Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 13:18:13 -0800 (PST) From: Alera Subject: Giving In... Chapter 3 The warnings for the last three chapters apply here. Duh Author's notes: For those of you that actually take the time to read these, kudos to you. A few things here. First of all, the rapid succession of the last few chapters probably won't be happening anymore. This started as a writing project during my time off, but come monday, I am back on. I will still be continuing the story, since it is still a writing exersise for me and it has helped me relax a little about my own tensions and the like so I can appear perfect for the public. So this story is about as much for you all as it is for me. Now, I am going to warn you guys now...; major character development chapter. I already know what is going to happen for the most part here. Its a monday in story, so for the first half of the day, Rob will be in school. Rob is not my focus at the moment, so this will follow Jeff. I am considering following Rob in for a day or two of school, but that's another chapter. So, if you want to see more clashing paradigms of Jeff, stay tuned. Of course, every chapter is framed by some sort of sexual contact as to keep as many people interested as possible. That would be one of the goals of writing: to keep your audience entertained. Also, I will try and keep some sort of element of realism, perhaps even a tidbit from my own life in every chapter from now on. The fall apart pie was something that happened to me the night before I wrote the chapter, after all. Perhaps I will give you a cookie if you can guess the life realism thing in every chapter. (I wouldn't go for it. I am really bad at baking.) On to the story! We woke up with my alarm clock commanding me to rise with one of the most hated noises on the planet: The digital beep. I rose, unwrapping my arms from Robert, my new found love. They had about 45 minutes until his bus would come to pick him up. Rob didn't get up. Well, look at that, I thought. Kids always used to get up before the adults. They were supposed to be morning people. I guess someone is practicing for being a teen, I thought. I dreaded such a wonderful boy growing up. It had to happen, though. I shook him a bit. "Weekend is over, sleeping beauty," I said. He still refused to wake up. "You want war, eh?" I said, getting off of the bed, still naked. I snuck up around to his side of the bed and readied myself. In a flash, my hands went around his waist and yanked him right into the air. He awoke in an instant, thrashing and screaming. I held him over my head with a grin until he stopped. I looked up to him. "Good morning, young sir..." I had a classic morning hard on, mainly because I had been rubbing up against my dream child for the last eight hours. I put the groggy boy down onto my carpeted bedroom floor. He rubbed his eyes. "You look like you need coffee," I said with a grin. "Huh...?" "Nothing, buddy. Lets get you ready for school... before you miss..." He had grabbed my hardon. I gasped, but I pulled his hands from my now throbbing manhood. Rob looked into my face, a confused boy. "We don't have time for that. Besides, every time a guy gets a hard on, doesn't mean you need to please him." "What's a hardon?" I rolled my eyes. Education of more than simple addition needed to take place that day. I wasn't sure if I had the heart to give it to him, either. "We will talk about that when you get home. But, for now, lets just worry about you..." I brought him down the hall and into the main room. It was completely dark. The shades were down and I left no lights on. I reached over and turned a knob that dimmed the lights on. Most of them did that. I hated being blinded in the morning. I led him over to the shopping cart o'stuff and found the bag with some of his clothes in it. I knelt down before my angel and tapped his arms. "Arms up." Rob was compliant in his groggy state. I grabbed the hems of his little top and yanked it off quickly. I poked him in the belly and he giggled a little. I searched through the bag and found a good tee-shirt. It was fresh, I decided. I pulled it right side in, since it had probably been in the drier long enough to put it inside out. I rolled it up and stuck the whole thing over his unsuspecting head. I slid his arms in for him, like a baby. He didn't mind, and niether did I. A part of me thought he wanted me to. There was a lot of history about him, Erin, and the father, whom I never met, that I didn't know. Erin never brought it up. I assumed she did so for a reason. So, I respected that. I certainly wouldn't ask Rob either. If it was bad enough for Erin to hide, it could have been worse for Rob. Like with Erin, i didn't bring it up. I reached down and, rather uncerimoniously, whipped down his pajama bottoms. I threw them aside along with the shirt and took a look at him. Shirt and undies: always a sexy combo. I was still naked, and still throbbing. I grabbed his little power ranger underoos and whipped them down the same way. He stepped out of them and I put them alone in a different pile. They would need washing, along with his soccer uniform. Lucky for me, laundry day was today. I looked at the boy again in nothing but a shirt. What cute little limp boypenis. I could never let it out of my sight. But, school required him clothed and me not in the room, so what was I going to do? I pulled from a different bag a pair of dinosaur undies from Walmart and slid them on. They were a tiny bit more smug fitting. Probably a bit older. In a little while, I thought, they would definately need replacing. I pulled out a pair of jeans for him and slid them on. I took care in buttoning and zipping him up. I always loved little kids jeans. The little tiny zippers were oh so cute. I reached into the underwear bag and pulled out a pair of socks as well. I lifted one foot and slid each sock on. This was fun. Kind of like dressing a "my-size" doll. I could only guess at Rob's past, but I figured his father wasn't around. Erin probably didn't have time to baby him, either. He probably was making up for lost time. I ran my head across his hairy head, now a mess. I flattened it a little and told him to pick out some cereal while I got dressed. He hurried off, as if it was a race. I strolled to my room, feeling my pole lose its firmness some. What was I going to do? I was seducing a kid, I had full-blown orgasming sex with him, and it all seemed fine?! Jesus... There really wasn't any place I could go for support without getting turned in. Talking to people online wouldn't help. The only people I ever talked to would say "congratulations". Not what I needed. Thank God he was going to school. I needed a bit of time to think things through. I threw on my ordinary outfit and strolled back into the kitchen. Kix was on the table, waiting for me. Kid Tested, Mother Approved. Well, I didn't really care which cereal he wanted, so as for approving, I wasn't his mom. I always wondered if kids liked it, since they never gave the results of the test. If Rob liked it, I hoped that was a sign that every child in the entire world liked it. I poured him a bowl, threw some milk in and sat next to him at the table. He took three bites before even noticing I didn't get anything. "Why aren't you having breakfast?" "I don't eat breakfast," I told him. "You should eat breakfast. Its the most important meal of the day," he said. I raised a brow. "Now where did you hear that?" "My teacher says that. Mommy says that too. If two adults say something, its probably right, mommy says." "Life lesson number one: Don't believe everything you hear." "Huh?" "There are going to be people who tell you things that they don't know anything about or things that lots of people say. That doesn't mean they are right. It means they think they are right. Its called opinion. And opinions are like microwaves nowadays. Every one gets one and all they do is heat things up." "Umm... ok..." He returned to his Kix. I didn't think he would get it right away. He was a kid, after all, even if he was a bright one. He would get it, sooner or later. Perhaps I would too. I never learned that lesson and I still haven't. A bowl of Kix, a dish washing, and a filled up bookbag later, we stood at the door. "Oh! Hold on..." I said, walking over to the briefcase that Erin left. She better have left it! I fumbled through the papers. Social Security card, emergency numbers, insurance information, doctors... You would think she gave the kid to me! I found what I was looking for. Temporary change of address. I signed under her name and handed it to Rob. "You need to give this to your teacher when you get there. He will tell you what to do with it, ok?" Rob looked over the paper as if he was looking over the nightly totals for his casino, making sure everything was in order, before he nodded his head. I didn't know what he was looking for, but apparently, he found it. We left my locked down house and went to the street corner. We stood around for a few minutes before a few other kids arrived. Parents came along. They all looked at me strangely. One daring woman came up to me. She looked kind of scared. Most of my neighbors didn't know me. I wasn't uncomfortable, but she seemed to be. "Excuse me... But... are you... Mr... Selmen?" she asked. I almost got mad. I almost wanted to slap her. I didn't know what was up with this guy, but I saw it as pretty bad. "Actually, I live around here," I said. I pointed next door to Mrs. Selmen's, number 318. "Then... Where is Er- Mrs. Selmen?" "She is off on a trip to Europe. Her family was having an emergency. I promised to watch Robert until she came back." "Oooh! Well hello! So you are the mystery man in that house there. You never seem home." "I am never home. I work for a travelling performance troupe. I got a lot of off time, so its really just convenient." "I see... Well, I am Mrs. Dermilan. I live down the road. Number 343. Nice to meet you..." "Jeff," I said quickly, taking the lady's hand. "Well, its nice to see you aren't a ghost," she said, and laughed to herself. I laughed along with her. I didn't think it was funny at all. But being nice was a virtue, or something. The bus pulled up. Thank God. Rob and three other kids, all girls, climbed on the bus and it drove off. "Well, I have some things to take care of before Robert gets home, so I will have to be going," I said, acting belated about it. Make her feel like I didn't want to dump her and run. "Oh, I see. Well, have a nice day, Jeff!" she said, and walked back to the other wives. They all leaned in. They thought they were being clandestine about it, but I could hear Mrs. Dermilan telling them all about me and how I am not that bastard they thought I was. Assuming this Mr. Selmen was a bastard. That neighbor woman gave me an idea. Something I wish I had thought of without her altogether. Around her neck was a cross. Religious woman, I thought at the time. But what was the one place where, no matter what you did, the other person couldn't tell a soul? The church. Catholic church was a safe haven for types like me. I could go take confessional. I was never religious. I have always been aetheist. But if the Christians could do it, would the father shun me away? I doubted it. Something about his conscience would have to be wrong if he did. And I could speak my mind to somebody who wouldn't tell me I did a good job or that they were calling the cops. My town was a bit of a mystery to me, so I grabbed my greatest resource. The phone book. Yellow pages... Why are they yellow anyway? I wonder if there was any sort of big discussion on what color those pages should be. Anyway... Churches... Bingo. My eyes scanned for catholics. There were two. I picked the one with the better advertising. Better advertising meant more money for that church. More money for that church means a better paid "father". A better paid father meant a happier father. The happier, the easier it might be for him to handle my burden. I practically lept into my truck and hit the streets. It wasn't far away, much to my own pleasure. I couldn't spend hours there. Just a little... The next thing I knew, I was shaking as I sat in the booth, waiting for the father to come in and ask me the questions I heard in the movies. Surprisingly, the movies were right for once. The priest came in and asked me things I wasn't paying attention to. "Never. Look, father, I am going to confess something. I don't believe in the whole God thing at all, so-" "If you do not believe in God, then why are you here?" "Because I need 'guidance'. There isn't a better place to go." "Alright... Go ahead, my son." "Thank you. Here is my problem. I am watching after a kid. A friend of mine's. I love this kid. He is wonderful. But I love him too much..." "What do you mean?" "I like him sexually." "Hmm..." "Yeah... Exactly. I can't stop myself from touching him. I love him. I love him more than I could ever love someone else. But he likes it too. This morning, I had a ha- err I mean I had an erection. I didn't provoke him or anything. He just grabbed it and tried to masturbate me. He says he likes it when I do this and he wants it as much as I do. But its against the law. I don't want to hurt the boy. But he doesn't seem hurt. He seems to like it." "...I don't know what to say..." "Niether do I..." "You should turn youself in..." "I can't do that. I can't ruin my life like that, Father. It has been so good up until now. Can it be a sin to be as happy as I am with him?" "Love is not a sin. But God does not approve of sex with children." "I don't follow God, Father. I want advice from you, not him." "I would advise the same." "What am I supposed to do, father? If I start rejecting him, he will probably become depressed. I tried that before. He got upset when we stopped." "Where is the boy's father?" "Who knows." "Mother?" "Europe." "Hmm..." "What is the lesser of evil, father? Sexual activity or destroying a child's view of men?" "I don't know." "Thanks for nothing, father," I said, standing up. "Wait..." "What?" "Continue playing with him. You helped me as well. I have the same problem. I think he needs it..." "... Thanks, father. For everything..." "Go in peace, my son." "Yeah... That..." I left and went home. Going to him did help. Almost made me want to believe. But God didn't say that. He did. That's what I really wanted to hear. That's what I needed to hear. I think that might have been what Rob needed me to hear too. I wasn't sure. On second thought, the Father wasn't amazingly helpful. I had no clue if he was a pedophile or a child lover. They were different. I hoped it was the latter, but not every person can be a child lover. I am not going to sit here and explain child love to you all, since you have probably already heard it. I sighed as I pulled in to my little house and turned off the the truck. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned back in my chair. A priest of the Catholic church supported me. If his Bishop or whoever was in charge of him heard that, I think he wouldn't be a priest anymore. I think he would be in hell. No pun intended. So, what was it going to be? Let myself fall in love with a seven year old and build up a relationship? Then what? What happens when he turns 12? 13? 14? I probably won't be so hot for him. What then? He will probably have the knowledge to understand it looked more like I used him and threw him away when I was done. Perhaps I could continue to have sex with him anyway? I wondered if I could be interested when he started to grow pubic hair. I wondered if all of that teen angst would just make him hate me and tell the world. Tell them I raped him. Tell them I seduced him, used him for my evil wants, and then tossed him away to look for another victim, who I hadn't found yet. I wonder if something good could come out of such a relationship...? I looked out of my car to find Mrs. Demerlin or whatever her name was, walking away from my door with something in her hands. I wondered, after wondering all of those wonderful issues before, how long she was standing at my door. She walked up to a different door, my truck door, and waved. I didn't roll down the window. She looked at me for a second, then knocked on the window, giving a "yoo-hoo..." I shook my head, as if I was looking out into space or something and opened up the door. "Hello!" she said, in that perfect housewife cheerful tone. "Uhh... Hi... Sorry about that. Just thinking." "...Oh. Ok. Well, I baked you something. Its a birthday cake." "Its not my birthday..." "Well, I figured as much. 1 out of 356 chance, right?" She laughed. I smiled back. "But I don't know when your birthday is, so I figured I would make you one now. That way, I don't miss it." Cute. Very cute. Almost poignant. Almost. She pointed to the glass baking pan it was in. "It is chocolate mayo, with peanutbutter frosting." It had little candles in it that didn't go out. I knew the kind. They looked too old to not be that kind in a pathetic disguise. Good choice though. The candles probably would have all gone out on the way. "Well, that was... thoughtful of you," I replied. What were you supposed to say to a woman who gives you a birthday cake when she knows it isn't your birthday. I didn't know her. I really didn't care for her at all. But there she was, thrusting this strange cake in my hands. Chocolate mayo? Never heard of it. Peanut butter frosting? Weird. But cake was cake, I supposed. "Thank you, very much," I said, taking the pan from her outstretched hands. I was barely out of the car. "I really don't know what to say..." "Don't say anything, deary! Its good to have a neighbor!" she said, in that same, Stepford Wives type of tone. I wanted to see if she was a robot. "I did think of something, actually..." "Oh? What?" "Do you want this pan back when I am done?" She laughed, then got serious all of a sudden. This was a woman's pan. Never steal a woman's pan. "Well, if it isn't too much trouble, I suppose I wouldn't mind having it back, but you can hold on to it for a while. no hurry!" "Alright then." I really didn't want to, but this woman was the top of the town. I should pop the question. "Do you want to come in for coffee or something?" "I wish I could. We have so much to catch up on. But I need to get back to my place. I need to start my crock pot and do some cleaning before little Erin comes home." Erin? Erin didn't tell me she was coming home early! "You heard from Erin?" She chuckled. "OH not Rob's mother. My daughter's name is Erin." That could have been a crisis. Erin was a little on the small side for her height. You never know. "I see. Well, I will let you go then. I have a few things to do myself before Rob gets home. Perhaps we can set up dinner some time or something..." "Oh I would love that. We can talk about it tomorrow, after the buses." "Good deal. Have a nice day!" "Oh, you too, Jeff!" she said, waving and walking away in those horribly high heeled shoes. Ugh. Thank God I have a penis. I don't have to wear that crap. I retired to my home with a birthday cake and three candles, still burning, despite the breeze. I placed it on the counter, where the fall-apart pie used to be. I wondered if it was any good. I wondered how to get those candles to go out. I yanked them out and threw them in the sink, still filled with soapy water. I didn't want the house to burn down. Not when I wouldn't hear the fire alarm. It was time to rock the neighborhood. Well, it would have been if house chores didn't get in the way. First the floor was covered in water. Better mop that up. Then the dish water for rinsing. Then I realized I hadn't vacuumed in months. Take care of that. The lawn was horrible too. Went and mowed that. I couldn't let the Stepford Wife think I was a slob so she could tell Erin was a disgrace of a human being when she got back. Erin didn't take well to gossip, but I think that the neighborwoman with "little erin" could bring anyone in the neighborhood to their knees if she wanted to. Just with gossip. Definately not with looks though. Take off three pounds of make up and you might find her face somewhere. By the time the bus arrived at the corner, a few houses down, I was weed-whacking. My jeans were grass-stained and my shirt had little wet dots from Windex. I watched as weeds and grass I couldn't get with my broken down mower were slaughtered underneath the awesome velocity of a plastic string thing. I didn't stop for the bus. I stopped for him. I cut out the weedwhacker's power supply, otherwise known as unplugging it, and began to walk down the street. Rob was charging at me. With his backpack in his hand, his little legs moved as fast as they could, calling out my name. He dropped his bag when he got close and I prepared. Not for impact, but for a little something bad television calls "moving like water." My right hand dropped to my side and as Rob prepared to crash into me, I moved to the side, leaving my arm in his path. His eyes went wide as he reached my arm and not me. But that didn't matter. My arm moved with him, flinging him around in front of me and up onto my shoulder. His legs went flailing behind my head as he giggled. I just kept walking until I reached his book bag. I grabbed it with my other hands. Rob giggled insanely, squirming in glee. Mrs chocolate mayo cake smiled and waved. I swung his book bag in reply and carried him back into the house. I pushed my way through the door and closed it behind me, leaving the damnable weed-whacker to the company of the grass it ripped up. In the words of Chuck Palahniuk, "Revenge isn't the right word, but its the first one that comes to mind." "How was school," I asked, slowly placing the boy back on to his feet. "It was alright. We had a guest today!" "Who?" "A policeman." Wonderful... "What was he there for?" "He taught us about gang people and drugs!" Good... "Was he a DARE officer?" "Yep!" "I see... They are pretty fun, huh?" "Sometimes. This guy was all serious and he had a big gut." Rob put his hands on his tummy and stuck it out as far as he could. Then he spoke in his lowest voice, which wasn't all that low. "Pot is bad!" he said, and giggled. I laughed too. Rob walked around the shopping cart and said something else, just like that. The funny thing was... I met that guy. There were only two DARE officers in the town. One was a woman. Never met her. Met the guy though. He really did look and sound like that. And he was really obnoxious. "Hey..." "Hey what?" I asked, watching him wander towards the kitchen. "Is that a cake?" "I suppose it is." "Is it for me?" "Nope." "Aww... Do I get some?" he asked, perking up again. I forgot that I had a kid around when I placed the uncovered chocolate mayo cake on the counter for all to see. "Yes, you do." "What's it for?" "My birthday." "Its your birthday?" "Nope." "Then why did you get a birthday?" "Maybe its my un-birthday." "Un-birthday?" "You have never heard of an unbirthday?!" I asked in mock horror. "Well, let me tell you all about it." I sat down in a chair and patted my lap. Like a faithful kid, he sat right in and looked up to me curiously. "Alright. An unbirthday is a day every year that a person has. Its just like having a birthday, except the 'un' in 'unbirthday' means it really isn't." "I want my unbirthday today too!" Rob said, beginning to pout. "Now now then. Hold on. You can't just have an unbirthday anytime you want. Just like your birthday, it only happens on one day." "How do you know when yours is?" "Well, you check the calender, of course. While we check, I can check yours as well."' "Ok!" he said, leaping off of my lap all too soon. "Lets check! Come on!" I grinned. I pushed myself out of the kitchen chair and we went across the room to the calender. I looked it over. "Well... Lets see... There is mine... today." "I don't see anything written there!" "You have to look in the white. The calender has everyone's unbirthday in there. Its just written so small you can't see it unless you are really close." "Oh... What about mine..." "Lemme see..." I stood there for almost five minutes, studying the calender and flipping pages. As soon as he started to get visibly upset, I called out. "Found it!" He perked up, almost ready to explode with anticipation. "When? When?!" "This upcoming weekend! That's six days away from mine!" Rob cheered excitedly. "You know what I want you to do?" "What?" "I need you to go through some of those catalogues and pick some things you want for your unbirthday, so I can get you a present." "Ok!" Rob ran off, leaving me behind to do whatever it was I was doing. Which was weed-whacking. Which could wait until tomorrow. "You have lunch?" I call. "Yeah!" Well, I hadn't. Looks like I'll be eating alone, I said. I pulled out some bread, peanutbutter, and jelly. Lunch time. The rest of the day went smoothly. With a crayon, Robby circled some things from the Toys R Us catalogue in purple. He said he didn't like the color, so he had to use to sometime. Smart kid. We watched afternoon tv, kids shows. He ran off to play outside for a while. I watched him through the window for the most part, being the protective person that I am. The day would be considered average, I suppose. At least, until dinner, it was. Dinner was steak, mashed potatos, and macaroni. I chose based on what I liked as a kid. It worked out well enough for Rob. We ate dinner and talked about school, his teacher in particular, and weed-whacking. It was still in the grass. After dinner, he said his tummy was a little full and said he wanted to wait for dessert. I told him alright and he ran off down the hall for something or other. I didn't know what interested him besides the bathroom, but it wouldn't have taken him that long to go to the bathroom. I heard lots of rummaging. I didn't ask though. There wasn't much he could find that would harm him any, You had to be creative to do that around my home. I used to injure myself too much. He came back in fifteen minutes later and said he was feeling good enough for cake. Something had to be up. How could it not? No kid backs away from dessert. I don't care who the kid is. But nothing changed about him, so I just went along with it. We cut the cake and he ate more of it than I did. None the less, we ate half of the cake. It was good, considering I had never heard of peanut butter frosting or chocolate mayo flavoring. Surprisingly, Rob ate his cake in a neat manner. When I was a kid, more cake would have ended up on my face than in my mouth. He even wiped it afterwards. When I finished, he was grinning so much I thought his mouth had grown. "What's the wide face for?" "I got a present for you!" How did he know to get me a present? Even I didn't know it was my unbirthday! "Oh really?" "Yep!" "Well, where is it?" "I gotta go get it! Hold on!" Rob practically lept from his seat and dashed down the hall again. So that's where he went. I grabbed our plates and put them in the rinse water of my sink and sat back down. I heard lots of rummaging again. Then I heard a call. "Come and get it!" "Where are you?" I called out, coming into the living room. "Bedroom!" Hello! He was a quick learner. I did teach him some "naughty" things happen in the bedroom. What is going on? I strolled into my room casually and my jaw dropped. My eyes bulged. So did my manhood. There was Rob, naked. Sort of. Rob wrapped himself up in red ribbon from my closet. He had a ribbon across his nipples, and two ribbons that wrapped across his boyhood and up over his shoulders. He had a ribbon on his belly button too. A Stick on bow was on the top of his head. It was amazing. I could see the bulge of his boyhood through the huge ribbon he used. I didn't know whether to laugh or faint! I laughed. Fainting wouldn't have been as much fun! Robert sat up on one knee. "What?!" "Its... nothing... I... Oh man..." I slowed down my amusement enough to take a breath, chuckled a few more times, and then stopped. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know if he could tell what turned people on or what, but that was fantastic! I was almost crying because it was so perfect. I gotta save this, I thought. I grabbed my digital camera from my bed side. "What's that for?" "I wanna take a picture of this. This is greatest thing I have ever seen in my entire life, bud!" The pciture was taken and I climbed onto the bed with him. "This is the best gift I have ever gotten ever." "Really?" he asked incredulously. "Really." Rob giggled. A bit of red began to go into his cheeks. He was such a doll. "Can I unwrap my gift?" "Yes, you may!" he said, giggling again. I grinned feverishly. My lips fell onto his without hesitation. I was rock hard, but clothed. He was perfection, gift wrapped at no extra charge. As our tongues mingled and our eyes closed, one of my hands went up to his head and took the bow off of his head. The hand returned to his cheek, holding him there in passion. As we continued our kiss, that hand slid down his neck and to his chest. His hand slid across tied ribbon and it moved to the bow. Slowly, but surely, I pulled the draws on the bow. It fell apart, draped across his milky white body. Meanwhile, Rob's small hands went to my shirt and pulled it up as best he could. I had to help him. I stopped just long enough to throw my shirt aside before I continued to make out with my lover, approved by a renegade sect of the Catholic church. I brushed the bright red ribbon aside and felt his shoulder blades, his spine, his pecks, and his nipples. I felt it all. I massaged it all. Rob moaned inbetween kisses. I moaned too. His small hands played with my nipples and with my belly button. I wrapped the arm under me around him and pulled him closer. I felt the crossing ribbons that led down to his most sensual of places, but those would go last. The ribbons were on his crotch too. Ugh. That boy... he knew everything and I didn't know how. I untied the ribbon on his belly button and let it go limp on his body. Meanwhile, Rob made it down to my crotch, unbuttoning my pants and unzipping my fly. Again, I helped him take them off, along with my boxer shorts. Rob grabbed hold of my cock and began to pump it. I had to curl my body up a little so we could continue kissing. He was getting me close, so I stopped him. "You want to try something new, gift of mine?" "Yeah..." he said while I still ran my hands over his tummy, slowly brushing the ribbon away. "Remember when I put your wee-wee in my mouth last night?" "Uh-huh..." "Do you want to try to suck on my wee-wee?" "But its big..." "You don't have to suck on all of it... Just get what you can fit..." "Ok..." Rob said, almost in a daze. My almost completely naked boy sat up and leaned over towards my penis. I took his hands and wrapped them around it. I led his head down until his lips were at my wee-wee. "Go ahead..." He stuck his tongue out and licked the slit of my penis. Then, he opened the kissing machine and put the head of my penis right into his little mouth. I gasped out as his tongue licked the underside of my cock. But all was not perfect. I put my hands on his head and started to show him how to bob and I felt his teeth begin to scrape against the head of my cock. I pulled his head off. I watched the saliva string spread between them, like a memory of his head there that I just didn't want to lose. "You gotta open wide. Don't let your teeth touch my wee-wee, ok?" He nodded and went back down. This time, he got it right. My cock slipped into his hot mouth and he began to bob again. He could only get a few inches in at a time and I definately didn't want him throating anything. Not until he was ready. He closed his eyes and I grabbed his hands. I slowly had them making a jacking motion as well. As soon as he began that of his own free will, I let go. It was amazing. The heat sank into my throbbing meat and his tongue slid all over the place. I felt him rim the edge of my cock as he bobbed and jacked. If he was experienced, I might have started to fuck his mouth, but I knew he couldn't handle it. That little blonde beauty, with his full lips wrapped around the shaft of my pole, going up and down, was almost too much to bear. I was going to explode soon, I knew. My hands, shaky from the waves of pleasure that washed over me, ran across his smooth skin. I could feel it build up. I grabbed his ass cheeks and massaged them, feeling them meld to my hands as my sperm was rising. I was in a zone all of my own. "I'm gonna... cumm...." I muttered, but it was too late to warn the boy. I erupted right in his little mouth. His eyes bulged as something began to pour into his mouth in jets. Streams of cum began to slide down from his lips. He tried to swallow it as quickly as he could, but he pulled off after it started to drip and coughed. Cum oozed out of his mouth. I was in heaven. As the afterglow settled in, I realized that an orgasm like that could never have happened from any woman. No one could have done that to me besides Rob. He was it. There was only one person I could ever love. I pulled the boy close. I pulled him on top of me. A tear was running down his eye. "Are you ok?" He nodded. "You sure?" "Yeah... I just forgot about that..." "So did I. I am sorry..." "Its ok... The stuff still tastes ok..." "Its called cum, robby," I said. "Yeah... You told me that..." "Yep." "I..." We were kissing again. My hands went to his ass, squeezing them again. The ribbons were wrapped inbetween his ass cheeks like a bikini. Cute. But I wanted him. "I am not done unwrapping my gift, although I did feed it, huh?" He giggled and nodded. I rolled him, on top of me, onto his back. I kissed his neck while my hands began to unwrap the remaining two ribbons. One bow disappeared, then the second. He reminded me of a beauty queen pagent winner, with ribbons hanging loosely from his body and with such a beautiful form. He began to shiver as my hands slid the ribbons away from his chest and from his abdomen. With dramatic pause, I lifted the ribbon away from the front of his body, leaving him bare to my touch. His head turned to the side to see mine and he grinned. I grinned back. I took hold of his little penis, stiff from the excitement. With my thumb and forefinger, I began to jack him off as slowly as I could. He moaned and tried to buck into my hand, but I held him down. He was almost whining with pleasure. I pulled his head over and gave him a kiss. "while we are learning new things..." I said slowly, massaging his beautiful little prick," I want to teach you something new..." I took my index finger and ran it across his lips slowly, feeling his smooth, perfect mouth. "Suck on it for me..." I muttered. Rob was in a daze. He did it slowly, as if he was blowing me. Even I moaned a little at this. My cock was rock hard again, right under him. I pulled it from his lips and his head tried to follow it and keep going. I smiled. What a wonderful, sexy kid. With the command of my knees, his legs went up into the air, exposing his tight little hole. My wet finger went right inbetween his cheeks and began to massage his anus. That sweet little boy hole... It needed relaxing before it would ever fit anything in there. Time for some fun. I lifted him off of me, releasing his stiff cocklet. "Lay on your back. I want to play with my new toy..." I said with a wicked tone. He did so, still feeling the pleasures of his little wee-wee. I laid down behind him, my head positioned right above his little rear end. "Ready?" "Mmhmm..." he managed to get out. I placed one hand on each cheek and slowly pushed them apart. I looked at his soft, pink little passage. Someday, he will be ready, I thought. Not today. But someday. I let my face fall inbetween those two, gorgeous globes of passion and extended my tongue to touch his ring. He clenched up immediately. That wouldn't do. I leaned up. "When you feel me touch, don't clench. Push out, like if you had to go poo, ok?" I didn't hear a response, but I went back. What I told him helped. His ring relaxed as my tongue pushed into him. He gasped and clenched for a second before pushing out again. I didn't mind. I wiggled my way into his anus. I wasn't going to get far, but this wasn't the true goal. None the less, I feasted on his ass, letting my tongue slide around and my lips were pressed to his edges, sucking just a tiny bit. He was beginning to hump the bed, so I weaseled a hand underneath him and grasped his cocklet. I began to jack him off again as my tongue feasted on his luscious rump. finally, enough saliva was there. I stopped and he looked up again, clearly confused. I laid back onto my back and pulled him with me. The familiar feel of his naked body on mine comforted us both as I continued to jack off his little weiner. He began to hump my hand again. As soon as he got into the zone again, I lifted his legs up again. I had him suck on my finger once more. Now, he was ready to begin. I pointed my index finger towards the bullseye and began to push it in. My boy gasped as my index finger tip went in and sat there, in his ass. "Ahh..." he struggled as I began to jack his penis a bit faster. His moans became cries as I nibbled his neck, jacked his cocklet, and fingered his butt. His body was shuddering uncontrollably. He didn't know where to hump. He tried to put against my finger and hump my hand at the same time. He threw his torso around, getting pleasure he didn't know ever existed. He wasn't the only one, however, to be getting pleasure. Between his butt and his wee-wee, my cock had shifted and was sandwiched between his clenched thighs. I began to moan in return, beginning a second run. "Don't open your legs..." I whispered hoarsely between thrusts of my own. I set a rhythm to my finger, my hand, and my cock as little Rob began to explode. His thighs clenched together furiously shuddered like lightning. Rob cried out in extasy and I in euphoria. My own cock exploded a second time, spurting cum all over his vanilla thighs. Both of us gasped for air as we fell apart together. As the waves of force ebbed, we did not move. We didn't want to. With his beautiful legs covered in my cum and both of us drenched in sweat, we laid there. I smiled. I was beginning to think about something philosophical about the world, but I stopped myself. Who cared about that crap? This was love. This was passion. This was a happiness that I couldn't give up. My hands went limp. One hand just laid on top of his beautiful jewels and the other fell out of his love hole. His arms hung over me, tired. I would have leaned in to kiss him, but it looked like he was almost asleep. So was I. "Happy unbirthday..." he muttered before falling asleep on top of me. "Thank you..." I whispered quietly to my sleeping beauty. In the kitchen, the candle was still lit. It bobbed in the murky water. The cake sat half eaten and the chairs were strewn about. The utensils, with tiny boulders of cake clung to their sides, sat on white napkins. The Tv crackled with a bit of static. The weed whacker was still in the lawn. Author's Final Notes: This one ended pretty nicely. I got a bit of inspiration from Chuck Palahniuk in the writing style and even used a quote. For those of you that don't know him, he wrote the book Fight Club, which was then turned into the popular movie. He is an amazing author of dark satire, and I recommend him to everyone. Anyway... I still don't like the level of description I have been using. But I have had to masturbate three times during the writing of this chapter. So, I figure its ok. I wanted to try a little curve around ending, characterizing the rest of the house on this one. I dunno if it was effective or not. I tried it when I wrote an essay once and some people loved it and some people thought it was stupid. So, I guess its all about your tastes. I did promise someone analingus, or however you spell it. To be quite honest, I had to look up the term. I never new there was an official word for what I assume to be rimming and tongue fucking, in lameness terms. I put a tiny bit in there, but not much. Keep emailing me, and remind me. I am thinking of a bathtub number two scene or something really creative, but I would like to include more of that in my next chapter. So keep those emails coming. Any fantasies or other things you want to see happen, whether it be sexual or not, please share your ideas. If you want credit for them, I will give it. And I will do my best to portray at least some of what you give me. I will tell you guys this right away, though. Full-on fucking of Rob will not happen for at least another two chapters. Keeping with the idea that he is a seven year old with a cavernous ass, I want to write him getting ready for it. I will probably do a bit of teaching in the next one too, since he is so uninformed. Keep in mind that his kindergarten teacher or Erin have not had a lot of influence yet, and they can, if you guys want them to. I also made an opening about the priest Jeff met. He too can be included in future fantasies and recommmendations. My email is As with every other time, please keep subject titles PG rated. There are times when people will be around me when I read my email. I would not appreciate subjects like "Fuck the kid!". I don't want to become a perv in the eyes of my family and my community. If it does happen, I may just stop writing, whether or not anyone else sees it. So, looking forward to your commennts! Keep those emails going! Also, I can notify you guys if I put a new chapter in, if you want, via email. Just request it. Thanks for your interest in my story!