Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 20:19:06 -0700 From: Subject: Jason Adonis 23 Jason Adonis by: dnrock( 23: Holiday in Switzerland That evening we took a night train from Amsterdam to Basel, connecting to Bern. I had the good fortune to be sharing with Drew. As soon as we locked the compartment door, he was in my arms. You would have thought the boy was totally deprived of love and sex. I know he has lots of love and figured plenty of sex but I guess what he lacked, were those commodities from his man. His man had lots too but not from his boy either. In almost nothing flat we had extracted each other from our clothing and were on the lower bunk giving each other the oral satisfaction, we both craved. I can not describe how I felt unzipping his fly and letting my fingers fondle his thong, covered boyhood. The tingling surged from my finger tips right to my cock. "My boy, my boy," I whispered. Drew's fingers fondled me having followed my lead, "My man, my man," he replied. Our women are wonderful people. Eva is a super sex partner, even hotter between the sheets then she looks, and she looks very hot. I can't tell about Sandra, she is to young for me to guess from looks but given the small amount of Drew's ejaculation production, I'd say keeping him fully occupied. The difference is Drew and I know exactly how to drive his partner to the limit and we can both take each other into our throats completely, that's right up to the pubic bone. Drew can get the head of my cock in his throat and then milk it using this throat muscles. I don't quite know how he breaths but I never see him turning blue. Flushed red with passion but not blue from lack of oxygen. We sucked, fucked, cuddled, kissed and fondled all the way to Bern. Well not quite all the way. We did have to dress and collect our stuff before we arrived. For damn sure neither of us got much sleep. He did not want to talk about his afternoon, I didn't ask. I remember accompanying Klass to the November 11 ceremony in Calgary. The speaker was saying something about as long as we remember them, they are immortal. Klass would say we honor their memory because it's the least we can do. .................. In Bern we stopped at our condo. The fitters from the sportswear firm came by and measured everyone, making sure our fits were exact, most important for ski boots and skis and skates. Except for the swim wear and turtlenecks with the family crest and other clothing, all of this and a lot more sports gear would be donated to the Foundation. We would not take any of it back to Canada. Our speed skates would be shipped home from Amsterdam. The brothers had the Foundation delivery assignment. Eva, Drew, Sandra, Klass and I had a meeting with Smitwit. I thought the Johnson and Adonis families needed to protect our two young lovers from themselves and from the families. Some kind of prenuptial agreement was in order. Something that would protect them from family pressures to conform and would protect them from each other, if things went south between them. I know the foundation was running short of babies but did not want to see the couple put into a position of panic decisions. I know he too wanted to see that Eva was properly protected from the Adonis'. Smitwit had taken Eva into his firm while she was still a student and provided her with a father figure and mentor. I also know, he wanted Eva to continue on in school to become an attorney. Having a profession was the best protection for a woman in Swiss society, which is still just a bit backward in its family law. All to many women marry and have children, only to find themselves trapped in unhappy and unworkable situations. He believed they needed some kind of professional background to fall back on, an ability to support themselves and their children if necessary. He had other rich clients with eligible boys and girls that would soon be forming relationships. His clients wanted to protect their fortunes and their family names. Klass had a duty to see that both situations were properly protected and that his new brood of nephews and his new son did not screw up to badly. It was probable that of us nine, six would have more then one wife/partner and that all the heterosexual relationships would produce offspring. He would work with our US and Canadian legal people, to see that what ever we did was solid in all our home countries and fair to all parties. The most important thing was proper protection of any children. I wanted to make sure that our bi sexual activities, should they continue, and right now I sure as hell wanted that, could not be used to pry any couple apart. Infidelity had to be carefully defined and the ability to make exceptions, needed to be included. Our time at the resort was wonderful and filled with non stop activities. We did all the sports stuff, found other young people to interact with, pic up - no hit hockey and short track speed skating on hocky skates were popular, and so on. Eva's brother visited her, staying for a few days. He turned out to be a very likable fellow, who got along especially well with Geoff. He reported that Eva's gifts were well received, particularly by her mother and the children. Her father was still not willing to talk to her and the older brother was still a bit standoffish. (That is the best translation from the German I can come up with. He used the term gleichgültig which translates to indifferent but given his tone of voice and expression, I think standoffish is better.) From some of the comments Reinhard made, I took it to be a control issue. One thing I was sure of, Eva was not about to be controlled by anyone. She is a team player and cooperative but don't try and tell her what to think or how to feel and don't ever try to make her do something she does not want to or believes is wrong. Anyway, I kind of liked the fellow and so did Klass and the brothers. He, more or less fit in with us and was willing to get into our sports and games. I took it he and Geoff had some professional or educational interests in common. I think Geoff had some physical attractions but don't believe that came to anything. While Eva was spending quality time with her brother, I had a chance to spend some quality sex time with mine. Eva was surprised to see him and gave me a rather evil look at first but quickly warmed up to the situation. You would think she was accustomed to my little surprises but perhaps we never really get accustomed to these things. It was Drew that kind of made the difference, by reminding her, "everyone deserves a second chance, family included, I'm glad I gave one". The kid is smarter than all the adults sometimes. This was one of them. Reinhard was impressed with Klass, who went out of his way to praise Eva's work and skills. He was overwhelmed by the brothers and I think somewhat relieved when she introduced me as her boyfriend, and the others as her new younger brothers. I don't think he thought his sister was as sophisticated and intelligent as she is. I'm not sure but got the impression the family thought she got her job with Smitwit and with us, for reasons unrelated to skills and ability. I suspect he did not know how well she did at her college. She left home before she finished school and got a job with Smitwit's office, as a low level clerk. Smitwit or someone recognized her ability and he encouraged her to finish high school and take a two year night course at the college. She is now 24. I think she should start at the U of C part time, this fall along with the brothers. We will see but our new education assistance program will help, we will just need to find someone to take over part of her duties. I guess I had better get to finding that personal secretary, I have been thinking about. On our last day in the Bern area the brothers gathered up all the sports equipment, along with a whole truck load of stuff from the factory and took it to the Foundation. Their feelings about the place had moderated with time. Their feelings about the staff had moderated too. Many of their contemporaries were now gone and the younger ones were older. On the flight home they related their experience. All reported good feelings and were glad they went. They were particularly happy about the reception received when they unloaded the truck full of sports equipment. "We answered a thousand questions about Canada, but I don't think they believed my description of Banff and Lake Louise," Ziggy bubbled. I could see the wheels turning in Zig's head. I think appointing him to the board of directors for the Foundation was one of my better ideas. He was starting to take his role seriously and I'm sure would become a strong voice expressing the children's desires and point of view. But I got ahead of my self again. Fortunately our meetings went well and quickly. A call from Eric, who was in a minor panic, brought them to an abrupt end. The Foundation had just received four new kids, who were causing lots of difficulty for Ms. O and the Director, well for everyone. Ziggy said, "we need Klass and Drew right now." I explained a bit to Klass about four new `inmates' who were acting up, who had been harshly abused and were obviously frightened at finding themselves in a strange institution. Klass just need to know four kids were in distress and he was on the road. Sandra thought this was all very exciting, I think Drew did too but he had seen Klass in action before, hadn't he. We found Ziggy sitting on the floor with the four; he was holding a little girl about 9 or 10 in his arms. She was crying something fierce. Two other nine or ten year olds were sitting next to him not saying a word. They looked like brothers to me. Sitting opposite Ziggy was a boy or 12 or 13, who had the most defiant scowl on his face, imaginable. He was not going to trust any of this, that was clear. The other brothers were all sitting around not far away. We were quickly briefed. The children had come from two different places. the older boy and the girl from Belgium and the two younger boys from Romania. One boy did not appear to hear, neither would speak. All they would do was sit. The girl would only cry and the older boy would not trust anything and was absolutely defiant. The major difficulty was some kind of sit down protest and total non cooperation. These kids had been scooped up by some agency or another, whisked to the foundation and dropped off. The Foundation staff was just not prepared for this or for children suffering from such emotional trauma. This was new for them. Why something like this should happen, with no warning or preparation, I did not know nor did I or any of us care. Eric and Stan met us at the door. They thought that Klass might get through to them if Drew showed them his scar and told them how Klass saved his life. They just might trust us or perhaps them enough, to give some cooperation, so things could get started. Klass went over and sat down on the floor and talked a bit to Ziggy in Dutch and English, which none of the children understood. He switched to German and French which seemed to get through at least to the three that could hear. "Children, my name is Klass Henderson, I grew up in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. I am Ziggy's uncle and the uncle of all those young people." Klass had his deep kindly voice going and made lots of gestures. "I'd like to tell you a story. It is a true story and involves me and my son. His name is Drew and he lives in Canada, that's where I live now." (all this was happening in two languages, everything repeated in French and German) "Do you know any Indians," the little girl asked, between her sobs? "Yes we all do, we live close to a tribe of Blackfoot speaking people and several work on the ranch where we live, they are cowboys." Her eyes were a big as saucers and the two little boys were staring right into Klass' eyes. He must have noticed this and made sure not to look away from them, except when directing his attention to the older boy or Ziggy and the girl. Ziggy began drying her eyes with his handkerchief. Klass called Drew over to sit opposite him. Now they formed sort of a lopsided square. Kind of a trapezoid. Klass asked Drew to slowly take off his shirt and show the children his scar as he told his story. Drew's German and French is not half bad so he understood clearly. Klass told the children, that when he was a boy, during the war, he was saved from drowning by a Canadian solder. Not only was he saved but he was protected and cared for until that solder found him a good family to live with. "I always felt I had a debt to that solder but he would never let me do anything to repay his kindness. `Always try and do the right thing and one day you will do something, that you will recognize as being equal to the kindness you think I have given you.' One day I met a boy, the friend of my nephew Ziggy here." He pointed at Drew and Ziggy. "Drew called me on the telephone one night to say he had been hurt. I got in my car along with Herman over there," pointing to Herman who nodded in recognition, "and went to his aid, as quickly as possible." Drew had now removed his shirt and the children were looking at him wondering what he was doing. "Drew had been stabbed and I helped to stop the bleeding and get him to the hospital. The physician told me a few more minutes and he would have died. Show them your scar Drew, please." The little boy who did not speak or appear to hear, reached out and touched Drew. Drew smiled at him and gently took his hand and traced the scar's length. "I tell you this story, because I want you to know that Drew and I understand your situation. That we would never do anything to hurt you or any other child. We want to help you. You must to let us help you, so we can repay our debts, to those who helped us. Do you understand, what I am saying?" This was a moving scene. Drew told them, "my dad told me, when I woke up in the hospital, I was under his protection and he would never let anyone hurt me again and no one ever has." Drew called Sandra over and she sat by him. "This is Sandra, she is my girlfriend and she wants to help you too," he said to the little girl. Sandra reached out her hand. The girl was hesitant but took it and moved over next to her. They started talking in French. Ziggy was telling the boys that he and his brothers all grew up in this place and they are good people and no one would hurt them. He called the brothers to move in closer. We live in Canada now with uncle Klass and our older brother Jason and his betrothed Eva. "Ziggy, I told you she hasn't asked me yet." The two hearing boys laughed. That was the first time the older one broke his scowl and even attempted to smile. It was quite a nice smile too. The talked went on for about 30 more minutes. "Now that we all know each other except for you." I pointed at the hearing impaired boy. Eva handed me a piece of paper and pencil I printed my name and pointed to myself. The boy moved closer and took the pencil printing. Darko and pointed to himself. I reached out and shook his hand. He responded with a big smile. I don't know any Romanian, so was kind of at a loss. I printed in German but he did not read German very well. Klass asked the older boy what his name was, he responded Kirk the other lad was Sasha. The girl was Penology. Penny, I said and she smiled. Ziggy went to get the house parents. He brought them in and they too sat on the floor. Ziggy introduced them, telling the children that they had been his house parents, when he lived at the Foundation, "my bed was right over in that corner." He trusted them, Klass and Drew trusted them, so should they. The older boy Kirk, pulled his shirt off to reveal a number of scars and bruises. He had been held in a small room for weeks at a time and beaten if he said or did anything his captors did not approve of. Sandra finally got Penny sitting on the house mother's lap and talking to her. I was holding the deaf boy close to my body with my arms wrapped tightly around him. That is when I saw the scars on his head, partly covered by his long hair. I almost cried, my eyes were beginning to water. How could anyone beat a child about the head so much, that his hearing would be damaged. I was sickened at the thought. Sasha said he was afraid to talk because every time he said anything they did not like they would beat him. He just stopped talking. So they beat him for not talking but just not as often. "No one will beat you ever again, for any reason," Trevor said, as he unfolded his 6' 7" towering above the boy, "if they do they answer to me. He pulled the frightened lad up onto his shoulders. His head brushed the high celling. At that point my cell phone rang. "No Ed, you will just have to hold tight and file a new flight plan. I don't know how much longer we will be. I'll call you when we are on the road." I showed the scars to Eva and she immediately pulled the boy to her ample breasts, holding him and stroking his back, kissing his head. We had to get on the road. I felt reasonably confident that they would be more or less OK now but this little one needed some special care. I asked Stan to fetch a calendar and mark down when we would be Switzerland again and to get Ms. O. All the boys were telling Foundation stories about growing up there and how much fun they had playing sports and going to school. I spoke briefly with Ms. O, she commented that she was more then pleased with her former charges and that I must be doing something right. "Look at the magic you have done in only a few hours." Ok, I like my ego stroked as much as anyone and yes, I do take some pride in all this. I asked her to keep little Darko with her for the next few days, until he feels more secure, "see that his hearing is examined and spare no expense, what ever it takes, if it can be restored". Eva brought Darko over and introduced him to Ms. O. He was a bit afraid at first but warmed to her, under that tough exterior was a kind and generous person. Her only defense from becoming to attached to the children, was the pretend exterior of sternness. She did speak some Romanian, so was able to write some simple words for him. That sealed it, he was hers from then on. I didn't know she knew any Romanian but that's OK, I do now. Stan showed the children and house parents our calendar on my laptop and printed out the dates, promising them, one or more of us would be here to see them, on these days. Kirk asked Klass, if the people that had hurt him could ever do that again. He told him no not while he was here at the Foundation and that if he could tell the Swiss police who those people were, Jason would make sure they were put out of the child abuse business for good. He protested that they would kill him if he told. I reminded him they would need to get past the 12 of us first and everyone else at the Foundation second. Herman showed him his 9 mm saying, "I am an expert marksman. No one will ever hurt you again son, Mr. Adonis, Mr. Henderson, and I, give you our word. We don't do that unless we know we can deliver." Drew pulled Klass aside and whispered something to him. Klass moved back into our circle and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He programed in the numbers at our Calgary office and his Canadian cell. "Kirk you take this. If for any reason, even if all you want to do is talk, just call me." Kirk did not want to take the phone, perhaps he did not realize he could have such things, his own things, in this place. Drew smiled and pressed his hands around Kirk's. "That is yours now, if I had not taken one, just like this from my father, I would not be alive today. Please." Drew looked around for support. The house dad spoke up telling Kirk, it was Ok to take the gift. Drew showed him how it worked and programed in his Canadian number. Each of us stepped up, adding our numbers to his phone memory. Ziggy was the last. I overheard him saying, "when I was adopted the surprises have been to many to count. I grew up here, so nothing about this place was a surprise to me but you are new, everything will be a surprise, let this just be the first of an endless number." As we walked to our cars Sandra was kissing Drew, I guess he earned lots of points with her. We were all waving and being mobbed by the children. The word spreads fast in a place like this, new sports equipment, the visit of the brothers and four new children caused excitement to spread like wildfire. I imagine it will be hours before everyone gets settled down. The most vigorous waves came from little Darko, pumping one arm and gripping Ms. O's hand tightly, with the other. In the car the brothers were buzzing. Most of all they were astonished that Ms. O had taken little Darko to herself as she had. Her stock rose dramatically with this crew today, when they realized she was as kind and compassionate as she is. My stock rose with her too, when she realized I had done better than keep my word, where the boys were concerned. "I suppose you were rescuing a damsel in distress," Ed quipped, with his germanic sarcasm in full force. "Of course, Penelope and three little boys, Eva shot back." I do like her style, the way she just off handily tossed that off. It is obvious she is becoming more comfortable as part of this circus. Ed's face drained of color, one joke to many and I'll also bet his wife did not let him get away with that at home either. Geoff explained. On the way home Sandra asked if she could send some of her clothing, dolls, stuffed animals and things to Penelope? "No, Klass braked, you can not send but you can take." Her face dropped for a second as his words sunk in. "I could kiss you," she said, now smiling. "Kisses are good and when from a pretty girl, very good," the old man replied. "Jason, next time you visit the Foundation could Johan and I come along?" "Absolutely, you will be bringing Klass, Drew, Sandra and Ziggy to Bern in about six weeks or so, Valentines day. I'll bet the Director will want you two to give some career concealing to the older boys and girls." Just than the telephone rang and Ed handed it to me. "I guess they found you and we are just over Scotland, that's fast." "This is Jason." I listened. "Well Director, I don't think my computer is lost or forgotten, have you turned it on?" He switched it on. "The welcome screen says Darko's computer." "I told you It was not mine." "Ah but your business card is in the pocket along with five candy bars?" "Well sir, it is Darko's computer and I guess his candy too. If you hook it up to the internet he can E-mail us. Is he in the room?" "Yes he is here, with Ms. O., in fact he refuses to be separated from her." "Well show him the screen." I heard this shriek of joy and a loud Danka, Danka! "His first words since he came... oh my he is kissing the screen, will that hurt anything?" "No, It won't hurt anything. Tell him the more use the computer gets the better it will work." "He is laughing, I think the boy knows more about computers than we thought. I suppose you left gifts for the other three?" "No but if you look around the cottage I'll bet several PDAs will show up. These toys are nothing, you have the privilege of delivering the important things like love, self respect and a desire to learn." "Jason you are incorrigible, but please don't change. You have reminded all of us why we are here, why this place exists, danka, danka. I suppose you are at the controls?" "Yes along with one of your graduates Ed Marshall." "I didn't know Edward was your pilot." "Yes and a fine one too. His second in command is Johan Swensen, you must remember him." "Oh yes and I remember thinking, when they were boys, that Ed would ware out Johan's bum. I didn't believe any two boys could have that much sex." He laughed "Would you like to talk to Ed?" Foolish question. .................... When we got home things got more or less back to normal, what ever that is defined as. For me it is slightly organized chaos. Trevor had been mulling over his hobby and while his photographs were often good, by my judgment, they were not good enough for him. Klass sat us both down in late January. "Trevor have you committed the family to paying tutoring fees related to your photography?" "Yes sir, I did but..." I cut him off. "You should have asked first." "I, know but as you can see, the tutor refuses to take my money." "All well and good but you committed the family..." Klass cut me off. "It is easier to seek forgiveness than permission. Let it rest Jason, no harm was done. Let's hear what Trevor has to say." "I wrote to Mr. Bidis asking if he would touter me in his photographic techniques, over semester break. I said, `my family is prepared to pay for his instructions, knowing I had more than enough personal funds but thought it sounded better, if I said family. He wrote back saying he could not take any money from me, as he was doing a pro-bono shoot in Whitefish at semester break but if I could get to Whitefish with my cameras, he would look after my food, lodging and film. I could work with him, as his assistant." "That is the photographer who's works you keep buying and whose web site you showed me?" "Yes, I think I can learn a lot from him." Trevor had most of the details relating to the project. In short, Bidis knew two deaf children who had no other deaf children to play with and who had not met each other because they lived so far apart. A boy and a girl. The boy was the one Bidis had a hand in freeing from the kidnapping. The idea was to make a photo essay about the meeting and interaction of the children, produce that essay in a salable form, so the local associations supporting the hearing impaired could raise money to further this kind of learning experience. Trevor thought it was a great idea and he wanted to be a part of it. Skiing at Whitefish was also supposed to be good and he figured he could do some of that too. I asked him to get more details about the project and would support his participation. We looked up Whitefish on the web and when the brothers found out how good the skiing was reported to be, everyone decided to go. We could ski while Trevor went to photo school. I asked Herman to investigate Mr. Bidis and his project. We quickly learned he was good at what he did. Had a reputation for being innovative and creative and was liked by everyone he came in contact with. He had found his young assistant Brad, wondering in the woods lost. Brad has worked for him since. We also learned his parents were a geology professor and a biology teacher. Professor Bidis was an old friend of Derek Smyth our mining consultant. Over all I had a good feeling about this fellow and his project. I was most impressed at how he was able to recruit professional and monetary support. I was even more impressed when I learned that he and Brad and the others, were donating their time and materials to the project, with no thought of ever receiving any remuneration. I am amazed at how our network of friends, acquaintances and associates, of one kind or another turn out to be interconnected. Our FBI agent friend Snipe, was a buddy of Constable Higgens of the RCMP, here in Calgary. They had both worked with us on the Midway affair. Snipe had been a boyhood friend of Dr. Smyth, who came recommended from Dane. Now Smyth knows Dr. Bidis and has known Apollo since he was a baby. Snipe is the FBI man who handled several interconnected cases, that involved Apollo and Brad as witnesses or intended victims. Even more intertwined, Bidis attended a master class and had some of his work displayed, at the Art Institute in Chicago where our old family friend and US legal advisor Rupert xxx is a director. Apollo has a reputation for doing the unexpected, playing pranks and practical jokes and being a the kind of person to offer his help and assistance when needed. The story about his and Brad's, liberation of the little deaf boy is, I was told, typical. The fact that he stayed in contact with the boy since, also speaks about his character. This fellow sounded to me like someone I had to meet and get to know better. He sounded like someone I wanted to have as a friend.