Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:11:28 -0700 From: Subject: Lively Boys Part 2 - Lucas rescues me Lively Boys [Part 2 - Lively Boys - Lucas rescue Me] **** They are wrong! The 'THEY' to whom I am referring is society at large or at least those who tell you and try to convince you that boys are not wired differently than girls. Science and anthropology combine to reaffirm that even after all of the years humans have been on this earth boys are different from girls in virtually all aspects as a general rule of thumb. No matter how society tries to engineer them, boys will always be the rough and tumble, aggressive, playful, and even sexually curious little creatures I find very attractive to be around. Boys, yes even those staunchly heterosexual ones, will on average say yes to a blowjob from another boy or even a man if they know they will not be publicly embarrassed for receiving it. A smaller number will even allow you to touch, caress, lick and even fuck their precious little asses. A larger percentage will allow you to touch them to include touching their penises. Most crave the physical attention and contact of other males (boys and more so of men). Their desire to be accepted as a man is so ingrained that a few will submit to almost any type of test or ritual in order to gain that acceptance - even if there is a lot of discomfort and some pain. This story depicts such interaction. That level of interaction which jumps from touching and physical interaction to an increased level of intimate contact up to and inclusive of anal sexual intercourse. Heroes come in all sizes and ages. They may never set out to be a hero, but end up being one due to the circumstances in which they find themselves. The rise to the occasion because of who they are, not just what they can do. This story depicts the sexual activity between an adult male and an underage boy. If you aren't supposed to be reading this type of story, then stop. Otherwise enjoy what you read. Please let me know what you think ( Gary - older male Lucas - 13 almost 14 year old boy ***** ...I made nice with most of the folks and soon Lucas was hanging on me, his 'Uncle' Gary. Been his pseudo 'Uncle' since the day he was born I suppose. Certainly became a stand in once I returned from being stationed in Germany after my initial stint of active duty. The title kind of stuck and after Craig (Jennifer's husband, Lucas' father) was killed that title just entrenched more. Yeah, Craig and I actually served together. He managed to come through 'Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm' without so much as a scratch. He was home for 3 or 4 months and wham, some asshole decided to not secure the load of junk in his truck and as he drove past Craig on the highway one evening most of it came out of the truck bed and sprayed onto the highway with a wooden kitchen chair hitting Craig square in the chest as it broke through the windscreen of his motorcycle. He died at the scene. I came home for the funeral to honor Craig, but to also let Jennifer know I would always be there as best as I could and that Lucas would always have a guy in his life to look after him. She really appreciated that and I honored that promise as I rotated around the world and country for various duty assignments, but most specifically when I was able to ETS from active duty. Little did I know I would be activated a few more times over the next 25 or so years. The one deployment recently ended at the time of this sequence of events was the one for which Jennifer was throwing this party. I made the mistake during the evening of hugging Jennifer and being too close to her for most of the evening. Couple that with Lucas being constantly by my side, my mother took notice and began what was to be one heck of an argument and basically my complete outing to the rest of the folks there at the house that night. ***** Part 2 - Lucas rescues Me I had been at the party for over an hour and had several belts of scotch in me, not much to eat, so I was getting a fair buzz going. I felt a tug at my hip. I turned and looked down into Lucas' smiling face. I smiled back. "Hey Lucas, what's up?" I greeted and asked. "Nothing much Uncle Gary, but um, mom wanted me to relieve you of your keys." He said. I chuckled and looked up scanning the room and finding the hostess of the party, Jennifer smiling and nodding in my direction. I rolled my eyes and fished my keys out of my pockets and handed them to the man of the house, Lucas. "Thanks, Uncle Gary. Want to keep you safe, ya know?" He said and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. "Thanks for looking out for me." Can never fault anyone for being prudent. I am only a couple of blocks from here, so if I walk home it won't take me too long. I had ridden one of my motorcycles over here tonight and it looks like I would be hoofing it home or hitching a ride. I thought, 'maybe I will get lucky and some guy here will be willing to take me home?' although, no one here tonight was gay to my knowledge. So the likelihood of going home with someone and getting lucky was fading. Lucas still hugged me tight and I enjoyed the feeling of his warmth. I started ruffling his hair and rubbed his back a little. "MMMM, feels nice. Love ya, Uncle Gary." He said and then let go of me and meandered in his mother's direction. I mingled some more as other guests arrived. I had managed to make my way back over to the kitchen and the spread laid out on the nice island that sort of separated the kitchen from the living space. I was kind of grazing like everyone else and Jennifer offered to fix me up a plate so that I could mingle some more. "After all, Gary, this night is about you." She told me and hugged me as she kissed my cheek. I smiled outwardly, but inwardly was a tad depressed. No one to go home to or even with and the prospects of that changing was dwindling the later the even progressed. The doorbell rang and another couple walked in. I noticed the woman first as the guy had his back to me. It was my mom's voice that caught my attention. "Oh Robert, it is so good to see you and we finally get to meet this lovely wife of yours." She announced and hugged the man at the door. I looked in the direction of my mother's voice and my heart skipped a beat and fell out of my body in I am sure many pieces. I closed my eyes and swallowed very hard trying to maintain my composure. Jennifer was the first to react. She grabbed my arm in what can almost be called a death grip and I turned to look her in the face. She mouthed the words, "Oh my God. Oh Gary, I did not know he had gotten married." I wiped a tear from my eye and drained my glass. "Neither did I." Was all I could whisper. My mother was moving in my direction with Robbie in tow. "Gary, look who found his way home and is here to see you." I turned around and reached for the bottle of Scotch. Jennifer intercepted me. "Talk to him. Say hi." She tried to calm me. She took the glass from me, put some ice in it and poured me some more. She did not hand it to me though, but nudged me in his direction. I looked at Robbie with a slight forced smile on my face. He broke free from my mom and closed the gap between us fairly quickly and scooped me into a bear hug and turned so he could whisper in my ear. "Gary, glad to see you, don't hate me, I'll explain, please give me a chance later." My mom joined us and all I could say was "I am glad to see you Robert." Then pushed back from his embrace. "It is great to see you boys together again after all of these years. You know Robert, Gary was very sad having to leave when we moved to Germany. You made quite the impression on our young man here and he was a very moody teenager for quite some time. Gary Sr. and I thought boys didn't go through that moody phase, but we were definitely wrong." My mom blathered on. I had always loved interacting with my parents, but tonight I was getting angry. My whole world was crashing in on me. The one guy I thought I would one day get to spend the rest of my life with had come back into my life a married man, married to a woman. I drained that new glass of Scotch and set it noisily back onto the counter. I licked my lips and excused myself. "Pardon me Mom, Robert. I need to take a piss." And I pushed by the two of them and headed for the one bathroom close to the garage. I entered and closed the door, throwing the latch. I looked into the mirror. 'Fuck' I thought, 'why me?' and then I teared up again. I shook my head, turned towards the toilet, lifted the seat and fished out my cock. I pissed and shook, then stuffed my cock back in my pants and turned on the water. I must have been gone longer than expected. A soft knock on the door and I answered, "Just a second." I splashed some water on my face, washed my hands, dried my hands and face. I turned and opened the door. Jennifer was standing there. "I need to go." Was all I said. She shook here head. "Gary, stay. Spend the night." "Where are my keys, I need to go." I said firmly. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "If you go it will be on foot or someone will have to take you home." "Fine." I said and pushed past her only to run into my Mom. "Gary dear, you look upset. What's the matter?" asked my Mom. "Nothing mother." I stated flatly. She kind of chuckled. "Not true dear. You must forget who you are talking to, you can't tell me nothing is wrong. I know better." "Mother, you don't know anything about me." I stated sternly and in a raised voice. Jennifer reached out and touched my arm. My mom smiled at me and at Jennifer. "You see, you have a wonderful woman here that loves you and seems to know how to calm you, why don't you settle down and marry her?" My mom asked. "I don't want to do this now, Mother." I stated and pulled my arm loose from Jennifer's grasp. I looked at Jennifer, "Give my regards and thanks to everyone, but I need to leave." I said. "Gary, you are being rude to your friends and family. Jennifer has gone to a lot of trouble to put this party together and it is all for you. She obviously wants you to stay." My mom countered. I shook my head. "I need to go." "Gary, Jennifer is such a nice young lady. You two look good together, stay and have some fun. Stay and be with Jennifer." My mom pressed. Whether too much to drink, a broken heart, or just because I had had enough, I sort of lost my cool just then. "Mother for the last time, I don't want a nice girl. Yes, Jennifer is very special to me and I lover her dearly. However, I cannot be in love with her." I said rather heatedly. I turned to face Jennifer and very sternly demanded, "Jennifer, my keys please." Jennifer was not going to give up my keys and after what was about to happen finally happened, I am surprised she let her only son escort me home. However, looking back on it, there was probably no one there that night who could have turned off the beast within except for Lucas. Jennifer shook her head and stated flatly, "You can leave, but you will walk home." My mother was a very firm woman, but sometimes she really did not know when to leave well enough alone. "Why don't you have Jennifer take you home?" I raised my voice again and in a very stern tone, "Jennifer is not going to take me home, no WOMAN is going to take me home. I am not going to marry Jennifer and I am not going to marry any woman because I am GAY Mother!" I roared. E.F. Hutton must have just entered the room would have been a great punch line for that moment. Everyone stopped talking at once. I was extremely pissed off, heart broken and drunk. Not a good combination. My mom raised her hand to her mouth and was silent. I stepped out onto the deck through the sliding door. Jennifer followed me onto the deck and tried to grab a hold of me, but I twisted free from her grasp and turned on her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted. She stopped and started to cry. I clenched and unclenched my hands. "I NEED TO BE ALONE!" I continued to fume. Just then Lucas came through the slider onto the deck with my leather jacket. "Uncle Gary, here's your jacket." He handed it to me and I realized he had put on his coat as well. I took in a deep breath and accepted my jacket from Lucas. I realized that I was now more relaxed, still buzzed, but relaxed. I put on my jacket and Jennifer leaned down and whispered something to Lucas. I turned and started walking down the stairs off the deck and onto the patio area towards the gate along the side of Jennifer's house. I heard Lucas say, "Sure thing mom. Yes, I will call you from Uncle Gary's house to let you know we made it safely there." He bounded down the stairs and raced to catch me. "Uncle Gary, wait up." I stopped and waited for him. I looked up at Jennifer. "I can get home by myself you know." Jennifer responded "Maybe so, but Lucas escorting you home is my condition for allowing you to leave. That way no one will get hurt." I looked up at her. "Hurt how?" She laughed, "Gary in your state of mind, you would probably get into a fight if any other guy from this party walked you home. At least I know you won't hurt Lucas or want to fight him." My shoulders drooped and she was right. At that moment he had taken the fight right out of me. Just his presence seemed to calm me. I turned to look at Lucas who was waiting patiently at the gate. "Okay, so lead the way my little chaperone." We walked down the driveway to the sidewalk. "Give me my keys little man and go home." I said. Lucas laughed. "Ain't gonna happen." I walked mostly in silence with Lucas walking next to me. I was calming down, but still depressed. "Uncle Gary, why did you get so mad at your Mom?" Lucas asked. I kind of grunted, "I dunno." "Why did you tell your mom you were gay?" he asked. I stopped. I looked at Lucas. "You heard that, huh?" He nodded. "Yes." He responded and continued, "I know what gay means, but I guess I never figured you were gay." "Well, lots of people are gay. I just don't go around telling everyone, well except for tonight, I guess." I responded. "Okay." Lukas replied. We started walking again. About 20 minutes later we arrived at my place. "Okay, now may I have my keys?" I asked. Lucas shook his head slowly. "My orders are to get you safely inside and to only then give you one house key." "Whose whacked idea was that?" I asked. "My mom's and it isn't a whacked idea." Lucas countered. I held out my hand, "hand over all of my keys." He shook his head. "No." "Listen, Lucas. Thanks for walking me home. Now, give me my keys and go home." I said. Lucas stood there and sort of puffed up his chest. "No." He replied. "Fine, let me inside." I said. Lucas opened the door and waved his hand to let me know I could enter my house. I walked in through the door and Lucas followed me inside, he closed the door and locked it, then took my house key off the ring of keys and handed it to me. I laughed. "You're kidding, right?" He put the remaining keys in the pocket of his jacket and walked over to the phone. He picked up the phone and dialed his house. I took off my jacket and was able to only hear Jennifer's voice and his side of the conversation. "Hi mom. We made it to Uncle Gary's house." "Uh, huh, yep. Inside." He paused as he was listening to her instructions. He was nodding his head. "Yes, I still have them. Well except for a house key. I thought it was safe to let him have one for now." More from her side. "I will just go ahead and stay the night." He said. I looked at him and shook my head. He nodded and smiled at me. "Yes it is all right with Uncle Gary." I started towards him, but the little shit put up his hand to wave me off. I went into the kitchen to get some water. I was still listening to his side of the call. He pulled out the key ring and was looking at it while listening to his mom. "Yes this weird looking one. Got it. Nope he won't get that one either. No vehicles and no guns." He stashed the keys in his jacket again. I chuckled. 'Heck, all I have to do is wait for him to go to sleep and I can get my keys back.' I thought to myself. I refilled my glass with water. "Night, Love you too." Lucas said and hung up the phone. I raised my eyebrows questioningly at him. I held out my hand. "Give them to me." "NO!" Came that firm denial. I stepped toward Lucas and he looked at me, narrowed his eyes and appeared a tad frightened. I knew I could just overpower him then and there and take whatever I wanted, but just then I decided I did not want my keys anymore. I realized I wanted Lucas. "Lucas." I said. "Yes." He replied. "Thanks for walking me home." I said and continued. "Typically if a guy walked me home and was planning on spending the night, I would be kind of excited." There I tossed it out to him. He bit his lip and swallowed. Then looked at me through narrowed eyes. "Excited as in happy excited or sad excited?" He asked. I smiled. "Oh, you know, very happy indeed type of excited." He swallowed hard again. Almost in a whisper he asked, "What kind of excited are you now?" I took another step toward him, set the glass down on the end table next to the couch and stood in front of him. I leaned forward and snatched him from the floor and held him tight. I reached into his pocket and fished for the keys, while he struggled to break free. He laughed. I came up empty, no keys in any of his pockets, I patted him down and during the search of the front pockets of his jeans I realized he had sprung a boner. Not uncommon when boys and men interact aggressively. I set him down and with my hands on my hips asked, "Did you lose them?" He slowly shook his head. "Nope. Hid them when you turned around to refill that glass of water." He quipped defiantly. I grabbed him by the shirt front and picked him up again. "Okay, I will make it simple for you. The keys or your ass." I said pointedly and set him back down. He swallowed very hard this time, trembled a little and then countered with the most outrageous thing I had ever thought possible given the choice I wanted him to make. "I guess, my ass." I was dumbfounded. I looked at him silently and then requested a confirmation of his answer. "Lucas, do you know what I am asking you to do?" He nodded his head slowly. "If fucking my ass will keep you at home and safe tonight, well then you are just going to have to fuck my ass. Although I am not going to give it up that easy, you will still have to work for it." He said adamantly. I laughed, heartily and loud. Then looked straight into his eyes. "Ohhh, really?" I stood up straight and stretched my arms above my head, folded them behind my head, twisted and cracked my back then scratched the back of my head and finally trailing my hands over my head and down my face. I inhaled deeply, staring at Lucas, and sighed. "You are so stubborn, you must have gotten a double dose from your parents." I said. Lucas stared back at me, apparently trying to figure out what I was going to do next. We stared silently at each other for several minutes. I was the first to break the silence. "So, have you ever had your dick sucked or ass fucked by a man before?" I asked rather bluntly. Lucas replied as he slowly shook his head from side to side. "Nope, no one has ever touched this virgin bod of mine." That statement caused my cock to lurch in my jeans and a little bit of pre-cum to ooze from the slit. I licked my lips, and spoke quietly. "One last chance. Lucas, please give me my keys." He shook his head several times and stated, "We have already settled on what you may be getting. Not the keys though." As soon as he said it, he was off running down the hall. I picked up on the 'may be getting' modification and was in pursuit of my prize. Due to the alcohol flowing in my system I was not as agile or stable as I would have otherwise been and Lucas remained out of reach as we raced around the house. Twenty minutes later I had him cornered in the hallway. His only chance to potentially escape was to get to my bedroom and lock the door. There were nick knacks, books and assorted items strewn throughout the house, having been knocked over or tossed out to impede my chase. Nothing smashed too much, but several things dislodged and strewn about enough that the house was definitely a mess. This sweaty panting boy standing in the hallway, me all sweaty and very horny now closing in on what I viewed as a prize, both trying to best the other. I realized that if it had to go on for another twenty minutes he would certainly out last me. I lurched in his direction with all of my speed and determination, which caught him off guard by a split second or so. As he turned and tried to gain traction on the wood floor his momentum towards my bedroom stalled just enough that I had him firmly in my grasp before he could wheel about through the doorway and lock me out of my room. I picked him up and our combined momentum carried us into my room and onto my bed. Lucas trapped firmly beneath me. Lucas attempted to push me off of him. I kept his squirming frame contained beneath me and finally gripped both his wrists in on hand and pinned his arms above his head onto the bed. My other hand was free and I used it to peel up his undershirt so I could press it against the bare flesh of his abdomen and chest. He panted and struggled to break free. I rose up on my knees, one on each side of his lower belly and transferred one wrist into the free hand so that as I paused I now had him pinned to the bed beneath me, I on my knees and leaning forward with a wrist in each hand pinned to the bed above his head. I looked down at him. He strained against me, stronger than I thought, but I definitely had the upper hand. I scowled at him. I think I was trying to frighten him. He was not going to let me have that satisfaction. Defiant all the way. He finally stopped struggling. I sighed. "Lucas, do you know what I want to do right now?" He scowled back at me. Coughed a little and through pursed lips responded, "yeah, you want to rape my little ass." What he said next made me hate myself even more. "Like I said, if fucking my ass will keep you from hurting yourself then rape away, but don't get mad at me for yelling and such when you do it." He said with tears in his eyes. I shook my head. "Fine, Damn it." I said rather gruffly and released him and got off the bed. I dragged myself into the corner where I sat with my head in my hands sobbing like a little child. I finally pulled myself together. Through the tears I tried to get him to leave. "Lucas, go home. Leave me alone to... Just go." I was one hell of mess. Lucas got off the bed, came over and knelt in front of me. "Uncle Gary, please don't send me away. I love you too much to allow you to do anything that will take you away from us." He leaned in and hugged me. I hugged him back. I could smell him, his sweaty body, not obnoxious just good active boy smell. There was also that musky scent guys get when they are really horny. It is more heady and intoxicating when a boy is going through puberty. I wanted him, hated him, loved him, desired him all at once at the same moment. I grabbed hold of his head and started kissing him. It shocked him, but he did not pull away. Soon he let my tongue in his mouth and started kissing me back. I picked up the intensity, "Lucas, I need you. Want you." I said and picked him up bodily and tossed him onto the bed. He was a little taken aback and did not struggle this time. I began to strip him naked. Tossing clothes as soon as they were stripped from his body. I peeled his shirt off of him and could now smell the pungent teen musk more strongly emanating from his sparsely haired pits. I nuzzled his neck and shoulders, kissed his ears and then nipped at his nipples and flicked them with my tongue then went back to kissing him. He was beginning to pant heavily and soon was moaning and groaning and accepting my tongue in his mouth, kissing me back. "Uncle Gary, um, huh, ohh, um." He panted. "Mmmm, nice, ummm, mmmm ungh." He grunted. I then went lower on his belly. Kissing his navel and nibbling on the spot where a treasure trail would soon develop, where just downy small hairs existed at this time. Lucas gasped for breath, swallowed audibly, licked his lips and moaned heavily. "You, uh, you, uh, um, um, have me all boned up." He stated. I started to unbuckle his belt and open the fly to his jeans. Oh, tighty whiteys never looked so sexy. His boner tented them and pulsed heavily as I gripped his turgid cock through the fabric, it caused him to yelp and gasp more. I looked at him as he groaned heavily. "Do you cum yet?" I asked. Lucas looked at me through very lust filled eyes. He nodded, "A few drops, nothing major yet." He managed to pant out an answer. I peeled his jeans off his legs and hooked my fingers in the waistband of his briefs. I pulled the waistband up away from him as I peeled his briefs off his body, freeing the most lovely pale bald cock and balls I had ever seen. He sported a fairly thick 4 inch extremely hard boy cock. The veins could be seen beneath the top layer of skin running everywhere along the shaft which sported a neatly cut very red plump mushroom head. I gripped that turgid stalk firmly in my hand and squeezed it, eliciting a heavenly moan and gasp from its owner. I knelt on the floor between his spread legs and leaned close to nuzzle his balls causing him to gasp more loudly. I gripped his cock and lifted it away from his abdomen, I engulfed it fully in my mouth and suctioned on it strongly. "Ohhhhhhhhh, man. Umm, ohhh, umm." Lucas moaned and grunted. He threaded his fingers in my short cropped hair. Urging me to continue to suck him and I intended to in order to get even those few drops of cum he stated he could produce. I pulled off his cock and spit heavily on my middle finger which I slithered into the crack of his ass and smeared over his hairless boy hole eliciting more gasps and returned to sucking his cock. The added sensation pushed him over the edge. His body went rigid and he thrust his hips upwards trying to bury his cock as deep into my mouth as possible. He screamed "yiiiiikes, yeasss." As his cock began spasming in my mouth. The head expanded and belched out a tiny pulse of cum droplets. He was right, two or three droplets came out, the flavor definitely noticeable on my tongue, not much volume, but tasty for sure. I squeezed his cock to force any remaining fluid up out of the tube and into my mouth. Lucas's body was strongly racked by his orgasm. His small testicles had almost completely disappeared as they were sucked tightly back up against his body. He lay on the bed holding his head in his hands, licking his lips, panting heavily coming down from his orgasm. I stood up and started to undress. I peeled off my shirt. As I was undoing my belt I noticed that Lucas had scooted more up onto the bed. As I dropped my jeans he watched from a kneeling position. His face still flushed. I skinned off my jeans and boxers freeing my hard cock. It bounced free and slapped upwards as if waving at him. I stepped forward and gripped the covers on the bed pulling them back, Lucas climbed over the edge of the exposed sheets under the blanket and scooted closer to the head board. He watched me closely as I climbed into bed my cock leading the way as I walked on my knees towards him. He swallowed hard and bit his lip some more. I reached out for him and he rose up on his knees as I opened my arms to hug him to me. My cock was mashed between us as he hugged me back. I pulled him bodily down to the bed as I lay down, pulling him on top of me, hugging him to my chest. I began to kiss him some more. With one hand I held him close to me as we kissed and with the other I massaged his firm butt cheeks and then slipped my hand into the crack of his ass as I massaged and swiped across his boy hole. He would jerk and twitch as my fingers fluttered over the entrance to the precious prize. His inner core only accessible through that sweet sexy ass, through that tight ring of muscle my cock would soon travel to deposit a load of man cum deep in his ass. He was still amped from his recent orgasm and flushed by the renewed level of horniness to which I had managed to coax him. He aggressively kissed me back indicating he was losing himself to the lust he didn't understand, but gripped him firmly nonetheless. My cock was twitching and throbbing. The pre-cum flowing steadily created a sticky slick mess between us. I paused in kissing Lucas and slithered out from underneath him. I hefted him with one arm to the center of the bed and shoved a pillow under his hips pushing his erect again boy cock back between his leg and presenting that ass for plundering. I swung out from his side and soon was kneeling between his spread legs looking at his ass displayed like a broke open shotgun ready for a new shell to be rammed home into the barrel. I leaned in and spread his butt cheeks wide apart and inhaled deeply. His teen musky scent prevalent and pungent more now that he had been pushed over the edge, orgasmed and ready for another round. I leaned closer and extended my tongue, making contact with the area just behind and at this position above his testicles. The area known as the taint and licked up across his ass hole and continuing until I licked up to the end of his ass crack. Lucas shuddered, gasped, and groaned as my tongue slaved across his asshole. I started licking up and down his ass crack painting his crack with my tongue and wetting the hole with my spit. "Ohhhh, ungghh, Gawwwddddd, ohhh, mmm, hunhggh." Lucas chanted as I swiped up his crack over and over. He drew his knees closer to his chest up under himself and spread his legs wider, making his ass more accessible and opening himself wide. This encouraged me and I picked up the speed with which I licked his ass and added more and more pressure specifically as my tongue licked across his anal ring. His asshole quivered and spasmed with my ministrations. His moans grew louder. He wiggled his ass back at me unconsciously in sync with my licking. Every now and then I would also lick along the length of the shaft of his boy cock. He groaned louder. "Shit, ohhh, mannnnn, Gawwwddddd, Uncccle Garrrry, ohhh damn, gooooodd." He grunted his pleasure. I then spread his butt cheeks further apart and focused my attention on the center of his rosebud. I poked the tip forcefully at the center and wiggled my tongue there quickly. I swirled my tongue around the ring teasing the ridges and probing every square millimeter of his anal ring. "Yessss, damn, nevvverrr haadddd exxpected thiss." He yelled. I stiffened my tongue and aimed it at the center of the ring and pushed. Lucas' ass quivered open and swallowed my tongue. Lucas gasped and a firm shudder shook his body. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, MYYYYY, GAWWWDDD." He yelled. I fucked his ass with my tongue for several minutes until my jaw ached. I pulled away from his ass, pulling my tongue out of his inner core. Lucas lifted his head and looked over his shoulder with wide eyes. He panted heavily and licked his lips. I reached into the top drawer of the night stand and pulled out a bottle of lube. Lucas still panting, watched me with wide eyes as I coated my cock with lube. His wide eyes followed my movements, his breath coming in strong gasps. He licked his lips and swallowed noisily. His body went rigid when I squirted a dollop of lube onto his still quivering asshole. He turned his head back to face the pillow and rubbed his forehead on the pillow and when I pressed a finger through the lube into his ass his head came up off the pillow and he moaned. I swirled my finger around and fucked his ass with my finger. I scrubbed and hooked my finger around inside his ass until I found his prostate and he yelped loudly. "Whatttt diddd youuuu dooooooo?" He yelped. I smiled, "That my young hero is your pleasure center." I noticed his penis was drooling. Not a lot like me, but it was leaking for sure. His body was transitioning through another physical phase. I withdrew my finger and stroked my cock making sure it was as slick and hard as possible. I rose up on knees and inched up closer to him my thighs making contact with the backs of his legs, spreading them wider. He looked back over his shoulder a tad frightened now that he realized that time had come when his offer was to be accepted. I gripped my cock firmly and started painting his ass with it and swirling the head at the center of his asshole. He was looking at me through lust filled, but wary eyes. A touch of fear was there as well. He spoke quietly and asked "are you going to fuck me now?" I nodded. "Last chance, my keys please." He closed his eyes and put his head back down on the pillow. "I SAID NO!" he shouted into the pillow. I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy what happened next, but I do regret it slightly. After all, he was willing to go through this just to keep me from either driving drunk or worse eating the business end of a Colt 45. I leaned forward and pressed the head of my cock firmly against his ass. I applied a lot of pressure and continued to apply it steadily until at last his ass blossomed open swallowing the head of my cock. Lucas' head came up off the pillow and he yelled "OWWWWWWW, DAMNNNN IT!" I grabbed his hips firmly and fully sheathed my cock, balls deep in his ass. He gurgled a bit and grunted and then started to rub his forehead firmly into the pillow. His knuckles were bright white as he gripped the sheets and pulled them free from the mattress. His body shook as I withdrew my cock and firmly re-sheathed it again and again. I began fucking his ass with a firm and unrelenting pace. The head board bounced against the wall, Lucas yelped, groaned and moaned in sync with my thrusts. I was grinding in him each time I bottomed out trying to firmly press against that immature prostate as often as I could. It was having an effect as his body responded with a hands free orgasm. "UNNNGGN, ITTTSSS GOGING OFFF AGAIN." He yelled as another orgasm gripped his body. As I continued to saw through his ass aggressively he yelled even more. "Owwwww, UNNGHG, OHHH, DAMMN, OWWWWWWWWW, HURRTS, FULL DAMNN" I continued to slam into his young body and finally sheathed my cock fully into his young no longer virgin ass as my orgasm rolled up from my toes. I unloaded several heavy jets of cum inside his ass as I collapsed onto his back, my spasming cock burying deep inside his sloppy tight ass. "UMMPFFF." He grunted as my weight draped across his back and ass flattening him onto the bed. I rolled off of his well fucked ass, my cock tugging wetly from his cum filled ass. I lay there beside Lucas as he continued to lay face down, sobbing into his pillow. I closed my eyes and rubbed his back, his body racked by a series of sobs. He rolled over slightly and lifted up a little to crawl onto my chest. He brought up a clenched fist and pounded several times on my chest. "Will you, uhhh, uhhh, uhhh, now stick uhhhh, uhhhh, around and live?" He asked and then laid his face on my chest. "Shhh, hush, Lucas." I cooed as I stroked his back. "What are you talking about?" He lifted his head and wiped his tears. "Mom and I were worried you were going to do something stupid because your heart is broken." 'Fuck' yes, they were right. I swallowed and tried to reassure him that it would be okay. "Lucas, I promise I won't hurt myself. Not now, not ever. I would be a fool to do so knowing that someone like you is there for me." I confessed. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Good." he said. "You are one brave little hero." I said. He was snuggled up close to me and before he drifted off to sleep his comment to me was "Well, maybe next time you can take it a little slower and easier on me." "If you let me have a next time, I will make you feel so wonderful." I promised and fell asleep as well. ***** End Part 2 - Lucas rescues Me Sex should always be loving and pleasurable. Sometimes there will be episodes of pain, not for the enjoyment of pain, but due to the aggressiveness of the individuals involved. To say Lucas rescued me is an understatement. I had many options for self-destruction available to me that night. I owned several guns, a couple of very fast motorcycles, an assortment of knives and other items that could have easily been used to end my misery of the moment. Lucas unknowingly became my hero. He selflessly allowed his body to be used to fill a void and for me to unleash some pent up aggression. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you liked this let me know. Remember, the fine folks at Nifty make all of this possible, but it costs money to maintain it all. If you like reading about these adventures please consider donating to help the cause - All comments welcome, let me know what you think: