Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:56:19 +1100 From: The Pin Subject: Losing it God, how do I describe this? I'm pretty much frantic, this is hopeless but I'll try....he's a youth of perhaps 15 or 16 no more, hair, well it's cut in a bell shape, it frames his face and barely covers his shoulders, a soft honey colour, it swishes and bobs as he walks, but it's his lips, full, rich, pouting when he wants and slightly parted as now, they reveal even white teeth, his eyes are closed...and the long lashes curl upon his cheeks as he lies there on his side. He's slender and long legged boy - well proportioned, slim yet not delicate but it's what he's wearing that sets it all off, rucked up and with hem raised to just above his waist, it's a shortie see through nightie. The effect is stunning, for peeping out just below the hemline is his erection - firm, it is bent back flat and hard with arousal, the reason for which will become apparent. Next, it is those legs, trim smooth and elegant they are parted, one raised high and both clad in sheer silk stockings with lacy tops that cling tight halfway up his thighs, and there he lies head on pillow arms stretched out....there's no need to undress him, his loveliness is fully displayed I lie behind him, a hand on nylon clad hip it is I who rests between those silken legs, one of which casually flung across my own hooks round to pull me closer to him. Look carefully and you will see, we are conjoined, ragingly erect with excitement my penis, shaft buried between those adorable buttocks, thrusts and withdraws and I tremble with the strength of my passion..I'm making love to this boy and seek to prolong the moment... and submissive he lies there, panting quietly as hands clench and unclench. I had no idea what I was getting into, I don't associate libraries with the sort of activity that followed, but unprepared and vulnerable I let it happen. I had searched unsuccessfully and was about to leave when a clatter of books caught my attention, there pink faced a couple of yards away a young girl surveyed the mess with dismay...without thinking I'd walked across and begun collecting the books, only five in all but with those slippery jackets that become a menace. Glancing at a couple of titles I raised eyebrows.."anthropology"...a previous field I'd worked in. Standing I handed my collection to her, still blushing she murmured her thanks and turned to go. Impulsively I asked "Just noticed, I've been busy in that particular area...where do you study it, what's your faculty?" I was curious since there were no tertiary establishments in the area.... this elicited a slightly embarrassed reply "Oh, I'm not at Uni. yet, too young, I'm qualified though but...have to wait another year at least so...rather than waste time...I want a bit of a, well, here I am!" She was delightful, rashly perhaps I blundered on "Really? Frustrating, very do you manage, I mean is there anyone you can consult with locally, I know it can help to exchange thoughts, ideas...?" "Oh no, I manage though, sort would be nice though..." I made a quick decision, the girl fascinated me somehow, there was something infinitely, compelling about her... "Look, this is my card.....please ring me...I mean it, I'd love to help - I did post graduate work in the field and suppose I'm wasting it rather...meanwhile, would you - care for a coffee somewhere?" Here she stammered and blushed again...and as she dithered I decided "No, she's not getting away...this is important" so gently but firmly I suggested "Here let me take those books for you, no more disasters...and you can decide as we go?" Unresisting she let me take them, casually I noted, nothing in the way of breasts but - VERY nice, very nice - then we duly checked the pile and I followed her out. The terrace overlooking the lake looked pleasant and I was known there, the Espresso Bar was a cheerful place with lovely views, a bit pricey be expected. We sat and chatted....I was enchanted, now and again she'd catch my glance, and again that blush...captivated I rambled....then with a start she exclaimed...apologetic and mumbling thanks she gathered her books and scuttled off, something about "Bus" floated back. In a happy glow I sat...until Frank the owner swept past, he was one of those extrovert gays ...we had certain friends in common. "Lovely, very nice if you can get it!" was his comment. I thought nothing more of what he'd said, the days passed and I still couldn't get her out of my head...and then mercifully, the 'phone call, she wouldn't mind some feedback on her latest work, could I help? We arranged to meet at the same place, I arrived first and eagerly awaited, a shadow slipped up behind and paused before me. The same hair, eyes, face, but the clothing...she wavered uncertainly... "I didn't want you to think, I mean I like dressing like that but it wouldn't be fair...for you to ..I mean it would be you still want us to talk....?" The boy was lovely....I gulped, yes I enjoyed sex with a younger man from time to time...but this...well the stakes had upped themselves, I floundered for a second and he grew apprehensive. Reacting instinctively I stood and pulled out a chair for him. Gratefully he settled himself and smiled up...I felt faint..the well cut jeans accentuated his figure, and I sat facing a lovely elegant boy. As if by magic the proprietor himself appeared to take our order...absently I asked for something or other and relayed his own request....and sat spellbound. Somehow, I got myself together....and time sped by unnoticed...the place closed and chuckling the proprietor ushered us out. Now we wandered along the lake shore, eventually with a jolt, it came to me, his bus would have long was dark and there would be a wait. Unthinking I reached for his hand... startled at first he didn't draw away...and I suggested I drive him home. In comfortable silence we reached my car, I opened the door for him and he slid in. Then we arrived at his flats....the silence stretched and then the timid "Would you like to come up.....?" I got out and opened his door for him, the breath caught in my throat as I did so, his grateful smile and hand on my arm started that hollow feeling you get in your tummy and I followed his lithe form as he swung up the pathway. In the doorway we paused, out of sight from the street now, I gave way to temptation, pulling him close I sought his lips, with a little whimper they parted and my tongue sought his...helpless with longing I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. "Won't be ...just a bit longer, it's difficult isn't it...I want you too you know, have done ever since that Library...." Somehow we made it in with clothes in one piece, then safe in his little flat, he vanished.....and then emerged, and I whistled...just before my breath gave out. So elegant, the flimsy garment concealed nothing, and those legs, oh my God, the stockings accentuated their sinuous length, he stood there gloriously erect, and in a trance I moved to take him. Pouting lips invited, and feverishly I felt for his penis, as I did so I felt him shiver "Oh....darling....that's lovely, just feel me, do like me...don't you?" Speechless I could only nod and then kiss him, frantically shedding clothes I followed where he led "You don't need anything....I already fixed it up..." and reaching between his lovely buttocks felt my fingers slide easily between the cheeks....what a lovely boy, eagerly I explored the offered body, longing caused my hands to shake and I heard him whisper "Now, now we can do it, gently though's been a while...and I'll be tight, come this way darling, take me like this...if you like...I don't mind which way....I just want you too, oh yes, that's long, it's been so long...and...oh...oh..yesssss, oh yesss, God, I'm full, oh thank you, thank, just whatever you want with me....oh lovely!" Now I lie quiet and spent, I run my hands over the lovely boy, I know before long I'll be erect and at him again, and again..but how to tell him, how really beautiful he is, I just can't...describe him, or of what we just, perhaps, just a kiss as I stroke his face....maybe, he'll guess?