Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 17:22:15 +0000 From: cullen s Subject: Falling in Love at Christmas - Chapter 2 - The Setup Thank you for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday so far. Please keep supporting Nifty. – Jeff Falling in Love at Christmas Chapter 2 The Setup Luke finally arrives at Benjamin and Mary Walker's home. This is a place very familiar to him. He just stands there looking at the decorated house working up the energy to make his presence known; this is not how he wanted to spend his first evening in Walker Hills. In the meantime, Mary has been working diligently all day preparing for his visit. She was excited beyond words of Luke's return to their community. She just placed the last dish on the table. The only thing they're missing is Luke. She continues to make sure everything is in its proper place. "Mary, everything is going to be okay," says Ben reading the newspaper. "It's not every day you get a food celebrating in your home," she says. "I want to make sure everything is perfect." "Would you stop worrying? He's not coming here to judge your cooking or decorating. He probably doesn't even want to come. I keep expecting him to call and cancel." Mary begins to walk back to the kitchen when she notices Luke outside the window just standing there. She runs into the living room and grabs the paper out of Ben's hands. "Get your shoes on, he's here." She rolls up the paper and slaps him on the feet. She runs through the kitchen and lays the paper on the counter returning to the door. She opens the door and runs out onto the front porch. "Luke Davenport, it's good to see you again." She runs down the steps and gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I've missed you so much." She takes him by the arm and escorts him to the house. "I'm so glad you've decided to move back. Aunt Lisa always talked about how proud she was of you; we're all proud of you becoming a famous business owner and to see you and your restaurant on national television." Luke tries to talk, but she doesn't give the opportunity. "She tells everyone she knows you," says Ben. He shakes his hand. "Why don't you let him say a few words, Mary." "Was I talking to much? I'm sorry. It's a bad habit." "A bad habit she's had all of her life," says Ben. "She came out of the womb talking telling the doctor how to do cut the umbilical cord." Mary laughs and pats Ben on the chest. "Come on in, Luke. We've got a nice dinner planned for you tonight." Luke enters the house taking off his coat and scar. The first aroma he smells is of her cinnamon candles. He walks further inside and notices the dining room all set for Christmas dinner. He walks into the living room to find their Christmas tree and soft Christmas music playing. "Please have a seat," says Ben. "Would you like something to drink?" "I'm good for now, thank you," says Luke. "How was the rest of your day?" "It was okay," says Luke. "It felt good to get a warm shower." Mary places the final dishes on the table ready to eat but she's waiting on Harrison. "Is Harrison coming over to eat?" "He said if nothing was going on, he would be here," says Ben. Mary hears heavy footprints on the front porch. She opens the door and finds her son knocking of the snow and dirt. He slides off his boots and enters the house giving her a kiss on the cheek. He slides his jacket and scarf off. He hangs his hat on the hook by the door. "Good evening, Luke, Pop," says Harrison. "I'm sorry I'm late but the snow seems to be getting thicker. It's getting really cold out there." "That's okay, son. Luke just got here, and if your mom has her way, he won't say two words tonight." "I'll make you some coffee before you leave," says Mary. "Okay, gentlemen, dinner is served. They get up and enter the dining room. They're always impressed with the meals Mary prepares. "Everything looks good as usual, mom," says Harrison. "It looks really nice," says Luke. They all find their seats. "Luke, why don't you sit across from Harrison," says Mary. "That way you two can catch up." "Okay," says Luke. He's not sure why, but he does what she says. "Ben, the blessing please," says Mary. "God, thank for you the day and this food. We thank you for the blessings." Everyone begins to start filling up their plates. Mary makes sure Luke is served first. "Luke, how was the rest of your day?" asks Harrison. "It was okay," he says. "I got a shower and rested before coming over here." "I hope the kids and I didn't disturb you," he says. "No, it was fine. It's been a long time since I've played in the snow like that." "Well, you'll have plenty of time to play in the snow now," says Mary. "I want to know about your restaurant. How is it going?" "It's going okay," says Luke. "I left my manager in charge while I'm here." "Everyone saw you on television," she says. "We were so proud especially Aunt Lisa. Everything tonight actually came from your own recipes; I thought you would like something familiar." "Thank you, Mrs. Walker," says Luke. "Everything is good." They enjoy the evening of food, fellowship, and one sided conversation thanks to Mary. Most people stop talking when they're eating, but not Mary. She can breathe, eat, and talk at the same time. Ben always said, "She has special art with communicating." After the dinner, they retire to the living room for some coffee and dessert. Harrison helps Mary clean up the kitchen while Ben shows Luke around the house. "What did you think?" asks Mary. "What did I think about what, mom?" asks Harrison. "Luke! I think he's very handsome. You two should be able to hit off really well." "Is that what this was all about? I never should have told you I was gay. I don't want to date him." "Why not?" "First of all, he's a narcissist. He doesn't know how to think about anyone but himself." "You can help him with that." "Second, he's just coming off a long term relationship, a bad one at that. I don't want to date a guy who's in pain." "You can help him through it." "Third, he doesn't really know who he is. He and his family couldn't even get along at Aunt Lisa's funeral. He's got chip on his shoulder, and I don't want any of that drama in my life." "He's just misunderstood." Harrison shakes his head. "You know what mom, I would whether be on the side of a mountain helping a hungry lion than having this conversation about my relationships or lack thereof." "Well, forgive me," says Mary. "I want my son to be happy, and since he refused to be happy, and I keep hoping you'll find a guy and adopt a child. I still want grandchildren." "I'm going back to work," says Harrison. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and tells her he loves her. He says his goodbyes to Ben and Luke. He puts back on his clothes to face the cold outside while Luke continues to stare at his hot ass; he tries to control the bulge in his pants. Harrison quickly leaves before Mary starts to force them to hold hands and skip in the snow. "Mr. and Mrs. Walker, thank you for your hospitality, but I think I should get going too." "But you haven't had dessert yet," she says. "I'm really tired, and I would like to go home and get some rest. I'll come over another evening and have dessert with you again." "At least take some food home," she says. "Aunt Lisa would be angry with I didn't send something home with you." She walks into the kitchen and realizes she forgot to give Harrison his coffee to go. "I forgot to give Harrison his coffee. Luke, you're walking by the fire station, would you please drop it off?" He thinks about for a second and agrees to drop it off. Luke thanks them for the evening and puts on his jacket and scarf. He takes the coffee thermos and leaves into the cold winter night. "You told me this was not a set up," says Ben. "I wanted to see if a spark would happen," says Mary. Ben isn't happy with her, but he also wants Harrison to be happy, and Luke is the only other gay man in town now. "Did it work?" "I don't know," she says. "Harrison was angry with me." Ben looks outside the window as he loses sight of Luke in the darkened night. The phone rings. "Hello," says Mary. "Oh hey. He looked really good, but he seems really sad." She pauses for a moment. "I don't know. Harrison wasn't too thrilled when he found out." She pauses for a moment. "Don't you worry. We'll keep trying." She pauses some more. "We're all worried for Luke, but we'll get him through it." She hangs up the phone and walks over to Ben. They embrace each other thinking about both boys. They love them so much and want them to be so happy, but they know it can't be forced, but this is the season of miracles, so maybe one will happen for Luke and Harrison.