Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 21:07:19 -0800 (PST) From: dashiell walraven Subject: Jasper McHenry (M/b) Jasper McHenry (M/b) By Dashiell Walraven This tale is entirely fiction; All the usual disclaimers apply. ====== People tell me I'm a pretty laid-back sort of guy, and for the most part that is true. It comes mainly from my own childhood experiences as a cancer survivor, which taught me to recognize and value what is truly important, and disregard the little shit that drags so many people down. You can push my buttons however, and when that happens, I can be a formidable foe. In my short tenure thus far at the Crestwood Academy, my reputation has built as an easy-going, approachable teacher with whom students and faculty alike would do well to avoid crossing swords. Most notably, I am renowned as advocate for the disadvantaged and have come to the aid of many students being bullied, whether by classmates or staff. I never lie, I never deal dishonestly and I endeavor to be fair in all things. Finbar McHenry was as Irish as they come, with wild red hair, a drinker's nose and a Limerick lilt to his voice. When the headmaster caught up with me in the quad and hung a meaty paw over my shoulder, I felt he came with a purpose, rather than just a friendly gesture. Of course, my instincts were correct when after his normal greeting, his voice dropped low and he pressed his ruddy face close to mine. "Are you listenin' to me Michael Patrick Fagan?" He always lapsed into his heaviest brogue when he was consorting with a fellow Mick, "I've got a favor to ask of yeh." I looked right into his eyes and nodded. "My brother's son is coming to school here starting this week. The boy's mum took off with some bastard lawyer and now he's got custody. Anyway, long-story-short, he's starting here next week and I'm gonna put him in your dorm." "What's wrong with him?" I asked flatly. Finbar looked at me for a moment as if considering whether to punch me in the mouth or clap me on the back. There are probably few folks who could have gotten away with posing the question so directly, but he knew my penchant for candor, and chose the latter. "Anybody else'd asked me that question, sure and I d'have clubbed him good," he said with an expansive grin, "but you're an honest fellow and I appreciate that." He pulled out his Meerschaum from his pocket and tapped it against his heel before filling it with his signature cherry tobacco. After lighting it, he shifted the pipe to the side of his mouth and continued. "The boy's name is Jasper and he's had some tough times," The pipe switched to the other corner of his mouth seemingly on it's own, "and well, he's a real smart lad and got a way with the numbers..." "He's a fatty isn't he?" I said in a conspiratorial tone. "Well..." his eyes shifted around as if looking for eavesdroppers, "not so much a fatty as... let's call him husky." "How old is he?" I asked. "About twelve I figure," he said, his massive eyebrows lurching about as he made the calculations in his head, "bit big for his age though, if you know what I mean." Again, Finbar looked around like a spy and then cocked his head inward towards me. "If you could just make sure none of the other little bastards around here don't give him a bad time, and maybe you could, you know, slim him down a little bit." Looking down past Finbar's portly stomach, I could just about see the tips of his shoes. The irony must have registered on my face because reared back, roaring with laughter and clouted me on the shoulder. "Ahh, don't you be givin' me that look you grimy Mick... I see what you're thinkin'!" We laughed together and I assured him I'd be on the lookout for the little guy. I didn't think much of it until two nights later when I was walking my dorm rounds during study hours. The kids were all at their desks, their doors open as I patrolled the hallways. My job was to make sure they stayed there throughout the after-dinner study period, and provide any extra help they might need. As Dorm Master, I oversaw all their activities of daily living in the building, did room inspections and was generally there for any crisis that might arise. That night, I noticed that a few kids were not at their desks, and when I asked their roommates where they'd got to, I was met with shrugged shoulders and zipped lips. That prickly feeling I get when I sense something is up, started it's march up the back of my neck and I started toward the bathroom, where it seemed likely they might be. Charging in the bathroom, I was met with empty commodes and some water dripping from one of the heads in the shower stall, but nothing else. Confused, I considered where they might be when I heard a muffled sound in the stairwell on the other side of the hallway. Carefully pushed open the door and peered down the stairs. In between handrails, I could see motion down in the very bottom, where the stairs met the basement. Listening intently, I was prepared to charge down the stairs at the first sign of something awry. I was fully expecting to hear the sounds of somebody smoking something illicit, or perhaps somebody getting beat up, but what I heard was a decidedly liquid sounding slurp and a quiet, breathy moan of pleasure. Squinting, I tried force my eyes to make out what was going on, to no avail. I had to find out what they were doing, but I needed to catch them in the act first, so I quickly formulated a plan. Silently closing the door again, I ducked into my apartment, threw on a dark coat, and exited the building to walk around the back. There was a window located in that stairwell, and with the darkness outside, I could stand fairly close to it without being detected by the boys inside. Approaching the window slowly to avoid snapping twigs or rustling crisp leaves, I gazed on the activity just inside the window with amazement. Two boys were standing there with the pants around their ankles, busily flogging themselves as a third boy stood before a rather plump looking red-head, pumping his slender dick in and out of his mouth. I saw the McHenry family resemblance in the stocky boy even before I saw his face, it had to be Jasper. I chuckled inwardly, noting that whatever Jasper's problems might be, making friends was obviously not one of them. Beyond the glass, I heard the one boy let out a groaning sigh as he started to buck against Jasper's ministrations. One of the other boys stopped beating the bishop long enough to put a finger to his lips and urge the boy to be quiet. When he was done, Jasper took on the other two in turn, providing what appeared to be a very quick, but satisfying experience for each. Describing Jasper as "husky" was not at all accurate. Husky implies perhaps a little soft, or big boned and that certainly was not the case. Jasper had the makings of a double chin and his outwardly roundish appearance made him look just plain fat. I began to formulate an opinion of him as I watch the boys engage in something I really should have intervened in. The thing is, I found one of my own parts was getting a might chubby itself, and I was transfixed by what was playing out before me. I decided to get back inside and resume my patrols. I would figure out what to do about this later. By the time I got back to the floor, study period was over and boys were starting to visit amongst themselves, or make their way to the showers. It was my favorite part of the night because the atmosphere I fostered was that of total safety for these boys. Some boys would pad down to the bathroom with a towel wrapped around their waist, but most would carry or sling it over their shoulder. The site of naked boys walking to and fro, freshly scrubbed and still damp, well... I don't have to say much beyond that it warmed more than just my heart. I checked my clipboard and saw that indeed, Jasper McHenry had been added to my roster and was bunking with Jamie Conoway. That made sense since Jamie was the first boy I'd seen standing before Jasper in the stairwell. The other two boys had been Chris Larkin and Eric Youngblood, friends of Jamie. Both Jasper and Jamie looked startled when I strode into the room. "Ah yes..." I spoke officiously, "You must be master McHenry, our newest arrival." Jasper looked up at me with his mouth slightly agape. Jamie nudged him with his elbow which caused him to close his mouth and speak up. "Uh... yes sir." He looked scared, so I broke into a broad grin to set him at ease. "Can you come with me Jasper?" I asked gently, "I've got some orientation stuff for you, we'll go over it in my apartment." He looked over to Jamie with a look of uncertainty. "Go on," Jamie urged, "Mr. Fagan's one of the coolest teachers at Crestwood, it's all good." Jasper still didn't look convinced, but stood anyway and followed me. I opened the door to my apartment and ushered him to the small table near the kitchen. "Do you want anything... Coke, juice?" I asked as the chair squeaked under his weight. "Do you have water?" "Water it is." I pulled up my chair next to him as I set his water down. "Well... Welcome to the Slocum dormitory Jasper!" I extended my hand to him and he shook it half-heartedly. I studied the worried expression on his face and was most amused to see a tiny, pearlescent droplet glistening in the cleft of his chin. It might have been perspiration, but somehow I was pretty sure it was something else. "How old are you Jasper?" "Eleven" he said, casting his eyes downward. Looking at him I'd have guessed twelve, closer to thirteen, but then he was a tad overweight which can make it hard to guess. "Everybody says I look older because I'm so fat." There was a note of sadness to his voice that tugged at me. I said nothing for a moment, until he looked up at me, studying my face for a reaction. I fired up my big smile which seemed to reassure him; he smiled back. "Maybe that's something we can work on together." I said as I pulled out his manila folder and put it on the table. I deliberately moved right into going over the dormitory rules to indicate that I didn't see his weight as a big deal, which he seemed to accept after a moment's reflection. I sat back a little and watched as he intently reviewed the extensive list of rules. His features were soft and his white skin was without blemish, making a stark contrast between it and his fine, red hair. A cowlick stood like a small stand of trees on the back of his head, resisting any attempt to put them down. His green eyes were startling even set as they were, too close together in relation to his bloated and round face. It was clear, that with a whole lot of work and better attention to his diet, a slimmed down Jasper McHenry would be a real dead-on gorgeous young man. Sitting there, I noticed that as cute as Jasper was, he had a definite odor. It was a mixture of sour sweat and something we used to call "poop-cheek-stink" when I was his age. The collar and underarms of his shirt bore salty looking rings just visible under the florescent lights. He put down the rules and had a look of dismay on his face. "What's the matter?" I asked, "Something you don't understand?" "It's just..." he stuttered quietly, "... I don't know about this showering policy." His anxiety was obvious and I figured it had to do with being seen naked and flabby by all the other boys. This kid was obviously having some serious self-esteem issues and I foresaw a long road ahead of us. "Look, Jasper..." I started gently, "Here's the thing. We are all men here, and we're all living in the same place. It's very important to attend to our personal hygiene here because our classrooms are small and things can get might close real quick if somebody stinks." He glanced around the room for a moment and I think he understood I might be referring to him. "It's just that I..." he started stuttering again so I rested a hand on his soft shoulder. "Easy, I'm not going to force you to shower in front of every body. Listen, if it's a real problem, I'd suggest that you set your alarm for like 5 o'clock in the morning. Take your shower then, nobody else is up and you'll have all the hot water in the world. When you're done, just dry off and catch a few more winks." "I'm not so sure..." he said, his chin wobbling, "what if somebody has to pee or something and comes in and sees me?" "Come on," I said, smiling like it was no big deal, "It's not like you don't have anything nobody's ever seen before." His eyes began to well and glisten. "That's the thing, I'm not normal..." he choked on his words somewhat, "... you know, down there." Now I have to tell you I was immediately intrigued. The way Jasper made it sound, I figured he must be deformed. "It can't be all that..." I started, but Jasper interrupted me. "It's true!" he wailed, "I'm not like all the other kids, they'll laugh at me!" He sat there, trembling and looking very pale. I'd seen the signs before and before he passed out, I bade him to lay down on the floor. He slowly collapsed down to the tile, closed his eyes and moaned, his complexion made even more pasty by the beads of sweat across his brow. This kid was having a real anxiety attack! A hollow groan escaped him as his eyes rolled back into his head. I quickly soaked a washcloth in cold water, wrung it out and sat down on the floor with Jasper, resting his head on my crossed legs. His ragged breathing returned to normal as I stroked his forehead with the cold cloth and he gradually came around. He muttered weakly while I comforted him. "Shhhh..." I said quietly, "You're okay, I'm with you." He lifted his head from my lap, looking confused. "You passed out Jasper, lay back for a while until you get your bearings." His head lolled back into my lap and he blinked as he look up at me. I smiled down at him. "How are you, doing any better?" "Uhm... I think so," he ventured, "I'm not so sure." "Just lay there for a second until the room stops spinning." He closed his eyes and I laid the cool washcloth across his eyes; he sighed appreciatively. My heart sank as I looked to see a dark stain spread across the front of his pants. I didn't have to say anything however, because as he lay there in my lap with the cloth across his eyes, he very matter-of-factly said, "I think I had an accident." Judging from the odor emanating from my young charge, his incontinence had been, shall we say, complete. I quickly came up with a plan. Helping Jasper to his feet, I instructed him to go to my shower, take his clothes off and jump in. I'd start his clothes in the laundry while he got himself cleaned up, and then I would go to his room and retrieve something for him to wear. He wobbled off to my bathroom, and started to strip away his clothes. I started the water for him, adjusted the temperature, made sure he was all right, and then departed for his room. Jamie Conoway looked up from a book when I entered the room. "Where's Jasper?" he asked innocently. I told him that Jasper was worried about showering with all the boys since he didn't know many of them and that I felt that his hygiene was pretty poor (neither of which were lies). Rather than go further and risk telling an untruth, I simply asked Jamie where Jasper had stowed his clothes and let him draw his own conclusions. We picked out a fresh set of sweats, t-shirt and some socks for me to bring back. Before I left the room, I hesitated as I thought about saying something to Jamie. Now seemed like a good time so I closed the door quietly. "What's up, Mr. Fagan?" he asked quietly, sensing something indeed was. "Jamie..." I paused, gathering my thoughts, "I think you should give some thought about they way you introduced your new roommate to your friends." Jamie's eyes shot wide as he comprehended what I was saying. "He... I mean... I... they..." he spluttered, "it was..." Jamie stopped, frustrated with his inability to express himself, he decided to just shut up and look appropriately forlorn. "Look..." I started, "You're a whole year older than he is, and I know you guys all like to fool around and stuff, I have no problem with that, but you really need to be..." "But he wanted to..." Jamie interrupted, "he like, offered to do it right in front of those guys..." he looked at his feet, ashamed. I stood there, saying nothing. Jamie looked up at me, looked away for a moment, and then back to me. "He wanted to be our friend, and we were like, you know, saying we weren't sure he could be in our..." "Gang?" I offered. "Sort of" he mumbled. "So Jasper made an offer and you three guys took him up on it." Jamie was staring holes into the floor, it was his turn to say nothing. "I'm disappointed in you Jamie." I said with a level tone. His shoulder's slumped and he seemed to resign himself to the situation. "But he..." he started to whine. "Shhht!" I hissed abruptly. "Now listen carefully to me Jamie, this is extremely important." I knelt down and put myself at eye level to him. To his credit, he met my gaze. "Jasper is a boy who needs your friendship right now. His mom has run off, he is a bit overweight and his self- esteem is in the toilet. He probably thought that giving you guys a hummer in the stairwell was a good way to make sure you liked him." Again, Jamie's eyes widened as he came to understand that I had witnessed their little meeting in the basement. "But Jamie..." I continued, "that's a cheap and degrading thing to do because you let him think he could buy your friendship that way." His gaze fell to the floor again, he shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. "I hope so Jamie," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "If you guys want to do that sort of stuff, it really doesn't matter to me. What's important is that you do it because you want to make each other feel good and because you respect each other as equals. Am I making sense to you?" I tousled his hair. "Yeah," he said sheepishly, "I think so." "Good. You think about what I said and if you have anything you want to ask me, let me know, alright?" Jamie nodded his head and I thought I saw a glimmer of a smile as I exited the room and made way back to my place. When I entered, steam was fogging the windows of the small apartment. I gathered up Jaspers stinky duds, deposited them in the washing machine with detergent and a dollop of Lysol and started it up. I grabbed a fluffy towel from the closet and walked into the bathroom where I could see Jasper's corpulent shadow beyond the fogged glass. "How's it going in there?" I called over the hiss of the shower. "Mmm, okay I guess." He sounded meek and a little scared. "Did you really wash yourself good?" "Uhm, I guess so..." I pulled the shower door aside and looked in. He cried out in protest and tried to bury himself in the corner, but there was no place to really hide. "Relax Jasper" I said somewhat sternly, "I just want to make sure you're cleaned up properly. Turn around, let me see your butt." Timidly, Jasper turned to face the wall, pointing his chubby bottom toward me. I could see a brown streak where he had made a half-hearted attempt at cleaning himself, but failed. Reaching in, I took the washcloth and the soap and worked up a lather. Jasper screwed his eyes shut and squealed in terror as I ran the washcloth over his ample buttocks. "Okay, bend over a little, let me get at you here." Jasper seemed to acquiesce to my gentle touch as he realized I was not being rough with him. He canted over a little at the waist as I scrubbed the crack of his butt. He was holding on to the grab-bar, scrutinizing the shower wall like it was a Picasso, doing his best to ignore the fact that I was digging a finger around his anus with a soapy cloth to make sure it was clean. "Spread your legs a little," I instructed over the spray, as I spread the suds and lather beneath and along his perineum. "Oooh... it stings!" he cried. Rinsing him down with the hand nozzle, I saw that the skin down his the cleft of his rear and in between his legs, was red and raw looking. I tried to turn him around, but he initially resisted. "Noooo..." he whined, "don't!" "Come on Jasper," I said firmly. He sighed and then turned toward me and I looked down at him. The area around his fleshy pubis was entirely inflamed wherever skin folded against itself. His penis looked like a little acorn nut jutting out from the pad of fat that enveloped it to the point were you could just see the head. I whistled as I saw how sore looking it was. "Oh my goodness, that looks painful." Jasper nodded his head sorrowfully. I knelt down a little to look more closely, it was clear to me that he did not routinely wash himself very well, and I said so. "That's because I when I wash it, I get those feelings and I know they're bad," he told me with complete seriousness. It was my turn to stand there with my mouth open. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and told him how important it was to be clean, and how those feelings were completely normal. I shut the shower off and patted him down with the towel, being careful not to further abrade his raw areas. I guided him to my bed room, a bottle of cornstarch enriched talcum powder in hand, and had him lay down on my bed on his belly. With one hand, I gently spread his expansive butt-crack open and sprinkled the cooling powder into the pink and sensitive skin. With my fingers, I gently rubbed into his deepest crevices. Holding the two wobbly cheeks apart, I made sure to gently rub the pads of my fingers over his wrinkled little rosebud, watching it involuntarily clench and pucker as I did. Spreading his legs a little further, I powdered all the way down to the base of his scrotum. I watched amusedly as his cremasteric reflex pulled his little balls up and out of the way while I coated the insides of his thighs. Jasper had buried his face in his hands as I did this, and when I rolled him over to powder his front, he kept his hands where they were, as if hiding his face would make him invisible. I lifted the pads of fat next to his thighs and powdered them down, running my fingers along the crevices to distribute the talc evenly. Grasping his penis with my thumb and forefinger, I pushed the his pubic mound back and expose the length of it. Looking carefully, I examined him closely. "See..." he wailed through his hands, "there's something wrong with it!" I turned it over in my fingers a couple of times, looking for obvious deformities but found none. Jasper's penis, apart from being a little raw and irritated, looked entirely normal. "It's fine kiddo..." I said quietly, "I don't see anything wrong with it." Jasper stopped breathing for a moment. "Really?" he asked, his hands still pressed against his eyes. "No bull... looks perfectly normal to me." He pulled his hands away, pulled his head off the bed and looked down at me, still holding his exposed pecker in my fingers. "But it's so small..." he said, "and I can't see it that good." I chuckled inwardly as I doused the little tadger with powder and rubbed it under the crown and frenulum where it appeared especially irritated. He squirmed under my touch and I released him, his little penis stood hard and upright, pushing up into the little pad of fat over it. Seeing some red looking flesh standing apart from the powder where I missed some, I put more on my hand and started to apply it along his tightening scrotum and the base of his little penis. Jasper clapped his hands to his face again and whimpered. "What's the matter?" I started to ask. His answer was another squeak as I felt his penis pulse under my palm, squirting a small watery blast onto my hand. His little dick was jumping rhythmically beneath my grasp, straining to pump out what was left of his meager ejaculation. Jasper was biting his lip hard and I could see tears leaking from the sides of his eyes as he pressed his hands against them. "Oooh..." I said wincing, as I saw his pain, "Take it easy Bud, it's no big deal." "Yeah, but I made a mess!" he cried from beneath his hands. I looked down and smiled. While he had ejaculated on himself, his pudgy, eleven year-old tackle could not produce much more than a small, watery squirt; so it hardly qualified as a mess. The frantic pulsations from his penis had slowed to the occasional throb and he was beginning to deflate. He pulled his hands away from his face as I pulled a tissue from the box near my bed (put there for my own similar emergencies), and handed it to him. "Here, clean yourself up, get some clothes on and we'll talk some more about your orientation here in the dorm." "But what about...?" "We'll say no more about it, it's not a problem. But I still want you to shower regularly, we can work out a schedule for you to help you overcome your bashfulness, okay?" Jasper flashed a truly winning smile. "Okay." he said tentatively. "And promise me you won't be giving any blow-jobs in the basement stairwell until you and me have had a chance to sit and talk about stuff like that." His jaw propped open and he looked aghast. His mouth moved as if to say something, but no sound came out. I patted him on the back to reassure him. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, but I need your promise, all right?" As he stood before me, nodding dumbly, I knew I had a lot of ground to cover with this kid before he was ever going to be straightened out. "Okay Mr. Fagan," he said. "You're a good kid Jasper," I said soothingly, "You're smart, handsome and with a little work, you can be a Crestwood success story. I'm willing to help you get there, but you have to meet me halfway." He nodded to me, and as he walked down the hallway, he turned to face me with an enormous smile, flashed a double thumbs-up, and ducked into his room.