Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:04:31 +0000 From: Pink Panther Subject: 'July Through September' chapter 21 This story is a work of erotic fiction. If reading erotic fiction is illegal where you live, please leave this page now. If you are under age for reading this type of material, please leave this page now. This story contains scenes of sexual interaction involving both underage boys and older guys. If this is not what you wish to read, please leave this page now. Just a few chapters to go and still a great deal to be resolved. Thanks for following the story up to now; I hope you enjoy the way things pan out as we move towards a conclusion. Feedback, including constructive criticism, is more than welcome and I always reply to it. To send comments, please e-mail : and I will reply as soon as I can. TWENTY ONE ADAM After a couple of hours at the pool, we spent the rest of the morning at our house, me, Matthew and Neil that is. Tim had to go to town with his mum to buy some new trousers for school; his mum always does stuff like that right at the last minute. We got ourselves some lunch then I called him. He was back home, so we set off to head up past Matthew's house, call in and say hello for five minutes, then walk on up to Tim's place. His mum's gone to work this afternoon so he's got the place to himself. After that big downer on Friday, Matthew's pretty much back to his normal self. I'm hoping that means he'll be up for giving me and Neil a little `help'. I'm not sure about Neil, but I'm as horny as fuck. We set off along Ashwell Street. Neil's promised to tell me how he's been getting on with his new girlfriend, Louise Gilham, so we're walking pretty slowly, allowing Matthew to go on ahead. Neil wouldn't want him hearing this stuff anyway. As it goes, it seems Neil hasn't got as far as he would have liked, a bit of a grope and not much more. Even so, just listening to him talking about it has got me hornier than ever. I look up. Matthew's about forty yards ahead of us, almost at the end of the street. He turns the corner onto Longthorn Road and disappears from view. PAUL I've been driving round the area for almost three hours; there's been no trace of him. I'm tired, I'm frustrated and I'm starting to panic. I'll go back home, have a bite to eat, freshen up and try again. I swing the car off St. Mark's Crescent onto Longthorn Road, a long steady climb that goes on for about half a mile. As I pass Ashwell Street I spot a boy walking along on the far side of the road. He's going in the same direction as I am, so he's got his back to me, but as I get closer and get a better look I've no doubt at all; that dark hair and those long slim legs are a complete giveaway. This is it! I've found him! ADAM We turn the corner onto Longthorn Road. Matthew's a little further ahead by this time, forty five yards, maybe fifty. Right then a car snakes across from the other side of the road and screeches to a halt right by where Matthew is. A guy jumps out and grabs Matthew by the arm. Without even a word we're sprinting up the hill. I'm not slow, but I'm no match for Neil. He won the county schools' one hundred metres championship just before the holidays; he is seriously quick! I remember being taught about situations like this; the one thing you must do is get the car registration number. Almost without thinking, I step off the kerb so I'm running directly at the back of the car where the number plate is. As it comes closer I start to recite it to myself, RF04 PNK, RF04 PNK, RF04 PNK, trying to imprint it on my brain. The guy's trying to force Matthew into the back seat. Matthew's squirming and struggling for all he's worth, but the guy holding him is big and looks pretty strong. If he can hold out just a moment longer, Neil's almost there. "Hang on Matty!" I scream with what little breath I have left. Matthew shoots out a hand, bracing himself against the roof of the car. The guy looks up, but he's too late. Neil hits him with the best Rugby tackle I've ever seen. He lets go of Matty's arm as the two of them go sprawling along the grass verge. Matthew stumbles away looking frightened and bewildered. I get to him and pull him towards me; he ought to run off, but after the struggle he just put up, it's like he's got nothing left to give. Neil's down on the ground struggling to hold the guy down. He's a big lad considering he won't be fourteen for another few weeks, 5'10" and nearly 160 pounds, but now the momentum's gone he's just not big enough. The guy we're dealing with looks like he weighs around 200 pounds, he's not fat and he's not that old either, under thirty I'd guess. He throws Neil off him and gets to his feet, kicking him hard on the thigh. Neil cries out in pain. As he comes towards us, I make sure I've got myself between him and Matthew. If Neil can get up, maybe the pair of us can take him out. I won't let him get Matthew! I won't! He's getting close now. I look right into his eyes, determined not to let him see how scared I am. I move forwards, aiming a karate- type kick at him. He hesitates for a moment, then slams the back door of the car, jumps into the driver's seat and speeds off up the road without even closing his door properly. Neil staggers to his feet holding his leg. The way he's moving his head around it looks like he's hurt his neck as well. "Shit! Bastard kicked me right on the muscle! Fuck! That hurts!" "You got your phone?" I ask. "Yeah, if that bastard's not broken it." He looks at Matthew as he retrieves his phone from the pocket of his shorts. "You okay, Matty?" he asks, attempting a smile. Matty is not okay; he's sobbing and shaking like a leaf. A woman emerges from the house we're next to. "Are you all right?" she asks. "I was upstairs; when I heard the noise I looked out of the window. I saw everything. What did he think he was doing, trying to grab a boy off the street like that? I don't know what things are coming to!" "It's the guy who attacked the boy in the woods last week; at least I think it is," I tell her, as Neil passes me the phone. "I'm calling the police." I dial the emergency number. It seems to take ages before I get an answer. At last I'm through to a woman in the police control room. I tell her what happened and where we are. "Did you get the registration number of the car?" she asks. "RF04 PNK, I tell her. It's a red Peugeot 307." "Stay where you are," she says. "A patrol car is on its way to you." We sit ourselves on the low wall outside the house while the woman goes back inside to make us a cup of tea. I put my arm round Matthew's shoulder. He's still shaking and very tearful. Sitting scrunched up like that he looks smaller somehow, like he's shrunk into himself. "He was going to kill me!" he wails between sobs, "cause I knew who he was!" "What d'you mean, Matty" I ask gently. "How did you know who he was?" "About two weeks ago, I was going to Nicky's house," he sobs. I went up Exeter Street. I saw him loading soccer kit into the back of his car. I stopped and chatted to him for a bit. He said the kit was for the team he coaches." He pauses to dry his eyes. "I could see he was looking at me a bit, you know . strange. Then he asked if I wanted to go for a ride in his car. I was scared so I ran off." He hesitates again; this is obviously proving very difficult for him. "Then last week," he continues, "after that happened and it was all on the telly and they said they were looking for someone driving a red car, I never thought about him; I'd forgotten his car was red. Then this afternoon when he jumped out at me ." His voice tails off and he bursts into floods of tears again. A moment later a police patrol car roars up the street, siren wailing, blue light flashing, and comes to a halt right next to us. Two policemen get out and come across to us. "Is this the boy he tried to snatch?" one of them asks, nodding towards Matthew. "Yeah," I tell him. "Did you get the registration number of his car?" "Yeah; don't worry about that. He's got just about every patrol car in the county out looking for him; he won't get far. We should have the helicopter up in a couple of minutes too." "It's okay, son," he says to Matthew. "You're safe now; it's all right." The woman reappears from her house with mugs of tea for the three of us. We tell the two policemen what happened; she confirms it in every detail. "You did well," the one policeman says to Neil, "stopping him like that. But for that we'd have a live hostage situation to deal with; that would be a lot harder. You a Rugby player, then?" "Yeah," Neil tells him, "but it was Adam who got the registration number. Matthew did well too, the struggle he put up; the guy was having such a hard time trying to get him in the car he never saw me until it was too late." He ruffles my hair. "If Matty hadn't struggled so hard I wouldn't have got there in time." The policeman looks at him quizzically. "You okay?" he asks. "I think I twisted my neck and shoulder a bit when I tackled him," Neil says, trying to play down the discomfort. "When he got up he kicked me in the leg. It's just a bit sore; it'll be fine." "Get yourself to the hospital, get checked out," the other policeman says. "You can get compensation for that. Then if you need physio or something to get back playing again, you've got the money to pay for it. If you don't, you've got a bit of a bonus." Finally, we coax a still tearful Matthew to tell them about seeing the guy before. "Do you remember the number of the house in Exeter Street?" the first policeman asks. Matthew shakes his head. "I can show you which house it is though." The second policeman's radio crackles into life. He acknowledges the message. "The car's been sighted," he says, giving us a little smile. "We now have a vehicle in pursuit with others on their way. It's just a matter of time now." "Where was he?" his partner asks. "London Road, heading north." "He's got no chance," the first policeman says confidently. "Our boys will be all over him in a couple of minutes. Right, I suggest we all take a little drive down Exeter Street, then we can take these lads back to Matthew's house." We squeeze ourselves into the patrol car. We drive round through Exeter Street. Matthew points to the house. "Are you sure?" the second policeman asks. Matthew nods. "Yes." We set off back to Matthew's place. There's another radio message. A satisfied smile crosses the policeman's face as he acknowledges it. "We have a result. A suspect has been arrested and taken into custody." A minute later we're back at Matthew's house. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 ADAM When Aunt Rachel, that's Matty's mum, hears what's happened she nearly passes out. A moment later, she's all over me and Neil, sobbing and thanking us for saving Matthew's life. The twins, Matthew's younger sisters, start crying too. It all just seems to make Matthew worse. "He's in shock," he first policeman says. "If he doesn't calm down you might need the doctor to give him something." The two policemen make their way out, telling us they'll be in touch when they want us to identify the guy they've arrested. "Can I borrow the phone again?" I ask Neil. "I need to call Tim, tell him we won't be coming." "Shit!" Tim says when I tell him what's been happening. "I'd love to have seen Neil flattening the guy! That must have been some tackle! How's Matty?" "He's taken it pretty hard. He's still shaking; he's crying a lot too." "Is it okay if I come over?" "Sure, no problem!" I go back and sit next to Matthew, putting my arm round his shoulder. He's a bit calmer, but still tearful and very tense, like he'll jump out of his skin at any moment. The doorbell rings; I get up to answer it. Tim steps quietly inside and we head back through to the living room. He takes my place sitting next to Matthew. He puts his arm round him just the way I did, but Matty's reaction is completely different. He snuggles right up and puts his head on Tim's chest; thirty seconds later he's fast asleep. Wow! That is amazing! If Matthew wasn't so dark and Tim so fair, seeing them sitting together like that you'd think they were brothers. Only they're not; they're boyfriends. In a way, Tim's been braver than any of us, letting Matthew's mum see them together like that. In his position, I'm not sure I'd have had the bottle. Let's hope she doesn't notice. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 ADAM "Adam, can you come into the kitchen please!" It's Aunt Rachel, Matthew's mum. I stroll into the kitchen to see what she wants. She's sitting at the kitchen table. "Close the door please," she says quietly. This is trouble, I can smell it. She cocks her head in the direction of the living room. "Is there something going on here that I ought to know about," she asks gently. I could give her the "I don't know what you're talking about" routine, but that's just not going to work. I don't really want to tell lies either, but I can't grass on Tim; I just can't do it. So I stand there, shifting from one foot to the other, opening my mouth without any words coming out. "Right," she says, looking right into my eyes. "I've already got a pretty good idea that Matthew's gay, so let's start from there, shall we?" Shit! That one came right out of left field; I never even saw it! "Has there been some messing about going on?" she asks. This is so embarrassing! I've turned crimson; my cheeks are burning. "Adam! It's what boys do! I've got two younger brothers, remember? One of them is your dad! Now you're not in trouble; I just need to know." "Yeah." I mutter, looking at my feet. "So how did that start?" "We were in the woods at the beginning of the holiday, just me and Matthew. I went to have a pee in the bushes. I could see Matthew was, you know, looking at me, so I let him see it. Then he showed me his. It just went on from there, feeling each other and stuff." "So how did Tim get involved?" "I asked Matthew if he'd ever done anything like that before and he said he hadn't. He asked me, so I told him that I'd, you know, . wanked off with Tim and Neil. Matthew said he'd like to do it with them as well. So the next day I told them, and they said yes." "But things seem to have gone a good bit further than that where Tim's concerned." "Yeah, I sort of guessed Tim was a lot more into it than he was saying, but I only really knew about it last week. When Neil and I were at school for Rugby training, Tim couldn't go `cause his knees are hurting him a lot at the moment. This kid who lives opposite Tim's house asked me why Matthew was spending so much time there." "And what did you say?" "Told him to mind his own business!" "Right. So are you telling me that Tim Cooper, fellow rugby player, mathematical genius, writer of wonderful funny stories and all round good kid is Matthew's boyfriend?" "Sort of, I guess." "Well I wouldn't have predicted that. Do his mum and dad know?" "Dunno; don't think so. I guess his mum might have an idea, but his dad wouldn't." "Oh? How's that, then?" "Tim's mum's great, a lot like you really, but his dad's a waste of time." "Adam!" she says sternly. "Well he is," I continue. I've said it now; I can't make things any worse. "He doesn't take the slightest interest in anything Tim does, he never has. When I was small, dad used to play with me a lot, always teaching me stuff and me having fun at the same time. Now he comes to watch me when I'm playing Rugby, comes to anything that's going on at school; Neil's dad's the same. Tim's dad's never done any of that; it's like Tim and his dad hardly know each other." "Oh! Well I said you weren't in trouble; neither is Tim. You know what Matthew's like, always wanting to try new things, especially stuff that you're doing; I sensed something like this might happen, just from the way I saw him looking at you. I wasn't his mates at junior school he was interested in; it was you lot. Well, it's no use trying to stop him. I have to go to work; he has to go to school. If he wants to do something he'll find a way of doing it; that's Matthew. If he's going to have a boyfriend, I'd rather it was Tim, you know, someone I know won't hurt him." "Oh, I thought you'd go mad at us for, you know ..." "You've only done stuff that lots of boys do. Matthew's a good lad, but he's got a mind of his own. If he decides to do something, there's nothing I can do to stop him; that's how he is. Thanks for being honest. Don't you say anything; I'll have a word with Matthew after Tim's gone home, just so he knows that I know." I make my way out of the kitchen. Tim's still sitting where he was, with Matthew fast asleep in his arms. I know Aunt Rachel's a real good laugh; she's dead right about Matthew too. Even so, I didn't expect her to take it as well as that. And what she said about having younger brothers; sounds like she knows stuff about what dad used to get up to that he wouldn't like to be reminded about. That's pretty funny! I get Tim a drink, say my goodbyes to everyone and make my way home. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 MATTHEW I wake up and rub my eyes. At first I can't remember where I am or why. And what's Tim doing here? Slowly it all comes back to me. "What's the time?" I ask. "Quarter to nine," Tim informs me, looking at my watch. Mum comes bustling in. "So you're awake at last! How are you feeling?" "Better, thanks." "Well, it's more than time Tim went home," mum says. "I'll call his mum, see if she can pick him up; it's nearly dark." "Mum," I ask. "Can Tim stay here tonight? With me, I mean?" "Well, I don't know, Matthew," she says, frowning. She looks at Tim. "Are you okay to stay the night?" Tim nods. "Yeah, if you want. We've still got one more day before we go back to school." "Well, let's see what your mum says." Mum tells him. There's one of those mum-to-mum phone calls that seems to last for ever. At last mum puts the phone down. "Well, that's okay," she says, looking up and smiling. "Tim, your mum will see you tomorrow." 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 MATTHEW The next time I wake up, the sun is streaming through into my bedroom. Tim's still there next to me. We're pretty squashed up, being together in my bed, but I've slept right though; looks like Tim's done the same. I ease myself out of bed and make my way to the bathroom for a piss. As I get back into bed Tim opens an eye. "Morning!" he says grinning at me. "Feeling better today?" "Yeah, thanks. Did you sleep okay?" "Yeah, really well; I've only just woken up." "I love you, Tim!" I whisper, rubbing noses with him. He looks at me quizzically. "Last night, you weren't just, you know, play-acting so your mum would let me stop over?" "No, I wasn't honestly," I say quietly. "I wouldn't do that. I know how stupid I've been. I've never been as scared as I was yesterday afternoon. I'm sure he would have killed me." I pause for a second. "Neil and Adam are heroes, Neil especially, but Adam was really brave too. When the guy got up, Adam got himself between me and him, sort of aimed a karate kick at him. The guy just panicked; jumped in the car and drove off." I swallow hard, choking back a tear. "If it hadn't been for them, I might have been dead." "So, are you okay now?" Tim asks gently. "Pretty much, I think." He gives me a beautiful smile. "So that's cool then!" I reach down and find his hard cock throbbing inside his briefs. "Uh, huh!" he whispers, shaking his head and grinning at me. "Bathroom first or you'll have me peeing all over you!" He slips noiselessly out of bed; two minutes later he's back. He gets into bed; we wrap our arms round each other, our lips meeting in the most beautiful kiss I've ever had. I needed that so much! Tim is wonderful; it's only been these last few days that I've realised how important he is to me. "What's the time?" he whispers. "Half past six," I say, checking my watch. "It's cool; nobody will be awake for an hour yet, mustn't make too much noise though." We pull each other's briefs down and drop them on the floor. I want this so badly, for once there isn't much build up. I snake around, resting my head on Tim's tummy, and start licking his cock, my tongue working over the head and down the shaft before I take it into my mouth. Tim wriggles his way down the bed, pulling me round so my cock's right by has face. So here we are, lying on our side, doing a sixty nine like it's the only thing that matters. Right now, it probably is. Having his beautiful cock in my mouth, sucking it, licking it, licking his big, hairless balls; it just feels so perfect, and the sensations Tim's giving me are unbelievable. I think about finger-fucking him, but we don't have any lube. Somehow, it doesn't seem to matter; this is everything I need it to be. I know we're not going to last long, either of us. I'm not bothered about that either; I want Tim's spunk in my mouth and the sooner the better. I feel him tensing up, his fingers digging into my shoulders. A moment later I get my reward, his spunk flooding into my mouth. Now I've gone over the edge too, my cum squirting into his mouth in several little jets. I hold Tim's spunk in my mouth for a few seconds, licking the head of his cock to make sure I don't miss a single drop. Satisfied that I've got it all, I swallow the lot. We let each other go, and resume our previous position snuggled up next to each other. I retrieve our briefs from the carpet and hide them under the covers. If mum does come in, we don't want her to realise we're naked. Tim grins at me, his eyes sparkling the way only his can. "It was funny, yesterday, when you were asleep," he says quietly. "Adam went in the kitchen to talk to your mum; he was in there about ten minutes. He went home soon after that. Then your mum came and sat down, smiling at me and just chatting about this and that. It was weird though; the way she was looking at me, with you snuggled up all over me. It was like, you know, she knew. The really weird thing was she didn't seem to mind at all." I rub noses with him. "Well," I whisper, "maybe she doesn't."