Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 15:15:14 -0700 From: Patrick Fitzgerald Subject: GRAY EYES { Patrick Fitzgerald } (M/b,o,a,m) Chapter One. Jim had been straight all his life even though he was a philosophical bisex- ual. He was sixty and at loose ends because he had taken early retirement only a few months before his wife died. Since he had been immersed in his job, he never developed close friendships, and he didn't feel comfortable with the church people who had been his wife's main group. His daughter and her husband lived in the north-east corner of the state while he lived in Santa Monica. Jim was used to the convenience of traveling cross-country from one large city to another. He couldn't believe just how hard it was to fly up and visit his daughter. When he finally got there, he found he was filled with conflicting feelings. It was a joy to see her, he was appalled by the lack of resources in the town of less than a hundred they lived in, he loved the scenic beauty, and he was bored in three days. When he was ready to leave, his daughter suggested that he ride the bus back to Los Angeles. "It's not much slower from here than taking the local bus seventy miles then catching commuter planes. You don't have a tight sched- ule anyway, you can see more from the bus windows, and you'll have time to talk with the other passengers." He decided she had a point so he picked up the bus tickets, kissed his daughter, hugged both her and her husband and started his trip home. The bus was relatively empty so he had a seat on the west side to himself for the first hundred miles. As they pulled up to the stop in another one- gas-station town, Jim looked out and saw a person waiting. It appeared to be a small boy. He watched as the bus driver put the kid's bag in the storage area on the side of the bus, then as they came inside. The bus started with a jerk, and the kid grabbed onto the seat backs as he moved up the aisle. Bobby didn't want to sit in a vacant seat because he didn't know who'd sit beside him. The old man with white hair and beard didn't look threatening so he headed for his seat. The man looked surprised then smiled, and Bobby sat down. Jim's breath caught when he looked at the kid. His large eyes were clear gray, his hair was dark blond, he had pink skin and fine features. This lean, little ten year old was appreciably less masculine looking than the average boy his age, and fit all of Jim's northern European stereotypes for beauty. Even stranger was the odd feeling he had in his groin; one that had been missing for years. "Hi, my name's Jim. How far are you going?" "I'm Bobby, and I'm going to L.A. What about you?" "Me too. That's where I live, or at least very close to Los Angeles. I was just up visiting my daughter. Are you visiting relatives there?" Bobby tensed then said, "Uh, yeah, I'm going to visit an aunt." "Where about does she live, Bobby?" "Uh, in Los Angeles." "Well, it's a pretty big place. Do you know the city or suburb she's in?" "No, just Los Angeles." "Is she going to pick you up at the bus station?" "No, I'll just walk to where she lives." Jim realized that Bobby had no idea the size of Los Angeles and probably didn't have an aunt there. Rather than push him further, he changed the subject. "Well, it's nice to get away during the summer. I guess school just let out. I hope you can see Disney Land, the beach, and the other sights while you're there." "Yeah, I just got out of fifth grade, but I'm mainly interested in going to the museums and Griffith Observatory. I read about them in some library books. Do they cost money?" "Yes, they do, but I think students are either free or very low cost. I'm surprised and happy that you're interested in science. Very few kids your age are, although I was when I was a kid. I used to go to both those places whenever I could, but that was a very long time ago." "Are you a scientist?" he asked. "I don't use that as a description of myself, but I suppose you could say so. I have a degree in physics and worked in an electronics lab for a few years. However, I got into management then into technical sales for my company, but I've always been intensely interested in all facets of science. What areas have you read about or do you like, Bobby?" "Gee, I don't know. I like reading about the planets and stars, about rocks and how the earth changes, and I just read a book that told about chemistry. I think I like that most. What's physics?" Jim explained in simple terms, then Bobby began to ask questions about every aspect of science he was aware of. Jim enjoyed being a teacher and poured out information from his large repertoire. He watched Bobby's reactions carefully and went back to explain whenever he saw that Bobby might be confused. He also watched for boredom so he would know when to stop tal- king, but the boy was fascinated by everything Jim was saying. "Oh, would you like some fruit or a sandwich?" Jim asked. "My daughter packed enough food for me to eat for a week instead of just for the bus trip. I've got some cans of pop in here, too." Since Bobby was starved, he accepted quickly. He finished off a tuna salad sandwich, a large piece of chocolate cake, a soda then had an apple. Just as starving animals gravitate toward anyone who feeds them, Bobby began to feel closer to Jim. "Thank you very much, Jim. I was really hungry." They continued talking for a while when Jim said, "I guess your home life must be pretty miserable for you to be leaving like this, Bobby." Although he wouldn't have discussed it with Jim a few hours ago, now he said, "It's terrible. I hate my stepfather and stepbrothers, and my mother doesn't care about anything but her church. Los Angeles has got to be better. At least there are people like you who can talk about science and stuff. No one where I live knows anything about that, and they don't want to learn." "It might help to talk about what bothers you at home" Jim said. "No, I couldn't tell anyone about that stuff. They wouldn't even believe it, and it's too yucky to even talk about." "Well, there's one good thing about talking with someone on a bus. After we get where we're going, we'll never see each other again, so you don't have to worry about being embarrassed. And letting some of these things out often helps relieve the pressure and guilt of keeping a secret. Besides, I've seen and heard just about everything so I'm sure I'd understand." Bobby looked around to see if anyone was close and listening. The bus was still only half full and most were in the front so they were surrounded by vacant seats. He lowered his voice and said, "They made me do stuff, you know, with their things." Once he got started, he didn't have any reserva- tions about discussing any facet of his sexual experiences and feelings with Jim. "You mean with their penises?" Jim asked. "Yeah, I saw that word in a picture in a biology book, but I wasn't sure if it just meant for cats or was for people, too. Yeah, my stepbrothers are almost twenty. They made me suck them and they pushed them up my backside. Boy, did that hurt at first. My stepfather just makes me suck him. I hate it because none of them ever wash. If I won't do it, they hit me until I do. I tried telling my mother, but she wouldn't even listen. She just said I was being punished because I didn't pray hard enough and that I should just pray for forgiveness." "That's pretty strange because you were innocent. Your stepbrothers and stepfather were the ones at fault, and nothing they did had anything to do with you. They would have done it to any kid who was there. You just hap- pened to be the one they had available. I know we all tend to think we caused stuff to happen to us or that it was our fault in some way. However, that's just not true. Often, especially when we're younger, things happen to us by chance or because someone else does it without us having any say in the matter. Do you understand that?" "Sort of, but I figured that I must have something to do with it." "Why did you think that, Bobby?" Jim asked. "Well, after it got over hurting, I didn't mind them putting their things up my backside, and if they ever washed, I think I'd sort of like sucking their things. Does that make me weird or bad?" "No, it certainly doesn't. It just makes you a little different from aver- age in that area, and we're all different from average in some ways." "What's average?" Bobby asked. "I'm not sure what your question is," Jim said. "Are you asking for a definition of the word, or are you asking what average behavior is?" "I know what that word means; I wanted to know what average people do that way," Bobby explained, a bit of annoyance in his voice from the idea that he wouldn't know its meaning. "Well first, most of them don't become sexually active as early as you have. Of course, it was because of your stepbrothers and stepfather. Second, most people have sex between a male and a female instead of between two males the way you described. Third, people usually have sex with others close to their own age instead of with someone much older as you were forced to do." "I guess I'm pretty far from average, then because I think about doing stuff like that all the time. Girls just don't sound like much fun to me, and I sure wouldn't want to do any of it with a guy my age. Someone like you would really be the kind of guy I'd look for." In spite of his inhibitions, Jim had slowly been getting aroused without even realizing it by listening to this beautiful child. At this comment, he was suddenly aware of the front of his pants being lifted. He casually bunched the napkin that was still on his lap from lunch to be sure he didn't show any evidence of this, and tried to put these feelings out of his mind. "There are people looking for kids like you. They'll seem very nice and helpful, but they only want to use you to satisfy people like your stepfa- ther and stepbrothers. They charge a lot for what you'll be forced to do, but they will give you almost nothing. Be careful when you get to Los Angeles." "Is it like that where you live?" Bobby asked. "You can find that kind of person just about anywhere, but there aren't as many unattached kids in Santa Monica. Those guys usually congregate where the run-aways are, such at the bus terminals, and in places like Hollywood." "Well, if you could tell me how to get to Santa Monica, I could go there" Bobby said. Then Jim made the offer that would change his life. "I'm going to catch a cab to home so you could ride with me. In fact, you could stay at my place for a day or two until you decide what you want to do since I have extra bedrooms." When he had retired, he and his wife had sold their home, bought two adja- cent condominiums in one of the first luxury developments of this kind of home and had doors cut through the common wall. This gave them the equival- ent of a five bedroom house with two living rooms, two kitchens, four bath- rooms and a four car garage. They figured they'd live there for a year then have the doors sealed up and rent out one side. That way they would convert some of the capital gains from their home to income property and be able to defer paying taxes. "Gee, that'd be great, and maybe you could show me how to get to some of the science museums" Bobby replied. "Since I'm retired and have a car, I could take you there. It's always a lot more fun to go with someone like you, and I haven't been to any of them for a very long time. For the rest of the trip they talked about science, Santa Monica, Los An- geles, Jim's house, and general subjects. However, for much of the time, Bobby slept. This gave Jim the opportunity to reflect on the possible ramifications of what he had offered. He could be charged with kidnapping or possibly corrupting the morals of a minor even if he had done nothing sexual. If Bobby stayed with him, he'd have to get him into school, but the documentation they required would be a major hurdle. It would be so much easier to turn him over to Child Services, but Jim knew he couldn't do that. He closed his eyes and saw the boy's large gray one's staring at him. He really liked the kid and Bobby was quite attractive. Chapter Two. Bobby was dazzled by the size and brightness of Los Angeles as they arrived and as they rode the cab home. Jim smiled as he watched the boy's eyes sparkle and dart, his enthusiastic running comments, and the pleasure he was getting from the new experiences. His amazement continued when he saw Jim's huge condominium, the beauty of the grounds, and the expensive furnishings. After Jim showed Bobby his room and they dropped their bags off, they drove to a nearby restaurant and had a quick meal. On the way back to the condo they stopped to restock the refrigerator and kitchen with the perishables Jim had cleaned out before his trip. Although he seldom ate ice cream, he asked Bobby what his favorite flavors were. Since the boy had never had most of the ones in the store freezer, Jim chose a selection he thought would be interesting. After they got home he had both of them shower in their respective bath- rooms. "Wow, that's neat. We only have a bathtub at my place and all five of us have to take turns, not that anyone takes baths very often." While they showered, Jim ran a load of Bobby's clothes since none of them were clean. He gave the boy one of his large shirts to wear after the shower and until the clothes were dry. Jim put his bathrobe on and came out into the living room. In a few minutes Bobby came out wearing the oversized shirt. His pink, lean legs looked par- ticularly small extending from the bottom of the shirt. "It took me a while to figure out the shower, but it was great. I think it gets me cleaner than a bath does because I get to rinse off the soap and dirty water with fresh water." Jim smiled at the boy's insight. They talked for awhile then Jim said he should get the clothes out of the dryer. As Bobby got up,the shirt opened and Jim had a momentary good view of the boy's hairless front side. The went to the laundry alcove, took the clothes and carried them up to Bobby's room. After he folded them, Jim sug- gested that the boy might want to pull back the comforter because it was a warm night. Bobby hopped on the double bed, reached across to grab the op- posite corner of the comforter and pulled it down. However, he was on his hands and knees with his rear end facing Jim. The shirt rode up so his bottom was now exposed to Jim's stare. He wished the boy pleasant dreams and went to his bedroom. As much as he wanted to go to sleep he couldn't get the images of Bobby out of his mind. He went back and saw a mental picture of those dramatic gray eyes, his beautiful face, the quick shots of his front and his rear, both naked. He would doze off then awaken for a while. About two hours after he had gone to bed, Jim heard Bobby whisper, "Are you awake?" "Yes, I am. What are you doing up?" "We always sleep two or three to a bed. I just felt strange being all alone. Could I sleep with you?" "I don't know, Bobby. I don't have anything on, and I'm not even sure where my pajamas are. Let me get up and get some underwear on." "No, that's OK. I like to sleep that way, too." With that he hopped into bed. Jim didn't know the boy had let the shirt drop to the floor as he did so. He was first aware of this when Bobby snuggled up to him. The feel of the boy's smooth little body pressing against him overcame all of Jim's inhibitions. As desperately as he tried to resist, he was becoming aroused again. It would have been easier had Bobby not been stroking Jim's chest with his little fingers. "I love the way you feel, Jim. Maybe it's because you aren't sticky and gritty the way my brothers are, or maybe it's because you don't have as much hair as they do. Besides, you're so nice it just makes everything different." "I'm glad you feel that way, Bobby, but we really should get some sleep" Jim said, trying to ignore his rapidly rising physical state. It had been a half hour since either had said anything, but Jim couldn't sleep, especially with the constant stimulation of this firm, warm young body pressing against his. Quietly, he rolled over on his side and gently put his hand on Bobby's shoulder. As he softly petted the boy, he found himself becoming even more aroused. His hand glided down and over the boy's rear end, and Jim marveled not only at how hard, smooth and round it was, but even more at how small it felt in his hand. His fingers stroked lightly along the central cleft, and Jim thought of Bobby's stepbrothers ramming their penises into the boy's small anus. He should have been completely outraged, and he was, but there was another emotion surfacing - desire. The more he thought of them, the more he envisioned himself doing the same thing. Try as he might, this image wouldn't be banished. Jim's arousal was almost painful, a situation that hadn't happened for about forty years. Suddenly, he was aware of little fingers wrapped around his shaft and moving hardly at all. "Oh Jim, I've wanted to suck your thing all evening, but I thought you didn't want me to. I'm so glad you do." He had correctly interpreted Jim's petting and hard erection and ignored the old man's am- bivalence. Without pause, Bobby slipped down and enveloped the head and most of the shaft of Jim's penis. What he couldn't get in his mouth, he grasped tightly with both hands. "Damn. What am I doing? He's only a child." While his mind thought these, his body continued to respond to the boy's hungry little mouth. In just a few seconds Jim was thrusting rapidly in concert with Bobby's plunging head. The boy's lips were tightly clasped around the shaft as they slid up and down its length. Bobby's tongue searched every crease and crevice around the crown of Jim's glans. He recognized that he had a tightly stretched, very hard erection for the first time in many years, instead of the soft semi-erections of the most recent quarter of his life. Jim's whole body was shuddering in preparation for what Bobby was bringing him to. He went rigid, his jaw muscles clamped shut, and Jim began to spurt semen streams into the boy's sucking mouth. Bobby didn't stop moving and licking just as Jim didn't stop pumping out fluid. Even when there was no more, the peristaltic contractions continued up his penis. Never had he been able to sustain an orgasm for this long. Finally, Jim reached down and pulled Bobby up. The boy reluctantly backed away as Jim's shaft pulled out of his mouth. With a final kiss to the tip of it, Bobby moved up beside the man. "Oh Jim, you taste so much better than my stepbrothers or my stepfather, and you're just the right size to fit into my mouth. I hope you liked it, because I'd love to keep doing it to you all the time." He knew he should make this a one time thing and end any chance of it ever happening again, but he said, "Bobby, I loved it and I love you. Yes, we can keep doing it as often as you want and as I can stand it. My only regret is not having met someone like you forty years ago. But, I can't just take pleasure from you. I want to do the same for you." "You don't have to, you know. I probably enjoyed sucking you as much as you liked me sucking." "I know that, Bobby, but I've never done this before so I think it's time I discover the enjoyment you just had." Jim pressed the boy's shoulder so he rolled from his side to his back. The man had close to half a century of experience in the techniques of making love to women. He kissed Bobby's eyes and softly petted them with his tongue. He continued this way to the boy's ears, nose, mouth, neck and very slowly down his small, smooth body. When Jim's lips found Bobby's little, almost non-existent breasts and tiny nipples, he couldn't believe how much more erotic they were than the large ones of his adult female partners. The boy's flat stomach continued the man's odyssey of joy. As he started to move farther down, he suddenly stopped. "Oh Bobby, I can't do this without seeing how beautiful you are." He reached up turned on a small bedside lamp then plunged back toward his final destination. There stood a tiny replica of one of Jim's earliest memories, the spike and sphere of the New York World's Fair. Less than three inches tall, it stood verti- cally, it's glistening red top glowing like a beacon for him. Jim continued his visual feast as he reached out and caressed the little rod with his index finger. Its hard smooth warmth drew him down and toward it. Totally without volition, Jim's mouth opened and he enveloped this tiny obelisk. Jim had always been annoyed at his tendency to split his consciousness during sex so that a small part of him stood to the side and analyzed his emotions and what was happening. This separation occurred now and the analytical part was shocked at the level of joy and desire generated by just having this small organ in his mouth. He reached under the boy, grabbed each tiny lobe of his rear end so his thumbs were pressing the outside and his fingers slid between the cheeks and deep into the central cleft. Jim lifted Bobby's rear end up as he pressed down with his mouth to mash them together. His tongue and lips worked around the boy's hard little penis feverishly, as if to make up for the lifetime of ecstasy he'd missed. Bobby pressed himself just as fiercely into the man because he wanted to be totally enveloped by this source of exquisite pleasure. Later their pace would be more languid and loving, but now they rushed toward their goal. Bobby's body began to shudder and jerk, he felt an almost unbearable pres- sure both stretching him harder than he'd ever been and deep inside building to burst through. Although Bobby had experienced the hundreds of orgasms that his stepfather and stepbrothers had, this was the first that was coming from him. Suddenly, he began to jerk and his penis started the rippling pulsations forcing jets of still thin and clear little-boy semen to spurt into Jim's mouth. Now, Jim's tongue licked all around the firm little head of Bobby's penis even more vigorously to enjoy every drop of the sweet liquid the boy had given him. His head bobbed up and down swiftly, milking the last bits of it from the tiny shaft. Jim saw that the boy had began to jerk and shiver from the stimulus overload so he stopped his movement and just cradled the still firm little rod in his warm, moist, snug mouth. They lay there quietly for about five minutes, then Bobby said, "Oh, Jim, I love you. That was the most wonderful thing I've ever felt in my life. Can I live with you forever?" "You can live here a long as you want to, Bobby, and I'll love you as many times a day as you can stand." The man moved up, took the boy in his arms and kissed him gently. In moments they were thrusting their tongues into each other's mouths and trading the taste of each other's semen. At first, their kisses were more loving and less passionate, but mutual arousal took over. Bobby's little cock pressed against Jim's stomach while the man's penis had slid between the boy's legs. Bobby squeezed his legs together to feel this rod more strongly. He pulled his mouth away and said, "I bet you could put your thing in my backside, Jim. Do you want to try it?" Many years ago, Jim had given up any hope of trying anal sex, even though it was his favorite and most consistent fantasy. The few women he'd slept with had all emphatically refused when he even hinted at such a thing. Now he was being asked to consummate his dream in this little boy's rectum which was already a thousand times more arousing than the equivalent orifice on any of the adult women who'd refused him. "Bobby, I want to do that more than anything else in the world, but I'm afraid I'll hurt you. Besides, once I get inside, it'd probably feel so good, I'd never pull out," he added kiddingly. "Well, you're not as big as my relatives, and after I got slippery it didn't hurt anymore. You could use some Vaseline. And I love you so much, Jim, that I'd really like it if you stayed in all the time." Bobby lay prone, Jim got the lubricant and smeared some on himself then gently applied a layer of it around Bobby's anus. Slowly, he pushed his finger inside to be sure some Vaseline was there, too. The man's body was shivering in anticipation of his penis entering where his finger was, now. He knelt between the boy's legs, reached down, positioned the head of his cock against that little tightly closed entrance and began to press himself into the boy. From the first moment of penetration it felt as wonderful as he'd always imagined. Bobby's anus was so snug and warm and slippery that Jim pushed forward until his groin was tightly pressed against Bobby's flattened rear cheeks and the boy's anal sphincter was around the root of the man's cock. Jim wanted to be deep inside the boy so much that almost couldn't bring himself to pull back so he could plunge forward again. He was intensely aware of the frighteningly beautiful stimulation the head of his penis was getting from the hot walls of the boy's little intestine as they slid over it. After a few minutes he realized he was about to ejacu- late, but he didn't want these wonderful sensations to stop. He held off his orgasm as long as possible, then exploded. He had never had an orgasm that seemed to radiate to every nerve cell in every part of his body. When his brain started functioning again after a few minutes, he wrapped his arms around Bobby, hugged him close, kissed his neck and said, "Oh, Bobby, I love you so much more than you can even imagine. I hope you enjoyed this because I'd be willing to spend the rest of my life in bed with you except for eating and going to the bathroom. I want to alternate sucking your gorgeous, hairless little boy's cock and feel you come over and over in my mouth, and pump my penis deep in your backside until I can't come anymore and we fall asleep that way and we wake up to feeling me still inside you. I never knew anyone as wonderful as you existed, and I want us to be togeth- er as long as you can stand me." "Jim, I hope you live to be a hundred, because I want to feel you making love to me with your penis deep inside me as often as possible, and sucking my penis as often as possible, too." While he didn't make it, Jim died at ninety-five just after he had an orgasm and with his shaft still inside Bobby. After the funeral Bobby set out to comply with one of Jim's wishes. He had said, a number of times over the last few years, "Bobby, it's up to you, but after I die, if you can find a ten year old boy who you think is beautiful, who is oriented as we are and who you think you can love, and you can have him move in with you, you'll be a happy man. EPILOGUE Since Bobby was a Child Psychologist and consulted for State Social Services, he had a unique opportunity to search. He didn't find a ten year old but he did find seven year old twins in central California who had already decided they were gay and their extremely religious mother and stepfather wanted committed to a mental hospital or at least put up for adoption. Bobby pulled in some favors from sympathetic friends in the agency and managed to adopt them. The boys are now eleven, love Bobby dearly, and the only difference is that, with three of them, they have a greater variety and frequency of connec- tions, especially multiple ones, available to them.