Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 12:25:33 -0700 From: Subject: Lil Dude Chapter 15 Legal Notice: The following story may contain descriptions of graphic sexual acts. These acts may be between boys, men or between a man and a boy. Just a reminder to all readers, this is a work of pure FICTION with no basis in reality, and is intended for reading by mature readers of the age of majority in the governing jurisdiction of your residence. The author, or his designee, retains copyright to this story. There may be no reproducing or distribution of this story without expressed written consent. Lil Dude --- Chapter 15 "Dona Lucia, no finer meal of such excellence has ever passed over these lips. That meal was one truly inspired and prepared by an angel I am sure." Father Mike was complimenting Tia on her delicious feast she had prepared in his honor. "Thank you Father, but it was just a little something to fill the stomach was all." Tia blushed back to Mike. "Mike, just wait til you see what she has in store for dessert later. If it doesn't take you back to Ireland in your dreams nothing will." I tempted him. "Now Derrick lad, it's not nice to tease an old man especially one of the cloth, you know that. I am so full now that I almost feel guilty for enjoying that meal so much. Mind you that I said 'almost'. I don't know if this frail old body can handle another culinary miracle in the same evening though." He chuckled. "Father there is nothing frail about you." James commented. "And you, is so good to see you recovering so well. Our prayers are being answered!" Mike looked over to James. "Thanks Father. Yes they are. It is great to be feeling so well again. Tom and the 'Man Up Stairs' have taken great care of me." James replied most gratefully. "Father, I don't know if Derrick has told you, but we will all be attending the eight o'clock Mass at Our Lady's this Sunday morning. That is if we are still welcome." "Splendid my son. I am so thrilled to hear that. Of course, you are more than welcome. I will make sure my homily will be one that even Derrick can understand, I'd hate to preach above his level of understanding you know." Mike looked over at me grinned and winked. Everyone joined in laughing at his tease to me. "I just hope I can stay awake through it all Mike. Sometimes your monotone droning on and on, had a very slumbering effect on me in the past." I teased back. "Yes, I do remember your snoring keeping the parishioners amused on numerous occasions lad." He fired right back at me. "Father, do you really put people to sleep in church?" Jorge asked kind of seriously. "No, lad, not that often. Only certain hardcore heathen like your Pops there." Mike answered to Jorge's amusement. Jorge looked over to me and giggled. "Jorge, I am just kidding, I really enjoy giving the homily when I know your Pops is in attendance because I know at least one person out there is listening to me; bless his heart." "Father, I am sure the whole church is listening to you when you speak." James commented. "Oh, I think they hear me lad, I'm just not sure they are always listening." Mike answered on a serious note. Tia started asking Mike questions about the Altar Society at the church. This was the organization of lady volunteers that kept the altars and clean and neat, and they took care of the floral arrangements and decorations for the different holy days. She belonged to the one at her church at home. She then asked him a lot of questions about the Dignity chapter here in Long Beach. She was looking for ways to donate her time to worthwhile causes that she enjoyed, if she moved here. Mike shared all of the information he had on both with her. Mike then told us that the Dignity chapter here regrettably had two 'splinter groups'. One was single gay men that preferred to have nothing to do with families or even lesbians. The other group welcomed singles or couples and families, gay, lesbian or transgendered. He said he had little to do with the former group; it was more of a 'meat rack' affair than religious oriented. His was very active with the latter group though; and he said he knew they would warmly welcome all of us into their religious fellowship. James filled Mike in on where Danny was in his religious training. Mike told him that Danny could attend catechism classes on Saturday mornings if he wanted to complete his religious education in the church. Danny and James were both very agreeable to that, Jorge said he would like to attend with Danny. Dustin spoke up and said that he wanted to attend the adult course to become a member. Jared, James, and I also said we would like to attend also to revitalize our understanding of the church, the Mass and rites again. Mike said that Father Paul conducted the adult classes; they were on Thursday evenings there at the church. He said he would have Father Paul contact us about getting in the next class. He thought the next classes started in a couple of weeks. He asked us if we had given any more thought about our wedding/commitment ceremony yet. We told him we needed more time yet, with all that was going on we really hadn't had the time to give it much thought. He said he understood. We also said we wanted Tia to help with the planning when she returned next month for her next visit. He said that was a wonderful idea that her touch would certainly compliment the plans. Tia was smiling, seeing that she was to be included in the plans. Tia rose from her seat and asked if we were all ready for some dessert yet. Mike didn't hesitate with his answer and said he was very ready to sample her next offering of a heavenly delight. We all agreed with him. Tia got up and the two younger boys joined her in the kitchen to help her. The next thing we knew the younger boys were running bowls of warm bread pudding topped with a delectable Irish whiskey sauce out to all of us followed by cups of fresh brewed coffee. The young ones and Tia joined us with theirs. Ooohs, ahhhs, and wows were heard from all over the room to Tia's pleasure. "Dona Lucia, you've somehow managed to out do your delicious dinner. This bread pudding does take me back home to my childhood. I could close my eyes and swear I was back in my beloved Ireland again. This is so wonderful, thank you for all your hard work tonight in setting out this magnificent feast for us. Now I know where to come for the best food in Long Beach." Mike was lauding Tia on the wonderful meal. Blushing, Tia thanked him for all the compliments and said she was so glad he had enjoyed it all. That it had been her pleasure to prepare it. Finishing the dessert; Mike told us he had to be getting back to the rectory, that it was getting late for him and he had a big day ahead tomorrow. He thanked Tia again for the wonderful meal, James and I for inviting him over and told all the boys how much he had enjoyed meeting them all. He said it had been a great honor to meet Tia. And he looked forward to seeing all of us at Mass on Sunday morning. We all got up and escorted him to the door, and he shared a short prayer of blessing to us. Hands were shaken, and I gave him a hug as he turned to leave through the door. I walked with him down the path toward where his car was parked on the street. At the car he paused as he was getting in and told me, "Derrick my son, I am so happy for you. You have been blessed with a wonderful family now. I don't know of anyone more deserving in my mind for this to happen to. The love you all share is so overwhelming. And Dona Lucia is the icing to your cake." "Thanks Mike. I know how blessed I am. Thank you for all your prayers over all the years and your love. You know you are very special to me you old leprechaun you." I smiled and closed his door for him. "See ya Sunday morning." I waved to him as he drove off. Returning to the apartment I saw that everyone was with Tia cleaning the kitchen and complimenting and thanking her on the great dinner tonight. She was blushing receiving all the compliments. Jorge asked her if he would teach him more about cooking and she said she would be happy to. He told her he really liked cooking and would like to learn to cook as well as she did. She told him it would be a pleasure to have such an eager student to teach. He was all smiles and so was she. It was time for the younger boys to shower before bed and the older ones needed to return to our new home to do the same. The older ones said their good nights and gave us all hugs and kisses and left. The younger ones headed for their bathroom and started their showers. Tia, James and I sat in the living room discussing the evening. Tia really liked Mike. She said Mike reminded her very much of a priest that had been at her parish years ago, who had passed away. I told her how much Mike reminded me of my grandfather who had come over from Ireland. We discussed the future classes at church for all of us and how it would pull all of us even closer together as a family to be sharing this aspect of our lives so closely also. Tia said she was very proud of her new family. James and I shared our pride of the family also and of her now being a part of it too. The boys had finished their showers and came into the living room with towels wrapped around their damp naked bodies to kiss all of us good night. Then they left for their room. Tia said she was going to take her bath and turn in also, then James and I hugged and kissed her goodnight and she left for her room. James and I went out on the terrace for some time to ourselves before hitting the sack. We talked several hours before going in and showering and then crawling in between the sheets to drift off to dreamland. Saturday night rolled around quickly. All of us had plans of one sort or another. It was date night. "I like Juan." James commented as Dustin and Juan had just left for their first date. "He seems like a nice guy. A little effeminate for my tastes, but if Dustin is happy that is all that matters." "Yes, he was a little on the fem side." I agreed. "The prominent lisp, the phrasing of his speech and the animated flurry of his hand gestures would take a little time for me to get used to. But you're right, as long as Dustin is happy that is what counts." Tia laughed and said, "In my time we used to say, 'You definitely knew what side of the bread his toast was buttered on.' But he does appear to be a very nice young man." "I don't know about the young man though Tia. He looks like he is my age." James added. "Well Mijo, you are young still." She giggled. Jared had left long before to pick up Steve for their date. James and I were going to take the younger guys to the movies tonight. There was a new feature length animated film just released that they both wanted to see. Tia said she would rather stay behind at home and read this evening. We gathered the boys, gave Tia hugs and told her we would see her later, and left for the theater complex. As we pulled into the parking lot I told James, "This is one of our malls Sweetheart that we own." "Wow! Really?" James was a little surprised. "Yes, this is the newest one. We finished it just last year. It only became fully occupied a couple of months ago. But we've landed good solid and competent tenants. It's doing very well." We parked and walked to the theater entrance. Purchasing the tickets, buying the obligatory snacks and drinks we headed for the theater that was showing our selected film. Mike offered the final blessing of the Mass and we waited for the recessional. Then we left our seats and met up with Mike at the door. "Ah, Dona Lucia and lads. Good morning and God bless. How are all of you this beautiful morning?" Mike was flashing his brilliant smile. "Father that was a beautiful Mass." Tia complimented him. "Thank you Dona Lucia." "We're doing great Mike. Now that our day and week are started off so well." I winked at him. "I was so happy to see all of you seated out there this morning, it did this old man's heart a lot of good!" Mike was still smiling from ear to ear. "Father, I didn't see anyone sleeping or hear anyone snoring while you were talking." Jorge giggled to Mike. "Ah that's only because your Pops was on his good behavior with all of the rest of you here to keep him in line this morning lad." Mike patted Jorge's shoulder. Jorge and Danny both giggled. The adults joined in with their laughter. Pulling out of the church parking lot we drove to a buffet restaurant that was located near the traffic circle. As we drove around the traffic circle the younger boys and James said they had never seen an intersection like that before. They commented on how much fun it was to ride around it to get to the street we needed. I told them it was fun if you were riding around it, but for the driver it was not all that much fun, you had to be on your toes with all the merges and lane positioning. The older guys were following right behind us in their truck. Jared and Dustin were very familiar with the intricacies of driving the circle. After we had all gone through the buffet line we sat down to a large table and enjoyed a wonderful Sunday brunch. Everyone was in agreement how great it felt to go to Mass together and how much they enjoyed Father Mike's homily (sermon). He always got the lesson across with a large dose of humor in such a way that the lesson really stuck with you because of the way he had presented it. Everyone got up and returned to the buffet line a second time. When finished we sat there for a while readjusting our belts for comfort while talking. We had decided that we'd all like to go for a day at the beach later. Tia said she would prepare a big picnic basket for us to take along. We returned to the apartment and changed clothes, then met with Tia in the kitchen giving her a hand. Dustin and Jared took care of filling the ice chest cooler with ice and sodas for the day, then loaded it into their truck. We loaded all the food and beach accessories into the truck and car. The boys all went in the truck and James, Tia and I drove in the car following them. Upon arrival we unloaded all the supplies and made camp for the day on the warm sand midway to the water's edge. The boys were all in the water before we knew what had happened. Tia, James and I made ourselves comfortable in the beach chairs we had brought along. We enjoyed watching the water antics of the boys as they frolicked in the small waves. After a while James and I excused ourselves from Tia's company to join the boys in the water. Games of water tag ensued. We tossed around the beach ball, we played toss and catch with the Frisbee, and took turns catching each other off guard and dunking those we were capable of. Ganging up and splashing water on one victim at a time became brutal. The younger ones finding it near impossible to dunk any of the older ones of us, resorted to trying to pull down our swim suits to moon the shore. They succeeded a few times to our chagrin. It wasn't a long time and we were all feeling a little water logged and ready for some time on the sand; soaking in the warm rays of the day's bright sun. We hustled out of the water for the towels and jumped into the beach chairs. Tia was giggling as we all arrived at the encampment. "My my, so many really cute bare butts!" She laughed winking over to the two younger rascals for their triumphs out there in the water. "I just hope no one else saw besides you Tia." I replied laughing. "Oh, Segundo. I don't think you have anything to worry about there. Looking around I seem to be the only female on this beach. No one told me we were coming to a gay beach. From what I see everyone else who witnessed it was probably very delighted." She laughed. "Well it's really not a gay beach, but this area of the strand usually is predominately gay. If you feel uncomfortable here we can always move to another area of the beach. I'm sorry Tia, I wasn't thinking. I just came here out of habit. I never took your feelings into consideration." Jared was sincerely apologizing for his oversight. "Nonsense, I may be an old woman and I may be a lesbian. But I am certainly not offended in the least. I'm finding it amusing watching all the goings on around me. I am enjoying myself immensely. I have already witnessed a number of beach blanket bingo games and I am quite happy with this location, Nieto (grandson)." She laughed to put Jared at ease. "I dare say, you had a most admiring audience while you were all in the looked like every eye here on the sand was on you boys." Another giggle followed. We all laughed and then began putting on tanning lotion, and sun block on the younger guys. Tia asked if any of us were hungry yet. Even though it had been only hours ago that we had enjoyed the full meal at the restaurant, we were all ready to eat again. Tia did know boys' and men's appetites very well. The water and the fresh salt air always added to a person's appetite as well. We broke open the picnic basket and the cooler and all helped ourselves to sandwiches, chips, fruit and sodas. "Tia would it be alright with you if we called you Mom?" Dustin asked. "Oh Nieto, I would love that. You make my heart so happy hearing that!" She replied. "Mom?" Jorge was already trying it out. "Si de, Mijito?" She looked at Jorge. "Will you move down here to live with us?" "Oh Mijito, I still need to think about it okay? But I am giving it a lot of thought Sweetheart." "Danny and me really hope you will." "Pues (well), we'll see, okay? Thank you Mijito." "Okay!" I smiled over to James and saw his smile in return. We were all hoping that Tia/Mom, would move in with us. Jared shared how his date with Steve went last night. He said they decided to become boyfriends. We were all very pleased at his news. Dustin said that he enjoyed his date with Juan, but something just didn't seem to click between them. He didn't think they would be going out again. He said Juan was very nice and they had a good time but he found out that he wasn't as attracted to him as he had thought he was. He asked if any of us thought Juan was a little on the effeminate side. The not-so-shy lil dude spoke up. "Bro, don't get mad, but he was a little on the queenie side. I was wondering about you. I mean I didn't think you would be interested in a guy like that. I mean it's cool if you are, but I just never thought of you with someone like him." Jorge was forthright with his comment even if it hadn't been phrased as well as it should have been. "Yeah, lil dude, the more time I spent with him last night I kinda felt that way too. I mean I have nothing against guys that are effeminate, it just doesn't turn me on is all." Dustin was coming to terms with his own feelings and prefernces. "I know how you are feeling Son. I have a lot of good friends who are very effeminate acting, but I am not sexually attracted to them. It's just a preference thing is all. There are a lot of guys that do find them to be a turn on though; and that is as it should be. We all have our preferences, just like when it comes to blond guys versus guys with dark hair. It's whatever you are comfortable with and find attractive. It should never be a behavior judgment, if it does then it becomes discrimination. And I think we have all dealt with enough discrimination already because of who we are, to know better than to pass that discrimination onto others." I was trying to tell Dustin that feelings can be okay but we have to look at what they are based on. "Just like I don't find myself attracted to the more masculine acting women. I prefer someone like myself in mannerisms and appearances. But I have a lot of friends up in the bay area that would be called, as you say, dykes. There is someone for everyone, that is the reason we are all so different, so the choices are there." Tia added to emphasize the point. The younger boys were listening closely to this conversation also. I think the lesson was being taken to heart by the whole family. I was remembering the time that I had a drag queen very interested in pursuing my romances. I enjoy a good drag show as much as anyone else but have never found myself sexually attracted to a person dressed in drag or with feminine mannerisms. I used to attend this one bar every Sunday night with my friend to watch their fantastic drag shows. All the participants were very talented and professional with their shows. One night during an intermission, the cocktail waiter came over and told me 'Marjorie', the MC of the show wanted to speak with me after the show was over. I told him sure I would enjoy meeting 'Marjorie'. When the show concluded Marjorie came over to the table and introduced himself. My friend and I invited him to join us and he sat down. During the conversation and finding out that my friend and I were not a couple, Marjorie made it quite clear that he was interested in getting to know me better. I told him that although I enjoyed the show very much I had never dated a cross dresser. He said that was fine but would I be interested in the two of us maybe going out sometime. I said sure why not. A week later I received a call from him and we set a date for dinner and drinks. I arrived at his apartment and when he opened the door he was in full and all. I was a little taken aback, but tried not to show it. We had an enjoyable evening. When we returned back to his apartment he invited me up for a 'teensy' night cap. I politely declined and after receiving a light good night peck on the cheek I drove off. The next time he called for a date I declined the invitation. He asked if he might inquire as to the reason and I told him that the last time I had felt like I had been on a date with a female. That I did not find it all that enjoyable for myself. He then launched into a tirade screaming about what a bigot I was, that I was two faced and everything else you possibly think of. I just told him that it was uncomfortable for me, and that if I was to prefer the company of a female companion, I would probably seek out the real thing. But I preferred dating men who looked and acted masculine in their mannerisms. That was just my preference. Needless to say I never heard from him again and I never went back to that bar again to see their drag show. I have enjoyed watching several drag shows since then, but have never been hit upon by any of the entertainers since then either. I do believe in live and let live, but don't judge me on my 'preferences' of attraction. "Pops, I'm leaving now to pick up Steve, we'll be back here in a few." Jared was advising me as he went out the door. "Okay, drive careful Son." I answered. We were having a barbeque and had invited Dr. Tom and his partner, Sean, over for dinner. Jared had invited Steve to join us. Tonight was going to be a combination getting to know Tom and his partner and a good bye party for Tia/Mom. It was hard to believe that the last two weeks had flown by so quickly. And the time had come for Mom to return home. All of us had been hiding our emotions all day of any thoughts of Mom leaving us. We knew that the company of Tom and Sean would help lighten the evening for all of us. Mom would be flying out in the morning after Sunday Mass and none of us were looking forward to it. Tom and Sean arrived and were introduced to everyone. Shortly after, Jared and Steve arrived. More introductions and everyone broke into conversational groups over the beverages. Mom had prepared most of the food before hand; all that was left was grilling the meats when the time was ready. Dinner was served and great conversation and laughter was shared while consuming the sumptuous feast Mom had prepared. Over dinner Tom had commented on how pleased he was to see how quickly and completely James recovery was coming along. James and I again thanked Tom for his surgical skills in aiding with James healing. We then turned the spotlight on Sean and were asking him about what he did, how long he and Tom had known each other, some of their shared interests, etc. He told us that he was a department administrator at the state university and that he and Tom had both met right out of college. He said they had a beautiful home in the Belmont Shore area that overlooked the marina where they had a sailboat moored at a slip right outside their door. They both shared interests in sailing, traveling, gardening and cooking. Sean was also very active with the Gay and Lesbian Center in Long Beach. Tom said they were now in the process of seeking to adopt a couple of children. It had been a long process but they were not going to give up their goal. They had their hearts set on it. He said after seeing our family tonight they were even more determined. They made a great couple; you could see their love for each other in their eyes whenever one looked at the other. We were enjoying getting to know them as friends. I could see that this was going to be a good friendship to last for a good long time. Jared and Steve had been keeping to their selves most of the evening. They weren't being anti social, they were just being two young love birds wanting to make the most of the time they did have with each other. They made a cute couple. They showed their affections but not to an overly excessive sickening amount. Devotion was reflected in their loving stares at each other. Jorge and Danny had been spending most of the evening talking with Mom, helping her, doing whatever they could to be close to her. They didn't want to leave her side. She had two adoring angels clinging to her side all night long. She was savoring the time with them also. There were the occasional cuddles, the hand or arm patting and several kisses to cheeks. There could be no doubt in Mom's mind how much she was loved and adored by this family. The evening came to an end all too quick. Tom and Sean extended their thanks for the dinner and evening of visiting. Jared was going to take Steve home, and they all left. The rest of us were now focusing on Mom. And the short time we had left with her on this visit. The mood was becoming a somber one. These last two weeks had gone by way too fast. Soon it was bedtime for all of us. We all exchanged good night hugs and kisses, headed for our showers and then the beds. "DAMN, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" James shouted as we were both awakened by a horrible shaking and rumbling. The shaking seemed to be going on forever. Almost on auto- pilot we both jumped out of bed and headed for the boys' room. They were both awake and sitting up in their bed scared. I hugged both of them and pulled them up to me and carried them to the hallway with me. James had gone on to Mom's room to check on her. They both joined us in the hallway. In only moments the front door burst open and both older boys came running in and joined us in the hall. The only ones with any clothes on were Mom and the two older guys. I went in the rooms and rounded up clothes for the rest of us. We still had electricity. The lights went on as I flicked the switches. The tremors began subsiding. We made our way to the living room and I turned on the TV. No reports were available yet. I then switched on the all news station on the radio. They were reporting that we had just experienced a major earthquake of a large magnitude. No details on the quake, the epicenter or damage reports were available yet, but to stay tuned for information as it came in. Listeners were urged to not panic. Danny and Jorge were glued to Mom's sides. She was whispering to them both patting them and comforting them, assuring them everything was alright. Everything would be okay. They weren't too convinced. Jorge had never been through an earthquake before and Danny was too young to remember the last one he had been through. We were all listening to the radio's reports and watching the screen on the TV for them to begin coverage of the quake. I looked at the clock and it was three fifty eight a.m.. Just about then there was another quake, an after shock, this one was much smaller in magnitude and length of time. After shocks were to be expected after a quake of the magnitude we had just experienced. The boys clung to Mom even tighter. James told them that there would be more shakes but they shouldn't be as bad and should start getting further apart now hopefully. There was nothing to be afraid of, we would all be okay. Early reports were now coming into the media. The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.7 and appeared to be centered in the San Fernando Valley. There had been no reports of damage at this time. James and I made a check of the apartment to see if everything inside was okay. A few things had fallen from shelves but nothing appeared to be broken or damaged. The building had ridden out the quake very well. Mom asked the boys if they wanted to help her make some hot chocolate. She knew this would help calm them down, getting their mind off the quake by doing something and the warm milk would help relax them. They were both dragged clutching to her tightly to the kitchen, their eyes were as big as saucers. Now the television coverage on the quake was beginning. I turned down the volume of the radio but left it on so we could hear both the radio and the television's reports on the quake. Dustin and Jared went back over to the house to check it all out. James and I continued to watch and listen to the news reports. Preliminary reports of broken water lines, small fires and damage to homes and businesses were beginning to come in as quickly as they had been discovered and reported. There was damage to a couple of freeway overpasses, several high rises downtown Los Angeles had major damage visible from the outside mostly broken windows, but the extent of the structural damage throughout the area really wouldn't be that evident until daylight arrived. So far no reports of injuries or deaths were known. Updates were arriving on the air in a shotgun manner. Both boys followed Mom back into the living room. They all had a mug of hot chocolate that they were sipping. Mom said there was enough in the kitchen for all of us if we wanted some. She saw that we were watching and listening to the reports and to keep Jorge and Danny's mind off of it she took them to her room and sat with them on the bed and talked with them to continue assuring them everything would be okay. Jared and Dustin reappeared through the front door. They said everything looked okay back at the house, but it was really hard to tell for sure until they could see everything in the daylight. They said the lights were on in all the neighbors' apartments. The news reports were now picking up as the stations got their field crews out covering the events as they were unfolding. It was not looking good for the area west and north of downtown Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Even after all the retrofitting following our last major quake, there was still a lot of damage that was becoming evident. They were all estimating that once daylight was here it was not going to be a pretty picture out there at all for a lot of the communities. Several hours had passed and a few aftershocks to keep nerves on edge brought the morning's dawn. The television coverage was overloading the mind's comprehension of what had just occurred. There was substantial damage limited to pockets of downtown Los Angeles, the Santa Monica and Westwood areas. San Fernando Valley was heavily hit from one end to the other. Most of the major damage was centered in the Encino and Sherman Oaks areas. Some homes and businesses had caught fire as a result of gas line ruptures. Shelters were being provided for displaced individuals. Long beach had some damage to the facades of some of the older buildings. Orange County and the Ventura areas had only reported items falling from shelves in homes and businesses. Area hospitals had reported several minor injuries treated as a result of the quake and only a couple of deaths had been attributed to the quake and those had been heart attacks from the excitement and shock of the event. Emergency agencies were all on full alert and already out in the field handling the situations as they arose. State and federal agencies were already involved with the damage assessment. Mom had calmed the boys' nerves. They had all joined us in the living room to view the coverage on the television. We were limiting the younger boys' exposure to the coverage though, to not overwhelm them; and explaining what an earthquake was to them. We told them about aftershocks, so they would not be scared as they continued. Our prime concern was that the boys' emotional well being was maintained. We asked them to ask us any questions they had about the quake and how they felt about it. They expressed their fright when it first hit, but said now that they knew what it was and that we were all okay they felt better. Mom related a story she remembered from when the last big quake hit the San Francisco area. She said one of James' cousins was in a parochial elementary school there. The nun teaching the cousin's class had told the students the next day that when the aftershocks hit to just picture the angels bowling. She said that God only let the angels bowl once in a while because He knew how much the noise and shaking scared the people here on earth. So just imagine that each time we felt an aftershock one of the angels just scored a strike and knocked down all the pins. The class all laughed and it helped. They were not nearly so frightened after that when a quake was felt. As a matter of fact, after a while, when an aftershock would shake, the kids would burst out with a vocal cheer as if congratulating the angel who had just bowled a strike. The boys really liked the story and we all laughed heartily over it. Mom told us all to get ready for Mass; she told us we needed to remember in our prayers at this morning's Mass the people who had been injured and died and those who had been left with damage to their homes. We all started to get back into routine and showered and dressed. The church was filled this morning to capacity for the Mass. Mike had invited that our prayer intentions this morning should be directed to all those who were victims of this morning's quake and that after we left the church this morning we should all think of what we could do to help those who had been harmed by the quake. We spoke with Mike after the Mass and he wished Mom 'God's speed' on her flight home and that he looked forward to seeing her soon on her return visit. She said we would have him over for dinner again then and his eyes sparkled at the thought. >From the church we drove over to the buffet restaurant again for another brunch before taking Mom to the airport for her flight. Even with all the commotion going on early this morning she had still managed to pack her suitcases in readiness for her flight. The restaurant wasn't that busy this morning. We figured most people were at home glued to their television sets watching reports and coverage of the quake damage. We made it through the buffet line quickly and all sat down to enjoy our last meal with Mom until her return. The quake had certainly taken our minds off of Mom's leaving for home and our loss we were going to feel at her absence while she was away. We kept our conversation over brunch light, not dwelling on the quake but talking about Mom's return visit. The younger boys were in a much mellower mood now. Most of the fright had left them. We made our second trip to the buffet line and came back to finish our leisurely meal. We saw it was getting close to the time to get Mom to the airport so she would have plenty of time to go through the check in and board the plane. We all escorted Mom into the terminal to the airline counter where she checked her luggage and received her ticket for boarding. From there we were only able to go as far as the first security check point. There were a lot of prolonged hugs and kisses before Mom walked through the metal detector. The younger boys had tears streaming down their cheeks. The rest of us felt tears welling up in our eyes too. We saw Mom walk toward her departure gate until she was no longer in view. Danny asked if we could go outside to the observation deck to watch her plane take off like we had when she arrived to see her plane land. We went out into the bright sunlight and reached the observation deck. We watched several landings and take offs. Finally we saw the plane land and roll to the gate that she would be boarding for her flight. When the plane began its boarding we saw Mom walk across the tarmac and up the boarding stairs to the plane. The boys called out to her and she looked over and saw us and waved. Even from that distance I could see the broad smile on her face. We waited and saw the plane depart from the gate and taxi to the runway, then it was racing down the runway and lifted off toward the sky, the plane slightly turned and we watched until it was out of sight. Everyone was pretty quiet on the drive home. When we entered the apartment Dustin turned on the television and James told the younger guys to go change out of their good clothes into their play clothes. Jorge immediately asked if we could go back to the old dress code now that Mom had gone home. James said he thought it would be okay. I nodded my agreement. The boys were off to their room in no time. The rest of us started catching up on the latest reports on the quake. As in all disasters the media focus was on the devastation and destruction. The fact of the matter was that for the magnitude of the quake the population as a whole came out relatively unscathed. Not to minimize the losses suffered by those who had been victims, but the losses could have been far more reaching given the dense population of the area affected. Jorge and Danny came bounding into the living room stark naked, their little cocks bouncing with each step as they ran. Jorge jumped on Dustin's lap and Danny jumped up on Jared's. This brought big hugs and smiles from both older brothers. I got up and went into the kitchen and poured fresh lemonade that Mom had made earlier in the morning before we left for church. I brought all the glasses out to the living room on a tray and offered them to everybody. I told them Mom had made it this morning for them. Dustin asked if he could make a toast and we said sure. "Here's to Mom! And here's to us! That we are all okay and sharing the love and safety of our great family." We all clicked our glasses to one another and said, "Salud! (Cheers)!" To be continued . . . Personal Note: It's really heartwarming for me to hear that these characters have seemed to come to life for so many besides me. I would like to sincerely and appreciatively thank all of you for your comments you have taken the time to email to me. I do read every email! I only wish I could reply to each. I cannot just send out a formed reply to each in good conscience that is the reason I try to reply as I am able to. There are just too many to be able to respond to each. Thank you for understanding, and I do hope you will continue to enjoy this work of fiction. Thank you for your kind encouragements, suggestions and comments. They are taken to heart. My wish for all of you is enjoyable reading and happiness, health, peace and kindness. - D.