Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 11:08:33 EST From: Subject: Growing Up Sexual - chapter 13 I was asked early on in this series if I was going to have a Black character - I think that was Eagleman but am not sure. I took it as a serious question and I think the questioner meant it seriously. I explained that I didn't see how I could - 1) I was "culturally deprived" being white and growing up in Europe as a British subject; and 2) I couldn't in good faith put a character into a situation where he could easily have been lynched as this story is set in the rural South of the 50's. I just couldn't see trying to write about grown men putting a noose around a young boy's neck and hanging him from an old oak tree. But the question has remained in the back of my mind ever since - at least as it relates to my setting. Though Blacks and whites rarely mingled in the South of 45 years ago, it is difficult to ignore a little more than 35% of the population. The reality is that the South of that time was backward in almost every way, compared to the rest of the country. Maintaining Jim Crow kept the South backward. Destroying Jim Crow has caught most of the South up with the rest of the country in these past 40 years. I've decided to be faithful to the reality of the setting I chose initially, to its society. Oh yeah! Trust me, there's going to be sex in this installment. But there's going to be the taste of reality as well. There's no reason we can't read and write erotica that is historically accurate. A special thanks to Savannah Kid for giving me the idea for the sex scene. Hope you like it. Keep writing me. I like getting ideas from you. They may not be presented exactly as you envisioned them or when you expect them, but they very possibly will end up in this story. Share your thoughts with me at ***************************************************************************** Growing Up Sexual, Chapter 13, by Dave MacMillan Two years of junior high school were behind me. I was about to turn 14. I only had high school left before I'd be grown-up and free. Twice in those two years Billy had invited me over to his and Richard's house, and the three of us had shared an afternoon of sex between us. Those two times were the only dick I'd had since Reverend Robertson's Thanksgiving retreat. It was at night that I missed what I had had the most. Then, lying in bed with my 7" standing proudly, I relived every sexual moment of that summer of my exploration. The rest of the time, I told myself that I was too young, that I could only have got into trouble that couldn't be controlled, if it had kept on. I managed to believe myself most of the time. Except when I beat my meat and dreamed of Richard's 8" plowing my butthole while I sucked everything Billy's balls could make. Don't get me wrong. I was the normal American boy growing up in the small-town South. It's just that I'd already been much more than that, and I knew that I was never really going to be able to give it up. I glanced at other boys in the showers after gym and learned not to get hard when I did. I longed for their touch at night when my hormones raged. But, when our teacher stepped out of the room, I kissed Betty Lou Knowles on the lips in front of my whole 8th grade history class on a dare. The rest of that school year, she and I held hands as we walked through the halls. I felt silly doing it, but it cemented my position as a healthy, normal boy in the minds of my classmates. I started going back to Sunday School after Howard was transferred to a church in Alabama somewhere, I played little league baseball, and I took ballroom dancing lessons with the rest of the boys and girls in town who were like us. And I even understood roughly what "like us" meant. It meant the twelve or so families in Soul and the five in the surrounding county who were socially and financially acceptable to each other - all white, Anglo-Saxon, and protestant. My mother was a rarity among that social elite - a woman who was equal in her own right, as opposed to being someone's wife. She didn't divorce Howard and nobody ever caught her in a questionable situation with a man; the women of Soul came to trust her again to leave their husbands alone. Most of them were even proud of her for being as good as a man and holding a man's job, even if they didn't understand why she and Howard weren't living together. "What do you want to do this summer, Vic," she asked me the night before my birthday. We had eaten; Mrs. Yokum had cleaned up and gone for the day. It was our "together time" that mom instituted after we'd told her about Rev. Robertson and Howard had moved out of our lives. We sat at the table, alone in the house. I shrugged. How did I tell mom that the one thing I really wanted was a field of penises that I could harvest all by myself - one by one? "I don't think I want to worry about you at a camp," she went on. I suddenly realized that I was not going to be spending the whole summer at home like last year. I sat up and paid attention. "Tommie Mae said you could spend a couple of weeks with her. If you got along with the twins, it could even be a month." My aunt was mom's older sister. Her husband had died four years ago, losing out to a nest of rattlesnakes in a cow pasture. She and her sons owned a big-assed farm three counties above us. Peter and John were identical twins, two years older than me. Tall, slim, muscular, brown hair and blue eyes, they were enough to make even John Wayne drool. Only, they'd never given me the time of day before. I was their kid cousin they had to put up with when mom and I visited. And they made sure I knew it. I couldn't tell them apart but part of me had wanted to go exploring for distinguishing characteristics ever since Julian invited me to taste his dick. "You don't want me to stay in Soul?" I asked tentatively, mentally stripping my cousins to find those distinguishing characteristics that didn't exist in the usual, normally visible places. She frowned. "Things may get a little rough here in Soul this summer," she mumbled enigmatically. My eyes rounded. What was she talking about? I knew better than to push mom. Gentle couching, yes; direct questioning, no. It got me nowhere fast. I reached across the table and placed my hand on top of hers. She looked up and studied me for a moment. She smiled. "I guess you're old enough. When it happens - and it's going to happen - you're going to have to understand it. We all are - or we're going to have a far bigger blow up than the one that's coming." This sounded dicey, even scary maybe. What blow up? I figured then it was a man. I imagined it in full technicolor. She had a boyfriend. I studied her, wondering if maybe she was doing it with him. If she was, though, that could mean I was about to become a big brother. I shuddered. I sweated as I waited for her to decide to tell me, thinking that I didn't want to hear any squalling in the house. How could I explain that to my friends? Blow up? What if he didn't marry her and left her with a damn baby? Sweet Jesus! "There are rumors that the Blacks in town are about ready to explode, Vic," she said softly, burying her head in her hands. I blinked. I felt suddenly chilled sitting across from her, the sweat on my body cooling fast. It was only the Blacks bothering her. Thank God! I wasn't going to have a baby brother to embarrass me the rest of my life, after all. "Richard and Billy mentioned something about that," I offered. "So did Lindy Bennett." She looked over at me. "They all have Black maids in their homes, don't they?" I nodded, remembering the women who cleaned and cooked - and stayed out of everybody's way. There but not there - like ghosts. "What do they want, Mom?" Every time I'd seen Black kids they just looked away or got pulled close to their mommas in the stores whenever they were near white people. The only time I'd seen Black kids my age was when their high school's band marched in the 4th of July parade. She smiled and reached over to ruffle my hair. "They want what you and I have, honey." I looked around the kitchen of the home that mom had made for us. My jaw set. "They can't have it," I growled. "It's ours." She snorted as she shook her head. "No, Vic, Blacks want the right to buy the same things whites have; they don't want to take it away. They want good schools and good jobs-" She looked around the room. "And nice things too." She looked down at the table and then at me. "They want the equal chance to have the same things we have - if they earn them. They want an equal piece of the American dream, Vic." "They've got schools - jobs too." Her face lost any animation and her eyes took on a distant look. "Their high school was built in the 30's - when was yours built?" "The new one? Last year-" I sort of thought I saw where she was heading. "The Supreme Court has already decided that schools can't be separate but equal. And the reality is that most counties don't have the money to keep up two equal school systems. The Army's already integrated." She nodded. "It's inevitable, honey. It should have been done a long time ago - before we were forced so far apart." "So-" I hesitated, trying to see the future mom was seeing. "Will I have to go to high school in their school?" I asked, bringing it home to me. "You said it was way old - run down too, I'll bet." "I haven't see it-" She looked startled for a moment then a smile started growing across her face. "I'll bet none of us have seen it." "What're you thinking, mom?" I groaned. I knew she had some bright idea, though. She looked at me, the smile still on her face, and ruffled my hair again. "Vic, I heard something about a parade. That and some wild talk about Black people coming out of the quarters and looting and stuff. I just know that, if there is a parade, it's going to be hairy around here for a while. If it starts looking like that's going to happen, you'll go visit your Aunt Tommie Mae." "Why?" I whined. From what I was hearing, this sounded like it would be wildest time I'd ever heard of in Soul. I sure wanted to stick around and see it. I wondered if every other kid in town was going to be shipped out to relatives. "Because I'm not going let you get hurt. You're going some place safe if or when things start getting rough." I nodded but was already marshalling my arguments for her to let me stay if something big started happening. What kid wanted to be shipped off to Siberia when the fun started? Not me. * * * Two days later, mom appeared at the house at eleven in the morning. She was supposed to be at work. I hadn't expected her and she didn't tell me where we were going until we were in the car. "I'm going to show you something, Vic," was all she'd said. "Where are we going?" I asked when we got through downtown and started towards a section of town I'd never been to. I knew it was the Colored quarter but that just didn't make any sense. Neither mom nor I belonged there. "You're going to see how the other half lives," she answered. "Vic, my generation can begin to make up for the wrongs our people have done to the Blacks - but it's your generation that's going to have to learn to live with and work with Colored people." Oh boy! I was on summer holiday, and here I was going to take a civics lesson. Mom got the weirdest ideas sometimes. The paved road quickly turned to hard-packed, rutted sand. Otherwise, though, the houses looked about like those that poor whites lived in. Little kids played in their yards but almost each house had an older kid watching the younger ones closely - and glaring at us as we passed. A couple of blocks into the quarter, we reached a ramshackled building and I was surprised when we pulled over to the side of the road behind Billy's and Richard's car. I looked around as I got out of the car. There were broken windows in the building and it needed painting bad, but it was obviously a school, even if it did look like it ought to be condemned. There was no sidewalk and very little grass. I was suddenly glad I was going to my high school when school started again. Billy and Richard were standing at the door with their mother and father. I saw Lindy Bennett with his parents. I knew with certainty that, somehow, mom had got every prominent family in Soul to bring their kids to the Colored quarter this morning. I didn't want to think what that could mean for my social life when school started again. Mom smiled to every man and woman as she walked right up to Joe Phillips' father. Joe's dad was the Baptist minister and was a doctor of divinity. "Thank you for coming, Dr. Phillips," she said. He smiled, kind of fatherly, but real gentle. "I couldn't not come, Sallie Jual." I noticed that he was standing beside a small, distinguished looking Black woman. "This is Mrs. McKinsey, the principal of Mt. Sinai High School here," he said introducing the woman to mom. Mom took her hand instantly and thanked her for being willing to show us around. We got the deluxe tour. Mrs. McKinsey never apologized for the window that had been broken for two years, the doorless cubicles in the toilets, or the worn condition of the textbooks stacked in the classrooms. At the end of her tour, she turned to face all of us, parents and kids alike. "We've always taken your hand downs in the past, but that's not good enough any more. The world is changing; and a man has to have a good education to succeed in that world. We want our children to have the chance you're giving your children. We want a chance to live in that world too. We don't want any more than that." As mom drove me back to the house, I felt ashamed of being white. A week later, there was going to be a march from the Colored quarter to the courthouse. Rumors ran through Soul like a wildfire. The Blacks were going to race through town, looting and burning every store. Black men were going to kill white men and rape the women. Dr. Phillips called for every white family to not listen to the rumors. Other minsters joined him. People like mom and me - Billy's and Richard's dad and Lindy's dad - they all stood right there beside Dr. Phillips, facing down the rumors. They told us in the newspaper and on the radio that the rumors were stupid. They told us that the Black people were just going to march through town and that they had the right to do so - just like any other American had. Nobody was going to be hurt. Everything was going to be all right. * * * My cousins showed up at the house late the evening before the big march on the court house. If anything, Peter and John were better looking at 17 than they had been the year before when I'd seen them last. I was real careful around them - mom too - I didn't want anybody seeing my hard-on snaking across my groin. We were ready to leave for their farm at the crack of dawn the next day. It was already 85 degrees and not even full light yet. Wearing a tee-shirt and swimtrunks, I lugged my suitcase out to their pick up and loaded it into the bed of the truck. I looked back at mom standing all alone on the porch, watching me. I sort of didn't want to back to her - not in front of my cousins. They already thought of me being almost a baby. I could imagine what kind of fun they'd make of me going up to mom. I knew she needed a hug right then, maybe even a kiss on the cheek. I walked back up to the house and threw my arms around her and just buried my face on her shoulder. All right! So, I had a lump in my throat. I even needed her hugging me - at least as much as she needed me hugging her. It felt like the world would have changed when I saw her again. As I walked back to the pick up, I didn't care what Peter and John might think. I was me and I didn't have to be anybody else. And that was my mom standing there walking me escape she didn't know what. I figured she was a little like Jorel as he watched the baby Superman's rocket take off - just before Krypton blew up. I opened the door of the truck and saw one twin under the wheel and the other one beside the window. The space between them didn't look all that big. "Where am I going to sit?" The one nearest me patted the seat between his brother and himself. "Here, in the back, or on my lap." "Let me get between you then," I told him. I climbed over his legs and got to the seat between them. "Which is which?" I asked, knowing I sounded dumb. "John's driving," Peter chuckled from beside me. John tooted his horn and we all waved. Mom waved back and I saw one of her hands come up to her face before we got too far away for me to see her. I'd never seen my mom cry before; I never did again. It was only then that I found out why I hadn't wanted to sit on the seat between the twins. John reached down between my legs; instinctively, I scooted my butt over the couple of inches of seat I had. He grabbed the stick and upshifted to second gear. He rested his hand on knob of the gearshift and his wrist on my thigh. My dick threatened to tear out of my swimtrunks, hoping his wrist would move another couple of inches up my leg. I looked over at Peter, at his crotch and his lap. I figured that, if I wanted to keep any sort of reputation with my cousins, I'd better swallow my pride and plant my butt on his lap rather than keep the gear stick between my legs. "I guess I'll sit on your lap, Peter - if you don't mind." He shrugged and continued looking out the window. "Just sit still, no squirming around, okay?" Peter's legs were slightly apart but I straddled them rather than sit between them. My butt rested on the tops of his thighs, and his chest became the back of my seat. The pick up was old, its springs had seen better days, and there was no way I could help but bounce around on Peter's lap a little. A mile out of town on US 1, we came up on three highway patrol cars, their lights flashing. There were two cops standing in the road checking each car. Others were leaning against their squad cars and watching the traffic. John slowed down and came up to the cop in the center of the road. "You boys heading out of town?" he asked John. "Yeah. Our aunt has us taking our cousin home with us." He pointed at me. I didn't like being pointed out to a cop, it felt strange. My whole situation came rushing back at me and I realized it was stranger than strange. A kid having to leave his home just because some people were going to hold a parade. It didn't make any sense. "Drive careful, son," the cop told John, and we pulled out of the roadblock. "Jesus!" John groaned as he got back up to speed. "Count on Aunt Sallie Jual to come up with a real humdinger. Did you see all those state boys?" Peter nodded behind me. "Why are they here?" I asked, turning and looking over Peter's shoulder to see if I could still see them. "Vic, there are some nuts who've been claiming all week there was going to be a race war in Soul. They've been calling for folks to come down and help them out." I stared at John, my eyes bulging. "A race war?" I croaked "In Soul?" "That's what the Klan and their buddies are saying. Mom says it's the Klan that'll start any war-" "I agree with her," Peter answered before John could get started. "You and me - we get along with all the Colored folks who work for us." I was tried to look back to see him. "Mom went to a funeral at their church a month ago - alone - and nobody bothered her at all." "This race war shit is just a lot of crazy talk, Vic," John grumbled. "You've got to believe that, or you'll go crazy worrying about them being anywhere near you. They bleed, shit, eat, and fuck just like us whites do." He chuckled. "They even put their trousers on one leg at a time, like we do." "There's not a lick of difference between them and us," Peter threw in, "except we've been holding them down and letting them have only what we don't want. They're tired of that, and it's going to change. But it's not going to hurt any of us - not like those nuts are saying." I hadn't been sitting still during their attempt to reassure me. I began to realize that there was a real large tube pressing into my buttcheek. Actually, it was my body that recognized that Peter had popped a hard-on - my brain was still working out their arguments against a race war happening in Soul. And it was body, not my brain, that had me wiggle my fanny very obviously on his jeans-covered crotch and grind against my cousin's hard dick. Peter gasped softly, trying to swallow it. I did it again, hoping he'd get the idea. I hadn't had sex since the last time Richard, Billy, and I got together. That was a good six months ago. Since then, I'd kept my thoughts about sex to my jerk off sessions. "Sit up a minute, Vic," he suggested, his hands on my hips lifting me. His hands left me but, a moment later, returned to guide me back against him. He had me situated further up his belly than before. I instantly felt his hard dick spread my crack. He'd moved himself so that it was pressing against the fly of his jeans, lined up with my crack. I realized then what had happened - my brain did. I blushed and started to pull myself down onto his legs. His hands on my hips held me in place. I figured I'd been found out. I didn't know if my cousins were going to beat me up, or tell on me, or what. I looked over my shoulder at Peter as his hands came up my chest, pulling me back against him. He didn't look like he was ready to start throwing punches. His dick throbbed inside his jeans. "You like that, don't you?" he whispered at my ear. I nodded hesitantly. "You done it before, Vic?" I nodded again, even more unsure of myself. I was still scared about being found out, but I was beginning to wonder if Peter was interested. An almost forgotten itch began to flare deep in my butt. I wiggled my butt on him again, making sure his dick slid up my crack. "Sit up again." I heard rustling behind me and felt Peter lift his butt off the seat. Between my legs, I saw his jeans bunching up along his thighs. His hands came back to my waist and pulled my swimsuit off my butt. I felt him direct his dick to my a-hole then; his other hand was still on my hip and it started to pull me down onto him. "Jesus Christ!" John yelped from behind the wheel. I looked over at him watching his brother's dick slip into my butt. "Get your eyes back on the road, John," Peter told him. "We don't want an accident because you're gawking at us." "You're cornholing him!" Peter was all the way inside me and I was again sitting on his lap, feeling his pubes scratching the walls of my crack. "Our cousin has some sugar in his tank. You like my big dick buried in your butt, don't you, Vic?" I nodded and watched John, not sure of what to do but liking the feel of Peter inside me. "That's-" John sputtered. "John, you and me - all we've ever known has been our fists on our meat. Vic here is willing to help us out. I, for one, am ready to stop being a virgin. You can stay with your hand or let Vic help you out too. Which is it going to be, brother?" "If anyone finds out - I'm not ready to have the guys at school call me queer." Peter patted my knee. "We'll keep this just between the three of us, right, Vic? You'll only have sex with John and me?" "Yeah," I mumbled, lifting myself a couple of inches off of Peter and sliding back down his dick. The past two years were already forgotten. I had dick in me again. I never wanted to go back to what my life had been after Rev. Robertson's Thanksgiving retreat. "I ain't going to do anything back," John growled. "All he gets is my dick." I nodded my agreement. I started to fuck myself on Peter's dick and forgot all about anything but the pleasures crashing through my body. Peter's hands slipped up my sides, pushing my tee-shirt up. "Shit!" John groaned. "He's 3 years younger than us but he's still as big as us. What has your momma been feeding you, Vic?" I just moaned and rode the waves of pleasure pumping out of my butt, my balls, and my dick. I was learning to appreciate them almost like they were brand new experiences, it'd been so long. Peter began to hump me, taking over our fucking. I squeezed my anal muscles hard on his dick in appreciation. His breathing was labored and his thrusts were already short and quick. "Sweet Jesus!" he moaned, shoving everything he had into me and holding me against him. His pole thickened and began to throb inside me. I wrapped my hand around my meat and pumped hard to catch up with him. "Aim it at the floor, Cuz," John told me. "Pete, spread your legs. You don't want momma finding his load dried into your jeans." I ground against Peter's pubes, keeping his dick on my joy spot, as my balls rose to ride my pole. I aimed at the floor under the glove box. And I blasted. Load after load. Peter's dick tickled me just right, and I kept shooting. I thought I was never going to quit. "We're about 15 minutes from Lumber City," John announced after I laid back against Peter's chest and gulping air into my lungs. "Think I could take my turn after we're past there?" I nodded happily. "We'll change over there then," John continued. "You drive the rest of the way home, Pete." The rest of the way to Lumber City, we talked about how we were going to do this and keep it quite the next couple of weeks. Peter's dick stayed hard in me until he pulled it out on the outskirts of the town. I smiled at John while Peter pulled his clothes up; he grinned back at me. I figured I wasn't missing much back in Soul. Of course there's more to come. Vic's only got past junior high school. He's still got Auntie Clyde's to explore. Julian's going to return. There are all new adventures with Joe Phillips and Lindy Bennett - and others as yet unnamed. Gadfly's even made some suggestions to keep the ending (when I finally get to it) interesting. In the meantime, you can order the anthology I edited, CASTING COUCH CONFESSIONS, from Nifty's link to Amazon. You'll help Nifty, which is nice, because they bring you all of these stories you've been reading free. You'll also get one of the horniest, hottest erotic book collections around. Just make sure you order through the Nifty link. Amazon ships anywhere in the world (well, maybe not Kosovo and a few other places). Dave MacMillan