Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 13:55:06 +0000 From: Subject: Freds Cafe Ch02 GM A/Y Chapter 02 Fred's Café Trevor stumbled to his feet when Fred left his table. A few quick strides took him out through the front door and into the bright sunlight of the October afternoon. He felt in a daze; there were many things he had to think about before the Monday morning. First off was how his long time friend Roger had guessed his suppressed interest in young teenage boys. He thought he'd hidden that side of his personality so well. He'd certainly never acted on those interests. He also wondered what it was about Fred's Café that made the place so special. It was clear they went out of their way to encourage the custom of teenage schoolboys, but Fred had been explicit from the outset with his warning. "... not allowed to touch the boys..." It was not his intention, but Trevor soon found the site of the boys school not far from the café as he wandered away. At some time in its history it must have been an old grammar school. There were extensive sports fields and tennis courts. Set in partially wooded parkland, ancient scholastic buildings with gothic stonework had been extended with modern building additions. The boys were mostly in their classrooms except for a couple of teams playing hockey in the sports fields. Their smart school sports uniform boasted the school's firm rules and traditions. Trevor would have enjoyed it if he could stay and watch the boys playing the sport. However he thought it was best not to attract the attention of local people to him. It was time to drive back to his house in Birmingham; he had a lot to do to prepare for the job start on the following Monday morning. oOo Trevor was pleased he'd been able to secure a riverside seat in the pub. Their nook by the window was quite private and ideal for the questions he wanted to ask his friend. He watched the swans feeding at the riverside as he cautiously raised the first question. "Roger, thanks for the loan of the cottage, but you really must tell me some more about Fred's Café. It seems to be unique in the type of clientele it wants to attract." "Mmmm, yes Trev, it is an odd little place really. I've known about the place for a few years. It's best though if you discover its attractions all by yourself. It's not for me to decide if you'll enjoy working there, but I know you won't get bored." "Come on Rog, tell me more. Like how did you guess I'd be interested in that kind of errm... work? You know my history, we've been mates for years. I've never done that type of thing before." "I thought you'd enjoy the break from boredom." "But did you know you have to pay to work there?" "You can easily afford the small amount of money Fred demands. It's not often there's an opening you know. There are a lot of people who'd want to work there if they got the opportunity. I'd heard that one of the café staff had to leave unexpectedly and I straight away thought of you. Anyway I'm sure there'll be other side benefits you'll enjoy when you work there." "What do you mean by `side benefits' Roger? Fred didn't mention any attached to the job." "Oh, I'm sure you'll discover those all too soon. I'd hate to spoil the surprise even if you probably have a fair idea already. Anyway, enough of the questions now. Tell me more once you have actually worked there. Do you want another pint? You drank your first without noticing. You must be nervous about the new job." Trevor's friend stood then took the two beer glasses back to the bar to get a refill. He'd known his friend Roger long enough to know the topic of conversation was closed. He sat `people watching' as he waiting for the drinks to return. It would be a long weekend of waiting before he could drive to Oakston. oOo He woke to the sound of his alarm clock. It took a little while for him to recognise the surroundings of the room where he had been sleeping. It was his friend's cottage. Trevor had been surprised how well the two bed roomed cottage was furnished. In many ways it was like a holiday cottage. A handbook of notes laying on a hallway table greeted him on arrival the previous evening. There were detailed instructions on how to find the local shops, pubs and doctor. Trevor saw it was seven o'clock, he'd have to rush if he was to shower, shave and get ready in time to walk down to the cafe. He glanced at the bedside table to reassure himself the roll of bank notes was still there. His mobile phone rang. "Hello Trevor speaking." "Hi Trevor Speaking. This is Fred. I was just wondering if you would be coming to the café today. I'd not heard from you." "Yes I'll be there. I'd said I'd come and I keep my word. How did you get my phone number?" "Ok, good. If you can make it, try to get here at ten to eight this first morning. You won't need any fancy clothes. I'll show you around. Don't forget the money though. Cheerio." Fred ended the call to abruptly terminate the conversation. At seven fifty the new "employee" tapped on the front door of the café. He was a little breathless having run part of the way. After a short delay Fred came to the door and unbolted the locks before inviting him into the shabby cafe. "It's okay you know. The kids don't mind the place looking scruffy as long as the food is good and cheap. The untidy look keeps strangers away. You'll soon find out we keep the kitchens spotless though. We don't want loads of nosy officials visiting the place." Trevor handed the roll of bank notes to the manager. The man took them and stuffed them in his pocket without counting them. "John's in the kitchen, getting the breakfast stuff ready. He's been here since seven. I'll show you around and tell you about your job. We'd best get moving, we'll be getting some of our young customers soon. They get very impatient if we're slow. They don't like us making them late for school. Just watch John in action. You'll soon catch on." By the time Trevor had been shown around the kitchen, store room and cold room, John had started taking orders from the boys at the tables. He acknowledged the new man. "Trevor. That's table number one over in the corner. Take a menu and ask them what they want to order. Make sure you give them the boys' menu. Tell them your name and smile. Leave the tab by the hatch for the cook. Make sure they pay before they leave." "Is that my training then?" "What do you think this place is? The Ritz? Get a move on or there'll be a riot." The next forty minutes was a blur to Trevor as the two waiters rushed between the tables. He was surprised how rude the boys were to him if he stumbled over the details of the order or was slow in reacting. As the final boys left he leant against the counter next to John. "Wow, is it always this bad? I'm knackered already." "Don't worry Trev. You'll get used to it. If Fred was worried he'd have helped out on the waiting. You should be here on a rainy day. The boys are really bad tempered then." "It shocked me. How rude they are, I mean." "They're okay once they get to know you. Most of them don't eat anything until they come here. They calm down when they have food in their bellies." "So, is that it now until lunch time?" "Oh, we'll get the odd straggler whose late or been to a doctor appointment. Then there are the boys in the final year revising for their exams. The school lets them come here to revise at this time of year. You should go help Cookie to tidy up the kitchen now." Trevor spent the next hour helping to clean the kitchen. It was no false boast about keeping the kitchen spotless. The work was hard. While he worked at the back John dealt with the few customers who arrived. "Hey Trev, can you watch the front? A couple of the boys want to use the computers in the back room. I need to supervise them." "What back room?" "Oh, didn't Fred tell you? We have a room equipped with computers and the Internet where the boys can study. It's through that door." He pointed to a door in the side wall of the restaurant area. "I'll see you in an hour or so. Knock on the door if you need anything and can't find Fred." Trevor watched as his colleague unlocked the door, waved the two 18 year old schoolboys through the door before closing it behind him. He thought he heard the sound of the door being relocked. The next couple of hours passed slowly with no one entering the cafe, but eventually the quiet was broken when a large policeman pushed through the door. He wore the uniform of a motorcycle officer with rustling fluorescent yellow cloth in his jacket. He removed his helmet and quietened his wireless speaker before striding across to Trevor. "Ah, not seen you here before. You must be the new guy Trevor Black. Is John around?" Trevor felt a slight frisson of fear trickle down his back at the mention of his name by the unknown policeman. He knew it was irrational; he'd not done anything wrong. He was just puzzled that he was known to the local police. "He's ahh... busy at the moment. Can I get the manager to help you?" The policeman caught the direction of Trevor's brief glance towards the locked door. A shrewd expression crossed his face as he turned back to face the waiter. He took a half pace toward the door then paused. "Hmmm... busy is he? Well we don't want to interrupt him do we?" "I can get Fred to come out from the back. It's not a problem, honestly. Can I get you a tea while you wait?" "No. Stay where you are. I know how to deal with this." The policeman reached behind him, under his jacket and pulled out a wallet. He searched through and extracted a twenty pound note. He thrust it in the direction of Trevor. "Here. Give this to John when he's finished being busy. Tell him it is for Simon's stuff. He'll know what I'm talking about." Trevor released the breath he'd realised he was holding then took the proffered note. "Are you sure you don't want that tea um... err Officer?" "I'm Constable Halton, Mr Black. No, it's ok. I can't hang around." He paused before smiling. "I have to go catch some criminals." Trevor felt the policeman's stare. He worried that somehow the man was able to read his innermost thoughts. He suddenly felt more relaxed as the policeman swung the bike helmet onto his head and strode out of the room. As the sounds of the police motorcycle faded outside of the café Trevor heard the door being unlocked. It swung open a fraction and John peeked out. His hair was dishevelled and his shirt partially unbuttoned. The two teen boys were giggling and peeking from behind the man. "Has he gone? It can be a bit embarrassing when Halton catches me." Trevor stared wordless at John and just waved him out from the door way. The boys shouldered their book bags and rushed out of the café tucking their shirts into their trousers. As they ran past they were oblivious of the untied shoes on their feet. "You'll catch a fly with your mouth open like that Trevor. Did he give you something for me?" He handed the bank note to John, not speaking the question that was hopping on the tip of his tongue. As his colleague took the note he answered the unspoken question. "It's his nephew you see. He eats here and sometimes doesn't have the money to pay. Fred doesn't worry if a boy can't pay. But Halton secretly makes sure the bill doesn't mount up for Simon. He just gets a bit embarrassed about it." "Oh." Trevor pointed vaguely in the direction of the door where the teens had recently rushed through. "Oh they were a bit late for class. They got a bit tied up and lost track of the time. Hey, we'd best start laying things out for lunch. We will be busy in an hour or so. Can you ask Cookie what the `today's specials' are, then write up the chalk menu board?" While they were waiting for the lunch time crowd John had to argue with a couple of workmen who'd seen the café as they drove past. "Your, fucking prices are ridiculous mate. We ain't buying any stuff at these prices. You ought to be reported or sumfing." "We greatly respect our customers, sir. But we can charge what we like as long as we tell you before you order. Now will you please order something or leave?" "What about a two child portions of the today's special for each of us? That's still cheaper than a normal meal." "I'm sorry sir, but ..." Trevor decided to leave that argument for John to handle. He'd noticed the schoolboys had started to arrive. He quickly took their orders and left the orders with the cook. As he walked back looking for new clients, a voice broke his concentration. "You're new here aren't you? I saw you last week." He looked to his right and saw a slim blonde haired boy tucked away at the far corner of the bench seat in a table bay. It was the boy who had sat opposite him the previous week. He looked about 12 years old and carried a cheeky smile. His blazer pocket had been repaired, but his neck tie knot had been pulled tight. Trevor sighed to himself knowing that school bullies had been at work. "Yes I'm Trevor and I started today. And you, if I remember correctly, are Simon?" "Oh wow, you noticed last week. Most people just ignore me." "I can't believe that, not with your looks. Anyway, do you want to order?" The boy looked through the menu, but eventually chose just a small cup of soup and a slice of bread. "You dieting Simon? You need to eat properly at lunch time." "I know. Mum is always nagging me, but ..." "Look if you've `lost' your food money again, don't worry about it. Just order what you want. We can sort the money out some other time." "Cool. Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble with Fred. In that case I'll have meat pie, chips and mushy peas, but I can't pay a lot today." "Oh I'm sure we can sort something out later, but I'll cover it for now. Anyway that smile of yours is worth at least twenty pounds. I'll bring you your food in a few minutes." As Trevor walked away, he thought he'd heard a whispered reply from the boy. "I don't charge that much." However, when he looked back he saw the boy was looking down immersed in reading a large blue paperback book. He met Trevor by the serving hatch. "So did you get those guys to pay up front? I see they are still there." "Yeah, they paid in full when they saw the boys arriving. Must be a pair of perves. By the way, I see you got on well with Simon. You know he's the one with a policeman uncle?" "I guessed that. I've got one question though. How did the police know my name and that I'd started work here?" ... to be continued. Comments and ideas will be welcome.