Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 22:45:49 -0500 From: Milford Slabaugh Subject: Island of Lost Boys ISLAND OF THE LOST BOYS By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM [While I have taken out explicit references to age here, the reader who objects to men having sexual encounters (of any nature) with underaged boys should skip this one. My obvious inspiration here was "Lord of the Flies" though I took its basic premise in my own perverted direction.] Tyler Galim swore as the engine on his biplane sputtered, dying. Clogged fuel lines or bad fuel or both. And him way out over open water too, for crying out loud! "Shit!" He concluded after describing in rather vivid detail the plane's ancestry, chosen profession and activities with its maternal line. Then, with the pragmatic frame of mind that had let him flee Alaska for the South Pacific after the bombs had fallen and nuclear winter began to hold sway over the Northern Hemisphere, then let him scrounge both gas/oil and parts for his airplane in the years following that, he turned his mind to how to get both himself and the plane down safely. On second thought, write the plane and its cargo off as a lost cause, how to get his own ass down? On third thought, he could live off that cargo until rescue came, if it ever did, and it would be invaluable to building a camp. Better try a belly-landing on the beach. First, though, he needed an island! Any kind of island, preferably one with flora and fauna. His eyes peered out of his face, handsome if lined and browned with far too much sun for far too long, scanning the horizon. Not that an island on the horizon would be reachable from the sounds of his sputtering motor, but he could at least know which way to swim and... "There!" he said in satisfaction as he looked northeast. Smaller than he'd like, but it held trees aplenty and birds seemed to roost there, he'd live off of seagull meat and fish until he could either be rescued or die of old age. At least the fish wouldn't be nibbling at his bones and coral building homes upon him, not today at least. Even though the island reminded him of the island in the book "Peter Pan" and his island of lost boys. He would be hard put to make the island at this rate. Every updraft he could, he made use of, even when the engines died out entirely and he was flying a dead piece of metal. He had momentum, he had headwinds thank God, he might make that small strip of beach. The fact it wasn't long enough to let him land didn't matter any longer, he'd put it down and hope for the best. He landed on the sands with all the grace of a hippopotamus suffering a heart attack and the wings scraped, broke off, then the fuselage cracked in half and he was spinning about, no control, nothing to do but close his eyes and hope for the best. And when something clonked him on the head and knocked him out, he practically welcomed it, if death came, he would at least be spared the worst of it.... There followed a time when he knew little or nothing. He had a vague sense of being carried, of voices around him, young voices, as of children, speaking English. But he'd come to the South Pacific, those who didn't speak indigenous languages usually spoke French, a language he'd had to learn piece-meal while eking out a living. His brain playing tricks on him...and he slept again. Awoke again to being given food, which he took gratefully, food taken from the canned goods he'd had on his own plane and not even reheated, but most canned food, that was academic. He gulped the cold spinach and peaches and slept again.... After some time, he didn't know when, he awoke entirely. Smoke was making his eyes tear up, and he thought, the plane's on fire! And he jerked awake with a start! He was in a hut, of a sort. No native hands had woven this place together, it was the sort of place children would make into a clubhouse, odds and ends propped in place, sometimes tied but more often holding together by sheer gravity and angles of force. Which suited, because he was being looked at by several young boys! They wore a travesty of mismatched rags of clothes and attempts at native clothing (or were they playing at being cowboys and Indians without the cowboys?) "He awakes!" one of them intoned. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" another said, but not in tones of derision, but as if reciting a religious ritual. "Time to get up!" "Time to get ready to go to school!" the first agreed. "Where am I?" Tyler moved, moaned. His head still throbbed. He caught his head with one hand, and that made him look down. Shit, he was naked! "Where are my clothes?" he demanded. Not even a blanket over him, not that you needed it for warmth in this climate, but for sheer decency! In lieu of clothing, he grabbed for his ballsac with both hands, covered himself like that, inadequately. As if that motion were the sign, the boys before him (no girls at all, he noted) all knelt and bowed their heads. "The Headmaster returns!" one of them declared (he seemed to be the leader, if that headgear he was sporting were any guide, a pair of flight goggles busted out on the remnants of a headpiece. "He was dead but now he returns to us again!" "I wasn't dead, just knocked out...." Tyler droned off when he realized that they weren't speaking to him. Damn! This WAS some kind of ritual! "If I'm your Headmaster, could you get me some clothes?" "We must show him to the tribe." the leader intoned. "All must see that the Headmaster has returned." The boy was somewhat taller than the others, black haired and round-faced, he was cute as a button with that turned-up nose of him, but he still carried an aura of authority that was the hallmark of a natural-born leader. "Not everyone will want to believe." a third boy warned. "This Headmaster is alive, the old one is dead." the leader said. "They will believe." "Look, fellows, could you take me to your parents?" Tyler asked. "I need to speak to an adult here." The leader looked at him for the first time with a modicum of humanity. "You do not know? There are no others. Only us, since the Headmaster died." the boy informed him. "What happened here? Are you boys here all alone?" "Come with us, Headmaster. The storyteller will explain everything when they install you as the new Headmaster." the leader told him. By now, Tyler had given up on getting clothes. These boys wanted him naked, from the sound of things. They were going to make him their "Headmaster" which sounded like he would be garbed in some sort of royal robes. If you got to be marooned on an island with nothing but young boys for company, being their ruler by divine right was worth a short stint of nudity. These boys had rather spotty notions of modesty as it was, more than a third of the boys he'd seen were sporting their family jewels in clear view of everyone else. Those that didn't seemed to favor some sort of loincloth. Still, why should kids worry about decency if they were here all alone? Tyler got to his feet, and other than some wooziness, felt about right. The blow to his head had probably bruised his brain, and like any hematoma, the blood was breaking that bruise down a little at a time, he ought to be back to full mental faculties in a week or so. If it hadn't been a week already! Well, the throne they had waiting for him looked more like an altar, if a low, long one. A couple of feet high, a stone slab bearing on top a padded mattress salvaged from who-knew-where, Tyler was led up to the altar by the leader and at a gesture from him, sat down on the slanting side of the slab "altar." "The Headmaster has returned!" he proclaimed. Tyler, from his seat of authority, got his first good look at this tribe. Ye Gods, there must be a hundred or more young boys here! They were cheering like mad for him. For him! God, Tyler sat naked on this stone and felt like a god! "Do we welcome the new Headmaster, third in his line?" the leader called out. Third? Tyler blinked. "We do!" "Tell the tale of the Headmasters!" a boy in the crowd called out. "Tell the tale!" "Tell us of the Headmasters!" "Bring up the Storyteller!" the leader called. The boy who stepped up was, like the leader, a bit older. He stood with a book in his hand that Tyler saw with amusement was an incredibly grimy version of "The Little Engine That Could." But the boy, while he opened it, was obviously not reading the story from the book or even anything which might have been written inside it. Rote legend. "In the beginning." he chanted. "We were the School." "The School!" the crowd's more eloquent members called out. "The School had the Teachers, and the School had the First Headmaster." "Headmaster!" The Headmaster ruled the Teachers, and the Teachers ruled us." the Storyteller went on. "And we lived and were fed and clothed and housed, and all was good." "Then came the Fires!" "And then came the Fires." the Storyteller agreed. "And the Fires bloomed like roses all around us. But the Headmaster was ready!" "He was ready for the Fires!" "The Headmaster took us all to the Plane. And the Plane picked us up and it carried us to this place." "Tell of the Landing!" "The landing of the Plane was bad. The trees reached up and caught the Plane and yanked it down onto the ground." "We were shaken about like rocks in a can!" "Like rocks in a can we were shaken about. The Plane landed and it was so hard that some of us were hurt and the First Headmaster was gone." "He died saving us!" "We were boys lost without a Headmaster. But the Second Headmaster, the man who flew the Plane for us, he was here, and he became our new Headmaster, and he tended to our injuries, helping us to heal and helping us to learn to hunt and to live and to build this place." "The Second Headmaster!" "But then, in the second year of our life on this island, there came the fevers." "We were all so sick!" "We fought the fever, and some of us died, but the rest of us lived." the Storyteller went on. "But the fever was hardest upon the Second Headmaster, and he was gone." "Gone, the Second Headmaster." "And so now we are alone, and it has been a time, but we remember." the Storyteller concluded and closed the little book as if closing a bible, solemnly. Tyler realized then, what had happened. The war these boys called the "Fire" had been over three years ago. Now, their memories were nothing but the confused comprehension of children and nobody to teach them what was right and what was wrong, except that one man. They must have worshiped him like a god! And in the mists that closed in after his death, the likeness became a reality and these boys were now seeking a new god made flesh to replace their old. The leader stepped up. "We remember the Second Headmaster." the boy said to all of them. "We loved him and he loved us all. He taught us and cared for us, and we cared for him and we remember. But now we are fortunate enough to have a new Headmaster to come to us. We can love him and he can love us as the Second Headmaster loved us." "But will he love us like that?" a boy in the crowd called out. Tyler saw that this boy was both of an age with this tribe's leader and obviously something of a troublemaker. "What if he is a false Headmaster? Remember the warnings of the Teachers!" "The Teachers warned us to be careful!" "We must test this new Headmaster." the leader agreed. "And that is why we are here, now." He turned to Tyler. "We are boys alone on this island but for you. But we would be better off alone as we were, if you will not love us. Can you love us as the Headmaster should?" Tyler considered this. Of course little boys couldn't know everything there was to know about survival, despite a year's teachings from another pilot. Pilots all had survival training and, living in Alaska, Tyler had more than most applicable to this wilderness. "I can love you as a Headmaster should." he agreed. "I can teach you to survive and help you to live here. Your last Headmaster taught you much, but there is more to learn. I can teach you." And the boys, cheering, promptly swamped him, dashing up to crowd around him. Tyler blinked, but he had promised to love these boys, they must be starved for adult affection, he let them hug him and he hugged them in return. There were hands tugging at him in all directions, pushing him over onto the throne and pushing him into a lateral position, so that he was lying on it. He wrote it off to boyish enthusiasm and hug-hunger, he didn't notice at first that some of those hands were pulling his arms and legs into...manacles? Manacles! "What? What is going on here?" he gasped when he realized that he was well and truly captured. Both legs and one hand were trapped, the one he had left was unable to tug his captured hand free. He was lying at about a forty-five degree angle, spread-eagled, in full view of the boys in the crowd. His one arm was pulled up over his head so that his hand was above his head, his feet were resting on the ground now. With the padding behind him, this was not an uncomfortable position, save that manacles on ankles and one wrist are always unpleasant. He writhed in the manacles, and the boys oohed and ahhed as they watched him, a big, strong, hairy man with broad shoulders and bulging biceps, all in his nude beauty, squirming in the shackles before them, helpless. "What the hell are you boys doing?" This was fodder for the boy who had protested before. "See? He is not the new Headmaster! He doesn't want anything to do with us!" "We shall test him and we shall see what we shall see." the leader declared. Test? That word had taken on a more ominous tone all of a sudden, especially given his naked and manacled state. Tyler raised his sole hand toward the leader as he approached. "Now wait a minute here, just what sort of test are you looking at here?" "The test of the Second Headmaster. By this, he showed his choices as to who would lead for him, and he showed his love for us." the leader said. "As leader, I am the first to test you, to see if I am the one you will trust, the one you will want to be your voice in this tribe." That didn't sound like any form of torture about to happen. Tyler's arm lowered slowly from its defensive pose. "All right." he said, taking a deep breath. "Go ahead and test me." The leader's response was to untie the strand that held his loincloth about his waist and let it drop off, this left him with only his head-gear, a band around one bicep, and similar bands around the calves of both legs. One side of this elevated altar had step-like blocks on it, they had looked like a triangular decoration to the back of the throne before. Now they showed their purpose, the leader stepped with his slender legs up the first few steps and this brought the lad up to where his shoulder would just fit under Tyler's armpit on his captive arm's side. The leader lifted a leg up to rest against Tyler's thigh and put an arm over onto Tyler's chest. "Mmmm, Poppa!" he murmured. "Do you love me, Poppa?" How do you answer that question, tied up and naked in front of a crowd of watching boys, to a strange naked boy now cuddling up to you? "I have to get to know you first, wouldn't I?" he demurred. "Yes, Poppa." the boy responded and the hand on his chest slid down and down. Tyler realized where it was heading. "Now, just a minute, Son." "Son!" the boy sighed in satisfaction. "Yes, Poppa, yes!" And the hand finished its trip and grasped Tyler's prong. "I'll be your son, a very good son, you will see." Tyler gasped and his hand reached down to take the boy's hand away from his prod, but the boy had him stroked and up to full mast before he could get hold of the small wrist and pull it away. "Stop that! That isn't right!" With one hand pulled up and away, the boy quickly replaced it with his other. Tyler groaned and tried to puzzle out how to deal with two busy hands on a child when he only had one of his own. He settled for taking the hand on his cock away but of course the boy immediately resumed with his first hand, and by that time, he had made enough strokes on Tyler's prong to put his erection beyond any hope of redemption. He was at full attention, and a rope of precome leaked out to make a greasy-looking rope dangling down from his glans until the blob at the end found and attached itself to his balls. "See, the Headmaster accepts me!" the boy/leader called out. "Yes, yes, the new Headmaster!" the crowd cheered raggedly. "Make him our leader!" "Make your choice known!" "Annoint your chosen leader, Headmaster!" "Make him your own!" Before Tyler could muddle out the meaning of this tirade from so many mouths, he found out what these boys were talking about, for the youngster stepped down onto the ground again, and grasping Tyler's prong again, this time leaned over slightly and took Tyler's cock into his mouth, sucking up the precome that still hung there like so much syrup leaking from a snow cone! "Oh, Lord!" Tyler moaned prayerfully as the boy took his dong easily down his throat. That Second Headmaster, oh, he'd been a crafty bastard, hadn't he? Alone on an island with only boys for company, how long had it taken him to decide that he could turn their worshipful devotion to his own ends? How long before these boys would give themselves to him in a fierce competition for his attentions, and this boy the one who pleased him best! And now, that pleasure was his! His hand, his one free hand, that could have pulled that boy's head off his cock, instead went down and rested lightly on top of his bobbing mop of hair, threaded itself into the mass, and began to gently guide him on his path. "He accepts Johnny as the leader!" "The new Headmaster!" "We are saved from the darkness!" "He will guide us all!" Oh, God! Tyler's eyes closed tight and he grunted in his pleasure at the boy's moist, suckling mouth on his dong. Stuck here on this island, it had been years since they'd been here and nobody but him come along. He'd be stuck here with these boys, all these boys, all vying for his attentions, his pleasure, his desire! He'd own them all, a harem of boys, all his! The thought of that ignited his desire and he moaned. Like a signal, the boys all crowded close around him again, pressing as close as they could get to Tyler at his moment of ecstasy, and in the midst of this mass of eager young faces peering at his groin intently, Tyler hit his climax. "Ah-ah, AH-OOH-OOH-AH-UH, GUHHHH!" He held back as long as he could, relishing the height of his orgasm, then when he ejaculated, it was at an intensity of sexual height that he had rarely reached before. And just at that moment, the leader boy, Johnny, Johnny let go of him and his hand replaced his mouth and he pumped Tyler's dong as it ejaculated. Hot spears of jizz flew from Tyler's cock as he spewed his load, the wads flew heavy and wide and plentiful. The boys congregated before him bore the brunt of it with a delight that approached ecstasy, they cheered and yelped in their delight as the hot salty spunk peppered their faces and bodies all about. Johnny's hand was jacking him hard and fast, and every last jet of his spunk flew out, all but a few final dregs that leaked out and Johnny took these as his just due, he took Tyler's prick back into his mouth and sucked on it blissfully, draining Tyler utterly dry. "Ah-huh, ah-huh, ah-huh, a-huh!" Tyler panted huskily. "God, kid, that was a terrific damned suck-job you gave me." The benevolent lord of his domain, ruler of all he surveyed, he looked out over his new kingdom. "So now I'm you're new Headmaster, am I?" "You are the Headmaster." the leader agreed as he stood erect, a boy handed him his loincloth and he tied it again about his waist. "So how about untying me and letting me assume my duties?" Tyler said. "And how about some clothes for me while you're about it?" "The Headmaster is ready to assume his duties." Johnny told his tribe. "The next one in line may now approach." "Me, me, I'm next!" the boy was the one who had protested Tyler's ascension to the post of Headmaster. "All right, Doug, you're next." Johnny seemed resigned to this, though it was obvious that this Doug boy was skipping over several other boys in this "next" whatever it was. Surely these boys didn't intend.... But Doug pressed his way through the throng and got up next to Tyler and lifting up Tyler's spent and still-wet prong and slipped it into his mouth. Again, Tyler was treated to a well-trained and well-energized sucking by a young mouth; the second time around though, the prospect was distinctly less charming, marooned on an island without hope of rescue or not. Still, he rose to the occasion and when Doug had him well-slicked and well-standing, he let go and said through spit-slicked lips, "Now, I'll show you something your leader hasn't yet learned about." Doug scampered up the blocks like Johnny had, but instead of cuddling, he threw his leg up higher and around and locked his lower body around Tyler's waist. His feet managed to meet around Tyler's body, lifting him up away from the mattress of the "altar." Then he gasped, "Okay, someone guide it in for me." "You're not going to do that, are you?" Johnny gasped out, not leader now but a startled young boy, unsure of himself. "I sure am." Doug exclaimed a confederate of his moved in and held onto Tyler's dong, and Doug's asshole and Tyler's prong got better acquainted. "I been practicing ever since this guy showed up. He'll make me the new leader in no time, you'll see." "I don't believe this." Yep, Johnny was knocked aghast by this. Tyler wasn't sure he did, either. Doug had gotten a good start on taking his prick, but the going was hard. Doug was grunting and moaning like any virginal ass. "Sure you been practicing?" Tyler groaned through gritting teeth. "Yeah, I have. Not this big, of course, but I can do it. You'll see, you'll see." And the boy persevered. Tyler wondered if Johnny would order Doug off his cock, but he wasn't doing anything. Maybe he couldn't. Every kid got his shot at the "Headmaster" for the chance to please him more than the other, and Johnny had made his chances easy by being the first. But with Doug upping the ante by taking Tyler's cock up his ass...damn, that might let Tyler appoint him the new crown prince after all! Doug was grunting and moaning like mad by the time he got Tyler's prick into him well enough that the boy felt entitled to stop. He'd only managed the head and a couple of inches, but Tyler wasn't protesting, he had a boy hanging onto him, the youthful face inches away from his own, pretty enough, Doug was a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy of Scandavian stock at a guess, and his little mouth pursed up in painful intensity made him about the prettiest boy Tyler had ever seen! If he could make good on his promise and made Tyler come again, maybe he OUGHT to be leader! Doug was bobbing up and down on him, Tyler in his pent-up state couldn't help in any significant way, but this boy was doing it for him all by himself! "Ah, yeah, kid, ride my cock, ride it, ride it!" he grunted as Doug bounced on him. "Prove you'd make a good leader to me, prove it, prove it!" Doug moaned and bobbed faster, and Tyler realized this boy was coming, just from the act of being fucked by Tyler. "Yeah, come on, kid, get off on me, get off on my rod, make it squirt, make it cream in your ass, come on, come on!" Doug groaned, shuddered as his climax wracked him and then he was exhausted, sobbing. "Ah, yeah, boy, that's it, made you come, didn't I? You love this big, hard dong, don't you?" "Oh, yeah, yeah!" Doug moaned. "Next one." Johnny announced triumphantly. "Huh?" Doug turned, sweat-slicked and spent, to look at Johnny. "Everyone gets a turn. Your time is up." "But, but...." Doug grunted as he was pulled bodily off of Tyler's waist and the ass released his prong with a "pop" feeling. "Okay, Tony, you go next." Johnny breathed a sigh of relief as Doug was ferried away. Tony was eager to get a whack at Tyler, and "whack" was right, he was busy with his hand in no time. Not even his mouth. Tyler was worn out and with this boy pumping his pud, he was able to compose himself enough to look over at Johnny and ask, "How many of these boys get a chance at me before this is over?" "Over?" Johnny looked puzzled. "But you are the Headmaster." "Yeah, I know." Tyler grunted. Handjob or not, he was getting warmed up again! "But when do I finish this initiation and get to the business of running things here?" "I am the leader." Johnny pointed out. "Yeah, I know, but I'm the grown-up here." "You are the Headmaster. The Headmaster must care for all the boys. He appoints those who will work in his name. We show you our love in our unending devotion." "Unending...devotion." Oh, God, he was getting close! He couldn't come in a boy's ass, but this young hand was getting him? Or was it the fact he was learning the fact that he wasn't in charge of these boys, he was going to be their living toy. An eternal line of boys coming at him to play with him, jerk him, suck him, a few fuck him. And as the years wore on, more and more would ride his prick. He could milk these boys until they hit their own puberty, and even after due to their worship of him. "You are the Headmaster, and all will get their turn with you." Johnny went on implacably. "You love all of us and we all love you. And we will each show you our love and you show your love for us." "All of you." Over a hundred boys. God, even on his best day, he couldn't come more than four or five times. And they'd keep on coming and coming and coming at him, so many hungry boys, all of them, eager to play with his cock, eager to jerk or suck him, eager to make him come, make him squirt, make him. "Oh, God, I'm coming again!" he moaned out. "Your time's up, Tony." Johnny spoke up. "Dylan, you get to take him this time." Dylan was one of Johnny's "henchmen" from the looks of him, and Tyler judged that Johnny was cementing his loyalty by giving him a chance to catch a wad hot off his cock. Dylan ran forward, grunting, and dove onto Tyler's prod, sucking at him hard and fast. Tyler moaned and jerked, his cock was an agony of ecstasy, he shook, groaned and thrust his hips up into Dylan's mouth and squirted a second load. Dylan slurped it all down eagerly, grunting like a pig at his slop-trough, and even when Tyler was done, exhausted, limp, Dylan kept on sucking at him. "Oh, oh, I'm done, I'm done, enough, stop already!" "Let him go, Dylan. Okay, Jimmy, your turn." Tyler felt Jimmy's hands on his prick with a moan that was from the very heart. A hundred boys. Every one of them wanting their turn. Johnny walked off with his buddies in tow, satisfied that his leadership was re-established firmly. While he, Tyler, who'd thought he was to become ruler of all he surveyed, found instead that he was going to spend the remainder of his days like this, facing an endless line of boys, all hands and mouths and asses, and by giving them his come over and over again, he was confirming Johnny's leadership, like a king ritually confirms the Prime Minister who actually runs the kingdom while the king does nothing but be a symbol. Figurehead! He was nothing but a fucking figurehead on this island of lost boys! Tyler moaned, his cock rose up again, and Jimmy gleefully sank his mouth onto the prick and sucked at him. More boys were behind him, each waiting for their chance to make the big strong man shudder and come. Just a fucking figurehead. And the fucking was going to go on forever. THE END Comments, complaints or suggestions? E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM