Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 05:18:05 -0700 From: Phantasm Subject: Jasons-Haven-27 Jason's Haven by Phantasm Warning The following story is purely fictional. Any similarities to real persons or events is strictly coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between males of varying ages, including minors. If such material offends you or is illegal in the location from which you are reading it, please seek your reading enjoyment elsewhere. This story is copyright protected under the pseudonym of "Phantasm". This story may not be redistributed in whole, or in part, without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be used by anyone in the pursuit of monetary gain. The author of this story in no way condones the physical, mental, or sexual abuse of anyone, particularly minors. Author's Note Comments, sent to, about this story are welcomed. While Tim and James are in Romania, Vasile Predescu serves as their guide and interpreter. All dialogue spoken by Romanians will be written in the English translation provided by Vasile for the convenience of the reader. Some Romanian is written and instantly translated for effect. Chapter Twenty Seven I woke to a knocking on the door. I answered the door and it was Vasile. "It's 3:30am Tim. Time to get moving. Breakfast in ten minutes." he said. "We'll be there Vasile. Thank you." I replied. I closed the door and gently shook James awake. "Time to get ready to go home, angel." I said, as he struggled to open his eyes. We both got dressed and walked out to the dinning hall. Although meals in most orphanages in Romania are horrid at best, meals at our facility were good quality. We had a hearty breakfast of oatmeal with a slice of fresh baked bread covered with a slice of ham. By 4:15am, our four shuttle buses had arrived and we loaded up the boys. Vasile sad his tearful goodbyes to his now unemployed staff. Then we headed out to the airport. We arrived at the security gate at 4:55am and the guard did not wave us through. Vasile and I got out to speak to the guard and ask if there was a problem. "Where are you going with all of these boys?" asked the guard. "The arrangements for our flight manifest has been taken care of with Costin." Vasile stated. "I do not see any Costin here. Perhaps you had better make arrangements with me." the guard stated boldly. "Will this resolve our little misunderstanding?" I asked, as I handed the guard three thousand dollars. This was equal to three years salary for the guard. "Your paperwork seems to be in order. You may pass." The guard said as he waved our buses through the gate. Vasile and I climbed on the last bus and rode out to the side gate of the tarmac. We unloaded the boys quickly and ushered them onto our waiting plane. We got everyone seated and then the customs agent boarded the plane. He did a quick walk through before taking his money and leaving the plane. I took the cabin mic and addressed the boys on the safety features of the plane. The pilot informed me we were ready to take off so I told him the cabin was prepared. Before long we were in the air and on our way home. We would arrive on Jason's Haven around 10:00am since we were flying back against time zones. I was certain that it was going to take me a week to recover from the jet lag. I got up and grabbed a soda for myself and one for James. I showed Vasile where the sodas where so he could take care of the boys. We would serve them a box meal later in the flight. When I took my seat, I handed James his soda. His eyes were tearing up and his upper lip began to quiver. "What's wrong, my angel?" I asked with concern. "It's not supposed to be that way." he sobbed. "What is not supposed to be that way James?" I asked. "Children aren't supposed to die laying in a sewer." he stated. "Children aren't supposed to die at all James. But sometimes it happens. And when you are born in an impoverished country, it happens far to often. But if you stop and consider how those children had to live, the ones who die are really the lucky ones. They are not suffering hunger pains or sleeping with rats any longer. They no longer endure a loveless existence. They have been spared the prolonged suffering of mind numbing poverty. I am very proud that you are showing so much compassion for them James. But sometimes, life is just hard." I said, as I wiped away his tears. "What was their crime? Why should they be punished like that?" he asked. "They were born, my love. Sometimes that is enough." I replied sadly. "I wish that I could tell you that life was fair and that all people are compassionate. But your own experience teaches you otherwise, James. Life is not fair, and compassion is in short supply these days. Most of those kids are gypsies. They are hated because they are different. Pure Romanians consider themselves superior to the gypsies. That is why those kids are called the unwanted children of Romania." "So, is that all that life is about? Hating people because they are different than you?" he enquired. "No James, it's not. Hatred, bigotry, and intolerance are as old as Cain and Able. Man hating man, brother hating brother. But love is a much more powerful force than hatred, my angel. Love is the strongest force in the world, and it is the very thing that makes life worth living. Never stop believing in the power of love, James. But remember this. Love is useless, until it is given away." I said as I leaned over and kissed him. I placed a blanket over James and told him to get some sleep. Once he had drifted off to sleep, I walked across the isle and sat down next to Vasile. I scanned the plane and saw that all of the boys were asleep. "I am glad the boys are sleeping. They will have a long day ahead of them once we land." I stated. "I am sure the excitement of seeing Jason's Haven will keep them going." Vasile chuckled. "Your boyfriend is a big softy, just like you are Tim. He's a keeper." "He is still young and idealistic, Vasile. I hope the years do not make him as jaded as they have made me." I replied. "I don't think you are jaded at all, Tim. You are just a realist. All of these boys are being given a wonderful chance to make something of themselves. A real chance at happiness. And that would not have happened without you. You're a good man." Vasile said as his placed his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you Vasile. I appreciate your friendship, and I appreciate all you did for the boys back in Romania." I replied. "It's not going to be an easy task to get forty Romanian boys accustomed to life on the island. But between the two of us, I am sure we will manage." I stated before heading back to my seat. I called the pilot and ask him to buzz me on the cabin phone in six hours. Then I covered up with a blanked and drifted off to sleep. I woke to the buzzing of the cabin phone. I answered it and thanked the pilot for the wake up call. I gently nudged James to wake him up so we could eat. I reminded him to get his personal things from the storage bin which he did. I walked over and gently shook Vasile to wake him up. Vasile walked over to the cabin mic while I readied the box meals and sodas. Vasile announced to the boys that it was time to wake up and eat and then he came over to help me with the meals. James decided to help distribute the meals which made the task a little quicker. As we were passing out the meals and sodas, one of the younger boys was having trouble getting his tray table out of the armrest. I sat the meal down on the tray next to him and showed him how to pull out the tray table. "Multumesc domnul Stevens. (Thank you mister Stevens.)" the boy stated politely. "Cum te cheama? (What is your name?)" I asked. "Radu." he replied. "Cu placera Radu, si nume meu este Tim. (Your welcome Radu, and my name is Tim." I replied before moving Radu's meal and soda to his tray table. I gently tussled his hair and then went to get some more meals to pass out. Within ten minutes, everyone had their meals and we ate our boxed breakfast. It was not the greatest meal in the world but it would tide us over until lunch time on the island. We had fruit cup, ham & cheese on a crescent roll and a pastry. When the meal was finished, Vasile and I collected all of the trash and placed it in the trash bin at the rear of the plane. We returned to our seats and I announced to the boys that they should try to get a little more sleep. We were still four and one half hours away from Jason's Haven. I was beginning to get excited about seeing the boys faces once we landed on the island. All they had ever known was a hellish existence. And now they were about to be introduced to an island paradise. I laid my head back and drifted back into dreamland. The Pilot buzzed me when we began our initial decent to Jason's Haven. I got the boys awake and had them buckle up for safety. The looks on their faces were priceless. I have never seen a happier crew of boys in my life. Freedom was waiting just a few minutes away. Vasile was looking pretty happy as well. This would also be his first taste of true freedom. "It's beautiful." Vasile shouted across the isle as we came in for a landing. The plane touched down and we were finally home. The boys made their way up the jet-way with Vasile, while James and I waited for the last boy to leave. Then we made our way to the changing room to shed our clothes. Each of us had our quads at the airstrip so we hopped on them and headed for home. Once we reached the house, we unloaded our bags and laid down on the bed to cuddle. It was a grueling trip but well worth it. "Are you feeling better James?" I asked. "Yeah. I will be alright. I just wish there was something we could do for the kids we left behind." he replied. "There are lots of little ways to help, angel. I am sure you will think of something that will help them." I replied. We snuggled close together and fell asleep. I was startled when the telephone rang. I jumped up and looked at the caller id. It was the intake center calling. "Now what?" I thought to myself. "This is Tim, how may I help you?" "Tim, this is Calvin over at Intake. We have a bit of a problem here and we need you to come over." Calvin stated. "I'll be right there." I said as I hung up the phone. I left James to his sleep and headed for the front door. I started to yell for Stefan and David to let them know where I was going. Then I remembered that Stefan had turned eighteen and the two of them had moved to staff housing while we were gone. I scribbled a quick note to James so that he would know where I had gone if he woke up. Then I bolted out the door and climbed on the quad. When I arrived in the intake center, Vasile was standing with one of our nurses. Four of the boys were setting their in hysterics. "What's going on?" I asked. "These four boys have all been caught having sex by the police. When the police catch gay boys having sex, they take them in and interrogate them for days to get names of other gay boys. The police put shackles on the boys hands and slide a pole between the elbows and their back. Then they hang the pole from hooks in the ceiling so that the boy is hanging with his arms pulled tightly behind him." Vasile explained. "Then they put a device on the boy's privates and tie a cord to it. The cord is holding up a very heavy weight. Naturally it causes great agony for the boy and he will eventually give up names to stop the pain. The device your staff is trying to put on the boys resembles the device used by Romanian police. These boys are afraid you are going to torture them." he continued. My heart was crushed at hearing this gruesome explanation and I could not hold back the tears. "I am so sorry Vasile. I forgot to tell them about the device. It is only for their protection. No one here would dare hurt a hair on their heads." I replied. "Perhaps if you explain what the device is for and that it will not hurt them, they will allow it to be put on them." Vasile stated. "No, I have a better idea. I will be right back." I stated before walking over to the intake desk and grabbing the phone. I dialed Allen's number and had him hastily arrange a conference call of the executive staff. I told him not to bother with James since he was sleeping. A few minutes later, the phone rang and it was the conference call. "I have a situation that requires us to make four exceptions to the chastity device rule. Because of a torture situation in each of the boys' pasts, they are terrified of the device." "I propose we allow these four boys to go without the device. I will take full responsibility for the boys and they will stay with me during orientation. They will not be permitted out of the house unless James or I are supervising them personally. Is everyone agreed?" I asked. The result was a unanimous vote to issue four exceptions in this case. I thanked the executive staff and ended the call. I walked back over to the four boys and knelt down in front of them. I spoke to the boys in Romanian. "Please don't be afraid boys. No one is going to hurt you here, ever! You do not have to wear that device, but you will have to stay with me until orientation is over for you. You will have to be with me or James at all times when you are not in my house. Are we agreed?" I asked. "Da! (Yes!)" came the response in unison. "Are they finished with intake then?" I asked the nurse. "Yes." replied the nurse. "Okay then, follow me boys. Vasile you go with the other boys and get them settled in." I instructed. "I will take Radu and his buddies to my place and get them settled in as well." I said as we headed for the door. The four intake buddies were waiting outside and patted their seats to let the boys know to get on their quads. Our little convoy made its way down the path to my house. When we arrived at the house, I had all the boys come inside. The intake buddies waited by the pool while I got my four Romanians settled into their rooms. Since Radu and Petre were the smallest, I put them in Stefan and David's old room. I put the two other boys in the remaining guestroom. I was very clear with the boys that no sexual contact with each other would be tolerated for one week. The boys assured me they would follow the rules. I walked into the master bedroom and woke James by nibbling on his ear. I told him we had company and explained the situation with the four boys to him. This only steeled James' resolve to help the children back in Romania. Once the boys were settled in their rooms, I brought them downstairs and out to the deck. I had the new boys pull up chairs around me so that we could chat a bit. Each of the olive skinned cherubs looked good enough to eat. "How old are you Radu?" I asked. "I am eleven Tim." Radu replied. "What's your name, and how old are you?" I asked the next boy. "My name is Alexandru and I am twelve." the boy replied. "And how about you?" I asked, as I pointed to the next boy. "My name is Antonio and I am fourteen." he replied. "And you?" I asked the final boy. "I am Petre and I am almost eleven." he replied. "Very good then. Lets go get something to eat boys." I said as I stood up and started walking towards Paradise del Ragazzo. "I want you boys to start using the English you know as much as you can okay?" I asked. "Da, ummm, yes Tim!" Radu replied. The boys all snickered at the slip up. I found the heavy Romanian accent on his English very romantic sounding. For the next few months, it was gonna sound like we had forty little Count Dracula impersonators on the island. When we arrived at Paradise del Ragazzo, we walked in and were seated at a large table. I made sure the four Romanians sat close to me so that I could help them. "Nu stiu bucate un Engleza. (I don't know food in English.)" Radu stated. "No time like the present to learn." I replied. I started pointing down the menu and making the boys say the Romanian word and the English word for each item. "You sound funny speaking Romanian Tim." James chuckled. "It's okay to laugh at me James. But don't do it when the boys are speaking English okay. It will make it very hard for them to learn if they don't feel comfortable making mistakes." I pointed out. "Of course I wouldn't laugh at them, Tim. I am glad they are here, and I want them to be comforatable speaking." James replied. "Perte, fish" I said as I pointed to the menu. The boys all chuckled. "No Tim! It's peste, not perte." one of the intake buddies informed me. My jaw hit the table. "You speak Romanian Jacob?" I asked the boy. "Yes Tim. My grandmother could not speak anything but Romanian. I had to learn the basics so that I could speak to her." Jacob replied. "Well, that sure explains how you got picked for Intake Buddy duty this week." I chuckled. "I volunteered Tim. All the boys know about the Romanians, and we are happy to have them. Everyone wants to help them get used to speaking English and living on the island." Jacob responded. "As always, you boys make me very proud." I said with a puffed out chest. When it came time to order, I let the boys say what they wanted and then gave them the English word so they could tell the waiter. They all did very well with their pronunciation so I hoped that they would pick up on the English very quickly. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and then headed back to the house. I asked James to supervise the boys while they were out with their intake buddies learning the island. Jacob could handle the translation needs. James agreed and the boys were off exploring. I made my way back to the office and checked my messages. I had a message to call the booking department but that could wait for tomorrow. I booted my computer and logged into the network so that I could check my email. I found one from Nicolae Suciu and opened it first. I was afraid something had gone wrong and someone was going to come looking for the boys. "Intregi (Complete)" was all it said. It was Nicolae's way of letting me know he had received his money via electronic funds transfer and that any trace of the boys' existence in the child care system of Romania had been erased. Our getaway was clean. I flipped through the remaining emails and then shut down the computer. I decided to ride out and see if I could catch up with James. I searched all the likely places he would have taken the boys and found him at the bowling alley. The new boys were having a blast learning how to bowl. "Has anyone messed with the boys?" I asked. "No. Two guys started to speak with them and I informed them the boys were off limits and they apologized before walking off. There was no problems at all." he replied. "Good, I need to talk to you about something. I am thinking of asking Cory Reagan to come and be our new housekeeper. Do you have anyone else in mind?" I asked. "No Tim. Cory is an excellent choice if he is interested. He and Timmy just left here about ten minutes ago." James replied. "Did they say where they were going?" I asked. "Yeah. They said they were going to Cory's room to play some playstation2 games." he answered. "Thanks, angel." I said before kissing him on the lips. "Don't make any plans for tonight okay?" I asked seductively. "Well, I think I am free. But I will have to check with my boyfriend first." he sassed. "He's probably a big dick any ways!" I exclaimed. "I wouldn't go that far. But I got no complaints." he said with a wink. "Me neither, my lover." I whispered before kissing him again. I made my way over to the dormitory and up to Cory's room. I rang the bell and heard a lot of shuffling inside the room. Finally, Cory opened the door. His face was very flushed. I looked over at the bed and saw Timmy sitting with a very wet woody. "Am I interrupting something?" I asked. "Not at all Tim." Cory stated, very unconvincingly. "Did you need something?" he asked. I explained the position of housekeeper/chef to Cory and told him that James and I would like him to take the position. He told me that he really liked to cook but he had a little problem. He was kind of involved and was sharing his dorm room with Timmy. I told him it would be perfectly fine for Timmy to move into the house as well. The pair said they would love to come and live with James and I, so we shook on our agreement. "When do you want us to move in Tim?" Cory asked. "Well, I need you right now. But I have a full house at the moment with some of the Romanian boys that just came in. Can you move in next Monday morning?" I asked. "That will give you a week before school starts to get settled in the house." "That sounds great, Tim. We will see you Monday morning then." he replied. "Okay boys. See you Monday morning. Have fun you two!" I exclaimed as I walked out of the dorm room and closed the door. To be continued...