Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 15:59:27 -0500 From: mazin campbell Subject: Lorenzo's Journey ch. 1 Warning: Gay sex occurs in this story, so if you aren't old enough to do it, don't read it. -------------------------~@~ Lorenzo's Journey ~@~----------------------------- Chapter 1 It had been two days since Lorenzo tore off into the woods, stopping, for a second, behind a tree to turn and see the immigrant smugglers' bullet tear through his father. Last night he finished off the small bag of chips from his backpack, the last of the food.. He had to keep going, and make his way to... well that he didn't yet know. Lorenzo pushed through the millionth branch and finally heard a reassuring sound, water! His young, slight body began to feel re-energized at the thought of cool, refreshing water, something he had done without for almost two days. He broke into a run across the clearing and up the next hillside, across the summit and then froze in his tracks. "NO!," a voice screamed inside his head. Down on the banks of the crystal stream was a group of campers, all men. He dodged behind a rock and sank to the earth, remembering his father's caution of remaining out of sight of the white men until they made it to the city. He peeked out from behind the rock to get a better look. Below him, six muscled shirtless men were busy setting up tents, unpacking supplies, gathering wood... obviously planning to stay more than a few moments. Lorenzo sat for about fifteen minutes thinking of a way out of this situation. If captured, he could be hurt or even killed. He had heard the warnings of the people who hunted illegals. On the other hand, this was his chance for water, something he desperately needed. Finally, he decided to crawl back over the hill and go down a ways, hopefully out of sight of the campers. Lorenzo looked out from his hiding place once more to make sure he wasn't in sight before crawling slowly back up to the top of the hill. He was almost there before he heard the sound of footsteps creep softly behind him. He scrambled to get to his feet, but felt a finger hook onto the back loop of his jeans. He tried to wiggle free, but being about 90 lbs., he was quickly lifted up into the air. He kicked a little, but couldn't reach the man and couldn't swivel around to see him. Finally the man spoke, in gringo Spanish, he told him to calm down. Lorenzo saw no other choice but to do as told. He stopped struggling and was set down on his feet. He turned to see a tall man directly behind him, surrounded by the other five. They closed in on him to study the boy. Lorenzo must have looked absolutely terrified because the men's faces quickly changed to looks of pity and confusion. The excitement proved too much for him and he quickly fell to the ground, a dark sleep falling over him. When his eyes next opened, he was laying, not in the sun baked grass, but in the softest and warmest bed he had ever felt. He tried to sit up, but found himself enclosed in the bed except for his head. He wiggled his arms out of the bed and his hands fumbled with the sides of it, searching for a way out. He felt a zipper on the left side. "A Sleeping bag!" he thought excitedly. He unzipped it halfway and sat up, but quickly laid back down with a sharp pain hitting the back of his head. He reached back and felt a bandage. He must have hit his head on something when he fell, but who had taken such care to clean and bandage him? The men? Coming to himself, he noticed his clothes were gone, replaced with an oversized sweatshirt and oversized flannel boxers. He had been bathed and felt a cool cream on his burned face. He laid back down, feeling reassured that maybe his captors were not quite so frightening. Hearing his rustling and cry of pain, the men moved to the tent and unzipped the door, finding the small boy staring up at them. They smiled warmly and one of them set a bottle of cold water next to the boy, urging him to drink. Needing no encouragement, Lorenzo grabbed for the bottle and quickly downed as much as he could, a big mistake. He quickly sat up, grabbed for a plastic bag and began to throw up the contents of his stomach, which consisted of the water. The men talked to each other in English and then one of them sat down beside the boy and pulled him into his lap, sliding a reassuring arm around his side. Lorenzo laid his head against the man's chest and his hard breathing began to ease. He wiped the side of his mouth and looked up as the man brought the bottle of water to his lips, giving him small, measured drinks. Lorenzo slowly finished the bottle, holding it firmly with both hands, waiting for the man to tilt it each time to give him more. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep in the man's lap, remembering his father's warm touch. Lorenzo woke a few hours later, night was in full force and the moon was gone, but he felt the strong man beneath him, his head against the man's chest as two muscled arms clung to him. He yawned, feeling refreshed from the water, but his tummy grumbled, demanding food. He wiggled cautiously, and the man released his grip, readjusting and allowing Lorenzo to slide off of him and onto the floor of the tent. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw another form, lying next to the man with his head on the shoulder of the man whom had held him. He smiled a little, wondering why two grown men would sleep like this, but food called. Peeking his head out of the tent, a cold night wind blew across his face, causing him to shiver slightly. He unzipped the door a little more and stood up, taking about two steps before the large boxers fell to his ankles. He quickly pulled them up and held them in place with one hand while looking around for something to eat. He walked to an ice chest and pulled out a bag of bread then shoved a piece into his mouth. After so long without food, this instantly became the best bread he had ever tasted. He ate two more pieces before his tummy began to hurt. Putting the bag back into the ice chest, Lorenzo turned to see the strong man who held him smiling slightly and standing beside the tent wearing a matching pair of flannel boxers, though his strong thighs and butt filled them out much better. Lorenzo chewed the last piece of bread while staring up with wide eyes. The man walked closer to where Lorenzo sat and then reached down and put his hands under the boys shoulders and lifted him up to his chest. "Sleep," he said and carried the boy back to the tent. The sun rose early over the valley and soon the bird chirps woke the campers. Lorenzo stirred in the man's arms, still feeling the aches from his journey. The man sat up, still holding the boy to his chest. His bed companion began to sit up too, then leaned over and kissed the strong man who smiled, but blushed at Lorenzo's confused stare. "Good morning. I am Mark," the strong man snapped out of his blushed daze and introduced himself in muddy Spanish. He was tall, light skinned, with dark hair. Every inch of his body was chiseled and lightly sun-kissed. His chest was soft, with a light covering of hair. His big, round, warm brown eyes made Lorenzo feel safe. He took one arm off the boy and put his hand on the other man's hairless chest and said, "Erik," in a louder than necessary voice. Erik wasn't quite as tall nor strong as Mark, but he obviously took care of himself. He had a nice toned body, also light skinned, with no hair other than the blonde spikes on top of his head. His piercing blue eyes stared into Lorenzo's with a look of friendly curiosity. Mark took his hand from Erik's chest and placed it on Lorenzo's and looked expectantly. "Lorenzo," mouthed the boy in a soft voice. Mark and Erik smiled at him and then Mark softly pushed the boy off of his lap and began to stand up to get out of the tent. The three of them left the tent to find the other four men making breakfast around a small portable grill. They smiled at Lorenzo who smiled back, until he saw two of the men give each other a soft morning kiss. "What kind of place did I find?" he wondered to himself. He quickly snapped from his wonder when, once again, the boxers fell to his ankles, exposing his boyhood to the others who stared and smiled. Lorenzo wasn't shy about what he had. At age 15, he was beginning the change from boy to man. He was slower about it than others his age, but his baby fat had melted off, some from starvation, and his muscles, though tiny, were toned. His small, thin chest was crowned with two chocolate chip nipples. He had a small, but growing sprinkle of hair above his cock, which had grown to a sizable six inches soft. Yet, he wasn't ready to put on a show for a group of men, especially not ones who seemed to like other men. It wasn't that he hated gay people, but he didn't know any in his small mountain village and really didn't think they existed. He froze and didn't know what to do, but Erik quickly dove to scoop up the boxers and pull them back up to the boy's waist. The men resumed their activities and soon the smell of breakfast filled the campsite. Mark led Lorenzo to his clothes which were drying on a rock. His jeans were tattered and torn from the trip, his shirt and sweater matching. His briefs had been washed in the stream and he quickly slid down the boxers to put them back on; followed by the other items. He finished dressing and then slipped on the sweatshirt the man had put on him, partly because he was cold and partly because it smelled of the man, clean and fresh. Lorenzo returned to the campsite and was handed a plate of biscuits, eggs, and bacon. He went and sat between Mark and Erik who were talking over his head. He felt safe hiding between his two protectors, away from the eyes of the other men who still stared at him with mischievous smiles. After breakfast, the men began to clean up the campsite, take down the tents, and pack up their supplies. Lorenzo tried to help Erik and Mark with the tent, but Mark pushed him out of the way, telling him to sit and save his energy for the long hike back to the cars. When ready, each man had a big backpack containing all of the camping gear and they began to hike out of the valley and over the hills Lorenzo had been heading to. Lorenzo struggled to keep up with Mark and Erik whose long muscled legs took long quick strides. After what seemed like hours later, they wound up a trail that ended in a parking lot containing two cars and a truck. Each couple went to their vehicle and loaded up the camping gear. Mark and Erik began walking towards the cars, but stopped when they noticed Lorenzo standing still and looking at his tattered brown shoes. "Come," Mark said, with a wave, "Don't be afraid, come with us." Lorenzo thought for a minute, realizing he didn't know where to go. All of a sudden he realized he was alone, his father being his last remaining relative. Would he have to beg on the street? He didn't know these men and they were NOT his family. Tears began to roll down his light brown cheeks. Mark came over and set down his pack, lifting the boy into his arms. Lorenzo buried his face in the strong stranger's shoulder. He closed his eyes, hoping he would reopen them to stare at his father's face. As one arm supported him, he felt a hand stroke the back of his hair and whisper, "it's ok, you're ok." Thought it wasn't his father's voice, he felt slightly reassured and allowed Mark to carry him to the car. Mark set the boy down in the backseat and closed the door before going back to pick up his pack. The car was loaded and the two men slid into the front seat, then the car began to move. Lorenzo stared out the window on the woods that had been his prison for almost a week now. He wanted to run back through them, back through time, save his father, and go back home. As poor as the village was, it was better than losing his family. The car, however, had other plans and took him further away from his home. He sighed and settled into the black leather seats. He began to look around inside the car, not a speck of dust or trash. Everything was perfectly in its place. Maps folded neatly in the seatback pocket next to an umbrella folded neatly in its case. Even the two men were perfectly groomed and healthy. He had never seen such order. It was like a magazine ad. As the car rolled along, Mark asked Lorenzo to tell them what had happened to him. The boy began to ramble on in Spanish too fast for the men to understand, telling of the journey to reach America. He told of the smuggler who took them across and then demanded more money. The man had a gun to the head of a small girl as her mother pleaded for her release. Lorenzo's father told him to run and then began to charge at the smuggler who shot him. He told of running for a few days and then finding the stream with the men. Mark and Erik understood very little of the story, but tuned more into Lorenzo's expressions and hand gestures, guessing that the boy had been through a great trauma. The caravan of cars stopped for a late lunch at a small town diner and then continued driving past nightfall. Mark and Erik stopped at another store and Erik ran inside for a few minutes, coming out with two white plastic shopping bags. Lorenzo drifted in and out of sleep in the backseat listening to the two men talk in the English he did not understand. They stopped for the night at a hotel next to a lake. Lorenzo knew they had gone far because the night air was much, much colder and he pulled the sweatshirt close around him as the group made their way into the hotel. Lorenzo had never been to a hotel and stared in amazement at the large atrium that opened up about 15 floors to the night sky. The elevator was even more exciting and he clung to Mark as it began to push skyward. On the top floor, they exited and found their room. It was a huge room with a giant bed and couch and TV and balcony with a view of the lake. Lorenzo's eyes had never been so big as he took it all in. Erik set down their bags as Mark moved into the bathroom and began to fill up the tub. "Come," Mark said peeking his head out of the bathroom door as he beckoned the boy towards him. Lorenzo obeyed and walked into an equally large and beautiful bathroom with a huge marble tub. Mark began to lift up Lorenzo's sweatshirt and slid it off of him, followed by the sweater and t-shirt. He pointed at Lorenzo's shoes and the boy began to remove them, followed by his jeans and briefs. He stepped into the tub and bathed as Mark kept a watchful... lustful eye. When finished, Mark wrapped him in a huge soft white towel and led him to the bedroom where Erik had laid out warm flannel pants, a t-shirt that would fit him, and a small pair of blue briefs. He dried off, dressed, and was tucked into the middle of the large bed with a kiss on the forehead from both men. Mark turned off the lights and then disappeared back into the bathroom with Erik. Lorenzo laid in bed and listened as the two men moved about the bathroom. They had left the door halfway open, and Lorenzo watched the two undress, reflected through a mirror on the wall. They either didn't know or didn't care that the boy could see them as the rest of the room was dark. He watched Mark give Erik a kiss and then slide down his boxers. He moved behind Erik and put his arms around his waist, kissing his neck. Mark slid his hands down Erik's tummy and then slid off the man's boxer briefs. Erik's hard cock bounced up and hit against his tummy. It was long and thick, the head exposed. Mark reached down and grasped the cock firmly, pumping it a few times as Erik's body began to slowly move with loud breaths. Mark quickly moved to cover his partner's mouth, whispering a caution in his ear, probably not wanting to wake the boy in the other room. He released Erik and moved to turn on the shower, drowning out further noise. Erik turned and knelt, exposing Mark's larger and thicker cock, showing a head covered with foreskin. Mark's cock disappeared behind Erik's head which began to bob up and down quickly. The receiver arched his back and lifted his head, his lips forming an "O" and his eyes closing. Erik's head disappeared behind Mark's hand which began guiding it further down on his cock. Mark's hips began to buck, slowly then speeding up, his hand grasping much of Erik's hair. Lorenzo laid in bed taking this all in. He had never heard of such a thing, but it piqued his interest and peaked his cock. He slid a hand beneath the blanket and into his briefs, jerking slowly on his rock hard penis. He liked to grasp it and jerk quickly, his thumb circling around the foreskin covered head. He felt waves of pleasure overtake his body as his eyes continued to fix on Mark's face, strong body, hard pecs, and complete control over his partner's mouth. Erik's arm reached down between his legs and Lorenzo watched him work a finger into his ass. What was that about? Did he have some problem down there? Mark looked down at his partner and smiled, mouthing a few words. Erik took his head off of his partner's cock and looked up into his eyes. Erik stood up and bent over the counter as Mark moved behind him and knelt. He stuck out his tongue and licked softly between Erik's cheeks. Soon his whole face disappeared between them and Lorenzo wondered what was going on. His question was soon answered as Mark stood up and began to force his huge and hard cock between them. Lorenzo had DEFINITELY never seen such a thing and wondered how it felt! Did it hurt? Why would Mark do that? Why would Erik let him? As puzzling as it looked, it turned Lorenzo on even more. Soon he felt his cock tense up, knowing what would soon follow. A week's worth of boy cream surged up the shaft and out, He quickly pulled back the covers and pulled up his shirt as spunk shot out of his cock and covered his tummy, some even landing on his lips and cheek. His body shook with the most intense orgasm he had ever felt in his few years of being able to do this. A loud "Uhhhh" escaped his lips, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he laid paralyzed by the uncontrolled shivers. It took him a few minutes to regain control as he laid there, hand on his cock, eyes wide shut. When he finally opened his eyes, the bedroom was in darkness except for a thin line of light that escaped from beneath the closed bathroom door. Had he been seen? Found out? His head filled with worries. He crawled out of the bed, covered with spunk and crept quietly over to the table by the front door where he had seen a box of tissues. He grabbed a few and wiped every last drop from his body, hoping he wouldn't smell of it. He licked another tissue and wiped again just in case. He heard Mark echo his orgasm from the bathroom and then heard the two step into the shower. He fixed his clothes and climbed back into the warm bed before the two men could finish their cleanup. A few minutes later, two toweled men emerged from the bathroom and moved to their backpacks without turning on the bedroom lights. He watched with one eye as they pulled on fresh boxers and then moved towards the bed. Mark and Erik climbed into bed on either side of Lorenzo and settled in close to him. Mark pulled Lorenzo into his embrace and Erik laid his head on Lorenzo's pillow. To Lorenzo's surprise and delight, they acted as if nothing had happened. Sleep quickly overtook the trio. Sunlight and hard cocks, two sure signs of morning that all boys know. This morning, the sun crept across a fluffy white bed that held three of the other signs. Lorenzo was the first to wake and felt the other two pressing into him. He had settled into Mark's arms, chest to chest, their two cocks lined up with Lorenzo's losing the race to the north. At his back, he felt Erik whose hard cock rested comfortably between Lorenzo's firm round boy cheeks. Of course there were thin pieces of fabric separating everyone, but Lorenzo was fascinated by the feeling. Unable to resist, Lorenzo reached for Mark's boxers and touched his shaft with one finger, letting it slide up the length. Mark's body, still asleep, responded with a soft "mmmmm." Maybe he thought it was Erik looking for morning play because next he angled down and kissed the top of Lorenzo's head and then slowly moved his hand down inside the boy's pajama pants to his ass. He rubbed it softly and then let a finger wander to the boy's hole. This caused Erik, whose hard cock was just outside Lorenzo's PJ's, to press harder into Lorenzo and rub the boy's cock against Mark's hand. The whole scene took only a few seconds and then the two men began to awake and become aware of what was going on. Lorenzo felt their eyes meet above his head in alarm and the two quickly pushed away from the boy, Mark sliding his hand back up to Lorenzo's back and then off of him. Lorenzo froze and clamped his eyes firmly shut, feeling the two men sit up in bed. They whispered something to each other and then Mark leaned down and whispered, in Spanish, "You awake?" Lorenzo laid there. Mark shook him gently on the shoulder. The boy rolled onto his back and opened sleepy eyes, pretending to be hurt by the harsh morning sun. Mark smiled down at him and rubbed his tummy softly. Lorenzo giggled and playfully pushed his arm away. The men began to move about the room as Lorenzo sat up and rubbed his eyes. Mark slipped a pair of pressed khakis over his boxers and then tucked a blue polo shirt into his pants, buckled a brown leather belt and slipped into brown leather sandals. Erik fished out a red t-shirt from his bag, a pair of light jeans, and then blue skater shoes with socks. Mark went to the shopping bags Erik picked up yesterday and took out a new pair of jeans and a blue long sleeve t-shirt with a picture of a white bunny head and some writing. He set them on the edge of the bed and told Lorenzo to dress. When finished, Lorenzo found new tennis shoes and clean socks. He put them on as the men busied themselves in the bathroom. A quick brush of the teeth and they were off, leaving the bags behind. Downstairs they found the other four men sitting on couches. There was one big leather chair left and Mark sat down. Erik perched on the right arm of the chair and Mark wrapped an arm around his waist. Lorenzo sat on the other arm, but Mark pulled him down into his lap and held him close. One new man showed up and everyone hugged him and then they were off. Outside, Lorenzo could see the beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. The air was cool and clean, the sun making it's way up the sky. The day was spent walking around the little towns that surrounded the lake. Lots of shops, old furniture, new clothes and odd food, the men wanted to see it all. What felt like days later, they finally found something of interest for Lorenzo, ice cream. Mark let him pick whatever he wanted, and he got a big cone of strawberry with sprinkles, then walked slowly along the lakefront eating. By the time they got back to the hotel room, Lorenzo did not feel like walking anymore. Mark let him rest for a little while and then woke him up saying they were in a hurry to get ready for dinner. Half asleep, Lorenzo was edged into the bathroom with the two other men who were already halfway undressed. Mark told him to take off the clothes so he could shower, Lorenzo obeyed. The two men stepped into the large marble tub and turned on the hot water, but Lorenzo hung back. He squirmed, covering his bare cock with his hands and looking down at his feet. Mark called for him, and he stepped a little closer. Mark called again, a little less patiently, and the boy walked to the edge of the tub. Two strong hands came down and lifted Lorenzo up and into the tub, standing him in front of Mark and behind Erik. The water fell down, still a little cold and made the boy's nipples instantly hard. Mark grabbed the bar of soap and began to rub gently up and down the boy's chest, pushing him back against the man's abs, a soft cock pressing into his back. Erik turned and smiled down at the boy who continued to stare at his feet. Then something odd happened. Erik knelt down in front of Lorenzo and took the soap from Mark. Lorenzo raised his eyes to stare into Erik's, also getting a quick stare at his cock. Erik began to rub the soap up and down Lorenzo's chest and tummy, then around the cock and up and down his thighs. It sent little tingles through the boy's body and as much as he willed against it, his cock began to rise. Erik pretended not to notice, but kept soaping up the boy's legs as Mark rubbed thoughtfully across his chest, soothing his hard nipples and then giving them each a playful squeeze. Lorenzo wasn't the only one getting hard. Soon he felt Mark's cock rise, the tip grazing his back until he felt the bottom of his shaft. Erik's face was inches from the boy's cock, and soon he ran out of places to soap. He stared into Lorenzo's eyes with a sly grin. Testing the waters, he brought the soap to Lorenzo's cock and rubbed it gently in circles around the shaft. Lorenzo's mouth dropped open as he began to gasp for air in sync with Erik's motions. Setting down the soap, and noticing that the boy was not making a run for the door, Erik gently tugged at Lorenzo's cock as though he were lathering up the soap. Lorenzo's breathing began to quicken. He couldn't help what he felt, and something kept his feet firmly planted between the two men. He knew it was wrong for another guy to touch him like that, but losing everything he knew in the last few days meant he wasn't really sure what was right anymore. Everything from the neck down also told him that this felt fucking incredible. Erik backed off for a few seconds which caused the boy to get nervous again. He splashed water against the boy's cock and then dove onto it with his mouth. Instinctively, Lorenzo put a hand on the back of Erik's head and pushed his hard cock deeper into the man's mouth. Mark pinched and twisted on the boy's nipples, softly but firmly and leaned his head down to rest on Lorenzo's shoulder. He pressed his lips into the boy's neck and began to lick and bite a little. Lorenzo cocked his head to the other side and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the men working him over. Erik's tongue expertly searched every crevice of the boy's cock and foreskin, leaving no spot without ultimate pleasure. Lorenzo's young body had never felt this and soon demanded release. With a final thrust through the man's lips, the boy began to fire off his cream which Erik quickly drank. "Cum for me baby, cum for me," Mark whispered into his ear, nibbling on the lobe. Lorenzo shuddered and yelled "AYYYYYY," as he sent an amazing amount of swimmers racing towards Erik's tummy in search of egg. To the boy, it lasted for hours and took every last bit of energy from him. Lorenzo, spent and exhausted, collapsed into Mark's waiting arms. "Yes baby, yes," Mark whispered, "That's my boy." A tired smile crept across Lorenzo's face as he recovered his breath in the man's embrace. Opening his eyes, he caught Erik's big and goofy grin. The man stood up, turned his back to the other two, and soaped down quickly. Mark passed the boy off to Erik and then did the same. They turned Lorenzo around and soaped down his backside as he began to come down from his high. They quickly toweled off and dressed for dinner. Before they left the bathroom, Mark and then Erik gave Lorenzo long hard kisses. He had never had someone else's tongue in his mouth, much less two men. This was a week of firsts, and he waited to see what came next. Thanks for reading, mason