Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:23:35 -0700 From: Subject: I Love Corey, Chapter Ten Here we go again. You know the routine. I you're too young to be reading this, leave. If the description of sex acts between males offends you, also leave. In fact, if it is against the law in the area where you live to read about such acts either leave this site or move. I made this whole story up. It's not true. None of the characters are based on anyone I know. If they resemble anyone you know, it's a coincidence. This story belongs to me. You may read it for your own enjoyment. You may not post it on another site nor may you use it in any way to advance yourself or make money off of it. If you wish to post it somewhere else, you must receive written permission from me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ernie Allbritton for his editing of this story. I am certain his work will enable you, the reader, to enjoy this story more. I am deeply indebted to him for his assistance. As usual, comments, suggestions, or criticisms are welcome. Feel free to email at With all that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Fritz I Love Corey, Chapter Ten Without Corey beside me I had had a hard time getting to sleep. I had lain there and thought about what I ought to do. Giving him up was out of the question so I worked on other things. I finally fell asleep. It was even worse that he didn't come over for breakfast this morning. Finally I just gathered up my stuff and headed off to work. There wasn't much at the meeting so we finished early and I had a bunch of time before my first class. That seemed like as good a time as any to start what I had decided last night. I called the tow operator I had called for her car and when he answered I asked about her car. He informed me that it would cost way more than it was worth to fix it. In his opinion it was truly dead. I've had a couple of his kids in class and have gotten to know him pretty well and we are friends. I knew he was always fixing up cars and selling them so I asked him what he had available. He told me and described them. One sounded promising so I asked more about it. When he finished I figured it was about as good as anything else. I asked him what he wanted for it. Twenty-five hundred dollars was his reply. Hmmm, how to work this. I asked what he would give for her car. He thought for a bit and said he could probably get three hundred dollars for the parts off of it. That left more than I figured she had or could afford. I finally told him to offer it to her for a thousand dollars difference and offer terms and I would pay if she took it. He sounded surprised but agreed and I asked him not to say anything about this and I would explain the first time I got a chance. I figured she had to have a car of some kind and maybe if it was a fair one she would go someplace and leave Corey with me for a day or two. At least I hoped so.  Classes got underway and I spotted Corey in the hall so knew he was all right. That improved my outlook. God, I was worrying like an old hen with a bunch of chicks. He wasn't even my chick. He was more than that to me. At lunch Julia and I finally finished the brochure and turned it in to Jerry for his approval. I didn't think there would be any problems with it but Jerry likes to be kept informed and his suggestions are most generally very helpful. Just before classes ended I got a call from Dr. Benz's office. There had been a cancellation and they wondered if Corey would be available for surgery on Friday. I asked them if I could let them know first thing in the morning and they said that would be fine. Now I had all kinds of problems. I had to get in touch with Mrs. Babcock and get her okay and there was tutoring tonight and I could see the whole evening was getting away from me. Even with a quick dinner there wouldn't be much time. Oh well, we'd just have to do the best we could. Football practice continued to go well. After our last game the team finally believed in themselves. They now knew they could play well and were eager to do so again. They practiced hard and seemed to enjoy it. When practice was over we got out of there as fast as we could. When we got to Corey's home, his mother had already left for work. Off we went to the Blue Schooner. I had never been inside so wasn't sure what to expect. In fact titty bars were something I wasn't into nor had I ever been. I've only been in one other and that was when I was in college. It was a dive. Not only that, they didn't keep it very clean. The manager got Corey's mother for me and I told her about the phone call. She agreed to allow the operation. Then she beat around the bush for a while and finally I figured out she wanted to borrow some money. I asked her what she needed it for and she told me she had found a car but needed a little more money than she had to make the deal. When she told me about the car I knew it was the one I had picked for her and gave her a check for five hundred dollars.  Now I had another task to take care of. I quickly drove over to Jim's Auto to pay him and explain. I left Corey in the pickup and went to Jim's home which was on the property. I explained why I was doing this and paid him. I didn't give the real reason of course, but the story I deemed appropriate. It sounded good to me and I hoped not to fishy to him. By the time I was done doing that, I was so far behind schedule that I could see dinner was out of the question. We stopped at a Burger King and then hurried home. I left him and went to tutor a boy in my most advanced class. He had been in an accident and missed ten days of school and I needed to catch him up. If I couldn't, he would have problems the rest of the year. Math is like that. You can't miss any of the steps or you won't understand the next one. It took longer than I expected and by the time I got home Corey was yawning and we didn't even have time for a quickie. I just kissed him and sent him home. When I went to bed it hit me. He was going to have an operation. Dr. Benz had said he would probably be in the hospital for a couple of days and on crutches for several weeks. That meant that there would be a break in our relationship. For how long I didn't know. I couldn't get to sleep. I worried. What if he didn't make it? I had reassured him but I had no one to reassure me. Logically I knew the chances of anything bad happening were remote. That didn't help. My mind wouldn't let me relax and sleep. I tried everything I could think of. I finally dozed off and got a couple of hours sleep. When he showed up for breakfast I felt a lot better. While I don't wake up quickly and am rather quiet, I enjoy having him with me. Just the fact that he was there made me happy. He didn't have to do or say anything. His presence was enough. When I left for school he was checking Ebay. The day was about normal. Nothing important happened and when we left that evening I had calmed down and quit worrying. As we headed to the market to pick up groceries, I was eagerly anticipating the evening. We wound up visiting with Mrs. Downie for a while. When she told Corey he was looked nice he smiled and thanked her. He did look better with a nice haircut and better clothes. We got home and he headed for the computer while I put the groceries away and started dinner. I had no more then turned the stove on when Mrs. Babcock showed up. She just had to show off her car. I turned the stove off and we went to Jim's to pick up the minivan. I had been forced to tell Corey what was going on as he had been with me when I paid for it. He acted like it was a complete surprise. The act would have fooled me if I hadn't known better. She was happy and Corey was thrilled that she was. He'd look at me and grinned when her attention was elsewhere. When we got back to my house I started dinner again and she didn't seem in any hurry to leave. I wound up inviting her to dinner and she stayed afterward until she took Corey home. I could have cheerfully wrung her neck. I wanted him so badly I could taste it. Wednesday was scout meeting night. Corey's mother had said he could join so he was going to be initiated. I fixed dinner and by the time we had eaten, it was time to head to the V.F.W. hall for the meeting. They sponsor the troop and let them use their building to meet in. Of course it ran long as they all had to tell him all the fun he'd have with them. When the meeting was finally over, Vern talked my leg off. I finally told him I had to get Corey home and when he looked at his watch said he hadn't realized it was so late. I took Corey home. I was frustrated. I wound up masturbating twice before I could get to sleep. On Thursday, things fell apart. Mrs. Babcock showed up at school and informed Jerry she just couldn't take Corey to San Francisco for his operation. He called me out of class and she repeated it to me. I was flabbergasted. As the operation was scheduled for eight thirty in the morning, I didn't know what to do. She left Jerry and me standing there with our mouths open. She had made it clear that she didn't object to the operation but would not take him there herself. I asked Jerry if he knew anyone that I could ask to help. He just shook his head. I'm afraid I didn't do very well in class the rest of the morning. I saw some of the kids giving me puzzled looks. I was racking my brains trying to come up with someone I could ask to take him. At noon, I went and told Jerry if he didn't have any ideas, I was going to have to call and cancel the operation. He said he had called a couple of the substitute teachers hoping to find one free who could help but none of them wanted to. However if I wanted to take him, they would be willing to fill in my classes. I hadn't thought of that so asked him his opinion and he said it was the best we could do. I thought about it as the game was this evening and they wanted him there four hours early. It was an away game. I told Jerry I guessed he had better let the substitute know as I would do it. I told Jerry we would leave directly from the game. As soon as the team got on the bus Corey and I rushed home. We grabbed some clothes and personal stuff and headed off to catch the bus. We caught it just as it was pulling into our opponent's town. We dressed and the game got underway at five-thirty. The scouting reports and the video one of our boosters had shot showed that we were facing a very good team. In the first half they managed to prove it. We led thirteen to twelve at half time. In the second half we finally got it going. They had tried a new wrinkle on defense and after a couple of changes at the half we started to move the ball. Our defense stiffened and the second half was ours. The final score, thirty nine to twelve. We showered and went to dinner at the restaurant chosen by the school. The kids were happy and laughing. I was thrilled as I thought this was the toughest team we would face this year. They had won our league three out of the last five years. This was the first time we had beaten them in eleven years. As Corey and I were leaving, most of the team wished him good luck with his upcoming operation. Brad Conner showed him his scar and told him it would be a piece of cake. He had had knee surgery last year. As I remembered it, he didn't think that way at the time.  Why they wanted him there early, I have no idea. After we checked in, they did nothing, I repeat, nothing for the next hour and a half. We just sat there. Finally, things started to progress. Neither of us had gotten enough sleep and since he could not eat or drink anything, I didn't feel I should either. I desperately needed my coffee. When they started getting him ready, I went over to one of those machines and put my money in to get a cup. Ghastly stuff. I managed to choke it down and got another cup. I had just finished it when they told me he was now in the waiting area and I could see him if I wished.  When I walked in he looked nervous and scared. I tried to calm him and he finally seemed to relax. About then Dr. Benz came in and checked him over and told him they would be taking him to the operating room in about twenty minutes. When they wheeled him off, I went back to the waiting room.  I must not have looked very good as the nice nurse suggested I would feel better if I had something to eat and assured me that everything would be okay. I decided she was right and went to the cafeteria. I had not been impressed with the coffee from the vending machine and breakfast was worse. I choked down about half of it and gave up and went back to the waiting room. It was obvious to me that the food served here would barely sustain life.  Time seemed to stretch forever. I tried to read and every time I looked at my watch only a few minutes had passed. I couldn't concentrate on my book and time just kept slowly going by, one tick at a time. Dr. Benz had said it would take about an hour and a half to two hours. By the time it was eleven I was beside myself. At eleven-twenty he came in with a big smile on his face. He told me that there was a little more damage than he had thought but that the operation was a success. He assured me that Corey should make a complete recovery. He suggested I eat lunch as Corey would not be fully awake for a while. When I shuddered and declined he smiled and told me there was a restaurant on another floor that served better food than the cafeteria. So I went and had lunch. The coffee wasn't bad and the food was decent so when I got done I felt better. I called Jerry and reported the operation was a success and he said he would get word to Mrs. Babcock. Corey spent most of the rest of the day dozing. As the surgery had not been arthroscopic his knee hurt worse and they kept him doped up with a lot of pain medication. When he dropped off to sleep after dinner I gave up and left for the night. I felt good when I woke up. After an excellent breakfast of sourdough hotcakes I went to the hospital and checked on Corey. He looked a lot better and was alert. His knee bothered him. When he complained about the food, I grinned and told him about my breakfast. He accused me of being mean and I just grinned some more. A guy came in and got him up and adjusted a set of crutches for him. As soon as he left I readjusted them and took that hunk of foam rubber off the top. Those idiots ought to try walking on them the way they set them. They always make them too tall. You don't walk on your armpits. You walk on your hands. Corey asked why I changed them. I explained and when I was done he said maybe that is why he had a hard time with them before. I warned him his ribs would be sore for a while. Dr. Benz came in and looked at his chart. He asked Corey to get up and walk a few steps with his crutches. He looked puzzled when the crutches only came partway up Corey's ribs. He said he'd call and have them adjusted and I had to go through the whole explanation again. He asked me how I knew and I told him I had walked on them a couple of times. That started an argument about who knew best. I finally asked him to get a full sized pair and I would show him. The next thing I knew we had about a dozen people and a bunch of crutches and we were all walking around on them. I showed them that if they are too tall you can not go uphill very well and stairs are almost impossible. It also shuts off your circulation. There was another argument over the foam pad. I told them it is too thick and doesn't allow you to keep your arms straight. Finally I challenged Dr. Benz to walk on the `properly adjusted' ones and on some I had adjusted. I asked him to go up some stairs and just act like he had a bad leg or something. It didn't take long and I had him convinced. The people who were supposed to fit them were more of a problem. I finally gave up and left that to Dr. Benz. He told me he would make sure that his patients were properly fitted in the future. All this had put him behind his schedule and he hurried out saying Corey could probably go home tomorrow. He never did see if Corey could walk on crutches. The next morning Dr. Benz's associate came in while I was talking to Corey. He looked at his chart and checked him over. After bending his knee a few times and making him walk on his crutches he told us Corey could check out. I wish it was as simple as he made it sound. We started the checkout at nine and finally completed it at ten-thirty. I had been in such a hurry I had not used my head. If I had I would have used the minivan. We had a hell of a time getting Corey into the pickup. His knee didn't bend very well and the seat didn't go far enough back to allow him in with out bending it. I finally got in from the other side and dragged him in far enough so the nurse could get his foot in. I had thought to bring some pillows and a blanket so we finally got him reasonably comfortable. I loaded up the rest of the stuff and we headed for home.  He complained about being starved so the first decent restaurant we came to I went in and explained my problem. They were most helpful and fixed him a nice meal and helped bring it out. When we were done I took the utensils back in and thanked them leaving a big tip. The way they smiled I knew they felt good about themselves for being helpful. Most people are nice if you give them a chance. I jotted down some names so I could write to the owner and thank all for being so understanding.  It was just after four when we got to Corey's home. I went up and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. We drove to the Blue Schooner but she wasn't there either. Finally we went to my place. Getting him out was as bad as getting him in. We managed and he headed for the bathroom. He wasn't very good on his crutches so I trailed along to steady him if necessary. He gave a big sigh as he emptied his bladder. I got him in a chair and brought in the rest of his things. Now I didn't know what to do. The apartment he lived in was an upstairs one and there was no elevator. I didn't think he was ready for stairs yet and I hadn't been able to find his mother. I started calling around and learned that nobody had seen her since Friday. She had left work early with some guy and that was all that was known. When I told him he looked dejected and told me it had happened before. He said sometimes she had been gone as long as four days. He said that made him scared. I started worrying about that in addition to where she was. Finally I told him I needed to get some groceries and left him in the recliner with his knee propped up. Mrs. Downie waylaid me at the market. I told her about the operation and she kept telling me it was so nice I had taken the time to help him. I barely managed to get away by telling her I had to get dinner for him. As I was driving home Vern flagged me down and I had to tell him all about it and that took time. I will say they managed to keep my mind off of what I had to decide. When I got home he had dozed off in the recliner so I put the groceries away and started dinner. He woke up and insisted on coming to the kitchen so we could talk. The short nap had refreshed him. I finished dinner and after he ate I made him go through the exercises they had recommended. I felt sorry for him. As he lay on the bed trying to pick his leg up with his knee straight, I could see the tears leak out from under his closed eyelids. He never complained about the exercises, but they must have hurt like blazes. When he had finished, we talked for a while and I told him I was going to write his mother a note and leave it for her. When I had finished that, it was getting late and I told him it was bed time. His eyes lit up but when he started to head for the bedroom he could barely move his leg. I helped him and got him in bed and got his leg as comfortable as possible. I really wanted him but I didn't think we would be able to do anything together without making his leg hurt so left him and went to the kitchen to do some serious thinking. I didn't like the answer I kept coming up with. Every time I just got to like his mother she did something that changed my mind. He needed someone to watch him and help him all the time, not just when it was convenient for her. By the time I got to bed he was asleep and I felt terrible. I knew what I had to do. Neither of us slept well. Corey kept waking up when he tried to move because of his knee. I just felt bad. I was glad when morning finally came. In the note I left, I had told her to come over anytime she got home but when it was time to leave for school, she hadn't arrived. I hauled Corey to school and got there just as the meeting was breaking up. Jerry said I hadn't missed anything and I asked him if he had a few minutes. We talked a little and I told him what I had decided. He thought about it and said I was right. I felt horrible. The day was about like normal except I just couldn't enjoy it. At practice the team were all laughing and telling Corey how glad they were he was all right. I worked their tails off. I was in a bad mood but it didn't seem to faze them. They just tried harder and in the end I had to admit that they were turning into an exceptional team. Two good games and they were now thinking they could beat anyone. They had developed that intangible quality that set one team apart from another. They believed in themselves. When we got home, I ran Corey through his exercises and then started dinner. When he had recovered from them he came into the kitchen. He had finally noticed I wasn't my usual self. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I was just tired and he reminded me I had told him I wouldn't lie to him. He had me and I apologized to him and told him that I hadn't wanted to worry him. He asked me why and I told him that I was going to have to decline to tell him. The rest of the evening was a disaster. We finally went to bed and I was acutely aware of him beside me and wanted to make love to him but didn't think his knee was up to it yet. I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't cause him to jerk and move about and knew that would be painful so we just lay there and finally slept. Tuesday was a repeat except I was finally just resigned. I was a little lighter at practice and the team enthusiasm made me feel better. Corey's mother still hadn't showed up and we were both worried about her. Corey's knee had improved a lot. The exercises were easier and he didn't clench his teeth when he did them. I thought that one more day and he would be fine.  When I woke up I could feel a gentle warm breath on my back just below my neck. He had finally managed to turn and sleep on his side and was tight against me with his arm across me. I didn't want to get up. I wanted to stay in bed and feel his body against me. I loved him so much. I finally got up and he murmured in his sleep. After I had the coffee going I woke him up and made him do his exercises and he got through them pretty well. We had breakfast and, when it was time, we headed for school. At the start of my free period, Jerry called me to the office. Corey's mother was there. Now was the time to do what I had decided. I didn't want to but I had to. Corey deserved it. I told her she was being a poor mother. If she didn't do better I would turn her in to Adult and Family Services. Corey deserved a full time parent and if she wasn't willing, perhaps they could find someone who was. She started crying and said she had thought I liked him. I told her I did but that didn't solve anything. What if something had happened? I didn't have any authority to make any decisions. Besides, she was never home for him. She kept crying and trying to justify her leaving him with me. She offered to sign a power of attorney or whatever it took but I never budged. Jerry backed me up. Finally she asked if anyone had asked what Corey he wanted. I told her I didn't see that it would make any difference but Jerry didn't agree. He called Corey out of class. When he came in and saw his mother his face lit up. When he saw she was crying and I was scowling he got apprehensive. Jerry explained what we were discussing and asked what he thought should happen. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and asked why we couldn't just go on like we were. I tried to explain the problems, like I didn't have any authority for him and that I worried when he was alone at home with no one to watch out for him. He stood there leaning on his crutches for a long time and finally in a very soft voice asked if he could stay over night on the days his mother worked. If he could that would solve that part of the problem. He could stay with her on the others and that way he wouldn't be alone. Jerry started to object but Mrs. Babcock interrupted saying she thought that was a great idea and she thought we could get a lawyer to draw up some kind of papers to cover any other problems. She even offered to pay some child care if it wasn't too much. As I had never dreamed of that I couldn't think of any thing to say. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. Jerry thought it might work out if we could figure out some rules. I knew Jerry preferred to avoid direct confrontation whenever possible so was not surprised by that. It wasn't that he wouldn't but he didn't like to if it could be avoided. Mrs. Babcock kept on talking and I was still trying to think of how to respond. I asked Jerry what the community would think. After all, I might be a pervert and child molester in some one's mind and if they started talking there would be all kinds of problems. Jerry finally said he thought we should think about this for a while before we did anything and maybe it would be best if Corey stayed with me when his mother was working until it was decided what to do. Suddenly I felt much better. Maybe this would work out after all. I tried to appear reluctant when I agreed but Corey saw right through me. He winked at me when no one was looking. The rest of the day was a snap. I was walking on air and couldn't wait to get home. Just as classes got out Jerry said he had called a lawyer and set up a meeting with him for Saturday. He told me to make a list of my concerns and he would try to think of any thing he could and maybe things would work out for Corey's best. The thought went through my mind that if he knew what was going on he would feel differently but I just agreed. Practice was a blast. On the day before a game we tapered off and today was no exception. I wanted them full of energy for the game. There was a lot of horse play along with serious planning and we all had a good time. When practice was over, Corey and I headed to Vince's office. He had to get his knee dressed again. We had stopped at his office on Monday to have Vince check his knee and change the dressing and Vince had told Corey to come back every other day. He was quiet and didn't say anything. When I asked him what was wrong he told me he was disappointed in me because I hadn't told him what I was planning. I tried to explain that I didn't want to worry him and had been depressed because of what I knew had to be done. That puzzled him and I explained I had been afraid his mother would move or make other arrangements and I would no longer be able to see him.  When Vince started to examine Corey's knee he asked me what the hell had gone on with Dr. Benz. I was puzzled and said I didn't know. Why? He said Dr. Benz had told him to tell me he would be happy to write a recommendation for me if I ever needed one as I certainly wasn't afraid to stand up for what I knew was right. I finally remembered the crutches and told him. Vince laughed and said those idiots didn't know anything and it was a good thing Dr. Benz was there or I probably would have wound up in a mental ward for disagreeing with them. When he finished he told Corey he would see him Friday and he was doing fine. We went home and I made him exercise again while I fixed dinner. Vern stopped in with a couple of the scouts after the meeting and they filled Corey in on what was being planned. When it was time to go to bed Corey finally said he forgave me but in the future please let him know what was going on as it affected him and he felt he should have a say in it. I told him I was sorry but I would have to do what I thought was best just as I expected him to. On that unhappy note we went to bed. We each lay there listening to the other breath. We each knew the other was awake but neither would say anything. Finally he asked if I would hug his back. He said it is such a wistful voice I couldn't refuse. He managed to turn on his side and I snuggled up to him. I could smell his hair. It had that clean boyishness about it and I couldn't resist kissing the top of his head. My cock started to harden. He didn't help matters when he wiggled his butt up against it. It wound up settling between the cheeks of his ass. He kind of pinched his buttocks together and suddenly it was no longer hardening but was as hard as it could get. I wondered if he was ready for this yet. I let my hand slide down his stomach and when I felt his sparse pubic bush I twirled it in my fingers. He started to move and then stopped with a gasp. I could feel him slowly shift his leg and then feel him start to cry. I kissed the top of his head and told him not to worry. We would just have to wait a couple more days. He said that didn't help him now. The game went great. The team was hitting on all cylinders. The offence moved the ball almost every time they got their hands on it and the defense kept getting it for them. It was thirty-nine to zip at half and even with the second team in the rest of the game went almost as well. Corey was in his usual place on the bench taking down statistics and when it was over we went for the usual burgers. Most of the parents who had attended went with us and a good time was had by all. Corey's mother was there as she had decided to take Thursdays off and so he went home with her that night. She had told us that Thursday was the night she made the least in tips. I figured he was good enough on his crutches that he could handle the stairs.  I was surprised to see him the next morning for breakfast. He was famished as she hadn't thought to have anything after the burgers. He was right in the middle of one of those periods when kids seem bottomless. They can eat and eat and eat. I could remember when I was like that. It took a couple of sandwiches in the afternoon just to make it to dinner. A couple of snacks after dinner and I might last until I went to sleep. I suddenly noticed he was shooting up. Oh well, that could be solved with new clothes when his got too small.  He went through his exercises well enough that I made him try the second stage ones. That made him sweat as they were a lot harder. I knew they hurt and I wished I could make them easier but he had to do them himself. He looked beat and I let him lay there until it was time to go to school Jerry had brought up Corey and his mother and asked the faculty to think about what ought to be done. They had had a day and were now full of ideas on what ought to be done. There was only one who thought that turning her into the state was the best idea. Mostly, they thought I should try to work out something as they all thought Corey was really improving under my supervision. His grades were better and he seemed happier. I wondered if their confidence in me was exaggerated. They pointed out some things that they thought should be covered in any agreement. I made a bunch of notes and so did Jerry.  The whole school was excited over the team. All the kids and most of the staff didn't seem to be able to talk about any thing else that day. It had been six years since they had a winning season. The year before I started they had won only one game. Last year we had improved to five and five. By the time practice rolled around, the kids all had a swelled head. I thought it was fine that the school was proud of them but only if they didn't take it seriously. I worked their asses off. We stopped to see Dr. Logan on the way home and he told Corey he was doing fine and gave us a bunch of stuff so I could change the dressing. He told him to come back Wednesday. I fixed dinner and it was one of those rare nights when nobody called and I had nothing that required my attention. We talked for a while and I started in on the reading thing again. He still didn't think it was a problem. His grades were better and that ought to be good enough. I let it drop but my mind wouldn't. After a while he asked if he could check the internet. I told him to go ahead. He asked if I would unlock it so he could see some of the sites that were blocked. I got an idea and unlocked it and called up a porn story site. He wanted a picture site but I told him to try it, he might get some ideas. It was a gay site with some pretty good stories and I wondered if he would get the idea that reading better would be to his advantage. I went to do the dishes and left him alone. Shortly he called me in. He was having trouble with a couple of words. I asked him how he liked them. He gave me hell for not showing them to him earlier. I had him hooked I hoped. I'd unleashed a monster. I had figured he'd read for a while and tell me he was done and ask for some of the other sites. At ten-thirty I told him it was time for bed. Just a minute was his answer. At eleven I tried again. Same answer. Finally at midnight I went in and shut the computer off. He complained he wasn't done yet. I told him they would be there tomorrow. He pointed out it was tomorrow. I just said I couldn't wait any longer. He started to giggle and we went to bed. He wouldn't shut up. He kept talking about the neat stories he had read. I told him he talked way too much but that didn't even slow him down. He just kept chattering and finally I decided to put an end to it. I kissed him. Finally, blessed silence. It didn't last long. As I kissed and ran my hands over his body, he started to moan. I liked that better anyway. As I was kissing his ear he asked if he could suck me. He thought he could do that without hurting his knee. I told him only if he let me return the favor as I hadn't had dessert for a week and was hungry. He giggled some more and told me I was a dirty old man. I acted wounded and told him I had taken a shower that afternoon. He finally stopped giggling long enough to ask me if I would put a pillow under his knee as it bothered him. He evidently was hungry for dessert also as he didn't say a word after I got a pillow under his knee. Since I heard no talking I directed my attention to that part of him I had fallen in love with first. It was leaking a little and I licked it off. It was better than I remembered. My attention was now on two places. He was doing things a little differently and I had his cock to suck on. Suddenly I could feel my cock on the back of his throat and he swallowed a couple of time and just like that I could feel his nose pushing up on my balls and his chin pushing in on my belly. He had deep throated me. My god it was wonderful. I got to work on him in a more serious way. I could feel him swallow a couple more times and his head dropped back. I could feel the warm breath from his nose on my nuts as he panted a couple of times and he did it again. By now his finger was in my ass and I was wild. I was twitching and jerking and losing control. I had been fingering him and he wasn't much better off. A couple more pants and when he did it this time I lost it. I couldn't help it. He'd had a pillow under his head and I tried to push both through the mattress. His hips were bucking and I hoped his knee wasn't hurting him too badly but couldn't do any thing about it as I had no control over anything. I couldn't have stopped sucking if my life depended on it. I couldn't stop the other either. My body had a mind of its own. I had missed this so badly the past week I was beside myself. As I nursed the last few drops from him I could feel his head drop away and hear him panting. I continued to nurse for a while and then I grabbed a pillow and propped his knee up a little further. I turned around and kissed him, sharing with him that which he had given me. After a couple of long slow kisses he sighed. I whispered in his ear and asked him if his knee was all right. He said it was fine. I just laid there beside him holding him in my arms and pretty soon he fell asleep. To be continued... Postscript Okay, fess up. How many of you checked out google's ability to find poetry. Actually, I didn't really give a damn if you read "The Deacon's Masterpiece". I really wanted to point that feature of google out so that those of you who might have a reason to do so might be aware of that feature. Just for the hell of it you might check out these first lines. I happen to like these poems and believe me, they're something you might like. Not all of them, but some of them. "To Dawson town came Percy Brown from London on the Thames." "A bunch of boys were whooping it up in the Malamute saloon" "Still sits the school house by the road, a ragged beggar sunning." "The boy stood on the burning deck whence all but he had fled" Go ahead and try it. You might even find you like poetry. Fritz