Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:35:53 -0600 From: Subject: Lambda Psi 6 Lambda Psi By: dnrock( Six: Ethical Problems My photography hobby took off and I was now spending about six hours a week on it. Very relaxing thing too and no shortage of nude male models either. Russell was pressuring us to make him a priest but we talked him out of it. He was made an assistant but assistant's don't have any powers. It did give him some independent income. We wanted him to enjoy being a teenager and young man. All to soon he would find his world filled up and it would our world not his. He is studying philosophy and history at the university with the other two. He is now living with us full time. All good things must come to an end and our relative peace did. Rufus came to see me early one evening in the late summer. He had become involved in university student politics. That figures, he is charismatic and grew up with it. He was still not on speaking terms with the mayor. The remainder of the family seemed okay. His mentor was one of the lawyers in the community but he was now on his own and about to start his final year. I had come to like the boy and respected him. He was young and full of certainty, as young people seem to be. His father was standing for reelection and was a strong Bush supporter. Rufus was president of the student council and the Young Democrats. He came to me and Apollo looking for advice. "Apollos Solon and Apollo I have a real problem," he said, sitting in our office. "My father is standing for reelection as you know. I happen to have some information that would destroy him if it ever got out. The press has been pointing out that I am President of the Young Democrats, at the university and he is a big time Bush supporter. My father has asked me to resign." "It sounds like you have two problems here. Lets take the political one first," Apollo suggested. "Okay, I will not be bullied by him. It would be unfair to resign just as the campaign is in its final months. I may not like our candidate but he is who he is and I think I have an obligation to do the job right on his behalf. Father's people told me that if I didn't back down he would out me," Rufus said. "My own father would threaten me. I can't believe it. Well I can, I know the bastard." "You have two immediate choices, as I see it. Out yourself first and then expose him as a bigot," I said. "No, not quite like that. Out yourself yes but say you are doing this to expose his bigoted anti gay attitudes. Say he or someone in his office demanded you resign as President of the Young Democrats or they would out you. Okay, I'm out and I am not resigning," Apollo said. "I think a press release to that effect should go out yet tonight," Rufus said. "Now my other problem. Also with my father. I have the goods on his privet life. It is not nice and if it were to become known my mother would be devastated. My sister won't like it but she will get by. It will finish off his chances for reelection. I can't make it public myself, without exposing my source and I don't want to do that, I said I wouldn't," Rufus explained. "You don't want it to look like sour grapes either," I added. Apollo asked him for more details. The father has had a long running affair with one of the city managers and has fathered a child with this women. The girl is now ten. He showed us documentation, lots of documentation. All copies but stuff easily enough checked. "You are obviously between a rock and a hard place here. Your personal feelings toward the man aside. You feel you need to try and protect your Mother. You need to protect your source. You believe making it public is the right thing to do. Not because he had an affair and you have a 1/2 sister you didn't know about but because the women is a city management employee. Does that sum it up," Apollo asked? "Yes, that is it in a nut shell. That bastard has gone on and on about honesty in city government. He as gone after other employees for lesser infractions. The man is a hypocrite." "I don't mean to offend but isn't that the nature of politics. Tell them what they want to hear, not what then need to be told," I said. "True and that is one reason I am going into law, not poly sci. Do I not have an obligation to protect my mother," Rufus asked? "Yes and no. You have an obligation to protect her from that which you are able. You can't protect her from something like this. If not made public by you, then by someone else at a later date. You also have an obligation to protect the public. The Greater Good argument applies here. For a politician, trust is his most important asset. If he looses the trust of the people he is out. I think you need to test this by looking at the various ethical systems," Apollo said and them preceded to review them. Results Based, Standards Based, Intuitionism, Egoism, Virtue, Emotivism, were all reviewed. Rufus came down to Results Based and Standards Based. He chose Standards which often produces a utilitarian or results based conclusion. "If I employ Kant's Categorical Imperative, I have no choice but to expose him. Not only is it the right thing to do but if he is this deceitful with the family, how honest is he with the public," Rufus reasoned. I guess he has been paying attention at our meetings or perhaps in his classes. "Okay, you know what you must do, you did before you came here, I suspect. You now need to figure our the best way to go about doing it. The little play we preformed when you came to his organization will not work here. Well maybe a little play will work but a much different one. Let me see. If you were to call your mother and read you press release to her, after it is sent but before the morning news, that would be a good son, at least giving his mother forewarning. You would agree," Apollo said and Rufus agreed and would do that. "I think you hold back on the infidelity part, say until next Monday and then send a copy of this to your mother. Just put in a typed note saying a heads up. 'Do the right thing for yourself or it will be done for you.' I am willing to bet she will call you for advice. Then tell her she should make this public but only after she talks to her lawyer. Let him help her to do it. Once the cat is out of the bag it can't be put back," Apollo advised. "Is it possible your mother will wish to play the role of a good political wife and "stand by her man", I asked? Rufus did not think so. "I think this will be the straw that brakes her back." "Okay, now that is settled, do you have time for some Sex," Apollo asked? That he did and that we did. Rufus never told us where he got the material from and we did not ask. This transpired more or less as described here. The mayor was forced to resign and withdraw from the race. His Republican friends abandoned him forth with. No politician can be seen to be associating with another that has been discredited. They all have skeletons in their closets to hide, scrutiny must be avoided at all cost. The mother had her press conference and did file for divorce. Rufus came out on top. Most of the Young Democrats figured he was gay anyway. I felt sorry for the lady friend and daughter. She was forced to resign and the girl had to face her friends in school and was embarrassed by the foolishness of others. Rufus' sister was conspicuous by her absence from the situation. I figured it was her he was protecting. As curious as I am, I never asked him. Before he left our company I lay with him in the sauna. He is skilled and gave me a wonderful fuck. I returned that favor of course. That is one of the reasons we are here. The job of the priest is to serve the faithful, is it not. Rufus has a wonderfully buff and athletic body with just a bit of a bubble butt. No matter I like them all. I guess he still has not found that life partner we all seem to search for. He will I am sure and another new member for us as well. Apollo thinks he should look for a girlie man, he likes to see balance in peoples lives. Perhaps he is correct. Now that our boys are in university and almost men, we see much less of them. It is to bad but the way of the world I guess. Dirk is very easy going about it. We don't see that much of any of the university aged boys in the meetings. I remember how much studying I had, so it is understandable. Dirk has been encouraging Russell to spend more time with the girls, well university women. He wants him to get that out of his system before he becomes a priest. No sooner then the Rufus business got cleared we were into another adventure. This one took us some distance from home but netted some huge rewards. Dirk was asked to chair a small academic seminar panel discussion on some obscure history of philosophy topic. The host university was several hours drive away. Nothing in the midwest is all that far but the better part of four hours is close to 200 miles. We rented a high end European, 4 passenger sports type car. Why not, it was fun to drive, turned everyone's heads and since none knew us, any attention would be welcome. We are young men and need to be such, once in a while. I figure with age we become wiser but because we do not age, retain many youthful qualities. I do know that in making the transition from boy to adolescent and men, our frontal brain lobes reorganize themselves. I suspect some of this reorganization takes place in the latter years of our lives it has just not been studied. I took my camera and snapped many good photographs on this lovely old campus. Well, old by North American standards, the was a circa 1870's land grant college. Now many new and modern buildings surrounded the tree studded limestone campus. I have always found the students and professors in philosophy departments are exocentric and eclectic. They are always interesting people. I was sitting in the back on the room since I would not be participating. As people arrived they took seats and Dirk introduced me to some that he knew. A number of graduate students and a few undergrads filed in. Everything was normal until the twins came into the room. For me it all changed. These two were like us. They were broadcasting to each other. I picked it up immediately. I am sure Dirk did too. They were a beautiful couple. Average height and weight. Blond hair, blue eyes, very pleasant smiles. They greeted several of the other students and took seats. They seemed to be fixated on each other until the speakers began. I could feel the warm glow of love between them as they focused on the speakers. When ever Dirk spoke I sensed an even greater attention being paid by them. I was quite surprised when one of them asked a question of Dirk. "Denis Diderot in 1745 translated Shaftesbry' Inquiry Concerning Virtue and Merit into French. He added some original notes. In the notes he seems to agree with Shaftsbry when he suggests moral philosophy is highly complex. Do, we would think, to what we now call psychology. Dr. Furstein, in the notes we see he disagrees with Shaftsbry's over reliance on the church, as providing that definition of virtue. He does not say why. Do you have some thoughts on this?" "Yes I do, I know exactly why he thought that way. You get some sense of it in his later fictional works but he believed the holy sea had lost its sense and did not treat its followers with the dignity they deserve." "But that is speculation is it not," one of them asked? "Yes it is and is not. It is if that is your only source of information. I happen to have a letter, written by Diderot to my great grandfather. In it he is scathing in how his sister, a nun was worked to death in her convent. In his public writings he was polite and political, in that letter he was outraged and scathing. That letter has never been published, so you will just need take my word for it." "May I ask why that letter has not been made public?" The other asked. "Yes, because my grand father and father, as myself, regard it as personal and privet communication between two friends. It contains material that was meant only for my Great Grand Father and in essence adds nothing new to the study. Most assume it was the death of his sister that inspired his novel La Religieuse. The content of that letter does not confirm that assumption, it only strengthens it. Denis Diderot was a brilliant, very well read and thoughtful scholar. He was a very complex person and much like my great grandfather, did more or less as he pleased within the constraints of 18th Century society. I have seen portraits of him and he was very handsome too." I resolved to place some thoughts in the heads of these identical twins. We must have them with us. I did that, so did Dirk. They hung back as the others departed. We introduced ourselves and got their names, Xander and Yancy. I studied them closely. Identical is just so far, I began to pick up subtle differences in expressions. Dirk was placing thoughts in their heads. They were not sure where these thoughts and ideas were coming from, they knew it was not each other. We walked out to our car. The boys were impressed. I asked, "You just tell me where to turn." They would be directing us to nice, quiet restaurant. We chatted about all kinds of little things. When the waiter came for the order I just told him, "four T-bones, medium rear, house salads, just bring a selection of dressing to the table, baked potato and a carafe of house red." The looks on their faces was priceless. They looked deeply into each other's eye and tried to communicate between. This is a common twin trick but in this instance it is real and works. They had no idea others could do this and Dirk and I were not twins. "I knew what to order because you told me that is what you wanted. You see other people can do that mind thing too. It is not common and almost always requires training. I guess you two have just trained yourselves. Yes, you do broadcast, no not your exact thoughts, just your feelings, intentions and things like that," I said. "You could read us too, if you had a little training. Relax and try to read which number I am thinking of," Dirk suggested. "Pie, 3.14," Xander replied. "Very good, that is exactly it. With some practice you will be able to do that to any other broadcaster," Dirk added. "How did you get here and how did you even decide to come and when was the invitation made," I asked, looking at Yancy? "Uh, ah, I guess we just knew that's all." "While were were talking in the classroom I put those thoughts in your heads, Dirk pick it up and approved. So you are here." We talked over dinner and took them back to their apartment. Xander, inviting us inside. Dirk had put that thought in their heads. I knew what he had in mind and I must say, in total agreement. We would capture them tonight. We already knew they were lovers, have been since small children, one of them said. They knew Dirk and I were loves too, Dirk put that thought in their heads. Dirk's thoughts were becoming very sexual. The boys were responding just as expected. Suddenly Yancy leaned over and kissed me. I responded. That response was even more well received then I imagined. Yancy was all over me in a flash. He was not just under my control he was demanding to be fucked and fucked right now. Xander was sending out the same thoughts and they were reinforcing each other. I wanted to kiss and play nice but that was not on their immediate agendas. After I fucked Yancy, he fucked me and then things settle down a bit. Dirk explained as much as he could about the Lamba Psi's and what they were permitted to tell others. What they should say to their parents and so on. The school term would be over in about 5 weeks and they would graduate. We would come and pick them up. They were to use the inter-City bus and visit us twice. After a long talk and more leisurely fuck, we left them to sleep and went to our hotel. It wasn't until we got home that I realized in five weeks we would have two more residents. We needed another bedroom. I looked over the building architectural drawings and decided we could move the mechanical room up a level and make that space into a bedroom. I talked to our board and when they realized the asset value of the building, with the added space, would raise more then the cost of construction, approved it. Our three were quite excited at the prospect of two new trainees. I think Dirk and I were, too although we did not show it. Russell was most excited by the prospect of two apprentice priests. He would have more opportunities to use his mental skills. I was excited, with two assistants, Dirk and I could both start working on our advanced degrees, in the fall. We went to the university to register. I was a bit taken back by the tuition. It had gone up a lot in just a few years. Our boys would all have summer jobs and I hoped to do more traveling with them as well. Our Board President got a call from the local Fire Department. They wanted to arrange for our annual building inspection. Not a real problem, except the inspector's name was not the that of our member, who had done this in the past. "I ask if they could send that previous inspector, as he was a member of our society and no nonmembers are given access to the sanctuary. They told me our member had been promoted and had nominated this new fellow," he said. "Okay, thanks I will follow up." I assumed the new inspector was a prospective member. I called the member and he assured me that was the case. He didn't think the department was that efficient. Since that had just happened. Right after the new fireman became a member he suggested his roommates, a policeman and an EMS might also be interested. Dirk looked over our membership list by profession to see if we had any large gaps. Turner, Orval and Russ have been working at the "company owned stores", as do most of the member boys part time and over the summer. Since they have been in the clothing store, all three have developed underwear faddishness. Not only that, they have been bringing some of the sexiest models for us as well. I must admit, now that their packages are man sized they sure fill them well. I know we fill them very well sometimes to overflowing. About a year ago Orval suggested the store start to stock a selection of these fashion undies along with the regular stuff. Since then the boys have all convinced their mentors to buy some for them. Sales picked up quite nicely. When the word spread through the gay community, sales took another jump and have stayed high since. These three must be the most popular cock suckers at the university. Since they can all deep throat Dirk and I, any of the other students is easy for them. From the number of friends visiting I know they are. Dirk and I are never lacking for sexual relief. As we prepared for our two new apprentices our world became suddenly very complicated. The contractor had erected some outside scaffolding along the rear of the building. It forced some parking to the general mall lot, which lay on the east side of the building behind the strip mall stores. That does not cause us any real problem unless the weather is quite bad. The contractor did not want to be sending crews constantly though our residence. I appreciated this, it is hard enough to keep the dust down under normal conditions. The old mechanical room was also made much bigger and it too would have a small patio attached to it with access to the new mechanical room now on the roof. This would mean a number of different workers, depending on the trade needed. Fortunately all the utilities for the sanctuary, baths and so on are physically separate from our residence. Now that I have been at this business for several years, I can better understand how profound a change in my approach to other humans has taken place. Raising the boys and interacting with so many young ones has been a truly wonderful experience. One I look forward to over my next hundreds of years. I can see why Dirk has embraced the young so completely, if nothing they do keep us from getting to entrenched in our thinking. Yancy and Xander arrived the other day in the midst of all the construction. The twins were received as new brothers, being only a couple of years older then our sons and Russell. We held a wonderful consummation ceremony and began the two weeks of intense sex. I am sure when their parents see the physical changes in them they will be pleased. Naturally they have narrow hips and small butts so the increased upper boys mass, firm abdominal muscles and small round bubble butts make them look both very masculine and very fit. Our boys and apprentices are now all young men, the sex we share is even more intense and emotionally satisfying. It is much more then a hague cock. Dirk and I have those as do the twins. It is the physical size of their bodies and their masculine conformations, I think that excite me so. Letting my hands drift over well tuned muscles and my fingers play across firm and smooth buttocks just sends electric sensation thought out my body. It is so delightful to feel their tongues playing along my butt cleft or licking my testicles, I can become lost in the waves of sensations. Even something a simple as one of us pressing out naked or nearly naked bodies against the other, sharing a brief kiss on the cheek or any other body part provides a wondrous paradox. The stimulation of lust and satisfaction of love that together courses through our beings at these moments. This paradox is not one any of us wish to examine in a physical sense, it is one we all wish to experience as often as possible. Mostly of course it is my cock sliding into the male ass or his cock sliding into mine, that is both most stimulating and satisfying. That however is not a paradox, it is simply the worship of the phallus. The ultimate celebration of our maleness. I suspect, were we not to have each other at the ready, I would be spending much time reveling in some, probably to much of it, of the wonderful pornography available today. Dirk has other feeling about this, he often feels much pornography is more lust then erotic. We both have each other, prime examples of the ideal male from and our boys who approach this ideal. We are never at a loss for lust or love and for that I am thankful. Thankful that I have this form of sensitivity. Thankful I have the ability to practice my purpose in the world to celebrate maleness and the worship of the phallus. Mostly I think it is the central message of our limited theology, that is the sharing of this experience, with others. Speaking of pornography. Having had the hobby of photography now for a number of years I am getting quite good at it. Fortunately, I have no shortage of very handsome and sexy models. I do not make porn as such, I do make many very erotic images. I know that to make either erotic images or porn it takes all the true love and fun out of the equation. These models must work very hard as do the photographers. One must hold still and look the part. As much as one may enjoy the experience of kissing, feeling and fucking another, when in front of the camera, interruption are continuos and movements are usually slow and choreographed to be deliberate but not appear so. I have great respect for the actors, photographers and other technicians that make good quality images and video. I trust they are well paid and when well done, they earn every cent. Russell is now having a wonderful time as he has two more to communicate with, using only his thoughts. The twins already had partly developed this, so it will not take long for them to get quite good at it. We had just gotten back to normal and the construction finished when another, almost frightening, situation arose. Several years ago a marshal arts center opened up in one of the store fronts, at the other end of the strip mall. We were all among the first to sign up. The boys are able to spend more time at this then Dirk and I. This place offers several different varieties Korean, Japanese, Russian and Persian styles are taught. I was most impressed as were the others. While many specialize in one style or another, our group was interested in at least the basics of each method. I think we all liked working with fighting sticks too. Dirk had great experience with fencing and several other arts already. He reminded me as a young man the first time, fencing was essential in those days. We met many new people including a number of men and some of their sons from the local Air Force Base. With university and social/sports activities we were all becoming known and a true part of the larger community. I knew about the Japanese and Korean forms and had read about the Russian system. The Persian techniques were quite new to all of us. I thought it best to let the twins settle in before involving them in this or any other recreation. Some time in mid July, a new, very shy and quiet young man started attending the Persian classes. From his name, Javed and accent, it was obvious he was from Iran. Dirk talk to him some, being very well versed in the history and culture of the place. He did not speak Persian, something that surprised me, he seems to speak most languages. Russ was the first to notice, probably because he spared with the young man, that he was one of us. At least Russ thought he was one of us. I could understand that, I had some feelings but nothing specific like I said, I only encountered him a couple of times when he was new. I suspected Dirk knew but wanted to see if we recognized on our own. I know Dirk holds the present theocratic leaders in Iran, in great contempt. He thinks any kind of theocratic government form is little more then a dictatorship of the priestly class. He has little good to say about most religions that insist on mixing theology and politics. I think his views are largely influenced by his experienced as a youth. Then he does not much like the influence of the Roman Church or the Theocons in the US either. Dirk can make some very convincing arguments for the total separation of church and state in the modern world and has in several of his books. I think he wanted to see how Javed was setting himself into his new society before we acted. By mid August Javed and Russ had become friendly toward each other. Russ told me he feels that Javed now trusts him and the others in the dogo. He used the term dogo in a very broad sense since, that term is specific to the Japanese. I have digressed again, haven't I. Dirk and I were sitting quietly having a brandy, while the three younger ones were training and the twins finishing up the LP meeting. We got a strong and urgent, need for help message, from Russell. Dirk and I pulled on some cloths and bound out the door and down the stairs. Running toward the boys. At the same time the twins picked up the help message and told the society members, Russell needed help and they all quickly dressed and followed us. Among them was our policeman Norman (Darkon). A van had stopped in the parking lot and its doors were open. We could see that. About 5 or 6 men were having a fight, just as we arrived. Orval, Turner, Russ and Javed had finished dispatching about six others. The Master and several other members came out the door to help but it was obviously not needed. Javed was in some distress, I sensed it as we approached. With the help of the other members, all six were now lined up. The master had called 911 and the cops were on the way. Norman, the twins and about 15 others showed up seconds later. Norman pulled out his badge and took over. Javed told them and all of us, that these men had tried to force him into the van. Dirk was sending very strong messages to Javed to tell the truth, Russ and we were his friends and to trust us. We sent the members back to the Sanctuary with the twins. The master rejoined his class and after thanking them for the help, the other students rejoined the master. A squad car arrived and then another. Norman talked to the officers and they escorted the attackers to the station house. We would bring Javed down in a short wile I assured him. I did not want to talk to much in front of Norman. I whispered Darkon I need to speak to Javed in privet please. He realized this had something to do with the LP's so agreed. Dirk, Russell and I pulled Javed to one side. Our sons recognized what was happening and played the game. Norman moved the van into a parking stall and took the keys. "Javed," Dirk said, "You need our help and we are here to give you just that. I know this is all very strange to you but you must trust us. We can and will protect you." He hesitated, but we were all sending him one message, yes. "I, uh, yes," he managed to get out. "Good, Dirk said, now when we get to the police station you must be totally truthful. We will have our, now your, lawyer meet us there." I immediately got on the cell phone and made the call. When I turned back Javed was asking. "Why would you all want to help me? You may think I am brave but I am nothing but a coward." "Nonsense," Russ called out. The look at Javed's face was priceless he is soft spoken and was speaking just above a whisper. Russ was at least 15 feet away. Dirk motioned the others closer. "Javed you are one with us, most of us anyway. I will explain later but for now understand that we know your emotions and we are here to support you. This time friend, you are not alone. I can not read your thoughts just you emotions," Dirk said. "As Russ, the Twins you just met and myself can. This time you are not alone and this time you have the power and with our help more power then you can ever imagine," I said. Norman looked at him. "They speak the truth Javed, I have seen it. How do you think we all came to your aid?" "I...I...don't know." "Russell called for help needed now." Russ just pointed at his head and smiled. I am sure Javed was still confused but he said nothing more. All went well at the cop shop and the bad boys will all be locked up for the night and probably a lot longer. When we got to the cop shop the attackers were being very uncooperative. Pretending they did not speak much if any English. Mr. Carlson our lawyer was less then impressed and said so. Javed offered to say a few words in Persian that should get their attention and cooperation. The desk officer looked at Norman who smiled and said, "Why not." Javed made a short statement that seemed to do the trick. Norman asked what he said. "I told them if they did not cooperate with with police, I would say they were here illegally and worked for Iranian Secret Service. You know what they do to spies and tarriest here?" We all smiled. I think I am going to really like this new apprentice.