It Happened So ...

This is a fictional homo-erotic story. And if you have read this far, then you know the rules about the legal and age stuff so follow them, please

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Chapter 48

The warmth of the morning woke us all at almost the same time and we realised we were totally naked, lying on top of our sleeping bags and covered in a sheen of sweat.
"Let's go and grab a shower and then some breakfast and by then it will be about the time PP's ma is going to fetch us to go to the clay pits." Willie suggested.
"I dare you all to just carry your shorts and shirt and go naked inside to the shower." Johan challenged us.
"You're on. But you've got to do the same." I accepted.
"Of course. I don't want to put my clean clothes on over this sticky skin anyway." Johan agreed standing up with his shorts and shirt in his hand and his takkies in the other.
Willie and Lionel did not have much choice as they would not want to lose face and soon the four of us were walking across the yard as naked as the day we were born towards the house. Simbinyoni might have seen us, but again the rule of discretion applied and if he did he never let on that he had seen anything.
Once our showers were over and we had each brought our partners off with either hand or mouth, we pulled on our shorts and shirts and went through to the kitchen in search of breakfast. Simbinyoni told us he put it all out on the veranda and we trooped out there to find bacon and eggs with fried bread and freshly squeezed orange juice.
Willie's estimate on timing was near spot on and ma arrived shortly after we had finished the last morsel of all that had been prepared for us. We went to the front door to get our takkies from where we had dropped them as we entered the house on the way to the showers earlier and once we had pulled them on, we went and got into the back of the bakkie. Ma, however, was not going to look like a chauffeur and insisted that at least I sit in front with her as she needed to discuss some things with me. Grumbling, I did as I was told and we set off towards the clay pit and brick making.

On the way, ma told me that they had finished the wall and she thought they were starting production once more and this was why she wanted me to be seen to be checking up on the progress as I had set the ball rolling those few days earlier. So now I had to play the role of the lord of the manner and strut around inspecting the work I had ordered.
When we arrived there was a deathly hush as they waited to see what I would do. I got out of the bakkie and walked over to the work area. Firstly I went and checked on the wall and just nodded my head as I moved on to the drying area where the bricks were sun dried before being put in the kiln. Another nod and I moved on to the kiln which was quite cold having not been fired for a couple of days, I bent down and looked in and then crawled a little way in to give the idea that I was checking out the inside. I wasn't because I knew nothing of the construction of kilns of any sort let alone these huge things. Finally I went down into the pit itself and checked the two levels of sifting operation and scooping up some dry clay from the second stage I let it run through my fingers to ensure that there were no stones that might affect the firing of the bricks. Taking off my takkies, I walked into the pit itself and let the clay squelch up through my toes as I trod it like the others were supposed to. I got out of the clay and signalled for Dingaan to come to me. He was nervous as he approached but I held out my hand to shake his hand and a grin spread across his face. "Ja, Dingaan, this is what I wanted. Good. Now let's make some good bricks." I said in a voice loud enough for all to hear. As I let go of Dingaans hand the volume level rose as all the labourers started to talk with the tension broken. Then Dingaan called out and they started to perform their allotted tasks. Soon the talk changed to a melodious chant as they began to sing in time to their work movements. Even if you can't understand the words they are singing, the music and timing of the black people of southern Africa is a joy to listen to.
The song changed to one that I knew and being still barefoot and covered in clay, I stepped back into the pit and putting a hand on the shoulders of the two workers either side of me, I began to tread the clay and sing along with them. I learned much later on in my life that this was one of the best moves for me to make as it increased the respect the labourers had for me. Also it helped them out because not long after I had started singing there were another six feet pummelling the clay as Willie, Johan and Lionel joined me and the labourers.
We had only been treading the clay for about ten minutes when ma called out that we had to move on and so we stepped out of the mud and allowed one of the workers to spray our legs with a hose to wash the clay off. Once we were clean again, we got back into the bakkie, with me in front with ma again and she took us back to the farm houses.
That evening we were sitting together on the veranda having our sun downers when Oom Jakob came over with Willie following behind. Johan had already left to go back to his own home with Stephan and ma had invited the rest of us to join her for the drinks.
"Sarie, they have made many bricks today. I am sure that there is nearly half as much more today than what they were doing before things got changed." Oom Jakob told ma. "And they all look much better than those earlier ones. PP you will make a good farmer when you are older." He praised me.
"He is already a good farmer with what he knows. As he learns more he will become a better farmer." Hennie said much to my embarrassment.
Ma was really pleased with these unsolicited comments coming from the two men she relied on to run the farm. She was very proud of me at the moment. I was too unsure of how I would sound if I spoke at all and so looked at the floor and kept quiet.
Lionel used his father's words to tease me quite a bit after that, but he too was proud of the praise his lover had received.

For the rest of the school holidays Lionel and I were together more than we were apart and found that we worked well together. We did not spend that much time just playing, but rather spent more time doing chores that needed some attention around the farm. Lionel liked this because ma always paid him for his work and with nothing to spend it on he was building up quite a nice bit of savings to take some to school with him and keep the rest as he wanted to buy a mini bike to use on the farm. After the day we had spent harvesting the hay in the big field with Stephan, ma allowed me to use the smallest tractor we had to get about on the farm and so I was able to go off and do some minor repairs or water pump services without needing an adult to go with me. Of course on most of these little trips, Lionel accompanied me and we did a lot of the work totally naked gaining a rather good all over tan. Not that Lionel's tan was so noticeable, but he did darken slightly. It also gave us several opportunities to relieve our sexual tension either with a blow job or a fuck out in the open which was especially nice when we had not been able to take care of things adequately in our room.

The added responsibility and trust shown in us by the adults on the farm did bring about what I believe to be a faster change than would have happened if we were just playing around during the holidays and we both matured a lot in those few short weeks. There was not a lot of physical change at that point, but our outlook and behaviour matured beyond what would normally be expected of boys of our age. Perhaps this maturing had already started from before because of pa's death, but I think the confidence that comes with the maturity only began to show with the clay pit situation working out so well. The improvement was immediately noticeable in the greatly reduced number of reject bricks and the increase in daily production because the clay was better and moulded more easily allowing the moulders to speed up.

I am sure that it was during these school holidays that ma became suspicious of the truth concerning Lionel's and my relationship, but she never let on that she had some questions. Possibly my reaction when Lionel left the day before me to return to his school answered some of her questions because it was then that I realised how much Lionel really meant to me and as I watched the dust cloud move down the road behind his pa's bakkie I felt like a part of me was being wrenched and torn from me. It affected my mood which I tried to pass off as being sad to leave ma behind on her own, but I am sure she saw through me. Mothers have an uncanny ability to do things like that.
Of course my departure the next day was one of mixed emotions too. Stephan was taking me, Willie and Johan and so I had to ride up front with Stephan in the double cab while Willie and Johan played with each other on the back seat. Seeing those two enjoying each other's cocks and tasting each other's produce kept me hard and randy but without a means of relieving it. Stephan now had his boyfriend and so did not want to play with me or even have me riding naked and wanking yourself when you have got used to having it done by your boyfriend just doesn't achieve the same level of satisfaction. Those who have experienced this will know what I am talking about.

When we arrived at the boarding hostel car park, there were only a few others who had got there ahead of us and so we found it relatively easy to get our trunks inside. Willie and Johan did the same again and piled one on top of the other and jointly carried both trunks in and up the stairs to their dorm. My sports and the physical activity I had done on the farm had helped my muscle base to develop sufficiently to carry my trunk by myself; so after saying my goodbye's to Stephan I took up my trunk and began to make my way down to my dormitory. I had not got far though before John came to my aid and helped me. We dumped my trunk on my bed which was the same one I had had the previous term and then went back with John to his room. The reason for this was that I was still sporting a boner when John first saw me and with not having any underwear on I was not able to hide it easily and he quickly picked up on it. Once in his room my clothes left my body so quickly it was almost magical and John's lips engulfed me in a much needed suck. It was only after I had blown my load that realised that John still had his clothes on and I was about to protest when there was a knock on the door. Quickly I moved out of sight while John went to see who was there. As John opened the door I recognised the sound of Dawid van Heerdon's voice.
"Uh, hi John, do you know where PP is. I see his trunk is on his bed but I have not been able to find him?" Dawid asked.
"Ja, I sent him on a special mission for me. He will back soon. I will tell him you were looking for him. Where are likely to be?" John replied.
"Ah, I guess I will just go back and wait in the dorm." Dawid answered sounding quite forlorn and lonely.
"OK, I am sure he will not be much longer now." John said and closed the door on Dawid.
I stepped out in front of John again and he remarked that my boner had not really gone down even though I had just shot my load. Then he mentioned the length of my pubes and I told him about Lionel and what we had done. I made an approach to fondle John, but he stopped me and said that he could not risk it yet because as people returned he could get disturbed anytime. "After dinner tonight you can report to me with Mark and we will have some fun then. Now you had better get back to the dorm and see what van Heerdon wanted." John suggested.
Reluctantly I pulled on my clothes and left him still a little hard as I anticipated what Mark and I would get later on.