Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 08:08:40 -0700 From: Phantasm Subject: Jasons-Haven-29 Jason's Haven by Phantasm Warning The following story is purely fictional. Any similarities to real persons or events is strictly coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between males of varying ages, including minors. If such material offends you or is illegal in the location from which you are reading it, please seek your reading enjoyment elsewhere. This story is copyright protected under the pseudonym of "Phantasm". This story may not be redistributed in whole, or in part, without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be used by anyone in the pursuit of monetary gain. The author of this story in no way condones the physical, mental, or sexual abuse of anyone, particularly minors. Author's Note Comments, sent to, about this story are welcomed. Chapter Twenty Nine The week passed by very slowly. Being so restricted because of my four special house guests was not always pleasant, but certainly worth the effort. The boys had become conversational using broken English which would be enough to get them by until the learned proper grammar in school. All of the Romanian boys would be tutored after school for one hour each day until they completely overcome their language barrier. School would be starting in a week and things would be getting back to a normal routine. I could not bring myself to lie to James about my trip to Miami, so I simply told him that Mihai needed my help with an urgent matter. I could not bring anyone with me. James was not happy about me leaving without him, but he said he understood. Besides, he now had his hands full with his benefit shows. James drove out with me to the airstrip to say goodbye. I wish I knew what Mihai needed me in Miami for. The situation obviously involved James since Mihai specifically said not to bring him. rang the cabin phone. "Yes?" I said, as I picked up the phone. "We will be landing in ten minutes sir." The pilot informed me. I hung up the phone and prepared for landing. When the jet finally came to a stop on the tarmac, I got out of my seat and left the plane. I got into the towncar and Marcus drove me out to the residence. Mihai met me at the front door, and greeted me with a hug. "Nice to have you back here so soon, Tim!" Mihai exclaimed. "Thank you Mihai. What is with all of the mystery? What's going on?" I asked, foregoing the normal pleasantries. "A lady stopped by to speak with you. She thought you lived here. I told her you spent a great deal of time at your other residence. So she asked me to set up a meeting with you. She said it was a matter of great importance." Mihai replied. "Okay. So how does this involve James?" I asked. "She says that she is his aunt." he stated. "Great, that's just what I need. She probably found out about his emancipation and his money. Well, she's not getting a dime from either of us." I barked. "When is the meeting?" "I sat it up for noon, so she will be here in fifteen minutes." Mihai replied. "Okay, thanks Mihai. I will call you, at your place, if I need anything okay?" I asked. I did not want anyone present when I spoke with this lady. "No problem Tim." Mihai stated as he headed back to his house. I took a seat in the living room and waited for the lady to arrive. It was a few minutes past noon when the doorbell rang. I walked over and opened the door. I was stunned by what I saw. There stood a very nice looking brunette, probably in her mid thirties. Standing at her side was a young boy. They both bore a striking resemblance to James. "Hello, I am Tim Stevens. Won't you please come in?" I asked as I extended my hand. The woman shook my hand before telling me her name. "I am Maggie Simmons." she stated. "And this is my son Curtis." I shook the boy's hand and then escorted the pair into the living room. I offered them a seat on the couch. I sat on the loveseat. "What is it you needed to speak with me about Mrs. Simmons?" I asked. "It's Ms. Simmons. But please call me Maggie." she replied. "Alright Maggie. Please call me Tim." I responded. "Well Tim, I have come for a couple of reasons. The first is that I need to know how my son is doing." she said. "I am afraid I don't follow you." I replied. "I need to know how my son James is doing." she further explained. "I thought James' parents had passed away." I stated. "My brother Harold and his wife Constance were James' 'adoptive' parents. My brother wanted a child but Constance was unable to conceive. After years of trying, Harold begged me to be a surrogate for their child. They paid for the procedure to have me inseminated and then adopted James when he was born. I did not find out that they had kicked him out of the house for several months. I have been searching for him ever since. When his emancipation papers were filed with my brother's estate, I saw your name as guardian." she explained. I was not sure what her game was, so I was very careful in how I answered her. "Maggie, I only served as James' guardian for five days." "But you know where James is. I mean, the court papers say he works for you." she added. "Yes Maggie, James does work for me. But I do not track the whereabouts of my employees." I responded carefully. "Tim, I am not here to cause you, or James, any problems. I would just like to tell him the truth about me, before I die." she stated. "Well, I am sure there is plenty of time for that Maggie. If you leave me your address, I will see that he gets it." I replied. "You don't understand Tim. I am dying. I have inoperable cancer of the lungs. I have less than three months to live. I need to see my son, Tim. I need to make peace with the wrong I have done him. I need for him to know that he has a brother who loves him, and wants to be with him." She said as she began to weep. I looked at Curtis and tears were streaming down his face. "I am so very sorry Maggie. You realize that just because James has been emancipated, he would not be permitted to take Curtis." I explained. "I know that Tim. That is the second reason I needed to speak to you. I was hoping I could convince you to become Curtis' guardian so that he and James could be together." She replied. My head was spinning from being so overwhelmed with this whole revelation. "Maggie, I am gay." I stated boldly. "Why should that matter, Tim? My brother Harold was a homophobe. I am not! Both of my sons are gay. I have done my homework Tim, and I know that you help a lot of kids. I don't believe you would ever hurt one. Your reputation in this town is impeccable. And giving Curtis over to your care would allow him to be near his brother." she stated. "Is it alright if I speak with your son directly Maggie?" I asked. "Of course it is!" she exclaimed. "How do you feel about all of this Curtis?" I asked. "I love my mother very much Mr. Stevens. I will miss here when she leaves. But since I can not stay with her, I would very much like to be with my brother." he said. "I would be a really good boy for you and do whatever you told me to do." "I am certain of that Curtis. It would not bother you having a gay guardian?" I asked. "Why should it. I am gay, so what difference would that make?" he replied. "How old are you Curtis?" I asked. "I am twelve and a half sir." he replied. I picked up the telephone and called Mihai over to the residence. "Can I offer the two of you something to drink?" I asked. "A coffee would be nice." Maggie replied. "And how about you Curtis? Would you like a soda?" I asked. "Yes sir. Thank you." he replied very politely. "Look! If I am even to consider this proposition, you are going to have to stop calling me sir. Tim is fine." I said with a smile. "Now come with me and pick out the type of soda you like." I said as I led him into the kitchen. He picked out a soda while I started the coffee maker. I walked him back into the living room just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door for Mihai and introduced him to everyone. "Mihai, would you be kind enough to show Curtis the arcade room while his mother and I talk in private?" I asked. "Sure Tim. Follow me Curtis." He stated, as he led Curtis back to the arcade room. "Let's talk on the patio Maggie." I said as I escorted her to the back door. I told her to have a seat at the table by the pool while I poured the coffee. I poured us each a cup and carried them out to the table. "What do you take in your coffee Maggie?" I asked. "Black is fine, thank you." she replied. She took a sip of her coffee before she began speaking. "Let me speak frankly, Tim. I have a short time left on this earth, and I don't have enough time left to play games. James is gay, and I had already assumed you were. I read the court papers you know. Your sexual preference is not at issue here. So is there another reason that you are hesitant to become my son's guardian?" she asked. "Well Maggie, its just not as simple as you make it all sound." I replied. "Why, because your James' boyfriend?" she stated boldly. "I beg your pardon?" I asked indignantly. "I did not fall of the turnip truck yesterday, Tim. After reading the transcript of James hearing, and you telling me that you are gay, it only makes sense. It's quite all right, Tim. I am happy James has someone to love him and look after him." she replied. "So you are not bothered that James is involved with a man much older than he is?" I asked. "Do you love him Tim?" she asked frankly. "More than life itself, Maggie." I replied. "Can you imagine anything better for him than that?" she asked. "No Maggie. I can't." I replied with a smile. "So because you and James are partners, you will not become Curtis' guardian?" she asked. "I never said I wouldn't become Curtis' guardian. It is just something I will have to speak with James about first." I replied. "And my other request?" she asked, as she began to weep again. "Will you allow me a moment of grace, and let me see James?" "I will have him here by dinner. Come back at 7:00pm and we will have a nice meal. You can explain all of this to him. If he agrees that I should become Curtis' guardian, then we will have to make arrangements. That way, everything will be handled already when you pass." I explained. "Thank you so much for allowing me to see James one last time. But Curtis can not wait until I pass. We have to do this now. I don't want him to see me suffering as the cancer progresses. So if you agree to take guardianship, it would have to be now." she replied. "Let's just see how tonight goes first. Okay Maggie?" I asked as I put my hand on hers. "Okay Tim. We will be here at 7:00pm sharp." she replied, as she stood up to leave. I escorted her to the living room, and then went to retrieve Curtis. We said our goodbyes and the pair left the residence. I grabbed the telephone and called Allen. I told him to find James, and get him on a plane to Miami immediately. I walked out to the table by the pool and grabbed the two coffee cups. I took them into the kitchen and refilled mine before going back outside to sit down. Mihai took a seat with me. "What was all of that about?" he asked curiously. "She wants me to become Curtis' guardian. She is dying Mihai. And she wants Curtis to be with James." I replied. "Why would she want him to be with James?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Because James is his brother. That woman is James birth mother." I responded. "So she knows about you and James?" he asked in shock. "Yes. James is on his way here. We are all having dinner tonight at 7:00pm" I stated. "Wish I could be a fly on the wall for that conversation." he chided. "You will be. Your serving dinner!" I exclaimed. "For how many?" he asked. "Just four people. Make sure you set things up for us to eat outside. I want the smaller table for this." I instructed. "No problem Tim. I better get to work then." he stated as he walked back into the house. I followed him in and placed a call to Marcus. I told him to pick James up at the airport when the plane arrived. I told him to check with the Miami ground crew to get the scheduled landing time. I told Mihai I was going up to lay down for awhile. My head was about to explode from all that was going on. I went up to my bedroom and stretched out on the bed. I closed me eyes and fell asleep. I was awakened by someone nibbling at my earlobe. "Hello my angel!" I exclaimed when I saw James' beautiful face. "Hi Tim. What is going on? You said I could not come on this trip and then the next thing I know, Allen is loading me on a plane with no explanation." James stated. "I will leave that for Maggie and Curtis to tell you. They are coming to dinner tonight." I replied. "My aunt Maggie? You met her?" he asked in surprise. "Yes my love, I met her. She knows all about us. She has some things to tell you. They might not be easy to hear James. But I will be right by your side okay?" I asked. "She knows about us?" he asked. "Yes James. And she is fine with it. So don't be worried about it." I replied. "Does Curtis know?" he asked. "I am not sure if he does or not James." I stated. "I sure hope not. He doesn't know I am gay." James replied. "Not only does he know your gay, he himself is gay." I informed him. "Way cool!" James exclaimed. "I am surprised aunt Maggie didn't flip about her son being gay." "She seems like a wonderful lady James. Just be sure you give her a little slack tonight when she tells you what she has to say. Okay?" I asked. "Sure Tim. I like aunt Maggie a lot." he replied. "Good. That will help. Let me get up from here and get ready. They will be here at 7:00pm." I stated before crawling out of bed. James and I showered together so that we would be presentable at dinner. Of course James primped in the bathroom for longer than he needed to. He looked very happy to have the chance to see Maggie and Curtis again. I just hoped that when he heard the real story, he did not get too upset. With any luck, it would help put his past to rest. But what of his future? He was about to find out who his real mother is. And then to find out she is dying. We finished up and made our way downstairs with ten minutes to spare. I walked into the kitchen to see what was cooking. Mihai had prepared baked whitefish with lemon sauce, scallops, and hush puppies. For an appetizer, Mihai had prepared some shrimp cocktail. White wine would be served to the adults and sparkling cider would be served to the boys. I heard a car pull up so James and I walked to the front door. When the bell rang, we opened the door and invited our guests inside. "Aunt Maggie!" James exclaimed as he ran to hug her. Tears were running down their faces as they embraced. "I did not think I would ever get to see you again." James stated. "I take it you have not told him anything yet?" Maggie asked. "Told me what? What's going on aunt Maggie?" James pleaded. "I'll tell you after we eat. I am starving." she said, as she winked at me. I escorted our guests out to the patio and offered them a seat at the table. James sat to my left and Curtis took the seat to my right. Of course that left the seat directly across from me for Maggie. I watched her all through the meal. She would just sit and stare at James. She would hold his hand or lay her hand on his arm. Occasionally a tear would fall from her cheek. It was difficult to watch. Especially knowing what I knew. Mihai cleared the table after the meal and refilled everyone's drinks. "Okay aunt Maggie. We are done eating. Now what is it that you have to tell me?" James asked impatiently. "James, why did you not come to my house when my brother threw you out?" she asked. "I figured you would hate me too, once you found out I was gay." James said as he began to cry. "I could never hate you James. I love you more than you will ever know. That is why I need for you to forgive me for what I have done to you." Maggie said through tears of her own. "You have never done anything to me aunt Maggie. Why would I need to forgive you?" James asked. "There is a lot you don't know about your past James." She said as she reached in her purse. She pulled out some folded papers and handed them to James. "What are these?" James asked cautiously. "Those are your adoption papers James. My brother Harold and his wife Constance were not your biological parents. Constance could not have children but she wanted children. So they adopted you. I told them they should tell you, but they did not feel it was the right thing to do." she explained. "They were not my real parents? That explains why they always treated me like shit." James replied. "I know they did James. And I hated seeing it. That is why we did not come around much. I could not stand to see you being ignored, and being so unhappy. That is why I need your forgiveness James." Maggie sobbed. James ran over to her and hugged her tight. "You could not help the way they treated me aunt Maggie. It's not your fault I was in an unhappy home." James tried to reassure her. "Well James, the thing is, it is my fault that you were in their home." she stated, while returning James' hug. "How was it your fault aunt Maggie. What are you trying to tell me?" James asked. Maggie took a deep breath before breaking the news to James. "You see James. It was my fault, because they adopted you from me. I am your biological mother James." To be continued...