Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:33:53 -0600 From: Subject: Lambda Psi 5 Lambda Psi by: dnrock( Five: Growth Is Good Over the next few months we increased our membership by nearly 20. Once school started again and Russell was well into his mental training, the boys started to bring interesting candidates to us. A few were gay boys and they quickly requested membership. Well not to quickly, our boys did need to seduce some of them first, or maybe wanted to seduce them first. A couple of the straight boys were just hesitant. I think they feared the gay label more then anything else. Once I had them on the massage table they were ours. Almost half brought adults with him or recruited them shortly after joining. Dads, uncles and older brothers. Asiopos and Drakon recruited two of the new sales staff from the sports shop. Both university students, one in Philosophy and one in Engineering. They were less interested in boys then young men their own ages. That changed in the first few weeks. These two had no previous experience with male-male sex. I guess that is normal. If your not a boy lover to start with you just don't know how good it is to fuck them. It was not that easy get the adults brought in by the boys to sign up. It was not that easy to get the releases for most of them. The gay ones, less of a problem, most of their parents saw this a positive thing for their sons. The straight boys that brought men along, more of a challenge for Apollo and I. For the reluctant ones we had saliva enhanced beer. That got it started with a kick and we would finish it with a fuck or two. This is easy I thought. Well it is magic now isn't it. In any event, it usually took a few extra deep long kisses for the fathers and uncles to fuck their sons and nephews the first time. One of the fathers had a huge cock. His son was good sized for a boy, he would grow yet. The father was at least 9 inches and I wanted that up my ass in the worst way. I got it to, the first time I fucked him. In a way he was easy. A little beer and he was all over me, a few kisses and I was in his ass and he was soon in mine. This was one father son combo that would not mentor outside the family. I think the old man took his son home from the first meeting and kept him in bed for the whole weekend. I knew he liked to fuck and from what I can see likes to get fucked too. The fellow came to me a month or two later, asking about some of the rules and orders of conduct. He explained he and wife had divorced a year back and he had been looking but now that he found boys, he knew what he had to do. He had to fuck them and instruct them. The guy was a junior high athletics coach/phys. ed. teacher by profession. He had access to all the boys we would ever want. Well that was his idea. I cooled him down a bit. Pointing out we needed to bring in more mentors first. Then he told me that he and his son had lined up four boys from the basketball team the son played on. They had already seduced them and all that was needed was to arrange the time. He would even get the permission slips signed by the parents and the boys first year fees. What could I say. Well I could have said lots but I kept my mouth shoot and arranged for Apollo and I to meet them at his home. I told them a little about the LP's and Apollo asked them a few questions about why they wanted to join. "You have known your buddy here for several years. You have no doubt noticed a change in him and a change in the Coach since they joined. Those changes are permanent and on going. Once you join us your life will change forever and it is not something you can just resign from." Dirk said, "Sam is correct, he is new I have been around for a long time, started as a very young boy. I have never known anyone to resign. I have known old men who just stop attending, mostly due to health reasons." One boy said, "Coach told me it was like the ancient Greek gymnasiums. I looked that up. Are you naked in the sanctuary too. Will we be expected to have sex with the other members?" "Sure you will be naked if you want to be. Most are but not everyone. You can have sex with whomever you choose. No one can force you and if you choose not, you choose not." And so it want. Then next night we took in the four new basketball players. I Know I said they were not forced to have sex. The truth is they would be given little choice. Once the Apollo kiss and fucked them, sex or no sex was not their choice but ours. They would be so sexed up, no matter what they thought, they would want and want and want. The members would see they got and got and got. The coach had them ready, I was quite surprised. Just as we were about to leave he told to boys to show us how ready they were. Man were they too. The four stood up. Pulled off their shorts and displayed neatly shaved bodies with goodly erections. I was ready to fuck them right then and there but thought better of it. That winter we began seeing another flood of new members, these were men, many but not all with boys attached. Some had only girls. Most were divorced with half time or weekend shared parenting. That would not work for men with both boys and girls however. In a way it is to bad the women don't have something equivalent to us but they apparently don't. I can understand why, it would not have the same kind of magic component since they do not have a Y chromosome. Dirk told me lots of stories circulated over the years about the Wickis and convents, he figured lesbos but not magic. "I have known a lot of lesbians over the years, few seem interested in young girls. Few women are interested in young boys either. Most female boy loves want a little meat between their legs first. Now I have know some women that liked to be fucked by younger boys say 14 or 15, in deference to any other age. Enough of a cock and sex drive to make it interesting and immature enough to keep under control. I knew one princess, who kept about 8 boys, 14 to 16 on her staff at all times. When they got older she would let her female companions have them. She never married but did have about 12 children. The companions too had many children. In those days infant mortality was 50% and about 35% of the women did not survive child birth either. The younger boys were available to the priests in the local church and her privet chapel. The homosexuals, not what anyone in those days called them, that were bright, stayed in the religious profession. The older ones without a talented tongue, were sent to the military. Frankly she was quite a bitch and one of the most self centered people I have ever known. I know the girls were not impressed with her. Again a talented tongue was more important than skill. She controlled the boys by having them raped in her presence, by some rather large and well hung guards. The girls were kept in line the same way but she allowed that to happen on a bed. Just as I was about to leave that place I spent several weeks fucking every man, boy and every girl over 12 and less then 20 in the castle. Then I overwhelmed her and after two days in her bed departed. I never returned and I do not know what happened except from letters. She did have 11 more children and lived to be almost 50. She was an old fat hag, princess or not. Now that is one you will never find the history books," Dirk laughed and laughed. As the holiday season approached, things quieted down. The students were busy with exams and the adults getting organized or working overtime. That was okay with me. My mother was determined that Orval and Turner were give a proper time. I find this present buying such a pain. Dirk and I resolved for ourselves nothing except some token to show others. For the boys that is another matter. Dirk just handed them his AMEX card. I put a stop to that. We all drove to Chicago and after visiting a number of galleries, chose a life size bronze statue of a naked boy, the artist is German, the number on the statue is 5 of 25. It was several thousand dollars but Dirk said money was no object. "I have lived long enough to have accumulated quite a bit of it and to know beyond some point is unless until enjoyed, that is spent." he said. We let the boys pay for it. That gave them quite a thrill. We traipsed along the Miracle Mile (Michigan Avenue) in and out of high end stores. In Tiffnies we bought diamond ear studs for the boys. Along the way we picked up tchotchkes for my mother, gifts for Mat and Robert, family offerings for my sisters and so on. The boys wanted to get gifts for each other so we split up. I went with Orval. While we were hunting around Orval asked me if Dirk and I were planning to adopt Turner and himself. I had not really thought about it and said so. "Do you two want to be adopted and if so by us," I asked? "To be honest Sam, I do. I hated being a foster child. My parents disappeared years ago. I never had a real family until now. I want you to be my dad." I could see tears in his eyes. "I want Turner to be my brother. Grandma Shulton is more of a mother to me then any of my foster mothers were," Orval sniveled. "How about Dirk?" "Him too. I think having two dads would be super. Given our, um, phallic orientation." "I see, well I guess we will just need to make it work. Have you mentioned it to Mr. Jenkins?" "No, I think Turner did but Mr. Jenkins just put him off, since you already have his guardianship." I held him right there in the store and kissed his forehead. We met at our hotel and once in the room I opened my mind to Dirk. Okay, Turner did talk to him. He was of the same mind as me. We needed to talk. Dirk started. "Now that you two have both ask to be adopted and we have both agreed," he was saying when Turner interrupted. "How the hell do you to do that. We talked to you separately on purpose and you two never once spoke about it but you know exactly what each other are thinking?" "And don't tell us it is a magic trick, that won't work," Orval said. "Well it is magic, it is not a trick. Sam and I have not quite been completely honest with you or with anyone. This is very hard and I do not have a clear explanation. Sam and I are magicians in the ancient sense of the word. We are also genetic mutants. We share a mutation on our Y as does every priest in the LP's. When we find one of us, who is acceptable, we capture him and make him a priest. None of us has a choice in this. If chosen we must serve. Part of that mutation allows us to communicate by thought. It takes training to do so. That is one of our most treasured secrets, one you must never admit to knowing for sure. We can not know your thoughts or plant ours in your heads. For that we do use tricks and herbs. Our saliva has powers and allows us to control the sexual expression of others, it does other stuff to but you know that from your experience. That only works if we have prepared in advance by following ancient instructions, which include those drinks we are always pushing on you. For us they give power and health, for you just health. Our ejaculate has power too. That you know about from experience. That part is magic but it does have a trick or two attached. Most of this you already knew or suspected. Now the zinger. Once our membership has been consummated, just like yours, it is for life. It is a little different and this is the real magic part, we do not grow older. We are not immortal. We can die from accident or disease. I am about 300 yeas old. Sam is only a year old more or less," Dirk explained. The boys looked incredulous. "When we are consummated we are reborn. When you were consummated, you too were reborn in a symbolic and metaphysical way. For Sam and I it was symbolic and physical. We do not understand it either, so don't ask. We just need to learn to live with it." I took over. "Our only problem and it is not large or small, it just is, is what happens to you boys when you grow old and we do not. For you, life is terminal. For us it is not. At some point you will be in that old peoples home and we will come to visit you. Your dad's still in their mid 20's. We will work it out of course and as appropriate we can be become your children and even grand children. For us it will present a different kind of dilemma. We must watch a loved child grow old before our eyes. Something we will need to come to terms with. Knowing this are you two still wanting to be adopted by us mutants?" The boys smiled and stared at each other holding hands and kissed and stared, still holding hands and broke into wide grins. They looked at us, "sure," Turner said. "That's a demonstration of brother magic," Orval added, "we figured something was up after meeting all those priests and almost none of them over 30. We also figured you would have some way of making things work. Three hundred year old, are you sure?" "Yes, quite sure. My street name was different then. I invented Dirk Furstein when I came to America in 1861." "Then all those painting, antiques and books, you knew those people didn't you," Turner asked? "Yes, most of them. Not all. I did hear Mozart and Beethoven play. I did see Nepoleon ride into Vienna and all kinds of things I write about. I knew Walt Whitman and Sam Clemens. I reinvent myself about every 60 or 70 years. I move about every 20 to 25 years. Sam is my fifth lover in America. You met a couple of the former lovers this summer." "Dirk, told me after 75 years they just ran out of things to talk about." "Yes, we are still bonded and still devoted to each other but," Dirk started to say. "That's okay, Orval and I think we should use Shulton as a sir name, are you okay with that dad," Turner asked? "Yes of course, Furstein is nice but lots of Frusteins around already. Shulton is established in the community, so it is probably better. If I was 250 years younger, maybe it would make a difference to me but not now. Been there, did that, bought the Tee shirt. That is why I like fine things but try not to collect them. That is why money means so little to me now. Sure I have a lot of it but I don't care, so I spend it. True happiness is in my relationships with others. It took me about 100 years to learn that. I hope you learn that a hell of a lot quicker," Dirk said. Dirk and I rose and taking the nearest boy we proceeded to give him the oral satisfaction we knew he desired. I helped Turner out of his street cloths and he help me out of mine. I took a condom and placed it on his super erect penis. I know he would ejaculate at the same time I did. I knew this because I would command him to do so and he would do as commanded. I placed my hand on his shoulder, he dropped to his knees throwing his head back opening his mouth I dropped my 14" dagger down his waiting throat. Dirk was doing exactly the same thing for Orval. Our boys are highly prized among the member for this ability. This was to be the first of several weeks additional magic training, for them. We needed to convince them they were not only bonded to us and each other but they needed each other as life partners, no other would ever do. Now that is not magic it is an illusion based on a strongly held belief. We needed to make them believe our two week training would cement this as a life long thing. These two have the most desirable oral cavities of any all our members. Turner knew the drill. His hands gently fondled my balls, his tongue played along the cock's surface as it slid in and out. As I ejaculated he open even wider, if that was possible. All the while we were telling the boys how much they loved and needed each other how they were being bonded together by our magic. I withdrew to his kisses and cresses. He rose as did Orval. Dirk told the boys to remove the condoms and exchange them taking every drop of the other, savoring the essence of the other. We exchanged boys. We told them they must now fuck us, which they did after a few minutes of our oral assistance for them. After a brief rest we exchanged boys again and fucked them. I chose the boy superior for Turner and Dirk had Orval on his back, with his legs splayed outward almost horizontal. We did not make the boys hold to long for our deliveries and their satisfaction. We had told them not to ejaculated and they did not. We placed them in a side by side 69 with each other and while driving our tongues deep into their very open anuses, commanded the them to exchange their essence with their brother. They did and we place the butt plugs, drank a lots of elixir and headed off for dinner. Not before sharing many kisses and fondles between. I know our bodies are buff and as attractive as the male form is capable of. The boys are boys but that is not to mean they are not very sexy as well. Having spent months at sports, designed to produce this, helps. Dirk being a little devilish, had us all dress in incredibly tight jeans, which left nothing to the imagination. He kissed each boy telling him when we enter the club to become erect and stay that way when ever not sitting at the table. He took us to a small out of the way club. It looked small from the outside but it was in fact quite large. This was a gay, memberships only place. I was blown away and so were the boys. I noticed a number of the staff and patrons had the same LP little neck medallions, so knew we were among friends. For the size queens in the room we gave them a show and every boy lover was falling all over himself to meet them. The food was good and the conversation lively. I will admit we did put on a good show for the boys and girls. Our waiter was an older gay man, I'm sure a boy fancier too. He was good and very attentive, making conversation with the boys and giving them and us compliments. As we departed Orval gave the fellow a kiss on cheek, which I'm sure caused him to ejaculate. Mother was impressed with our offerings and with the diamond studs. She has not quite got her mind around boys and ear studs. When Mat and Richard showed up with them, gifts from their mentors, I believe; she realized it was a modern teen thing and said nothing. Mat and Richard's sisters had plenty to say. Most good but Barbara and Jen are now under pressure. Orval and Truner had real diamonds, you know a girl's best friend. We, Dirk and I, announced the pending adoption at Christmas dinner. Mother thought that was the best present I had ever given her. I think so too. Now that the boys are paying more attention to each other then to us, we could more easily deal with our other duties, like fucking the other boys regularly. One does need to make sure they are being properly trained by their mentors and the older members. Mentors were still needed for the four basketball players. Several had dates but no magic. Dirk thought we may need some magic to get that done. They were making good progress but still lacked some undefinable quality. I suggested the four split into two couples. I told them to fuck and suck each other at least once a day until further notice. When the new school term started up we immediately ran into some political problems. Not us directly, the community as a whole experienced a number of quite vicious attacks on Gays and Lesbians. When I say viscous I mean physical and demeaning social actions. The cops seem unable or unwilling to stop these things. Dirk and I were getting concerned. We knew who it was not, we did not know who it was. All of the usual suspects seemed to disappear right after the first occurrence. We figured it was not them and they just wanted to stay out of the news. We asked all our members to keep their eyes and ears open. The news said a gang of three young men with masks and dark or black coveralls. Well that could be anyone. About a week after this last incident one of our gay boy members came to see us. He said, a friend of his told him three boys were in the hall just outside the music room. The music room door was not closed tight. His friend told him the mayor's youngest son, a high-school senior and his two buddies were laughing about what happened to those fags last week. Okay, a lead maybe but not proof and being the mayor's son, hard proof was going to be necessary. We had to be very careful. Our coach member talks to his high-school counterpart regularly so he would ask. The word came back could be but no smoking gun. It happened again but this time we found out from the gay community, not the media. The three picked on the wrong gay man leaving a bar alone. He was skilled in the marshall arts so defended himself well. He is sure he dislocated the shoulder of one and the other two will have several deep bruises. Dirk call all the high-school boys to keep an eye out. Now bruises and dislocations are not evidence either. If it is the mayor's son and his two friends, we may just need a bit of vigilantly justice in our fair community. We prepared. We knew what was in each other's minds. Sure enough, the three showed up for basketball practice and the mayor's boy had to sit out. His two friends had bruises as suggested they would. They were able to practice but with some difficulty. I called the coach, who called the high-school coach, to tell him about the physiotherapist, with truly magic hands. I went to the recreation center and talked to the Physical Therapist, who is one of our members. He would let me know. The call came and I headed over. The boy's name is Rufus, he will be here in about 40 minutes, the Physical Therapist told me. He left the room and I set up. I positioned a video camera to capture all the sound and action. It is operated by a little remote control which I hid on the side of the table, away from the cam. I was dressed like a PT but you could really see the size of my cock as the pants were tighter then normal. Rufus came in and looked quite surprised. I think he was also quite impressed. "Hi, I'm Sam and you must be Rufus." I said. "Where is Mr. Walter?" "Sick day," I replied. "I am quite experienced and qualified to do what is needed here today. Done it many times and never a complaint. Of course, our styles and methods will differ but I assure you, when you leave here, that dislocated shoulder will not be the slightest bit painful." He looked skeptical. "Please remove your shirt and lay down on the table. My method requires a back massage to start." Now he looked even more skeptical but laid down he positioned his face on the little head ring. Under the ring I had placed a cloth cone. I started the video recorder. I started with general back work at lumbar #1 and began moving up. First I put a light coat of oil over his whole back, making sure the area around the right shoulder was treated with the special butt oil. As I worked, I began talking softly. I give him a couple of shots of laughing gas and continued talking, giving him several more hits. As soon as he was out I turned off the recorder. I rolled him on his back, removed his pants and undies, lubed up his anus and hit him with a large load of saliva. I rolled him over again and as he began to wake offered him a drink of tea which he took. Gave him another shot of gas and put him back out. Now I started the cam again and continued talking. He was starting to wake up that was okay, he was under my power from now on anyway. I kept talking and asked him to look at the little lights blinking on the little box on the floor, also outside of view of the cam. I went on talking just like nothing different had happened and turned on the cam again. Now I was drowning on about the history of therapeutic massage. "The ancient Greeks call it, anatripsis, it was used for medical purposes but also for preparation of athletes before a competition. I am sure for erotic purposes too. Do your remember that Greek word?" "Ant, um, psis," he said. "Not quite, it is anatripsis, you say it." "Anatripsis," he said. I told him that was good and went on, stopping often and asking him questions. He was now completely under my control. I shut off the cam and told him he could not lie to me, it was impossible for him to do so. He agreed and I went on asking him questions about himself and his attitudes. I turn on the cam again and asked more questions. These were things like his attitude toward homosexual men and so on. I got one hell of an ear full. I just asked open-ended questions and he spilled all his feeling and his father's feeling and his older brothers' feelings. I asked him if he was gay himself and if that was the reason he was so hard on homosexuals. He thought he might be but he must never let his family know, so he hated gays for putting himself into such a difficult position. "How did you dislocate your shoulder?" He told me how and why and who he was with. "Is that the first time?" No, he listed three others, times, places and associates. I put some more special oil on his shoulder. "Now Rufus, as I work my fingers into the flesh of your shoulder all the pain will just melt away, just like the little muscle knots melt away." He just said, "pain melt away." I turned off the cam. "How bad do you want to kiss me Rufus?" "Bad," he answered. I kissed him long and deep. Turned the cam on again. "Rufus, is there something you want to tell me?" "Yes, I want you to make love to me. I want you to kiss me and hold me and fuck me." "Are you sure of that Rufus?" "Oh yes, very sure." "Isn't that what gay boys do, ask men to fuck them," I asked? "Yes." "Then you are a gay man, correct?" "Yes." I turned off the cam again. Pulled off the towel covering his ass and went to work. I went around front and presented my cock just out of reach. Turned on the cam and..."are you sure about this? You are positive you want to suck me off and drink every drop of my ejaculate. "Yes but kiss me first. I need your kisses, almost as much as your cock." "Just let the waves of passion and pleasure wash over your body and sole, Rufus." I presented my cock and he was off to the races. When I ejaculated, the effects were as always. He had my magic treatment and this proves he was fully under my sexual control. Being in a trance, he was under my control mentally too. I turned the cam off again. "Rufus do you know what just happened to you and why?" "No Sam, all I know is I love you and want sex with you again and again." "Good," I said, "very good. "Rufus, you are under my control in more ways then you realize. That is good, now I want you to rest, close your eyes and listen to my voice." I took him deep into the trance state, set up a voice and touch activator for his trance states and planted a whole series of suggestions. Testing him repeatedly until I was sure they would hold. I woke him up, fucked him again. Kissed him repeatedly and told him when and were he was to report. Had him dress and touched his ear. He snapped out of the trance. Realized he was no longer in pain. Thanked me and departed. I cleaned up and left. A good share of the mayor's staff is gay. He is personally very careful never to offend this group. The man is a politician. I learned his father would be furious if he came out. He would be even more furious when his gay support melted away, that is if he said anything negative. He had staked part of his political reputation on what was for him a hypocritical position. His brothers were anti gay, as was his sister. That is inside the family, not in public. His mother he didn't think so. She just never said anything about it one way or the other. He would force his friends to meet with the people they hurt and humiliated, to make an apology. He would do that too but he was one of them now. We rented a small meeting room at a local hotel and everyone showed. It was quite a meeting. I put Rufus into his trance state as soon as he entered the room. He would be fully cooperative. He then controlled his two friends. I was not quite sure what to do with these friends. I would decide when I saw their reaction to Rufus' coming out. I showed the little video and that took the wind out of everyone's sails. "Rufus has an announcement," I said. He announced he was gay and begged those offended for forgiveness. He offered to atone if they wished. The four gay men willingly accepted Rufus' apology and set no atonement. The other two were caught out and knew they had to say something. Neither one was gay so that would not be asked of them and not believed even if they said they were. They did apologize. The atonement was to be fucked on their knees before all assembled. Dirk produced a couple of small dildos and lube. It would be painful for sure but they would not scream to loud, I thought. I filmed all this too. I didn't want anyone to come back and say they were raped. They did not need to submit to the atonement. They could go to trial if they wish. They took atonement. It took a few weeks to get it all sorted out. Rufus is out and proud and a new member. He has new friends too. He has a new address. Who knows, if daddy doesn't come around, perhaps a new family. Oh his two friends. They are true followers, now without a leader. At least they will not cause any trouble. They know who has the video. By spring we had expanded the membership sufficiently that meetings were being held every night of the week and on weekend afternoons as well. Dirk searched around and came up with about six older men, retired types that could assist us, so we did not need to be at every meeting. They can run the place and do a lot of the counseling. This was the position of a "Wise Elder", common in many aboriginal societies. The basketball boys found mentors and have settled well into our social structure. Having paired them up for while, seemed to illustrate to them what they needed to do and they did it. Just before summer Dirk became quite agitated. It took me a couple of days to figure out what was behind this. He was agitated with anticipation. That was just it, anticipation but of what he did not know and seemed unable to predict. That much I knew in my head. Even Rusty picked it up. This needed better communication. I had to confront him. I did. "Solon, there is nothing that I think is the problem, nothing. It is all to quiet. Everything is running too smoothly." What could I say, he was right, it was running smoothly but on the other hand we should not be inventing problems, should we. For the next several years things just want along more or less as normal. The adoption was smooth. The boys got drivers licenses and Dirk got me organized for Sam II. I would need a son to take over in about 25 years. We created a Sam Junior, i.e. all the paperwork and stuff like that. He even had worked out things like childhood shot records and school with grades and so on. For a mother we used the maiden name of a woman that died while giving birth, a couple of states away. I made Junior's birth date that day. We had a death certificate created for her locally but if any ever checked the maiden name it would be confirmed. Dirk renewed his passport and I got mine and ones for the boys. We did a lot of traveling that was great fun. Using a trusted member friend, we even managed to put my baby footprints on Junior's birth hospital record. He would be a true clone. My consulting business expanded slowly. That was good. It was all word of mouth. I now had six clients, in addition of the directorships. We both made sure to pay our taxes and things like that. I got busy building up scholarship funds for the boys, including Junior. Dirk put a pile of cash into the funds for Orval and Turner. They graduated from high school and started at the university. Orval in Business and Turner in Engineering. I never figured Turner for a engineer but he seemed to find his math skills in Grade 10 and just kept going. I gave the boys my van and purchased a new car for myself.