Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 14:18:54 +0000 (GMT) From: Nathan Me Subject: James chapter 19 'James' by Nathan New email address Please note that email address listed in chapters 1 thru 14 are no longer active and I no longer use the groups mentioned there. My stories are now archived at This story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between adults and children. If you find this kind of material offensive, if you are under the legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in your country, please do not read any further. My stories may contain some factual or autobiographical elements, but they are works of fiction and any apparent similarities of my characters to real people are not intended. This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded, copied, printed or otherwise reproduced in any way other than for your private enjoyment and may not be changed in any way without express written consent of the author, me! I hope you enjoy this story. James: Chapter 19 It was dark. Very dark. And cold. He wasn't sure where he was or what time it was. It must be night because there was absolutely no light to be seen anywhere: not a single ray slicing the dark through a chink between badly drawn curtains, nor a landing light seeping beneath a door, nothing. It was eerie and very cold. He realised that he had no covers and was totally naked. This wasn't right. What had happened? He remembered coming home with Chris and the others, having pizza for dinner and then watching TV. Yes, and the sex, everyone doing it, but that was where his memory ended. He felt stiff and uncomfortable. Cold, tired, stiff, uncomfortable and now he was becoming scared too. Something wasn't right and now, in the depths of this absolute darkness, a sound: a slow deep breathing noise. Someone or something was somewhere in this darkness with him. He dared not speak; even held his breath. He listened: silence, except for the breathing, which seemed to come from everywhere. He wrapped his arms around himself and drew his legs up into a foetal position. It served both as reassurance and to keep some warmth in, but it also put off having to explore these creepy surroundings and any investigation of who or what was with him in the room. What happened? How could he have gone from being with Chris and the others, to this? Fear gripped him. Maybe it was irrational, but he was neither fully awake, nor fully aware. He lay as still as he could. He closed his eyes as tight as he could, holding out this unnatural darkness and replacing it with his own familiar and explainable darkness. As he lay, he started to recall some of the things that had happened in the family room. He recalled going a lot further than he had ever gone before. He recalled the sense of abandon that allowed Chris and, well he couldn't remember yet who else, to penetrate him, screw him. His stomach turned as some half remembered monster tried to surface, but was beaten back by his subconscious. He'd allowed it to go too far. Had he allowed it? Did he really have any choice? What was it he couldn't quite remember? Did he really want to remember? He became more uncomfortable both physically and emotionally as the seconds dragged past. Somewhere, deep in the darkness, something stirred. A low moan confirmed that something was there. He heard a rustle. Maybe sheets, he hoped. A grunt preceded a yawn. It was a person; well he hoped it was. Why was he such a coward? A wave of fatigue overwhelmed him and he started to drift off to sleep again, but was held on the brink of that sleep by the cold and fear that was still steadily rising inside him. He could neither wake fully, nor fall back to sleep. He was held, suspended in that in between where dreams seem real and monsters roam unchecked by reality and make no sense at all. It could have been seconds, minutes or hours, but eventually he made a rational attempt to explain his circumstances and it finally occurred to him that it was one of the children sleeping in another bed near him. It also occurred to him, eventually, that he would probably have been put to bed with covers. That would be normal, wouldn't it? He reached out, each movement stiff and uncomfortable. He turned over and the cold air assailed the side that had retained some warmth by being pressed against the mattress. He shivered, but found a rough blanked scrunched up behind him. He pulled it over him and tried to tuck it under himself too. Silent tears welled in the corners of his eyes and escaped over his cheeks and nose, heading down towards the bed, or perhaps they flowed into hell. Was this hell? It could be, but wasn't hell hot, full of fire? What else did he deserve after everything he had done, allowed others to do to him? He was ashamed and even shunned the memory of his mother lest he taint it with his guilt. He sniffed back a sob. "You awake?" The voice startled him. He didn't recognise it. "Yeah. Who's that?" he whispered. "Philip." "Who's Philip?" he didn't remember anyone else being in the house. Certainly no one called Philip had joined them for diner. "I am. Who are you?" "James." "Where did they get you?" "What do you mean?" "Well, they lure us in here so they can have sex with us and then lock us in here." "Really?" "Yeah. " "How long have you been here?" "Two weeks I reckon, though it's hard to tell as they keep the door locked most of the time." "Where are we?" "In the basement. The cellar." "Shut the fuck up, will you. I'm trying to sleep." A gruff voice came from the other direction. "That's Andy. He was already her when I came. How old are you, James?" "Twelve. You mean they keep you and Andy locked in here?" "Most of the time, until they need us." Somewhere above them they heard a crash and loud voices. People were shouting, but James couldn't make out what was going on or what was being said. Fear and confusion gripped him harder. People were running and there were several more loud crashes. After what seemed like about ten minutes of activity, everything went quite again. "What's goin' on?" James asked. "Dunno." It was Andy's gruff voice. He coughed, like a smokers cough. "Shush. Someone's coming down the stairs." Philip hissed through the darkness. There was a scuffle outside the room and voices again. The voices receded and then it sounded like someone was coming closer once more and putting a key into a lock. It turned and the door was pushed open. Allowing what seemed like a blinding light in from the hallway. "Three. Three boys, boss" A tall uniformed policeman moved into the doorway and scrutinised the room. He turned around and waved a WPC (female police constable) into the room. "Watch them while I try and find them some clothes. Just get their names for now." "What's goin' on?" Andy growled. The WPC smiled round at them before answering him. "We have raided the house because we received a tip that the two men who live here were abusing children. We've been watching them for a while and got a warrant late last night when we saw them turn up with another boy. When we came in, the eldest boy upstairs said you were all locked in down here." "That'll be Sam. What's gonna happen to us?" Philip asked meekly. "Well, first we'll want to ask you a few questions, but then we'll find you some where to stay, or find your families. What are you names?" "I'm Andrew Scotten. That's Philip Carsten," Andy said pointing to a boy about James' age in the bed opposite, "but I dunno who he is. He just came in a few hours ago." "What's your name, son?" The WPC smiled, but it seemed false, put on, like it was something she had been trained to do. "James." He eventually managed to whisper. The big policeman re-entered with a mixture of clothes, which he threw on Philip's bed as that was nearest the door. "Put some clothes on and then PC Hammond here will bring you up stairs to be with the others." "Others?" James asked. "Yeah. The other three boys that were upstairs." "Oh." So Chris, Danny and Sam were upstairs, not in the basement. Well maybe that was because they were family. He looked at the bed he was on. It had a bare green mattress, stained and threadbare, and just the one rough grey blanked he had already found. Maybe they had proper bedding and their own bedrooms. How could he have been so stupid to let this happen to him? Philip was pulling a t-shirt over his head and Andy was walking across to select some clothes for himself. Andy looked a lot older. He looked even older than Sam, maybe about fifteen or sixteen. Philip stood up off the bed and reached down to pull on some tracksuit bottoms. He had a small amount of pubic hair but his arms and legs were very thin, almost like sticks. His hair had been shaved down to stubble and as he bent over, James saw several long welts that looked like someone had hit him repeatedly. Philip caught him looking and James quickly averted his eyes, embarrassed. It was as if he had invaded Philip's privacy, exposing something the other boy wished he didn't have to share. The tall Policeman must have seen or sensed something too. When he spoke again his tone was softer, warmer than the commands he had seemed to bark out previously. "Come on son. You too." He walked over to the pile of clothes, chose a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and threw then across to James. "I know they're not up to much, but we'll get you all sorted out properly later. We just need to get you out of here." "Where to?" "The Police station for starters, and then somewhere more comfortable" WPC Hammond ushered the three now clothed but still barefoot boys up the cold concrete corridor and stairs. Through the door at the top of the stairs, James immediately recognised the family room. Sam, Chris and Danny sat glumly together on a sofa. Andy, Philip and James took the other sofa and they waited. The three family boys wee staring at their feet. Chris and Danny were very scared. Sam glanced up at the other three boys and caught James' eye. Although he too looked glum, James thought, just for the briefest moment, that he caught a twinkle in the teen's eye. As if they shared a private joke. Something... The moment pasted and another Policeman came in, threw them some trainers and went out again. James pulled them on and then leaned back, waiting. He looked over his five companions. Andy was obviously the eldest. Sam and Philip looked about the same age, but Philip was a lot slighter and with his head shaved, he looked ill. Sam, Chris and Danny were as James remembered them, except no one was smiling now. WPC Hammond came back in with a woman in ordinary clothes. They strode purposefully into the middle of the seating area and surveyed the boys. Andy stared back at her defiantly, as if he knew her. She smiled, he didn't. "Well, boys, I'm Mrs Daniels and I work for Social Services. We are all going to the local Police Station where we'll get you some breakfast and a warm drink. While we're there, the police will want to ask each of you a few questions, but don't worry; we know you haven't done anything wrong. We just need to find out what's been going on here. To help the police, I'm going to ask you not to talk to each other. That's because they want to get each of your statements independently, because that's better if the men end up in court, but don't worry about any of that just now. We have a couple of cars outside waiting to take you. So, come on boys, out we go." She spoke to them, James thought, as if they were five years old. She stood waving her hands, as if she were directing traffic. Sam got up first and everyone else followed. They crossed to the unmarked police vehicles that lined the curb, blocking the drive. Beyond them were several police cars. The boys were ushered into the back of each vehicle, three to a car, and told to 'buckle up'. The journey to the station was silent. The drivers made no attempt to engage the boys in either car in conversation. Perhaps they had received the same instructions from Mrs Daniels. A huge white painted iron gate rolled out of their way and the cars drove slowly into the compound behind the police station. The boys were ushered up a concrete slope and were buzzed through a thick metal door. A barred gate blocked the corridor inside. It was just what James imagined prison would be like. They were led down a corridor and into a reception area. They stood in front of a high desk covered with computer stuff and recited their names and dates of birth. He was terrified. Were they being arrested? Mrs Daniels had given a completely different impression, but this was happening now. He was here and he was afraid. He also remembered how Andy had looked when the big woman had entered the room. "And your name?" The fat policeman behind the desk asked. James answered. His voice came out so squeaky that he had to repeat everything. That done, the three boys were shown down several corridors and into another room. This one was larger and had soft chairs scattered around it. Along one were shelves and storage boxes full of children's books and toys. On another wall there was a huge window, only it was more like a mirror. The boys found seats and slumped down into them just as Mrs Daniels reappeared. "Now, boys, because of the things that we think might have been happening at that house, we have a doctor coming who will want to make sure that they haven't hurt you physically. He's a very nice man. But before that, we want to have a chat with each of you and one of the WPC's will also bring you all some breakfast in a few minutes." She looked round and tried to make eye contact with each boy, to offer reassurance, but James noticed Andy was having none of it. "OK." She huffed and turned to Sam, "Samuel, you come first please." She motioned that she meant now and he complied by getting up and following her back out of the room. A moment later another WPC appeared carrying a tray with several white paper bags and plastic tumblers. She placed it on a low table in the middle of the room. "Breakfast, boys. Hope you find something you like." She offered a weak smile and backed out of the room as if she were retreating from a cage of lions. Was this how everyone would treat them, either as five year olds or as prisoners? James wanted to cry. He looked over at Chris and Danny who were seated together, and noticed that Chris was hugging Danny who was already sobbing. Andy got up and started looking through the bags. "Fuckin shit." He took a large bread roll from one bag and bit into it. He must have bitten straight into an egg yoke as yellow goo squirted out onto his chin and t-shirt. "Fuck." he wiped his chin with his fingers and licked the yoke off them. Phillip burst out laughing and received an angry stare from Andy, who then also burst out laughing. Philip got up and started handing out the bags. There were more bags than boys, but they all seemed to contain the same egg and bacon breakfast roll. Danny sat holding the bag, staring at the floor, but Chris opened his and began eating. James wasn't hungry so he just held it and let it warm his hands. He watched the others. It must be harder for Chris and Danny and Sam, he thought, because the men were their dad's. Danny sniffed back his tears, opened the bag and peered inside, as if he had no idea what it might contain. After a few minutes, he too took out his roll and, using the bag to hold it, started nibbling the edge of the roll. As instructed, there was little chat, but the boys were continually catching each other's eye, as if to seek reassurance that they were in this together. No one stood alone. James was just thinking that, maybe, he too would nibble a little of his roll, when a man came in and told him to follow. He got up, put his bag down and followed the man down the corridor into a white washed examination room. Waiting for them was another man, but this one was wearing a white doctors coat. "Well, they tell me you're James. How do you do?" He reached out to shake James' hand. "I'm Dr Ross, and I need to check you over to make sure you've not been hurt physically. Now some of the examination may be a little uncomfortable, because I have to check your private places too. But I'll be as gentle and as quick as I can. Ok?" He stood, as if genuinely waiting for James' permission to proceed. James nodded, not sure what else he could do. What would this Doctor do if he said no? The doctor told him to undress. By the time James had disrobed, the Doctor had pulled latex gloves on. He flashed a light into James' eyes. Used another thingy to look into his ears and used a lollipop stick to hold James' tongue down while he inspected the boy's mouth. James had no idea what this man was looking for but the Doctor continued to tap, poke and prod. He examined the boy's penis and testicles and James went red. Eventually he asked James to get up on an examination bench and pull up his legs. James felt exposed and as he lay there, something grazed over his anus and he felt his muscles react involuntarily. He saw a frown cross the Doctor's face as he turned and nodded to the other man who had stayed and watched the whole examination. The doctor let out a big sigh and turned back to Jason. "Ok, son. You can put your clothes back on and then Mr Bateman will take you back through to the others." James felt a dam inside burst and he started to cry. The two men just stood there. It wasn't done for professionals to touch unnecessarily, but just now, James needed someone to hold him and there was no one to do it. He thought of his mother, but she had gone. Then he thought of Tom. Maybe Tom wasn't so bad after all. Tom had held him. He wanted someone to hold him, love him. He needed someone, but just now, there was no one. What would happen now? More to come...