JiuJitsu Boy

Chapter 7 - Meet Liam and Taylor

JiuJitsu Boy

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The next day, they went to see Bruce. Nothing was said about the sex from the night before. They prepared to make some videos for social media. Bruce decided he would get some jiu-jitsu moves from Jamie and Sebastian, so the two boys practiced, and Mark and one of his employees took footage to use. When that was done, Bruce suggested moving to kickboxing. Neither boy had done any kick boxing, so Bruce had to show them, and Mark's team used camera angles and would add editing to make something cool. The two boys changed into their shorts and Bruce taped their hands. Close up shots were taken of the boys getting wrapped. They were told to have serious looks on their faces. Bruce then grabbed some Vaseline and strategically smeared it on each boy's face.

"What's that for?" Jamie asked.

"In a tournament fight, you will have a cut man. This is the guy who gives you water, deals with cuts, and gives you strategy. They will apply Vaseline to keep a punch from sticking and stretching the skin and tearing. If you hit an area that is greased, it will slide off. Besides, it's kind of sexy looking to show it being applied and then have a shiny face."

Mark was getting hard watching Bruce apply the grease. Once both boys were ready, Bruce had them practice a few kicks and blocks. Once they had them figured out, he had them move faster. Mark and his crew filmed it in a way they could speed it up or make it look like slow motion to make a compelling video. Bruce walked over to Jamie and poured a bottle of water over his head. Jamie yelped. "What was that for?"

"This will make a great shot. Sebastian, take a swing at Jamie's chin with your foot, but don't hit him." Sebastian did it, and Jamie flinched.

"OK, Jamie, when he does it again, turn your head, faking that you were hit, and swing your head. The water will splash off."

Mark and his crew set the cameras to slow-motion and got the right angles. One shot from behind Jamie and another that would show the foot and make it look like it had contacted. They did a few takes until Mark thought it would be perfect. They did a few more and then they wrapped. Sebastian went over and hugged Jamie and whispered in his ear again. His dad was happy that Bruce chose him to star with Jamie, and they left. Mark sent his assistant back to the shop, and he, Jamie, and Bruce stayed behind.

"Bruce, about the other night, Jamie is having a hard time separating sex, love, and feeling loved and abandoned. We all had a great time the other night, but afterward, Jamie had a meltdown. He felt that when you shared the kiss with us, it meant something more than sharing his sweet boy juice. We can't play with anyone else present, and I want to make sure you and he aren't playing either."

"I'm sorry if you were upset, Jamie. You're one hot boy, but I know you are Mark's lover. Mark and I were just fuckbuddys. Sex is for fun and nothing more. Just like the sex we had before you knew Mark."

"But, I thought we had more." Jamie said.

"I'm sorry Jamie, it was just for fun with you. I thought you enjoyed it. Do you feel the same way with Mark as you did with me?"

"No, of course not. I liked playing with you, but with Mark, well, it's better. I'm sorry, Bruce."

"It's OK. Maybe you needed to get that out, so you heard yourself say it. Jamie, I enjoy sex with you, but this man here, he is your lover. What we had was just fun, and if I can't be a part of it, I'm fine. I want to see you happy. I think you were just curious since you didn't have a dad. Maybe I overstepped, but I hope you enjoyed what we did."

"I did. I mean, you never forced me and it was always fun. I learned from you and now I can share it with my dad. Thanks." Jamie hugged Bruce and then went over to Mark, grabbed his hand, and they walked back to the shop.

It was lunch time, so they walked over to Mac's again. There were plenty of things on the menu, so they never got bored. The servers all loved Jamie, and today he was in his gi. They flirted with him even more today. He was a cutie pie after all.

"So, what did Sebastian say to you? He seems to whisper to you every time you two are together."

Jamie turned bright red. "Daaad, It's none of your business."

"Oh, do I need to be jealous now?"

"It's not like that, dad. He keeps telling me I'm sexy and he wants to do sexy things."

"Do you want to do sexy things with him?"

"No, well, maybe. I've never been with a boy my age, but I have you. I love being with you."

"So you've been with Bruce, you've been with me, and now Sebastian wants you. If you want to play with him, we can have him over for a swim and sleepover. Maybe he and his dad come by for a barbecue and then swim, and you boys can spend the night together."

"I can't, dad. I don't want you to play with anyone, and I don't want us to play in front of others. I'm confused. Dad, I get hard when he and I touch."

"You've never been with a boy. So, what if this is just a learning experience for the two of you? Adults call it a free pass. You can have him for one night. I won't be jealous or worry. You can play at home and see what you think. That way, you've got me nearby and you'll have a reason to stop if you don't like it. You can always say, my dad will hear us, so we can't."

It's not fair to you. You should have a free pass too."

"Nope, I don't need one. You're all I need. But you can have Sebastian and control the situation."

"Let me think about it. I'm not sure."

They finished lunch and went over to the shop. Jamie ran in the back and changed into his street clothes. Mark checked with his team about the videos. Jamie had gone up front to man the counter when a customer walked in with a teenage boy. Jamie thought the boy looked cute for a redhead. The man, Liam, was sexy and hot, and he was definitely into the boy, Taylor, who was with him. Then Mark came up, and they talked about putting up security cameras and other things at the guys' house. Jamie was tasked with getting everything packed into the company van and worked with Sam to make sure they had everything. Liam had to go take care of a few things and told Mark that he would stop by to tell them when they were headed home.

After a bit, Liam stopped by to say they were heading home. Mark and Jamie headed out to do the installation. They were a few minutes behind Liam and Taylor.

When Mark and Jamie arrived, they saw Liam and Taylor peering in the windows. Mark asked if everything was alright, and Liam told them they found the door open. Mark pulled out his phone and was ready to call for help while Liam slowly entered the house, followed by Taylor. As they got into the front room, they heard a crash come from the hallway. Taylor bolted out of the house, but Liam stood his ground. "Who the fuck is there? Come out with your hands up!" Even though he was unarmed, he hoped whoever it was wouldn't realize it.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"Noise, hall, shit." Taylor broke down crying and slumped to the ground. Jamie ran over and put his arm around him. "It's OK, I hear Liam, he's OK."

Taylor was just shaking and sobbing. This was the most emotion the boy showed since he met Liam. Jamie just held his new friend and hugged him whispering "It's OK."

"No, it's not. I ran away. I should have stayed with Liam. I can't lose him. I love him."

Taylor kept sobbing.

Just then, a gunshot rang out in the house. Mark dialed 911.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, we just came up to our friend's house and the door was open. He went inside, and we just heard a gunshot."

"Do you know if anyone is hurt?"

"No, we don't. We haven't heard anything since."

Just then, a raccoon ran out of the house, followed by a red faced Liam.

"Hang up, nobody is hurt." Liam said.

Mark told the 911 operator that everything was OK. He hadn't given them any location and hoped his phone didn't send location to them, so he just hung up.

Taylor jumped up, grabbed onto Liam and hugged him tight. "I thought you were dead. What happened? I can't lose you. Liam, I love you. Don't scare me like that." He then kissed Liam and held him.

"I couldn't see what was back there, so I went and got my gun and tried to load it. When I chambered the round, which I shouldn't have tried with one hand, I dropped it and it went off. I'm lucky that I didn't get shot and that nobody was hurt. We do need to shop for a new refrigerator, though. We can duct tape over the holes for now, but it's not a good look. That raccoon was as scared as I was."

Taylor and Jamie both started laughing and went in to see the refrigerator.

Mark went over and put his arm around Liam. I see you have a wonderful boy. It's about time! I should tell you the story of Jamie and how he came into my life."

"I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of each other. We always go too long between catching up. I mean between your car and van maintenance and my tech screwups. We joined the studio for Jiu-Jitsu and Kick Boxing, so I'm sure we will see even more of each other."

Just then, the boys came out laughing and holding up a leaking soda bottle. "Liam, you murdered Dr. Pepper. What did he ever do to you?"

"Funny guys, funny." Liam just grimaced.

The installation took a while, but with Liam and Taylor's help, it went quickly. Liam took them all out to dinner at Jose's Tacos. It wasn't fancy, but the food was good and freshly made.

Mark and Jamie went home and hopped in the shower. It was late and they were both tired, but Jamie wanted to swim. They ran out back and swam for about an hour, with Mark tossing Jamie into the deep end. Once they were both exhausted, they went to bed.

"Dad, I've been thinking."

"What about?"

"Seb, I think I want to see if he can sleep over. I mean, not to play, but to get to know him, but, well, if we do play, will you be mad?"

"No, son. I wouldn't be mad."

Jamie remained motionless. He was thinking. "But, it's not fair."

"What isn't?"

"I told you you couldn't play, but you agreed to let me."

"I love you no matter what. If you need to get this out of your system, then that's fine. If you end up falling in love with Seb, then it's supposed to be. If you're curious, you need to try it out. You're young. If I can't be your lover, I will be here for you and love you no matter what."

"Hmm, I need to think about it. Hug me dad."

Jamie backed into Mark and they spooned. They were both sound asleep in minutes.

End JiuJitsu Boy Chapter 7 - Andrew Thomas

Meet Taylor and Liam in Gingerbread Boy

Published stories
The Gingerbread Boy Gay: Adult/Youth https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/gingerbread-boy/
Splashing in the streetsGay: Young Friends https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/splashing-in-the-streets.html
JiuJitsu BoyGay: Adult/Youthhttps://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/jiujitsu-boy/
The Test DriveGay: Adult/Youthhttps://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-test-drive/
You can see what's in the works here:Andrew Thomas, Nifty Author https://amtnifty.wordpress.com