby shuddered as he gasped. The pleasure was intense and impossible to deny. From deep inside the young body, nerves ignited and primal joys surfaced. Shelby's tiny prostate, still years from producing seminal fluid, began to throb as the finger rubbed hard against it. He squirmed and squeezed down onto the finger buried inside him. "You got him right in the bull's eye, Matt," Benton chuckled. "Horny little guy, isn't he? Like I said, just about every boy's got a hot little hole. Okay, now keep on doing it right there so he gets worked up. It won't take more than a few minutes more and then you can try your luck in there with something a bit bigger than your finger." A big droplet of pre-cum formed at the slit in Matt's cock. His finger surged mercilessly back and forth, stabbing into Shelby's anus relentlessly as it pumped against his prostate. The sensations that flowed through Shelby's naked body were terrifying to watch, but for the young boy they were devastating. It was impossible for Shelby not to enjoy the feelings. Matt knew those feelings all too well. Unlike the boy of several minutes earlier, Shelby began to accept the presence inside his rectum. He was still a long way from pushing back, however even that would come in time. He was quickly becoming a willing participant in his own sodomy. "Does it still hurt, Shelby?" Matt asked with shameful concern. The boy's face had paled during the last few seconds and his ashen hue nagged at Matt. It did not appear to be hurting him. All of his finger was inside his son's anus and it was moving as though it was encountering no resistance. There was no response from Shelby beyond a slight flicker of his eyes in recognition that he was still conscious of what was happening. He was caught up in the strange sensations that began below his spine and spread outwards until his entire body was consumed by waves of ecstasy. His slender legs twitched involuntarily. After a few more seconds, his mouth opened. Guiltily, Matt watched his son begin to gasp for air. His eyes closed, squeezing tightly to block out the world around him and enable his concentration to focus only on his pleasure. Slowly, surely, he was being both seduced and deflowered. "That's enough for now, Matt," Benton interrupted. "No point in giving the little guy an orgasm yet, not when you can give him the real thing by fucking him." "You've had your fun," Matt suggested. "A deal is a deal, Cassidy! I told you the kid would like it. You can see he's getting off on his first finger-fuck, but it's nothin' compared to what he's going to get next," Benton announced. He turned to Shelby. "You'll like it even more in a few minutes." "I hate you," Shelby whispered fearfully as his sanity returned. The finger deep inside his rectum had departed and all but one of them knew what came next. Shelby was unprepared as his father changed position. He knelt behind Shelby's uplifted buttocks and in a blink of an eye, his rigid cock found its target. Matt looked down. He used his hands to force Shelby's cheeks apart at the same time as they guided his cock to the boy's no-longer puckered opening. The blunt tip stopped just short of the recently stretched anus. He pushed up hard against it and Shelby's body fought back valiantly as it clamped down urgently to repel the large penis. Matt backed off quickly, ceasing his effort to advance further. It was the moment of truth. He tried again and watched Shelby's face contort as he exerted his strength to reduce the pressure that built up outside his anus. His smalls fists clenched impotently as he strained his buttocks to enlarge the hole. Veins on his slender neck, usually barely visible, began to bulge. His sphincter's brave attempt to preserve his virginity was foolhardy, although Matt silently commended him for his effort even as he wondered whether Shelby would always resist being mounted from behind. It was only a matter of minutes earlier that Shelby seemed more than willing. Benton shrugged." If I was you, I'd get him to relax and start helping out," he said flatly as he turned back to watch Matt. "The more he fights it, the more it's going to hurt. It will get a lot worse if you have to force it in. I've seen a boy's ass after it was forced open, and it isn't pretty. You might even rupture him with your dick without meaning too." Matt nodded glumly. Already tears were rolling down Shelby's smooth cheeks as he sobbed. Not once had he asked for it to stop. There would be no begging for mercy, and both of them knew it. Already his young strength was beginning to ebb. He might be able to try for a more few times at most, but by then Matt's penis would have breached his anus with a bloody fissure. "Shelby, honey, you have to try to relax back there," Matt said gently. "Don't fight it. When I push in, you have to try to push back at me." Juan guffawed loudly. "He's right. Do it just like you're taking a crap. Only don't shit on his cock." Shelby sniffed from under his feet, "Hurts,... bad. Please,... I'm trying to relax, make it stop hurting, please,..." Matt sighed loudly. What could he do? What could he say to the boy to help him survive his ordeal? What a man's large penis would do to a young boy was terrible enough, but if it was forced into the youngster he had few doubts that Shelby would not be injured. And yet, despite his concern, Matt was motivated less by his need to see Shelby escape unscathed than by an overwhelming demand to have his offspring enjoy it. There was, after all, only one first time for a boy. "Shelby, please, you have to trust me," Matt implored. "Try to make it looser inside. Make your muscles go soft and then push down like you're pooping. I know you can do it for me. You have to try. You have to help me get it in." If his words had any effect on Shelby he could not determine. He grunted as he bore down against the boy's buttocks. He gripped the shaft of his penis in one hand and held it at the entrance to Shelby's body. He was making no progress at all. "It's so goddamn tight. I can't even get the head in him," Matt complained. "I told you it was too goddam big, Max." "Keep trying. You have to be patient. He'll take it. He want's you in his ass." "You reckon I should do him with my fingers again till he gits a bit looser." "Wouldn't do much good," Max answered. "Not now, anyway. Keep the pressure on him. He'll take it sooner or later." Shelby sobbed loudly and Matt held him tightly. The pain was wretched, Matt knew that from first hand experience, but it would be over quickly once the invading penis had passed through the tight opening of his anus. Shelby had to stop fighting against it and he needed to help him. "Don't shove so hard, Matt" Benton said. "You aren't fucking a man, and he isn't used to it. He's a kid and you've got to go slow at first. He'll take all of it if you're patient." "Help me Shel', for God's sake! I don't want to hurt you." "The more I think of it, the more I'm surprised you ain't had it in there already. He's a real cutie and fuckin' the real thing is a lot better than jerking off in front of some boy-sex magazines, even the juicy ones you got. It's about time he was broken in." "Why can't we just let him grow up and find out about sex in his own good time?" Matt pleaded. Benton laughed. "Why? Because there's a big difference between loving a boy and teaching him how to love so he likes getting his ass screwed and breaking his spirit. And as for finding out about sex in his own good time as you put it, the fact is this isn't a job for some dumb-ass Indian kid who doesn't know how to fuck." "He's only a young kid, Benton. Is it because you can't get it up yourself?" Matt's voice was full of scorn as he endeavored to convey his disgust. "You better get used to the idea that your son's queer, Matt. He is you know. He's as queer as any boy I've seen. You're going to fuck him no matter what you say. You want to and so does he. He's trying his best. If you want the truth, all you're doing is what he would have done with some other guy sooner or later. And going by what I just saw in the bathroom, he probably would have fucked with you before long." Although Matt wanted to debate that he would ever take advantage of his own son, he knew that Benton was right. It was only a matter of time. He reached with his free hand and touched Shelby's cheek. He edged towards him again and placed his body against the slender boy. He kissed the top of Shelby's head and whispered softly. "I love you, Shelby. I want to make love to you but I don't want to hurt you. You have to try as hard as you can to relax. I want you to push down as hard as you can when you feel my cock trying to get inside you. I want you to do this for me. You have to, Shelby. You have to, okay?" Shelby's eyes opened and saw his father's concern. There was no condemnation, just uninhibited desire and understanding. "I'm trying,... I'm trying as hard as I can," Shelby whispered. "It hurts so bad." Matt nodded sympathetically, leaned forward, and kissed Shelby's cheek. He tasted the saltiness of tears. In a few more minutes the burning pain and fear of the unknown that terrorized his son would be ended as his resistance was overcome. This was Shelby's fate and he could not change it. Matt tried to close his mind to Shelby's agony as his penis once again stabbed against the virgin anus. Silently he mourned the loss of Shelby's innocence. A subdued groan penetrated his brain. He felt Shelby quake as he was impaled. Not much had penetrated, no more than the glans was inside his son's body, but it was enough to end the torturing pressure for the moment. "Okay! Ease off before you hurt him! You got the head started into him. That's enough for now. Give him a break." Benton leaned forward and examined the union of boy and man. Not much more than an inch was inside Shelby's small bottom. "He needs to get used to having your dick inside him." Shelby groaned loudly as his body was racked by a sudden painful throe. His face was miserable. It was hard to believe that he had suffered for only a minute or two. But while the worst was over, there was much more to come." "I didn't mean to hurt you," Matt mumbled. He glanced shamefully at his son. "I didn't want to hurt you like that." Benton glanced at Matt and smiled smugly. Shelby's breathing was erratic and he gasped as his sphincter muscle continued its feeble efforts to expulse the swollen knob that was now lodged inside his anus. "One of these days,..." Matt began. He stopped himself. "I,... I would have done it anyway," he admitted sorrowfully. "But not while you watched. He's still a little boy. I certainly wouldn't have done until he can enjoy it." Benton laughed loudly. "Who says a a ten-year-old can't enjoy it? Tyler and Juan were doing it at his age, and they loved it. In fact, I'll make you a deal, Matt. I'll give you five minutes, starting from now, and if Shelby isn't getting off on it, we'll call it quits. The money is yours, all of it. You can finish the job whenever you want. Is it a deal?" "Is what a deal?" Matt demanded. "It sounds one-sided so far. What's in it for you?" Again Benton laughed as he slapped Matt on his bare shoulder. "Okay, here's rest of the deal. If he's humping his butt back at you in five minutes, then you have to fuck him until you cum and two times after that. Like they say, three times proves it. Deal?" There was nothing to lose and a lot to gain either way. Matt nodded. "You better get to work right away," Benton chided. He glanced at his watch. "You have to make this a good one. You've got five minutes to get him spastic. That's ten-past seven." It did not take five minutes before Shelby peaked and experienced his first anal orgasm. Nor did it take four minutes, or even three minutes. The fact, which Matt found difficult to believe, was that it took just under three minutes. The reason why it took even that long was because he had to remove his penis from Shelby's anus to add more vaseline. He knew from long experience with Charro to concentrate his efforts in the region of Shelby's prostate and use short, fast movements to loosen the tight opening. It worked with surprising speed and even before the first minute had passed there were clear signs that Shelby was yielding willingly. Caught up in the excitement and the awesome desire that welled up inside him, Matt began to coach his son, reassuring and coaxing Shelby to accept his penis as it plunged back and forth him. All too well Matt knew the feelings the boy was being subjected to. He first knew them when he was a year older than Shelby, and he was no different to the boy lying on the bed. Like him, Shelby too would be frightened as his body betrayed him and he discovered the overpowering joy that came from being fucked. Matt performed superbly as he worked his penis into Shelby's bottom. He stopped as soon as half of it was inside. It had taken three forceful thrusts to get that far. With the first inward movement Shelby's sphincter fought back just enough to stop his progress. But he was caught unprepared for the next hard stab and Matt watched with stunned admiration as his rigid member slid in deeper. Less than an inch passed through Shelby's tightly stretched orifice before he ceased pushing with a loud grunt. Shelby whimpered bravely. He was being impaled on a hot, living stake. The next thrust began slowly but it went on and on until Shelby's resistance was broken. Matt's forward motion stopped then and he waited as the young body tried to eject his invading cock. Shelby's face contorted as involuntary spasms rippled through him. His inner muscles were dilating, submitting to the presence of the penis inside him even as he fought back tears of pain. As Matt eased back, the vivid red of Shelby's blood came into sight. His virginity was a bloody smear on his father's penis. If Matt was aware of the injury to Shelby's anus he did not show it. He pushed forward, pulled back, waited a few seconds for Shelby to regain his breath and then began to hump gently. "Go slow, Matt! You aren't fucking a man," Benton warned. "He needs it real slow at first. Not so far. Slow and gentle in there until he gets loose inside." "Just try to breath slowly, Shelby. I'm all the way in now," Matt murmured. "Da, it's hurting me." "The pain will stop in a little bit, Shelby. Try not to squeeze on it." "It hurts! God, it hurts so bad." "I know it hurts! The more you relax the better,... the easier it's goin' to be for you." "Don't go in so deep, Matt! You don't need to. Right now all his pleasure is near his ass hole. It takes a while before he wants more." "I'm trying not to hurt him!" "You can feel him getting looser can't you?" "Yeah, Juan, I think he is. He feels so tight." "Good! Just go slow, Matt." "He keeps squeezing on me. I think he's going to squeeze my cock off." "That's good! His ass is trying to loosen up for you." "Da,... Oh! God,... It hurts even worse! I'm going to pee." "No you won't! It just feels like it, Shelby." "His penis is pushing against your bladder. You'll be okay, I promise. Take a deep breath and try to relax inside for him." "He's getting loose now. God, he feels so hot inside." "Go slow, Matt. It feels good, doesn't it?" "Yeah! Ohhhh,... I want to go deeper. Damn, he feels so fucking good." "Okay! Give him a bit more!" "Da,.... Da,..." "Shelby, it's okay!" "Da,.... Ohhhhhhhh! I,... I hurt so bad!" "It's okay Shelby. I think you're going to cum, that's all. You'll be all right in a minute!" "Da,... Oh Jesus, Ohhhhhhhhhh! It hur-r-r-t-t-t-s! Feels like I'm exploding inside. My balls, they hurt like crazy." "Good boy! Now Shelby, push back into him as hard as you can." "Da,.... aaahhhhhh. Oh God! Ohhhhhh! Do it faster." "Okay Shel'!" "Now, fuck him as hard as you can." "Ohhhhhhhh! Noooooooo! Ohhh! Oh!" "You're cumming, Shelby. It's okay, son. Just let it out. It feels wonderful, doesn't it?" "Sooooogood, oh god. Ohhhh, God! My balls ache so bad!" "You did it, Shelby. You goddamn came!" Benton laughed triumphantly as Shelby's lean frame shuddered and strained for nearly a minute until the sensations deep within him peaked. Long tendons and muscles in his legs became incredibly tight as he fought against unknown sensations. Frenzied spasms wrought havoc in his mind as they tortured his body. He needed it to go on while Matt seemed intent on stopping. Thick strands of semen flooded into him as his own immature orgasm came and went in seconds. The sudden loss of pressure inside his anus took him by surprise. At one moment his father's penis was stroking through the still tight muscle of his sphincter, the next all of the frantic stress was gone and the slime that now coated the sensitive walls of his rectum created a slick, slippery tube that sucked noisily on the slowly moving penis inside him. All of his pain vanished. All that was left was his desire for the feelings inside him to go on and on forever. He groaned loudly as Matt's penis ceased its frenetic stabbing. Held securely in the soft hot bowel, still throbbing with the last jerks of ejaculation, father and son shared the warm glow of triumph and contentment. "God, you feel so good on my cock," Matt purred. Max laughed and slapped at Matt's bare buttocks. "So now you know what it feels like to be in a boy's ass, huh? Nice feeling, isn't it?" "Real nice!" Matt agreed. "Did I hurt him?" "Hurt him? Hardly! Just a bit of blood, that's all," Benton chuckled as he glanced at Shelby's bottom. "I'd say you probably made him feel real good, going by the fact you got him to cum just from being fucked in his chute." "Yeah, I guess," Matt answered uncertainly. Benton shrugged, oblivious to the pain that had been inflicted. It had to hurt before it felt good, and from the young boy's movements at the finale, he knew it had felt very good indeed. That Matt had climaxed quickly clearly helped. It was one advantage of premature ejacuation, but now it was time to finish the job. "You going to keep it stuffed up his butt all day, Matt?" Juan demanded. "Or do you plan on fucking him again in the near future?" Admonished, Matt pulled away by settling back on his knees. His captive penis stretched, becoming thinner before the boy's rectum released it. Shelby groaned instinctively as the fullness in his bowels vanished. He felt no shame, just a sensation of being drained of all his strength and unable to move even if he wanted to. His eyes closed, blotting out the light as his mind rejected the sounds and smells around him. Shelby was too exhausted to think of anything beyond the persistent ache deep within his pelvis. He was unaware of Matt's careful inspection of his now-limp member, the blood- streaked weapon that had conquered the pride of a Navajo boy-warrior. "Let him rest up for a bit," Benton instructed. Matt stood up and regarded the tired boy before him. He knew he should feel guilty. All he felt was overwhelming triumph. Fifty thousand dollars paled beside taking the boy's cherry. He smiled fondly as Shelby's eyes opened again. "You feel okay, Shel'?" he asked gently. There was a slight, uncertain nod as Shelby blinked. CHAPTER 9. BOY IN THE BED AGAIN It was an hour later when Matt came back to the bedroom. Shelby awoke and smiled as his father settled back on the bed. He was aware of his father growing excitement and curious at what would happen next. He remembered the mornings when he had come into his parents' bedoom and found them together, bodies slick with a sheen of sweat, his mother's hair unkempt and her expression more than a little distraught. He remembered feeling envious of her and not understanding why he felt the way he did. It seemed like a long time ago. "Hi Shel'," Matt said softly. Shelby smiled sleepily. "I want to do it again," he murmured. Benton chuckled from the doorway. "What did I tell you, Matt? That boy's a hot one all right. You're going to have your hands full." Matt suppressed his reply and knelt over his son. Instinctively, Shelby's legs lifted up until he could grasp his ankles. As Matt's thick penis probed into the depths of his crevice, Shelby's desire began to return. He felt the bulge of Matt's swollen glans push into the tender node of his anus. Hands gripped his hips and restrained his movement. The pressure increased and a man's strength was brutally applied to achieve entry through a portal that was still too small. "Just relax! Just relax, Shelby," Benton coached, "and it won't hurt much at all. You can take it easily, especially if you try to help." Matt groaned inwardly, reasoning that independent of Shelby's efforts to relax he was still going to be hurt. At some point Shelby would cease resisting, not merely acquiescing in his defloration, but eagerly submitting to his father's greater strength. Matt pressed forward, directing his penis at the small target centered between Shelby's buttocks. It was no longer a matter of having no other choice, because he needed to do it simply to keep the ranch, but because he wanted to. The truth of it settled over Matt like a saddle blanket on a horse. Shelby was no different to himself. Their games, so often bordering on sex play, were merely the explorations of underlying desires by a boy who was still too young to understand what he really wanted. And now he knew. They both knew what Shelby wanted. If Matt Cassidy had any doubts about the orientation of Shelby's desires they were being quickly dispelled. "You want it inside you, don't you Shelby?" Juan teased as he walked over towards the bed. "You want a cock like Tyler does." Silence. "Go on, admit it. Tell us what you really want. You can feel him trying to get inside your ass. You know what you want. You know you want his cock in you. Tell your daddy what you want." Silence. "You want to feel his cock inside your guts, don't you Shelby. Just like in the barn, the same way you wanted me in your mouth, you want it in your ass." Silence. "This time your father's going to teach you how to fuck, Shelby. He's going to teach you how to do it like Tyler. You want to learn, don't you, Shelby?" Silence. A part of Matt wanted to intervene, to ask Juan and Tyler not to torment the boy, but like Shelby, he said nothing. He tried again to convince himself that they had to do this to save the Bar None. There was no other way, no guilt was necessary. He knew otherwise. He was as hard as he had ever been as he kneeled over Shelby's uplifted buttocks. Try as he could, Matt could not look away from his thick engorged penis that hovered over Shelby's exposed anus, occasionally probing between the lubricated mounds into the tiny dilated orifice. With delight he realized that his semen was inside that no longer puckered hole. His son was no longer innocent. His penis had pounded into the prepubescent body and create sensations that were equally painful and indescribably wonderful. Both of them would never forget that day. "I'm going put it in now," Matt said calmly, "and you're going to help me son. You're going to push back into me. You're going to relax your ass muscles and then you're going to force your ass over my cock, Shelby. Now do it." Matt moved forward, bringing his instrument back to the weakened opening. Shelby stiffened involuntarily as the bloated glans rammed between his firm cheeks and split then further apart. It nuzzled his anus, adding copious slimy pre-cum to lubricant and semen. It settled into the spongy flesh. The pressure increased exponentially. Shelby groaned loudly. "You trying to help or what," Benton said softly. "He's big enough to hurt you, Shelby. Don't be stupid for God's sake." To Matt, the other man's patience seemed out of character. Like a chameleon, he had changed from a brute intent on championing the abuse of the young Navajo boy, to a coach who carefully guided his star player to victory. "You gotta push back at him, kid," Tyler admonished. "Try to make your ass go slack at the same time. It'll hurt a whole lot less if you help him get it inside. Once it's up you it'll feel better. Hell, you might even like it," he added with a smirk. "Come on, Shel'. Push it back at me. Open your butt for me. Tyler's right, it'll hurt a whole lot less if you help." Shelby groaned, his agony less from the pain at the threshold to his rectum, but from the inner conflict that continued to torment him. His eyes closed tightly as he endeavored to focus his efforts, to concentrate on doing what was required of him. It was a feat worthy of the greatest warrior. He strained down, exerting all of the strength that remained to him. He did not know why he did so, only that he needed a penis, his father's penis, inside him again. It was a sudden and frightening realization. "Push again," Matt instructed. "Like that, just like that, like you're taking a shit and you can't get it out. Push hard boy!" "I'm tryin'!" "Go on, Shel'! Push my cock right into your fuck-hole." Matt gasped in disbelief as the head of his penis started to enter. The tendons and muscles in his thighs and legs strained, and his arms embraced Shelby's narrow hips. He watched the hurt in Shelby's face, contorted by his shameful effort not only to comply with his father's request, but to satisfy his own desire. There was an undeniable and perverse pleasure in watching his son's efforts. That Shelby was cooperating fully made his enjoyment complete. "You got it, Shelby," Matt said triumphantly. "You got the head of my cock in you. You can feel it in there, can't you?" "It's big, isn't it?" Benton grinned. "Tyler knows just how big Juan's is, only not nearly as well as Shelby does right now. Now,... push down again and let's get the rest of it in you!" "It hurts," Shelby moaned. "I'm trying! It hurts too much." Benton laughed. "You're okay kid, you're feeling bad, but you're doing fine. He's going to stop for a while and let you get used to having his cock inside you. Your ass needs time to adjust even though he stretched you out real good before. You have to keep trying to relax your ass muscles. You've got to practice that." Matt sighed as he eased the pressure off. He remembered all too clearly. The second time was no easier than the first time. Charro's penis inflicted almost unbearable pain on him before it went inside him again. It took time. That was the way it was for the first few times when a boy of Shelby's tender years attempted the almost impossible task of taking a man's penis into him. It was like that until he became used to it, and there was only one way for a boy to get used to it. A boy had to do exactly what Shelby was doing at that very moment. He re-positioned himself so that he could observe Shelby's anus by looking down between them. What he saw should have sickened him, but it did not. Surprisingly there was no more blood around Shelby's anus although the sight that greeted him was such to suggest there should be lots of it. The rim of his son's anus was stretched into a thin line, like lips encompassing a thick blood-engorged stake that was impaled between his rounded muscular cheeks. Only his broad swollen glans was inside Shelby's quivering body. The rest of his penis waited outside, its turn rapidly approaching as the youngster's sphincter muscle relaxed before the constant pressure. It was long and thick, yet it was thinner than the bloated head that had already pierced through Shelby's anus. The worst was over. From the change in Shelby's breathing, Matt realized that the boy wanted the rest of it inside him. Just the fact that he was not struggling against the pressure building in his lower abdomen was enough to convince to continue. He saw the rippling of the long muscles of Shelby's thighs, his calf muscles stressing, and felt Shelby pressing back into his hard organ. It was conclusive proof of Shelby's motivation as much as his own. His son was every bit as eager as he had been with Charro. Matt held his breath as he began to press forward. He knew what happened next. He knew the sensation all too well. There would be a slow unstoppable displacement of the boy's insides, like a tremendous pressure that was resolved to push the life out of him as it rammed through the narrow entrance. It was a feeling of being progressively filled, so full that it seemed that he was stretched beyond his elastic limit. Matt knew that what appeared impossible was entirely possible and would be made much easier with Shelby's willingness. He watched his penis inch forward, his eyes glued to the tiny anus as it struggled to achieve the seemingly Herculean feat required of it. He watched as Shelby struggled to relax his inner muscles. He was barely cognizant of the others in the room, wanting only to finish what he had started. With all the strength he could muster, Matt willed his son to accept it and not fight back when he started again. He remembered Charro's lovemaking, the well-greased manhood of the shaman sliding slowly into him, time and time again until there was no resistance left inside him and sex became a frequent ritual to be celebrated in the cool darkness of the cave. Even from the very first time he had not wanted to resist. Being with a man came naturally to him, satisfying some instinctive craving within him. After the first few times he realized that he was attracted to the shaman. He returned to the cave willingly, just as his own son was a willing participant in what was now happening. There was a predictable truth to it, as if it had been predestined from the moment of Shelby's conception on the very same bed on which he lay. He was born to participate in this obscene act, giving his innocence in return for unparalleled pleasure that few boys his age experienced. Shelby's groans would stay with him forever as his shaft continued to force its way in for the second time. Later, there would be time for him to wonder whether he should have stopped, but at that moment he had no thoughts about ending. He gave no quarter as he thrust forward with powerful lunges, knowing that a pre-teen boy could do what was required of him. Shelby's job was to be quiet and accept his passive role as best he could. However, even as Matt anticipated Shelby's agony when his small anus was cruelly ruptured, he realized he was victorious. He halted. His penis was halfway inside the small dark body. He slowly withdrew most of it. Shelby groaned again, as much as from relief that the tearing pain had ended as from the abrupt cessation of a strange and wonderful feeling. It was the same feeling he had barely begun to experience the first time before his father achieved orgasm. And now the feeling was back, perhaps even more intense, and certainly more appreciated now that Shelby knew the pain would go away quickly as soon as the penis was removed. Afterwards, when Shelby had the chance to reflect on what happened on his father's bed, he would remember the raw ache in his testicles and the overwhelming feeling of being joined to the man kneeling over him, of being slowly filled until his bowel was stretched so tightly that it felt as though he would burst open. He would remember the words of encouragement as he was coaxed to push down and assist in his own sodomy. He would remember enduring terrible pain as he tried to take the thick hard penis into his rectum. More than anything else he would remember being happy that the penis that pounded into his intestines belonged to his father. He pushed back by forcing his stomach and inner muscles to push his belly and internal organs downwards. He strained until beads of sweat glistened on his chest and face, until his legs quivered, until he felt the huge shaft sink into him. "You're doing a fine job, Matt," Benton complimented. "You got most of it in there now. Do it again and he'll take it all." Matt swallowed. Benton's estimation had erred on the conservative side but it wasn't far from the truth. He watched as Shelby's eyes closed tightly. He saw the pain in his son's face as he concentrated all of his remaining energy on what he was doing. His fists were clenched impotently as Shelby tried again to push against him. Matt remembered what it felt like going in, like a wedge being hammered in until it could go no further. "Your boy is something else," Benton chuckled. "He can't get it in fast enough. He's going to be so goddamn full of cock he won't be able to shit for a week. Okay, one last time!" The last two inches were easy by comparison. Matt backed away after only a few seconds after his pubic bone was compressed into Shelby's crack. It was anatomically impossible for either boy or man to go further. Matt Cassidy breathed a long sigh of relief. Tyler smirked at the younger boy's discomfiture as he considered how many times he had been in the same predicament. It was impossible to decide what felt better or worse, all the way in or partially out. That was why a guy fucked you, he decided. You got the best of both worlds when his cock was moving back and forth. "You sure filled him up," Juan laughed. "He's full of cum. I can see it running down his butt. It's just like fucking one of them mud holes we saw down in Texas last year." Tyler grinned. "He's got a real tight chute, ain't he? I didn't think you were going to get it in for a while. He's lucky he's not bleeding with all that cock stuffed in there." "You worked him over pretty good, Matt. I guess his asshole is pretty well stretched by now." Matt flexed his penis and Shelby winced slightly at it jerked inside him, increasing the pressure against his prostate. He kneeled over Shelby, supporting the upper half of his body with his left arm. He placed his other hand between them, groping for the boy's sex organ before following the small scrotum downward into the deep crevice. He felt the last inch of his huge member as it exited from the terribly distended opening into Shelby's body. Without thinking he lifted his hand to his nose to smell the accumulated fluids. Other than a pink tinge there was no blood. He wiped the mess of semen and excess lubricant over Shelby's face in a crude ritual of initiation. Memories came rushing back to him. It was time to teach Shelby how to make love to a man. "Squeeze on it, boy," he instructed quietly. "Not like that, not like some girl. Squeeze it hard, as hard as you can. Yeah, that's better. Now you do that from now on every chance you git and you got yourself a real good ass for fuckin'." The other boys smirked again as Matt started to hump. The young Navajo boy had no idea of what was in store for him as Matt began to thrust. He pumped gently at first. He wanted Shelby to enjoy it. However, that slow, careful pace was only the beginning. He did what needed to be done so as not to hurt the boy. He used a long deep stroke that was calculated to inflict the greatest pleasure, pulling back so far that his bloated glans was nearly removed before it rammed back in. It did not stop before it bottomed out and Shelby groaned. With each successive stroke his prostate was pulverized until be began to shake. His rectum loosened, shedding its muscular strength as the fluids were suctioned out of him. Then Matt's movements became more urgent. It was a startling sight and one that Matt Cassidy would not have believed possible if he had not experienced it himself when he was a boy. Now, he witnessed his own son doing it with a man. Occasionally his penis pulled free as he began to use deep long strokes that were calculated to give the youngster overwhelming pleasure. Then there was a moment's interruption until he found the boy's anus again, brought the head back to the opening, and returned the swollen glans like a piston into the heated, satiny walls of the tight canal. Each time Shelby groaned, but it was impossible to tell whether his guttural moan was from momentary relief of having the throbbing organ out of him or from the satisfaction of having it return. "Too cool," Tyler teased as he saw Matt's semen dribbling from Shelby's anus. "The jizz is really pouring out of him," he added. "I didn't think you put that much in him." Benton paused and grinned crudely at the other boy. "You emptied your balls in him, Matt." Juan laughed. "Hey Ty, he better be careful if he don't want to drown the little bugger in cum." Matt held his breath and began to move faster and faster. Shelby was buffeted like a small sailing boat on a wild stormy night. Both pain and incredible pleasure washed over him in waves, threatening to drown him if he could not make the effort to stay afloat. There was no resistance left in him even if he wanted to resist. He closed his eyes and tried to blot out the sensations that were now so powerful that they threatened to consume his sanity. His pelvis began to rotate and lift up in erratic jerks as he surrendered. "That's right," Matt grunted. He stopped moving and held his cock like a battering ram. "Fuck yourself, Shelby. Push it deep into you. Take it all the way into your ass. Go on!" Shelby's thighs strained and his belly muscles tensed as he shoved hard. Matt's penis surged through him until it could go no further. He gasped for air as he felt it impale him. "Now that's better isn't it, Shelby," Benton said. He grinned at Matt. "Your boy's a real good fuck. When you're done with him he'll be an expert at it." Matt pulled back until only the head of his organ was lodged in Shelby's anus. Without further instruction the boy pushed down again and forced the thick shaft back into him. "You're starting to get the idea. Now when I push in, you push back, got it? And when I'm pulling it out you squeeze your ass on it as hard as you can and try to keep it inside it. Just remember, the more you take of my cock, the better it feels, Shel'." After a few tentative practice thrusts Matt could tell that Shelby was doing what was wanted. He watched his son's sinews strain as he exerted every bit of strength to keep the throbbing penis inside him. After another minute or two he observed the end result. His thrusts were coming faster and deeper and Shelby's breathing was frantic. Matt listened to the sounds of sex, a loose sucking sloppiness and Shelby's whimpers of ecstatic joy as his head tossed wildly. Despite the frenzy of approaching orgasm, Matt recognized the radiant happiness as his son's youthful sexuality was awakened. He knew the feelings. The boy had reached the stage of acceptance, no longer caring who possessed him, or what was asked of him. His entire being was focused on the intense joy that burst from deep within him and swept him along in its path. "Squeeze harder," Matt grunted. With each thrust, his rigid member pounded into Shelby's rectum until it bottomed out and the boy groaned loudly as his inner organs were pulverized. He strained downward with all his strength to displace his intestines and force his prostate and bladder into the position where it bore the brunt of Matt's powerful lunges. His delight became agony, desperately squeezing until he could stand it no longer and all he wanted was for his father to stop. Words failed him. All he could do was to beg for more by pushing back and nodding his head with frightful eagerness, and gasp for air. With his eyes closed and his fists clenched Shelby tried to control his panic. There was nothing he could do, or wanted to do. He did not want it to stop, ever. Without warning Matt's thrusts became frenzied again and his thick penis seemed to swell even more. The sudden rush of hot thick semen took Shelby by surprise. Unlike the first time, the torrent of juice gushed out of Matt's penis in such forceful bursts that Shelby felt it squirting deep inside him. Although it lasted only a matter of seconds, to the exhausted boy it seemed to go on and on until he was filled with white-hot fluid. Again he felt the overwhelming sense that his body was no longer his to control. He felt Matt's penis jerking relentlessly, heat flooding into him, his own body arching up to meet it with every muscle taut, shuddering and gasping with terrors as something deep within him seemed to burst. His head fell back, uttering garbled, incoherent words. As his pleasure peaked, he wanted to die. For those few seconds Shelby Cassidy was more alive than at any time during his life. "Ohhhhhh! Daaaaaaaa!" With one final feeble effort he exerted all his strength to compress Matt's still jerking penis and hold it captive. The climax passed and faded as rapidly as it had come. As Shelby's body relaxed, the thick shaft, no longer quite as stiff, slithered out and slapped wetly against the boy's slowly retracting penis and shrivelled scrotum. Matt settled back on his haunches and admired his handiwork. Shelby was unmoving except for the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. "Shit!" Tyler said in awe. "Look at the size of his ass. It's huge!" Juan grinned. "Nah. It looks about the same size as yours when I'm done fucking you. The way he was squeezing I was sure the little fuck-head was going to put shit all over it, especially considering he was a virgin and all. Hell, his cock is as clean as a whistle." Benton grinned. "Just goes to show, doesn't it guys." "Show what?" "It shows how much he liked getting his cute little hiney fucked. Matt must have reamed his hole out about ten sizes. He won't shit right for a week or two. For that matter, it may even be permanent." Matt lifted up the sheet and callously wiped off the shiny film of slime that coated his penis. He felt drained. "He's not going to stop now that he likes it," Benton said. "That was some sight. It may be the best fuck I've ever seen. Unless I'm mistaken, from now on Shelby's going to fuck till he drops, just like you do, Tyler. I think we just found ourselves a little boy whore who loves nothing more than havin' a man's cock all the way up his ass." CHAPTER 9. THE END OF THE LINE Matt swallowed as he risked a quick downward glance at Shelby's small pinched bottom. The sight that greeted him was both frightening and very exciting. He felt a surge in his loins and he tried to stop the thoughts that welled up inside him. It was as if he suddenly discovered that he was hungry. A part of him had not been fully satisfied since the days and occasional nights he had been with Charro many years earlier when he was a boy not unlike Shelby. How many times had he taken Charro's thick maleness into him? How many times had he wanted it inside him again, and again after that until both of them were too tired to move? He had begged for it more times than he cared to remember. Shelby's anus was stretched wide like a gaping mouth in search of nourishment. It was impossibly large, appearing even bigger than a man's anus after intercourse because of the comparative smallness of the rest of his body. And yet, despite its expanded size, there was practically no sign of the two orgasms that occurred within it. Matt stared at his son as he remembered the oozing semen that would slowly dribble down the backs of his legs after Charro had removed his penis. It was Shelby's position he realized. On his back, the copious ejaculations had remained largely inside his rectum. Shelby slowly eased his legs out until the improved circulation began to reduce the painful cramps in his calves and thighs. His eyes met his father's before he quickly looked away. There was no hiding what he had done. Three pairs of eyes had watched him writhing in the throes of ecstasy, his naked body abandoned to unspeakable desire as he lay before Matt. He tried to remember what he had shouted at the last moment. "You feeling okay?" Matt asked. "I bet your asshole is pretty sore." Shelby nodded slightly. "It hurts pretty bad," he murmured. Benton nodded. "Yeah, I bet it does, Shelby. It goes away in a while so don't worry. Besides you're two-thirds of the way." "Huh?" "Well,... they say, three times proves it. By the time we leave here you're going to be as queer as Tyler is. He likes Juan to fuck him every chance he gets. And like I said, after a while it stops hurting. My boys can tell you if you don't believe me. You do it often enough and all you'll want is a man-cock in your guts." Benton reached forward and casually stroked Shelby's scrotum. He prodded at the two tiny testicles. Shelby's penis had become so small that it was barely visible. "I feel bad inside," Shelby whined. "I think,... I have to go to the bathroom,... Please,... can I get up?" Benton laughed. "You don't have to. It just feels that way. What you need is a cock in your ass. You need to be filled up with a man-cock again. You'll feel better with it in you. Trust me." He turned to Matt. "Well, are you ready to make it number three? That was the deal, remember? You get to fuck your own boy three times." Matt glared at Benton angrily. Benton ignored him. "Da,.... Please," Shelby implored. "I want you do it again.". "Gettin' you ass fucked feels good, doesn't it Shelby." "Da. Please do it." "I told you he'd be begging for it," Benton laughed. "A deal is a deal, or are you going back on your word?" Matt nodded his agreement. In fact, as he began to move back into position behind his son, he no longer worried about his motives. He could barely control the excitement that threatened to rise up and engulf him. Perhaps it had started out as a last recourse to save the Bar None, but it had changed during the last hour when Shelby willingly gave himself again and again. Matt had been sexually aroused as he realized that his son was, in a perverse way, deriving overwhelming enjoyment from what was being done to him. Now, the boy's pleading voice aroused Matt even further. Miraculously, his penis was hard again like a thick rod of metal, a hot spike of human flesh that needed to be contained in a young Navajo boy. "Da,..." Shelby's voice implored. "I want your cock. I want you in me. Okay?" Benton grinned at Tyler and raised his eyebrows in an obscene acknowledgment of the young boy's desire. "You see how much he likes it," he taunted. "His ass must be total agony by now. Much more of this and the poor little guy won't be able to sit or shit for a week. Not that he's going to want to sit when he's lying on his back. It makes you wonder what he'll be like when he's able to shoot." "Da,... Please?" "Go on, Matt, fuck him! That's what he really wants, you know. He wants your big hard cock all the way in his ass. He wants his daddy to fuck him again. He wants your jizz sloshing around and dribbin' out his hole and runnin' down his legs. He's queer for his daddy's big cock. Maybe you think he isn't up to the task but we all know different." "You're lower than a snake," Matt snarled. "Okay! Leave him alone. I'll do it again. For God's sake shut up." Benton shrugged. For the third time Shelby pulled his legs up into a submissive position. Even as Benton continued to torment his father, Shelby appreciated the awesome sensations, feelings that were more incredible than those he had experienced on the ground next to the corral, in the cave, and again in the barn with Juan. "Okay," Benton said. "This is want I'm really paying you for. You get your cock inside him again and fuck him properly. The ranch is yours, friend. Just do it like a man so your boy likes it." Matt nodded his understanding and Shelby's head moved slightly to indicate that he knew what was expected of him. Even if they were willing participants in Benton's experiment in incest, it was still shameful being witnessed. Matt took the vaseline and clumsily smeared another large gob of it over his throbbing penis, paying particular attention to the bulging glans where the friction would be greatest. He tried not to think of Shelby as his son as he moved back into position. That his penis had remained erect made his excitement unbearable. He felt like a teenager, randy and ready to go on all night long. He trembled with anticipation as he touched Shelby's rump, placing both hands on the boy's cheeks and parted them. His penis eased into the boy's semen-slicked crack and poked half-heartedly at the weakened orifice. There seemed to be no resistance left in the soft flesh. he heistated. The boy quickly took the initiative and shoved his pelvis down so that the fat head of his father's penis skewered him. With the glans just inside his anus he took a deep breath. His father's penis was thick seemed much bigger than before. He felt it bulging into him, a wonderful stress opening his anus wide and filling his narrow rectum as it began to slide in. Matt needed no more incentive. He pushed forward into the eager boy. It was remarkably easy. He felt his son's body consume him, wet hot soft tissue creeping up the length of his shaft until several inches had disappeared. He stopped, quaking with joy as he felt Shelby shuddering as he was impaled. He had no doubts now. The boy's groan was low and breathless as he started to withdraw. He stopped, aware that Shelby was squeezing on his penis in a vain attempt to keep him inside where he belonged. He rammed back into the loosened tube, sliding on the slippery film until he felt the oozing slime sloshing inside the boy. As the last inch of his swollen penis forced into Shelby and bottomed out in the small rectum it displaced the fluids already deposited there. Thick semen squirted back and covered his groin. "That's better," Benton laughed. "Your kid's got himself one sloppy little fuck-hole, hasn't he? A boy's always easier to fuck when he's juiced up and stretched out. Course, it was a lot of work getting him to this stage. He must have a half a cup of cum in him by now and he's still coming back for more. I can tell his ass is working on your tool. He's clenching it the same way Tyler does when he's feeling hot and having fun with Juan." "He feels good, doesn't he?" Tyler added. "He's squeezing down like that because he loves it so much. I could have told you he's got a hot ass!" "You'd know, Tyler," Juan laughed. Matt tried to ignore their sarcasm. However they were both right and there was no denying it. He felt Shelby's bowels working against the length of his penis, pushing and pulling with surprisingly powerful contractions. Despite what had been done to him, there was still a remarkable amount of strength in his abused body. The first two had taught Shelby about sex and now he was reaping the benefit. He should have felt ashamed and disgusted, but all he could muster was curiosity about how his son found the strength to go on squeezing his throbbing penis. Benton grinned. "Maybe it's time we taught the little brave how to really get his ass hammered." He lifted Shelby's nearest leg up and hooked it behind Matt's back. On the other side of the bed, Tyler did the same so that Shelby was literally suspended from his father's powerful body. Benton moved both legs closer until Shelby's knees were clamped around Matt's neck and his legs were hooked behind the man's shoulders. "Now," Benton smirked. "Fuck him hard! Make him beg for it all the way. Push it all the way in and fuck the crap out of him. Turn him on! He wants you to fuck him hard. That's what all boys want once they're used to it." Tyler laughed as he watched Matt pull away and then suddenly thrust forward. Shelby grunted as the air in his lungs was expelled from the force of the impact and the displacement of his inner organs. Matt's penis opened new territory as it reached all the way inside him. It was a feeling that was both very painful and infinitely pleasurable, and it took Shelby by complete surprise.The love that had existed between them was pushed aside as animal lust took over. Filial devotion was supplanted by primal need. One thrust was followed quickly by the next, establishing an erratic rhythm of gasps and groans amid the wet slurping sound of Matt's rampart penis pounding back and forth in Shelby's bowels. "Look at him go! After this, all he's going to want from now on is to get his cute little ass fucked," Tyler announced. Juan snickered. "He's going to be pretty lonely up here on the ranch,... unless his old man keeps him real busy, that is. Shelby's going to need regular fucking from now on!" "Just like you and Tyler," Benton chuckled. "Yep, I think so. What we got here is 100 percent pure unadulterated boy-faggot. He could get a hundred bucks just to drop his jeans, and he'd be begging to put his butt to work every chance he got. With his looks and with a bit of training on how to use what he's got below his belt he'd be one hell of a busy injun." Their words went unheard by Matt and Shelby. They were engrossed in their passion, abandoned to deep longings that had been brought to the surface and exposed for what they were. The strength that would have allowed Shelby's sphincter to resist, to contract and tighten, fighting back to preserve his innocence had long since disappeared. His virginity was gone. His anus opened wide for his father's penis as he submitted eagerly. He slackened even more now that he was willing, absorbing each delicious thrust. His own sexuality was insignificant, his penis shrivelled, his scrotal pouch a wizened lump with barely discernible testicles. He existed only for the pleasure that stemmed from his rectum, his body becoming a sheath around his father's manhood as it enclosed the throbbing organ and bathed it in wet soft heat. The only sounds were Shelby's gasps, Matt's groans, and of succulent well-greased flesh moving in unison. Benton rested on his haunches, allowing father and son to experience what he had so often witnessed Juan enjoying with Tyler. Sarcasm and taunts were no longer needed as lust took over. "Man, look at 'em go," Tyler announced. "If I didn't know better I'd swear Shelby was used to having a man up his ass." Benton laughed. "There's nothing like a loose ass-hole to get a man worked up. Come on, guys, let's go eat something. All this sex has got me real hungry and they need some privacy to finish this off." "Right now?" "Yes, right now. Come on! Let's leave them to it. It looks like Matt knows what his kid wants in his ass-hole. They don't need help from us." Benton chuckled. "He's got to be the horniest kid I've ever seen. He's going to keep his old man busy from now on. He'll need fucking a couple of times a day. And way up here where isn't someone to stop them he'll get what he wants." They left to search the kitchen cupboards, taking food and utensils here and there as they found what they wanted despite the poor selection of the Cassidy home. In the bedroom, Matt was breathing heavily. Shelby was trembling. Each thrust came quickly, deep and hard into him, taking both of them closer to climax despite Matt's desire to prolong his enjoyment. Finally, after one violent shudder, Shelby collapsed, his insatiable hunger temporarily vanquished. His inert body, no longer responsive to caresses and the jerking motion of his penis, frightened Matt. He drew back, fearful that Shelby had been injured. There was no sign of blood he observed with relief. Just a glistening wetness along the full length of his sex, the slime of love. Shelby breathed erratically. Slowly it dawned on Matt what had happened. His son had orgasmed yet again, this time more explosive and draining than before. Shelby was unconscious. He smiled and guided his throbbing organ back to the waiting orifice. It slipped in easily, entering several inches before he paused. "God damn," Matt said aloud. It was impossible to believe that the small body could be so affected. He drew back again and playfully poked Shelby's flattened scrotum with the bloated glans of his penis. Pre-seminal juice oozed from the meatus, leaving a silver thread connecting them as he returned to other activities. He tested the orifice again, penetrating the head without any real effort beyond a firm push. "The little fucker," he muttered as he moved the head of his penis back and forth. "That's some ass he's got. It's so damned big! It's feels just like a pussy, he's got a God-damn boy-pussy." He surged forward, directing the axis of his shaft so that it was aligned with Shelby's rectum. He felt the lad's anus sliding down almost to his testicles. It was more like a loose band around the girth of his manhood without the muscular grip of the last two times. He sighed loudly. The sensation was indisputably better than fucking a man, far superior to any woman. He pulled free again and then slammed back into the spongy softness. It was an incredible feeling for a man who had not enjoyed sex for nearly four years. He ignored the boy's inaction, pummeling his almost unconscious body without regret. He was strangely excited by his own power. His will, like his physical being, in total control, or out of control. He dominated with each powerful thrust, his offspring nothing less than the receptacle for his triumphant manhood, a vessel to carry his seed like a woman. He felt the inevitable approach, the tension surging in his loins, the pressure building until his explosion was imminent. He needed to stop to regain his sanity, but he could no more stop than deny himself the joy he had secretly longed for since he was a boy himself. He tried to slow down, but the reduction in the pace at which he pumped into Shelby's inert form merely served to amplify the sensations along the length of his shaft. Minimizing the distance his penis travelled inside Shelby's loose rectum, sucking gently in the slimy soft tissue, only increased the exposure of his bloated glans against his son's velvety bowels. He had reached the point beyond which he could not stop. He had no control of his actions. He felt the orgasm building as his scrotum became tighter. His swollen penis bulged for the third time, filling the young body, his testicles felt ready to burst. His final thrusts were erratic as the semen boiled within him. Again and again retreating all the way out only to plunge back in the child, deep and hard and oblivious to the possibility of hurting him. "Ohhhhhh,... God," Matt groaned. He gasped, filling his lungs as he rammed in as far as he could and discharged with frenzied shudders. He felt his penis jerking, with every spasm ejaculating hot white juice deep inside his barely conscious son. His emission seemed to go on and on until he had no doubt that it was considerably more than he had ever produced before despite the fact than he had climaxed twice already in the space of a few hours. As soon as his testicles had emptied, Matt used his remaining strength to ease away, realizing that his added weight was a burden to the little boy under him. His now-limp penis slipped out of Shelby's over-stretched anus accompanied by an oozing flow of semen that dribbled down to expand the dark wet circle under his son's buttocks. The distant sounds from the kitchen, of Benton and the two youths, brought Matt Cassidy back to confront his sin. There was no pain in Shelby's face, just resignation and relief, an acceptance of his sexuality. But the look terrified Matt. He closed his eyes and saw his life concentrated in his son's face. He thought of the long years he had spent on the mesa without the company of women. Until now there was just his two beautiful sons and him living an innocent and carefree live with. Without social regulation, free of inhibition and artificial morality, he should have felt no guilt, no remorse, just enduring triumph and deep- seated satisfaction. He opened his eyes and struggled up from the bed. Shelby's dazed eyes followed Matt's nude body to the doorway. The boy still breathed erratically, enduring the nagging discomfort deep in thought and silently hoping that his father was not angry with him. He felt weak and exposed, as if he had given everything away and received nothing back in return. He tried to speak, to call Matt back to the bed. He sank into silent shame as he turned his face and buried into the pillow beside him. Matt paused in the doorway and watched the dust slowly settle as the a gust of wind disappeared down the road. There were two tracks that corresponded to the axle width of the pick-up. Together they moved at random, swerving drunkenly from side to side and bucking wildly as they crossed the furrows he had ploughed in Spring. His accomplices in Shelby's violation watched from the table in the kitchen. Paying no attention to them, and oblivious to his nakedness, Matt stepped off the porch and started to walk. By the time Matt had reached the barn his decision was made. Although equally effective, the shotgun in the house did not have the precision he needed. Instead, he went to the work bench and picked up the Remington. It was an old rifle, but it was more accurate than many of the modern semi-automatics at several times the price. He picked up three shells although he would only need one. A single bullet and it would all be over. It was then that Matt Cassidy saw the box of rubber bands that he used to emasculate the horses and bulls. Geldings, steers, and Cassidy boys, had something in common, he thought wryly as he remembered his younger son's injury. His thoughts turned to Shelby writhing in the dusty corral. He remembered the boy flailing on the bed. He remembered Shelby's eagerness, his face contorted in desire, his hot body hungry for sexual pleasure, the incredible stiffness of his immature penis. He had been erect when his father took his virginity, even experiencing orgasm during the clumsy erratic thrusts. He had been erect again when Matt climaxed for the second time in his bowels. He wanted his father to make love to him with a stiffness that just would not go away. Benton had not only identified Shelby for what he was, but what they both were. By some quirk of fate both father and son were the same. Matt wondered why he had not seen it earlier, but perhaps he had and only his self-control and Christian guilt had kept him at bay. He had seen the signs in the corral. He was no different to one of the stallions, he realized. He knew what he would do if given the chance, and it would happen again and again. It would not matter if they lived on the mesa or in an apartment in the suburbs. Just so long as he had Shelby and Shane to love, to make love to. Matt lowered the rifle to the bench and fingered the rubber bands thoughtfully. He felt his blood rushing towards his penis. Just the thought of making love to Shelby was enough to make him hard again. But three times in one day was too often for a ten-year-old boy, unless,.... Unless the fourth time was better than all the rest combined, he thought with lust-confused logic. He placed the bullets on the scarred wood planks and picked up the bottle of neatsfoot oil. He had no doubts about he was about to do. He started back to the house, to Shelby. Matt Cassidy was nearly at the porch before he heard the echoing roar of the Benton's Jeep descending the deeply rutted road that led down to the canyon floor. He had no secrets to hide from Tyler and Juan. They knew, they understood, they accpeted. He could do whatever he wanted with Shelby and there would be no recriminations. What was more, there was still another ten hours before they had to pick Shane up at the pueblo. He thought about the ten long hours of the night, of Shelby naked in his bed, of his son's legs lifted up until his heels reached his shoulders. He thought of the whimpering cries of ecstasy he would hear as his penis pounded back and forth. Benton had shown him the way to satisfy his desire in a way that no woman had been able to, or would be able to now that he had finally tasted the forbidden pleasure that a young boy offered. As the sound of the engine faded away Matt considered rushing to the precipice overlooking the road. It was his last chance for sanity. Before, when he first came out of the house, his action had been motivated by not only by self hatred and guilt, but by the depressing thought that he had abused the boy he loved more than life itself. Now, he realized that he owed Benton a debt of gratitude. Benton had given him something he would never have taken by himself. He stopped on the second stair, twisting the bottle between his fingers as he surveyed the rugged mesa. An image of Shelby on horseback, naked and bareback, gripping the mane with one hand as he galloped appeared in his mind with startling clarity. Despite his immaturity he radiated strength and potency, like a boy ready for initiation in tribal lore. Matt closed his eyes and breathed the hot air of late afternoon. In the morning he would have to go down to the reservation to fetch Shane. Until then he would be with Shelby, and with Shelby he would forget his failures. He smiled wryly and opened his eyes to gaze over land that generations of Cassidy's had tamed. There was the ridge where his great grandfather had died with a dozen Navajo arrows in his chest. The western fence was where his father's brother had been bitten by the rattlesnake. Not a hundred yards away was where Shane had been kicked in the groin by his pony. He remembered the frantic trip in the pick-up, Shelby crouching over his brother holding a wet rag against a bloodied crotch, a pitiful effort to undo the damage inflicted by a dumb animal. And there was the corral. There in the dust he had taken the first step with Shelby. He smiled at the memory. Shelby's body arching, feet kicking up a storm of dust, leg muscles straining as he passed from innocent boy to know animal lust, releasing the pleasures contained in his loins. Now, as earlier, Matt felt a strange sense of detachment. He had not been oblivious to his son's agony. He merely accepted the inevitability of it--life, death, and sex. There had also been an overwhelming sense of power, of controlling Shelby with the imminent threat of unmanning him. It was an overwhelming sense, like a drug coursing through his veins. He felt a similar thrill when he castrated the calves and foals, but it had never been so strong. And on the bed, the feeling intensified as he plunged his manhood into the submissive boy. He remembered his ex-wife. Her ability to satisfy him paled beside what he had experienced with Shelby. Complete and utter contentment. What did a woman have that a boy possessed in greater abundance? His son was much more than a mere substitute. There was no way he could stem his desire now that he had tasted forbidden fruit, although he tried with all his will. He clenched his fists, tried to deny what he needed, fruitlessly endeavored to shift his thoughts to other things. Always he thought of the boy inside the house, still naked on the bed in which he had been conceived. Matt trembled as he remembered the semen oozing from between his son's cheeks. He wiped his brow and sighed as he started into the house. "God damn, I might as well stop wastin' time and get it done." He barely noticed the check for fifty thousand dollars lying on the kitchen table amid the scraps of food. He heard Juan and Tyler behind the curtained alcove that served as his sons' bedroom. He smiled slightly, imagining the possibilities with two youths and his own two sons. There were interesting possibilities. Shelby looked up and smiled weakly. His dark eyes followed Matt as he approached the side of the bed. His hair was unkempt, tangled and still damp as though he had just come from a bath. "You feel okay, boy?" Matt asked abruptly. He felt his desire rising, growing from deep within him. A longing to couple, to use his son as a woman. Shelby's head shook slightly. "I hurt some. I'm okay" "Your ass hurts somethin' awful, I bet." Shelby swallowed and nodded slightly. "Don't worry, you ain't hurt bad. It gets a bit tore up inside with a man. I didn't see no blood the last time." "Da, are you mad?" Shelby whispered. Matt's eyes narrowed. Mad, he wondered. Perhaps he was. Maybe that came with living on the mesa. But that wasn't what Shelby was asking. "No son, I'm not angry with you for what happened. It wasn't your fault. I blame myself." Matt took a deep breath, fingering the bottle of oil. "Shelby," he began awkwardly. "I'm sorry what I did to you. I shouldn'ha." "Da,.... It's okay. I didn't want them to see,... I wanted to do it." Matt nodded. He understood. Charro had not forced him, although for a long time he had forced himself to believe otherwise. It came with living on the mesa, from being lonely, from something deep and hidden within. He eased himself down onto the bed. Shelby's eyes met his, sharing the same need, liberated desires reverberating between them. "You goin' to put it in me again, Da?" Shelby whispered. Matt nodded. "I'm goin' to fill your ass up with this oil first," he said quietly as he unscrewed the cap. "Then I'm goin' to fuck you again, boy. You want me to fuck you, don't you? That's what you want, isn't it? You want me inside you, don't you?" Shelby nodded once. At that moment both father and son realized that they had reached the end of the line. THE END OF THE LINE.