Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2018 21:20:46 +0000 From: Master Subject: Full Male Service Part 1 Feedback is welcome at Please don't forget to support Nifty. This story is all fiction. All names, locations, and places are made up. The content of the story is created by the fervent activity of my mind. Mechanics Attention Since experiencing that wondrous day with his father not so many months ago, Miles had turned 12 and was now in first year of secondary school. He knew he was very much loved by his parents, and in turn he loved them and his younger brother Jake. The family would be a perfect representation of those TV adverts which feature happy meals around a table with copious amounts of laughter. Of course Miles recognised how fortunate he was because he had friends whose lives were far from that scenario. Instead their lives would be more likely to feature in a NSPCC ad. One Saturday afternoon he decided to go into town and buy something special for the family to share because he really wanted to show his appreciation for them. He wasn't quite sure what though given that his pocket money wouldn't stretch too far. As he explored the High Street racking his brains he passed one shop window and paused to consider its contents. Just as he was about to move on, in the reflection of the window he noticed a face that he recognised. Straight away he knew who it belonged to - it was Tim from the FMS! Tim was on a rare Saturday off and enjoying being able to get into town whilst it was busy and atmospheric unlike out of hours when it was a ghost town. He was clothes shopping as for him it was important to keep up with whatever was in fashion. Tim couldn't believe his fortune as he glanced toward a shop window and saw one of his more special clients from some months before standing in front of it. Miles turned round and was as surprised as Tim that they should bump into each other. "Hi, I remember you," said Tim. "Yeah, you were my mechanic when you fixed my pipe some months ago," Miles responded with a grin on his face. "Shh, not too loud! Don't want to broadcast that to the nation do we?" Tim answered. "Oops, sorry just so surprised we should meet," Miles said, "As I never expected to see you again." "So what you doing in town today?" queried Tim of Miles. "Looking for something to buy my family," answered Tim, and as he did so the clouds opened and an almighty downpour began. Unnoticed by both Tim and Miles during their conversation the skies had darkened, and could no longer hold their store of moisture dumping it on the shoppers below. "Ahhh," Miles cried out as he looked around for shelter. "I've got an idea," Tim said thinking out aloud, "Why don't we go back to my place as it's just across the road a few shops down?" "Sounds like a plan," Miles said pulling his hoodie hood over his head and eager to get out of the rain. "Follow me," Tim instructed, "but stay a few feet behind me." Tim then strode off down the street then crossed over to the other side to reach his flat door. As he did so he looked back a couple of times to check that Miles was following. Having satisfied himself that he was, he turned his key in the door and closed it after him. A few minutes later Miles arrived having watched Tim up ahead of him very closely. He noticed an intercom mounted on the brick work to the right of the door and pressed the button on it. At the other end of the intercom, Tim responded to the buzz and pressed the button to release the lock. Miles pushed the door and entered and by doing so reminded himself of another door that had brought him great pleasure previously. On entering he saw in front of him a flight of stairs that took him up to Tim's apartment which was situated over a modelling shop and there waiting for him at the top was Tim. "Come on up to the mechanics den," Tim said with a smile on his face. "Are there any instructions on the door to follow?" asked Miles. "Not this door, no," laughed Tim thinking of the entrance to his workplace. "Well that's okay then," responded Miles. Tim led the way into his apartment which consisted of a corridor off to the left of which was a lounge/dining/kitchen area. Next along the corridor was the bathroom containing a bath/over shower, wash hand basin and toilet. The last room was a bedroom which was just about big enough to contain a double bed and a couple of wardrobes. On the walls in the lounge were framed prints of various cars but notably most were of the JLR marque (Jaguar Land Rover). Defenders, Discovery's, Range Rovers, and Jaguars seemed to be Tim's prime interest. Furniture consisted of a large fabric three seater sofa, coffee table, a couple of book cases, and a large TV complete with games consoles and decoder boxes. The front wall of the lounge had a large window looking out on to the High Street. "Cool," commented Miles taking in his new surroundings, "I really like your pictures and you've even got one of our Range Rover." Miles's dad's Ranger Rover was what he called a classic Ranger Rover and not one of the later sport type spin offs. "Seems like we have a common interest then," responded Tim, "Just wish I could afford one!" "Yeah, they're way expensive these days," sighed Miles who explained his ambitions of owning a 110 Defender even though they were now sadly out of production. Due to European regulations and the now Indian owned company's desire to cater for the top end of the luxury car market and abandon JLR's humble beginnings. "Oh well, perhaps we could meet up in some years' time when we've made our fortunes and see if we have realised our ambitions," Tim wished aloud. "Yeah that would be awesome," Miles thought. "Would you like a drink?" Tim asked his young unexpected guest. "Sure, have you got any hot chocolate?" Miles queried. "That's a great idea to warm up with after that rain," Tim replied, "Two hot chocolates it is then and I think I've even got some chocolate digestives." "Take a seat and make yourself at home," he continued as he put the kettle on and dug out of the kitchen cupboards the various items required for their snack. As he waited for the kettle to boil, Tim wondered to himself just where this totally unplanned for turn in his precious day off may lead. He knew his guest was a confident young boy because he had demonstrated such on his first visit to Full Male Service not so many months ago. Never in his imagination did he expect to see Miles again, on his own, and in his apartment! Yet Tim checked himself because though there were things he would like to do with Miles's, to do so outside of his workplace and off his own back could also lead to severe life lasting debilitating consequences. For Tim knew he was different and had been for many years but he could not share with anybody what that difference was. Just then the kettle clicked to signify the water had boiled and he put aside his thoughts as he prepared two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of chocolate biscuits. "Here we go," he said as he placed the mugs and plate on the coffee table. "Thanks," Miles said with a smile. He too was also wondering in his own youthful mind just which way this impromptu change of plan in his day may lead. As Tim seated himself at the other end of the sofa to his guest he said to Miles who now had a mouthful of biscuit, "Thanks for keeping your distance coming here." Miles understood Tim's thinking and appreciated him for it. "We'll have been picked up on goodness knows how many CCTV cameras. It's like Big Brother on steroids that you can't do anything in private these days. Wasn't just because of the rain that I pulled my hood up!" Miles explained. Yes, it would have been very easy for them to have walked together and entered Tim's apartment together. However, very sadly in this day and age, somebody who either of them knew may have spotted them and the sighting get back to people who would take grave exception to them being together. Even the simplest of things could be taken out of context such was the paranoia now of western society should an unrelated child and man be seen together. Miles continued having finished not the last of the biscuits. "It's just so sad that society treats children like they can't choose who they want to be friends with. I certainly don't want you to get in bother because I know it would finish you and you'd have one hell of a life trying to start off again." "You're very wise to all this crap," commented Tim. "Can't be helped as we get it rammed down us every week at school and I'm totally fed up with it. I don't want to grow up having to cross the road just because there's a child on their own on the same side of the street ahead of me," explained Miles. "Stranger danger and all men are out to get you; you'd think there was a paedophile on every street corner." At the mention of the name "paedophile" Tim involuntary flinched which didn't go unnoticed by Miles. However he was too caring to call Tim a paedophile because he had researched what the true meaning of the word was, and it wasn't the paranoia feeding definition suggested by the media. The true meaning was child – love and shouldn't every child be loved if they are to grow up and spend their adult and later years as sound and mature people. "Yes it is very sad because it means that men can't have friendships with children, other than in their own families or very regimented and heavily regulated youth organisations and clubs," Tim thought out loud, "So very sad." Miles responded "Last week we were forced to watch the NSPCC PANTS campaign yet again but it's too young for us so we didn't pay it any attention. Just so ridiculous! I get it our bodies are our own and not for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to take advantage of, but if I choose to allow somebody I have become friends with to enjoy my body with me then that is my decision and right." "You are definitely a unique boy," Tim replied surprised at Miles maturity, "Can't say I've heard any other child say that." "No, I'm not, it's just that children around my age are so scared that if they think, and many do in my school, as I do then we'll be herded off to some specialist to get our brains straightened out to conform to what society thinks is best for us." Mile protested. "When your dad brought you to FMS not so long ago, you allowed me to have that freedom albeit it was in a formal setting and we're weren't alone," Tim said. "And you weren't frightened were you?" Mile responded, "No, obviously a bit nervous because it was a totally new experience, but my dad being alongside me meant nothing bad was going to happen. Now you have helped me this afternoon so you're my friend and I choose to allow you to do what the NSPCC tells me that I shouldn't do." "And what is that?" queried Tim with a puzzled look. "P stands for Private, in the PANTS campaign, and it means what's in my pants stays in my pants and isn't for anybody else to see," explained Miles. "Oh, so what exactly are you going to allow me to do?" asked Tim wanting more clarification. He couldn't quite believe that Miles, a now 12 year old was going to be so open with him. The afternoon really was taking an unexpected turn. More, he knew that children were hitting puberty earlier and so perhaps wanted greater sexual freedom at a younger age, yet were being denied by the constraints of society that held out that children were sexless beings. Then add to that equation the likes of the LGBT movement pushing in the opposite direction. Very confusing for today's children! "Don't you get it?" asked Miles with just the slightest note of frustration in his voice. "I do get it but I just wanted to be absolutely certain that I think I know what you want me to do. It's just that I can't quite believe this moment is happening. There must be a bond of trust between us that neither of us will now or anytime in the future speak of what happens between us, because we both know that as you've said both of us will suffer." Tim cautioned. "Plus this is only the second time I've met you." "Yes I sense there is a bond between us because I believe we desire the same thing and we know that society will effectively murder us for being boylovers. There, I've said it," Miles, becoming full with emotion replied, with tears starting to form." "Wow, you are incredibly brave to say that to me," Tim responded. "But don't forget and I'm assuming that it would be unlike you to, that as you've just said, it isn't just about physical attraction. It is compassion and a wanting to do the best by a boy." "I need a hug," Miles said his voice breaking under the emotion and realisation that for the first time in his 12 years he had admitted to someone his inner most feelings. Tim put down his half empty mug of chocolate and moved up to Miles. He took Miles's mug from his hands and set it down alongside the other mug. Then he wrapped his arms around the boy who reacted by completely breaking down, finally being able to let his pent up emotions and tears go, having confided in Tim. There was no going back now. Seeking to reassure and comfort the boy whose body was now trembling, Tim said to Miles that as they both had something in common that was hated by those who didn't understand; he would stand by him and be there for him. That he was never going to betray Miles because that would utterly break him, and Miles was not worthy of such a thing being brought upon him. From the coffee table Tim lifted up a box of tissues and proceeded to mop up the tears running down his new young friend's face. "Thank you, thank you for understanding me," Miles sniffled as tried to recover himself. "That's okay, we now have each other to support and we're no longer alone," encouraged Tim. "Now let me see if this is what you want me to do for you." With that Tim released Miles from his hug, stood up and fed his arms underneath the boy's thighs and behind his middle back, lifted him up. He then gently laid the boy face up full length on the couch. There was just enough space left on the couch for him to sit down at Miles's head, which he carefully lifted into his lap. The boy was wearing a grey hoodie which had remained zipped up all the time he had been in the apartment. Nike black trackie bottoms and Nike trainers covered the lower half of his body. Tim leaned over to his right and with his right hand lowered and unfastened the full length zip of the hoodie, revealing a plain white t-shirt underneath. This then gave him access to the top of the black trackies which were held in place by a cord at the waist tied with a bow. As gently as he could Tim pulled the bow loose, (unlike the shoe laces the bow wasn't double tied), in order for him to complete what he knew Miles was wanting done for him. At the same time he placed his left hand on the boy's forehead. As much as he couldn't believe the situation he found himself in Tim was soaking away in his memory his actions. Gradually he moved his fingertips inside the front of the waistband of the trackies, then as more of his hand travelled downwards, they found the waistband of Miles's underwear. Deftly he slipped his fingertips between the underwear waistband and the boy's silky smooth skin. Onward his right hand travelled further down until it became completely covered by the black cloth of the trackies. Now his fingertips reached their destination; Miles's genitals. "Now you have done what I wanted you to do, which was to put your hand down my pants, and stick a finger up to the NSPCC!" Miles said responding to the touch on his genitals, but maintaining his dignity by not using any swear words, though he was very tempted to do so. "Pleased to be of service," said Tim. He then proceeded to move his hand even further down inside the boy's underwear so that his palm rested on Mile's penis and his fingers cupped his scrotum. It was inevitable of course that the act of being touched caused the penis to stiffen until it reached a state of total hardness. Recognising that holding it down under his hand would cause discomfort, Tim moved his hand to the side. At the same time he grasped the member gently between his fingers to manoeuvre it to a more satisfactory position pointing up the boy's body. "How's that?" asked Tim. "Thank you for doing that, it was just so great for you to feel me but don't stop," responded Miles. Tim replaced his hand over the boy's genitals but this time he could feel the turgid member flexing. "I presume you don't want to make a mess in your underpants," said Tim, "if you cum?" "What are you going to do about it?" replied Miles. "I'd better pull them down you so that you don't have to be uncomfortable for the rest of the day." "Sounds like a plan and you have my permission," the boy responded, "Because I don't like spoiling my clothes." Tim never ceased to be amazed by this boy. "Your underwear felt really soft and silky when I put my hand inside them," Tim said. "Yeah, that's because my parents like me to wear really good clothes and be comfortable in them," Miles explained. "They're from M & S and are made from MicroModal, which is from Italy so they're very stretchy which I love because they hold my genitals tight to me. I don't like them wobbling around in sloppy boxer shorts." "Lift your bottom then," instructed Tim. As Miles did as he was asked, Tim removed his right hand from inside the boy's clothes and his left hand from his forehead. Then with both hands free he grasped the trackies waistband and pulled them slowly down Miles's thighs to his knees, revealing inch by inch the expensive underwear. With a dark blue one inch waist band, the rest of the sheer material was sky blue. The front of the boxer briefs were shaped to hold a boy's `undercarriage' in place but without being overly showy. Their seams were down the side leaving the front free of distraction as was the case with Miles. The outline of his erection was very clear as it pointed upwards and to the left. Further below his balls were as clearly defined. "Wow, they don't disappoint do they?" as Tim admired them, "and like you said, you would not want to spoil them." "Too right," said Miles with a big grin. It was a shame really to have to pull them down but that is what Tim did and it was only just in time as he noticed that a clear fluid (pre-cum) was starting to form at the entry to the boy's urethra. The foreskin had retracted behind the glans as the penis became erect. Obviously Miles had grown since Tim had seen him first time round and his testicles were now not so tight up against the stem of the penis, which had increased slightly in girth. However, it was still a sight to behold! The uncovered glans was moist which accentuated its purple-ness. Now that it was fully exposed and reflecting the excitement of its owner, the three inch long penis twitched seemingly uncontrollably. "Are you doing that on purpose Miles?" asked Tim. "Sometimes I can make it do it, but sometimes it has a mind of its own." Miles smiled. "So, do you want to ejaculate?" Tim queried using the proper terminology as he wanted to compliment Miles intelligence. Miles decided he would tease Tim just a little, "Would it make you happy if I did?" "Of course it would but don't you think you should do it yourself?" Tim responded. "I'd really like to watch you." "Just for you this time, but next time it will be your turn," Miles said with an irresistible grin. He then wrapped his right hand round his erection and began rhythmically moving it up and down whilst at the same time he started humping his bottom. "Ah, that's so good but it's sort of weird somebody watching me do it." "Don't let me put you off," Tim encouraged the boy. He reached over the boy and lifted up his white tee shirt exposing his tummy. Picking up some tissues from the box he laid them on the tummy so as to catch any cum that Miles's body spat out. "Thanks for thinking of that," the boy responded. Miles began to speed up his masturbating with the consequence that his face began to twitch as he felt sexual rousing throughout his body. Finally, orgasm took over as whitish fluid under pressure shot out of his pee slit and landed on the tissues four, five times. Legs stretched then relaxed and unseen, toes curled and uncurled. Tim watched intently as all this was happening and couldn't really believe his luck. As much as he could he tried to lock the scene into his memory, aware of how rare in a boy lover's life he could witness in real life such a happening. He was also very well aware that it could also be the end of him, as he and Miles had previously discussed, if it became known that a man had been present when an underage person performed such an simple natural innocent act. "Thank you Miles, you have made my day really special and I will treasure this in my memory for a long while," Tim complimented the boy. "Seeing you on my couch with your trackies and underpants down your thighs revealing your gorgeous penis and balls, then you ejaculating was just so awesome." "I'm pleased you enjoyed it," Miles said delighted that he had made Tim very happy. "Unfortunately I'm going to have to kick you out because I don't want you being late getting back," Tim informed Miles, "but if you want to come back you're always welcome." "I'd loved to," responded Miles. Tim continued, "We can exchange numbers so if you want us to be friends we can, but you must promise never to send any pics of yourself or send messages which may incriminate either of us. It just isn't worth the risk. When you do come here keep your hoodie up or wear a cap so the CCTV doesn't get your face." Miles used the tissues to clean himself up paying particular attention to his glans so that when he returned his foreskin to its normal position, there wouldn't be cause of an unpleasant odour. Now that his penis was relaxed the foreskin slipped back over the glans and took up its puckered state once again protecting the pee slit. He then pulled his underpants back up his thighs and over his hips adjusting himself so that that his penis laid to the right of his testicles. The result was that his pubic area made for a distinctive and very sexy shape under the sheer material. Finally he pulled up his trackies and tied the string to secure them. Even with the trackies back in place, it was still possible for anybody so inclined to discern the boy's genitalia in the crutch. "Yeah, yeah I get it, and I do want us to be friends. It's nice to have an adult as a friend despite what anybody in authority in my life bores me with," Miles said confirming his desire to have adult company. He was a boy, who whilst still a boy, was mature beyond his childhood. Not that he had any problems with having friends his own age but he had a particular talent of being able to relate well with people of all ages. "Please be careful out there; you know how dangerous it is to be a boylover, but it is great that we can share and support each other," Tim encouraged Miles. Miles then got up off the couch, zipped up his hoodie, and adjusted his clothing so he was comfortable with the way it sat upon him. He was very attractive and made a very potential target for any man who only had need for sex for his own ends without any care for his victim. That was when children were murdered and gave paedophiles a bad name. The two then exchanged and entered mobile numbers on their `phones before leaving the flat and going downstairs. At the bottom they lingered in a hug before Tim opened the door to let Miles out into the ugly world that treated children as gods not to be touched rather than human beings with needs physical, sexual, and emotional.