Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 04:39:17 -0700 From: Phantasm Subject: Jasons-Haven-34 Jason's Haven by Phantasm Warning The following story is purely fictional. Any similarities to real persons or events is strictly coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between males of varying ages, including minors. If such material offends you or is illegal in the location from which you are reading it, please seek your reading enjoyment elsewhere. This story is copyright protected under the pseudonym of "Phantasm". This story may not be redistributed in whole, or in part, without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be used by anyone in the pursuit of monetary gain. The author of this story in no way condones the physical, mental, or sexual abuse of anyone, particularly minors. Author's Note Comments, sent to, about this story are welcomed. You can also visit the Fiction By Phantasm discussion group at where the latest chapters are available for download. A map of Jason's Haven can be viewed there as well. Chapter Thirty Four The month of September went by very quickly. I stayed very busy bonding with Curtis and helping our Romanian boys get used to life in the western world. I saw very little of James during the daytime. He was wrapped up in getting the play ready for his big benefit show. The boys spoke with Maggie every weekend and they seemed please to have the opportunity to do so. But they always commented afterwards about how weak Maggie was beginning to sound. Maggie had stopped working and was rapidly approaching the end of her life. I had spoken with the boys and told them that we would fly back to be with Maggie when the end comes. I knew this was against Maggie's wishes, but I also knew how important it was for me to be with my dad when he passed. This would give the boys a sense of peace and allow them to move on with life. Both of the boys had bright futures ahead of them. They deserved to be happy and not be haunted by memories of their mother dying alone. Curtis, James, and I were on hand at the airstrip to welcome Kyle when he arrived on the first of October. We waited outside as Kyle and his manager cleared Intake. Then we helped them get their quads and get settled into their temporary apartment in the staff housing building. I invited Kyle and his manager to have dinner with us and they accepted. The boys and I left them to get settled in and recover from their travel. We gave them directions to the house and then headed home to prepare for the evening. Our guests arrived right on time and we sat out back to have a delightful dinner. Kyle talked with James at length about our trip to Romania and the plight of the children there. "They really have it bad over there Kyle. It's like nothing you have ever seen before." James stated sadly. "I can see why you want to try and help, James. I hope your benefit shows are a great success and we make a lot of money for those boys." Kyle replied. "I really like your music, Kyle." Curtis said. "Do you sing?" Kyle asked. "I do until someone makes me stop. Which doesn't take very long." Curtis chuckled. "Actually, I play the keyboard." Curtis replied while giving me a look as if to say "Is that better than organ?" "Would you play something for me now?" Kyle asked. "Sure! Just let me get my keyboard set up out here." Curtis replied as he ran in the house. A few minutes later, Curtis' new keyboard was set up and he was giving us all a show. He played very well, and Kyle seemed to really admire his talent. The telephone rang and I walked in the house to answer it. The caller ID showed Dorm II Room 616. I answered the call and it was Cory's buddy, Martin. He told me that something was wrong with his friend George. He said he did not know who else to call. "Is George sick or injured?" I asked. "No Tim, but he locked the bathroom door and won't come out." Martin stated. "I'll be right over." I stated, before hanging up the phone. I walked out and told my guests I had to leave and told them I would see them tomorrow in case they were gone when I got back. I walked out to my quad and raced off to Dormitory II. When I got up to dorm room 616, Martin let me into the room. He told me that George had been in the bathroom a long time and would not answer or unlock the door. Martin said he had heard George crying through the door. "George, it's Tim Stevens. Are you alright son?" I asked, after knocking. I received no reply from inside the bathroom. "Do you know what might have upset him?" I asked Martin. "Not really. We were out with a customer, and went back to his Cabana to fool around a bit. After I walked inside, the customer said something to George that I could not hear and then I guess George decided not to come in. I did not stay with the customer long. He asked if he could suck me and I let him. Then he said he was going to bed, so I left. When I came back to the dorms, I knocked on George's door and he let me in." Martin replied. "And what did George say when you came in?" I asked. "He asked what me and the customer had done together. I told him all about it and he started crying. I tried to get him to tell me why he was crying, but he ran in the bathroom and locked the door. He wouldn't answer me or anything. I called you, since I did not know what else to do." Martin answered. I grabbed the notepad and a pencil from George's desk and asked Martin for the Cabana number. I was pretty sure this had something to do with that customer. Martin gave me the number and I write it down. "Could you leave us alone for a few minutes please, Martin?" I asked. "Sure Tim. Did I do something wrong." Martin asked with concern. "No son. I just want to try and get George to come out of the bathroom." I replied. Martin left the room and I knocked on the bathroom door again. "George, Martin is gone. It is just you and me now. Will you please come out and talk to me?" I asked. "No!" George shouted through the door. "George, I know you are upset. I just want to try and help son." I explained. "No one can help me. No one cares!" George shouted back. "George, please come out and talk to me or I will have to call security to come and open the door for me. Please come out." I pleaded. A minute later I heard the lock turn and George slowly opened the door. I placed my arm around George and led him over to the side of the bed. I sat him down and took a seat beside him. "Why are you crying George?" I asked. "Did that customer hurt you? If he laid a hand on you I will personally break his neck." I said, trying to keep calm. "He never laid a hand on me, Tim. He said he could never touch a fat little porker like me." George said, as his tears started pouring out in earnest. George was overweight but by no stretch of the imagination could he be called fat. He had the face of an angel and a very beautiful body. I was furious that a customer would speak to any of our boys in such a manner. I hugged George tightly and kissed him on the forehead. "You are not fat George. You are a very beautiful boy and if I were not involved with James, I would happily be your boyfriend." I stated lovingly. "You would?" George asked with the beginnings of a grin. "Of course I would. Any man who thinks you are unattractive is either blind or crazy." I said matter-of-factly. "Some times people can be very thoughtless in their remarks, and their words can hurt people. When that happens, it only shows how shallow and self absorbed they are. He was the ugly one George, not you. Beauty comes from inside you. It is not something you wear on the outside like a rented suit. The most attractive guy in the world is ugly if he is not a nice person on the inside. "So you don't think I am fat and ugly?" George asked. "No George. You are neither fat nor ugly. That customer's own arrogance cost him the opportunity to spend time with a very hot looking young man. It's his loss, not yours." "Yeah! It's his loss." George said as he dried his eyes. I walked over and opened the door. Martin was waiting patiently outside the door. I told him we were finished and that he could come in now. He ran over to George and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the mouth. "Don't ever do that to me again George! You are my best friend, and you scared me to death. I really care a lot about you George." Martin stated. "I am sorry Martin. I did not mean to upset you. Would you like to spend the night here tonight? I could sure use the company." George stated. "Boy would I!" Martin exclaimed. "Would you boys mind taking a ride with me?" I asked. "It will only take a minute. Then the two of you can enjoy the rest of your evening." "Okay Tim" George answered. We made our way downstairs and I sat on my quad waiting for the boys to retrieve theirs. I led the boys out to Customer Cabana number 74. I told the boys to wait outside while I went in to speak with the customer. I knocked on the door and a young guy in his mid twenties opened the door. "Good evening sir. My name is Tim Stevens and I am the Executive Director of Jason's Haven. And you are?" I asked. "My name is Sam Jenkins, Mr. Stevens. It's a real pleasure to meet you in person. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Sam asked. 'I was hoping I might have a word with you. May I come in?" I asked. "Please do." Sam replied, as he stepped aside to allow me to enter. Sam closed the door and asked, "What did you want to speak with me about?" "Well Sam, it seems we have a bit of a problem here. Did you tell one of my boys that you would never touch a fat porker like him?" I asked. "Yes I did. I invited a boy to come to my Cabana and the fat kid tagged along. I wanted to spend time with his friend. So I let him know I was not interested in him." Sam responded. "No Sam, letting him know you were not interested in him would have been fine. Your abuse of the boy was way out of line and certainly against the rules of your customer agreement." I replied indignantly. "Wait a minute here! What is this about abuse? I never touched the little tub of lard." Sam replied defensively. "If you believe that physical abuse is the only form of child abuse, then your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance." I responded. "I see no need to be insulting, Mr. Stevens!" Sam exclaimed. "It's odd that you take such a stance regarding yourself. But when it comes to a twelve year old boy, being insulting is a different matter." I stated angrily. "I have come to give you two options. Abuse of a resident of the island is an offense punishable by removal from the island and forfeiture of fees paid. But I am offering you a chance at a miniscule amount of redemption." I stated. "The first option is to leave the island immediately. I can have a plane standing by to fly you out of here within the hour. The second option is for you to issue a heart felt apology to the boy, who's self esteem you crushed tonight with your hurtful tongue. And I mean it better be heart felt! In addition, you will make a one thousand dollar deposit to the young man's account as a tip for the time he was offering to spend with you. You will also need to assure me that you will never again speak an inconsiderate word to any of the boys on this island." I continued. "The option you choose is entirely up to you. But either way, you will not be permitted to return to Jason's Haven ever again. Jason's Haven is all about acceptance and freedom from harassment and ridicule. You did serious harm to that environment tonight and that is completely unacceptable. So which option do you prefer?" I asked. "I would like to stay. I will apologize to the boy and I will make his deposit first thing in the morning." Sam replied. "Very well then. If that deposit is not made by 10:00am, you will be on a plane by noon. I am going to call the young man in here now, and I trust you will be genuine in your apology. Your remarks were very cruel and heartless. The boy was devastated, and spent most of his evening locked in a bathroom." I stated before going to the door and instructing the boys to come inside. "Mr. Jenkins would like to say something to you George." I said, as I put my arm around him. "George, I am very sorry for what I said to you. My words were vicious and unkind. I truly apologize for hurting you. I hope that you can forgive me. You are a very attractive young man and I was way out of line to speak to you the way that I did." Sam stated. "I accept your apology Mr. Jenkins." George replied. "Thank you. Would you and your friend care to hang out with me for a while and we can start all over?" Sam asked, clearly trying to earn himself a spot in my good graces. George stared straight into Sam's crotch and said, "No thank you sir. Now that I have had a chance to see things in a clearer light, I don't think the experience would quite 'measure up' to my standards." "Well, I guess that takes care of our business here." I stated, as I did my dead level best not to bust out into laughter. I led the boys out the door and turned towards Sam before closing it. "10:00am Mr. Jenkins, not one minute later." I advised before closing the door. We got on our quads and the boys headed back to their dormitory. I pointed my quad towards home and laid on the throttle. When I arrived back at the house, Kyle and his manager had already gone back to their apartment for the evening. Curtis was waiting up for me to give me my goodnight kiss. I kissed him on the tip of his nose and told him goodnight. "Sweet dreams son." I said as I hugged him tightly. I walked into the master bedroom and James was laying in bed on his side. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and then crawled into bed with my beautiful angel. "I am sorry we have not had much time together this past month, Tim." James stated in a soft voice. "You know that I love you more than anything in the world don't you?" "Of course I do, angel boy. This benefit show is very important to you and I understand that. It is a good to have compassion for others and to allow that compassion to push you into action. Just don't let it consume you my love. You have made time for me every evening and I know how much you love me." I assured him, as I leaned in and kissed him. We cuddled and kissed for fifteen minutes or so before James had to get some rest. I told my angel goodnight and then we both went to sleep. I woke up at 9:30am to an empty house. All of the boys were at school. I took care of my morning business in the bathroom before heading downstairs for breakfast. I did not feel much like cooking so I had a bowl of instant oatmeal and some toast. After washing my bowl, I went to my office and got settled in for a new day of work. First item on the agenda was to call the bank. I discovered that Mr. Jenkins had indeed made a deposit into George's account. He had actually deposited one thousand five hundred dollars so I guess the jerk did feel a little remorse. I started filtering through the proposals in my in box. James had managed to complete his financial assessment on adding a second ship to Paradise Cruise Lines and the numbers looked very encouraging. I put together a finance team in Miami and sent them off to negotiate a contract to build the new ship. I wanted both ships to be similar in layout so it did not look like Paradise Cruise Lines had a patchwork fleet. The financial team would visit shipyards in the Netherlands, Italy, and Spain. The telephone rang and I answered it. "This is Tim, how may I help you?" "Good morning Tim, it's Allen. We have a little bit of a problem. I just received notice from the Government of the Netherlands that they have decided to place Sandora island up for sale. We may be getting some neighbors just 15 miles away. If one of the cruise lines purchases that island, we are going to have prying eyes sailing awfully close to our coast line." Allen stated. "Did they mention an asking price?" I asked. "They are asking for a lot more money than we paid for Jason's Haven. They want one point five billion dollars for the undeveloped island." Allen replied. "Considering Sandora is five miles wide and twelve miles long, I don't think the price is so bad. I think we should buy it in order to maintain our privacy here. Sandora is the island I wanted in the first place. So make them an offer for one billion in cash and see what they say." I instructed. "Okay Tim. I will call you in a little while to let you know what they said." Allen replied, before hanging up. I continued working my way through the stack of work in my in box. The morning slipped away from me and it was 11:45am before I knew it. I was just thinking about what I should do for lunch when the phone rang. It was Allen calling with news about the island. "They said they would be willing to let the island go for one billion as long as it was a cash transaction. What would you like me to do?" Allen asked. "Get an acquisition team there as soon as possible and get the deal done. Register the island name as Angels Cove." I instructed. "We will have to hold numerous planning meetings to decide the best use for the new island. I have some ideas but I will wait until we start the planning meetings before sharing them." I will start scheduling the meetings. I will have the acquisition team in Amsterdam by tomorrow morning. I am going to give my Amsterdam contact a call back and let him know the island is sold." Allen responded. "Great, thanks for all your help Allen. Goodbye." I stated before hanging up the telephone. I shut down my computer and walked out to the kitchen to make lunch. The boys would be home in a few minutes so I started making grilled cheese sandwiches. I was just finishing up the last of the ten sandwiches when my little gang came rushing through the front door. "Go wash up boys. Lunch is now being served on the rear deck. Once the boys were all washed up, we all sat and had a nice lunch together. The boys all shared news about their day. I informed Curtis and James about the new island and they started getting very excited. "What do you mean by undeveloped?" Curtis asked. "Well Curtis, the island has no inhabitants and it is still just the way God made it. Its just a big piece of land covered with flora and fauna. There are no buildings or developed beaches. We will have to do a lot of work to make the island of any use to our programs." I explained. "That just makes it easier for us to set it up the way we want it." Curtis observed. "How did you come up with that cool name?" Curtis asked. "I have two angels in my life. So I named it after the two of you. Angels Cove." I stated proudly. "The island is five miles wide and twelve miles long. It will offer us endless expansion space so we can actually start making a dent in the homeless gay youth population. Not just in America, Canada, and Mexico either. We will actually have the opportunity to help boys in countries all around the globe." I stated. "It will also allow us to expand our customer base. We will have enough room to bring in customers from Europe and Australia. The new island is big enough to build an international size run-way to service any size aircraft. It will even allow us to have a fleet of helicopters for medical evacuations if they are necessary." I continued. "If we make Angels Cove a resort island like Jason's Haven, will we move to the bigger island?" James asked. "Yes James. We will build a new house on Angels Cove if we decide to make it a resort. Allen will have to stay here and oversee operations on Jason's Haven." "You have been talking about wanting to do a major expansion for a long time now, Tim. This gives you the ability to pull it off." James noted. "We will just have to see how things go, boys. There are lots of things to consider before starting an expansion of such a huge magnitude. Not the least of which is financing. It will take a long time to recover the initial cash out lay for developing the island into an enjoyable resort." I replied. As soon as James finished his lunch, he excused himself and went to his office. He said he had a lot of work to do before tonight's big show. I was beginning to get very excited about Kyle's concert, and the play which would follow it. Curtis and I helped clear the table and then we went for a drive around the island. While we were out, we ran into the young doctor that had done Curtis' tests during intake. "Hi Michael!" Curtis shouted. "Hi Curtis. Hi Tim. How are you guys doing?" Michael asked. "Pretty good Michael. How about you?" I asked as I took notice of Curtis' four inch erection. I gazed at Michael's tool and he too was erect. "Looks like a close friendship is about to bloom." I thought to myself. "I am very well thanks." Michael responded. "Hey Michael, are you going to the big show tonight?" asked Curtis. "Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Michael replied. "If your not going with someone, maybe you could sit with us." Curtis suggested. To be continued...