- Harry AnderS -
Dutch psychotherapist and alternative writer

'Born to be a King'
- by Harry AnderS -

An inspirational fantasy



My story, 'Little Harry', has NOT ended!
However, I've renewed its title, and (again) rewritten everything.
Now, it's even more powerful...

Have a look at the renewed story, about a retired psychotherapist taking the eight years old and severely burnt little Gypsy boy into his house and raising him. Just click this link.
The story is on Nifty in adult-youth, contains NO sex, and is callled: 'Born to be a King'...

Also have a look at my OTHER story, about the same little Gypsy boy growing up in a secluded place in the Rumanian mountains; this time seen from his own point of view. You may click this link.
The other story is on Nifty in 'young-friends', and it's callled: 'Born as a Prince'...

All my stories are on my own SITE as well: http://www.harryanders.com. Just click this link.
Enjoy the reading; and, please, send me an email to tell me you are liking my stories, or maybe not...

I would LOVE to receive your comments. Just click this link to send me an email.
Harry AnderS, Dutch psychotherapist and alternative writer.



And, thank you very much for reading my Dad's stories!
In my thoughts, I am giving all of you an enormous hug.
Your big friend, little Harry.