Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 21:19:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Jacques Longshore Subject: Gay Feelings Exposed / Chapter 2 / Part 1 / Installment 2 This a fictional story, based on a 100% true feeling. I write this story, in hopes that many males who read this -- can "finally" understand where their "gay feelings" may have come from, and why they feel this way. I do this, in hopes that others can benefit from my thoughts, and figure out what they are missing in life, and may be able to decide on how to fix things. From this, males may be able to better decide what to do about their "ill feeling" -- so they can start living a better life. This is Chapter Two, the second of many more chapters, I plan on writing. ... A few minutes later, and the doorbell rings. Expecting the pizza guy, I get to the front door with the money, and look through the peep-hole. I open the door ... but it's not the pizza guy. I squint my eyes, and see a lady standing there. She says, "You must be the neighbor who offered helping my sons." As she said that, the pizza guy walks up to us, and I hand him his money, with a nice tip. I grabbed the pizza ... and look back at Michelle, and say, "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Jacques. How did you find me ?" I asked. "Ted left me a note, stating they were at your condo," Michelle said. "I am sorry for coming home early, but I thought I could at least do that much for you ... since I am sure my two trouble makers have already started giving you a hard time." I looked behind me ... noting that the boys were sitting quietly in front of the television. Listening to the tv ... I said, "They haven't given me any trouble." Michelle also listened to the boys watching television. "I've never heard them doing anything so quietly." I responded with, "Maybe they just needed some attention ?" Michelle looked at me, and said, "Hmm ... maybe ?" "Excuse my bad manners ... please come in." "Thank you." Michelle walked into where she heard the tv ... and said, "Hi guys. You ready to go ?" Both boys said, "Aww mom ... just when we started to watch a good program." I laughed to myself, as I knew they had been watching good programs for the past 4 hours ... but I wasn't going to say anything. "Well ..." Michelle said. "I am going to have dinner ready in about 30 minutes ... so if you guys want anything ... you will need to come home." Ted and Tom look at me, with "I thought we were having pizza ?" I looked apologetically at Michelle ... and said, "I didn't know you'd be home early. I ordered some pizza, and if you and your boys would like some ... " Michelle said, "That's fine. I wasn't expecting to be home early, either." Michelle continued, "Well boys ... if you find you are getting hungry later ... I'll can have dinner prepared for you whenever." "Ok Mom ... thanks." Michelle looks at her boys, who are now watching one of the newer episodes of The Simpsons. "Just as long as they don't cause you any trouble. If they start getting rowdy, feel free to send them home." "I will do just that. Now that I know they may get rowdy. By the way, how old are your boys ?" "Ted is 12, and Tom is 10." "They have been on good behavior, since they have been with me," I say. Michelle looks at me and smiles. "OK boys ... I am going home. When Jacques gets tired of you ... or when you get tired of him ... don't overstay your welcome ... and come home. Come give me a kiss." Both boys jump up from the tv ... and go to their mom, and give her a quick kiss on the lips ... and then run back into the tv room. Michelle starts walking towards the front door, and opens it. As she starts down the hallway ... I say to her, "Tomorrow is Saturday. If you don't need them for anything ... I have an extra king bed, in my other bedroom. They are welcome to stay the night." "Well, if it does get too late ... if that wouldn't be too inconvenient ... and that's what they would like to do ... then that would be fine with me." I have my arm leaning against the door -- keeping it open ... and as I am saying goodnight to Michelle -- Ted walks right under my open arm, looks at his mom, and says, "Mom ... did I hear you say we may spend the night ?" Michelle looks lovingly at her son, and says, "If both, you and your brother would like to. Then, yes ... " "I love you mom," Ted says to his mom. And he walks towards her, opening his arms, and gives her a big hug. He looks up to her, and says, "Thanks, Mom." Michelle binks him on the nose, and says, "Be a good boy, and don't you or your brother cause Jacques any trouble." "We won't, Mom." With that, Ted walks back into where his brother is still watching tv. Michelle looks at me, and thanks me again. "You guys have fun." As she walks away from the door, I say, "Goodnight, Michelle," and I close the door ... I walk back into where Tom and Ted are watching tv ... and Tom is slowly rubbing his brother's back. I walk over to where Tom is on his stomach, and kneel down on the carpet. As I get closer, I can hear Tom softly singing to his brother ... who has fallen sound asleep. I say quietly, "Ted ... I have a king bed in my other bedroom -- that you and your brother can sleep in tonight." Ted whispers back, "OK ... Can you show me where it is ?" "Sure." I grab his hand, and we walk together, hand-in-hand, to the back of the condo. At the end of the hall, I point to my right, "This is my room," and swing my hand to the left and say, "and this is where you guys can sleep." Both Ted and I walk into the guest room, and I turn on the light. "Wow !" Ted exclaims. "It's a bit untidy, but give me a moment, and I will clean it up for you and your brother." I don't remember when someone last used the guest room ... but I pull out new sheets, tear back the existing sheets, throw them in a corner, and start remaking the bed. Ted helps me with putting on the clean sheets. As we finish, Ted jumps on the nicely made bed ... and says, "Oh, wow ! How soft ! " He closes his eyes, and says, "Goodnight." I look down at Ted, and see him laying on his back ... and I give him a hand snoogle -- right in the middle of his shirt. He laughs, and I leave to go get his sleeping brother. When I get back to the tv room ... I see that Tom is soundly sleeping. I reach down, and scooping my hands under Tom, I place my hands -- one at the upper part of his back, the other on his bum ... and I stand up. I rearrange my hands, until I can feel that I have Tom balanced. I walk him back to the room, where Ted is already getting ready for bed. "Which side are you sleeping on ?" I ask. Ted, who is laying on his back, rolls over, until he is on the side nearest the door, and says, "This side." I walk over to the other side of the bed, and slowly lay Tom down. Ted says, "Tom is a very heavy sleeper." I respond with, "Yeah ... I guess." I ask Ted, "So you guys sleep in your clothes ?" Ted says, "Not usually. If you undress Tom, when you get him down to his underwear ... you can leave him like that." So I start undressing the sleeping Tom ... and he shows no signs of waking up -- as I roll him back and forth, trying to get his shirt and pants off. After I get him undressed, I neatly fold his jeans and shirt, and put them on one of the chairs. Remembering back to when my Dad used to put me to sleep ... I remember him always asking me if I wanted him to read me a story. So, I look at Ted, and ask "Ted, would you like me to read to you a story ?" Ted says, "How about making one up ?" "Ok ... Once upon a time, there was a pretty young lady -- who lived in a castle. She was very proud, as she was the only one who had a pet dragon ..." I looked over to Ted, to see if he was buying into my made up story ... and see his eyes had closed, and the sounds of his breathing -- were that of someone fast asleep. I said, "Oh wow ... I haven't even started, and Ted has already fallen asleep." Quietly, I move off the bed, and as I do -- I give Ted and Tom, each a stomach snoogle. "Good night guys ... Sweet dreams." I turn off their light, and leave their door half-way open -- just in case. I walk into my room, gratified that I had gotten "my boys" to sleep so easily. Usually, I close my door ... but the boys are in a strange house ... so I'll keep my door open -- so I can hear them, if they get scared. I walk to my bed, grab the paper on my night stand, and as I lay down on my bed, I think, "Hmm ... I wonder if their mom will be out again tomorrow ? I feel so sorry about what happened to their dad." It makes me start to tear up, as I remember how hard it was for me, when my mom passed away. I think, "But these boys LOST THEIR DAD. OMG." I start looking in the newpaper's column "Weekend Things To Do." The column reads: Little Museum, "Old Memorabilia Collections" on display, will be open Saturday and Sunday, from 8 am -- 5 pm, Admission: Free. Indian Springs, "Come See Our Indian Artifacts, found in the nearby swamps." Open Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am -- 7:00 pm. Admission: Free. Wakulla Springs, "Come take a dip in our cool springs." Open 8:00 am -- 7:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Admission: $5.00. I think, "Well, I'll see what Michelle says, tomorrow morning." I turn off my light, and quickly fall asleep.